Hello readers and welcome to the first story in the Season Three trilogy! I can't wait to read your reviews, but I first would like to explain somethings in this trilogy. One, the situation with Lila will be slightly different because she's in Mendieviel's class in my stories, but there will still be salty moments. Two, I have heard rumors of the Chinese Zodiac Miraculous Circle will be used in this season. Depending on what happens in the episode, I may or may not change the wielder. Lastly, each story in this trilogy will feature one of my original Miraculous Circles so I hope you like them.

Every day there was a crisis around the world that needed the United Nations help to resolve. Diplomacy was a slow going progress and getting parties to agree and keep their promises was rather difficult. There were so many issues to tackle and it was rather hard to decide which crises should be immediately prioritized and what could be pushed back a little.

The Security Council was still trying to deal with the civil war in Syria and finding a solution to the Israel/Pakistan conflict. Terrorist attacks continue in the Middle East as well as different regions in Asia. Humanitarian crises were popping up in Venezuela, Yemen, and Haiti. Violence was escalating in Mali, DR Congo, and Sudan.

Right now in her bunker home, Ning was reviewing the status of the situation between Ukraine and Russia. Ever since the invasion and occupation occurred in 2014, the UN the Security Council had been working hard on resolving the conflict and getting Russian troops out of Ukraine.

The problems between the two countries had begun when Ukraine had declared its independence in 1991. Russia still saw parts of the country, especially the region known as Crimea, as belonging to them. It had a valuable seaport Russia didn't want to lose.

As time went multiple factors ranging from financial gain and government policy eroded relationships between the Russian and Ukraine. Finally, in 2014 unmarked Russian troops, called little green men in local media, took control of the region and annexed for their home country.

The citizens of Ukraine felt violated and hated the increased presences of Russia's military and border patrols made the situation even more unstable. In 2016 Russia claimed that Ukrainians attacked their servicemen, killing several men. However, their claims were considered false by Ukraine and the US ambassador in the country agreed with them.

Since then there had been even more conflicts between the countries and among the population. There were groups in Ukraine who believed that it was best to accept the Russians controlled their country and they would have to live with.

Others disagreed and fought against the invaders leading to many bloody battles and more of Ukraine land was taken control by Russia. Over the next several years more troops were sent by both governments to fight for the countries in an international arms race which grew so big that even the UN had difficulties sorting out the truth.

Steps were being taken to ensure peace between the two governments in order to stop the bloodshed and resume a sense of normality. Rosemary DiCarlo, the current Under Security General, had given a speech in a meeting requested by Ukraine, in the wake of Ukrainian presidential elections and the signing of a decree by Russian President Vladimir Putin the citizens in parts of eastern Ukraine, the ability to apply for Russian passports, under a simplified procedure.

The decree was aiming to establish peace in the conflicted areas in order to protect the citizens' rights and freedom. If it worked, border crossing incidents would go down saving many lives.

Ning was watching a recording of the speech to see the reactions of both parties. "Hmm, Ukraine is not happy that Russia is trying to interfere in what is considered an internal affair because it goes against the Minsk Agreements.

Ukraine and Russia must uphold the spirit of the agreements if the conflict is to stop. Although I don't know if the Ukrainians troops will remove their landmines to prevent children from dying because those in the conflict zone believe the security measure is needed."

Ning shook her head slightly knowing that until the divide between the eastern part of Ukraine and the rest of the country united under one purpose the problems between them and Russia would never be resolved.

"Politicians are so bull headed. They bring out the worst of human behavior with their rhetoric. The Russian government's actions not only violated UN law but is responsible for dividing the people. It is hard for people to unite if they believe there's no hope this will end."

Ning got out of her chair and stretched loosening her limbs. She had been reviewing the conflict for several hours now. She had been given a brief about her next mission. She was heading for the conflict zone in an attempt to garner support for unification in Ukraine so that talks between the two countries would be easier to do.

"I wish there was a magical solution to the problem. I know magic can exasperate a situation, but it can also deescalate problems," she said to herself. Thoughts about a certain Miraculous Circle came to mind.

The ongoing conflicts were considered to be humanities crises. The Humanity Circle would be helpful if they could find the proper people to wield them. Finding good people would be difficult, but it would also be risky considering the weapons fire.

"With Master Fu being the only Great Guardian, he has to keep an eye on all the Miraculous. He can't leave Paris and go to the crises zone to watch over the Circle to ensure the safe return of the Miraculous. I know I'm not ready to be a full time Guardian of a circle."

The Miraculous belong in France at the moment. A supernatural threat was a priority. Hawkmoth might take a vacation from Paris to go claim other Miraculouses if he heard they were another country.

