Author's Notes:

Once again, I suck at titles. Ugh. So, this story was started around February I think. It's inspired by a set of pics made by Ult147. Check them out on the booru ("ult147" look for the one of them tied up in the trunk of a car. Make sure to check the child posts, too!) The first and second chapters are already finished, and the third is started.

As a general note, this first chapter is SFW, mostly, and fairly cute and funny. I liked it, and I think it'd be adorable on its own, since it's easier to take away the dark aspects of the following plot.

Chapter 2 will be much darker. It will focus on Lori, and will have a lot of noncon elements in it. Chapter 3 will focus on Leni and be heavy with dubcon and some BDSM stuff (more softcore, like blindfolds and maybe some sadism). Chapter 4, which will probably be the finale, will show their lives in the future and how they've come to accept their fate.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it! I'll post the second chapter next weekend, hopefully with another update to Playing Games! :D

Disclaimer: The Loud House Copyright Nickelodeon (2019)


Chapter 1: Too Easy

You honestly can't believe how easy it was.

You were at a party when you saw her. This cute ditzy sweetheart with long blonde hair and sparkling eyes. She was so kind to you, so innocent and pure… She complimented you on your fashionable outfit, and when she giggled at one of your lame jokes…

You knew you had to have her no matter what.

She trusted you so much already. Whether it was because you were nice to her or wore nice clothes or she was just excited - it was her very first party, she'd told you.

You offer to get her a drink, and she hurriedly whispers that she can only have kid pop because her sisters warned her that adult pop is bad and makes her forget things, and like she already kinda forgets a few things so she didn't want to make it any worse and look stupider than she already did at times.

The poor thing was pouting and probably said more than she really should've to a stranger. She's tugging on your heart with those eyes. God, you're falling in love, and you barely even know her. You don't even know her name yet.

So, you assure her that you'll take very good care of her, and she smiles great big, goes "Yaaay!" and hugs you.

And, gosh, she's so soft, and she smells so lovely, you don't want the hug to end. But you really need to get her something to drink.

Like… really badly. You need to do it now.

So, you head over to the table and casually scan the assortment of drinks.

Beer, whiskey, more beer. You pick up a bottle of something fruity. You figure a bouncy, bright girl like her probably likes something with a fresh, sweet snap to it.

You open it for her, like the kind-hearted person you are, and you carry it back to her with a smile on your face.

What? You're not gonna put anything in this angel's drink. Perish the thought.

But once you get back to her, you tell her this was the only kid pop they had, and she tries to pronounce the name on the side.

"Bud's wee-ihsser? Is he a buddy?"

You smile even bigger and nod, and she just smiles that much more; practically glowing with warmth. She's perfect.

"Go on and taste it, you'll love it," you press her.

You watch as she lifts the drink to her lips and she takes some of it on her taste buds. She giggles and says it's the best pop ever!

She asks you if there's anything sweeter, though, cause she's normally used to fruity smoothies, and this one wasn't quite cutting it.

So, you slip a little packet from your hands and open it. A little mint drops onto your hand, and you give it to her.

"Just drop this inside and it makes it taste much better," you tell her with a devious grin.

And this darling cutie trusts everything you tell her, putting it in, taking another drink, and smiling.

"Wow! You're right! Do you have more? I want to show my sister!"

Your smile grows as you give her a few more of your tasty mint candies, and she goes over to her sister. She turns her head to wink at you. She wants to surprise her, apparently, so she slips a couple in and tip toes back like a sneaky ninja.

She giggles, "Did she see me?"

You assure her that she was as sneaky as a cute little mouse taking a piece of cheese from the pantry.

She awws, and takes another sip, and another.

Her cheeks are growing pink, and she asks you to dance with her.

She puts her arms out for you to hold her. The cute blonde wants to slow dance, instead of grinding or twerking or something else more sensual. But you're ok with it, cause her body feels so great when it's this close to yours.

She's looking into your eyes, and hers are starting to look hazy.

"Y-you're such a nic-" she hiccups and giggles, "S-sorry."

"It's ok," you tell her before leaning in and smelling her clean scent, only partially clouded by the alcohol on her tongue.

"Have you ever kissed someone before?" you politely probe her as her body begins to sag against yours.

She shakes her head, "No, but I want to someday."

The teen girl is looking at you like she really wants someday to be today, but then she grabs her head and shakes it a little.

"S-sorry, I'm not feeling well. I'm going to get my sister, ok?"

She doesn't want to hurt your feelings by leaving so soon, but she really must go.

You offer to help her find Lori, and when you do, you see that the older blonde is barely functioning. So drowsy, so drunk.

She's had too much, especially with the mints her sister gave her as a surprise.

"Wha-" Lori hiccoughs, "What ar-ya doin with my sister?" she demands.

You just give her a smile and help her start walking outside.

The cute blonde is still bouncy even if she's suddenly totes tired, and she points out Lori's car.

But you steer her away from that and toward your own little car parked in an alley.

Lori flinches and starts grunting and struggling, but the poor thing is just too sleepy to do much. She ends up tiring herself out and falling asleep in your arms.

You help her lay down in the trunk of your car, and you're sure to put a little gag around her mouth.

When the blonde girl asks you what you're doing, you tell her the gag will keep bugs out of Lori's mouth while she sleeps.

She gasps, "Will it keep spiders out, too?"

"Sure!" you tell her with a smile.

"C-can I-" she yawns, sitting down on the bumper, "Can I have one, too?"

You grin and nod.

But you finish up with Lori first. You tie her ankles together, and her wrists together behind her back. You gently nudge her deeper inside to make room for her lovely sister.

And you lean down and look at her face. This sparky blonde is really quite cute when she's not hissing at you~

Now, you pat the other girl on the leg and tell her to hop inside.

Aww, she tries but she's just too sleepy. She pouts and asks for help, so you lift her inside. You're so gentle, and she blushes as her dress accidentally slips up to her waist. Her arms are like lead weights, and she flushes as she apologizes and asks you to make her decent.

But you're assure her you don't mind, and you tell her that her legs are the most beautiful legs you've ever seen.

She's so red in the face now, and she looks away as your hands caress her ankles and tie them together.

You adjust her so she's facing her sister, and you have a nice look at her bum. Just the very bottom is peeking out from her hiked up dress, and it's so soft and round looking. You love it, how perky it is, just like her personality.

You tie her wrists together behind her back, and you're careful not to touch her butt, even though you really want to.

She turns her head to the side and she's looking at you upside down.

She's so perfect. Those wide, innocent eyes. That plump, pink lips. The gorgeous, sparkling blonde locks that fall into the trunk like a waterfall of sunlight.

"Would you like to have your first kiss?" you ask her without even realizing before it's already out.

Her eyes blink slowly, still drunk, but excited. She nods, but promptly yawns. She flushes, so embarrassed at how tired she is.

She puts her lips together and pushes them out and looks at you with hazy, yet twinkling eyes.

So you lean down to her, and you brush her bangs side to see more of her face, and you tell her that you'll wait till she's had a nap so she can really enjoy it.

She smiles and agrees, and then she closes her mouth obediently as you slip the gag around her head.

"What's your name, love?" you whisper to her right before you finish tying it; when there's still just a small gap for her to speak through.

"Leni… Loud," she looks at you with those warm eyes as you finish tying the gag.

And then you kiss her on the forehead and tell her it's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.

She beams at you, but falls asleep. Finally too tired to stay awake even a second longer.

You look down on her for another moment before closing the trunk and getting in the car and driving back to your home; where you plan to love her like a beautiful angel deserves.