Ten Stays

Vlad arrived to Skulker's floating island

He has been trying to contact that brute all day for an assignment, and no answer.

That's when he landed.

Vlad studied the ruins of Skulker's domains.

"What in Pariah's name did all this?" Vlad said as he looked to the ruins.

That's when he heard it. It sounded like yelling, but it was of a low volume and higher pitched. He saw to his feet.

Skulker growled angrily, but due to being without his suit, it sounded funny instead of threatening.

"It was the whelp, but I will get him yet, him and every last one of those aliens of his..." Skulker said.

That got Vlad's attention.

The evil halfa raised a brow as he turned to the little blob of a hunter.

"What was this I hear about aliens?" Vlad asked with interest.


D-D-Danny...is..." Ten paused and Danny suspected that he was going to blame him for the whole thing and started whining to Lum.

He was VERY surprised to hear this come out of the little alien's mouth.

"SO COOL!" Ten yelled, with an excited look on his face, surprising Danny and the others, sans Lum.

"Huh?" Danny said as he saw Ten wiggle out of Lum's arm and soon went at him, now clinging to him.

Everyone was shocked to see this, especially Lum. She knew how Ten did not let any male outside of his family touch him without giving them a fire breath.

Danny just needed clarification.

"Did… you just- I mean… when did-"

"You saved me! You actually, really, saved me!" Ten said in excitement.

"Well… it's what I do." Danny said, smiling sheepishly at the baby.

"It's what he's been doing since he first got his ghost powers..." Tucker then added.

Sam ribbed him for not shutting up.

"You should have seen him, Lum! All his powers and moves! That metal jerk-face whats-his-name never knew what hit him! He totally wasted that creep!" Ten said, sounding like a kid talking about his favorite superhero, even imitating some moves.

Lum smiled upon hearing that

"Naturally. He is my darling of course..." Lum said proudly.

Sam narrowed her eyes at Lum, but decided to let it go, this one time, since Ten was brought back safe. Even if he is a spoiled brat, he didn't deserve to be in danger.

Danny, however, looked a bit annoyed.

Jazz looked at her little brother

"Looks like you got a new fan, little brother..."Jazz said in a teasing tone as Danny rolled his eyes.

"It is a nice change compared to what's been happening lately..." Danny muttered.

But not that nice… He thought.

Ten heard that and then he remembered all the mean things that he said and did to Danny as he got out of the teenager's arms and stood on the floor.

"Umm… Danny?" Ten said in an awkward sounding voice.

"Yeah?" Danny asked, looking down at eye level with him.

"I'm going to be straight with you all here. At first, I only came to stay here because I was worried about Lum. I didn't think she could be happy with a guy like you, so I wanted to get you out of her life. I thought that for a person like you, Lum was pearls cast before a swine..." Ten confessed and Danny raised a brow.

Sam raised a brow as well, though had to silently admit that the baby was more mature than her cousin was, well… when it comes to want to make sure someone they care about is safe.

"You didn't say that before." Danny said, knowing of all the stuff the baby said to him. None of them were kind, but he didn't say that.

"I was thinking it." Ten admitted, looking down ashamed of himself.

Jazz, Tucker, and Sam scowled at that.

Lum watched, feeling proud of her cousin for his rare moment of maturity.

"What changed this outlook on me?" Danny then asked.

Ten looked up at the teenager and sighed.

"I was completely powerless before that metal creep and how you fought to save me showed me how much like a warrior you really are..." Ten said respectfully. "I was wrong about you, Danny. I take back all the mean stuff I said about ya... especially all the mean stuff I thought about ya." Ten said to the ghostly boy, bowing as he does, as per custom of his people.

Danny smiled sheepishly. Rubbing the top of Ten's head, made to avoid the horn.

"Eh, no harm done..." Danny said.

Ten turned to his cousin.

"Lum, does he do these cool things all the time?"

Lum nodded.

"That's right. He goes out of his way to fight for those who cannot defend themselves..."Lum said.

Ten looked even more awestruck

"SO COOL!" Ten exclaimed happily.

The others smiled at how Ten was giving Danny the recognition he deserved for being a hero and not a threat like how people saw him when he first started out. Seeing this made Sam smile a bit

Lum smiled, happy to see that her cousin now saw Danny for who he truly is.

