Drogo watched as his brother in law was yanked down to his knees in front of him. He stared down at him, his mind spinning as he considered what to do with the young man.

He had threatened Drogo's wife and Khaleesi, he had threatened the life of his unborn son, that would not be allowed to pass, it could not be without Drogo risking his and Dany's throats being cut in the night by his men.

He was young and he was desperate, he had no patience and he was entitled, but Dany and Jorah had explained what had happened to his parents and family in the land that he and Drogo's wife originally came from and he understood the desire for revenge, he just had no tact to understand how to go about it.

He could kill him. That much was obvious and looking at his wife he could see that she would not be too broken-hearted about it, she would definitely not blame him for doing it. And he had a wonderful plan as to how he could kill him, it would be very pointed and would make sure that no one would challenge him again in such a way, it would make sure that they knew that his wife was not to be touched.

He bent down in front of Viserys and looked into the purple eyes that were so like his wife's, like the eyes he hoped fervently his son would have. He was a beautiful man he thought gripping Viserys' cheeks and tilted his face this way and that as he looked at him, quieting the protests that he had started letting out at his treatment.

He wanted to kill him but…

*You're worth more alive,* He snorted standing and waving his men to take the spluttering man out his sight. Smirking at the blond they gripped him and yanked him to his feet, dragging him from the tent.

He stomped his way over to Dany where she was standing tall and proud waiting for him, not a flicker on her face showing what she was thinking or feeling about what had just happened. Jorah was at her side, but he stepped back when Drogo reached them.

*What do you plan for him?* Dany asked softly as the music started up hesitantly in the tent, the breaking at one of their most sacred laws being broken within their city shocking them all.

*As satisfying as killing him would be, selling him will be nearly as satisfying and worth more,* Drogo huffed resting his hand on Dany's stomach and checking her face to check on her.

*Sell him?* She tilted her head.

*I know someone who I think will pay a pretty penny for him. He is looking for a consort to carry his children, but he has pretty specific requirements,* Drogo watched as a flash of vindictiveness flashed through his wife's pretty purple eyes realising that this was the exact position that Viserys had put her in at the start of their marriage. That they had ended up in love with each other did not take away from the fact that he had sold her off for Drogo's men.

*This man, he is a Dark Wizard in his world, and he needs some sort of purity to carry his heirs. I think Viserys would be what he is looking for. We could sell him for money but also for magic we can use to take back your land and rule it, together,* Drogo suggested watching Dany's eyes fire even more.

Most Khal's wanted nothing more than a broodmare for a Khaleesi, they did not want one that thought for themselves or that had their own power. Drogo had not wanted a Khaleesi like that. But Dany was something different, something that he was lucky to have, and he was never going to try and smother that fire out. She stood by his side not behind him, and the son that she bore would have fire from her and blood from him. They would wash over the lands that she came from like a storm.

*Contact him,* Dany nodded.

*Jorah, send word to the Wizard that we have his broodmare here," Drogo smirked.

Harry lay back on his bed in Private Drive lazily watching his map of the area, watching the small dots moving around their houses and the streets. He watched as Hestia Jones walked over to Dedalus Diggle, they were clearly speaking for a second before Diggle apparated out and Jones settled down for watching him.

They were here to guard him from Voldemort. Every time that he had that thought he had to fight the urge to laugh. Honestly they were so easy to play it was like turning them into puppets dancing from his fingers.

He and Hermione had found it more than easy to copy the spell that Sirius and Remus had talked them through to replicate the Marauders Map. Really it had been the simple thing to do, especially with the amount of danger that they ended in, and the amount of sneaking around that they did, it was just stupid having one map between three of them, and they were not stupid.

Making a map of Private Drive had been nothing for Harry, and he had been using it to keep an eye on things and make sure that he knew where the Order of the Phoenix were at all times and how best to work around them.

And now he was waiting for...ah there they were. He watched the three men make their way towards Private Drive, Lucius and Draco Malfoy and Ronald Weasley. Looking out the window he smirked as he watched two women and a man that were completely unfamiliar walk right up to the door of the house, passed where Hestia Jones was sitting under the invisibility cloak, and knocked on the front door.

None of the Order members had noticed the sheen of the imperio curse on any of the Dursleys eyes over the last two years, and he did not believe that that would at all. They weren't looking for enemies within, they were looking for enemies outside.

"Lucius, Draco thank you for coming," Harry drawled as he walked down the stairs, the glamour around the three of them dropping the minute the door was shut and Petunia just stood there, blank faced and waiting for her command.

"My Lord," Lucius bowed deeply.

"My Lord," Draco was a second behind and his bow was not as deep, but it was there, and Harry would work on him.

"Go into the living room, I will be with you in a moment," Harry waved them off.

"My Lord?" Lucius frowned concerned.

"The window is enchanted outside looking in, they will see only the muggles and the people that have just arrived talking," Harry shrugged.

He waited for the two of them to step into the living room before motioning Ron to the kitchen with himself.

"My Lord," Ron said slightly mockingly, slightly respectfully, sketching out a dramatic bow that would not have looked out of place in the fifteenth century. Snorting Harry dropped down at the kitchen table waving to Dudley to serve them. "Are you ready?"

"As I can be, I hope that this is not another wasted journey," Harry sighed.

"Luna has a good feeling about this one," Ron shrugged, taking a sip of the butterbeer Dudley placed in front of him.

"Hmm, we will see. If he is the right one, then we will be ready to make our move," Harry hummed.

"We will be ready one way or the other," Ron smiled.

