Even Ryan and Esposito had not witnessed a Beckett – Castle mind meld in several years. They looked at each other when it happened, and were pleased to see the two still 'Had It'

Since this was something new for Truett and Yates, they could do nothing but stand looking at the events that just played out wondering where this came from and where is it going.

Beckett looks at the other detectives "Ryan, I want you and Yates to go to the records building for New Jersey where the company is located and see if there was any lawsuit filed against Married Movers or if they filed any against anyone o any information concerning anyone . Also check the police records to see if any reports were handled involving altercations of any kind with our victims."

Turning to the other two. "Espo, I want you and Truitt to do the same thing in all counties of New York. We might find more evidence…. Castle and I are going to the mover's offices and talk to the staff and see if there have been any altercations that they were aware of."

All six head out different directions to complete the research that the Captain has ordered.

As soon as Castle and Beckett enter the elevator and the doors close, these two are all over each other like so many times in the past. After a long and extended make out, Castle pulls away and looks into Kate's eyes "you not going to tell me to stop?"

She smiles back at her husband "Why would I do that? You wouldn't stop even when I tell you…"


The other two pairs of detectives head out to complete the task given to them by the Captain.

As Esposito and Truitt get into Javi's cruiser "Espo? What was it I just witnessed between the captain and her husband? They spoke at the exact same moment"

"You should see then when they are working out evidence and they bounce back and forth finishing each other's sentences. They have one brain and it sometimes takes over and nothing else comes in between"

Ryan and Anna Floyd have pulled out of the precinct in his cruiser. She seems to be thinking about something "Kevin…how long have you known Captain Beckett and Rick?"

"Kate came to the 12th about 25 years ago and Rick weaseled his way in a little later. Why?"

"I have never seen two people so in tune with one another as they are."

Ryan decides to make sure Floyd knows everyone was watching her "Rick and Kate have been connected at the hip, so to speak, since shortly after he joined the group. Those two have had the brain share thing and have been able to solve cases by going into wild theory building, and sometimes just an instant of knowledge they figure out the murderer"

"Like what I just saw?"

"Very much so."

"That is amazing. I hope I have that kind of connections with my partner"

Ryan chooses to dig just a little bit "Like you and Truett police partners? Or you and Truitt life partners"

She goes quiet for a minute. "I hope I have not messed up too bad and run him off"

"With your flirting with every man around including trying to make him jealous by flirting with the Captain's man?"


"Let me tell you something about Castle and Beckett. They are the best example of a loving couple who have everything going for them. They love solving crime, together. He worships the ground she walks on and she sees him as a knight in shining armor."

"I kind of see that"

"It is so obvious. When these two are working a case together, it is an aphrodisiac to them and when it is over, they finish what the case starts. There is nothing and especially NO ONE that will ever separate them. We have watched a line of suitors be shot down over and over in the last two decades. Neither of them ever looks at another person."

"I hope I haven't damaged my career by flirting with Rick trying to make Truett look at me."

"I promise Kate noticed. She is brilliant at reading people. I will bet you that she knows what you were trying. You might talk to her after the case is over and make sure"

"I will"

"But! More important talk to Yates. You might find he might be more than a little interested in you too"

After a moment of silence. "I will do that"


After a short detour to relieve some built up tension between them, Kate and Rick have arrived at the offices of Married Movers. Just before they walk inside and ask to talk to Jake Beckett's phone chimes and she answers "Hey Javi, you have something?". She pauses as Esposito seems to give her a lot of information.

"Thanks, Espo" Kate looks at her husband "This case just got more interesting". Turning back to the Hispanic detective "Can you, Ryan and the other two go pick up the suspect and meet us back at the station?" there is a pause "Great! See you in about an hour"

As soon as Castle and Beckett enter the building and ask for Jake, the receptionist tells them to go back to his office.

Once inside Jake looks up at the pair "Have you found out anything on who killed my parents?"

"Yes, we actually have"

"Who is it?"

