Summary: Shadow and Silver are two dragon riders that the hunters are fed up with, so they join forces with the Vikings of the Archipelago to get rid of them. Stoick didn't want to get in the middle of it until he finds out the perfect opportunity to avenge his son's death when he meets Grimmel, the Night Fury killer. (This is a Hiccstrid story)

So I decided to write another Runaway fic… I have one called "New Beginnings" and I actually didn't really want to write this one because a lot of things were similar to the first one, but then I decided to twist things over and started to have many new ideas (although the beginning still have some similar parts). I'm including things I haven't seen in any Runaway Fic I've read (which doesn't mean there aren't some out there with these things, but I haven't seen them) because I wanted to make this story new and fresh! I hope you'll all like it!

BTW, I wanted to post it today in celebration of my dog's second birthday, lol

Shadow and Silver

Chapter 1

"You and I are going to take a little vacation… forever."

Those were Hiccup's words as soon as he arrived at the cove right after being chosen to kill the Monstrous Nightmare. What started as a joke became a plan by the time Toothless had done eating the basket of fish.

As he flew with Toothless that night, looking at the sleeping village from above, he realized one thing: he couldn't live in a dragon killing place if he'd never kill a dragon.

He thought about telling everyone, maybe he could change people's minds, but deep down he knew those stubborn people wouldn't change their minds about dragons. Not unless something really shocking was to happen and he was pretty certain that training the Monstrous Nightmare instead of fighting it wouldn't be strong enough.

So he decided to run away that night. When everyone was sleeping, he freed the dragons, collected everything he could carry before he mounted Toothless to leave. Hiccup didn't leave his father any notes; he couldn't find the right words. It would be easier if he just vanished… And that was what he did.

Hiccup knew his disappearance would make people go crazy for a while, maybe they'll search for him, but would eventually stop, after all, he's never been that important for the people anyway. Only Gobber and his father would miss him, the rest would most likely be glad that he wasn't there anymore to destroy the village almost as much as the dragons.

Hiccup wanted to know more about dragons, learning everything he could from them by living among them in the wild. It was hard at first, even though Toothless was there to help him in every way, he had to adapt on how to survive without humans around. However, even though he didn't have humans for company, he couldn't say he felt lonely.

He documented his studies on empty journals he had brought from Berk. They were always a little withdrawn at first, sometimes even hostile, afraid of him, but they'd soon warm up to him when he showed he wasn't a threat or when Toothless defended him. Over the months, he discovered tons of new things about each dragon, and even though the same species had similar traces of personalities, each one was a little different from the other, they were all different in some way and it amazed him. The more he got to know about them, the more eager to learn he'd be.

What Hiccup missed the most from living with humans were a proper bed (even though he liked sleeping under Toothless's wing), working on the forge and talking to Gobber. He improvised a forge with dragon's help, but it wasn't the same thing and it was hard to work or craft the new ideas he had for Toothless's saddle and tailfin.

Meanwhile, back on Berk.

Astrid was upset. No, she was mad! How could Hiccup be chosen to kill the Monstrous Nightmare? He had gotten better, but that was no excuse! He was still Hiccup… What he was doing in the arena must have been a trick!

She was walking around the forest, she was sure Hiccup was training close to where she was. He always vanished around this part of the forest. She wanted to find him and figure out what was going on before he was to kill the Nightmare. And since he hadn't shown up so far, he could only be training.

Astrid was about to give up and turn back when she spotted a big hole… No. It wasn't a hole; it was a cove. A beautiful, relaxing and kinda eerie cove. Curious, she decided to go down there, through a narrow rocky trail. She was surprised to find a shield trapped between two rocks. The girl ducked to go past it, not really paying attention why that object was there. She looked around; it was empty.

"Nice place to be, though." She spoke to no one in particular. "Maybe I could just lay here and relax once in a while. Maybe this is the place Hiccup goes when he disappears… But why isn't he here?"

Then, something caught her attention. The girl knelt down and carefully grabbed a small black thing on the floor. She analyzed it for a moment. It took a few seconds to realize it was a scale, a dragon scale. There were more dark spots scattered all over the ground, but she had never seen a dragon so dark before. Her mind tried to go from cover to cover of the Dragon manual she had only read once. She was sure there was no dragon with black scales in there, at least not entirely black and it was weird that every single scale she found turned out to be as dark as the night…

Dark as night… Maybe it could have been a Night Fury?

She continued looking, searching for a clue of what could have been there when she saw a dagger in the water. She retrieved it and her eyes widened. It was Hiccup's dagger, it had his initials there.

Now it was all falling into place. She remembered the boy saying he had hit a Night Fury, the Vikings most fearful dragon. No one knew how it looked like, but if she had to guess, she'd say they have a dark color, since it was so hard to see them at night. Maybe as dark as the scales she's just found.

What if he really did hit the beast? There was a possibility it was recovering and waiting for the right moment to strike at the first victim it could find, which happened to be a small ordinary boy with auburn hair and dazzling green eyes. Could he be so naïve to think he could go up against a Night Fury just because he was placed first in Dragon Training? The beast could only have killed him mercilessly and flew away, leaving behind only a few fallen scales and his dagger. He didn't even had time to defend himself…

Astrid was horrified.

Tears slowly wet her eyes. Sure, Hiccup was not Astrid's favorite person, but she never hated him, she never mocked him or bullied him like the others did. In fact, she didn't like the way they used to do that to the poor clumsy boy. So she just ignored him. And yes, he pissed her off sometimes, but he was a fellow Viking and Berkian in the end. And now, he was gone.

She blamed herself… She could have been there. She was trying to look for him for days, but always gave up… Maybe if she hadn't, she would have find him and helped him… Didn't matter now, did it? Hiccup was dead and nothing of his body was left behind so they could send him to Valhalla.

She pulled herself together and ran back to the village. She had to tell Stoick. As Astrid got closer and closer to the village, her pace began to slow. It was going to be hard to tell the Chief that he lost his heir, but she had to do so.

She couldn't bring herself to say it, so she gave the dagger and a few scales to the Chief. Her shaking hands showed Stoick and Gobber what were her suspicions of what had happened. And her grim expression just proved it even further. Stoick grabbed Astrid's shoulder; there was despair in his eyes.

"Where did you find it?"

Astrid showed them the cove. They stood there, terrified and with no reaction.

Stoick refused to believe it, though. He sent search parties all over the island for days. After two weeks with no clue of the boy, Stoick got to the conclusion that Astrid was right. A night Fury had took Hiccup away… just like a dragon had taken away his beloved wife almost 15 years ago…

And then, for the first time in so many years, Stoick cried. He didn't care, though, for he had lost his son, his only son. Hiccup was dead, and there was nothing he could do about it. He was killed by a black-scaled monster; the offspring of lightning and death itself. There was only one thing left for him to do, which was to hunt down and kill that beast.

I know it was a bit short and slow, but this is just the beginning and I hope you liked it!

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