In which New Year wishes are made.
Utakata looked forward as the gates of Konoha came ever closer. Walking next to him, his students tensed, their backs straight as they stared ahead of them.
After three days of travel, they had finally reached the Konoha gates on New Year's Eve. They would have a few days before the exams to become acquainted with the village and rest after their journey.
As he walked, an image of Naruto's laughing face appeared in his mind. The finals would take place in mid-February. Assuming his students qualified, Utakata would have a little over a month to bump into the youngest jinchuuriki.
However, nothing was guaranteed and his students took precedence. Until he was sure his team would advance to the final stage, he vowed to keep his distance from the boy.
I just hope he forgives me if he learns I was in Konoha and didn't meet up with him.
"I think I see people at the gate," Kasumi muttered.
Her voice was unusually nervous and she took a step closer to his side. Kimimaro and Haku followed her lead and began walking closer to him.
Utakata turned his attention back to the gate. Sure enough, a small group of people was already waiting for them. While most wore the standard Konoha uniform, a couple were dressed in ANBU gear- expressionless white animal masks hiding their faces. At the center stood a shorter man wearing the unmistakable hat and cloak of the Hokage.
Utakata suppressed an annoyed sigh. We really are getting the full welcome.
Forcing his face to remain neutral, he walked, intentionally slowly, toward their welcome party. His students followed close to him like ducklings. He glanced down to see their faces. To his relief, they appeared calm and unfettered, despite the nervousness they must have felt. While Utakata doubted peace-loving Konoha would attack first, nothing was ever guaranteed.
"Welcome to Konoha," the man wearing the Hokage hat said with a smile that almost looked sincere. "We are happy to see shinobi from Kirigakure in our village. My name is Hiruzen Sarutobi. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine, Hokage-sama." Utakata bowed his head down, hands at his side. He saw his students follow his lead and bow down to the Hokage.
"We are glad to see that Kirigakure has accepted our invitation to participate in this latest set of chuunin exams," the Hokage continued. "I hope this is a new step in building a friendly relationship between our two villages."
Utakata lifted his head back up. Looking down at the shorter man, he nodded. "Yes, we hope for a bright future."
He looked around at the other shinobi surrounding the Hokage. While most seemed neutral, a few could not hide their disdain and disbelief at his words.
Utakata could not blame them. While the main conflict during the Third Shinobi War had been between Konoha and Iwa, the bloodshed had been global. There were crests of blood carved throughout both the Land of Water and the Land of Fire. Neither side could claim to be innocent in the violence either.
"These are my students," he continued. "Haku, Kimimaro, and Kasumi." He made sure to leave out their family names. The children nodded as he introduced them. "My name is Utakata. We are pleased to make your acquaintance."
A woman with markings on her cheeks in the shape of red fangs took a step forward, a scowl on her face. Gritting her teeth, she gestured toward Kasumi, whose eyes opened wide at the attention.
"That kid can't be here!" the woman shouted, pointing a finger at Utakata in accusation.
His heart beating in his chest, Utakata pulled Kasumi behind him, shielding her from whatever rage the woman felt. Haku and Kimimaro stepped forward at his sides. A new concern settled into his stomach. Does he recognize her as Yagura's daughter? Would they want revenge for the Third War?
"What do you mean?" Utakata asked, trying to keep the anger out of his voice.
"We agreed no one under the age of ten would be allowed to participate!" the woman exclaimed. "This little girl is much too young! Though I should have guessed someone from Kirigakure would allow that to happen." She sneered, showing off sharp fangs.
Utakata breathed a sigh of relief while he heard an offended gasp from Kasumi. Haku and Kimimaro relaxed and they stepped away.
Utakata shook his head. "She may look young, but she is more than old enough to be here."
"I'm the oldest one in our team!" Kasumi added, sounding more offended than Utakata had heard in a long time. "I'm eleven and they're only ten!" She pointed at her teammates, her eyes shining in angry, unfallen tears.
Haku's face was impassive but the fact he was biting his lip told Utakata he was holding back laughter. On his other side, Kimimaro was staring into the distance, his face deliberately serious. Like Haku, he seemed to be suppressing an amused smile.
"It's fine, Kasumi," Utakata said, placing a hand on top of her head. She looked up at him, a pout on her face and her eyes shiny. "I'm confident you're ready for the chuunin exams."
