A/N- Ok so this chapter got really long so I had to split it into halves. Hope you're enjoying it so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Morgan gasped in shock and pain as she miscalculated her inertia against the grade of her curve and slammed into the wall. Red warning lights flashed across her vision as she carved a chunk out of the wall with her suit. She crashed to the ground rolling in a vain attempt to rob some of the pain from the blow. When she finally stopped she found herself lying on her back looking at the expressionless mask Peter wore.

"I'm guessing physics isn't your strength," he said, half teasing. Morgan frowned and brushed the rubble off her suit.

"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong." Peter helped her stand before he peeled off his mask and took a long drink of water.

"You're letting the suit do too much work. Do you know why Colonel Rhodes was never as good of a pilot as Mr. Stark?" Morgan shook her head. "He had the suit do all the calculations. Mr. Stark uploaded a huge library of maneuvers that the suit could execute immediately. But what made Iron Man a cut above War Machine was Mr. Stark's ability to improvise. He was in constant control. The only time the suit was working alone was when he was otherwise preoccupied with working a different problem."

"Is that how you work?" asked Morgan accepting the water from Peter. He nodded.

"Suit or no suit, I am Spider Man. That's what people never understood about Mr. Stark. They thought his machine was so wondrous due to programing. That anyone could fight like he could if they had it." Morgan screwed the top back on the water.

"My father once described the suit as a high tech prosthesis." Peter nodded.

"Exactly. The suit didn't fly him. He flew the suit." Morgan stretched out the kinks in her back. Her latest crash was just one of many she had had since arriving at the Avenger's compound yesterday morning.

"Do you think I'll ever be like him?" Peter tossed the water into the corner and replaced his mask.

"I hope not. I hope that after this is finished you'll toss that in the garbage where it belongs." Morgan's face plate snapped back into place, hiding her insulted expression.

"Why can't I be an Avenger too?" Peter threw a punch at her face causing her to quickly duck under the blow and return with a right hook.

"Your family has given enough, Morgan. Let it go." Peter batted away the strike, grabbed the back of her head and slammed her face first into his knee. Morgan yelped at the sudden pain and used her left hand to blast into Peter's midsection. Peter grunted at the hit but elbowed her in the back causing her to fall flat to the ground. "That was cheating," he muttered backing off while Morgan picked herself back up. He was unharmed as they had set both suits to training mode allowing their strikes to sting but not bruise or kill.

"Sorry," mumbled Morgan but Peter shook his head.

"In a real fight you use everything you have. Especially if its cheating. That's how you live." Morgan badly wanted to check her stinging nose but Peter's mask was still down, telling her he wasn't finished with her. "I want you to attack from the air. Take me out without crashing or getting hit and we can call it a day." Without another word Morgan launched into the air circling around the training gym. It was a huge space that was at least big enough for a football field. The ceiling of the gym was outfitted with various arms and boards giving Peter something to attach his webs to. It was a perfect training ground with multiple attachments that could be set up to mimic different environments. Peter had told her that it had survived the destruction of the final battle because it had sunk unharmed into the ground rather than buckle to the barrage of missiles directed at the facility. Morgan focused as an orange training disk flew past her left side simulating a projectile. The disks contained a minor charge and bright powder that would let her know in certain terms if she was struck. Peter was on the ground lobbing disks at her and dodging around cover to conceal his location. Morgan banked hard to the right to avoid one disk but flew directly into the path of the next disk. She cursed softly and quickly used her left hand to fire a blast at the disk causing it to combust. The force of the explosion knocked her off her flight path causing her to attempt to improvise. Another disk came whirling at her face but there was no time to blast it aside. Thinking quickly, Morgan tucked into a roll like she planned to go under it but the second her feet were under her she added power to the boots and shot over the disk. She then threw both hands up just in time to avoid crashing head first into the ceiling. As it was she put black marks on the ceiling but she had avoided crashing.

