Flashbacks in italics

Promises are just words until they aren't brought into action, some are half-kept. She was lonely, looking between the watch and the table-why did loneliness brought thoughts like these, words that were knives. She just kept remembering them, however she'd reason as well 'That was a fight, I said hurtful things too.'

But then the half empty glass part of her would say, 'well you are trying.'

Was he not trying?

She checked her phone for any messages but none? They had promised to spend the night together- away from work and distractions, completely positive.

She got up after another wait for almost an hour and looked down at the food getting cold. She was so angry at him right now as she pulled of her pendant and kicked off her heels. Why the fuck did she got so ready for a 'dinner' at home, she cancelled her meet and greet for this?

She didn't realize her mascara had been washing down with her angry tears- as soon as she opened the bedroom door, she ran to the vanity and pulled out makeup wipes, removing it all roughly while taking her clothes off at the same time-her anxiety was getting the best of her as she changed into a night dress quickly and reached for her relaxants as she sat in bed now, she downed it with a gulp of water and settled in bed. Thinking about more things to make herself angrier at him, about forty minutes of her trying different methods to sleep. When she heard the front door being opened, her anger re-flickered and she got up the bed, tying her lavender silk robe over her petite form as she headed outside, she saw Damon taking off his shoes at the door. When he saw her looking at him, he sighed, she shook her head and went back shutting the door after herself. He showed up after a minute inside the room, she turned around with her hands on her hips, "Which one is it tonight?"


"Excuse? Which excuse Damon?"

He pursed his lips and took off his coat, "There was a meeting at the hospital, by the time It ended it was ten, I thought you would be asleep." He said approaching her slowly, she rolled her eyes and took a step back, "Oh right, you were trying to do it for me, everything you do is for me." she stomped her foot in anger and went towards the bed muttering "I am so done with your bullshit-"

"Leave me alone okay? you said you'll fix it, but you didn't- you know you always do this! You make me wait for you- it's so frustrating, I am not mad at you, I am used to just about now." she gritted her teeth behind her closed mouth and stepped away from him, he seemed speechless now as she jumped back into bed with an angry expression, he pursed his lips and sat on the edge of the bed, "I wanted to have this dinner with you- really did."

"You always want things Damon-huh." She looked away, down at the pillow that was away to avoid eye contact with him. He reached out and pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear and curled it around his finger, "Elena." The pad of his finger brushing against her cheek slightly, she closed her eyes and sighed, "My time is as important as yours, you get that?"

"Yes." He said above a whisper, sounding obedient, "Are we okay now?"

She looked up at him, his bright blue eyes could make her agree to just about anything, her expressions softened, he saw the opportunity and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her temple, "I love you so much."

"Hmm just because you can convince me like this." She held his collar in her hand and furrowed her brows at him, "This isn't going to be a routine, Doctor."

"Of course- I wouldn't want to miss a private dinner with Miss Gilbert twice." He winked and pecked her lips. "You look beautiful."

"I took my make up off." She gave him her best poker face to which he rolled his eyes, "We both know you don't need it." He covered her face with kisses, she held his face and pulled him away from herself, "Okay go change into something comfortable."

"How about we both change into being naked." He raised a brow at her, she huffed, "You're still not out of the dog house and obviously did not earn what you are asking for." She pulled the blanket closer, "We should go for a vacation."

"What's that going to do?" he shrugged, "God, you women- spending money is all the solution to problems for you." He said trying to irritate her in a playful way, "You don't think a vacation is an investment in our relationship?"

"Is this some sort of business?" he smirked with a counter question, "Okay we can go to the beach house on Saturday."

She groaned, "Damon, I don't want to go to the beach house."

"ooh so this procedure is going to be pricey." He rubbed his hands together, "Where do you want to go?"

Her eyes were on the clock now, it was way too late and she had an early morning read to be at, "An Island, another country."

He chuckled and Elena was almost ready to roll her eyes at a snarky comment follow by that but instead he said, "Was that bothering you?"

"What?" she asked not giving much thought to it, He licked at his lip briefly and sighed, "You know, not being with me as much."