"Of course you will, Hermione is organising things," Harry laughed.

"I think the Death Eaters are slightly more scared of her than they are of you, and they watched their precious Lord Voldemort get wiped out by you," Ron chuckled.

"If this goes right we will have taken everything before they even know a thing," Harry looked at Ron questioningly.

"You have promised not to kill mum, dad or Percy, I trust you to keep that word. They won't like it but home arrest is miles away from the worst thing that could have happened to them. I am still going to be at your side helping you rule Britain," Ron shrugged.

"Well, I meant to speak to you about that. I am thinking I'm going to replace you with Pansy," Harry said seriously before breaking and grinning when Ron just laughed. Once upon a time he would have been paranoid and insecure enough that he would have believed it, two years ago during the Triwizard Tournament he would have let his insecurity get the best of him. But now things were different.

"So, in two weeks time we could be ruling Britain, and you could have a kid on the way with a consort," Ron smirked in pure and utter satisfaction.

"If he is the right one," Harry reminded him.

"I am sure that he will be," Ron waved him off. "It feels the right time,"

"It better be the right time, I am getting a little fed up running around behind the scenes, we're more than ready to step out the shadows," Harry took a deeper sip of his glass.

"I can't wait to see their reaction to the fact that you killed Voldemort two years ago in that graveyard and took control of the Death Eaters in one night," Ron laughed.

"It is the fact that they have not even realised that all the 'Death Eater' attacks have been working out their reaction and attack times, their defences and the fact that they're not even anywhere near what Voldemort did in the first war," Harry shook his head.

"Hey in our defence we have worked hard to make sure that they are still thinking that, the art of misdirection," Ron huffed.

"I do apologise master chessman. It just makes me laugh how oblivious they are,"

"Arrogance and an inability to look around and see any other options or dangers will always bring you down in the end,"

"Which is why that is something that we will avoid doing, right?" Harry looked at his friend pointedly.

"Do you doubt the three of us?" Ron arched an eyebrow at him.

"Never," He smirked. "Right come on, let's get this done,"

"Harry, it will be right this time,"

"This is the last piece, I need my consort and my child to complete this, and to take full control," Harry growled annoyed.

"So, let's get you out there so you can come back with a pretty, pregnant consort," Ron clapped him on the back and they made their way into the living room where the Malfoys were standing waiting with impatient patience for them.

They both took a seat and then waved for the Malfoys to sit.

"You understand what I require of you?" Harry asked Draco.

"I am to be seen three of four times a day as you, keep an eye on the pattern of the Order members and make sure that they do not change from their normal routine, and make sure that your relatives stay alive," Draco recited.

"I am aware that this is not the most glamorous of tasks, however it is an important one, everything must be seen to be normal in this house not to raise any suspicion as to my not being here. If they discover I have gone then everything that we have done in the last two years is wasted, and I risk bringing back the final piece in my war to a completely weakened side," Harry warned. He watched Draco's eyes widen realise that this was not the boring, simple task that he thought he had been given.

"I understand," He nodded.

"Wonderful. Here we go, that is enough polyjuice to last the time I plan to be absent should this be my final piece," Harry placed the large flask of polyjuice down onto the table. "If for whatever reason you need more get in contact with Ron or Hermione and they have ways to bring you more. The people working on my side in the Order will touch base with you throughout the day to make sure that you are ok, you know who our people are and who is not correct?"

"Yes My Lord," Draco nodded quickly.

"Good. Do make sure that you keep them alive," Harry motioned to where Vernon was standing facing the corner where Harry liked to keep him where he wasn't of use.

"Yes My Lord," Draco bowed his head.

"Right then," Harry stood and took his bag up from where it was sitting waiting.

Ron followed him into the hallway and shut the door behind him, taking in the nerves on his friend's face.

"Have fun," He smirked at Harry who chuckled.

"See you soon," Harry nodded.

"Soon," Ron hugged him before stepping back.

The portal that Harry opened was easy enough for someone of his magic level, the magic dampers around the house making sure that it did not alert anyone to his magic. Stepping through the black swirling portal he did not look back as he carried on walking through.

Harry stepped through the portal into the soft sands of the desert, feeling the give of the sand under his feet, and the activation of his cooling charms around his clothing as the heat hit him.

He easily locked in on the magical signature that he was looking for, and pulling the hood of his robes over his head to surround himself with cooling charms that way, he started walking leisurely towards where he needed to be.

It was nice to have a little freedom and peace for the first time in a good while, and he found himself enjoying the walk, his mind running over things as he walked.

This was the fifth possible person that he had come to see in a year, and he was admittedly starting to get impatient.

He needed a consort whose blood was blended with creature blood, and who would be able to carry an heir that would pass on Harry's own unique blood to their child. The prophecy that Luna had read for him was quite sure of that, if he chose the wrong Consort then he would never have an heir and his rule would die with him. With the right consort and so heir, his legacy would last over a thousand years.

He needed to find that right Consort. Hermione figured out using a mixture of magical and muggle technology what it was exactly that was needed to carry his blood and how to identify it so that there could be no mistakes made in haste or impatience.

With this Consort at his side, according to Luna's prophecy, his throne in Britain was assured. And he was not playing this game to lose, he had not been for years. This was planning and plotting from when he had been twelve and had realised the power that he held, and the fact that the adults around him definitely did not have his best interests in mind. He was canon fodder to them and nothing else.

Well, most of them.