"I'm getting the hang of this," murmured Morgan turning back to face Peter. She dodged another five disks before she was finally close enough to fire an accurate shot at Peter. He dodged around a pillar just in time. Morgan sped around the pillar and knocked him flat to the ground on his belly. Peter rolled swiftly and shot three webs at her before she could blink. He was then on his feet and launching a powerful kick into Morgan's chest. She cracked into the wall but managed to shoot another shot from her chest piece, catching Peter as he advanced. It knocked him back to the ground and Morgan scrambled to get on top of him and pin him before he could recover. Peter wiggled from under her and pulled off his mask.

"That was great!" he exclaimed, his face pink with exertion and pride. "Best run of today." Morgan grinned pleased with herself.

"Thanks, Peter!" she clumsily got to her feet, trying not to step on him. Peter's suit beeped at him.

"Peter, you have a call on hold." Peter sighed.

"Put it through, Karen." Morgan stepped out of her suit plucking her sweaty athletic shirt off her belly with a wrinkled nose.

"Hey, Peter," Morgan glanced over hearing her Uncle Rhodey on the line. "I just wanted to check on you kid. I've been hearing a lot of banging going on in your gym." Rhodey hesitated. "Both Friday and Karen say that you're doing something top secret. Is everything ok?"

"Uh," Peter looked at Morgan. "Yeah everything is just peachy," he answered nervously. "Just uh… just doing a little weight lifting."

"That shakes the building?" asked Rhodey skeptically. "And why would weight lifting be top secret?" Peter laughed, his neck coloring pink.

"Well I don't want anyone to feel bad. You know…because they can't lift as much as I do." Morgan put her head in her hand.

"Right," answered Rhodey slowly. "Just… if you need help or anything just call me. You know we're all here for you. You don't have to this… whatever this is… alone." Peter nodded quickly.

"Thanks man. I mean Colonel. I really appreciate it," he stuttered. "Got to go!" Morgan rolled her eyes.

"And I thought I was a bad liar." Peter scowled.

"I wasn't expecting him to call. I'm better when I can plan it." Morgan clucked disbelievingly. "Hey I got your mother to believe me didn't I?" Morgan shrugged.

"After that little performance I'll never understand how," she responded. Peter took off his suit revealing the stylish black athletic under suit he wore.

"If I hadn't showed up how were you going to explain your absence to your mother?" Morgan bit her lip.

"I was going to leave her a note. She wouldn't be able to do anything after I left Earth." Peter shook his head.

"You underestimate her. Even without that little fact that's a terrible plan. Do you know how worried she would have been? Did you think of that at all?"

"Did you think of how your aunt would feel when you were off playing neighborhood vigilante?" Peter frowned in irritation.

"Didn't your mom say no back talk?" Morgan grinned slyly at him. They ate lunch in Peter's private quarters after having Friday navigate them around the other Avengers wandering around the facility. Morgan was surprised to see how bare Peter's room was. There was a single, thin blanket on the bed, an empty hamper in the corner and little else. The only personal touches in the room sat beside Peter's lamp. One was a photo of Peter and his aunt who had passed away three years prior from breast cancer and the other was a photo of Peter and her father.

"Do you have another room somewhere else? New York maybe?" Peter paused in shoveling down the tikka masala he had ordered.

"No. Why?" Morgan went back to her own plate.

"No reason." They ate in silence for a few minutes before Morgan broke the quiet again. "What do you think space will be like?" Peter grabbed his second container of food.

"I don't think I'm the best person to ask," he answered. "My experiences up there haven't been great." Morgan wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Maybe that will change this time." Peter shot her a cynical look.

"I think Thor will probably be here by this time tomorrow. Do you have any sort of plan for when he gets here?" Morgan thought carefully. Honestly, she really didn't have a plan. Her entire thought process thus far had been focused solely on getting to space.