A hero.

"So what do you think of my darling now, Ten?" The alien princess asked her favorite little cousin.

"I'll be honest Lum. At first, I thought he was just some perverted jerk who tricked you, but I was wrong. You made a good pick in a husband here, you picked a superhero." Ten said in excitement.

Danny heard this and frowned.'And we are back to the OTHER problem at hand here... Danny thought as Lum and Ten kept talking happily about him.

"I told you that darling was wonderful Ten, you just had to get to know him first." Lum said with a bright smile and Danny groaned.

Sighing Danny said, holding onto the baby, careful to not hurt him.

"Ten, can I talk to you… alone?" He asked in a careful tone.

Ten nodded

"Sure thing!"

Danny soon took Ten upstairs, Lum was about to follow them but Sam blocked her.

"He said alone..." Sam said sternly.

Lum narrowed her eyes at that.

Jealous shrew… The alien thought.

With Danny and Ten

And the two walked to talk by themselves as Danny turned to look at the small alien child.

"So, what did you want to talk about Danny?" Ten said, being more nicer than he was yesterday.

"Ten, I think you should know the truth..." Danny said.

Ten raised a brow.

"The truth? What truth?" The alien toddler asked.

"The truth of the matter is, my 'engagement' to your cousin was a misunderstanding..." Danny confessed.

"What do you mean?" Ten asked, not liking what he is hearing.

"This is what really happened, I was coming back on patrol and was talking to myself, not believing how I was able to survive that game of tag with Lum when I remembered some… unimportant stuff that my dad said. She misunderstood and she then decided that we were engaged..." Danny said. "I didn't even know she was still on this planet when I said that..."Danny said to the little alien boy.

Ten was surprised to hear this, wondering what it was he said that made Lum think Danny was proposing to her. He lowered to the ground in the air as he thought.

"I see…"

Seeing this, Danny continued to explain things to him.

"Anyway, what she seems to not get is that earth isn't a safe place for you two, especially since both the Ghost Zone and the people of this world would try to hurt you if they know you're still on this planet, even though I won..." Danny said.

"Why?" Ten asked.

Squatting down Danny was now eye level with him.

"Do you think you can convince Lum to go back to your home planet before someone like… I don't know an Alien version or the 'Guys in White' come and try to do something horrible to you?" Danny asked.

"The who?" Ten asked.

"Bad guys who hunt people who are not human, like me and you..." Danny said.

"I see…"

Before Ten could process everything Danny said, Lum came and hugging Danny tightly, exclaiming between kisses.

"Darling you are so noble! Thank you for saving Ten!..."Lum said and Danny became intangible to escape her.

"No… problem…" Danny groaned, before he saw his blue breath and knew what that meant and actually smiled in relief. "Finally… a ghost."

Soon, from the portal and phasing upstairs, came a ghost like eel as it snarled.

Moving Lum to the side, Danny knew what he had to do.

"I'm going Ghost!" He cried out and transformed, as he usually does when he gave his battle cry.

Ten watched amazement at this, it was really like watching a hero at work. When he was done he flew at the eel to fight it. Compared to Skulker, this ghost isn't as threatening. After a few powerful hits, the eel went down and Danny pulled out the Fenton Thermos as it began to struggle as it was being pulled in.

"This Earth sure is an exciting place, after all." Ten commented after seeing Danny capture that ghost eel.

"I told you that it's lovely..." Lum said, staring lovingly at Danny's bravery. As well as seeing her favorite form of Danny.

It was done.

Danny changed forms and deposited the captured ghost back into the Ghost Zone for it to swim away.

"Little guy you'd be amazed how great earth can be when you get to know it..." Tucker added.

"Tucker!" The other three humans shouted.

"What?" Tucker asked clueless.

"That's settles it, I am staying." Ten said.

"What?!" Danny, and his group yelped in horror.

"Well, you are a good guy Danny... but I gotta stay and help protect my cousin, just in case that metal creep tries something, again." Ten said, adamant in his decision.

"B-B-But…" Danny began, trying to think of another reason.

And, I actually think I wanna see her marry you... Ten thought to himself, nodding to himself.

