Ok, so this I read this beautiful fanfic, and what it was, was everyone (almost) watching Hamilton: an American musical. I loved this idea. It was organized to have one song per chapter. The sad thing is, this author, who's username i'll try to find, stopped after The Schuyler Sisters. So, I've decided to do something like this. Let's see how far I get. Updates will be about every other day.

Hamliza, lams, and a little Jeffmads… maybe.

Chapter one: Before the show

Alex had been sitting with an old friend, John Laurens, looking down upon the world that they had roamed so long ago.

"The world has changed exceedingly!" John exclaimed.

"I know, I can't believe our country has lasted this long! Expanded so much!" Alex chimed in.

"America grew up fast as well, we've abolished Slavery. And don't get me started on the women! The suffragist movement worked!" General and war hero, George Washington said. Alex and John watched as he joined them.

"Alex?" John asked.

"Yes Laurens?" He turned to face his friend.

"Alex, those people are shouting your name," John pointed and looked down as he saw a mob of people shouting.

Sure enough, there was a mob of people shouting "Hamilton!" repetitively.

"What is that about?" Alex looked at the General who merely shrugged.

"Alex! Alex!" A women shouted from behind the three men. They turned to find the three eldest Schuyler sisters running toward them, their exquisite dresses slowing them down.

"Alex!" Eliza, his wife, bent down next to him. "Have you seen? There's a mob of people shouting your name!"

"Actually, John just pointed it out," He jerked a finger toward his friend.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go check it out!" Eliza's younger sister, Peggy, exclaimed, running off the edge of the cloud. The others watched as her figure turned into a wisp of cloud.

Alex stood and helped up his wife. "On three," Angelica, the eldest Schuyler child, said grasping her sister's hand.

"One," Eliza said grasping the hand of her husband with her free hand. Alex held John's hand, who then held the General's.

"Two," John counted.

"Three!" Angelica screeched. They all ran and jumped into the air. They felt themselves transform. The could see one another now that they were wisps too.

"Come on!" Peggy nose dived toward the mob, soon the rest followed suit.

When they arrived, they saw that the Marquis de Lafayette, was already there with Hercules Mulligan, Stephen Van Rensselaer, and Aaron Burr.

Hercules and Lafayette are friends with Alex and John, Stephen is Peggy's husband. Aaron, well, he killed Alex. But that was well over two hundred years ago. They were fine now.

"Alex, do you know what this is about?!" Lafayette asked excitedly.

"No, that's why we came down here," Alex said.

"This is great! Someone made a musical." Hercules said.

"Ok?" John asked. "Why are they chanting Hamilton?"

"Are you that stupid?!" Lafayette asked. "It's about Alex! It's called, Hamilton: an American musical!"

Alex looked at him in disbelief. "Go look at the poster if you don't believe me!"

Alex and John went over to where he pointed, floating over the unknowing people's heads. "Woah." Alex said blinking, making sure he was seeing this right.

"Oh, good God." John said.

"They made a musical about me." Alex said, letting his jaw drop.

"They made a musical about my best friend." John said, his jaw like Alex's.

Alex felt arms wrap around his waist, and a head rest on his back. "I knew you could do it!" It was Eliza. Alex patted her hand.

"Alex! Eliza! John!" Peggy called from the distance. "It's opening night! Let's go!"

They flew above people's heads as they talked, they made their way around people and into an enormous theater. The theater was beautiful and the walls carefully painted, plaster was lining the ceiling, and a huge fake-candle chandelier in the center. Rows upon rows of chairs filled the theater floor. The group made their way to the front.

Eliza grasped her husband's hand as he led her through the theater. They sat on the back of the chairs in the second row. They were invisible to the people around them. Alex was seated next to Eliza and John. Stephen got up and floated in front of a man as he looked at the cast and character list.

"Hey Peggy, Thomas, James, and Maria are in this, i'm going to go get them," Stephen told his wife, he flew up and through the ceiling and back to the cloud.

"Alex, would you go get the children?" Eliza gasped, "You should get your mother!" Alex nodded and followed Stephen.

Some time later, Alex and Stephen came back with more people to watch the musical of their time period. The room went dark, the fake-candles went out. The room went silent. And the curtain opened.