"I'm going to have Thor take me to Nebula. Then I'm going to ask her how having her past self venture into the future affected her. I'll make further plans based on what she tells me."

"Well I'm fairly certain Nebula won't thank you for asking those questions. You need to be careful with her. She's not exactly stable." Peter started boxing up their trash. "You had better get some rest. I have business with the other Avengers I need to take care of before we leave tomorrow." Morgan quickly focused on Peter, her heart rate elevating. Peter laughed at her wide eyes. "Relax. I'm not going to tell on you. But I do need to prepare them for the time that I'll be gone."

"Where are you telling them that you're going?" Peter's mouth turned down into a frown.

"I'll have to tell them I'm going off world. They aren't going to be happy about it though. Especially when I tell them that the reason is none of their business." Morgan watched as Peter went into his closet and returned strapping an old, expensive watch on his wrist. The style didn't suit him and Morgan wondered if the watch had once belonged to her father. "Rest. I'll return when Thor arrives." Morgan changed into pajamas and spent the rest of the evening watching videos of her father on her phone. She also called her mom to reassure her that all was well. Pepper was relieved to hear that Peter was treating the babysitting assignment as an extended vacation and had gotten several movies for him and Morgan to watch. Morgan tried not to feel like the lowest scum on earth as she listened to her mother prattle on about all the neat things that were in Wakanda and how Pepper couldn't decide on which souvenir to bring home. Pepper finally admitted that she had a lot of work she needed to do before the negotiations resumed. They had engaged in their customary goodbyes before Morgan hung up feeling more empty than she ever had. It had only taken a single look at Peter's photos to harden her resolve.

The next day Morgan awoke to Peter knocking softly on the door. "Thor is going to touch down in ten minutes. We need to be on that ship and gone before the other Avengers can get out there to see you." Morgan jumped into her clothes, brushed her teeth, and grabbed the housing for her suit before running out the door behind Peter. Morgan's nerves were raw as they power-walked through the facility. They made it to Thor's ship without a fuss causing Morgan to breathe a sigh of relief. She hugged Thor tightly when he stepped off the ramp. She was glad to see that he had gotten his weight to a healthy level again. Throughout the years she had known him he had yo-yoed between supremely fit and overly obese. "Get inside," muttered Peter tersely. Thor looked at him in confusion.

"Is Lady Morgan in danger?" he followed them as they hurried onto the ship, glancing over his shoulder.

"I'm not in danger, Uncle Thor," answered Morgan. "We just need to leave quickly." Thor's eyebrows raised.

"I was planning to visit with the other Avengers since I have not been able to return to Earth recently." Morgan shook her head.

"We have to go. Now." Thor looked at Morgan's grave face then looked at Peter's grim stance.

"As you wish, Princess. But once we are clear of Earth you will explain what is happening." Morgan forced a smile and kissed Thor on the cheek.

"Thank you." Peter helped her get settled as Thor ran through his check list to get his craft back into the sky. Morgan glanced out the window and felt her blood run cold. Outside, Rhodey, Sam, and several of the new Avengers were walking quickly towards Thor's ship. Peter looked out the window when he noticed Morgan's frightened face.

"Its ok. They're not in uniform. They can't stop us." Thor also noticed who was approaching and frowned deeply at the interaction. The spacecraft lifted into the air causing Rhodey to break into a run, waving his arms and yelling. Peter watched silently, his face set into a mask. Then they were gone and Morgan breathed a sigh of relief. Thor set the autopilot and moved to stand in front of them.

"What's happening?" he demanded. "Is this another of Earth's petty squabbles?" Peter shook his head and moved to look out the cockpit at the stars.

"Ask her." Morgan looked at Thor's upset face and took a deep breath.

"I need you to take me to see Nebula, daughter of Thanos." Thor's frown only deepened.

"That murderess? Why?" Morgan looked to Peter for support but he hadn't turned to look at them.

"I need to ask her a few questions. They're important." Thor shook his head.

