Chapter 4- Every fun has to end sometime!

Celeste tried to hide how uneasy she was feeling, and luckily for her, it worked as Gray just thought she was being nervous and awkward like before.

Natsu finished what had to be about his fifth plate with food and jumped up enthusiastically. "Alright! Now…. Fight me Celeste!"

"WHAT?!" Gray shouted at him angrily while everyone else just sighed, being used to Natsu wanting to fight everything and everybody.

Celeste looked at him in surprise, being ripped out of her thoughts and shook her head. "I-I'm sorry, but I don't use my magic on friends. It isn't right."

Natsu whined at that. "Oh come on, Cel! Just a little fight doesn't hurt somebody!"

Celeste narrowed her eyes at that. "I'm not in the mood Natsu…"

"Natsu, stop it." Lucy huffed at him.

"Yeah, stop bothering Cel." Gray told him angrily.

"Please!" Natsu insisted but as Celeste didn't answer him he just stormed towards her with a battle cry as fire lit up on his fist. "Then I will make you fight me!"

Celeste glared at him at that and in not even a second, she had taken out one of her magical darts. "…. I said…. I'm not in the mood…." She told him coldly before Natsu froze as the dart was bored into the wall behind him….having grazed his hair and just by an centimeter missed hitting him right in the face.

The whole guild went silent at that.

"…" Natsu started to sweat at that as he stared at the magical dart in shock…feeling quiet some magic in this dart as well as feeling really threatened by it for some reason.

Celeste then just drank the rest of her green tea, as if she didn't just had almost hit Natsu with a dart in the face. "…..Next time Natsu... I'm not going to try and miss you." She told him with a cold, scolding glare.

"…." Natsu paled and started to shiver slightly. "AYE, SIR!" He shouted nervously as he raced towards Lucy and hid behind her. "…She's just as scary as Erza…" He mumbled out.

"….." Gray smirked proudly as he got over his surprise. "You rock, Cel. That was awesome. You scared the crap out of Natsu."

Erza smiled satisfied and nodded. "Great achievement indeed."

Lucy just sweat dropped, sweating nervously. "….She's a monster as well isn't she…."

Celeste blinked at that before looking shyly onto the table. "..Oh, sorry about that Natsu… I-I didn't want to scare you, I'm just on edge and nervous that's all…" She mumbled out in apology as she realized what she just did.

Natsu blinked at that before smiling slightly. "Nah, it's alright. I shouldn't have pushed you that far. But that was kinda cool! What is in these darts? I felt some odd threat coming from them."

Celeste smiled in relief and took out another dart. "I made these darts myself. They contain a small amount of my magic as well as some of my blood. With those, it's more easy to wipe out demons because angel blood is deadly to them and it's poisonous to etherious demons. Also, my magic gives it a speed boost so its almost impossible to dodge them."

Erza nodded at that impressed. "Interesting. Your aim is also really good."

"…D-Demons?! A-Angels?!" Lucy just stuttered out…lost.

Gray smirked at that. "You have a lot to learn Lucy."

Lucy started to sweat at that. "….I'm not so sure if I want to do that…"

Celeste just smiled softly as everyone started to explain to Lucy and Happy what was going on. She then stared thoughtfully at her scarred right arm that was visible and felt really uncomfortable showing it. She needs to cover it up or something.

"Alright! We need to find somewhere for Celeste to live! I suggest that…" Erza started to ramble out in excitement.

"Isn't that obvious? She will stay with me!" Gray interrupted her easily.

Erza narrowed her eyes at him. "No, she will not! She's a young woman now Gray! I can't just let her stay with men like you! She should stay in Fairy Hills with me and the other girls!"

"Oi, what's that supposed?! I'm her brother, so of course she should stay with me!"

"Ehm…everyone… Please don't argue about something like this…" Celeste mumbled out nervously, but there was no stopping them anymore.

"Well, how about she stays with me!" Natsu just laughed, joining the party.

"No!" Erza and Gray both snapped at him, for once having the same opinion.