An image of Hawkmoth forming an alliance with President Putin and giving him a Miraculous to control was a scary image. She shuddered at the thought. "Hawkmoth already abuses Nooroo, I can only imagine what Putin would do if he had a Miraculous."

Releasing the Humanities Circle was not the answer. Yet, awakening the Kwamiis and let them learn about modern crises, would certainly help prepare them if they were ever needed in the future.

"I think it's time I get in touch with my mentor. After all, he did promise to let each Circle have some time out of their Miraculouses." She headed into her kitchen, grabbed an apple out of the fridge and headed into her bedroom to relax while she talked to her mentor.

Using her special laptop, she was able to connect to her mentor on a secure and private line that no one could hack into. There was a beeping sound and she heard muttering at the other end. It sounded suspiciously like Honorra giving Fu instructions on how to use his newly updated video conferencing equipment.

At last the screen turned on and she was face to face with her mentor. "Greetings Ning, it is a nice surprise to hear from you. Are you having any difficulties with your retrocognition ability?"

She shook her head. "I've been working on it in my spare time. It's easier to focus on the visions while still being aware of what's going on around me. I wanted to tell you about where I'm going next and an idea I had."

Behind Fu's head, she saw Honorra whispering something to Wayzz, who squirmed uncomfortably in the air. It was nice to see the two getting along better.

Fu listened patiently as she explained how she would be in Ukraine for the next few weeks and how her mission reminded her of the importance of showing humanity to others and how she thought it would be a good idea to let the Humanities Circle out so they could learn about the modern world in the event they were needed.

Fu stroked his beard as he thought of her idea. He had promised to let the other Circles out for a little bit to get caught up with the modern world. He also knew letting Honorra spend time with her "siblings" would help her recover faster. Her use during the Hero Day's battle had set her recovery back.

He glanced at Wayzz, their eyes meeting as a private conversation was conveyed between the two. Eventually, the two came to an agreement. "I agree with your suggestion. While it is dangerous to have more Kwamiis active with Hawkmoth around it is also important that each circle learns about the modern world to help out if needed."

Ning nodded in agreement. "I'm sure Marinette and Adrien can help with showing them the modern world and protect them from harm. I can only see the two of them benefiting from their interactions with the Humanities Circle Kwamiis. I wish I could be there to interact with them."

"If you find yourself passing through France in the near future, you should stop by for a visit. I miss your company."

Ning's eyes crinkled hearing that. She also missed Fu, the only adult who had ever treated like a real child when she was growing up. Promising to keep in touch she ended the call so she could rest up for her journey tomorrow.

In Paris, Master Fu had taken out the Miraculous Chest, containing the Humanities Circle, from the newly installed safe he had purchased. With so many Miraculouses in one place, he needed to ensure their safety.

Ning had sent the funds and a recommendation for what type of safe to get. The safe itself was about the size of a mini fridge and was hidden in a secret compartment under his bed. It required a combination, fingerprint, and DNA scan to open making it super secured.

Bringing the chest to the main room, he locked all doors and windows, before casting wards. He opened the box and removed the Miraculouses and placed them on the table.

Honorra was trying to keep herself from exploding from excitement. Finally, she would get a proper amount of time with her siblings! She watched as the Miraculouses started to glow before there was a flash of light.

Seven more Kwamiis appeared hovering in the air, their eyes closed and their arms against their bodies. One by one they all opened their eyes and blinked. For the first time, Fu and Wayzz got a good look at Honorra's "siblings".

They remembered what Ellery looked like from before so the first kwami they took a look at was Stuffo. His head was much more angular than a real panda and his ears were tiny nubs. His eyes were light black. Other than that, he looked like a real panda.

Bukku had antlers and a small mane running down the back of his head. His hands/paws were shaped like hooves and his eyes were amber colored. His body was covered in tiny yellowish brown fur, typical of a Sambar deer, the animal he resembled.

Huhu ears were slightly bigger than the rest of his head and he had a long, thin tail. His tiny nose was shaped like a canine's. His fur and eye color matched the coloring of a painted dog.

Cammie had long lashes and tiny humps on her back. Her feet and hands/paws were a little bigger than other Kwamiis. Surprisingly, her eyes were gray instead of brown like a real camel.

Socco was different from other Kwamiis. His navy blue colored eyes bulged out and he was covered in fish scales. The color pattern matched a spawning male.

Gigi was the one who most resembled her animal species. She had a long bright tipped tail and her ears were raised and rounded. Her eyes were dusky brown and her fur was rufous with black spots on her neck, back, and sides. If it wasn't for her big head and tiny size one might think she was a real genet.