"I'm taking you back."

"You can't!" gasped Morgan.

"I will," answered Thor. "I'm not taking you into a dangerous realm for the sake of a few foolish questions." Morgan's lip began to tremble.

"Please, Uncle Thor! Please, help me." Thor turned away from her. "Its about my father!" Thor paused, looking slightly over his shoulder at her.

"Of course it is," he answered flatly. "What else could Nebula offer you?" Thor turned and shoved Peter roughly. "I expected better of you, Man of Spiders. How could you let a little girl run off into space knowing the terrors that lurk there?"

"She has to find out for herself," answered Peter. "I'm not going to spend the rest of my life waiting for Morgan to sneak off, alone, into space and get herself killed. I can't stop her. You won't stop her. She has to learn." Thor stared angrily at Peter but he didn't back down.

"Please," repeated Morgan when the standoff became unbearable.

"What questions could you possibly have for Thano's daughter that are worth dying for?" demanded Thor. Morgan opened her mouth to explain but Peter beat her to the punch.

"She wants to ask her about what happened on Titan. Wants to understand what happened after the Dusting." Thor scowled.

"And why, Stark's daughter, is this so important to you?"

"He's my father," whispered Morgan, tears shimmering in her eyes. "I want to know every part of his story because I can't be part of it anymore. The only way I'll ever know him is through other people's eyes." Thor scowled and shook his head. His mouth set into a hard line as he looked at her from the corner of his good eye.

"That's not good enough," he said finally, but his voice lacked its previous bite. "That's not bloody well good enough." Thor stomped to the controls and flopped down into his seat. Morgan watched carefully, aware that despite his words he had not taken the craft off of autopilot. "I will take you to Nebula," he said finally, each word bitten out with regret. "But then I will return you to Earth." Morgan was wise enough to bite back her squeal of elation and hide her smile.

"Thank you, Uncle Thor." Peter returned to look out the window. Morgan noticed that despite their small victory the tension hadn't left his spine. "How far is it to Nebula?" Thor shrugged.

"Truthfully, I don't where she is. I'll have to send a message to Lady Gamora to find out. But I do know which quadrant she was seen in. We'll move in that direction until we get news of her." Morgan opened her mouth to tell Thor that Friday had already told her Nebula's location but Peter shook his head quickly.

"I'm going to lay down," said Peter. "Wake me if we're under attack." Morgan tried to get his attention to make sure that he was alright but he simply brushed past her and moved into the living quarters.

"He doesn't seem too happy," commented Thor. Morgan looked at the closed door that Peter had disappeared from.

"No, he doesn't," agreed Morgan.

"Of course, the last time he was in space he died so I suppose he has a better reason than most." Morgan suddenly felt selfish and cruel. This whole time she had never stopped to ask Peter how he felt about her grand plans. She had simply assumed that his only complaint was that he thought what she was trying to do was too dangerous for her. For the first time she truly understood that Peter had only accompanied her with the intention of putting his own safety on the line to protect hers. Morgan thought about Rhodey chasing after them and wondered if Peter was going to be in trouble when they got back. She certainly knew that Peter would be in for quite the scolding from Pepper when she found out.

Two days later neither she nor Thor had seen much of Peter. He came out occasionally to check on her and their progress but mostly Morgan hung out with Thor. Thor was glad to tell her any stories she wanted to hear about her father. In his culture stories and songs were an accepted way to honor the dead. Some of his stories had her laughing until she thought her side would split from the strain. Thor finished telling her of the first time he had met her father and wiped the mirthful tears from his eyes.

"I wish I could have seen the look on his face behind the mask when I head-butted him back. It would have been glorious." There was a beep from the front of the ship. "Excellent," muttered Thor. "Rabbit has returned my message." Thor read the strange script on the display, his face falling.

"What is it?" asked Morgan anxiously. Thor shook his head.

"I am sorry, little princess. I cannot take you to Nebula." Morgan looked from him to the script, panic rising in her throat.