Sirius beamed at him where he was standing waiting outside the city of Vaes Dothrak, waving enthusiastically as soon as he saw Harry approaching. The city was most definitely an interesting one, it was a city made of tents and huts, and it was full of life and people, noises and sounds filling the air. There were hundreds of thousands of horses he had noted as he walked towards the city, and it made sense that two giant rearing horses stood guard over the only entrance into the city.

"My Lord," Sirius bowed before laughing and hurrying to hug Harry. "Merlin I have missed you,"

"I have missed you too," Harry clung onto Sirius for a second. He hated having to send him out and away from him, even though he trusted no one but Sirius and Remus to do this, the only others were Ron and Hermione but it was a critical failure to his left and right hand away from him.

"Nervous?" Sirius asked.

"A little, I am fed up of getting my hopes up and it not being the one. I want my consort, I want my heir and I want my place," Harry huffed.

"I can't believe that I might be a grandfather to be soon," Sirius grinned.

"You like this one?" Harry tilted his head as Sirius led him into the city.

"Yes, definitely. Though he is going to be work," Sirius warned.


"He is arrogant and entitled, he believes that the world owes him something, and he believes because of his name that everyone should bow to him. You looked over the information that I sent you?" Sirius asked.

"Yes, where did you get it from?" Harry asked.

"You doubt me?" Sirius mock gasped.

"I see a lot of pretty faces around here, and a lot of free love," Harry pointedly looked at where a couple were fucking out in the open and no one blinked an eye. "If you got your information from pillow talk Sirius I will not be happy, no matter how pretty he or she is,"

"She is very pretty, very very pretty. But she only pointed me in the right direction to get the information that I needed. You have thoughts on it?"

"A theory, I want to meet the sister first," Harry hummed.

"Oh I do like it when you're all mysterious," Sirius laughed.

"You're not above me hexing you know," Harry snorted.

"What are you talking about, and I am the father of the soon to be ruler of Britain and adore the bones of him, I am golden," Sirius crowed.

"I also have another father that adores the ground that I walk on," Harry raised his eyebrow, "I can afford to lose a spare,"

"A spare? A spare that is what you call me?!" Sirius groaned.

"Remus is less exhausting than you as well," Harry mock sighed.

"But I found you a pretty, pretty little mate," Sirius smirked, throwing his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"If he is the right one, you really will be golden," Harry huffed. "Honestly, what were you lot thinking combining all your DNA together?"

"That we would make a beautiful, powerful, perfect baby," Sirius said slightly softer looking at Harry.

"At least Pettigrew wasn't thrown in there, 4 parents are enough, never mind being related to that worm," Harry said, but Sirius could see his red cheeks and his pleased smile under his hood.

"Ser Sirius!" A man called and Sirius stepped away from Harry to a respectful distance before they came properly into view.

"Jorah Mormont," Sirius whispered.

The man was surrounded by who Sirius had pointed out as the blood riders of their people, they were looking a little unsure of Harry, especially with his hood still being up.

"This is my Lord," Sirius stepped respectfully to the side as he motioned to Harry, pointedly not stating his name.

"Lord," Jorah bowed.

"Jorah Mormont, I want to speak to your Khal and Khaleesi first, particularly your Khaleesi, I have a few questions before seeing the one being offered," Harry said softly.

"Very well," Jorah nodded before motioning to the large hut at the centre of the area.

It was clearly meant to impress, and Harry was impressed. The eyes were drawn to the dangerous looking men and women around them, and then directly down the middle to the giant of man who was built like a brick house and the beautiful, delicate woman seated next to him.

The gentle swell of her stomach was also more than obvious in the clothing she was wearing and he made of note of that in the back of his mind.

Sirius and he were seated in front of the two, but far enough back that they would struggle to lunge at them with a blade and not be stopped by those that stood either side of their grouping and behind the Khal and Khaleesi. But they were obviously uneasy at the idea of magic.

*I am interested in your offer however there are a few things that I would like to know before I see the one being offered, and it will only be after I have seen him and performed a test that I will make my choice,* Harry said in perfect Dothraki, visibly stunning them.

*What test? We will not have you damage him,* Drogo growled recovering first.

*Nothing that will hurt him, I am looking for a very specific person,* Harry shrugged.

*May I ask what it is that you are looking for?* Daenerys asked.

*One that will be able to carry my heir, my blood in the right way,* Harry answered carefully.

*Very well, what is it you wish to know?* Drogo grunted.

Over the next hour Harry asked the questions that he needed to know, and then he settled back his mind spinning and piecing things together as Sirius bartered for them.

*I will see him now, Sirius will continue bartering,* Harry stood suddenly.

*Very well,* Drogo was clearly not happy, but he motioned for one of his men to take Harry to Viserys.

It was a quick walk through the camp, they had been keeping him close, and that was no shock considering how much they were asking for him, he was clearly valuable to them. Stepping into the smaller hut he found who was clearly the Khaleesi's brother sitting in the middle of the hut wearing nothing but a sheer piece of golden fabric that left nothing to the imagination and was clearly done for Harry's eyes. A thick golden cuff sat around his ankle and chained him to the post in the centre of his tent, allowing for very little movement, besides a small walking circle.

Intent purple eyes watched him, but there was a hint of madness there. It worried Harry a little.

*Stay here,* he ordered the man before stepping through the doorway and into the hut. He would rather that he waited outside, but the deal was not done yet and they would not leave him alone with Viserys without paying first.

"I don't know who you are but this is completely unfair and ridiculous! I was demanding what I had been promised and…"

"I have heard the deal that you made with Drogo when you sold your sister to him. Did you state a time in which he had to provide men?" Harry interrupted.