"It is a little complicated. Can if we can get you to come back to the precinct with us and we can go over the detailed evidence we have?"

"Uh…sure…I guess I can do that" Jake gets up from his chair and follows the Captain and Castle as they lead him back to her cruiser.

With heavy traffic, the trip back to the 54th takes almost the predicted hour. Once they arrive and the trio enter the homicide floor, Beckett sees Ryan standing with Esposito, Truitt and Anna. He indicates for them to go to room 2. She directs Jake Trammel to go to the empty interrogation room. Her and Rick then go out to the bull pen.

"We have all the players?"

Esposito answers "Rooms one and two."

Beckett tells Yates and Floyd "Go to observation and we will join you there shortly."

A few minutes pass before Beckett, Castle, Ryan, and Esposito enter the room. Beckett begins to lay out her plans to pull a confession from the killer. She turns to Floyd and Yates. "I know you two have some experience, but this one gets a little complicated, so watch how we trip them up"

Detectives Ryan and Esposito go to room 2 and Captain Beckett and Rick Castel go to the room 1. Once the doors are closed the trap gets set.

Room 2

Ryan looks at his file "Jake Trammel? I am Lieutenant Ryan, and this is Lieutenant Esposito, we need to discuss what information we have on the deaths of your parents"

"OK" He now seems a little nervous.

As they sit down Esposito looks at the notes "Oh, did they read you your rights?"

"Uh…No…My rights? No."

Javi then reads the rights to Jake "Do you understand these rights?"


Kevin begins. "The business 'Married Movers' is set up a stock corporation?"


"So, you do not actually own any part of the company?"

"No… Mom and dad own all the stock. They have talked about giving me a part, but is had not happened yet"

"I believe you had asked them several times to give you shares and they kept saying no "

"That was their decision"

"But didn't you need to get more of the company? You needed to pay some debts you built up?" Beckett seems to be heading somewhere and he is not sure where.

"I am not sure what you are referring to?"

Beckett looks to her notes. "You purchased a condominium last year?"

" I needed somewhere to live."

She keeps looking at her notes. "It was a very expensive piece of property…it says here that the note was for 1.6 million"

He is beginning to sweat "Property in New York is expensive but sometimes it is more expensive that what you can afford"

He is now sitting in silence.

"The public filings she that a foreclosure was posted for non- payment"

"I was having some struggles. I got it worked out"

"How did you get it worked out? EXACTLY?" Beckett is on her usual roll now and Jake has no idea how deep he is digging his hole.

"I…I was…" he is trying to come up with an answer that lets him off the hook. "I was able to transfer some money."

"You transferred money from the business to yourself so you could pay the late mortgage payments?"

"Well, yes"

After your parents were killed, you were able to take over the business finances without oversight from them."

He now is getting a little worried "Are suggesting that I killed my parents?"

Beckett stays her usual calm self "No! We know you did not kill your parents. You have a rock-solid alibi for the time of their deaths"

He seems confused now, more confused, since the captain admitted the police knew he could not have done the deed. "So why am I here?"

"We wanted to see if you knew of anyone who would want to kill your mom and dad" Still, Beckett gives him no indication about what the police knew.

"No. I really do not know anyone who would want to do that"

Kate stands along with Rick "Stay here for just a minute" and the duo leave the room.

As they pass by the open door to the observation room, Yates steps out "If he didn't do it do you suspect the other" Pointing toward room 2 "Of being the killer?"

"Let's see where this goes" and Castle and Beckett enter room 2.

Scott Kirby, the building inspector, is waiting patiently. Rick and Kate sit down across from him. "Mr. Kirby…do you know why we asked you in?"

"No…not really unless you need more information from me about what I saw at the crime scene?"

"That is partly what I want to ask about, but first…" Kate looks to her file "Do you remember about the complaint files against you with the licensing board?"