"Why not? Is she dead?" Thor forced a laugh as Peter exited his room.

"Nothing so dramatic as that. Nebula is on Primoria. It is a world undergoing crisis at the moment." Peter looked at the script, his eyes flicking across it.

"Why is Nebula fighting against this warlord?" Morgan blinked in surprise that Peter could read the alien writing.

"These last years Nebula has struggled to redeem herself though she does not call it that. She roves from world to world looking for upstarts before they can become galaxy conquerors. She has found quite the fight." Peter frowned grimly.

"She's trying to keep another Thanos from rising." It wasn't a question. "How powerful is this Primorian?" Thor studied the name on the script.

"I've heard of him. A zealot fighting to cleanse the universe of those he sees as morally inferior. He and his cult believe that Thanos was punishment for allowing criminal activity."

"What does he do?" asked Morgan confused.

"He kills all the criminals. Murderers, thieves, thugs, doesn't matter the crime. The punishment is always the same. He's assembled quite the army on Primoria. From what I hear, after he's finished subjugating that planet he plans to move to their neighbor. But it doesn't really matter anyway. We are not going there. I'm sorry Lady Morgan." Morgan looked away, trying but failing to come up with an argument that would convince Thor.

"Take Morgan home," said Peter. "But first drop me off with Nebula." Thor looked at him with surprise.

"Why? This is not your fight, young Peter." Peter gestured at the message.

"How many people thought that when Thanos was on the rise? We can't let this stand." Thor shook his head sadly.

"You cannot defeat every tyrant. You will find yourself in the same unending cycle Nebula has drowned herself in." Peter nodded.

"You're right. But I also can't walk away from a suffering planet. Especially not when a friend is in danger. Drop me off. I'll find my own way home." Thor hesitated, frowning when he saw the hard set of Peter's jaw. It was a look he knew signaled that nothing would change Peter's mind. He nodded shortly.

"I can fly in close enough to drop you on top of Nebula. But I won't land there. Its too perilous." Peter nodded his thanks.

"Wait a minute," interrupted Morgan. "We can't leave you behind. You don't even know what you're walking into. I'm going with you."

"No, you are not," answered Peter firmly. "Once we're finished there I'll bring Nebula back to Earth. You can ask your questions then."

"Assuming you come back," snapped Morgan. Peter ruffled her hair.

"I'm coming back. Thor, send me a file of what you know about the situation on the ground." Morgan gaped as he disappeared back into his room. She was shocked that he could make such a momentous decision so quickly. Especially without knowing every detail of the situation.

"You have to go with him," blurted Morgan turning to Thor. "He has no idea what he's walking into." Thor patted her gently on the shoulder.

"Have faith in the Man of Spiders. He has grown into a mighty warrior. He's quite capable of dealing with Primoria." Morgan followed on Thor's heels as he moved to get a bottle of the dark liquid he never offered to share.

"He would be even more capable if you went with him. Or if we both did. I can handle myself!" Thor shook his head and popped the top off of the bottle.

"Oh I won't be going with him. I would only muck everything up for him. And you certainly aren't going. I don't need Stark's ghost coming for my head, thank you very much." Thor drank deeper than any thirst could provoke. Morgan scowled and stomped to Peter's room, throwing open the door without even knocking. Peter looked up from the hologram containing the information about Primoria. He didn't say anything to Morgan's outraged expression which only frustrated her further.

"What are you even going to do there?" she demanded. "Its an entire planet at war."

"It is," agreed Peter mildly. "Fortunately this guy has built his entire image on his family bloodlines. His army follows him because they believe his family is divinely inspired. His only other strengths are his oration and wealth." Morgan frowned in confusion.

"So?" Peter looked back at his hologram.

"So, he is the last of his bloodline. The others were killed in the war that followed the Dusting. He only survived because he was a victim of the Dusting." Peter looked at her mystified expression. "If he dies his movement dies."