Lucy just sighed. "There they go again…."

"Aye, sir!" Happy just said cheerily.

"There's nothing cheerful about that, cat!" Lucy huffed at him.

Celeste bit on her lip before deciding on something. "You two, stop!" She spoke up, surprising both her brother and Erza. "I-I… As much as I like you guys… It's still a lot to get used to…everything here. That's why it would be better for me if I could have my own apartment maybe…"

"Cel… If that's what you want, of course." Gray told her sincerely. "It's not like I can't visit you there."

Celeste nodded thankfully at that.

Erza smiled in agreement. "That's fine as well of course."

Lucy's eyes widened as she remembered something. "Oh! If I remember it right, the house owners next to where my home is are searching for a tenant."

Celeste looked at her in surprise. "Really? You think they would let me rent it…" Before she could even finish her sentence, Erza had grabbed onto her and Lucy's arm and dragged them outside.

"Yes! Let's do this! We will rent that apartment for you and then go shopping! After that, we will help you decorate everything! And then we will have an amazing sleepover!" The red-haired mage shouted in excitement.

"Oi, Erza, wait a moment-" Lucy tried to calm her down, but no use.

Celeste just smiled softly, even when she was still overwhelmed by the warmth of this guild…. She already doesn't want it to be another way.

Gray and Natsu just looked after them with a sweat drop.

So, in a mere matter of 20 minutes, Erza was able to get the apartment for Celeste. The three girls now looked at the furnished rooms that are going to be Celeste's new home. The apartment was medium sized and comfy. A little entrance hall was the first thing they saw as they entered the apartment before it lead into a big living room with white and chocolate brown furniture. There was a big couch in the center of this room and a huge bookshelf covering almost a whole wall. From the living room, you could walk into the kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen was a pretty standard one, with enough space for one or two person to stand in. The bathroom was a chic and big, light room with a huge bathtub and a shower on the side, as well as with the usual standard bathroom things. A huge window wall was giving them a perfect look into the garden of the house owner and was the perfect sight to relax to when taking a bath. A bit secluded from everything then was the bedroom. It was a little smaller than the living room and could be reached from the entrance hall. A king sized, comfy bed with light purple bedsheets and curtains by two huge windows made Celeste already feel at home.

"Wow… This apartment is really amazing." Celeste said in awe. "These huge windows everywhere are gorgeous. I like that I can stare out to the sky at every moment in time."

Lucy nodded in agreement. "For me personal, it would have too much windows creeps could look into… But it certainly seems like your type of apartment Celeste."

Erza smiled at that as stars appeared around her head….while she jumped around on the bed. "Yes! This apartment is the best thing we could get for you! It's already perfect, but we need to buy some décor and clothes for you! Ah, I can't wait! Let's do this already!" She jumped off the bed in excitement.

Lucy sighed fondly before smiling. "Sometimes you're way too excited over something like this. But I agree, let's go shopping! I'm sure we will find you some amazing clothes here, Cel."

Celeste smiled at that warmly, a smile that could light up a room and making it feel more warm, welcome and happy. "Sure. I'm really happy you two are helping me with this. I don't think I would have been able to get this done all by myself…." She told them gratefully, and because she was being so happy and glad to have found friends, she totally forgot who was searching for her.

And so, the three girls enjoyed their shopping trip, especially Erza and Lucy had fun dressing Celeste up in different type of clothes and squealing about how cute and pretty she looked. Erza actually ended up spending a lot of her money for Celeste, making Gray's sister feel a bit uncomfortable but Erza just shrugged it off as friendship gift.

After having made a successful shopping trip, Lucy lead them into her favorite décor store and they searched for some great additions for Celeste's apartment as well as buying some food and groceries for later today.

So, as they arrived back at Celeste's new home after having a lot of fun, they helped her decorate her new apartment as well as preparing some food.

"Ah, this day was so much fun! We should do that again tomorrow!" Erza said happily while Lucy painted her toenails.