She nodded, biting her lip and looking down at her toes, sullen.
The Hokage cleared his throat. To Utakata's relief, some of the tension from before had eased and the Konoha shinobi no longer looked at them with so much disdain.
"I think it is time for us to show you to your accommodations," the Hokage said. Behind him, the gates to enter the village opened wide. "The first stage of the exams will begin in five days. Please take the time to rest, prepare, and get to know our village. One of our shinobi will remain close to answer any questions and see to your needs."
So we will be monitored the entire time. Got it.
Utakata nodded. "Thank you very much. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated." He bowed his head down in a final show of respect. His students copied his lead.
With no other words exchanged, the Hokage turned around and entered the village. Utakata, his team, and the other shinobi followed after him, marking the historic moment when Kirigakure shinobi were invited into Konoha for the very first time.
"These will be your accommodations during your stay here in Konoha," the receptionist, a woman with long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, said. "We hope you find your stay with us pleasurable."
Utakata looked around the suite's main entrance. He saw a small living and dining room area with a large kitchenette against the wall. On the other side of the room was a hallway that he presumed led to the bedrooms and bathroom. It was larger and nicer than he had expected, more like an apartment than a hotel.
Is Konoha trying to impress us by giving us such a nice room? It couldn't have been cheap.
Utakata turned his attention back to the woman from the front desk.
"Thank you very much," he said as he bowed his head down politely. From the corner of his eye, he saw his students following his lead.
The woman's eyes widened and a confused frown formed on her face. Utakata guessed she hadn't been expecting Kirigakure shinobi to have any manners.
"Please contact us if you need anything," the woman continued, still frowning. "I hope you have a nice day and a pleasant stay."
She bowed her head down at the four of them in turn before turning around and leaving, closing the door behind her.
Alone, his students broke out into excited chatter as they explored their hotel suite. They made a beeline to the kitchenette, where they began to explore the various tea options on offer.
Already tired from the events of the day, Utakata sat on the sofa with a sigh. All this tension is going to make me bald.
Soon after entering the village, a man calling himself Izumo had taken them to the administrative center of the Village. There, they had done the necessary and tedious task of paperwork.
Upon completing it, a new man had arrived, introducing himself as Kotetsu. He explained some of the details of the chuunin exams, although he was strangely tight-lipped about the second stage.
As Kotetsu talked, Utakata nodded along, face stoic while inside he despaired over every single word. Every time the man mentioned the possible death or injury, his stomach would turn over itself. However, Utakata couldn't show his true feelings in front of his students or the Konoha shinobi, so he bit his tongue and nodded instead.
Finally, after a short-haired woman named Anko had given them a long list of restaurant recommendations, they were dismissed. Already late in the evening, Kotetsu and Izumo led them out of the administration building and to their hotel suite.
Having finished their orientation, Utakata and his team were finally alone. While he sensed no one listening, he was sure there were ANBU agents hiding from the shadows.
With a groan, Utakata collapsed on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. Mentally exhausted, he put his forearms over his face, not sure if he wanted to sleep or not. A strong pressure behind his eyes told him he wanted to cry. He rubbed at his face before the first tear could form.
Utakata felt Kimimaro's presence as he walked toward him. He soon heard the footsteps of his other two students walking closer as well.
"Are you okay, sensei?" Kasumi asked next, her voice sounding part worried and part judgemental.
"If you have a headache, I have some medicine for that, sensei," Haku said, the voice of reason in their group.
Utakata shook his head. He uncovered his face to look up at his students, who were now surrounding him. While Kimimaro and Haku looked worried, Kasumi had her arms crossed in front of her chest, critical of his perceived laziness.
Utakata sat up with a sigh, turning his attention back to his students. "I'm just tired," he admitted. "It's been a long day." It turned out watching his students sign liability waivers for their lives made his blood pressure skyrocket.
"It hasn't been that long!" Kasumi protested. "We've only been in Konoha a few hours!"
"I know." Utakata rubbed his eyes to try and wake himself up. "But a lot has happened." He stood up, stretching his arms over his head. "Anyway, we should go and get dinner. I want to see some of the village as well. Is there anything you want to eat?"
Haku shrugged while Kimimaro shook his head. Only Kasumi seemed to be considering his question and she hummed to herself.