"So you're going to kill him?" asked Morgan faintly. Peter shook his head.

"Nebula will kill him. I will merely open a path for her to do so." Peter sighed when Morgan didn't reply, her face speaking volumes. "Some people need to die, Morgie. Its sad and I don't expect you to understand. I hope you never understand. But it has to happen." Morgan thought of the pain that Thanos had wreaked upon the universe, upon her family in particular. In a way she did understand but it was in a very abstract way. She didn't think she would ever be able to act on such an idea.

Morgan moved to sit on the bed and watched as he worked. Her worry felt like a stone in her gut, all sharp edges and heaviness. She already knew that there was no way that either Peter or Thor would be convinced to let her follow Peter, a fact that she couldn't decide if she was glad or mad about. It was one thing stepping onto an alien planet that was mostly at peace but then to compare that to walking into a fully-fledged war… Morgan knew she wasn't ready for that. The data that Thor had obtained on the specifics of the army aligned against Nebula and her allies didn't reassure either.

Morgan flinched when Thor banged on the door with his approximation of gentle knock. "We're here!" Thor bellowed, entirely too loud. Peter looked up and wrinkled his nose.

"Is he drunk?" Morgan shrugged, unsure of the answer. Her mother rarely drank. Peter slipped into his suit and followed Morgan out of the door. Thor swayed at the controls of his ship, cheeks flushed pink with what Morgan assumed to be excitement.

"There's so many," shouted Thor pointing out of the window. Morgan's mouth went dry when she saw the seething masses of dark combatants, replete with the flashes of explosives. Peter's jaw set firmly but Morgan noticed he was paler than he typically was.

"Where's Nebula?" Thor pointed at the thickest swell of the fighting. Morgan stumbled into the wall when Thor jerked the controls suddenly and the ship shuddered against the force of an explosion.

"That was close," chuckled Thor thickly. "They've noticed us. Make your move now, young Peter." Peter opened the door, causing Morgan's hair to swirl wildly into her eyes. She didn't see when he jumped from the craft but she felt his absence keenly. Now that the door was open she could hear the screams from the battlefield, could smell the smoke that laid like a blanket over the surging masses. Morgan gasped in fear as one of the strange aircraft that littered the sky exploded into flames and dove into the ground crushing countless combatants.

It felt like she was in a dream as Morgan slowly reached to the arc reactor she had clipped to her shirt. The noise and external stimulus faded as her father's suit wrapped securely around her body feeling safe and warm. Distantly, she heard Thor's gasp of shock followed by his bellows. Morgan didn't look at her uncle as she stepped out the ship and began to plummet through the air.

"Friday, find Peter." She watched as one of the figures moving frantically on the field was highlighted. Peter fought beside the blue woman who had been with her father on Titan. His suit had sprouted eight sharp, slashing legs that helped to keep enemy combatants from overwhelming him. Nebula fought with a sword hacking her way through towards a van guard of massive brutes that circled protectively around their leader. There seemed to be several different species that composed each of the armies, with some of the fighters being lithe and human like while others appeared as big as giants. It was these giants that were giving Nebula's forces the most grief. They toted huge cannons that decimated dozens of fighters in a cone like swath of destruction. Morgan diverted more power to her thrusters when she saw one of the creatures point its cannon directly at the leaping form of Peter.

Peter had just finished knocking one another of the alien's out when his senses began screaming at him. He quickly turned and focused on the behemoth that was staring him down as its cannon glowed with power. Thinking quickly, Peter rolled behind an outcropping of shattered ground that had been dug up by one of the thousands of explosions that had rattled the battlefield. Peter waited with baited breath, unsure if the dirt would take enough of the force away from the blast to save his life. Only a few seconds had passed but he knew that he should have already had his answer one way or another. Peter peaked around the outcropping, his eyes widening when he saw the purple Iron Man armor engaging the giant in combat.