Lucy just sweat dropped. "Actually, after spending so much money today we need to go on a mission first…. Or maybe three missions…. Otherwise I'm going to get kicked out." She whined as she remembered that she still doesn't have enough money for her rent.

Celeste smiled at that apologetically as she ate some popcorn. "Sorry about that. I will try to pay you both back as soon as I can."

"What are you saying?! You don't need to pay us back!" Erza shouted fiercely and jumped up…even when it was a careful jump because the nail polish on her nails was still wet.

Lucy nodded seriously in agreement. "Yes. This is the least we can do for our new friend."

Celeste looked at them in utter surprise before smiling happily as tears gathered in her eyes. "Thank you so much…."

Erza and Lucy smile softened at that….well…before Lucy suddenly was thrown to the ground as Erza hit her with a pillow. "TIME FOR A PILLOW FIGHT!" The red head shouted way too excited and threw a pillow in Celeste's direction, who just dodged it with a surprised look.

Celeste smiled softly as they ended up having a full-blown pillow fight…. Even when they had to clean up the feathers after this, it was a lot of fun. She never in her life had so much fun before and it has been a long time since she had been this happy.

After another while of just chatting, enjoying some food and speaking about future missions, Lucy and Erza fell asleep sprawled over her new bed. Celeste looked at them with a fond expression. "….Is this what it's like to have friends?" She asked herself with a small smile as she watched them sleep peacefully. She then shook her head and looked outside her bedroom window at the stars in the night sky, not being able to fall asleep. After all, she lived years and years with only the bare minimum of sleep, so now to fall asleep for a long period of time was not something she could do. The light of the moon and the stars illuminated her face, making it look eerily mesmerizing. Her one golden and one green eye gleamed softly as she started to imagine how many friends she can make in Fairy Tail. The long dark hair that framed her face only accentuated the fact of her almost otherworldly beauty.

However… Unknown to her, hungry eyes were watching her already, captured by her unique beauty and scheming a cunning plan of ruining everything for her.

The next day…

Celeste woke up as she heard loud mumbling coming from inside her apartment….male voices. She jerked up at that in alarm and almost would have punched Natsu, who was very close to her face and staring down at her. "….Natsu...?" She mumbled in surprise and blinked.

Natsu smiled at that as he leaned back. "Yo! You're awake."

Gray showed up behind him and smiled at his sister softly. "Good morning, Cel. I hope this idiot here didn't wake you up."

Celeste just blinked and rubbed her eyes. "No, it's alright…. But how did you two get in here? The door was locked." She narrowed her eyes at them, especially at her brother.

Gray started sweating at that and looked away. "….We have our ways…"

"The window was open so we climbed inside." Natsu told her easily.

"Aye, sir!" Happy agreed.

Celeste just sighed fondly at that and looked over to the still sleeping Erza and Lucy. "Well, I don't mind you being here, just don't break in the next time and just knock. I will make us some breakfast then… because how I can already tell from your expressions just now, you did not eat anything before coming here."

Gray rubbed the back of his neck at that. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry for making you trouble."

Natsu just smiled brightly at that. "You're the best Cel! We will wake them up in the meantime." He pointed at Lucy and Erza with a mischevious expression that gave Gray not a good feeling.

Celeste smiled softly and nodded. "Sure." She told them before walking towards the kitchen.

Natsu then got closer to Lucy…. And started tickling her bare feet. "Wakey, Wakey Luce!"

"….Hmm?" Lucy opened her eyes at that….before noticing it. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY APPARTMENT?!" She snapped at him angrily as she kicked him against the wall.

"Owww." Natsu mumbled out as he got down.

"W-Wait… This isn't my apartment…. Oh." Lucy shouted surprised as she remembered where she was. "Oops…. Sorry Natsu." She smiled nervously while Gray sighed fondly.

"…Care to explain how you got in here, Gray, Natsu?" Erza asked them darkly as she appeared behind the ice and fire wizard.

"…." Gray and Natsu both just gulp.