"Ramen?" she suggested. "That lady without a bra said something about this really good stand called Ichiraku Ramen."
Utakata hummed, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. The name of the restaurant sounded familiar for some reason he couldn't quite remember. Perhaps Naruto had mentioned it before? The boy did have a special fascination with the dish.
"Sure," Utakata sighed, already walking toward the door. "Do you remember where it is?"
"That lady said over on the main street, only two blocks away," Kasumi added, walking at his heels. "I remember she said it's near a convenience store."
Utakata nodded. "Okay." He sighed again as he locked the door behind him. "Let's go."
Kasumi frowned up at him. "Are you sure you're okay, sensei?" she asked, sounding more concerned than judgemental for the first time. "Maybe you should take some headache medicine from Haku-kun."
Utakata shook his head as they began walking down the stairs and toward the exit. "I'm fine, Kasumi. Just lead the way. I'll ask Haku for medicine if I really start to feel bad."
Kasumi, as well as Haku and Kimimaro, gave him one last concerned glance. With Kasumi at the front, they headed down the stairs to the restaurant the woman had recommended. While the children talked about dinner, Utakata hung back, trying to make himself calm.
Why did I agree to let them participate in the chuunin exams anyway? What if they fail? What if they get injured? What if they-
Utakata shook his head, the possibility of death too real to think about. How were his students so unphased by the pressure? Was he getting old?
"Oh! It's over there, sensei!" Excited, Kasumi pointed toward a ramen stand at the corner of the street, walking faster toward it.
Utakata turned his attention to where she was pointing. He froze when he saw the blond boy.
Naruto was walking toward the restaurant, a grin on his face. A sullen-looking boy that could only be his friend slash rival Sasuke was at his side. The two boys were talking to each other, but they were too far away for Utakata to make out the words.
In an instant, he grabbed onto Kasumi and Haku's shoulders and turned them around. He began walking in the exact opposite direction before the youngest jinchuuriki could see. Without protest, Kimimaro followed them, as Utakata had known he would.
"Sensei!" Kasumi protested, trying to break from his grip and failing. "What's the big idea? I thought we were getting ramen!"
"Oh, uh..." Utakata swallowed as he continued to lead them away. "Well, I just remembered Kimimaro doesn't like pork or meat. So maybe ramen would be a bad idea."
"Wouldn't they have miso ramen?" Haku asked, looking up at Utakata with curious eyes but not breaking away. "Kimimaro-kun can always order miso ramen and ask for no pork."
Kimimaro nodded his agreement, following along behind Utakata. "I can order miso ramen, sensei."
Utakata shook his head. "Let's get shabu-shabu instead!" he ordered. "It's healthier!"
The three children frowned up at him before sharing befuddled looks.
"I think Utakata-sensei is going crazy," Kasumi muttered to Haku. "Do you think there's something wrong with him?"
"Could it be a genjutsu?" Kimimaro asked next, a small frown on his forehead.
"I'll need to check later," Haku answered. "It's possible Utakata-sensei is developing some sort of early-onset memory loss."
"He does seem to be getting kinda old," Kasumi added.
Kimimaro and Haku nodded in agreement.
"You do know I can hear everything you're saying, right?" Utakata grumbled, his hands still on Haku and Kasumi's shoulders.
Kasumi and Haku blinked up at him. "So?" they asked at the same time.
Utakata groaned before walking toward the first shabu-shabu restaurant he saw. The three children followed without protest, the pursuit of ramen forgotten.
"Table for four, please," Utakata said as he stepped inside.
"Of course, sir. Please follow me." The hostess greeted them with a smile before leading them toward a booth near the back of the restaurant. Utakata and his students followed her with only muttered thanks.
Utakata opened his menu, unable to understand any of the words in front of his eyes.
That was a close call.
Utakata couldn't risk bumping into Naruto and the boy revealing anything incriminating. He also couldn't make himself look suspicious by searching for Naruto. If they were to meet in the wrong circumstances, he was sure the boy would blurt out something unfortunate. Best case scenario, Konohagakure and Kirigakure would be forced to reveal the identities of their jinchuuriki. Worst case scenario, they would lose their peace treaty and enter yet another war.
Naruto is too excitable to not freak out if I meet him. I'm not even sure if I should tell him I'm in Konoha right now or not.
