Hello there, welcome back if you've read the last chapter, and if you're a new face then I'll say "Hello!"

To not waste your time with greetings and introductions, let's get into the reviews of the last chapter.

whwsms: Yeah, many stories now get harder to relate to as you grow older. But I'm still a kid at heart so I don't mind it too much. I've also read many of those time-skip stories, but as you've said they've been dropped rather suddenly so we never got a continuation nor an end. But I will try and be the exception, I don't intend for this to be a long fic, but I will definitely finish it. I really do hope Kamachi continues writing Index after NT, I need more!

D.N.Works: Thank you for the praise, and yes I will be leaving many more questions for you dear readers to piece together.

Guest: Sadly enough, our Kamijou-kun is single and is not ready to mingle. I haven't read NT22 yet, nor will I be able to. As I'm still on 20. But I do know what happens here and there. 34 is the magic number.

BlueJack22: Thank you, thank you. I'm very pleased by your reaction. And don't count our unlucky ex-hero out just yet! We have many more chapters to go, so you never know if the adventure is over. And I too believe he'd open something like a restaurant or bakery, much like what MrQuestionMark has wrote about in his BTL series.

StrangerGuy: Thank you, and I'll definitely be writing more.

Dark Tyrant-Fool: Thank you, you'll come to realise all of those things once we are moving at a faster pace. I'll be sure to dive into some of the characters we all know and love some other time.

MrQuestionMark: Thank you for the praise, knowing you enjoy the prologue when you were one of the main inspirations I had for writing it puts a huge smile on my face.

The gap will be filled slowly but surely, many things will unravel to reveal the past Touma has been through to get to where he is now. I hope it makes you look back at the story as a whole and brings you a sense of "Ahhhh….it all makes sense." And I chose Index simply because she would definitely be there for him throughout the years, with a relationship between them that has grown all throughout their experiences. I also really love writing those warm moments between the two, as it just shows how much they trust one another.

Kamijou Touma is a misfortunate being, that is the universal constant in my opinion. Plus, being a tad sadistic is fun.

I'll be sure to fulfill that curiousity of yours. And I may have failed this time but that 10k dream is still alive!!

Yourfellowwriter: Thank you, I do hope I continue to pique your interests with the coming chapters.

fencer29: Joseph's makes an appearance this chapter, so it certainly hasn't been replaced by our Kamijou.

And I also agree, Imagine Breaker or not, trouble will find him.

ikanparifish: The praise is very welcomed, although while I don't believe I brought anything original to the table as there are a few time-skip stories out there, I am certainly trying to put myown spin on it.

I'd like for all the characters to feel as though they're more mature, as well as remaining the same. Kamijou will definitely be feeling it this chapter.

Majin Othinus: I take pride in my ability to spell check and maintain proper grammar. But I still mess up from time to time.

Mmm…we'll see about that, Kamijou may be holding out on us. And Othinus, well she'll show herself sooner or later. Hopefully this wasn't too long a wait, as I really want to get into a good pace for uploading.

Now that those are done, onto the story! Also, should I use a disclaimer? I'll do it this time but I need to know for certain.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Raildex franchise, nor will I ever. It is the property of Kazuma Kamachi and the respective anime studios without which I wouldn't have even known it existed.

Onto the story…

_ _ _ _

It was dark.

A location completely and utterly devoid of light, without so much as a glimmer of it.

It seemed to stretch out infinitely. With no end in sight, only complete and utter darkness that surrounds all.


There was no land, no sky no coherent direction. It was simply darkness


Darkness surrounding him on every front.

"Ooooooh Kamijoooouuu-kuuuun~!…."

The sight of complete and utter failure. He laid in that space that reminded him so much of failure.

"I know you hear me Kamijou-kun~!…"

Worst of all.

"You can't pretend not to…not when I'm in your head…"

He was there.

"…..Fuck off you bastard….Let me rest.." Came a hoarse defeated sigh from one lonely existence in that dark surrounding void.

"Ah, but I can't do that can I Kamijou-kun~? I can't have my one and only friend forgetting about me." Yet another voice filled the space, a more joyful and serene tone. One brimming with pure unrestrained amusement.


"Come ooooon~! Stop ignoring me….." The voice spoke once again, digging it's annoying existence into Kamijou's ears.


"Sigh…fine, have it your way Kamijou." The voice without a body, nor face to tie it to turned to a dull and bored tone.

But in the next moment it would burst out in joyous laughter once again, when the whole void flickered a deep red and a bloodcurdling cry from the silent Kamijou was heard.

"ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! NO WAIT, I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!" Echoes of his pleading cries filled the now red stained plane, mixed together with the guttural laughter that came from the other occupant.