Behind him Nebula screamed in rage as she cut down another of the giants and three of their smaller companions. As badly as it hurt him, there was too much happening for him to focus solely on Morgan. The faster he could get Nebula to her target the faster they could retreat. "Karen, keep me updated on Morgan's condition. Don't let her get hurt."

"Don't worry, Peter," came Karen's soothing voice. "She's not my first teenager." Peter struck down another alien combatant, his heart in his throat as he heard the familiar retorts of the Iron Man repulsors.

"Tell Nebula we have to move. Now."

Morgan twisted in the air as the giant she was fighting swung a massive sword at her. She fired with both hands, discouraged when they had little effect.

"Why isn't this working?" she cried just as she was knocked hard in the back by a small missile. The force slammed her into the ground, knocking the air out of her lungs. She blinked in confusion as thick liquid flowed into her left eye.

"Get up," commanded Friday frantically. Morgan rolled just in time to avoid being impaled as the giant went for the kill.

"Shield," shouted Morgan, her voice cracking in terror as the giant moved to raise his sword again. The nanites formed into a shield just in time to save her life once again. Morgan nearly buckled under the weight of the blow, still laying flat on her back. The giant raised the sword again and Morgan scrambled to her feet, bracing before that horrible sword struck her again.

"You should deactivate training mode, little boss," said Friday as Morgan was struck again. Morgan dropped to one knee as the giant continued to pummel her. Her arm ached fiercely under the onslaught.

"Deactivate," screamed Morgan. She screamed again when the giant unexpectedly kicked her, the toe of his boot hooking under the shield and slamming into her ribs. Morgan flew thirty feet before smashing back into the ground. Her vision whited out from the sudden pain but she knew she couldn't stay down long. She crawled slowly to the her knees, watching exhaustedly as the giant charged at her, sword ready to cleave her in half. It took far more effort than it should have to raise one gloved hand. She aimed at the monster's chest and fired. The giant didn't try to block the strike, having learned from previous blows that it only stung. It was taken entirely by surprise when it was blasted backwards, chest smoking from a grievous but not mortal wound.

"Morgan?" asked a female voice that the girl wasn't familiar with. "Morgan, I'm Karen, Peter's A.I. With your permission I would like to take over for Friday."

"Ok," muttered Morgan slowly, trying to focus.

"You will have more success fighting from the air. You need to get airborne now." Morgan slowly forced herself to stand. "On your left," Morgan turned and saw a trio of the smaller aliens charging her. "Is your preference to kill or discombobulate?"

"Discombobulate?" asked Morgan dazed. She watched as her targeting systems highlighted the aliens. Her suit shot small blue glowing disks at each of the aliens. The disks stuck on the creature's limbs causing the limbs to fall useless at their sides or tripping them to the ground. Morgan barely noticed as the suit became airborne. Morgan flinched at a small prick in her arm.

"I've just given you medicine to help with the pain and help you focus." Morgan shook her head at the sudden clarity. "Peter is requesting that you help clear a path for him and Nebula. Are you able to respond?" Morgan swallowed and blinked against the stickiness in her eye.

"I can help," answered Morgan. She flew above where Peter and Nebula were fighting to get close to the vanguard. "Ask him what he wants."

"Morgan," asked Peter's breathless voice. "I need you to shoot at their feet. Push them away from our path or else they're going to close around us and we're going to be overwhelmed." From her vantage point Morgan could see that was already happening. Peter and Nebula had led a small group into the middle of the enemy army, attempting to push their way to the leader. Morgan began firing blasts as she was instructed and was rewarded with a hail of missiles aiming to knock her from the sky again. Morgan grit her teeth against the pain in her ribs and flew defensively, firing whenever she was able. It seemed like hours had passed before Peter's reassuring voice filtered into her ear.

"You're doing great, Morgan. Nebula has a ship coming so that we can evacuate to the safe zone. I need you to protect it from the cannons. Can you do that?" Morgan's sensors highlighted the ship that was inbound.