Besides, Utakata's biggest concern was over his students. They were young and full of confidence over their skills. Utakata knew first-hand how talented they were. They had completed more missions in one year than some chuunin had completed in their lifetimes. But still...
Utakata swallowed, his eyes glazing over the words on the menu. He cleared his throat and forced himself to speak.
"So are you three nervous about the chuunin exams?" Utakata peered over the menu to glance at his students, forcing his face to remain unphased.
"Not really." Kasumi shook her head. To Utakata's dismay, she sounded certain.
"I feel fine, sensei," Kimimaro added while Haku only shook his head.
Anxiety flooded into Utakata's stomach and he was unable to stop his grip on the menu from tightening. "Well, that's good to know," he lied, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. Would it kill them to worry about their own safety?
With a sigh, he placed down the menu back on the table and glanced around the room. As expected on New Year's Eve, the restaurant was empty except for them. The locals were likely with their family and friends.
Suddenly homesick, he thought of Harusame. The older man always woke up to watch the sunrise of the new year and make a wish. However, he had never been able to get Utakata to follow in the tradition since it involved waking up before noon.
Yet, for the first time in his life, Utakata vowed to wake up before dawn to watch the sunrise. He doubted wishes came true, but on the off chance they did, he wanted all the luck his students could get. His wish was more important than a few hours of sleep.
I wish for all four of us to return to Kirigakure unharmed.
"Are you three ready to order?" he asked.
Yugito somersaulted back, avoiding the attack by mere inches. She landed on the floor in a crouching position, grinning at that night's opponent.
"That was close, Utakata," she admitted before standing up and rolling her shoulders back. "You almost got me."
Utakata shrugged before placing his pipe back into the bubble solution. As he got ready, Yugito tensed.
Earlier, all the jinchuuriki had gotten together for an informal New Year's celebration, a rare meeting with all nine of them.
Fuu and Naruto had spent every second of Gaara's time limit playing tag and flying around the Room. Han and Roshi had complained about Yagura losing money at a casino. Killer B had conjured a stage where he had shown off his best rhymes, some of which were actually decent.
The only person who did not seem in the mood to celebrate was Utakata. The younger man had spent most of his time staring into space and aimlessly wandering around the Room. While he answered anyone that talked to him, his eyes were always focused elsewhere.
Concerned, Yugito had asked Utakata to stay and spar with her once everyone else had left. To her relief, Utakata had agreed with a shrug, his eyes still unsure and staring off into the distance.
Together alone, Utakata blew bubbles that turned their target a garish pink while Yugito dodged. It was a fun exercise that they had done hundreds of times before, but Utakata did not seem to be enjoying it.
With a frown, Yugito began to whine about her life, hoping to distract Utakata from his worries. It was not working.
"So Samui visited me for the New Year," she said as she jumped up over a stray bubble. "The Raikage is keeping me in patrol duty for a few more months."
Utakata nodded and blew out another wave of bubbles.
"Darui and C already returned to Kumogakure." She lay flat on the floor. "But A has sent out a few other shinobi to set up a patrol system."
"I see."
"Since I'm the only person that met Orochimaru, I will stay to train my replacements for a while longer." She cartwheeled away from a wandering bubble. "I'll stay in Shiokaze a bit longer before returning to Kumo."
"Yeah, that's great."
Yugito was starting to get the impression that Utakata was not listening to her. What's wrong with him?
"So things have been kinda tense between me and Samui," she lied.
Utakata nodded. "I see."
"She told me she's started seeing someone else."
He nodded, staring off into space. "That's nice."
"Samui said she's pregnant and the baby is mine."
Utakata didn't react. He only nodded and put his pipe in the bubble solution once more, ready to attack again.
Yugito frowned to herself. He's just going through the motions now.
Before Utakata could blow a new set of bubbles, Yugito sprinted toward him, flicking him on the forehead. Utakata had no chance to react and he gaped at her, his eyes finally focused on her.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" she asked, tapping his forehead again. "Were you even listening to me?"
Utakata winced and looked away, a pink tint on his face. "Sorry, Yugito."
She sighed. "What's wrong?"
"I... uh..." Utakata bit his lip, looking away. "I'm not sure I can say."