"Hahahahahaha!! O-Oh, how funny it is to see that tough guy persona break apart. Ah...brings back memories. Ahem, now Kamijou-kun. Let's be nice and-" The being couldn't finish it's sentence, as the perpetual moaning of pain and sorrow grew louder. Like a twisted crescendo of whaling screams.

"YES!!! J-JUST PLEASE MAKE IT STOOOOP!!" Tears began to spill from his eyes knowing even a second longer would drive him to the brink of madness.

"Well if you had let me finish I would've, but since you're so disrespectful to your superiors I think I'll keep at it for a few more moments~…" The tone of the speaker contorted in a sweetly sadistic fashion.

And once more, Kamijou Touma screamed.

And cried out.

And shouted into the hellscape of deep red.

Letting loose a painful throat splitting roar.

As he laid on nothingness, Kamijou could only wail in torture.

"What a wonderful start to a morning. Now, let's continue." Just like that, the world removed it's cloak of red and bore that same darkness once more.

The pain stopped, and he was quiet. Not of his own volition, simply because the other being decided it had enjoyed enough of his lovely cries and silenced him so he could listen.

Silence brought by a lack of vocal cords.

"Mmmmm.…sometimes I forget how good silence is. Well, now that I have your attention. I want to, like always, remind you of your colossal failures."

The dark shadowy world twisted, spiraling and converging into a single point the size of a marble.

As the void was stripped of its darkness it gained a stark white appearance, contrasting with the newly formed object.

The single marble then split into three, those three started contorting and expanding, taking shape in the form of a trio of bipedal shadows.

They were human no doubt. Yet they had no depth to them. They were only 2D silhouettes that shifted and changed to match a familiar scene that he had burned into his retina not too long ago.

He remembered it clearly.

He knew who this trio of shadows was, what they represented and what they were beginning to mimick.

He laid there, unmoving and silently seething at the sight. As two of the three began pummeling the smallest of the trio, without so much as a shred of mercy and care.

They beat, kicked, punched, spat, slapped, abused the quivering and downed silhouette.

All the while the faintest of outlines framed their smiling faces.

"How cruel of you to leave this poor defenceless boy to suffer at the hands of those mere thugs."

'I had no choice...'

"Oh but you did, you simply chose not to." Came the sadistic tone of the torturer. As if whispering into his ear while he read his thoughts.

'I had no choice...'

"He ran and ran and ran, exhausting himself all the while his pursuers drew near."

'I had no choice…'

"Gasping for breath he stumbled and fell, meeting the enraged eyes of his hunters."


"And as he begged them, they only smiled at the successful hunt while tearing into their prey."


"What you see before you Kamijou Touma. Is yet another person you've failed to save…"


"Oh, and the help you phoned for the poor lad. Never came to help in time. Only finding a weak little brat beaten within an inch of his life. Ahahahahahaha!!" Roared another sadistic laugh from the formless voice.

"E-Ehehe..anyway, enjoy another night reliving your failures. I have more pressing matters to attend to…"

With that, the voice grew quiet. While Kamijou laid there in that white expanse, gazing upon the trio who by now replayed their brutal act three times now starting their fourth.

He kept his gaze upon them. Taking in the sight of the same kick a fourth time, the same punch that followed and the insuing pain riddled movements from the one receiving them.

It would replay again, and again and again.

Until the alarm by his bed woke him from this nightmare. He would continue to be haunted by the events he could do nothing about.

The people he could not save.

'I'm so sorry..'

And all he would do, was repeat the same thing each and every time.

'I'm so sorry…'

An apology to the one he couldn't rescue from this cruel fate.

_ _ _ _

*Riiiiiiiiing* *Riiiiiiiiing* *Riiiiiiiiing* *Click*

With a hand on his alarm clock, one Kamijou Touma woke from his sleep.

The same soft mattress and deep blue sheets greeted his weary tear filled eyes as the white ceiling above did nothing but remind him of this night's dream.


He lifted himself off the pillow stained with his tears, the mattress didn't fare much better as it laid wet with the cold sweat that ran down his body.

He wiped the tears from his scarred face, left his bed and opened the drawer by his bed, pulling out a single bottle of pills which he took one of and into his mouth. He then pulled off the sheets and covers of his bed.

"I need to wash them again. Do I even have enough laundry detergent?" He asked himself.

He made his way through the door of his bedroom, having to go through the living room and kitchen before he got to the bathroom.

The place he lived in was not big by any means, merely an apartment made of four rooms.

His bedroom, which was only big enough to fit a single bed and a dresser, with a small bedside cabinet that housed his alarm clock.