She blushed slightly and nodded, "Maybe, I just want to be able to spend some time together, not care about work or stress, or the past- and it seems like we are so busy here- looking at the same parks and restaurants, events- when I went to Bali last month, I missed you, I wish we could enjoy beautiful places together."

"Well then, I like the idea, we should go, do a whole month of travelling." He said excitedly, "A month? Oh wow-"

He interrupted, "Yes but- but, I think we should be going on that vacation as Mister and Mrs. Salvatore." He said reaching for her face and tucking her hair behind her ear, while stroking her cheek, "What do you think about that?" She was honestly surprised by the sudden offer, was he proposing to her, no bending on knees? No rings? She gave a small smile, "Is this a proposal?"

"Hmm that depends on your answer." He pursed his lips, leaning closer, "It's not a complete surprise, we've talked about the wedding." He added, "I feel like you really want to go on this vacation and I maybe using it to my advantage." He nipped at her fingers, she pulled her hand back running it through his hair when he rested his head in her lap, "So what do you think?"

She grinned, when he looked up from her lap, wriggling his brows at her, did she really want a fancy proposal if it would mean nothing? Maybe not, she wasn't forcing him to marry her, he wanted to marry her, it was not an obligation for either of them right now, "What if I say no?" she said trying to mess with him, he bit the inside of his cheek as if thinking, "Then I can ask you tomorrow."

"What if I say no tomorrow?" She shrugged. "Well then there is the day after tomorrow, you know how that works right?" he chuckled, pinching her nose, she pulled back with a small sneeze, "Okay then."

"Okay what? as in okay, yes I'll marry you?" he sat up quickly seeming surprised, She nodded with a small smile playing on her lips, he frowned as he leaned closer and cupped her face making her look at him, "How are you just saying it like that? Telling me you are finally going to be mine with that face, you aren't joking right?"

"Well were you?" she asked after swallowing thick, he shook his head, "It's me that's different, I always talk about this stuff- shh just tell me about you, are we doing this for real?" His smile widened and she had probably never seen him smile so big, before she could even answer he pulled her against him and kissed her as hard as he could, she moaned when his tongue entered into her mouth, pushing against her own , slowly dominating her and pulling her as close as possible to his body, she was greatly out of breath when he pulled back from her, cupping her face, "You said yes to the worst proposal in history, you realize that right?"

"Was I not going to marry you, are you encouraging that?" she giggled, he let his forehead fall against hers, still stroking her face, "I-I just wanted to start the conversation before surprising you-" she interrupted, "This is just fine, perfect-"

"How can this be?" he rolled his eyes and got out of bed, "Where are my manners, please stay here."

Elena chuckled with confusion as he ran out the room and she sat there awkwardly, processing what happened, she said yes to marrying him this soon, did she want to? But just that two minutes alone, contemplating her decision- why did she say yes exactly? He was late for dinner again, he had some lousy excuse, they had improved but oh the history, yet there was this feeling- she knew he loved her, he would never even want to hurt her intentionally, he deeply cared about her and no matter how bad of a place she was in mentally, he always wanted to help her with it, her eyes starting filling with tears thinking about weddings, white dresses- dancing together. When he came back, "You'll hate me now." he said standing against the door. She giggled seeing him hold champagne and mini donuts, he sat by the bed on his knees. He forced a toothy smile as if ashamed as he opened the box of donuts, "Now It could have been worst and been a freaking beer can."

"Oh I am so lucky." She said sarcastically as he held up a donut and held her hand, "You know you shouldn't be marrying me, that's how bad I am at this." He laughed, she nodded laughing along, "If I were you, I'd already kick me in the nuts."

"Well you shouldn't be talking about proposals so openly." She said in a teacher tone, he pouted , "okay maybe." He squeezed her hand, "I don't have my speech prepared."

"Are you asking me to marry you or do you really need a kick down there." She narrowed her eyes, he sighed, "Okay, look Elena, here's the deal with the deal, we have to get married."

"Have to?"