Ellery was the first to speak. "Thank you for awakening us, Great Guardian. We are here to serve in any matter of conflict you see fit for our Circle."

Honorra giggled. "Oh Ellery, right now our Circle isn't needed for a situation. Master Fu is keeping his promise of letting you out to stretch your bodies and learn about the modern world."

Everyone smiled and Huhu added this would be an excellent time to restore the information about their circle in the Miraculous Book. The others agreed with him.

"Are you going to take us outside for a trip or are we supposed to learn about the world from Honorra and her strange device? Because I really want to go outside and have some fun, if that is okay with your Great Guardian," Bukku added in a feisty tone. The kwami of compassion did have a rowdy side to him.

Master Fu assured him they would get a chance to go outside soon. First, he needed to summon Ladybug and Chat Noir to assist in keeping them safe. He hoped they were ready for taking care of another kwami for a few weeks instead of a weekend.

It took a few hours for the heroes to arrive. Marinette had been helping her parents with a big order for an important client and Adrien had a very long photo shoot that kept him busy for most of the day. At last, they both arrived at Fu's and were pleasantly surprised to see Honorra's "siblings"

"Marinette, Adrien, please come meet my "brothers" and "sisters!" Honorra chirped happily. She did a little twirl in the air as she rapidly introduced the two humans to her family.

Socco laughed at seeing how cheerful Honorra was. "I haven't seen you this exuberant in ages Honorra. These two humans must be amazing if you're this happy to properly introduce us."

"I've just been lonely with only Wayzz for company here. Since you'll be out for a few weeks, I'm going to make the most of our time together, before you have to go back and leave me here to recover."

Adrien blinked a few times as he mentally reviewed what he just heard. "A few weeks? Master Fu, I thought you said it would be too dangerous to have the Circles awake for an extended period of time right now."

Marinette nodded in agreement. "I thought that you were only going to awaken the Circles for a day or two so you could update the Miraculous Book."

"It was pointed out to me by Ning, how it would be helpful if Honorra's "siblings" learned about the modern world and current humanitarian crises. Having them awake means they can help Honorra in her recovery."

Plagg flew out of Adrien's bag sensing where this was going. "Are you making us their babysitters? It's hard enough keeping myself hidden from his babysitters. I don't want the extra responsibility of watching over my "cousins."

Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse and scolded Plagg. "We should be honored to help our cousins, not make them feel like a burden."

Master Fu struck his gong to quiet the two of them. He told them to put on their listening ears as he explained his plan. The Humanities Circle would be spending a lot of time here with him. Three days out of the week the two heroes would be responsible for their care and acclimating them to this day and age.

He was not comfortable with all the Kwamiis going out at one time yet. He would start the teens off by allowing one extra kwami each. He left it up to the Kwamiis themselves to pick who would go first and which human they wanted.

In hush tones, the group talked among themselves. They gestured or raised themselves up before being pulled back down to the group. After five minutes two Kwamiis, Socco and Gigi levitated forward.

Socco spoke first. "If it is alright with the two of you, I would very much like to spend time with you Ms. Dupain-Cheng. I confess I have not had many female wielders and would like to get to know what a strong female acts like."

A blush colored Marinette's cheeks as she stammered out she would be happy to show him the behavior of a strong female type.

Gigi floated over to Adrien, her tail swishing about. "I have heard how well you and Plagg work together. I was hoping I could go with you and learn more about your partnership."

Adrien held out his hands for Gigi to land on. "I don't know what you have heard about our partnership, but I promise you'll have a good time with us. Silk squash will be easier to get then Camembert."

After getting everything they needed and promising to come back in three days, the two teens headed home with their little guest Kwamiis.

The next day Marinette arrived early to school. Ever since she received Ning's gift, she hadn't been late to school once. Stepping into a corner she opened her purse to check on her guest. "Are you comfortable Socco? Do you need anything?"

Socco nodded before taking a small bite out of the peach fruit Marinette had put in before she left for school. "There is more than enough space in here for Tikki and me to be comfortable sharing it. This peach should last me all day if I eat it in moderation."

"I'll make sure Socco doesn't accidentally get seen. We'll be fine."

Marinette smiled at the two, her eyes sparkling with joy. She zipped the purse closed and started walking towards her classroom when she heard someone crying softly. Tilting her head she was surprised to see Nathaniel under the stairs with tears on his face.

She walked over and sat down next to Nathaniel. "What's wrong Nathaniel? I don't think I've seen you cry at school before."

He mumbled an agreement and buried his head in his arms. He muttered something, but what she could not make out what he was saying. "Nathaniel, please tell me what's wrong."

