A/N I hope you enjoy this story! I'm not much of a writer but I just wanted to put the idea of alternate realities out there in this fandom.
01/01/2020 - Improved the writing and slight changes. You may re-read but the start remains the same, so you don't have to.
Chapter 1: Free but Broken
"This is it… We are free…" Eren whispered to himself. His head was raised and his eyes were open as droplets of rain fell on his face, every drop calming him. He had done it, after all these years he had finally reached the end. He now held all nine Titan powers; allowing him to seal himself away forever, so that these powers can never bring hell upon this world again.
'But at what cost,' His head dropped as pain gripped his heart; he had lost so much on this journey, he couldn't help but question whether it was worth all this pain. He was at the end of his tenure as a Titan shifter; the Curse of Ymir will take him soon, but he had finally accomplished what he set out to do all those years ago; to wipe Titans off the face of the world and save Paradis Island.
Paradis Island finally knew peace, Eldians around the world lived in freedom. This was what he wanted right? So why did he feel so empty inside? Eren knew the answer to that question; they were gone.
He fell on his knees, sobbing quietly. 'Mikasa… Armin… I miss you guys so much… I wish we could be together again, just the three of us, one more time. It's all I want…' his shoulders shook as his grief, regret, anger, everything that he had been holding in was finally let loose. The last seven years finally catching up to him. The faces of innocents, friends, comrades... all those deaths, he wished he could stop seeing them.
He closed his eyes, his mind thinking back to that day...
Eren had just defeated Reiner, Porco, and Pieck. He now held their powers within him, his goal was within reaching distance. The last four years have been leading up to this day. Since wiping Paradis Island clean from Titans, this was his best chance to gather the rest of the Titans, so that Marley did not have their powers, and begin the healing process that will bring Paradis Island freedom. Only one Titan left, the Beast Titan.
He looked to his right and watched as Zeke, the Beast Titan, made quick work of the rest of the Marleyan troops. With the Beast Titan's throwing ability, the Blimps stood no chance as they were too slow and took every projectile thrown by Zeke. This was his chance; he had put up this act long enough now. He had made hard choices; he had put his friends in a cell; he had pushed Mikasa and Armin away; he had killed innocents and today; he let go of his humanity and became a monster, the fruits of those sacrifices were finally going to bloom. He did all this for the sake of freedom, and this was his chance to take that freedom, he must make it count.
'This is it,' Eren thought.
With a mighty roar, Eren created a sword with his War Hammer ability and swung it at Zeke, aiming for his neck. Luckily for Zeke, he had pulled his attention away from the Marleyan troops just in time as the sword just barely missed his head as Zeke ducked, but the small victory was short-lived as he was met with a jaw breaking knee that sent him flying in the opposite direction.
"Eren, you traitor…" growled Zeke. He stood up, his beastly eyes filled with rage as he raised his head and screamed. Explosions were head all around Shiganshina as humans were forcibly transformed into Titans.
Eren roared and swung at Zeke relentlessly, who kept shifting backwards; barely dodging each swing. Eventually, one of Eren's swings catches Zeke, decapitating one of his arms. With a roar, the Beast Titan made a run for it. Eren chased after him, his slightly smaller and more agile Titan catching up easily. When Eren was just about to grab Zeke, he was struck by an unexpected backhand, which sent him flying backwards until his trajectory was stopped by colliding with a building. Using this opportunity, Zeke grabbed a chunk off of a building, balling it up into a ball and threw it with his long arms. The chunk split into smaller bits as zoomed towards Eren.
Eren's eyes widened as the pieces took chunks of various parts of his body, the force of the impact sent him flying back once again. When he was finally able to raise his head, Zeke was halfway up the wall. With a roar, he created a spear with his War Hammer ability. With a small run up, he launched it at Zeke.
Zeke's eyes widened when he looked back upon hearing Eren's roar, the spear was flying at him at blistering speed. With a mighty lunge, he jumped to another part of the wall, one of his hands slamming into the wall to regain grip before making his escape.
'Eren, I'll be back for you,' Zeke thought when he glanced once more at Eren before leaving.
After Zeke disappeared from Eren's view, he looked up just in time to see the Marleyan blimps retreat. He was about to run after them until his vision caught the rubble of the building where he kept his friends and comrades locked up. There were mindless Titans all over the rubble, eating anybody that was alive.