He got nervous instantly, shaking his head, "We've been together all these years, even when we never were, Elena, I never forgot about you, if I ever imagined this, I always did with you. Just having you in my arms every morning in my life was like that fantasy, that I think- I sometimes pinch myself if it's true."

She narrowed her eyes and lowered her head a little as if trying to seems suspicious, "Do you now?"

"Okay not all the time but you get the idea of it?" he asked as if unable to explain it, "Elena you must remember that card I made for you on your birthday."

"Oh the five page thing-" she sighed, "Yeah it was long."

"Just add all that in, reference that to know how much I love you." He smirked, she pushed at his chest , "Asshole."

"Well I am here saving time before the frosting just screws this up." He gestured to the donut in his hand, "Do you want to be with me for the rest of my life?"

She chewed her bottom lip looking at him, "That depends, will you always make me a big birthday card?"

"That's nothing! I'll write you a whole book, long and detailed pages of how and why I love you- not as an ex-boyfriend now, how about-" he raised his brows, his blue eyes sparkling in the lights, She chuckled, "Go on." He held her hand and squeezed it, "Marry me."

She nodded and jumped to his arms, squeezing him in her tight hug, "YES, I will marry you! , come on give me my stupid donut." She pulled away and widened her fingers so he could adjust the donut on her ring finger, she raised her hand in the year and jumped back to his arm, launching completely, her legs wrapped around his torso, so he fell back on the floor from the force as she straddled him and held his collared shirt, pulling his head up, she crashed her lips against him, cupping his face with her hand, "Mmm Elena, my face." He said pulling back, and scraped it, he licked his finger, "Kinda good."

"Damon, you are getting me a ring right?" she asked, her eyes wide suddenly, "Oh my God! I am getting married, I have to tell Caroline, go shopping and- and-"

"Relax Elena." he cooed as he stroked her shoulders, he cupped the side of her face , making her look at him, "Of course, I am getting you a ring, we are going to do this over with a party."

"Well, then I must prepare, I should be calling the planners and photographers and oh-"

He interrupted her with a kiss and cupped her face closer, it was absurd how she was keeping her 'donut' hand at a distance, he could kiss her forever for that alone, when he pulled back this time, he looked into her chocolate orbs, letting his forehead fall against hers, "I've never seen anything as adorable as you, you know that?"

"Hmm you may have mentioned that in your long letter." She grinned lazily, his finger tipping her chin up, "Well you best believe it or I'll have to tell you every second now soon to be Mrs. Salvatore."

"So here comes the name part." She rolled her eyes, he nodded slightly, "I love that name, it's like the name was here to belong to you."


Having a coffee with an old friend after years was so unnatural for him, Enzo was sitting right across the table, occasionally eating the muffin he ordered while looking over to the café's TV. "Are you ever going to invite me at your place?" he asked clicking his nail against the table, his nails painted black, which wasn't usual for him to see- but if he could admit didn't look bad with his look of a total Rockstar, it must be some off day for him, because he was wearing huge sunglasses when he bumped into Damon earlier, "You can come over anytime you want, Mostly Elena is out due to some projects but we stay in most Saturdays."

"Great. I'd love to see how you both look together." He said stuffing the muffin in his mouth, Damon nodded, "Well you should have been present at the wedding, I sent you an invite."

Enzo rolled his eyes, "Arrgh I don't want to witness that bombshell getting away like that."

"That 'bombshell' is my wife." Damon emphasized in a dramatic way, but he meant no 'harsh' behavior, he knew Enzo would just use words like that to mess with him, "Well, your wife or not, you stole her from me, you know that for sure, I mean I don't mind it in a way, I wrote like four songs about her, two of them went Gold and one is Platinum, I am doing just fine."

Damon's eyes widen at his weird confession and he decided to eat his own muffin, "Okay, if that helps, you still are single aren't you?" Damon said with a smirk, "Not even a girlfriend Enzo?"

"I don't need one." Enzo whispered almost loudly, "I get like seven chicks ready to go home with me every five seconds. If anything, I am tired from the performance."