Ten may be a kid, but he knew that he liked Danny, he's a superhero, he is strong and he actually saved his life. That outweighs Rei by a long shot. Sure, Rei is a good looking oni and a warrior, the ideal male for any Oni woman. However, he is also a gluttonous pretty boy who cares more about food than anything else.


In Space

A dark green haired oni in a tiger skin jumpsuit sneezed, the effect of it made him change forms briefly before he looked up at the night sky of his home world and said only one word


Back on Earth

Danny and the others were still looking at disbelief from Ten's announcement and Lum just looked happy.

"We'd be happy to have you stay here, Ten..." Lum said.

Danny's jaw dropped.

"WHAT?!" He yelled.

His sister also looked equally disproving.

"What about Ten's parents? Don't you think they'll be worried that their son is on another planet..." Jazz asked.

"Yeah, my sister's right. Don't you need to go home so your parents don't get worried?" Danny asked, hoping for Ten to go home and hopefully take his cousin with him.

"My mom and dad are always working. My mom is putting out fires all over our planet and my dad is always going from planet to planet to represent my uncle in negotiation with our allies. I am usually just home with my robot nanny..." Ten explained.

"Well...what about his education? I mean...he has to be receiving some kind?" Danny said.

He might not know a lot about aliens, but Ten is obviously more educated than the average baby not to be receiving some form of education.

"Oh, I receive my education from transmission via our technology..." Ten said.

"Ten can study from anywhere in the universe, besides, he won't officially be in a real school until he is five..." Lum said.

"Oh come on!" Sam exclaimed.

Sam hated this, she knew with Ten helping Lum, Danny will get treated even worse between the electric shocks and the attempts at sleeping with him done by the princess, with the baby's help, Lum's obviously going to take Danny away from her.

"But Ten, what about what I told you earlier?" Danny whispered but the little alien still looked starstruck.

"You are strong Danny, much stronger than any other warrior I have seen and I know that you will be able to protect Lum..."Ten said with admiration.

Ten looked up at his favorite cousin and his hero, stars in his eyes as he knew he must help get them together. Knowing that they would be good together. Besides, he knew that if Lum had to marry an earthling, she could have picked much worse compared to Danny.

Heck, if the random selection for Lum's competitor had been another man that Lum decided to marry, who'd turn out to be the worst possible guy a girl could ever wind up married to.


In Japan

While Ataru was asleep he sneezed loudly, thrice, before he went back to dream his kind of dreams.

"Hehehehe… Shinobu… Sakura..." The perverted boy drooled out as he continued his sleep.

Back with Ten

Ten suddenly felt a cold shudder go through his body.

He couldn't help but feel that somewhere in the universe, there IS a guy that is like that, and it's his job to protect Lum from creeps like that.

Besides, I'd much rather she'd be married to Danny than some idiotic, perverted scumbag who'd probably never amount to anything, would treat her horribly and probably tried to cheat on her too.

Compared to a guy like that, Danny is practically the ideal husband.

"With my help I'm sure that you two will definitely begin to understand and love each other." Ten added.

Danny's jaw dropped, while Lum hugged Ten.

"Really? Thank you Ten!" Lum said happily since to her, her favorite cousin was getting along with her darling.

He giggled as Lum hugged him.

The humans knew what was going to happen before each turned to Danny, their expression speaking for themselves. Tucker's apologetic, Jazz's worry, and Sam's jealous anger.

Danny tried to speak

"Hold on! What about everythi-ahh!"

Lum hugged Danny tightly.

"Isn't Ten the greatest, Darling?"

"Yup, I'm a good boy." Ten said happily, smiling widely and Danny groaned in dismay

"Do you think you can teach me how to do that neat scream thing you did earlier?" Ten asked, in a fanboy kind of way as Lum kept trying to hug him to pieces.

Danny deeply hated what was happening right now.

"I think I liked it better when he tried to barbecue me...'Danny grumbled as the realization dawned on him.

He now had TWO aliens who won't leave him alone to deal with now.

Why couldn't we have been invaded by something less… obnoxious?!

In Vlad's mansion, the mayor was watching the events unfold via one of his robot insects.

He saw the look of misery on Danny's face and it brought a smile to his face.

"I can use this…" He said.