'Mikasa! Armin! No... no no no,' Eren panicked.
He sprinted over, dispatching any mindless Titans in his way. Eren desperately searched the rubble for his friends and comrades. Then he saw them, bloodied and unconscious. Gently, he picked up Mikasa, Armin, and Jean's bodies and laid them on the ground, away from the rubble. Connie was nowhere to be seen.
Mikasa's stomach was pierced, blood covered her face. Her eyes were closed and her lips a deathly blue. Her breathing was laboured as her body fought for every breath. Both of Armin's legs have been bitten off but was regenerating slowly. Jean was bloody, his arm was broken but had no obvious signs of life endangering injuries.
Eren quickly made his way out of his Titan and got on his knees next to Mikasa, panic gripped his heart as his hands shook. Tears were leaking from his eyes but he did not feel them, he just needed to know Mikasa was okay.
"Mikasa…" Eren sobbed, grabbing her broken body and pulling her close to his chest.
Her eyes fluttered open. Even in this state, it pained her to see Eren in so much pain. He shouldn't be crying, not over her. She knew she was dying; how could she possibly survive this? It was only a matter of time.
"Eren… I'm sorry…" her voice was raspy as she spoke. Her eyelids kept drooping as she fought against the abyss that threatened to consume her.
Eren tightened his hold on her, he couldn't lose her, he wasn't ready to live without her.
"Please don't leave me… I'm sorry for everything… Please Mikasa," Eren begged as he rocked her against him, his eyes were closed as he begged and begged, he couldn't lose her.
Mikasa smiled sadly, she never found out why Eren said those things to her but no matter what he said, she loved him and that was the only truth that mattered. She had always trusted him, maybe that came into question recently, but never once has she stopped loving him.
"I'll always be by your side," Mikasa said, her trembling hands reached up to touch his face one last time. "I'll always protect you. Just… don't forget about me, okay?"
Eren shook his head as he muttered words of denial, this can't be happening to him, he had already lost so much. His eyes widened a little as Mikasa wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close.
"Please… Just give me this," Mikasa whispered, tears now rolling down her cheeks as she pulled him closer to her. Gently, their lips met in a kiss, their first kiss and their last. Mikasa's eyes closed as she felt Eren's lips move against hers.
Slowly, they parted and Mikasa looked up to see Eren's shocked expression.
"I love you Eren," she whispered, tears flowed down her cheeks as the realisation that she will never have a future with Eren finally settled in her mind. It was all being taken away from her. The world was cruel. She looked up at him, 'But so beautiful at the same time'.
Eren's eyes widened at this confession, Mikasa loved him? 'What…' Eren thought.
"I…" Eren stuttered. 'What do I say?' he mused.
"You don't have to say it back, just… just hold me a little while longer," Mikasa whispered, her voice trailed off as her eyes closed and her breathing slowed. She knew she had seconds left but she didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay here and fight with her friends and stay with Eren. Why was it being taken from her? Why?
Eren pulled her close, his chin rested on top of her head as he cried silently.
'Please don't go,' he repeated in his mind.
"I love you too Mikasa," Eren whispered, desperation evident in his trembling voice. "Don't leave me..."
He wasn't sure what those words meant; he didn't know in what way he loved Mikasa, but he loved her and that was all that mattered.
Mikasa smiled and pulled him closer to her with the little strength she had left. Soon after, Mikasa Ackerman took her last breath. Eren continued to cry, clinging on to her unmoving body desperately. What has he done?
'This was all my fault…' Eren thought to himself.
"Eren?" Armin said, gaining consciousness. Jean woke right next to him, having gained consciousness too.
Eren's head slowly turned to look at Armin, Mikasa still in his arms, unmoving. Tears formed at Armin's eyes as he saw his childhood friend lie unmoving in Eren's arms. Jean's hand clenched into fists tightly as he looked down at the ground, tears of pain falling from his face as another person important to him was taken away. Another friend, another comrade gone, just like that.
"I'm sorry Armin... Mikasa's gone. It's all my fucking fault!" Eren shouted, tears rolled down his cheeks as he shook and cried, pulling Mikasa close.
Flashback end
After that fateful day, he had, in his anger, broken Annie free from her crystal prison using the Jaw Titan ability, and devoured a confused Annie, who only had a moment to realise what was going on before all her thoughts were wiped from the world. It wasn't long after that where the Survey Corps battled Zeke once again; the battle proved costly as Armin suffered considerable damage at the hands of Zeke. When he was on the verge of death, he begged Eren to eat him so that they did not lose the Colossal. He had lost his other childhood friend that day, his thirst for revenge grew.