"Oh you were never anything to brag about." Damon too said a little loud trying to get him to feel ashamed, "Now, now don't be jealous." Enzo said wriggling his brows. "Jealous of what? My life is amazing." He shrugged, "I get to do my dream job, have a huge house in this city which is insane and I get to live with a woman who has two gold , a platinum single and your career to her credit." Damon winked.

Enzo shook his head, "Asshole, that was a low blow."

"Well I only intended to rub my perfect life in your face." He pretended to pop his collar ad he sipped the coffee in front of him, Enzo grinned as well, "It's only a matter of time till the institute of marriage starts desiccating."

"It will last longer than your career as a forced into sensitivity 'teenager'." Damon challenged him and Enzo just chuckled, "Oh was that a burn? Well now I am eager to meet Elena, ask her how she turned you into a 'try hard' for relationships." He laughed it off, Damon felt even if he did all the things wrong in his life, one thing he did right was getting married to her, he wasn't trying hard or exhausting himself with the effort- it all was coming naturally to him, he stopped thinking about tomorrow the second he saw Elena, all ready to marry him, that morning- he could picture her perfectly, her chocolate brown hair in loose curls framing her face perfectly, her almond eyes with those light honey-chocolate orbs, her perfect rose colored lips, her petite and curvy frame in that perfect fit blush gown. He hadn't seen anything so perfect, for a second he had to believe that was not a dream but right in front of him, reality- he was marrying Elena Gilbert. Despite her mother causing a huge clamor and disturbance, making it impossible for them to get married, they still did and it was a calm and beautiful day. Everyday he would go home, spend all his time with his bride and it wasn't exhausting but a refreshing activity, even something as stupid as planning dresses for her next events was like an activity they would do together.

Later during one of those spending time sessions, while they were planning their vacation, and she was stuck to his side in her PJs, "I don't think I like this deal-"

"You like the other one because it includes spas?" she asked with a chuckle, he turned his head towards her, lowering his silver framed glasses on his nose, "They don't even have massages."

"I will gladly do that." she offered, he shook his head, "Not at all, you make me give you those hour long massages and when it's my turn you just sit on top of me and fall asleep."

"Because you relax me baby." She pouted, as he got rid of one of the deals from the ones they had open, "I don't care, I am not falling for your deceptive traps, you shouldn't have started the whole spa thing in the first place, now I am used to them."

"Mmgh" she made a sound of protest, "But they have-"

"You want entertainment, I'll hop on a pogo stick and juggle balls, just let me have the spa, please." He insisted, she huffed and moved away from him, "You said that last time, and the only thing remotely close to hopping on a 'pogo' stick was me."

He raised a brow, his cheeks reddened at her 'dirty' joke and he just shook his head, "Well your service was appreciated."

"I remember." She pursed her lips, getting out of bed, "I am going to use the bathroom."

"Thanks for the info, honey." He said sarcastically, looking through more deals, her phone started buzzing my his side and he sighed , reaching for it, "Hey Elena-" his words died in his mouth when he saw the name on the screen 'KOL'. His mouth grew drier and all he could do was look at the name in confusion till the call stopped, he squeezed the phone in his hand and put it down, clicking the laptop, anxious now- she came back to the room and hopped to the bed, crawling to pick her phone, "So did you find any deal?"

He didn't answer, just staring at the laptop and pretending to work, he was so angry, he didn't know how he would react if she kept talking to him, she checked her phone and bit her lower lip in confusion, "I'll be right back." She said in a whisper, getting out of bed and rushing out.


Two days after they came back from their 'holiday' he checked her phone again, why was he doing that? he didn't know, why couldn't he just go and ask her, but like a masochist he was just bearing it all, trying to figure out if there was a deleted conversation, he didn't have any idea but it was pissing him off, he wanted to talk to her today, but Caroline came over and she wouldn't leave, he was forced to push it to later, he knew his attitude must be bugging Elena who was trying to figure out why he was being so 'off' all of a sudden. Just when he got a call for a hospital emergency, he started getting ready pushing his insecure thoughts to the side when Elena walked in, "You wouldn't believe the whole drama around this one interview-Are you going somewhere?" she asked seeing him get ready, he nodded, "Yeah just have to run to the hospital."