He looked up at her and dabbed the tears off his face. "I've been booted out of Ms. Bustier's class. I'm in Ms. Mendievel's class now." Seeing Marinette's confused and shocked expression he elaborate on what he said. "Lila Rossi is being transferred into Ms. Bustier's class because her teaching is more along the lines of what she wants to "study" in lychee.

It was suggested I would do better in Ms. Mendievel's class so I would be more focused and pick a "better" career. I'm upset about the fact they didn't even ask me what I wanted. I know my parents would never agree to this."

"If they don't agree, then they shouldn't be transferring you to another class! Didn't Mr. Damocles and the teachers talk with your parents?"

"They said they did and they were fine with it, but I don't see how they talked with them considering they're on a trip in the mountains right now with hardly any reception." His expression was downcast as he rocked back and forth. "I just know Liar Rossi is behind this somehow."

Marinette wasn't surprised by his comment. Back when Lila first arrived, Nathaniel was the only one besides her who didn't fall for Lila's lies. He had protected her from the girl's attempts to harm her and make Adrien break up with her.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed his shoulder. "This isn't fair at all. I'm going to talk to the teachers and Mr. Damocles. As the class representative, I'm supposed to make sure my classmates are treated fairly."

Nathaniel gave her a grateful look before sighing again and trudging his way towards his new class. She was righteously angry at the school faculty for believing Lila over the person who knew Nathaniel's parents the best.

Determinedly she walked into the classroom and was shocked by what she saw. Alya was interviewing Lila who was sitting in her seat. "Excuse me, but is there a reason you're sitting my seat, Lila?"

Lila looked up at Marinette and for a split second, you could see the hatred she had against Marinette, mostly because she was Adrien's girlfriend and she obviously wasn't intimidated by her.

"Marinette, how wonderful is it we'll be classmates now. Alya was just telling me about how you're an everyday Ladybug after she finished interviewing me about my experience on Heroes Day."

The Chinese French girl felt her right eyebrow twitch. Her experience on Heroes Day? The only experience she had was trying to kill her with a dagger in order to claim the earrings for herself. If Kkachi hadn't stopped her, she wouldn't have been able to fight during the final battle.

Once more, Alya had been there when the attack happened as Rena Rouge. She knew Lila hadn't been akumatized when she attacked them so why was the girl smiling?

"Did you know Lila was at the Eiffel Tower ready to help Ladybug and the others? Too bad those scarlet akumas messed with her mind or she wouldn't have accidentally attacked the heroes."

Marinette clenched her jaw. How in the world did Alya fall for that lie? It was obvious to anyone Lila had been in full control of her actions. None of the other victims had mentioned confusion after being transformed into scarlet versions of themselves.

"That's nice Alya, but I did ask Lila a question. Why are you in my seat?"

Lila pretended to look confused. "This is your seat? I had no idea. Alya didn't mention this seat was already occupied. I assumed I would be sitting next to her when class started."

Marinette glared at Alya silently asking her if she was going to let Lila sit next to her in the seat the girl had worked very hard to get back. Alya returned with her own glower not seeing the big deal. "Girl chill. It's just a seat and since Lila's transferred into our class, I thought she could use a friend to make the transition easier. You can have Nathaniel's old seat."

Marinette opened her mouth to protest when the rest of the class arrived. Immediately, they all surrounded Lila telling her how great it was she was in their class now and invites to outings she missed because of her amnesia last year.

Adrien also politely welcomed Lila back. His feelings about Lila were mixed. In the past, she had been a thief, hunted him, and had tried to seduce him. On the other hand, her memories of her past life had been completely rewritten and he hadn't heard about her causing trouble in Ms. Mendievel's class so he was willing to give her a chance.

He saw that Marinette wanted to talk. Class was starting so it would have to be latter. He was having lunch at his home so whatever she wanted to discuss would have to be after school.

Inside his bag, Gigi's tail twitched. She sensed something was wrong. "Plagg, is there any trouble in Adrien's personal life? I'm getting the sense a situation is brewing."

Plagg rolled his eyes and took a bite out of his cheese. "My kid personal life is full of trouble. I wouldn't get too worried. If something happens, then we'll act. Right now I need a nap." The cat kwami stretched his limbs, yawned than laid down for a nap.

It was hard for Marinette to sit still in her new seat. She couldn't believe that Alya would push her out of her seat so she could sit next to her "new" friend. Wasn't she Alya's "best friend"? Apparently not, if the reporter girl didn't understand why Marinette was upset about this.

When lunchtime arrived, Marinette thought Adrien would wait for her so they could talk for a few minutes. Instead, he hurried out the door the second the bell rang.