He suffered defeat after defeat to his brother until one day someone knocked some sense into him and made him realise that fighting for revenge will always lead to defeat. From that day on, Eren fought for the future. He could never thank that person enough for changing him for the better; that person was Jean Kirstein. Not long after that, Eren battled Zeke with a strength that he never thought he had and he won, even if it was just by the skin of his teeth. Eren worked relentlessly throughout the years after that fateful battle and successfully brought peace and freedom to Paradis Island, though he knew it would not last forever, that was the downfall of human nature.
Eren whipped his head around, snapped out of his thoughts.
"Jean, what is it?" replied Eren.
"Have you been… crying?" Jean asked tentatively, noticing the tear streaks on Eren's face.
"No, no… I… I just miss them you know," Eren replied.
Jean looked at him sadly. "I understand," Jean said as he laid a hand on Eren's shoulder, giving him a comforting squeeze. "I miss them too."
Throughout the years, Eren and Jean grew closer as Comrades and eventually becoming friends. A friendship built up from loss and suffering. Who would have thought when they started Cadet training that Jean and Eren would be the final ones, from 104th Cadet Corps, standing? Definitely not Eren or Jean but here they are now, standing side by side as comrades, friends, survivors.
"I think it's time," Eren said suddenly. "I'm ready to end this."
"You know what Yeager?" Jean said, a soft smile gracing his face.
"What?" Eren said, confusion laced in his voice.
"I'll fucking miss you," Jean said, chuckling to himself. "Who would have thought? After all these years, it would be you and me."
Eren started chuckling. "I know what you mean. Do you remember all those fights we had?" Eren said, fondly remembering all those arguments, how he missed those days, it was so much simpler. His friends were still alive, Jean and himself always at each other's throats, those were the good times.
"Yeah…" Jean said, also remembering those years.
Eren put his right arm out, looking at Jean expectantly. Jean grasped his arm with his own.
"Thank you. Before I go, I just wanted to say thank you, Jean. Thank you for being my friend and comrade. Together, we made sure our friends' deaths were not in vain. Thank you," Eren said.
Jean looked at him, smiling sadly. "And thank you for saving the world."
Eren smiled sadly. "Let's go, we've wasted enough time."
Quietly, they both made their way towards the Titan Forest, where the rest of the Survey Corps was waiting. His final resting place.
Eren and Jean rode towards the centre of the Titan Forest. Upon seeing the entire Survey Corps surrounding the area, their fists on their hearts in a salute as a sign of respect to the two war-torn Heroes.
Eren and Jean got off their horses. Eren walked into the centre, every eye on him. He slammed his fist on his heart in a salute, looking around, nodding at all his comrades.
"Before I go, I want to say Thank you all. Without every single one of you here, without all the comrades we have lost over the years, without the Survey Corps, this day would not be possible. We are the Heroes of Paradis Island!" Eren shouted, with fire in his eyes.
The Survey Corps cheered in response to his words.
"Thank you, Captain Yeager!"
"We wish you the best, Captain Yeager!"
"Good luck, Captain Yeager!"
It wasn't long before the crowd quieted down.
"For Freedom!" Eren screamed before biting down on his hand, the surrounding soldiers shouted the same words in response as a bright light blinded them and lighting struck where Eren stood.
As their vision cleared, a 15-meter Titan stood in the centre. The Attack Titan. Eren leaned his head back, his Titans mouth opening before letting out a mighty roar one last time as his body started to Crystallise.
Jean looked at the now frozen form of Eren's Titan sadly. He slammed his fist against his chest in, what will be, his final salute to Eren Yeager as a tear slowly made its way down his cheek. 'You will never be forgotten.'
Eren woke up with a gasp. Looking around, he saw light coloured soil with wispy, cloud-like trails of light in the sky. 'This must be it, the Paths realm...' Eren thought to himself.
"We finally meet, Eren Yeager."
Whipping his head around, his eyes widened as he saw a young girl wearing white robes, with blonde hair staring at him.
"Who are you?" Eren asked.
She smiled. "I am Ymir Fritz," she replied.
His eyes widened at this, 'She's the Original…' Eren thought to himself.