"Oh okay, by the way, will you come to my shoot with me, we can take some pictures for my social." She said leaning against the wall, as he set he was picking up all his stuff, "No can't do, you spend so much time with your solos and I don't think I can make that-"

"All I've been posting is selfies and all our shots from vacations, you are blurred or that weird face that you make." She frowned as if imitating him, "If you don't like the crew I can just put a camera on self-timer and we can take some cute pictures." She tried to convince him, he sighed, "Okay I am getting late We'll talk about this later." He said picking his keys from the table and kissed her cheek quickly, she rolled her eyes holding the front of his shirt, "Are you mad at me?". He bit the inside of his cheek, "Depends, should I be mad at you?"

"Damon." She whined, pulling him closer, "Okay, come back and I'll give you a massage and then we're even!" she said and kissed him quick, letting him go, He gave a tight slipped smile as he left for work.

Hours late, he was sure Elena had called four times, he felt like getting a drink though, should he bring Kol up? Is that going to restart all those fights? But what of he doesn't bring up Kol and there is actually something going on? Just thinking about his wife like that made him feel like a criminal, Elena is the love of his life and his heart knows she would never ever try to destroy their relationship this way, but what about that one part, that told him she could.

"Damon, is that you?" came a sweet voice from a small distance, he turned in his seat slightly and saw that girl, Wired brown curly hair, dressed in a black bodycon, familiar round eyes, he knew her, "It's me, Krystal?" she pointed to herself as she made her way to him, that's when he recognized her, he knew her from one of his old college friends, she used to date a guy he knew, "Right, have a seat." He said trying to sound polite, but in actual- he hardly cared right now, he just wished he could get a good nights rest next to his wonderful wife without feeling like a total piece of shit, "Well I got the bad news a few days ago."

"What news?" he raised a brow, taking a sip from his drink, "You're a married man now."

"Right." A smile found it's way to the corner of his lips, "I married my very first girlfriend."

"That's cute." Though the way she said it made it sound condescending, after the first few minutes of the conversation, he realized he didn't want to be here anymore, pretending he's getting a call, he got out of there and told her how his wife was waiting for him, "I would want to meet her, tell you what, why don't you come to my birthday party with her on Saturday?"

"Well- Elena is very busy all the time." He made up an excuse but she insisted with persistence and he figured she wouldn't let him go till he said yes.


It was official, they were having this fight and it was right now. Driving back from "Krystal's birthday party", there was a lot of tension in the car, Elena was sitting with her arms crossed looking outside of the window. While he was driving almost rigidly, seemingly tired, "I don't like her." Her voice was sharp as she broke the long silence and looked at him, he nodded, "Okay."

Elena couldn't believe it, that woman was shamelessly flirting with her husband right in front of her eyes and didn't even care to notice her, "Okay? It's not okay Damon, why was she behaving this way right in front of me."

"Elena she's always a little handsy, that's just the way she is." He explained looking off road for a moment, " Elena let out a huge breath of frustration, "No she was targeting me, I know that, you did help a lot by sticking right by her side though." Elena said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, she was chasing me everywhere, I tried to avoid her the best I could, but it's her party Elena."

"Right, her party, you never go to my events- quoting you 'they are mentally exhausting', well now I know, maybe those are missing these trashy bimbos." She balled her fists and looking at him with anger, he shook his head, "You are unbelievable, I already gave you an option, you were the one insisting on going, I am not interested in her."

"Oh right that was so clear by your behavior, Especially when you showered her with all your attention-You seemed downright indulged in that whore's life-God, I hate her so much, but really, I am disappointed in you-these are the little things that ruin a relationship." She spat in anger, he looked over at her and she could swear she had never seen him madder, he looked afront, controlling the car as he said sarcastically, "you sure do talk a lot for someone who has secrets of her own, Like I don't know, talking to Kol."