The living room and kitchen were only a doorway away. You would enter through the living room, that was connected to the kitchen as part of an open plan.

The kitchen has only the bare minimum needed for someone who lived alone, a stove and refrigerator along with a microwave and small counter where his dishes were held.

In the middle of the kitchen was the small dining table, only having two seats on each end.

The living room was similarly minimalistic. Having only a leather couch and TV propped upon a similarly black coffee table. He had little use for the TV, as nothing really interested him to use it much.

The door to the outside was by the kitchen counter, while the bathroom and guestroom doors were both on the opposite side of the living room from his bedroom.

The guest room like his own bedroom was small, possibly a bit bigger than what he used as was the generous nature of one Kamijou Touma. It was similarly occupied with a bed and dresser, with a cabinet by the bed much like his.

The bathroom, being the smallest room in the apartment, had little space to spare. Fitting a sink and mirror with a toilet, along with the shower and washing machine.

Speaking of, he quickly tossed the dirty sheets into the machine, finding that he had little to no detergent left to use.

"Such Misfortune…" He'd have to buy some later today.

"Should I wash my clothes as well?" Lifting the hem of the plain white t-shirt he wore, Kamijou took a whiff of his own clothes and recoiled a second later from the smell.

"Cough…Mmmm, yep! And a shower wouldn't hurt."

Discarding his sweaty shirt and pants he stuffed them into the washing machine and promptly started it with those last few drops of detergent he had left.

Now he looked into the mirror above the sink, taking a good long look at his blemished skin filled with scars. He then moved his eyes to the missing appendage, grasping at what wasn't there with his remaining hand.

A few moments passed in silence before he caught a glimpse of the present his silver haired friend wrapped around his neck.

His fingers brushed against the silver, the once dead eyes he looked upon his missing arm with now gone, replaced with a faint smile.

"I should give her a call." Chuckling to himself as he remembered the hassle it was to clear most of his schedule for today. He spent a good portion of last night planning it out.

Nonetheless he went back to his bedroom, claiming some of his clothes from the dresser and jumping in the shower a little later.

Only to be rudely reminded how cold the water was when one turns on the washing machine cycle.

Which ment that Kamijou Touma had one cold shower that winter morning.

An hour later it was now 07:00AM, and Kamijou was now sat on his couch with a freshly gelled head of spiky hair as well as a new set of clothes on his back.

Fiddling with his phone he scrolled to the busty Archbishop's contact, debating if he should call this early in the morning but finding himself somewhat grinning at the thought of waking her up.

'On one hand, she might wake up rather cranky and tired. On the other, I get to annoy her about it…' He weighed the options, making the grin on his face widen as the most amusing option tickled his fancy.

'I better not, I won't hear the end of it later.' He decided against the idea, choosing not to tempt fate and the wrath of Index, and instead he fixed himself a cup of tea.

While waiting for the water to boil he turned on the TV, not really expecting anything special but the usual talkshows, morning news and crappy movies one found at this time.

And just as he thought, nothing was worth the time.

"Boring, boring, boring…"

He just sat there, starring at the changing channels with little interest.

Feeling like he wasted precious minutes of his life on the gadget, he then stood up, turning off the TV and going back to the stove, seeing the water was ready so he lazily made himself the tea and sat back down on the couch.

He looked at the clock above the TV, seeing that the time was now 07:30AM. Soon he'll be out the door and trekking along the streets of the city.

But for now the cup of tea he brewed called to him, so he took a pleasant sip of the sweet nectar.





'…..……….Let's get dressed.'

With an unmotivated step Kamijou took to the bedroom, putting on his everyday black jeans and his dark winter jacket over the blue shirt he already had on.

He was soon out the door, locking it and making his way down the hallway of the apartment complex and into the elevator where a soft tune from the overhead speakers fueled the tapping of his foot.

Now out the building and onto the streets, Kamijou passed by many people similarly walking to work, he even saw some students rushing to school knowing how late they were. It certainly brought back memories.

Boarding a bus he went deeper into the district, getting off at the street his restaurant was on.

Looking up at the large bold letters sitting above the entrance he couldn't help but cringe a bit.

"The Kamijou Restaurant." Or more commonly known as "Kamijou's."

It was so plain and boring it hurt. Not only that but it sounded too long and generic.

'I really have no creativity...'

Unlocking the establishment he heard the familiar chime of the bell. Stepping into the building his eyes were greeted by the sight of beige tiles under his feet, on both of his sides were booths with cream coloured seats and dark oak tables lined under the large windows framing the metropolitan landscape.

A counter sat in front of him, decorated a same oak brown as the tables, with a marble surface matching the colour of the seats, above which hung a plethora of liquor bottles, all incased in a glass cabinet.