"I've been following you ever since you came across these powers Eren Yeager. So much suffering… So much sadness in such a short life," she said, looking at him sadly.
Eren remained silent upon hearing those words.
"As the first person to reunite the Titans, I can give you a choice. Look at it as a favour," she said.
"What do you mean? Choice? How can I have a choice? Am I not dead?" he asked, confused.
"Normally, this would be the case and you would rest here for eternity just like all the Titan shifters that came before you. However, you died while holding all 9 Titans. You have returned them to me. This has never happened in nearly 2,000 years. With the complete power of the Titans returned to me, I can give you a choice. As a thank you," she answered.
He opened his mouth to respond. Ymir put a hand up, quieting Eren.
"It is simple. You may decide to rest here, free from your pain for eternity." she started. "Or I can send you to another… Universe, another life. Most things will be similar in this other universe, but a certain event separates this other universe with this one," she finished.
Eren's eyes widened at this. 'A new life? Does that mean I get to see Mikasa and Armin again, my friends… everyone? But what event is she talking about? What is different?'
"What is different in this other universe? What event are you talking about?" Eren asked, curious to know.
"In this new universe, their Eren Yeager suffered a mortal wound in the battle against Annie Leonhart in the Stohess District raid. The Survey Corps, however, did successfully capture Annie Leonhart but their Eren Yeager fell into a coma because of a head injury he suffered in the battle. You will arrive the moment their Eren Yeager dies, you will be yourself but your body will be what it was during year 850, you will keep your memories, you will gain their Eren's Attack Titan and Founding Titan," she explained.
"So, the choice is- "
"I'll do it," Eren said instantly, interrupting her.
Ymir just smiled, expecting this answer from him.
"Give me your hand," she said.
Eren held his hand out to her. Grabbing it, she traced across his palm with a knife she seemed to have retrieved from thin air. Eren winced as his palm was cut open. His eyes widened as a golden mist seemed to seep out of the cut and made its way towards Ymir Fritz as she slowly breathed the golden mist in.
As soon as the golden mist seemed to run out, she sighed. Slowly backing away from Eren, she looked at him and smiled, her eyes golden, flaring like the Sun.
"Thank you for returning this power to me," she said.
Eren nodded at her.
"Good luck and I hope you find the happiness that you long for," she said as she raised her hand, her palm pointing at Eren as the same golden mist that came out of his palm surrounded him like a whirlwind. With a boom, blinding lightning struck Eren and then silence.
"Eren!" Mikasa screamed as she saw Eren forcibly removed from his Titan by Annie before being flung towards a wall. Mikasa watched in horror as she saw Eren's head collide with the wall, blood now splattered across the wall material as Eren fell lifelessly to the ground.
"No!" she screamed. "You will die Annie!" her eyes flashed dangerously as her grip on her blades tightened. Rage filled her body like an uncontrollable fire as she burst forward towards the Female Titan.
With great agility and inhuman speed, she swung around the Female Titan in pure rage using her ODM gear, slicing and cutting at her legs and arms. Immobilising the Female Titan within seconds. The Female Titan, in her panic, did not notice Humanities Strongest Soldier, Levi Ackerman, come from behind at inhuman speeds, as a result; her nape was sliced and the last thing Annie's panicked eyes saw from her Titan's eyes was the rage behind Mikasa's stormy grey eyes before she was pulled out.
Levi grabbed Annie, throwing her to the ground. With no hesitation, he swung his blade and sliced off both of Annie's arms. She screamed in pain and cowered in fear as she stared up at Levi, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Take her away," Levi ordered nearby soldiers. He looked around for Mikasa, then he saw her, running towards the unconscious form of Eren. Sighing, he made his way over. 'This brat better be okay'.
'Please be okay Eren…' Mikasa thought desperately as she dropped her blades and ran as fast as she could towards the limp form of Eren, bleeding from his head.
Desperately, she gathered Eren in her arms whose breaths were shallow; she pressed her head against his chest and silently begged that his heart was still beating as she listened.
Thump-thump Thump-thump Thump-thump
Just like before, tears gathered in her eyes as a small feeling of relief washed over her body. It was slow but it was a heartbeat; he was alive. With all her strength, she picked Eren up in her arms and made her way towards the rest of the Survey Corps that has gathered around the decaying Female Titan, quietly sobbing the whole way.
"Help!" she shouted as she got closer. She dropped to her knees, sobbing as she clutched Eren to her chest.