"That was your first mistake in negotiation, you never request something and fail to give an allotted amount of time with which they need to provide it. As long as Drogo still intends to provide the men to capture Westeros, he is not breaking your deal," Harry started circling around the beautiful man.

He was quite attractive, beautiful and his features somewhat delicate, his purple eyes were stunning and completely unique, and they spat fire as he turned to watch Harry. His body was slender and lithe, there was not an inch of fat on him and his body had Harry's stirring. Yes he was quite a pretty picture, and he had been displayed for Harry in a way that made him absently think about adding a few more golden coins for the final price for Viserys if he was right just for that alone.

"You stated that Drogo had to supply men to take over Westeros and help avenge your family," Harry stopped in front of Viserys and stared down at him.

"Yes," Viserys was looking concerned now, his breathing coming harder.

"Did it occur to you that those men could be supplied for your sister to avenge your family, you did not state that they had to be supplied for you. Your wording was weak, Drogo has broken none of his words. You however threatened your sister, the life of your nephew and were stupid enough to draw a blade in a city full of Dothraki where it is illegal to do so,"

"You dare call me stupid I am…" Viserys flew at Harry making the guard step forward concerned, but Harry easily captured Viserys, twisting his arm behind his back and pinned him to his chest, subtly spreading his magic through the others body calming him down and paralysing him where his palm was spread over the thin fabric covering that pale chest. He leant down so that his mouth was next to Viserys' ear.

"You're nothing. You are a name that you cling to without backing it up and proving that you wield the power for the respect that you demand. Power and respect are not demanded, they are earned, and then taken. I have captured every inch of the power that I wield now, and people bow to me when I demand it because I have proven that I am worth bowing to,"

"My family…"

"Are a pregnant girl that has more intelligence and power than you expected, and you who are being sold for her and Drogo to have what they need to capture Westeros," Harry breathed and watched a flicker in those purple eyes.


"You nullified the deal you made with Drogo when you attacked Daenerys, they owe you nothing now, and your life is theirs, you threatened the Khaleesi and the unborn future Khal. They could have killed you there and then, instead they are selling you the way that you sold Daenerys. You are now the leverage that is needed to avenge your family. They have requested the coin that they will need to get to Westeros, and magic to help them achieve it,"

"You're a wizard? You can give them money and magic to get there and claim back Westeros?" Viserys licked his lips.


"And I would become your...what?"

"Consort, you would carry my heirs if you are the right person to be able to carry my blood," Harry breathed into his ear, sliding his hand slightly higher up Viserys' chest.

"Carry but…"

"Magic lovely, magic, I have a spell that would allow you to carry many children for me,"

"And how will you know if I can carry your blood? Why couldn't just anyone do that? Someone from your world?"

"Good questions," Harry smiled. "I have 4 biological parents, they had an open relationship, the four of them loved each other, and so they performed a forbidden spell to create me. What that has left is my blood mixed with two of the oldest houses of magic from my country, a house that is nearly as old with hints of werewolf, and muggle in my blood. What that means is, for someone to be able to create a child with me, I need someone with very specific genetics, someone that has a specific type of creature blood in theirs that will mix well with mine. I have seen four others who have not matched,"

"And you think that I might be a match?" Viserys breathed out.

"I think so, and I think that I may be a match for you," Harry released the spell keeping the other paralysed, and as he hoped he did not step away from his body. He swayed slightly as the spell lifted but then stayed where he was.

"What do you mean for me?"

"Feeling a little more sane than you have for a while?" Harry asked spinning the blond around and gripped the back of his neck looking down into purple eyes that were now the identical image of Daenerys' just as the Khaleesi and Khal, along with Sirius and Jorah stepped into the hut.

"I…" Viserys frowned.

"Your family had a madness, you can try and claim that your father was hard done by, but the fact is he was mad. It is a weakness in your blood, and one that has come out since your dragons died off. You thought that you were controlling them, but I think they were centring you as well. It has been centuries since you have had dragons and the madness has been increasing in your family,"

"But Dany…"

"Is younger and she was given dragon eggs as a wedding gift," Harry turned to look at her. "I bet if you let me have a look at those eggs, they're not as dead as you think they are,"

"And me, why am I...why are things clearer?" Viserys gripped tightly onto Harry's arms getting his attention back onto him.

"I am not quite a dragon, but there is snake blood running through my veins twice over, from my Potter blood and from when I slew a basilisk as a teen. Close enough I think," Harry smirked.

"My Lord...is he?" Sirius asked lowly.

"I am still waiting," Harry answered looking down at Viserys as he stared back at the darkness of Harry's hood.

"Buy me anyway," Viserys requested.

"What?" Harry frowned.

"I please you, I can feel that, I will loyal because I need you to keep my madness at bay...and this way my family will be avenged, please. Buy me anyway,"

"If you aren't what I am looking for you will be nothing more than a concubine," Harry said harshly. "My mistress,"

"I understand that," Harry could see the absolute shame on the slightly older man's face. "But to get what is needed to avenge my family…" He looked down.

"You sold your sister, but you're willing to do the same to yourself for the same end, even though it means it will be your sister sitting on that throne instead of you?" Harry gripped Viserys' chin in his fingers watching him intently.

It was not what he wanted, he wanted to be the one to sit on the throne, and he had always planned for it that way, he wanted to be the one to avenge his family, but…

"Yes," Viserys breathed out.