Frustrated, Marinette walked over to Ms. Bustier's desk, who looked up when she realized one student was still in the classroom. "Marinette, is there something I can help you with?"

Taking a moment to compose herself, Marinette took a deep breath and started talking. "Ms. Bustier, I am here on behave of Nathaniel. It wasn't right to force him out of the class to make room for Lila."

The teacher inclined her head, "It might now seem fair, but we discussed it with Mr. Damocles and Nathaniel's parents. The same goes with Lila's family I assure you they approved of the transfer."

"Did you talk with them in person or on the phone?"

"The phone of course."

Marinette narrowed her eyes. "Aren't transfers discussed in person to make sure everyone agrees with each other? Nathaniel told me his parents were on a trip in the mountains with little reception. How do you know for sure you talked to them?"

Ms. Bustier looked startled that her kindest and most helpful student was insinuating that she had been tricked. How dare one of her students to take it upon themselves to question her judgment?

"Before you snap at me and give me detention, really look at the situation. Lila's has stated several times she's going to be part of her family's business. In order to get a degree in Business Management, she needs to follow a curriculum with lots of math and sciences. That's Ms. Mendievel's specialty, yours is aimed for literature and art, which is what Nathaniel wants."

"People can change their minds Marinette. You have detention today after school for talking back to me."

The girl refused to cry and left the classroom. She went to the girl's bathroom and went into a stall opening her purse, letting Tikki and Socco out. "Are you okay Marinette?" Tikki questioned.

"Not really." The girl looked at the floor and kicked her legs back and forth. "I never thought my teacher wouldn't give my words some thought. I didn't mean for my words to sound accusing. I just wanted to help my friend out."

Tikki patted her wielder on the cheek telling her she knew that. She was a wonderful person and looked out for her friends. This might be a situation she couldn't.

Socco disagreed with Tikki. "From what I've heard and observed, it does seems to be something amiss. Marinette made some good points. Proper procedure was not followed and we still have not talked to the other teacher or the principle." He went over and tilted the girl's head up. "I encourage you to keep going until you know the truth."

With those words of encouragement, the teen clumsily got to her feet and left the bathroom, nearly tripping through the doorway as she continued on with her mission.

Nathaniel watched from across the courtyard as he spotted Marinette going to Ms. Mendievel's classroom. "Hopefully, she will convince the teacher to listen to me and I can get back in my class."

"Don't you mean my class?" an oily voice asked from behind him. Seething in anger Nathaniel turned around and saw Lila standing there with smug on her face and her arms crossed.

Lila walked over and tapped Nathaniel's chest hard. "I'm in Ms. Bustier's class like I always should have been instead of that b**** woman's class because of the number of students per class." Tossing her hair back she added, "You should be happy about this switch. After all, it wasn't like anyone would ever buy your rubbishy, worthless, art pieces."

The boy clenched his fists and counted to ten in his head. "Why are you doing this now Lila? You've been here for months now and most of Ms. Mendievel class has fallen for your lies."

"That's right, most of them." Lila hissed in a deadly manner. Her body language shifted as she unconsciously fell into her mission stance. "There are a few people in my old class that I couldn't manipulate, such as Kagami and Ms. Mendievel herself."

Tossing her hair back she laughed at the boy's puzzled expression. "With you out of the way, no one will think to question what I have to say. I can control the whole class and even convince Adrien to break up with that pathetic waste of space."

Nathaniel blanched upon hearing this. Lila was connected to his transfer and now she was going to hurt his friends and Marinette. He couldn't let that happen! "You'll never get away with this. My parents will show up and demand an explanation for this transfer. Not to mention Marinette's is talking with the teachers to help me out."

Lila was not paying attention to him, she was looking at something behind him. Before the boy could see what it was, Lila jabbed her fingers into the pressure point on his shoulder, rendering him unconscious.

Lila stared at her hands, how did she know how to do that? Doesn't matter, right now she needed to stop Marinette from interfering with her fun. Removing her earring, she swiped it in the air, connecting with the Akuma creating a connection.

"Hello, Hawkmoth. Do you remember me?"

In his lair, Hawkmoth chilled hearing her voice. She had not been his intended target and after using her one time during Heroes Day, he had no intention of akumatizing her ever again.

"Master, don't make a bargain with her. Recall the akuma before something goes wrong."

"I won't let a child have power over me!" Against his better judgment, he made a bargain with Lila. She would become Chameleon, a supervillain with the ability to take on another living being's appearance by kissing them, to achieve her goals. In exchange, she would give him the Miraculouses.

