Chapter 6

The next day Lizzy rose early, dressed quietly to avoid waking Jane, and went down to her Uncle's small library to try and lose herself in a book. After scanning the shelves without taking in the titles, she sat next to the unlit fireplace and picked up the book her Uncle had left on the table.

She was still holding the unopened book sometime later when her Uncle appeared, not surprised to find her there. On the third time he said 'good morning', his niece finally realised she was no longer alone. Chortling to himself, he took the chair opposite.

"Well now niece, I hear from your Aunt that you had quite the adventure in Kent. I also understand that one of the two gentleman who called yesterday was most pleasantly surprised to see you here. As was I."

Lizzy smiled. "Yes Uncle, of course I couldn't wait to see you again. All the countryside of Kent could not satisfy me, so I came to see sights of a different kind. But you know my fondness for walking, Jane and I plan to walk around the park later."

"You can try Lizzy, but I won't be distracted. So, Mr Bingley has finally come to his senses and sought Jane out, but what of this Mr Darcy who I hear is madly in love with my favourite niece? Am I to call him out? I thought you did not like him?"

Lizzy sighed. Am I ever going to convince anyone of my complete and utter change of opinion of this man?

"Uncle. It has indeed been a revelation that anyone has such strong feelings for me, and our extended conversation was most informative at improving my understanding of his character. I don't need saving, not yet anyway." She smiled at her beloved Uncle who she adored as a second father. "Yes, Jane and I will be meeting the two interesting gentlemen later and yes, we will be walking together. But, oh, I don't know. Is it too fast to completely change your opinion of someone you thought you hated and are now very much in danger of admiring?"

"Lizzy, I was fortunate to meet your Aunt at a dance with mutual acquaintances when I was but two and twenty. Within five minutes of meeting her, I knew there was no other woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I hardly knew her, but I trusted my gut and luckily for me your Aunt felt the same. I believe that you are not so different in character as I Lizzy. I still urge caution. You have been against this man for so long. I'm not saying forget everything you know of Mr Darcy, but perhaps try and open your eyes to who he wants to be to you. Your Aunt knows of the family from her hometown, they are good, kindly people who show no improper pride in their position. I would love to see you happy Lizzy, whether it is with this gentleman or the next, I trust your opinion.'

With a pat of her hand, he stood and left his niece with much to contemplate. Ah, to be young again, he sighed.

Towards noon, the gentlemen and Miss Darcy arrived for their walk with the ladies to the small park near to the Gardiner's home.

Miss Darcy soon fell into conversation with Jane, Mrs Gardiner and Mr Bingley, while Mr Darcy offered his arm to Lizzy. She took it with a small smile and they proceeded on their walk in silence, neither sure how to begin.

After some moments, Lizzy looked up out of her bonnet to Mr Darcy gazing down at her with warm eyes and blushed.

Thinking of nothing else to say, Lizzy remarked on the weather, which had threatened to rain earlier that morning. Whilst dry now, she knew this walk might not be long as ominous grey clouds were building in the distance and the humidity was rising.

After some meaningless conversation, Lizzy said "Thank you for introducing me to your sister, sir. She is a lovely young lady and you should be very proud of her."

Mr Darcy smiled "I thank you. She has not had much exposure to society beyond our family, and I fear sometimes that she is too quiet and shy to be comfortable in meeting strangers."

Lizzy laughed "I think I know another Darcy who shares the same qualities" she replied cheekily with a gently squeeze of her hand on his arm.

Mr Darcy chuckled. "Yes, perhaps I should improve myself if I am to improve my sister. Practice what you preach, isn't that the saying? My sister throws herself into practising on the piano forte and she is quite magnificent at it already."

"I wish that I had taken the trouble to practise more, however, with a house full of sisters and one piano forte between the five of us, I found the peace of the outdoors or my father's book room much better to occupy my time. My sister Mary is the pianist of the family, although she could do with some guidance to perfect her performance. Sadly, my father has not the funds nor inclination to send her to Town for the benefit of the Masters."

"Then if you have time on this visit, or maybe your next, and your sister is free to come to you, it would be my pleasure for her to visit with Georgiana and take lessons with her. It would be no trouble."

Lizzy paused midstride with her mouth agape and stared at Mr Darcy. Quickly recovering and continuing their stroll, she replied with "That would be wonderful Mr Darcy. My sister would be thrilled at the opportunity for some extra tuition. I must insist that my father reimburse you the expense however."