...he was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that it happened, even stepping to the side and sacrificing himself to let it happen. Harry knocked back his hood as he smirked down at Viserys, absently noting Sirius' gasp in the background as he realised what that meant.

"I can't give you your family's throne, I can give you a different one though, and the promise of carrying the first of a line that will last a thousand years," Harry said lowly.

"You mean I...but you didn't do anything," Viserys said, confused even as his purple eyes scanned rapidly over Harry's face, and clearly liked what he saw there.

"I was checking from the moment I stepped in. You're the one I have been looking for," Harry said before leaning down to claim Viserys' mouth with his own, devouring the dragon and swallowing him whole.

*He's always been more than a little impatient,* Sirius laughed cheerfully as Drogo growled in annoyance. He quickly drew a pouch from his cloak and passed over money that they had agreed upon.

Viserys gasped and drew back from Harry as he felt a heat around his wrist, looking down to see Harry's hand gripped tightly around his wrist with a green glow escaping from between their skin. It was hot and it was slightly painful and very uncomfortable. He stared up at Harry with confused eyes when the other refused to release his grip despite the pain he was causing.

"Shhh, nearly done, and you are mine, and you can carry my children," Harry soothed wrapping his other arm around Viserys' waist tugging him back against his body as he continued working the spell.

"It hurts," Viserys grimaced.

"Nearly there," Harry hummed pressing his lips back to Viserys to distract him from the feeling of heat around his wrist. And it worked mostly, Viserys lost himself to the kisses and the touches of Harry, the larger, stronger man pulling him tightly against his hard body and kissed him with a heat and desire that sparked Viserys' to life, his free hand coming around to cling to the back of Harry's robes as he arched into the other. He tasted of power and of strength.

He had offered Viserys a throne, not the one that he had thought that he would sit on, but a throne, and he was helping to make sure that the Iron Throne held a Targaryen again.

"What is your name?" Viserys breathed out managing to pull away long enough to ask the question.

Harry smiled at the blond panting in his arms, purple eyes blown wide as his kiss bruised lips filled and reddened under Harry's eyes. He released his wrist feeling the spell complete itself, and he lifted it so that he could see the pattern of scales that looked as though they had been etched into Viserys' skin, the green and golden colour matched beautifully with the pale skin surrounding it, and finishing the pattern was a thick band dead centre to the pattern with runes of fertility repeated around the band.

"Harry Potter," Harry answered once they had both taken in the pattern fully. "And you are mine," He growled.

Gripping the front of the fabric covering Viserys he ripped the fabric from his body easily, throwing it to the side and yanking that slender body against his own, using the advantage of having both his hands now. He cupped the back of Viserys' head, tilting his head to the right angle so that he could fully taste and devour his Consort, his other hand coming down to cup the flesh of Viserys' arse in his hands, delighted that it was as plump as it had looked.

*I think we had better leave,* Sirius chuckled.

*The deal is not fully met,* Drogo said slowly.

*And it would be interesting seeing his power,* Daenerys said motioning to the power forming visibly around Harry as Viserys clung to his shoulders and pressed his naked body into Harry's fully clothed one as both Harry's hands now cupped his arse cheeks, a finger sliding between them causing Viserys to groan as he placed some pressure onto his entrance, making it more than clear where this was going.

*That is nice, but we have paid more than enough of the agreed deal, and my Lord will not respond well to anyone that looks upon what is his,* Sirius shrugged, *I am off to find that lovely lady, if you're attached to your eyeballs, I would leave them to it,*

The group at the doorway hesitated but moved quickly away, closing the curtain behind them. A guard stepped in front of it guarding those within, they wanted the magic that had been promised to them after all and someone sneaking in and trying to kill them would not end well for them.

As the curtain fluttered shut Harry lay Viserys down onto the floor chuckling when his Consort made a startled noise as he back met thick furs and the most deliciously soft surface that he could ever remember feeling.

"What?" He turned and saw that furs and cushions had appeared under him instead of the dirt floor he had been lying on for the last five days.

"Oh sweetheart, my Consort deserves more than being taken on a dirt floor," Harry chuckled.

"Your magic can do this?" Viserys blinked reaching out and running his hand through the fur that had been created from nowhere.

"Oh, you have no idea," Harry smirked combing his fingers through Viserys' hair before gripping it and yanking his head back.

Viserys gasped loudly as Harry's teeth and lips descended onto the sensitive skin of his neck, and amazingly cool air filled the space taking out the uncomfortable, close heat that had been filling the area.

"Oh!" He gasped out arching into his...his husband's body as his arousal reached an even higher level, his body yearning for Harry. This man had a control over his body and his mind it would seem, he had not felt so stable and sane in a long time, not that he had realised he was not thinking clearly until that fog had lifted and it had become clear that he had been going along the same path his father had.

He had threatened Dany, the little girl that he had brought up, protected and kept safe, he had threatened to cut her baby from her belly. He had been mad, and his sanity was tied to this man now.

The thought made him clung tightly onto Harry with an urgency that had not been there before.

"Take yourself out of your head and focus on me, only me, stop thinking, nothing but pleasure," Harry said softly, linking his fingers with Viserys' and raised the wrist to his mouth, teeth nipping at the spell work in the pale wrist. As he hoped the sensitivity that only his touch could cause to the area had Viserys nearly howling in pleasure, arching into Harry's body.

The Wizard was shocked by how arousing he found Viserys. He had had partners over the last year while he was trying to find his match, and he had known that his match and he would have a connection, he had known that he would be pulled to him, there was a specific bond between them. Viserys was made to carry Harry's blood.

