"Push Madara! Push!" Master Chief encouraged his husband as Madara's dick grew huge. He was pushing their new child out. Madara's pink dress ripped open as the baby came out.

"Awww its so cute!." Master Chief held the baby, it was smooth and not wrinkly.

"The fuck are yall Niggas doing?" Tyrone asked. He was a HUGE black guy with huge muscles. He was jeakous that Madara hads Master Chief.

"Goa way! This is my man!" Madara stood up, glaring at Tyrone.

"Wait" Master Chief said, tossing teh baby away. "Maybe wwe can work something out."

"Okay nigga" Tyrone said.

Tyrone, Madara, and Master Chief got on the jail bed and took off their clothes. Master Chief deepthraoted Tyrone's cock while Madara licked Master Chief's bootyhole.

"Sooooo delicious!" They all said as Tyrone filled Master Chief's mouth with his cum. Madara licked Master Chief's ears lusciously.

"If only Joe Biden was here." aster Chief said.

"Did someone ask for the Sloppy Joe?" Joe Biden came into the jail cell, with his clothes off. He jumoed on Tyrone, putting his cock in his ass.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH" They all said as they came, making eachother very messy.

"I love you Chief." Madara said.

"I love you too Madara."

"No I love him more" Tyone said.

"No I uuuhhh uhhh I sdo" Joe said.

"Shut up Nigga!" Tyrone slapped Joe Biden with his dick, knocking him out.

Master Chief could feel his belly growing.

"Oh no! I'm pregneant with Tyrone's Child!"

To be continued?