Behind was the open wall that let others look into the kitchen that contained a large island workstation housing many sinks, cutting boards and cooking utensils.

The island was surrounded by stoves and large machines used to bake and cook many dishes, along with two refrigerators on either side. A single door was in the corner, which led to the storage area he kept all the supplies in.


He has worked effortlessly to make this restaurant what it is today, and he could only look upon it with a smile befitting a proud owner.

"Kamijou-kun, you're stuck in your head again."

"…!" A foreign voice entered his ears making the unlucky man jump out of his skin. He turned around to see a gray haired elderly lady wearing a cheeky smile as she passed through the open door.

"Sigh...Don't scare me like that Fumiko-san." Kamijou held a hand to his racing heart, being completely caught unaware by the woman.

"Sorry sorry Kamijou-kun, I didn't mean to. I just happened to catch you busy with your thoughts again" The elderly woman passed by him, entering the kitchen with Kamijou in tow.

"It's fine, although I'm somewhat scared I'll have a heart attack one day."

"You're still too young to be worrying about such things Kamijou-kun. If anyone should be worried about heart attacks it's this old hag right here." She chuckled at the lad, going over to a hanger with many white uniforms strung about and picking out her own.

"Either way, I still don't plan on kicking the bucket anytime soon, this Kamijou-san has yet to even find himself a girlfriend. So I'm not going to leave behind such an unfulfilled existence."

"You sure about that Kamijou-kun? From what I remember, you had a very nice long talk with a pretty young lady, did you not?" Inquired the older woman, leaning into Kamijou's personal space with dark eyes hungry for more information.

"N-Now now, Index is just a long time friend of mine. We don't have that type of relationship." Denied the shop owner, stepping back defensively.

"Ho~ But I did happen to see you two walking around yesterday. She seemed very eager to cling to you. You even led her to a hotel. Kamijou you sly dog you…"

"N-No that was ummm…I was just-" He never got a word in as a feminine shout interrupted his excuse.

"Kamijou-san found a girlfriend!?" An excited and lively Yuriko stormed through the kitchen doors. Her brown eyes sparkled much like Fumiko's as they bore into the older man.

"Where did you meet!? How long have you known one another!? How far did you go!?" She took his hand in both of her own and looked sternly into the man's blue eyes with passion only a schoolgirl looking for gossip could match. "I need all the details Kamijou-san."

"Time out!" Kamijou, now flushed red in embarrassment, stepped away while waving his hand at them.

"I keep telling you two that this Kamijou-san is too misfortunate to have a girlfriend. Index is one of my oldest and closest friends so it's a given we'd be so close." He dropped his hand and sighed at the rather saddening truth of his romantic experience.

"Kamijou-san, that's very disappointing for a man your age. Being a virgin at 34…" This attack critically damaged the already fragile confidence he had.

"You think I don't know that!? And I'm not a virgin!" With tears in his eyes he slumped on a nearby stool, an aura of defeat enveloping his being.

"Mmmmhhmmm~…" Came a disbelieving humm from the girl.

"Cheer up Kamijou-kun, I'm sure there's a girl out there waiting for you. If not, then you could always try the opposite end of the spectrum."

"Fumiko-san I'll have to ask you to drop that dangerous line of thought." He said with a deadpanned voice at the elderly woman's suggestion. "And Yuriko-chan stop fantasizing."

"Geh-!…" Caught was the yaoi fan.

"Well anyway, I wanted to inform you two on my absence today. So I'll be leaving the restaurant in your hands until the others arrive."

"Ho ho~ so it is a date…" Snickered Fumiko.


"Rest assured Kamijou-kun, you're in good hands. So go do what you must." Now having put on her uniform the woman smiled reassuringly at the spiky haired man.

"Yeah Kamijou-san, you can leave it to us!" Yuriko gave a salute, as she too donned her uniform.

"Good, do tell Mori-san to clean up storage, we'll be receiving a propane shipment later today. Yuriko you tend to the tables and the register as always."


"Fumiko-san, you and Reina-san keep the kitchen busy, I'll stop by later today before the shift ends to help out."

"Understood Kamijou-kun."

"Good, good. Thank you both, you're a huge help." He bowed deeply to the both of them, leaving the kitchen a moment later with a wave of his hand.

He made his way to one of the windows, reaching for a switch on its frame which he flipped. The air-conditioning units roared to life, begining their usual job of keeping the inside temperature pleasant for the customers.

Kamijou then headed for the door, turning the sign saying 'closed' so it said 'open'. Going out the door the same bell chime filled his ears as he left the building.