Yugito groaned as she sat on the floor in a cross-legged position. She gestured to the space next to her. "Sit down. Let's just talk."
Utakata hesitated for only a second before collapsing on the floor. Unlike her, he lay down on his back, staring up at the ceiling in a way that reminded her of Yagura whenever he was sad. Is it a Kirigakure thing?
"So what's wrong?" she asked, resting her cheeks inside the palms of her hands. "I doubt it's related to that organization Han, Roshi, and Yagura are chasing or you would have already said something. Is it about Kirigakure?"
Utakata shook his head. "No. Well... not really."
"What's it about, then?"
"I'm not sure if I can say." Utakata started to chew on his lip, staring up at the domed ceiling and avoiding her eyes.
Yugito waited in silence. Sure enough, Utakata cracked a few seconds later.
"I'm in Konoha right now," he confessed.
"Wait, what? Konoha?" Yugito leaned forward, hovering over Utakata in surprise and amazement. "You're in Konoha?"
Utakata nodded, his eyes still trained on the ceiling. "I saw Naruto today. He was with his friend, the one he's always talking about. Sasuke."
"You saw Naruto?"
"He didn't see me though," Utakata continued. "I decided to leave before then. I don't want either of us to be interrogated when Naruto inevitably freaks out."
"I wouldn't either," she admitted with a huff. "That little menace can't hide his feelings at all."
"That's not my biggest concern right now, though." Utakata placed his forearms over his face.
"What is it?"
"I signed my students up for the chuunin exams in Konoha."
"Your students are taking the chuunin exams?"
Utakata only nodded, his face hidden.
In an instant, Yugito understood why Utakata had been so out of sorts for the past few days. She hummed in understanding, sitting up and placing her hands over her lap.
While Utakata did not talk much about his personal life, even with her, she knew about the three children he was teaching. He tended to gush about the youngest often, a white-haired boy named Kimimaro. Whenever the boy learned a new technique or complicated kanji, Utakata could spend hours talking about him.
Chuunin exams were difficult at best and deadly at worst. Considering Utakata's love for the children...
"So you're worried they could get hurt."
"Or worse." His voice came out muffled from behind his forearms.
Yugito sighed before leaning back, the palms of her hands flat on the floor behind her.
"Are they ready for the exams?" she asked.
Utakata nodded, his face still hidden. "As ready as they could ever be."
"In that case, why are you so worried?"
Utakata stayed silent, his answer obvious. Even the most well-prepared and well-trained shinobi could get taken down by the element of surprise or just plain-old bad luck. She had met her own share of shinobi that had died or been maimed on what were supposed to be easy missions.
"You should tell them you love them," she concluded with a sigh. "You don't want to have any regrets later. Might motivate them to stay alive as well."
"L-love them?" At that, Utakata finally uncovered his face, gaping at her in disbelief. "How can I say I lo... I.. uh... You know..."
Yugito rolled her eyes. "I know you love them. You should tell them that. It might be the only chance you get to say it."
"I... I don't know if I can." Utakata blushed and looked away.
Yugito sighed, understanding his sentiments all too well. It was intimidating and potentially embarrassing to say 'I love you' to anyone. It had taken Yugito almost a year to stop blushing when she said the words to Samui.
If it weren't for the three youngest jinchuuriki, she might have never been able to stop. They were so young that expressing their love was second nature to them. The first time Naruto had jumped on her and declared her love, Yugito had thought her heart might have stopped beating.
"Have you ever said 'I love you' to anyone, Utakata?" Yugito asked, staring down at her friend.
Utakata shook his head, his face growing redder. "It's embarrassing."
"Has anyone ever said that to you?"
"Only Fuu, Naruto, and Gaara," he answered, still red-faced. "Fuu so many times I lost count."
Yugito chuckled. Upon learning how to fly, Fuu had developed a new habit. She would hover over their heads before crashing onto them and professing her love.
"Then you should channel your inner Fuu and say 'I love you' to the little brats," she said. "I'm sure it would make them happy."
"It would make them laugh," Utakata muttered.
"Possibly." Yugito shrugged. "But they're words from the heart, right?"
Utakata groaned and placed the palms of his hands over his face, defeated. She chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand. Utakata was never as exposed to anyone else as she was with her.
Utakata turned toward her, a frown on his face. "What is it?"
She smiled. "I love you."