Seeing this, Levi quickly made his way towards the sobbing Mikasa. Upon seeing Eren's injuries; the excessive bleeding from the head, shallow breathing, probably a few broken ribs from that throw. One thought went through Levi's mind, 'Shit.'
"Hange! We need medics, quick!" Levi shouted.
It has been one month since Eren fell into a coma. During that time, it was revealed Krista Lenz was Historia Reiss. Ymir was discovered to be another Titan shifter but was captured by Reiner and Bertolt after they revealed their identities to her and attacked the Survey Corps on Wall Rose. The Survey Corps were forced to hide as the government tried to plot against them.
So here they were, the new Squad Levi; consisting of Jean, Sasha, Connie, Armin, Mikasa, and Historia. Currently residing in a hideout, an abandoned cottage far away from the population, away from the First Interior Squad, away from the watchful eyes of the Government.
Eren lied unconscious in one of the rooms, as he had done so since the Stohess District Raid. No signs of improvement. With every passing day, the chance of him regaining consciousness slowly slither away, the hope for humanity slowly going with it.
Next to his bed, sat Mikasa. Her hands desperately held onto Eren's, clinging on to him like a lifeline, scared to let go. Her eyes were full of fear, cheeks marked with dried tears. The thought of losing Eren haunted her mind every night and it's killing her. How could she cope? All she wanted is to be with him and now all she could do sit there and cry.
'The world is cruel,' she thought to herself as she looked at Eren. His face looked so peaceful, so different from the angry look he always wore nowadays. She hasn't seen him look so peaceful since that fateful day five years ago.
'Please come back to me…' Mikasa begged in her mind again and again. Her hand tightening around Eren's. Her head dropped as another tear rolled down her cheeks.
Mikasa slowly raised her head at her name being called, her eyes looked at the form of her other childhood friend in response; Armin.
"You need to eat Mikasa. I know it hurts seeing him like this. It hurts me too, but he would want you to take care of yourself. You know that to be true," Armin said.
"No… It's fine, I just… want to stay with him for a while longer," Mikasa responded, she turned her head back to Eren.
Armin looked at her sadly, she had done the same thing every day since arriving at this abandoned cottage. Always by Eren's side during their free time, just sitting there, holding his hand. Armin worried about his childhood friend, it's not hard to see how hard Eren's condition hit her. She hasn't been the same since that day, her eyes were always so lifeless now.
Armin sighed, knowing that there was nothing he can say that would change her mind. "Just eat something later, okay?" Armin said as he backed away from the room upon seeing Mikasa nod.
Armin made his way towards back towards the table, where Jean, Sasha, Historia, and Connie were sitting, who were eating their food in silence. They looked at him with expectant faces.
"I'm sorry guys, she won't be joining us again," Armin said sadly, sighing as he sat down on his seat.
"What!" Jean shouted, standing up.
"She has to! She has eaten barely anything for days!" Jean shouted, angry at the situation.
Armin sighed. "And what can I do? She's hurt Jean, I think… I think she's giving up," Armin said.
"Giving up? What do you mean giving up? She's Mikasa! She never gives up!" Jean said, his voice raised.
"Not when it comes to Eren," Armin replied simply.
'God fucking dammit Yeager, why is she so attached to your suicidal ass,' Jean thought to himself, angry at Eren. He dropped back down on his seat with a sigh, he knows Mikasa is heavily attached to Eren and he could never figure out why but there was nothing he could do now. He just hoped Yeager pulled through, because the truth was, personal feelings aside, Jean knew Humanity needed them both.
A few hours later, Armin checked Eren's room again. He found Mikasa asleep whilst holding Eren's hand, her head lied on the space next to Eren, her body leaning forward from the chair she's sitting on. He looked at them sadly before quietly closing the door.
It was the next morning when the squad was met by a soldier bursting through their door.
"Commander Erwin has requested Squad Levi to immediately make their way to Trost! Trost is under attack from the Armoured, and Beast Titan! We must go now!" the soldier shouted.
The squad looked at each other before rushing off to get their gear. Levi made his way towards Eren's room, knowing that's where Mikasa was.
"Mikasa, we need to go," Levi said simply.
Mikasa simply nodded before getting up from her chair, she heard the soldier shouting from the other room, she knows what must be done. She glanced once more back at Eren before leaving with her comrades.