'I should probably call Index ahead of time, just to make sure she has time to get ready.'

His phone met his ear some time later, ringing once, twice, and a third time before the familiar voice of Index came through the speaker.

"Touma. Good morning! Were you able to free up some time?" The slightly groggy yet cheerful tone of hers brought a smile to his face.

"Morning Index. Yes, I have myself the whole day to relax. I was calling ahead to let you know I'll be coming in about 15 minutes. Would that be enough time to for you to get ready?"

"Plenty, although I have to let Stiyl know I'll be leaving so he doesn't worry much. He was thinking of putting a tracking rune on me yesterday…." She did not sound all to pleased with that.

"Well you know how he is, like a mother hen. But don't tell him I said that or he'll kill me." Chuckling to himself at the image of a certain fire mage snapping at him for the comment.

"Hehe, yeah I won't. What do you have in mind for today?" Index asked him, curiousity obvious.

"I was thinking of having breakfast somewhere, then possibly taking a walk through the city for a little while. Anything else you'd like to do?"

"Breakfast would be amazing right about now. Oh, and if we're going to walk around Academy City then I want to visit all the places we used to go when we were younger, I haven't been here in a long time so revisiting those places seems like a lot of fun." She chirped happily, knowing that the man was just as sentimental as her and would love some time to reminisce.

"Sounds good. I'll make my way to the hotel now. See you there Index."

"See you soon Touma!" They bid one another goodbye then hung up.

'Honestly that girl…she knows most of the places we visited were food stalls. Then again, I can't complain having some more time alone to spend with her.'

"Wait, I'm making this sound way more romantic than it is….No Kamijou get it out of your head!"

The mostly sane man put one foot in front of the other and carried on to the hotel.

_ _ _ _

"Kamijou…." A rather annoyed voice was directed at the misfortune magnet known as Kamijou Touma, one belonging to a certain red haired flame sorcerer. Who, with his tall stature and intimidating image, now bore holes into the nervously sweating restaurant owner.

"H-Hehehe….fancy seeing you here Stiyl. How's the missus?" Was his awkward conversation starter.

"Don't play coy with me Kamijou. I came to ask just what exactly you were thinking of doing with Index today."

If looks could kill, he'd be in a casket already.

"W-We were thinking of having breakfast before taking a walk through the city. That's all I swear!" The mother hen comment really did fit the red haired priest. Seeing as his interrogation reminded Kamijou of an overbearing parent.

"…………….…." Once more his eyes bore into the shop owner. Suspicion printed upon his brown orbs. Yet, he gave an exasperated sigh, pulling out a box of cigarettes and quickly lighting one for himself.

"Of all the people that could be here, I'm the one who has to deal with this idiot…" Letting out a puff of smoke he loosened the tie of his matching black suit.


"So, business going well? Hard to imagine you running a successful business if I'm honest." The lanky man leaned against the hotel wall, taking another drag from his cigarette.

"Gee..thanks. It's going well, just a tad stressful from time to time." He joined the redhead against the wall.

The sorcerer lifted the box of cigarettes and offered one to him. "It can't be any more stressful than being the bodyguard to the most sought after collection of magical knowledge, as well as having to put up with her lazyass."

Kamijou waved off his offer, sliding down the wall in a crouching position. "Probably not. But running around all day taking orders, cleaning, cooking and managing the restaurant is exhausting, not to mention my lack of luck that makes it all the worse for me."

"Try getting Index to do paperwork. She wouldn't be here if I didn't push her to finish that mountain of paper she was putting off for weeks." Stiyl grimaced, taking one long drag from the cancer stick to subdue those unpleasant memories.

Kamijou had a pretty good idea on the sorcerer's troubles. "I can only imagine all the buffet's you've promised her."

"Ugh….don't remind me. Heh, she got so hungry when I mentioned it she nearly ate the rest of the documents so she could finish faster."

They both had a good laugh at the gluttonous Archbishop when the creak of a heavy door roused their attention.

"Ah, there you are Touma. Ready to go?" The former nun now stood in front of the two men, wearing a pair of ripped blue jeans with her green, fur hooded jacket opened to reveal a dark gray sweater underneath.

"Mhm, let's get going. I'm sure you're pretty hungry already." He stood up, hearing the silent snicker the man beside him let out before walking to the girl.

She immediately grasped his arm, a hungry set of eyes and a beaming smile directed at him. "Well, what are we waiting for? Off to Joseph's!!" The woman pulled at his arm, eager to sink her teeth into some food.

"Ah, not so fast! Well, see ya' Stiyl, we'll be back in a few hours!" He turned to the fire magician bidding him a goodbye, one Index mirrored with a wave of her hand.

