
"Warning! Warning! Coffin prototype number 0 is currently experiencing power failure!"

"Alerting nearby personnel, please reconnect the power supply or assist the master candidate inside coffin prototype number 0. To repeat please reconnect the power supply or assist the master candidate inside coffin prototype number 0."

"Switching to protocol number 13. In an event of an accident prioritise the welfare of the master candidate."

"Scanning backup master candidate number 49 vitals... Acceptable."

"In accordance to protocol number 13, releasing backup master candidate number 49 from cryostorage... Success."

Cold, I could feel cold air blowing against my skin.

"Opening coffin hatch... Failure."

I hear something close by. An electronic message that blasted into my ears as it constantly beeped and whined.

"To repeat nearby personnel please reconnect."

The electronic voice suddenly cut off mid speech providing me with a much needed silence but the damage was already done. Letting out a small groan I slowly opened my eyes only to be met with a blinding light soon followed by complete darkness.

"Guh..." Placing my hand onto my forehead I tried to recollect my thoughts, only to be thwarted by the constant hammering within my head... Just how long have I been sleeping for?

Shaking my head ever so slightly I focused my attention onto my current surroundings, a small enclosed area fitted with some sort of transparent reinforced glass acting as a barrier between me and the outside world.

It would appear that I was locked in some kind of contraption but how and why? Leaning onto the transparent barrier I started to shift through my past memories.

"Ah." The throbbing only grew worse as my brain was being overloaded but I couldn't stop now, I needed answers.

"I see... So I lost." I slowly clenched my fist out of vexation as I pored over the images within my mind.

I could never forget that moment.

The moment where I clashed against the doll with my entire being on the line and yet despite my best efforts... Everything was easily torn asunder by a single sword.

A sword which even his eyes cannot even hope to analyse, let alone reproduce and yet...

"Even if you couldn't see the the clouded moon... The stars are still shining eh?"

I was just a brat back then when I uttered these words, one who didn't fully understand the pain and struggles his father was going through. All I knew was that I couldn't bear to see Kiritsugu like that.

After all he was my hero. The one that rescued me from underneath all the rubble and debris where I had given up all hope, waiting for my cold eventual death.

So I rejected him and naively told him I would take his place. As that was my duty as his son and successor but in the end I couldn't become the hero of justice that we envisioned. I couldn't give her up not when it meant dooming my little sister for all of eternity, so I made my choice just as my little sister made hers.

"I may have lost the battle, but in the end I won the war isn't that right Julian?" I let out a small smirk as I taunted my former best friend. I wasn't able to see my little sister off but I knew that my wish was granted.


I didn't receive a response but I had a slight suspicion that he was monitoring me from somewhere from within this contraption as I did rob them of their precious grail.

Still I couldn't help but feel something was off about the current situation. The Ainsworths should know about my strength firsthand so why would they allow me to recover along with little to no restraints?

Unless I was saved by a third party... An image of a shady looking priest wearing a cooking apron, bandanna and a cross appeared in my mind for a brief moment.

No it couldn't be him, I would have awoken inside the church rather than inside this contraption.

In any case my first priority was to escape, answers could wait for later.

Forming an image of a gun cocking and firing I surged my magical energy throughout my body. If there was going to be any hidden restraints then most likely it would be internally and this simple procedure should be able to flush out any foreign magical energy.

Nothing happened. My magical energy completed a circuit throughout my body without meeting any sort of resistance. Just to make sure I repeated this process a few more times with the same results.

In that case... Placing my hand onto the icy glass I quickly scanned the contraption for any information and weaknesses I could exploit.

I see, this was some device but more importantly it appears to be created with a mixture of magecraft and science. Which means I was saved by a magi organisation or family that didn't mind the use of modern technology and judging from the complex design quite an accomplished one at that.

"Hah..." I let out a small sigh of relief.