But the heavy arousal he felt around his thick erection just looking down at Viserys writhing underneath him was something else completely, and he suddenly could not wait to feel his skin pressed against his, he could not wait to be pressed inside his body.

He gripped his robes and yanked them over his head, quickly divesting himself of them, growling lowly as he felt eager hands tracing his stomach and chest the moment they were revealed to him.

"Please," The blonde writhed thrusting himself up against Harry's still leather clad groin.

"Yes," Harry ripped open the flies of his trousers impatiently, Viserys helping him yank down the material from his hips and down his legs.

"Oh wow…" Viserys stared at the heavy flesh lying between Harry's thighs, red, weeping and clearly ready to be buried inside of him.

He had always felt shame at his desire to lie with men, it was not something that was accepted in Westeros and he had had it drilled into his head from a baby that it was his duty to carry on the Targaryen blood.

But with Harry he could do that, he could carry that blood himself, mixed with Harry's own unique and powerful blood. He would not be carrying on the Targaryen line, he would be creating his own, one Harry said would last a thousand years.

He whined and threw back his head again when Harry thrust two dripping wet fingers inside of him in one smooth move. He had to have used magic to stretch Viserys because while he felt it, it didn't hurt the way it should have done either.

"I said only me!" Harry huffed staring down at him with green eyes that were glowing and looked a little more serpentine than they had been before.

Before the blond could respond Harry fingers started thrusting inside of him, pressing inside of him, creating a space for Harry's cock with ruthless efficiency and stroking the fire of Viserys' arousal higher.

The way that he was watching him, those green eyes taking in every single part of Viserys, every reaction, every expression on his face, enjoying the pleasure he was causing to him drove Viserys wild with desire.

"Please, please!" Viserys panted moments after a third finger stretched him wider, feeling the heat pooling and filling his stomach.

"Yes," Harry groaned himself. Viserys watched him use his magic to create more slick and made sure that his heavy erection was slicked up before he pressed himself between Viserys' legs, gripping his calves and placing them over his shoulders so that he could curve his body, placing it where he wanted it so that he had better access to the winking entrance he lined his erection up with, and so that his body was in his control.

He smirked at Viserys as he dropped his hands to either side of the blond's beautiful face and saw the realisation crossing those features when he realised that Harry had used magic to stick his legs in place over Harry's shoulders.

"You are my Consort and you will sit above many others, but you will always remember that you are mine, and you will obey me," Harry warned his fiery partner. Just as he saw the objection reaching Viserys' lips, heat filling his eyes, he stole the words from his lips by thrusting himself completely into his body in one hard thrust, burying himself to the hilt.

He didn't wait for him to adjust, pulling back and thrusting into him again with the same amount of force. He was delighted to realise that Viserys enjoyed a little pain with his pleasure going by the noises that he was making as Harry set up a rhythm, though the noise that he made as he adjusted and Harry started fully pounding into him, shifting on his knees so that he could get the best leverage to draw pleasure from that beautiful body underneath him, that was delicious.

Harry had gotten what he wanted, Viserys had nothing on his mind but Harry and his flesh pounding away inside of him, claiming him and filling him, it felt as though he was driving himself into Viserys' body, carving a space out for himself completely. He was owning and possessing him, completely claiming him. And Viserys could do nothing but cry out in pleasure as Harry hammered his way inside of him.

"Oh oh oh…" Viserys panted as his orgasm suddenly slammed into him, the pleasure lighting up his body so high that he had not even been aware that he had been that close until he was spilling over himself.

"Yes!" The word from Harry's mouth came more as a hiss as he slid himself as deeply into Viserys as he possibly could go, almost sealing them together before he spilled himself inside of the other's body, Viserys groaning as he could feel the hot liquid filling him up, feeling his cock twitching inside of him.

They lay panting for a moment, just staring at each other as the passion and intensity between them cooled slightly, finally sated from the heat and desire that had built and built between them from the moment Harry had stepped into the hut.

"That was amazing," Viserys sighed sinking into the furs.

"That was just the first time," Harry chuckled unsticking those muscled legs from his shoulders and placed them gently onto the furs before bending to lick up Viserys chest.

"What?" Viserys blinked. "But…" He looked down and saw Harry was still rock hard as he drew himself from his body.

"Oh, we aren't leaving here till I have put a baby in your belly," Harry smirked.

"But...what if I can't...or it takes time…" Viserys was embarrassed by the scared tremble in his voice. Everything was laying on him being able to create and carry a baby, he knew what happened in history when a consort or queen could not produce an heir for their ruler.

He gasped when he was flipped around and pressed to his knees, Harry drawing his arms back and sticking his wrists to his knees this time so he was forced into a vulnerable position in front of his husband, especially when Harry's thumb traced the line of his own cum that escaped Viserys' body and followed its path to press it back inside of him.

He gasped and whined when Harry's hand came down on the meat of his arse cheek in a heavy spank. "Don't doubt me sweetheart, that magic around your wrist will make sure that as long as our bond holds together you will complete fertile, with the spell being so new there is no way that you won't fall pregnant tonight, trust me,"

"Then...then shouldn't that time have gotten me pregnant?" Viserys asked licking his lips.

"Probably, but I want to be sure," Harry laughed before spanking Viserys' other arse cheek.

"Oh…" Viserys breathed out, unbelievably feeling his own arousal flaring again.