"Take care." Said the redhead, waving back at their retreating backs.

With the hotel now behind them, Kamijou and Index made their way to the aforementioned Joseph's Coffee and Restaurant, with a bus ride and short walk later, they were at its doors. It stood unchanged after so much time and still drew a hefty crowd of people. More so than Kamijou's own if he was to be completely honest.

They found their seats and placed their orders, an action that took quite some time due to Index's large appetite, making even the waitress pale as three pages of her notepad were now filled by a single customer.

So when the order was ready a whole cart was needed to deliver the food Kamijou's gluttonous friend had ordered. Unfortunately most of it went to waste, as a fold in the carpet below the wheels launched the contents of the cart toward the only person who was unlucky enough to be in their path.

One wide eyed Kamijou Touma, who had sensed something coming when the gift Index gave him sent a jolt to his mind steering him in the right direction.

But, it was futile.

"Ahh! Hot hot hot! Such misfortune!" What was worse was Index's decision to start with a few bowls of tomato soup.

After some profuse apologies from the waitress and manager, who offered them a free meal Index eagerly took advantage of, Kamijou sat smelling of soup and other things while the unbothered glutton stuffed her face.

"Well at least this reminded me to buy some detergent…" There were no positives here Kamijou-san.

"Look on the bright side, we got some free food and the manager even offered to pay for your drycleaning."

"That does not make me feel better." Discarding the paper towel he was using to wipe the food from his clothes, the unlucky man looked at his companion with a question in mind. "Hey Index. I don't want to bother you on your day off. But, I need your help with something."

This immediately made the girl cease her eating. "I'm always happy to help you Touma. But, what exactly do you need help with?"

"Well, yesterday when I was cleaning the tables I found this underneath one of them." The man produced a blue oval stone from his pocket, a white runic like marking covering most of its body. "I don't know what it may be but since that looks awfully like a rune to me, I thought you might."

"You'd be correct in thinking that, as this is an emitter rune. One specifically from Norse mythology." The ever knowing Grimoire Library explained.

"It emits a weak field of magic, something many combat type magicians use to conceal their true location. Usually by placing it somewhere away from themselves to trick their foe so they can make their getaway. But this one has been modified…"

"Modified? How exactly?" Not being too versed in anything magical, even after so many years of experience dealing with it, Kamijou still relied on his friend to enlighten him on these things.

"Well…with its use in creating a magic field, it also informs the caster on any changes delt to the field. The stone is a magical construct as well, so if it were to be destroyed they'd know it too." Scanning the stone with a frown on her face, the woman was deep in thought, thinking of any practical use it could have in the man's restaurant.

"So a magician is dropping stones in my shop for some strange reason…Great, just what I need in my life."

"I'd be careful from now on. Someone may be after you or they could want something from you, and I don't believe your heavenly cooking is what they're looking for." To diffuse the strained atmosphere the girl gave a small laugh, one the man met with his own.

"The only person I have to be worried about going after my food is you. But, I'll keep my eyes peeled don't worry."

With that the two ate the rest of their free food. Chatting from time to time about different things like friends normally do. They conversed about their hobbies, activities, random questions one would ask a friend they haven't seen in a long time.

Both enjoyed themselves in the company of the other, finally being able to catch up after so long.

And as they talked the time ticked by. An hour or so later they finished their meals and left the establishment with smiles on their faces and food in their bellies.

As they walked the streets of Academy City, Kamijou and Index continued to talk.

"Let it be know that this Kamijou-san has no intention of opening a food chain all the way to England. I have enough troubles with one restaurant and I don't need more."

"But Touma, if you did that then you could move to England and work there. I'm sure you could hire people to manage the others." One very clingy Archbishop pleaded with the man.

"I can't open a restaurant in England just because you're bored and lonely. Not to mention my broken English that would make hiring and managing much too difficult." While the man loved the idea of having an international food chain, who wouldn't with all the potential profit? The amount work needed to achieve that in an already oversaturated marketplace was too damn high for this regular businessman.

"Hmph…" With a pout the woman looked away in disappointment.

Kamijou, seeing her childish act, placed a hand on her head to pet it. "There there, I already promised I'd come and visit. I just don't want to make an investment that might not pan out im my favour."

"I know but I just-"

A gunshot silenced them both, as the window of the bank some buildings down shattered with a bullet speeding through it.

People turned and looked at the scene, some screamed and shouted for the law enforcement, while others started to record what they were witnessing.

An alarm quickly sounded in the building followed by another gunshot that drew screams from the inside.

A man with a red cap and black ski mask came out the building, a single pistol in hand which he emptied into the sky.

