The Blond and the Princess

Due to certain circumstances, Naruto and his family had to move away. But a trip to the manga store has Naruto wondering if maybe the mysterious girl behind the counter could help him enjoy life again.


A/N I wanted Menma in this story for dramatic reasons. I still don't know if I'm going to make him be a typical brother and be a jerk or to turn him into my villain and be a complete asshole. No promises.

Chapter One

"Get that box out of my room, Menma!"

"Screw you, Naruto. I called dibs first."

"Whatever! Get your shit and get out."

"Will you two stop fighting." Kushina said walking in the bedroom. "Menma, sweetheart, your room is the one across the hall."

"But Mom, this room has the better view." Menma groaned.

"Ha ha! Now get your shit out of my room."

"Naruto! Behave yourself."

Naruto watched his twin brother grab his box and leave the room. "Man, he's a pain in the ass." Naruto threw himself on his bed.

Naruto and his family were moving into their new home in Konoha from Fire City. His dad passed away and his mom couldn't stay where they were because it caused too many memories. So, one day she sat her boys down, told them to start packing and that she was quitting her job.

A month later she found a new house and a new job so they moved as soon as possible.

The move affected Naruto more than he was letting on. Inside he crumbing but outside he acted like this was a new adventure.

He looked over at the only picture in the room at the moment. It was his favorite. It was of his dad with Menma and him at the park when they were seven. It was his favorite because that day their dad spent the whole with them, not just a couple of hours. It was always difficult for his parents to spend time with them growing up because of their work schedules. So, any time they had a moment free, the four of them tried to do things.

Naruto rubbed his belly. He was starting to get hungry. He tried to see if he could remember any restaurants on their drive there. He remembers a pizza place, a place that served American food and…

"Oh yeah! The Raman shop!" Naruto thought grinning.

Naruto got up and walked downstairs in search of his mom. He found her in the kitchen putting away plates.

"Hey Mom! Can I go check out that Raman shop down the road?"

"Um? I guess so but don't stay long. We still need to unpack and get the last of the boxes out of the truck."

"Ok Mom." Naruto turned to walk away when he heard his mom calling for him.

"Take your brother with you."

"But Mom! Menma doesn't like Raman."

Kushina glared at Naruto. "Take your brother." She then smiled sweetly at him.

Man, talk about mood swings.

Naruto went back upstairs and walked in Menma's room.

"Ever hear of knocking dumbass?" Menma threw a book at him.

"Tsk. I want to go get Raman and Mom says I have to take you."

"I don't like Raman. How you can eat that garbage all day every day is beyond me."

"Ok then. I didn't want you to come anyways. See ya!"

Naruto ran back downstairs and out the door before his mom stopped him. He was whistling with his hands in his pockets as he walked down the direction he remembered see he restaurant. As he walked down the street, he noticed a manga store. He made a mental note to check it out after he ate.

The Raman shop was called Ichiraku. He walked in, sat down and ordered the biggest bowl of miso he could get. After he finished, he was still hungry, so he ordered another one. And another.

After the third bowl, he felt it was enough. He thought it was the best Raman he's ever eaten. He paid for his meal and made his way across the street to the manga store.

He glanced around trying to figure out what manga he wanted and if he wanted to start a new one or continue on ones he's already started on. He decided on a new one.

He looked up and down the aisles trying to find one that sparked interest.

"Oh hey, I didn't know this came out yet. Nice." He picked up the manga, skimming through it trying not to read it before buying it. Happy with his choice, he went to look for a new one.

He found a new series to read but only grabbed the first four volumes. He made his way to the check out and slammed the books on the counter.

"How much?" He asked grinning.

The girl behind the counter looked like she was at a loss for words. Naruto has never seen anyone like her before. She had long dark hair and white eyes. She was wearing a purple jacket, despite how hot it was, black pants and sandals.

Naruto clears this throat as he rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry. How much will this be?"

"Um…let's find out." The girl started ringing everything up and gave Naruto his final total.

"Here you go." Naruto waited for his change and for the girl to bag up his books. When he reached for the bag, his hand brushed against hers. He instantly pulled away, gulping.

"Um…I'm Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki." He stated with a small bow.

The girl looked at him like a deer getting caught in headlights. She finally bowed back adding, "I'm Hinata Hyuga. Nice to meet you."

"Well, have a good day Hinata Hyuga. Hope to see you again soon." Naruto left the store.

He walked home with the bag slung over his shoulder, thinking about the girl in the manga store.

He soon enough reached home and as soon as he walked in, he heard his mom called for him.

"I thought I told you not to be late?"

"Hehe yeah you see the Raman was so good, I ordered three bowls. Then I went to this manga store across the street and I guess I lost track of time."

"Just for that, you're going to spend all day tomorrow helping me unpack the living room and the rest of the kitchen."

"What? That's not fair."

Kushina grabbed his ear. "What's not fair is not coming back earlier. You brother helped unpack the truck so the least you can do it unpack the boxes with me." She let go of his ear and sighed. "Listen honey, I know this move has been hard on you and your brother and I want to thank you for not putting up such a fight but please, I need everything in place by Thursday. I'm starting my new job Friday."

"If you ask me starting a new job on a Friday night is stupid."

"Well I didn't ask you. Now go to your room and unpack your things."

Naruto trudged up the stairs. He got in room, put the bag full of manga down and started to unpack the boxes he had.

Sometime later, his door burst open and Menma jumped on his bed. He picked up the bag of manga and started going through the volumes.

"Hey I wanted to read this one."

Naruto went to snatch the manga back, "give it back you piece of shit."

Menma jumped away. "Where'd you get it?"

Naruto went to reach for the book again. "Down the street. There's a big ass manga store there."

"Ok." Menma tossed the book back on the bed. "I'll check it out tomorrow while your stupid ass is stuck here helping mom." Menma stuck his tongue out as he walked out the room.

Naruto figured if he finished unpacking his room now it would be easier than waiting to do it the next day when he was going to be busy with the rest of the house. One by one, boxes were emptied and broken down. Soon everything was where it needed to be.

He sat on his bed, finishing a manga when his thoughts went back to the girl at the store. She was sort of cute but Naruto didn't know if getting involved with anyone right now was a good idea. He was still a broken mess.

Still, he wanted to see her again.

He put the book down to get ready for bed. He fell asleep dreaming of a white-eyed girl.