As predicted, Utakata turned a deeper shade of red, covered his face with his hands, and rolled away, more embarrassed than she could ever remember. She burst into full laughter at his reaction. If he gets this weird when I say it, I can only imagine when a girl he likes says it to him.
"What is it, Utakata?" she teased. "Embarrassed?"
"How can you say that with a straight face?" he whined. "It's embarrassing!"
She snorted. "I'm never straight."
Utakata groaned again before rolling over and laying face down on the floor, his head buried in his arms.
Yugito placed the palm of her right hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "It will be fine, Utakata," she promised. "Just breathe. You've been training your students for over a year now. I'm sure they will be fine."
"But..." Yugito heard as Utakata gulped down his tears. "But what if... it's still not enough?"
Yugito hummed to herself before squeezing his shoulder more tightly. "We can never know for sure, Utakata," she admitted. "But I believe in you. You've done everything you can. Trust them. Just make sure your students know how much they mean to you, okay?"
Utakata nodded into his arms, still not looking up.
He's really serious about this.
She sighed. "Let's call it a day for now," she said.
Utakata nodded again, still silent.
"Would you mind if I play the shamisen for a while?"
Utakata shook his head, his face planted on the ground.
Without waiting any longer, Yugito conjured a shamisen and began to play.
"Hurry up, loser!" Sasuke shouted as he climbed up the ladder up the water tower. "We're gonna miss the sunrise!"
Yawning, Naruto followed after him, though not as fast as the other boy would have liked. A new year had come and Sasuke had forced Naruto to wake up at an ungodly hour to see the first sunrise of the year.
For the past week, Sasuke had been stricter than usual about following the traditions of the New Year, forcing Naruto to comply. They had spent hours cleaning and getting rid of old things, both in Sasuke's apartment and Naruto's. With their homes clean, they had then made plans for what to cook and do when the day came.
It was the most excited Naruto had seen Sasuke in a very long time. Or, at least, he thought Sasuke was excited. His expression never seemed to change much.
Naruto liked the New Year, too. It was one of the few times that all nine of the jinchuuriki got together all at once. He played with Fuu and Gaara for as long as Gaara could stay. Utakata blew bubbles for them to play with as Yagura taught them ways to dodge them. Roshi and Han told him stories while Killer B sang to them. Yugito was more fun as well, often joining Fuu, Gaara, and Naruto in their games.
The New Year was fun but waking up before dawn to watch the sun sounded more like a punishment than a tradition. Until meeting Sasuke and his family, he had never even heard of making a wish on the sunrise. He didn't see the point of celebrating it, especially when it was only going to be the two of them.
"Hurry up, idiot!" Sasuke shouted, shifting foot to foot while standing on the roof of the water tower.
Naruto rolled his eyes, climbing intentionally slowly up the ladder to annoy Sasuke. Once at the top, he yawned again.
"Why do we have to do this, anyway?" Naruto whined. "We could be sleeping right now, ya know!"
Sasuke grunted in annoyance. "It's tradition," he huffed as if it explained everything.
Grumbling under his breath, Naruto looked out over the village.
Unlike the lush forest that surrounded the Uchiha compound, the middle of Konoha paled in comparison. Buildings hid any nature that could be found and the light pollution obscured the stars. Instead of peace and tranquility, Naruto saw only hanging laundry and dirty alleyways.
The only hint of anything magnificent came from the Hokage Monument. Even in the dim light, Naruto could make out the faces of the four Hokage. They had considered going to the top to watch the sunrise. However, Sasuke had pointed out that it would likely be popular and crowded with people.
Not wanting to interact with strangers, they had decided to watch the sunrise from the top of Sasuke's apartment building instead. It gave them a view of only buildings and the Hokage Monument, but it was better than interacting with strangers.
With yet another annoyed huff, Sasuke sat down, swinging his feet over the edge of the water tower. He turned his gaze away from Naruto, glaring into the distance.
Annoyed, Naruto sat farther away than he would under normal circumstances. Together, they sat in silence as they waited for the sun to appear.
Why does the New Year have to be in the winter? Shivering, he began to rub his hands together. On a normal day, he would have moved closer to Sasuke for warmth, but he was still annoyed about waking up so early.