"Shall we make sure?" Harry pressed himself back to Viserys' body, wrapping his arm around his waist and resting his other hand by Viserys' face. The blonde wasn't sure whether it was a question or not, Harry had such control over his body. But he answered anyway by using what little leverage he had in this position to press himself back onto the hard flesh demanding entrance into his body, moaning loudly as he felt it spearing him open again, feeling larger and wider from the position he was in.

"Yes," Harry groaned pressing himself in all the way, and holding himself there, just enjoying the feeling of being held there by the wonderfully tight heat of his husband's body.

"Move!" Viserys demanded when Harry had held still so long he felt as though his arousal was burning him up.

"Ah ah!" Harry scolded before bringing his hand down sharply onto Viserys' arse cheek, listening to the pleasure/pained whine that followed. He repeated his action, bringing his hand down sharply again, again and again, watching that snow pale skin turning a beautiful shade of red.

He turned his attention to the other cheek, bringing his hand down repeatedly onto that beautifully pale skin, knowing that this was something he was going to have to do repeatedly with his fiery, entitled husband to bring him back in line, and knowing that he was going to enjoy every single time he had to put him over his knee, every time he would tan these perfectly pale cheeks, to remind him of his place.

He was definitely enjoying the way Viserys' body tightened around him with each spank, fluttering and clenching tightly around his erection as he brought his hand down again and again until the skin of his arse was a deep burning red.

Viserys was sniffling slightly into the furs he was pressed against, tears gathered onto his cheeks, and he was as hard a rock and unconsciously rocking back onto the flesh still buried deeply inside of him.

Finally taking pity Harry rocked into him pressing himself deeper, and nearly had Viserys writhing frantically underneath him at finally getting some movement from the flesh inside of him.

Harry groaned loudly at the feeling of Viserys' flexing around him, snapping the last of his frayed control as his own desire and pleasure caught the best of him again. Gripping hold of those pale, thin hips Harry pulled himself slowly back before thrusting back in, setting up a steady rhythm that while he was no less desperate this time he was more controlled.

He reached forward and unstuck Viserys' hands from his knees, lifting them forward into a more comfortable position, running his hands up and over his husband's pale arms and shoulders to take out any discomfort holding the positions may have caused, never once stilling his thrusting hips as he wound them higher and higher in pleasure towards their finish, both of them admittedly close to the edge already after the spanking.

Viserys was rambling completely unintelligible as he felt himself getting closer and closer to that edge, thrusting himself back onto Harry's hot flesh spearing him open, chasing his pleasure, and desperately wanting to feel Harry filling him again.

Harry grunted, growled and hissed back in response to all of Viserys' ramblings, feeling the desperate clenching of the body surrounding him, feeling his desperation to draw Harry over, to milk him again. He picked up more speed, thrusting himself harder and harder into Viserys until his husband let out the most delicious sound as his body tightened around Harry as he spilled over the furs beneath them.

It took only one more thrust for Harry to find his end, tugging Viserys' hips to bring his arse to rest closely back against his hips, pressing himself in deeply as he spilled inside of him.

"Ok?" Harry panted as they lay on the furs. Harry was still pressed deeply inside of his body and was lying half on top of Viserys making him feel safe and secure as his body trembled slightly from after pleasure.

The wizard reached out and swept blond hair from Viserys' face before stroking the skin of his cheek and jaw soothingly, watching his expression intently to make sure that he really was ok.

"I'm doing ok," Viserys panted.

"Here," Harry summoned a cup from the corner, vanishing the old, hot water with a curled lip and created some new, fresh water, placing the cup to Viserys lips and making sure he took a good drink of it before drinking himself.

Settling down Harry pressed his arm under Viserys' head so that he could use his bicep as a cushion. Sure he could have created a cushion but he was enjoying having his husband against him. He started soothingly stroking the skin of his husband's arm as he waited for him to calm down slightly.

"So when you said you had a throne for me back in your home?" Viserys asked making Harry laugh with a start at the unexpected words.

"It is one that I have been working towards for two years now, when we go back, I am claiming it, you were the last piece that I needed for everything to be in the right place to make my move," Harry smiled.

"Is there going to be danger?" Viserys frowned.

"A little, there always is with a regime change, but I have my enemy so wrapped around themselves and looking in the wrong directions that I am going to be in position and power before they even realise anything is going on, and anything that they come up with my side have predicated and come up with plans to counter twice over. They think that I am currently on their side, and so I know all their secrets, plans and thoughts, and anything that they haven't told me, they have told others that they think are on their side, like Sirius," Harry said before adding thoughtfully, "who is also my father, or one of them by the way,"

"I thought there were similarities between you," Viserys hummed.

"So, when we get back we will be moving into my manor, and we will be making our move to claim Britain. And once we're in power we will change things as we want them to be, mixing the magical and none magical worlds more in the way that they are here. And we will have our Heir on the way, so that will keep us busy," Harry smiled contently resting his hand over Viserys' stomach.

"The Prophecy, what is it?" Viserys asked turning to see Harry's face.

"That when I found the one that was of creature blood able to carry the blood of Serpent, Wolf, Black, Potter and Mortal my reign would be assured, and within the belly of the right one would be carried the heir that would carry on my line for a thousand years and more," Harry recited.

"A thousand years and more," Viserys sighed. "I spent so long chasing my family's power, that I did not think about creating my own and making my own way. I feel as though it is right for Daenerys to take back the Iron Throne, she is more steady and calm than I am, she is the right one to sit in it after our father. I am not steady enough for that. But…"

"What is it?" Harry asked concerned at the low tone in his husband's voice. A slender hand reached down to cover Harry's before he answered.