An hour later Chameleon was defeated, but it came at a personal cost to both heroes. Lila's actions had created problems in their classmates' relationships with one another. The trust between Nino and Adrien was strained because Nino was under the impression whoever Lila had turned into, she also possessed their personality and thoughts.

Alya was suspicious of Marinette's disappearances during Akuma attacks. She was wondering if Marinette was somehow involved in them. The rest of the class wondered if Marinette and Adrien really were a couple because, during the attack, she had "broken up" with Adrien in a cruel manner.

The worst was the way Ms. Bustier regarded Marinette now. She had been able to help Nathaniel out by getting Ms. Mendievel and Mr. Damocles to follow proper procedure when it came to the transferring of students.

It turned out to be a huge misunderstanding between the teens and their families. Lila's mother had agreed to talk to Ms. Bustier about how well her daughter was doing in her language class and she didn't mean to imply she wanted Lila to transfer into her class.

Nathaniel's parents were also confused and hurt. They had never received a call from the school so they couldn't have talked to the teachers. They knew their son was happy and doing well in Ms. Bustier's class. Whoever they talked to must have been behind this cruel prank.

While everything was back to normal, Ms. Bustier was still angry about Marinette questioning her judgment and tattling to the other parties involved to correct the situation. That meant Marinette still had to serve her detention.

The entire situation frustrated the teenager. How could one Akuma make her friends and favorite teacher turn on her? That they would question her about her actions and have their perceptions about her twisted.

Adrien had come over to the bakery after fencing so they could finally talk. He listened as his girlfriend unloaded her feelings.

"I just don't understand this. Ms. Bustier has been my teacher for years now. I have never done anything malicious to her. I wasn't questioning her judgment! I was simply pointing out that something wasn't right about the situation. I've done it before and she didn't get mad or give me a detention."

Tikki pattered her wielder's cheek assuring her this would blow over in time. "I believe that your teacher was just upset in the manner you confronted her in. You'll see, this will all blow over."

"Stay positive. You did the right thing confronting your teacher. After all, your determination to help your friend resolve a harrowing situation," Socco added. "The water is moving downstream perfectly now."

Adrien frowned at Socco words. The blond had not appreciated having to fight Lila again with new powers when it never needed to happen in the first place. "There wouldn't have been a situation if Marinette had just given Lila a chance to fit in our class, instead of trying to push her out."

Everyone in the room stared at Adrien in shock. What had Marinette done to make Adrien concluded this was her fault?

"How can you say that to me?! I didn't confront her at all," she responded in a shaky voice. "We both know she's not a good person. After everything she's done, how can you believe this is my fault?"

He looked at her with critical eyes. "It's not fair for you to judge her by a past she no longer remembers. I know she was a thief and hunted us down to kill for her crime family, but she's not that person anymore. Her family no longer deals in crime thanks to their new memories they're legit owners of a multi-million company.

Thanks to Ning and Trixx, Lila's has a second chance in life. She's a normal girl trying to fit in and do her best in school." He looked out her window staring at the school. "Kagami mentioned a few times before that Lila has some problems with the rest of the class. Maybe that's why she wanted to transfer to our class."

When he didn't elaborate on what the problems were, Marinette pointed out Lila was still lying and had deceived the school in order to get transferred to their class for some reason. How it was unfair of her to bully Nathaniel to get what she wanted.

"There's no proof Lila was behind the misunderstanding or intentionally set the wheels in motion. Also if Lila was at lunch in the cafeteria, how could she have been in the courtyard to bully Nathaniel?"

Plagg looked at Adrien in disgust. "How do you know for certain that was the case? You weren't even there! She could have left at any time to go to the courtyard. That is where she was akumatized."

"Perhaps she was on her way to the bathroom where Nathaniel caught up with her. He was angry about the situation and I'm sure he would have argued with her causing her to be upset enough to attract an akuma."

Marinette grinned her teeth before pointing out the ridiculousness of his claim. "Hawkmoth would have been attracted to Nathaniel anger and being bullied. Hawkmoth is clearly afraid of Lila. He didn't let her keep her akuma during Heroes Day."

Her boyfriend responded that their foe must not be too afraid if he gave her powers three times. "Lila deserves a second chance. If she wants to make friends with the class because of problems with her own classmates then we can at least let her have some friends in ours. It's wrong to deliberately interfere with her second chance."

Marinette stood up and put her hands on her hips. This was unbelievable. It felt as if a writer for a cartoon decided to do away with the history and reality of the show just so they could have some drama in the new season.

"She lied Adrien! Her lies hurt Nathaniel and me. People who have known me for years are treating me differently because of her. My best friend thinks I might have a connection with the attacks and not in a good way.