Lucy started sweating. "…..Good luck you two!" She shouted as she rushed outside the room.

"Aye, sir!" Happy agreed as he flew after her.

"Traitor!" Natsu shouted after his cat before shutting up at Erza's murderous look.

A few moments later…

Celeste looked worried at Natsu and Gray who both got a huge bump on their head. "What happened?" She asked them in confusion as the five Fairy Tail mages were sitting by the table and eating the breakfast Celeste had prepared.

"Nothing…." They both mumbled out after giving Erza an angry side-look. Lucy just sweat dropped, knowing very well what happened.

Erza just ignored them while happily eating the food. "This is really good, Cel. Where did you learn how to cook this well?" She asked her intrigued.

Celeste smiled softly while sipping calmly on her tea. "That is for me to know and for you to never find out."

Natsu pouted at that. "But now I wanna know it really bad."

Celeste giggled at that, her beautiful laughing seemed to brighten the room.

"Aye, sir!" Happy shouted in agreement with Natsu before looking at the angel known as Gray's sister. "Do you have another fish for me?"

"Oi, Happy. You already had three." Lucy scolded him.

Celeste just smiled. "Oh no, it's okay. Of course you can have more fish, Happy. I bought them for you after all."

"Waah! Thank you~ You're so much more nicer than Lucy!" He shouted happily and flew towards her before crashing her in a hug.

She just smiled fondly and petted his back, neither noticing nor caring that Happy had pressed himself against her chest.

Gray's eyes twitched at that and he looked like he wanted to freeze Happy once again, but then Natsu snitched some food from his plate and the two started brawling.

"Natsu! Gray!" Erza just glared at them darkly after being hit by some food.

Natsu and Gray froze at that in fear. "Sorry!"

Celeste smiled fondly while Lucy sighed.

A few moments later…

"Thank you for the fun sleepover, Cel! We seriously need to do that again sometime!" Erza shouted way too enthusiastically as the five said their goodbyes to Celeste for now.

Lucy sweat dropped. "Yes, but first we need to get my rent money together!" She whined out.

Celeste smiled softly at that. "…Of course."

Gray nodded thoughtfully. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us back to the guild?"

She shook her head at that. "No, I…ehm… I want to go take a shower, but of course I will come to the guild after that."

Gray still looked worried at that but Natsu just smiled. "Sure! Maybe we can fight today once you're back!" The fire dragon slayer smiled at her excited.

Celeste blinked at that before smiling teasingly. "….Maybe."

Natsu's eyes widened at that, having expected her to say no. He smirked excited at that. "YOSH! NOW I'M ALL FIRED UP!"

"I bet that Cel will win." Erza said easily.

Gray nodded. "Of course Cel will be able to beat the flame brain."

Happy thought about it for a short moment before nodding as well. "I also bet on Cel!" He said cheerily.

"Oi, that's mean you know!" Lucy huffed at them.

Erza looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "So you want to bet on Natsu?"

"…Okay, no. You're right." She said with a sweat drop as she watched the overly enthusiastic and currently fire spitting mage.

Celeste just giggled. "See you later then, minna."

The five Fairy Tail mages waived at her in goodbye before they walked back towards the guild. Celeste closed the door behind her and sighed. She looked around her new apartment with an unreadable expression before smiling slightly. "….I really have found friends huh… I'm glad but also….." She shook her head sadly, knowing she was dragging them into a lot of intense stuff.

"Ah. What am I doing?! I'm finally happy and now here I am overthinking things." Celeste smiled to herself and shook off her uneasiness. She went into the bathroom and looked outside the huge windows that was covering almost one entire wall. Celeste smiled cheerily as the sunrays touched her skin through the window glass before she started to undress herself and turn on the shower, not noticing the red eyes that were watching her from the shadows of the garden outside.

Meanwhile, with Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Erza and Gray….

Natsu suddenly stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed something.

"Huh? Natsu is something wrong?" Happy looked at him in confusion.

"My scarf! I FORGOT MY SCARF!" The fire wizard shouted in panic before racing back to Celeste's apartment.