In the end I wasn't taken prisoner by the Ainsworths but that doesn't mean I should lower my guard. There has to be a reason why they rescued me but as long as its not about Miyu then I'm willing to cooperate to avoid needless bloodshed.

That's if we meet.

Reinforcing my body I smashed against the glass barrier with all my might, shattering the glass barrier into many tiny pieces that cascaded across the room.

Rushing out of the contraption with blinding speeds I was blasted with warm air, a slight welcome to the freezing temperatures of the contraption.

"Emergency alert, fires have broken out in the central power plant and central control room. The central bulkhead will close in 240 seconds. All personnel please evacuate from gate two immediately."

The current situation was more or less within my expectations as I sensed there was nothing powering the contraption, meaning something must have happened on the outside.

"To repeat, fires have broken out in the central power plant and central control room."

My reinforced eyes quickly darted left to right as I took in my surroundings. It appeared to be a rather spacious apartment room equipped with basic amenities, a television screen was set up across the room, a bed in the middle, cupboards along with a fern and coffee machine.

Almost as if it was prepared for me beforehand.

"Suspension of power output unit confirmed. Insufficient power generation."

Wasting no time, I rushed towards the cupboards while opening the nearby drawers in a hurry searching for my belongings. If this place truly was prepared for me beforehand then it might have my thompson contender.

"Unable to switch to reserve power. Personnel please manually switch to reserve. To repeat all remaining personnel please evacuate from gate two." immediately.

Damn. Nothing but clothes, they must have confiscated it along with my case containing the remaining origin bullets.

"Central bulkhead will close in 180 seconds."

There was no time left to waste, I had to leave now before the area goes into lockdown.

Letting out a disgruntled grunt I left the room behind me in a flash as I searched for a way out in the darkness.

"What the hell happened here!" I felt my blood run cold as I stumbled across a grisly scene that I was all too familiar with.

A burnt landscape that could only be described as an act of terrorism unfurled before my eyes. Giant shards of broken debris stuck out like stone pillars while fire burned brightly amongst the rubble, along with some kind of viscous fluid staining the floor.

Yet amongst all this destruction only the middle remained relatively intact, a giant spherical object that resembled an atom floated in the middle of the air.


"!" All twenty seven magic circuits thrummed to life in an instant as I propelled myself backwards with my body poised to strike at any given moment. Only to ease up a bit once I realised my mistake.

"Hah..." Seeing this scene along with my recent experiences must have made me too sensitive. I needed to calm down before I made a grave mistake.


I hesitated for a brief second before chasing after the voice. I was taking an unnecessary risk but I needed answers.

"No..." I stopped dead in my tracks, a sense of dread slowly creeping up on me once I realised the current situation.

In front of me was a series of contraptions littered across the area, contraptions similar to my own that I was just in only with one major difference. The outer frame was seared and partially destroyed while the glass barrier had numerous cracks running across its surface.

"Rayshift system transferring to final stage."

"Coordinates: January 30th, 2004 CE. Fuyuki, Japan."

More importantly however was the people trapped inside, even from a distance I could tell that they were all in critical condition and needed medical attention as soon as possible.


The voice and answers would have to wait for now, I couldn't leave these people alone to die... Not when I could help.

"Laplace conversion protection in place."

"Additional factor frame towards the singularity secured."

"Unsummon program set."

"Masters please enter the final adjustments."

The only issue was that I wasn't going to be able to save them all if any as time wasn't on my side. I have no idea on how long they were in this state although I could make an educated guess as it most likely was connected in someway with the earlier announcements.

Either way I still had to make a choice, rather than trying to save the many it would be better to save the few but...

"Tch. I'm wasting time." I cursed myself, why was I wasting valuable time when every second could mean the difference between life or death!

"Trace on!" There was no room left for doubt. A single move could can prove fatal, a single move can spell death, kill off any needless thoughts, the only thing I should be seeing is the boundary between life and death, think ten steps ahead and seize even five more seconds of survival.