"Did you kill him?" asked Morgan dropping more of the blue disks onto a cluster of giants. Most of the giants had collapsed before Peter answered.

"Nebula was successful. We'll talk about it once we're safe." Morgan continued to guard the ship until it was out of range of the battle. She landed beside it and waited for the ramp to lower to the ground. Peter jumped out of the ship as soon as the hatch opened enough for him and ran to her. Morgan lifted her faceplate and tolerated as Peter's fingers quickly probed the cut in her hairline that was the source of the blood on her face.

"I'm ok," muttered Morgan although she felt anything but. In the distance she heard the battle continue to rage. She supposed it would take a while for news to spread. Peter frowned and took her hand, leading her back onto the ship. He pulled her into the private quarters of the ship and sat her down.

"Karen, run diagnostics."

"She has a mild concussion and bruised ribs on the right side. Her left wrist sustained a contusion to the bone and she has minor bruising throughout her body." Peter dragged a hand over his mouth, looking a decade older than he was.

"I'm so sorry, Morgan. I never should have let this happen." Morgan shook her head quickly, tears in her eyes.

"Its not your fault. I saw what was happening and I was so scared that you would get hurt and you were only going to be there because of me and I knew I couldn't live with myself if anything happened and…" Morgan paused to drag in a breath, tears spilling from her eyes. "I'm the one who's sorry. This is all my fault." Peter pulled her into a hug, mindful of her injuries. He gently shushed her as she started to weep. Peter glanced over his shoulder as he heard the door snick open. Nebula leaned against the door and waited as Morgan struggled to clean up her tears.

"The war is won and only the battle remains," said the woman flatly, her black eyes never leaving Morgan. "Your help came at a critical point."

"Glad we could be of service," muttered Peter. Nebula's eyes flicked at him before returning to Morgan.

"We would have won regardless," she replied. "Why are you here, Stark's daughter? You are clearly no warrior." Morgan's spine straightened as her heart clenched with sudden anger.

"Warrior or not I saved your sorry blue ass," she snapped. Nebula's face flickered with some alien emotion causing Peter to step protectively between the two women.

"Nebula," started Peter, his voice dropped into a threatening growl. Morgan pushed past him.

"I'm here because I have questions only you can answer. After that you can go back to trying to get yourself killed." Nebula scoffed.

"What knowledge could I possibly possess that you need? I have not been to Terra since the Titan's war." Morgan stared down the blue woman who seemed to have not aged a day in the fifteen years since her father had fought on Titan.

"I need to know what happened to you during the war. You and your previous self." For the first time Nebula's face showed something approximating human emotion. Morgan thought maybe it was shock or guilt but it was gone before she could decide.

"Killing makes me hungry," said the alien. "Food will be ready in half an hour." Nebula turned on her heel and was out the door before Morgan could reply. Incensed, Morgan marched after her but Peter caught her arm and closed the door.

"Let her go. Nebula is too dangerous to push. We'll talk about it at dinner." Morgan jerked her arm free but went to sit on the bed.

"Do you think she'll answer my questions?" asked Morgan, still stewing when Peter settled beside her.

"I don't know her well," admitted Peter. "What I do know is that she's volatile. Still an ally but not one to be trifled with." Morgan sighed, exhausted, and tapped the nanite housing causing the suit to retreat from her body. Her body ached all over and she still felt her emotions pulled taught from the battle. "What happened to Thor?" asked Peter eventually but Morgan just shook her head.

"Is it ok if I lay down before we eat?" Peter studied her worriedly but nodded. He gave her one last side armed hug before leaving, the door snicking shut after him. Morgan used the tail of her shirt and a little spit to wipe the blood off of her face before laying back on the bed and trying to gather her thoughts. She wondered distractedly if the bed belonged to Nebula before she drifted into a fitful doze.