Mr Darcy held his hand up "Do not think of it Miss Elizabeth. It would be my honour to gift this to your sister. In fact, if you or any of your other sisters are so inclined you would be most welcome to join my sister." He smiled at the thought of hearing Lizzy play within his home. "It would bring me immeasurable pleasure to hear you play and sing again."

Not knowing how to react, Lizzy continued their way around the small park, pausing to admire some late flowering daffodils dancing in the breeze.

Mr Darcy asked "Miss Elizabeth, have you had the chance to visit the theatre on your previous visits to Town?"

Lizzy smiled, "Yes sir, last year I persuaded my Uncle to take me to see the opera, and while I did not understand all of the lyrics, the music was most moving. Well, from what we could hear above the noise of the crowd. I should very much like to see some more on this trip before we return to Longbourn, however, I know that my Uncle is a busy man and my arrival is unexpected."

"With your Uncle's permission, and if you are not otherwise engaged, we have plans to attend tomorrow evening. It would be my honour to accompany you and your sister, and your Aunt and Uncle of course, in my box. Indeed, I should like it very much Miss Elizabeth." He looked shyly down at Lizzy's bonnet, which frustratingly obscured her face.

After the others passed them and once they were afforded relative privacy, Mr Darcy picked a flower and recited

"I wandered lonely as a cloud, that floats on high o'er vales and hills, when all at once I saw a crowd,
a host of golden daffodils". The last part he held Lizzy's gaze and she held her breath as he tucked the flower into the broach on her jacket. "A beautiful flower for a enchanting lady". His gloved hand lingered on her neck gently before withdrawing to his side.

Blushing furiously and feeling the loss of his touch, she looked up at Mr Darcy.

"Mr Darcy." She swallowed, his eyes seemed to pierce her very soul but it was impossible to look away. "Mr Darcy, I owe you an apology. I have been blinded by prejudice to the man you truly are by misunderstanding your shyness and allowing lies told by others to turn my heart against you. These last few days have given me much time to revaluate all of our acquaintance, and I find myself unable to find reason in my disliking you to continue. That you would offer piano lessons to my sister, entertain my Aunt and Uncle in your box, reunite my sister with your friend... well. Clearly I was mistaken in you."

"Elizabeth" Mr Darcy breathed as stepped closer. He was in imminent danger of forgetting they were in a public park. Lizzy held his gaze and was lost in the intensity of his eyes as they became darker.

If the flash of lightning did not startle them, then the following clap of thunder did. Jumping guiltily away from one another as the rain began to fall, Mr Darcy took Lizzy by the hand and they hurried to shelter beneath a nearby brick archway leading to an alleyway. There wasn't much room for the two of them, and Mr Darcy turned his back on the park to shield Lizzy from the worst of the rain. Where the rest of their party were, they did not know.

The park and nearby streets soon emptied as people dashed for cover. Lizzy turned from the alleyway to look for her Aunt and sister but could not spot them. She was becoming very aware of just how large the man next to her was and her pounding heart was completely unrelated to the short run she had just undertook. She could not stop thinking about the gentleman inches away from her, getting progressively more wet in a gallant effort to keep her dry. He filled almost all of the archway with his imposing frame and she turned her face up to look at him.

Mr Darcy was in a state of torment and bliss all at the same time. His Elizabeth was mere inches away from him and he could see her chest rising and falling rapidly below him. He closed his eyes to try and think of something, anything, but it was to no avail. Upon opening them, he saw Lizzy had turned her head to look up at him with the most curious expression on her face.

Leaning down towards her, he paused and seeing no reaction other than hooded brown eyes looking back up at him, he brushed his lips against hers. Pulling back he studied her face for her reaction. A sly smile crept across Lizzy's face and she leaned forward for more. Taking that as an invitation rather than indication that he was not going to be slapped across the face, he immediately obliged her with another.

Lizzy's first kiss was brief, fleeting and absolutely wonderful. Her heart soared with emotion at the contact and a flood of warmth flowed over her. When Mr Darcy withdrew to see how she responded, she could not help but smile and lean towards him. Her second kiss was even better. This time he did not pull away and his arms came around her body to pull her closer to him.

It felt like it lasted for hours, it was sheer ecstasy that neither of them had experienced before, but in truth probably lasted no longer than thirty seconds. When Mr Darcy dragged himself away from his most willing temptress, he leaned his forehead on hers and sighed happily. Lizzy let out a nervous giggle and Mr Darcy beamed at the noise.

"Lizzy" Mr Darcy's husky voice purred over the 'zee' sound and sent shivers down Lizzy's spine at hearing her nickname from his lips.

"Mmm" came the reply.

"Marry me, please" he begged.

"Yes" and Lizzy's lips where claimed once again.