"Everyone scram if you know what's good for you! We have hostages so let the cops know they shouldn't take us lightly!" He shot off another clip for effect, making the already scared crowd disperse.

The duo of Index and Kamijou watched it all unfold. Kamijou grit his teeth and looked squarely at the gunman, wanting nothing more but to punch his lights out. But…

"Let's get out of here." He hurriedly pulled the former nun into the nearest alleyway, trying to get away as quickly as he could.

"Touma…?" Index, who half expected the man to charge the criminal, let herself be dragged by the man while she stared in disbelief.

Now safely away from the bank they could hear sirens and a few more gunshots resound in the air.

"I think this is far enough." Kamijou let go of the woman, turning to see her frowning slightly. "What is it?"

"I thought I'd have to be the one dragging you away, knowing how you usually are and all…" She looked him in the eyes which beared a slight discomfort and a nervous expression to match. He tried to laugh it off but soon found her peering deeper.

"Well what did you expect me to do against guns? I was useless against them when I had the Imagine Breaker and now I'm even more useless with this missing arm." He grasped the empty sleeve of his jacket, knowing full well that wouldn't have stopped him from taking action.

"I know that's true, but still…it's worrisome seeing you unhesitatingly leave when someone could be in danger. Touma…is everything alright?"

No. That was what he wanted to say, but with his situation as it was he could only don a fake smile and reassure the girl that everything was fine.

"Don't worry everything is fine, I just don't want to be a hindrance to Anti-Skill and make a bigger mess." He waved her worries off, stuffing his hand in his jackets pocket where it sat clenched as hard as it could out of sight of the worried woman.

"Are you sure? I worry that you're not telling me the truth."

'I'm not.'

"I am don't worry Index. Let's just get you home before something else happens, ok?" He let another fake smile grace his lips.

"If you say so…let's go." She walked past him, heading to her hotel while Kamijou stood still for a while. He looked at her back and grit his teeth so hard they were almost cracking.

But, yet again he pocketed his hand and pulled out a bottle of pills, downing a few before he went to catch up with the Archbishop.

_ _ _ _

"Thank you for today, I had a lot of fun. Even if the bit at the end made us finish on a sour note." Index, who now stood at the hotel doors addressed the spiky haired man that escorted her back.

He smiled sincerely, nodding in return. "I'm sorry for that, but I had fun as well. Come by tomorrow and I'll treat you to a new recipe I've made. I'm sure you'll find it tasty."

"Everything you make is delicious. Well, I have to go. Stiyl is going to make me go over some things concerning the Florence incident, I'm not looking forward to his nagging..." Her defeated sigh made the man laugh, giving her one last stroke on the head before saying.

"Keep working hard leader, I'm sure he'll lay off once he sees how much effort you put in."

"Mmm.. thank you again Touma. See you tomorrow."

"See you then." They parted ways soon after, the man leaving for his own residence.

'Ooooooh Kamijoooouuu-kuuuun~!….' An annoyingly cheerful voice invaded his mind.

'What the hell do you want?' Kamijou spat.

'Well I just wanted to see how you were doing. Since I know you aren't too happy with what happened earlier.'


'See? Well, besides a few gunshot wounds here and there, noone is in any mortal danger. Besides the gunmen of course, who both received a bullet to the head and a few in the heart. Those Anti-Skill sure are accurate.'

'Get out of my head this instant.'

'My my how scary. I don't mind either way, I just thought I'd pop by and remind you of your failures again, but I'm sure you're plenty aware of them.'

'Get OUT!'

'Hahahaha, I'm sure she would have been proud of you.'

"GET OUT!!!" Kamijou gave an unrestrained shout which drew a lot of attention to the man. He turned his head down and kept walking, while the laughter of that accursed voice continued on in his mind.

'Hahahahahaha!! Ahh..fine fine. See you tonight.'

With the voice now gone he kicked at the ground, wanting to curse at the world as loud as he could, but he would only gain a few weird looks from the people around him.

So the ever unlucky man laid his eyes forward, those same empty blue eyes that were once filled with the determination to save the world, and to save others from the world.

He looked forward. Forward. Forward.

"Keep moving forward…I know you'll succeed in the end..."

'But I can't... No more…I can't keep going like this. Something has to change. But what? What can I do? What can I do when I don't have a single choice to make!?'

"Keep moving forward…"


He sighed heavily. Calming his racing mind and aching heart.

'Alright…I'll keep moving forward, just like you believed I could…'

And that he did. He let his legs move him along the concrete jungle that was his home.

_ _ _ _

In an undisclosed location two figures stood talking, robes were draped on their bodies hiding most of their face save for the mouth.