Naruto stared at the Hokage monument, praying for the sun to rise so they could go back inside. However, the view was not the target of his real frustration so he turned to glare at Sasuke instead.
Sasuke's only reaction to Naruto's anger was a small frown as he kept his gaze pointedly focused at the distance. At least look at me, jerk!
"So why are you so serious about celebrating New Year's anyway?" Naruto asked with a huff to break the silence. "I don't wanna wake up so early, ya know!"
"Because it was Mom's favorite holiday." Sasuke turned his face away.
Naruto's breath hitched as he felt a ball of guilt settle in his stomach. That's right... this is the first time Sasuke's celebrated the New Year without his family...
"Oh... I see." Naruto scratched the back of his neck, shame making him look down at his lap.
"And I think Dad liked it too," Sasuke continued, unprompted. "It was the only day he always took off from work."
Naruto swallowed and clenched his hands into fists on top of his lap. "Only day?"
He heard Sasuke grunt in assent. "He usually worked every day, even if it was a short shift." He grew quiet as he stared over the horizon, his face still turned away from Naruto.
Upon hearing his words, Naruto wanted to move closer to the other boy, but a gap had formed between them, wider than he could remember. He wondered what expression Sasuke had on his face. Was he sad? Angry? Happy at recounting the memories?
Face burning in shame, Naruto blurted out the first thing he could think of to change the mood.
"So what are you gonna wish for, anyway?" he asked.
"Wish?" Sasuke turned to him. To Naruto's relief, his face was as calm as usual, the only sign of tension the frown on his forehead.
Reassured that Sasuke didn't hate him, Naruto crawled closer, sitting down a foot away. "Yeah, like, what you want for the next year, ya know."
Sasuke pulled one leg close to his chest, resting his chin on his knee. Thoughtful, he looked out over the village, mulling over Naruto's question.
"I haven't thought of anything specific," he admitted. "I don't really think wishes come true anyway. Mine didn't."
"What was your wish?" Naruto asked. He scooted slightly closer for warmth.
It might have been Naruto's imagination or the low light, but Sasuke's face turned a slight shade of pink. "I wished that I would get a higher score than you on the next set of benchmark tests," he muttered. "Obviously, it didn't come true, even if it was Shikamaru's fault that happened."
Naruto gaped at the other boy for a second before snorting and bursting out into giggles. So Sasuke wished for the same thing I did!
On the first benchmark test of the year, Naruto had gotten a higher score than Sasuke. While they had been neck and neck during the events, the spars had been the tiebreakers. Sasuke had gone against Kiba, a long fight that resulted in Sasuke's victory. Naruto, meanwhile, had been matched with Shikamaru, who had given up before even stepping into the ring. In the end, Naruto had emerged with a higher total score.
Sasuke had been furious at the loss while Naruto had almost danced with joy.
However, when Sasuke had insisted on asking Iruka why Naruto had won, it had turned out Shikamaru's withdrawal had cemented Naruto's win. Both of the boys had been furious, threatening Shikamaru if he dared to drop out again. Yet, that didn't change the fact that it had been Naruto's victory and his wish had come true, just not in the way he would have wanted.
"What are you laughing about, loser?" Sasuke yelled, leaning forward to scowl at Naruto. From closer, it became clear that his face was indeed flushed.
Naruto shook his head, suppressing the rest of his laughter. "I made the same wish you did," he confessed, chuckling one last time. "That's probably why it didn't come true, ya know!"
Sasuke blinked at him, his eyes widening as he seemed to consider a few things. "Well, I got a higher score in everything but the spars," he mumbled. "You only got a higher score than I did because Shikamaru gave up."
Naruto crossed his arms in front of his chest and pouted. "Stupid Shikamaru," he grumbled. "Made my wish come true in a stupid way."
Sasuke scoffed. "That's the only way you could win, loser."
"Shut up, jerk!" Naruto grabbed onto Sasuke's neck, rubbing at his hair. Sasuke protested and managed to break free easily.
With the tension from earlier gone, they sat side by side as they dangled their legs over the roof. In the morning chill, their shared warmth made their wait for the sun much more bearable.
Sitting close together, memories of the celebration the year before returned. Being woken with gentle words. Yawning next to Sasuke on the roof of his house. Sasuke's father placing a blanket over both of them. Leaning his head on a warm shoulder. Sasuke's mother giving him New Year's money...