Kirby pauses like he trying to remember "UH…well…there was a report I heard about"

Again, she is looking at the file "A report was filed about an inspection you did and reported the building was in great shape and had no major problems. But it was discovered there were some major issues that needed addressing"

He begins to turn red and a bead of sweat pops onto his forehead. Um, yes but that complaint was withdrawn, and no other action happened"

"Do you remember who files the complaint?"

"Not really" he is sweating more now

"Let me remind you." Kate pulls out a piece of paper "It was filed by Married Movers after they began to move a client and they discovered an obvious problem in the building"

He looks at the document and seems a little more worried "Yes, but the report was withdrawn"

Kate calmly folds her hands in front of herself. "The withdrawal was done by Jake Trammell"

"I guess. I am not sure"

"Mr. Kirby" Kate turns on her tough interrogation face "That complaint would have cost you your business and you knew if it stood you would be closed"

"Yes, but it was withdrawn"

"It was withdrawn by Jake Trammell the day AFTER his parents were murdered by someone who surprised them as they were having a little frisky time together"

He is sitting quietly "If your evidence is my fingerprints, remember I was all over the apartment with you in fact"

Castle points out the fact that when the inspection was done, "Mr. Kirby. You were not wearing safety cloves. The kind mechanics and others wear to protect themselves from possible contamination. You seemed to be interested in making sure to leave your fingerprints everywhere. "

Kate continues "Fragments of Nitrile Gloves were found under the fingernails of Nancy. They match the brand you normally use in inspections."

"Mr. Kirby" Kate starts back. "The one thing you failed to consider was being recorded by the Trammel's cell phone" After a moment pause "Did Jake Trammell convince you to kill his parents so he could take over the company by promising to pull the notice, letting the blemish on your license disappear?"

He nods affirmatively as he drops his eyes to the table "He told me to destroy the phones and no one would have any proof I was there"

"Scott Kirby, you are under arrest for the murder of Bruce and Nancy Trammell and conspiracy to commit murder with Jake Trammell" As she finished and stands Esposito enters the room and places handcuffs on him and pull him away.

When Rick and Kate walk out the see Ryan pulling Jake Trammell, handcuffed, being led toward the holding cells.


The six are having an after the case drink at The Olde Haunt discussing the case. Tonight, Anna Floyd is sitting a close as she can to Truett making sure he can feel her closeness, smell her perfume, and the under the table touching she is doing. Even though they think no one notices, all of them do.

Turning to look at Beckett, "Captain Beckett…"

Beckett interrupts "Kate…it's Kate"

A pause delays the next "Kate, OK. How in thew world did you put this together?"

Kate looks to her husband "Rick and I recognized the voice on the video. That is how we knew who committed the murder. We just started talking about why he would have a reason to murder the Trammels. Jake's alibi was too solid, so he suggested we investigate a connection between Jake, Kirby, and maybe the victims"

"When did you put this connection together?" Anna asks

Kate suddenly realizes this theory building occurred when her and Rick took a very private side trip on their way over to see Jake "UH…we…I…"

Kate's stuttering is halted by Ryan cutting in "These two can do this theory thing in an elevator ride between floors. It comes from the connection they have in their brains"

Kate appreciates the explanation Ryan made. She moves to slide out of the booth "I need to go to the restroom" and she stands

Anna also stands "I need to as well."

In the hallway outside the toilets Anna gets Kate's attention "I want to apologize to you"

Knowing where this is going Beckett gives detective Floyd her undivided attention.

"I want to apologize about flirting with Rick. I was trying to get Truett's attention and it was not working."

"I might not seem evident, but he noticed."

"How are you so sure?" she seems very worried about her actions.

"I put Rick through the same when we first met and, today, I wish, instead, we got together sooner."

"You think he and I are ok?"

"I have seen that look on Castle, so Yes you are ok with him. As long as you don't wait any longer"

"Thanks, you Captain, I will. And I want you to know I learned more from you on how to solve crimes along with how to get your man."

There is an epilogue coming