Kagami is in her class along with some of my other friends. What do you think would happen to Kagami if Lila started lying about her and causing her to lose her spot on the fencing team. Did you even think about that?"

The boy waved his hand dismissing her concern about Kagami. She was too smart and strong to let any lies Lila might come up with, get to her. "I'm tired of having to fight Lila over and over again. The best way to avoid that is to not rock the boat and let things be. Shouldn't we do our best to avoid causing an akumanzation of a person?"

It happened so fast neither one comprehended what happened at first. Furious with her boyfriend's passive nature she slapped him hard on the cheek. Adrien touched his cheek in disbelief that she actually slapped him.

Marinette started to apologize then stopped. Why should she apologize to him about her feelings on the subject? He truly believed Lila was no longer a threat and that if they ignored her actions, they might not have to face her again. Avoiding one fight was more significant than preventing multiple attacks because of the consequences of Lila's actions? No, that was not right at all.

"Get out now Adrien. If you're too blind to realize your passiveness will only lead to more people getting hurt, then I don't want to see or talk to you." She pointed to the trapdoor and tapped her feet waiting for him to do as she asked.

"Marinette, I don't understand why you're angry." He reached for her, but she slapped his hands away once more ordering him to go. This angered him a lot. They had been through so much together. How could she be turning her back on him like this?

Snatching his bag, he stormed out of the room, slamming the trapdoor, ran out the door in a huff as he walked home. Inside his bag, Plagg was scowling and Gigi appeared contrite by what Adrien had said.

Gigi cleared her throat to get Plagg's attention. "Are you going to talk to him about his behavior today?"

Plagg nodded before punching the bottom of the bag with his little hand/paw. He admitted he didn't know if Adrien would even listen to him and understand what he did wrong.

"Adrien's a nice kid and I love that he can afford to give me huge amounts of fancy cheese. It's not just how he was raised or his limit social interaction with his peers causing this problem. He's fairly oblivious to the obvious and do not get me started on how tunnel vision he can get."

Plagg shuddered as he imagined what the situation would be like if Adrien hadn't found out Ladybug's identity and started going out with Marinette. He had no doubt Adrien would be driving him up the wall and ignoring Plagg's subtle advice.

Then perhaps he needs to learn how to be more aware of his thoughts and actions the genet kwami thought to herself.

Arriving back in his room Adrien threw his bag onto his bed before storming into his bathroom. His cheek was still red from where she slapped him. He winced as he touched the stinging skin. "I can't believe she slapped me! Marinette, who always tries to avoid violence, slapped me!"

Plagg and Gigi entered the bathroom. The cat kwami frowned at the boy while the genet looked thoughtfully at the blond. Neither spoke as the kid whetted a washcloth and patted it a few times on his cheek.

Noticing the Kwamiis reflections in his mirror he turned to speak to them. "Can you believe this Plagg? I thought Marinette and I were together in everything. Just because I pointed out her strategy was wrong, she slapped me! Maybe she's not the girl I thought she was."

"Maybe you're not the gentlemen you thought you were. How could you speak down to your girlfriend accusing her of causing Lila's akumanzation?"

"Lila deserves a second chance! We haven't seen or heard of her causing problems in Ms. Mendievel's class. So when she transferred to our class, Marinette went out of her way to get Lila out of the class. It was cruel and wrong." He crossed his arms and stared down at Plagg.

"Are you hearing yourself? You're defending someone who has shown in her past she's dangerous and has no regard for anyone except herself. That just because she can't remember her past actions, all is forgiven? How blind are you?" Plagg's tail twitched in anger as he stared up into his kitten's eyes.

Adrien was about to angrily retort when Gigi made a small noise to draw his attention. The teen had forgotten she was even there for a moment. "Do you need something Gigi?"

She inclined her head slightly. "I'm a bit hungry. Can I have some silk squash?"

Adrien told her he would go get some now from the kitchen and he would be right back. When he left, she floated over to her "cousin" and whispered in his ears what her plan was. The smile on his face assured her it was a good plan.

Adrien came back a few minutes later and saw Plagg offering Gigi some of his cheese. That stunned him because Plagg never wanted to share his precious cheese because he was a selfish glutton being.

Gigi politely declined Plagg's offer. After watching him eat it in one gulp, she turned around and levitated over to Adrien who was holding slices of her favorite food. "Thank you for the food. Plagg offered me some of his, unfortunately, dairy products make me nauseous."

"Plagg offered to share his cheese with you?" He peered past her and stared at said kwami with suspicious eyes. "You're a selfish glutton. What possessed you to offer her some cheese?"