Unbidden, tears came to his eyes.
"I should've wished for something else last year," Naruto confessed, sniffling. To his annoyance, he realized his vision had grown blurry. He wiped his eyes with his forearm, annoyed at himself.
"What do you mean?" Sasuke turned to look at him. His eyes opened wide when he realized Naruto had started crying. "Wait. What's wrong?"
Naruto shook his head, rubbing at his eyes. To his relief, no more tears came out and he took a deep breath in and out to calm himself.
"If my wish was gonna come true, I should've wished for something better." Naruto pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs.
Naruto nodded. "I could've wished for..." he paused to swallow, "for Auntie and Uchiha-san and everyone else to keep living."
Sasuke tensed but he did not move away. "I could have done the same thing. But I didn't."
Naruto hummed in thought. "I wish stuff was different, ya know." He placed his forehead down on his knees, his eyes closed.
They fell quiet once more. It was still dark and there was not even a hint of sun on the horizon. Naruto began to suspect that Sasuke had woken him up earlier than necessary just to annoy him.
Naruto shivered and moved closer to Sasuke until their shoulders were touching. He rubbed at his eyes, clearing them of unshed tears. Sasuke probably thinks I'm a crybaby now.
Sasuke said nothing, moving closer to Naruto as well as he kept his gaze focused on the horizon. They were close enough that they could feel each other's breaths on their faces.
Together, they waited in silence.
"We should make the same wish," Sasuke suggested a few minutes later. He kept his gaze trained on the village.
"Same wish?"
Sasuke nodded. "It's more likely to come true if we both wish for it, right?"
Naruto hummed to himself, a frown on his face. "I guess?" He shrugged. "What are we gonna wish for though?"
"I don't know," Sasuke admitted. "Something better than who gets a better score on an exam at least."
They fell back into silence, trying to think of something that would make them both happy.
"Oh!" An idea came to Naruto and he turned to Sasuke, a smile on his face.
"Oh? Do you have an idea?"
Naruto grunted. "Yeah! How about we wish that everyone we care about has a good year?" he suggested. "That way everyone we care about will be happy, ya know."
Sasuke hummed to himself, considering Naruto's suggestion. A few seconds later, he nodded. "Sounds good. I guess we have our wish then." He gave Naruto a small yet sincere smile.
It was at that moment that they saw their first rays of sunlight peeking out over the buildings.
Naruto began to shiver in anticipation, thoughts of his wish running through his mind.
He thought of Gaara, barely older than him and already full of responsibilities. Fuu with her struggles learning how to control the Nanabi's chakra. Han, Roshi, and Yagura on their mission to find the mysterious organization. Yugito and Killer B in Kumogakure. Utakata with his team. The jinchuuriki had been at his side, loving and supporting him as long as he could remember.
Wishing for their happiness was the least he could do.
And in Konoha, he had Sasuke and Hinata. They were his best friends and he loved them. And he knew they loved him too, even if they could never say that out loud.
And then there was Iruka. Ever since the man had apologized, their relationship had improved. While Iruka had never been mean or rude to Naruto, he was warmer now, his smiles actually reaching his eyes more often.
He suspected Sasuke had grown to respect the man as well. At the very least, Sasuke had started using the honorific for their teacher. Other than with Teuchi, Naruto had never seen the other boy care much about being polite for politeness's sake.
Yeah, I have a lot of people I want to be happy.
Silent, each lost in their own thoughts, Naruto and Sasuke watched as the sun rose, illuminating their world in its warm glow. Naruto made his wish, his eyes closed in the hope it would make it more likely to come true.
When he opened his eyes, the entire village was entirely illuminated in the sun's light. At his side, Sasuke was quiet, staring into the distance.
"I guess we should go back inside," Sasuke suggested, standing up and stretching his arms over his head.
Naruto nodded, following after him down the ladder. Without any other words, they headed back inside to Sasuke's apartment for breakfast.
A/N: Hey, remember when I used to do weekly updates? Me neither.
The exact events of the benchmark tests that Naruto and Sasuke took can be read in Two Doors to the Right "Chapter 1: The One Where Nobody Wins."
I'm available on Tumblr at waffledogwrites.
Morket is the nicest person I know and he's super duper cool.
Next chapter: unhappy meetings.