"Oi…. MY SIS IS SHOWERING YOU JERK!" Gray snapped at him angrily and stormed after him as he noticed what would be bound to happen.

Erza just blinked at that and Lucy sighed. "Should we go after them?"

Erza shook her head softly. "I don't think something will happen when Gray is there. Let's just get back to the guild for now."

"Aye, sir!" Happy agreed cheerily and so the three continued on their way.

Back to the unsuspecting Celeste….

She hummed silently to herself while washing her long dark hair, just flinching slightly in her movement whenever the hot water touched the scars on her right arm. After she was finished with washing her hair, she sighed in content as she turned off the water. Just as she was about to step out of the shower, she suddenly felt warm breath tickle the back of her neck. Her heart dropped at that and she bit on her lip before slowly looking back in fear.

"Ara, Ara~ Who would have expected that you are this beautiful…. Judge of Heaven. I probably should have expected it, knowing the fact that you're an angel…. But my expectations still were more than fulfilled~" Pharzuph purred out as he was standing directly behind her, his red eyes gleaming dangerously.

Celeste spun around to him in alarm and aimed a punch at his face, but the Fallen Angel easily blocked her attempt.

"Hey…. Don't be so hasty here…. You don't want to hit me right…?" He whispered to her as he looked right into her eyes with his gleaming ruby ones.

Celeste froze at that as the already handsome man in front of her started to morph into someone with even more attractive features. She closed her eyes and bit on her lip until she tasted blood before her eyes shot open again, her golden eye softly gleaming as Pharzuph just looked like his usual human form to her.

Pharzuph smirked at that. "…Oh? So you were able to dispel my high-level charm magic? That makes things way more interesting..." He took a step forward to her.

Celeste gritted her teeth and stepped back, but her back hit the wall behind her already. "…..You have to be Pharzuph….. Fallen Angel of Lust and a Lord of the Underworld….but more commonly known as Incubus…" She started to sweat slightly as she told him that to keep him distracted. She looked around for her weapons, but even when she was near her clothes…. Because of the sleepover she had taken off her weapons and they all were laying in the living room…

Pharzuph smile grew more dangerous at that. "Oh, I'm flattered, my dear~" He started to run his finger over her cheek, making her flinch. "It would be such a waste to kill you off, no matter what Abbadon thinks, I think you would make for some great experiments with such unique beauty…."

Celeste bit on her tongue at that and narrowed her eyes….. If she has no weapons…. She needs to fight with her physical strength alone…or use her magic. But the Fallen Angel before her was a lot stronger…. So she just has to wait for the right chance to strike… She needs to stay calm and concentrated now…

Pharzuph narrowed his eyes as he noticed how she tensed and pinned her with his hands to the wall in a quick movement. "….Do you know what an Incubus does, angel?" He whispered into her ear.

She just glared at him at that, but had honestly no idea.

"My, my…. How innocent." Pharzuph laughed amused at that before he froze.

Celeste's eyes widened as she heard the loud voices of Natsu and Gray coming from her living room. She gritted her teeth at that in panic and clenched her fist, ready to attack the Fallen Angel.

Pharzuph just tsked at that before in a way too quick movement, started to choke Celeste. "….I wouldn't try to attack me now, Judge of Heaven…. Or do you want anything to happen to these two…." He pointed at the door to the living room with a dark smile, while Natsu's and Gray's voices grew louder and sounded like they were arguing about something.

Celeste bit on her lip at that and closed her eyes…. The last thing she wants is to drag her brother and Natsu into this… But also… "…Fine. If you promise you won't hurt them, I will do what you want." She told him seriously through gritted teeth.

Pharzuph blinked before smiling and letting go of her throat. "That's a good angel. Now-" And before he could even react, Celeste kicked him hardly in the stomach… White and golden magic surrounded her foot and made the Fallen Angel gasp for air before he was thrown back and crashed loudly right through her window.