Plagg huffed pretending to be offended. "Just because you can't see your character flaws, doesn't mean I don't know mine." He stuck out his tongue at Adrien.

The teenager had a look of uncertainty on his face. Gigi landed on his shoulder and explained the situation to him. "You acknowledge the fact no one can be perfect?" When she got a nod she continued. "That means everyone in the world has a few flaws in their personality. Most flaws are minor, but each person has a serious character flaw unique to them that can be fatal. Hence the term fatal flaw found in Greek Mythology."

She tickled her tail under the boy's nose causing him to sneeze and Gigi giggled in delight. "Do you know what your fatal flaw is Adrien?" When he said nothing Gigi informed him. "Your fatal flaw is being passive."

Adrien spurted in disbelief. "What do you mean being passive is a fatal flaw. Being mean never gets you what you want. Besides, isn't there a kwami of pacifism, Danndy, right?"

Gigi blinked her eyes acknowledging he was correct. "Pacifism is part of the Ideology Circle, it is a way of life. However, a pacifist does not fight but they do stand their ground, something you don't do."

The kwami held up her hand/paw warning the human to stay quiet. It was time he listened to her and appreciate her advice. "Being passive at times is a good thing. There are times being too passive means people get hurt."

Tapping her chest she reminded him of the purpose of the Humanities Circle. "Our job is to represent the best of humanity and guide people to make the right choice so others follow in their footsteps.

I am the kwami of Awareness. What that means is not only am I responsible for making others knowledgeable of the situations. I also have a duty to make people aware of how their own actions affect others."

Her eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms making sure Adrien was paying complete attention to her words. "You believe that if you do nothing things will change. You believe that Lila, a girl who has shown in the past and is still displaying dangerous behavior, is worthy of a second chance? That you would blame Marinette for trying to help Nathaniel out and for Nathaniel telling the truth, they're the ones responsible for an akumanzation?"

When she put his beliefs on the spot it did seem he was being a prick. Adrien bit his lip and thought about the situation. He still wasn't ready to let go that he was right. "Kagami said that Lila was having problems in class."

"Did you ask Kagami what she meant by that or did you just assume people were causing problems for her? Or did you not ask on purpose because doing so might have caused you to rethink your actions?" Gigi admonished him.

The boy ducked his head in shame as Gigi pointed out his lack of awareness and his passive beliefs had made him blame the victims for the actions of the perpetrator, which was very wrong. He also did not have the right to force his views on anyone and demand they follow his lead.

"You have two choices, Adrien. You can continue to be passive and let others get hurt or you can apologize for your actions and grow from this. The choice is yours." Finished with her little speech she joined Plagg as they snuggled down in his laundry to sleep.

The following day Adrien asked his bodyguard to drive him over the bakery early. They stopped at a florist first so Adrien could pick up a bouquet. Upon reaching the bakery, he hesitated before going inside. He saw Sabine and Tom behind the counter.

He winced when both of them looked at him angrily. No doubt they knew about his behavior yesterday. "Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, I'm sorry about my behavior and words yesterday."

The adults kept staring at him waiting for him to continue. He squirmed in place before continuing. "I'm not very good at this. I am not used to the idea of standing up for what I want. Most of my life, I've been really passive and just letting things continue as it is." He took a deep breath and finished talking by admitting someone gave him a stern lecture about him being too passive and he needed to be more aware of his actions.

"If you let me, I like to apologize to Marinette. I even got a bouquet of purple hyacinth for her. They mean…"

"I'm sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me," a faint female whisper came from the door to the residential area. Keeping his head down, he turned towards his girlfriend. He didn't see her skeptical eyes, but he could feel her hurt and anger aimed at him.

"You really hurt me, Adrien, yesterday. You crossed a line and you didn't even notice it. That hurt the most. It was as if I didn't matter at all to you. That you were judging me because of my feelings about a situation. You found it okay to be awful because I didn't agree with you."

She paused for a moment studying him. His body language was subdued yet also apologetic. He wasn't talking back to her. He just listened to what she had to say. Adrien seemed aware he was wrong before.

She took the bouquet from him and smelled it. "I am not ready to forgive you completely Adrien. I am willing to give you a chance to make up for what you've done."

He inclined his head and softly thanked her for giving him a chance. Marinette took the bouquet upstairs to put them in a vase. When she came down she had her backpack on. She kissed her parents' goodbye and headed out the door.

Adrien waited a few minutes then followed after her. It would take time before his girlfriend trusted him enough to accept his apology. He was willing to work for it.

Inside his bag, Gigi hugged herself for doing a good job. It appeared the Humanities Circle was needed now to help with a certain crisis. Helping Miraculous wielders learn to overcome their fatal flaws.