"Aren't you worried my madness will pass to the baby? I tried to kill Daenerys, and she is the most precious thing in this world to me, and she is pregnant, how can you trust me around the baby?"

"I believe that this is completely meant to be, and you are the only one that could have carried my heir, and with that I think that I was meant to be able to be the support you need to keep your sanity. I have no intention of leaving your side or allowing you to leave mine, so my presence will keep you sane. And our children will have a mixture of our blood, the madness in yours and the balance in mine,"

"I am bringing the blood of the Dragon into the mix as well," Viserys said with that tone of arrogant pride in his voice.

"Yes you are. A child with the blood of Wolf, Serpent, Mortal, Black, Potter and Dragon...no wonder our line will last so long," Harry laughed happily.

"I am reliant upon you for my sanity," Viserys said quietly.

"And our children, they will be able to keep you sane as well," Harry hummed, sliding his hand up to wrap around Viserys' throat and held it in a gentle grip. "Do not forget that you are reliant on me for more than that. Everything we will rule over will be yours, but you are mine, you will answer to no one but me, and you will answer to me,"

"You're a brute!" Viserys hissed, but he did not move from Harry's grip.

"You like it, you need to be kept in line and controlled I think, you're fire and power, but you will burn yourself up if you aren't controlled. I will enjoy keeping you in line, bending you to my will," Harry smirked rocking his hips forward.

"You have to be kidding," Viserys whined.

"Mine to pleasure, mine to take, mine to possess, my beautiful dragon. I will never get enough of you," Harry promised.

"If you think that sounds romantic it doesn't, it sounds more like a threat!" Viserys whined louder as Harry slipped his thigh between his thighs, rubbing his over sensitive cock and balls as he thrust deeper into him.

"It is both," Harry chuckled, drawing his hips fully back and stabbed back inside his body.

"I can't!" Viserys shook his head, gripping Harry's hip tightly, digging his nails into his skin there.

"Oh you can and will, I am far from done with you," Harry chuckled, leaning Viserys' slightly more onto his front, keeping his head pillowed on his bicep and he started thrusting lazily inside of Viserys' body, drawing himself tantalisingly slowly so that Viserys would feel every single inch of him, sliding in a little faster, and adding a sharp thrust and twist for the last inch, pressing even deeper inside of him until there was barely a gap left between his groin and that perky arse.

"Nooooo," the blond groaned.

"If no, why are you hard again?" Harry smirked, reaching down to stroke the filling flesh lying between pale thighs before sliding his hand up over Viserys' stomach until he reached his nipples, tugging at the fresh before rolling it between his fingers, and then giving it another teasing pull.

"Just a little longer, we can go again soon," Viserys tried to negotiate.

"That's adorable," Harry laughed sliding back slightly and back into Viserys.

"Oh!" Viserys whined as Harry tugged his nipple again before settling into a slow and steady rhythm, able to enjoy his husband's body fully this time.

"Well hello there, looking pretty happy with yourself," Sirius chuckled as he walked over to the hut Harry was sitting outside of eating breakfast in the early morning sun, "have you slept at all?"

"Not really, we dozed off now and then. Viserys is fast asleep now he has been for the last two hours," Harry motioned behind himself.

"So he does please you then?" Sirius smirked dropping down next to him and taking some fruit from the big bowl in front of Harry.

"Most definitely," Harry said seriously.

"Hmm, Luna got it perfectly right then?"

"Perfectly. He's going to be everything that I want and need," Harry nodded.

"Wow, we're cooking with fire then. Do you think you have fulfilled the prophecy completely?" Sirius asked curiously, grabbing something they were both fairly sure was horse meat.

"Since when have you known me not to completely blow a prophecy apart? I slaughtered Voldemort in that Graveyard, not just defeated him," Harry smirked.

"So you think…"

"If you're not a grandfather in nine months time, I will eat the Sorting Hat," Harry said contentedly. "My Heir will be powerful," He sucked in a deep breath as he closed his eyes, feeling centred in a way that he had been waiting to feel for a while now. His magic felt centred and controlled now that it had Viserys to focus on, tying them together it felt stronger and sharper.

"Yes he or she will be," Sirius smiled proudly.

"He's going to be important to me," Harry hummed opening his eyes.

"Good. I sent word to the others, they are going to be ready for when you give the word, they are all preparing now, and quietly celebrating that you found the right one," Sirius informed him. "Remus won't be able to wait to meet him,"

"Are you going to be introducing your new love?" Harry chuckled taking in Sirius' own bed mussed hair.

"I think so if we get the chance, he would love her," Sirius smirked.

"You guys traumatise me," Harry huffed.

"You want trauma, half the camp heard you two last night," Sirius snorted. "There are some things that you shouldn't hear your son doing, never mind the magic you released out every time. I think half the camp is going to be pregnant, including the horses,"

"Oops," Harry smirked.

"Never mind oops. Do you think you're going to be ready to move him to the manor?" Sirius asked.

"Hmm, not yet," Harry huffed. "I may have been a little too enthusiastic with my spell,"

"What do you...oh," Sirius snickered as Harry stood and made his state clear turning quickly and making his way back into the hut. "Give me five minutes to get away!"

"Run," Harry grunted before walking into the hut and letting the curtain drop behind him again as he moved across the small area to sate himself inside his husband again, delighted to see that Viserys was already hard and shifting on the bed Harry had created needingly.

Well there was plenty that he could do about that.