Chipping Through the Ice

Chapter 73

Kate wraps her arms around Rick's neck as he tosses his cellphone onto his desk. "You look like you just lost your best friend."

"I guess I shouldn't," Rick muses, running a fingertip over Kate's hand. "That really was good news. Raven has an aunt, her mother's sister. She and her husband are missionaries, and they've been in a village in Africa for the past few years. They had no idea what was happening to Raven. But they're back in the United States now to set up an outreach to an African refugee community in lower Manhattan."

"And Children's Services looks to family first, so Raven will be placed with her aunt and uncle," Kate finishes.

"Right," Castle acknowledges. "They sound like very loving people. I suppose it's for the best."

"You know, there's nothing to stop you from keeping in touch with Raven." Kate points out.

"You're right," Castle agrees. "Just to make sure she has everything she needs."

"Sure, Babe. And I have some news that might cheer you up. The plea deals from Belle Foxworth, Lance Augustus, and Colin Broadhurst involve some serious forfeitures that will be used to set up a fund for their victims. That means all of Belle's underage stable and the Tolsens will have access to whatever resources they need. But I heard that Emily is doing a lot better than anyone thought she would."

"Honestly, I didn't expect her to be found alive," Castle confesses. "OOTC deals with so many grieving parents. I'm happy for the Tolsen family. And speaking of happiness, shouldn't the matron of honor be going to help the bride prepare for her wedding?"

"I think her mother has that in hand, but I did promise to be at the chapel early to run interference in case Melinda starts going over the top. Did you know that Lanie asked Martha to be mistress of ceremonies at the reception? She thought she'd add a little flare to the proceedings."

"Mother can certainly do that."

"And she's bringing Jake as her plus one," Kate adds. "They've been seeing a lot of each other."

Rick strokes the imaginary stubble on his clean-shaven chin. "Hmm. Mother's taste in men has finally improved. Listen, Alexis is going over early to check out where she should play to get the best acoustics. If you want to get going too, I'll wait for the sitter. Carrie Anne said she could be here in about," he glances at his watch, "an hour. I just thought of a plotline I want to get down on the page. I'll bring Callie's swing in here, and she can keep me company while I write. I'll still have plenty of time to put on a suit."

"OK," Kate agrees. "I'll see you at the chapel. And don't forget we're taking Scooter and his husband to the reception, so you'll have to move Callie's seat."

"Roger that," Castle responds, saluting.

Melinda Parish tilts her head, staring critically at Lanie's hair. We should have put it up higher. I don't think your veil is going to hang right. It should flow smoothly down your back. I should take the pins out and try again."

Lanie surveys herself in the mirror of the tiny brides' room. "It looks fine to me, Mom. Why don't we try the veil before you decide to start over."

"I don't know," Melinda shakes her head as Kate arrives.

"Lanie, you look incredible. Farley is going to be blown away."

"Mom thinks my hair is wrong for the veil."

Kate reaches for the delicate French lace draped over a chair. "Easy enough to find out. There's a comb on the circlet that should - there, that's perfect."

Melinda moves round her daughter, studying every angle. I suppose that works. How about the old, new, borrowed, and blue?"

Kate pulls a frilly garter from her bag. "From Paris. Rick thought they were sexy and bought me two sets of them. It covers borrowed and blue."

"Farley will love it! And my shoes are new," Lanie points out.

Melinda detaches a delicate chain holding a gold heart, from around her neck. "This is old. My mother wore it when she was married. So did I. Now it's my daughter's turn. She kisses Lanie's cheek, careful not to mar her makeup. "Now it's yours. May it bring as much happiness to you and Farley as it did to your father and me."

Rick holds two ties up against his shirt, wishing Alexis or Kate was still home. His suit is Phil Culpepper's latest creation. It's structured enough to be formal, but with a lightweight fabric that Phil promised will keep him from sweltering in New York's increasingly hot summer. The trouble is, Rick isn't sure which of his ties will go with it better. He'd wait and ask Carrie Anne, but she loves the paisley and stylized flowers from an era she's only seen in old movies.

Rick traverses the few feet to his office where Callie is still joyfully swinging. He squats in front of her, displaying the two accessories in question. "You have the only pair of feminine eyes around here for the moment, which one do you like?" Callie presses her palm against the light brown silk with navy stripes. "I would have chosen the other one, but I'll take your advice. According to your older sister, I haven't chosen right yet."

Farley towers over Scooter as they stand before the altar awaiting the start of the processional. Alexis fits her violin beneath her chin and begins to play Salut d'Amour. At the third measure, Kate starts down the aisle, and Lanie follows on Walter Parish's arm.

Pastor Deakin smiles as Walter releases Lanie to Farley. "This chapel is small in size, but I can feel the immensity of the love within it. Friends and family of Lanie and Farley, you have all gathered here to celebrate the joining of these two people. Lanie and Farley have promises they wish to make to each other before you and before God. They will be making them now. Farley."

"Lanie, I knew from the first moment you walked into Rick's loft that we were meant to be together. In the time since, I've never doubted it for a moment. I promise to spend my life with you, hold you, love you, and stay by your side whatever the future may bring. For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part."

Pastor Deakin nods. "Lanie."

"Farley, until I met you, I never knew a man could make me feel so cherished. I can't imagine a life with anyone but you. I promise to be there for you, love you, and be at your side for whatever life brings to us. For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part."

Deakin glances at Scooter and Kate. "Have you the rings?" Kate presses a thick gold band into Lanie's hand as Scooter hands a thinner one to Farley. "You may exchange them now."

"You can do it, man," Scooter whispers as Farley's large fingers slip Lanie's ring on. Lanie's ordinarily skilled hands fumble a little, but she gets a ring on Farley's finger.

Deakin raises his hands in the air. "In the love symbolized by circles of gold with neither a beginning or an end, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Farley gathers Lanie into his arms as the chapel vibrates with applause.


"You're not a bad dancer, Jake," Martha notes as the two of them move to a slow number at the end of the jazz quartet's set. As the music concludes, he holds tightly to her hand. "Jake, the musicians are taking a break."

"I know," Jake acknowledges, dropping to one knee and praying that he can get up again. "But I need to ask you something. "Martha Rodgers, I never thought at this stage of my life there would be another woman who could bring me the joy you have. You are the music that will never leave my dreams and the flame that lights my life. Will you marry me?"

Martha gazes down as Jake extends a ring. "Yes, yes, I will."


A/N Thank you for taking this journey with me. I hope you'll ride along on a very different one. My next story will be an imagining of what would have happened if Jackson Hunt's mission at the U.N. had not gone south and he didn't have to leave the country after he and Martha had their night of passion. Join me for "A Clash of Duties."