One figure pulled out a small container, opening it to reveal something far too dark to see clearly. "We've acquired the Tool. Proceeding to the next objective of securing the main target." The object was handed over to the other figure, who with a grin accepted the box and took it into their hands.

A voice which was seeping I'll intent replied. "Good, make sure they are unharmed. I want to be the one to end him."

"Now what do you two think you're up to?"



Both figures turned, seeing a silhouette step into their dark domain which was lit up a second later with a flick of the intruders wand that now held a flame at its tip.

"Why don't the two of you lowlifes hand that over and we can do this quietly."

In turn both fired off an attack, one produced a barrage of stone while the other sprouted vines from beneath to entangle the wand wielding figure.

A second later both attacks were reduced to ashes when the flame on the tip of the wand grew in size and swallowed the whole area in fire.

"You should learn how to show respect to your betters." Parting the flames a blonde haired woman stepped forward, toying with her curly hair with a bored expression on her face.

"Leivinia Birdway. Your personal entertainer tonight." She stepped forward.

"Shit!" One of the robed mages cursed, turning to run but finding themselves on the floor a second later when a tall well dressed man knocked them out cold with a single kick to the head.

"Miss Birdway, I'd recommend not setting the alleyway on fire. It will drive attention to the area." Mark Space, personal aid to Leivinia said.

"Tsk, shut up Mark. Keep an eye on that one while I- Where do you think you're going!?" She yelled at the retreating back of the other robed figure, as they made their swift escape.

She shot off a fireball, missing the person by a hair when they turned the corner. Birdway gave chase down the alley, turning the same corner only to find the area empty.

"Ahhh! Mark you distracted me! I could've taken them both down! ILL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS!" She stomped in anger, raising her wand at the man.

"My apologies, but our mission was not to kill them but to simply capture them. We've got one, so that will be enough." Mark calmly said, raising the figure at his feet onto his shoulders before turning to the raging blonde.

"I swear you won't go unpunished. But you're right, let's rince this fool of any information." She walked past, leaving Mark to follow as they left the other end of the alley where a fancy black car awaited them.

"When we're done we'll pay a little visit to the man of the hour. We have a lot to discuss..." The grip on her symbolic weapon tightened and Leivinia Birdway got into the car.

Mark sighed, tossing the robed figure into the trunk before he himself got in. "I do pray for your safety Kamijou."

_ _ _ _

A/N: Hello and welcome to the bottom! As always it is a pleasure to see you reach this far into the story and I myself do hope you like what you've read.

If the last part seemed rushed or somewhat clobbered together, know that I was running out of battery on my phone so I was in a bit of a rush. Also, please excuse any other rushed parts before that, I'm still new to all of this and some positive or negative criticism is always welcomed.

Anyway, did you like the chapter? I had a lot of fun writing it and coming up with the scenarios you've just read. Thank you for all the suggestions you've given me in the past chapter, hopefully I executed on them well enough to satisfy you, if not then please tell me what I've done wrong.

So, we started off with some Touma suffering. Can't say I didn't enjoy writing it, but I will say I could've done more. I want to leave some clues for all of you as to what happened to our unlucky hero that made him so troubled but I don't want to give away too much.

Although, I will say the constant mention of failure and that little bit of his thoughts at the end play a very big role in why he is who he is right now. Anyway, as stated by someone on discord, I lacked any detail when describing the Kamijou Restaurant (That was the best I had for the name) and the overall setting, so I crammed a lot of it into this chapter for the sake of world building, as we will spend much of our time in his establishment and home.

I also wanted to introduce more characters this time around, Yuriko makes a return along with the formerly mentioned Fumiko-san. We have more employees to go through but these two are possibly the closest to our favourite spiky head of hair, as shown by their loose behaviour around the man.

Stiyl was another character I really wanted to mention, as I believe he'd be the perfect bodyguard/right hand for Index, as he was for Laura/Lola Stuart. Also, I made him somewhat more friendly with Kamijou, as though the many missions he had with the lad would open him up a bit. I hope I showed that well.

Index, Index, Index….how the hell do I write casual conversation between the two of them!? I struggled for three days to think up something, if I had done so sooner I would've uploaded on Saturday, but I'm very inexperienced with social interactions between long standing friends, so I had no idea what to write. But, in the end I did something or other, which may or may not sit well with me.

Nevertheless, the main focus this chapter was to introduce characters for the future, show how they interact with one another, and to give more insight into Kamijou's struggling mind, mainly the latter.

I don't know what else I could say besides thank you for reading, next time we'll be having some shenanigans with the bombastically short-tempered Birdway who will definitely give our protagonist a bit of trouble.

As always, it was a pleasure.