Jumping off the pillar I quickly made my way towards one of the contraptions while forming an image within my mind.

"Warning to observation staff. Chaldea's conditions has changed."

"Shiva near future observational data will be overwritten."

"The survival of the human race on earth for the next 100 years cannot be confirmed."

"The future of humanity cannot be guaranteed."

Upon dismantling the glass barrier, I heard a small gasp and for a brief moment I saw her right eye shine bright red before flickering out.

"Don't worry everything would be fine! Help is on the way!" I felt a slight wave of relief hit me, she was still breathing. She was still alive!

Carefully grabbing her body I slowly eased her out of the contraption and onto a projected makeshift stretcher.

Her breathing was shallow and her pulse was a bit faint but at least it was still beating. However she wasn't out of the woods yet as she was covered in small cuts, burns and gashes from flying debris and shards of glass.

"Central bulkhead will now be sealed."

"Ha..." I gritted my teeth. She may be alive for now but I wasn't sure how long she would last in this state, but the least I could do was remove the shards of glass and debris.

"Trace on." I had to focus, there was little margin for error for this operation especially considering I had no prior training.

Materialising a pair of tweezers I quickly removed some of the visible pieces of debris that was lodged within her skin. Blood slowly seeped out of the open wounds but I didn't have any water to cleanse them with, nor did I trust the fluids covering the floor.

"Commencing interior cleansing in 90 seconds."

Opening my mouth I drooled saliva onto the wounds, I vaguely recall that licking a wound would help it heal faster so this should work as a substitute.

There it should be clean now, now onto the next step. Projecting a sharp needle along with thread, I sutured the patient with the precision of a master archer.

"Seeking qualified masters... Seeking."

Finishing my first suture, I quickly moved onto the next wound and the next. With each repetition my speed slowly increased while my nerves became more and more steady.

"Resetting contact with suitable designee number 48 and 49."

Finally I bandaged the sutured wounds with pieces of cloth, it wasn't pretty but it would do for now.

"I completed basic first aid so you should be fine for now until medical personnel arrives." I gave her a heartfelt smile while I wiped the sweat off my brow. The operation was complete she should be stabilised long enough for help to arrive, now onto the others.

"Starting unsummon program."

"!" I paused in my tracks. I didn't know why but I felt like something was going to happen soon. Forming an image of his favoured shield I prepared myself to project it at any given moment while standing beside my patient.

"Beginning Spiritron conversion."

Then all went dark.

"Rayshift beginning in 3... 2... 1."

"All operations cleared. Beginning first order verification."

Author notes

Lazy bad author that only writes first drafts.

Got lazy at the end so I mostly reused the old text.

Yeah I'm still alive but I have been busy, mostly real life stuff and playing fate grand order (Started quite recently). Still a free to play run and never going to change especially after looking at the prices. I mean seriously I could buy proper games with that kind of money! (I'm referring to the five star guaranteed roll which I heard so much about.)

Currently experiencing some degree of salt after spending 144 quartz and 15 tickets on the shimosa banner, no four star servant, no five star servant, no five star ce.

That being said my luck is probably average after tallying it all up. I know its below average for 4 star servants, average for ces both five and four, and slightly above average for five star servants.

My player id is 393518750. My support list is nero caster lv 90 6,7,7 magical girl of sapphire, nero np2 lv 80 4,8,4 mlb kill on sight, arash lv 60 1,1,1 magical girl of sapphire, lancer alter lv 88 7,8,6, mlb hero eli adventure, ushi lv 60 5,8,0 origin bullet, merlin np2 lv 90 6,6,10 kaleidoscope, wu lv 80 6,6,8 mlb cheerleader, heracles lv 90 8,7,4 volumen hydragyrum, mash lv 60 8,6,4 iron willed training

I'm up to shimosa. So I could start writing about this story, still thinking on whenever or not I should incorporate game mechanics into the story eg saint quartz. Although I probably wouldn't, too much effort.