Celeste sank to the ground while breathing heavily as the shattering glass alarmed the two Fairy Tail mages in the other room. She quickly got back up on her feet as she saw how a pissed off Pharzuph stood up while dropping his human disguise.

"Oi! What's going on?!" Natsu shouted as he burst right into her bathroom.

"Cel!" Gray shouted worried and pushed the fire wizard out of the way…. Just to freeze when he did not just see his sister standing there completely naked, but also saw the creature that had crashed through the window. His blood run cold and he started to sweat heavily at what he was seeing.

Natsu's eyes widened and he also froze in shock when spotting Pharzuph.

"….You did it now, Judge of Heaven…. I offered you an easy way out of this…. But now…. I WILL KILL YOU!" He growled at her as he showed her his very pointy and spiky teeth while his hair started to float in the air behind him. His complete black, inhuman eyes seemed to burn with rage and lust for flesh as he stared at her. Pharzuph spread his complete black feather wings and shot towards her.

Celeste narrowed her eyes seriously and concentrated, ready to use her magic if she really has to.

Natsu was able to break out of his shock stance at that and narrowed his eyes. "Karyuu no….Tekken!" He roared angrily as flames lit up on his hand and he charged at the Fallen Angel.

"Natsu, don't!" Celeste screamed at him in shock.

Natsu just roared, a kind of furious look in his eyes and Pharzuph frozen for a split second.

"…You are….!" The Fallen Angel said in surprise before being hit by the attack and crashing right through the wall.

Natsu huffed at that angrily and glared after Pharzuph who spread his wings and flew away.

Gray was able to get ripped out of his shock and rushed to his sister's side. "Cel… Are you okay?! What happened?"

Celeste just looked at Natsu thoughtfully. 'When Pharzuph said that… he didn't mean that Natsu was a dragon slayer… I felt it as well…. For a split second…. He seemed demonic…..' She shook her head and sighed at the mess in the bathroom. "Yes, I am okay… I shouldn't have let my guard down this easily…"

Natsu huffed and turned around to her as well. "Who was that guy anyway?! Geez, he sure was weird but cool looking-" He then froze as he noticed she was naked and blushed. "…." He stared at her.

Celeste just blinked at that, oblivious. "…What? Something wrong?"

Gray paled at that before punching Natsu and throwing his shirt over his sister, so covering her up. "LOOK AWAY AND DON'T STARE FLAME BRAIN!"

"OH, YOU WANNA GO ICE PRINCESS?!" Natsu asked him darkly as the two glared at each other.

Celeste sighed as she took Gray's shirt on. "No fighting you two. We have more things to worry about. Like fixing my bathroom for example…." She looked at them scoldingly as she pointed at the mess around them. "My landlord is not going to be happy about that, so lend me a hand here you two."

Gray sighed at that in defeat and Natsu rubbed the back off his neck as he looked at the hole he made in the wall. "Hehehe… Yeah, we are gonna help you."

She smiled at that. "Good. You can start already while I go and change into some other clothes…. And this time I can't forget my weapons…"

Natsu and Gray just looked after her as she walked off before sighing at the mess.

"Why do we have to help clean up…" The fire dragon slayer grumbled while making sure his scarf is secure around his neck.

"Stop bickering and let's just do what Cel said." Gray grumbled at him as they started to clean the mess.

Hey guys! So, that was Chapter 4. How did you like it? :3 Looks like Celeste slowly gets settled down in Fairy Tail. I hope you enjoyed her interactions with everyone, even when the fun didn't last for long with Pharzuph stepping in…. Looks like Celeste really brings trouble to the guild, even when she tries her best to not drag them all into it. Also, I still don't really have decided on the pairing/ pairings of this fanfiction…. So feel free to suggest some pairings with Celeste you would like to see the most. Pairings that are already in consideration are Natsu x Celeste, Laxus x Celeste and maybe (and the pairing I'm the most unsure about, but it seems interesting) Acnologia x Celeste. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are intrigued for more! :D Have an amazing day and see you in the next chapter.