The soft and tender chime of a small bell rang between the four walls of a quaint restaurant found within the streets of District 7.

It signalled the arrival of a new face within the establishment, a new customer to add to the ever shifting group of people that found themselves in the comfort of the cream coloured leather seats of the building.

They would walk through an oak clad doorway, be greeted by a smiling face from one of the waiters and promptly led to their respective table where their order would be placed, and if they were in the company of another, they would talk until said order was set upon the table.

This was the usual sight for those who worked in the restaurant. A pleasant one at that due to the rather secluded nature of the building.

It was stationed in the far corner of the district, away from many crowds and busy streets, but it still generated a healthy amount of traffic going in and out the restaurant doors to be able to stay afloat financially.

It was normal, completely ordinary and plain. Yet to those who come here regularly, it is a place of wonder. Simply due to the fact this establishment was run by an extraordinary man.

One 34 year-old Kamijou Touma.

Like the restaurant he ran he seemed nothing but ordinary, a regular businessman. The only thing that would stand out from his appearance for those who met him. Was his unusually spiky black hair and the countless minute scars that ran over his face and what little of his skin he would show under his uniform.

When asked about his hairstyle he would simply reply "It's something of a memento from my younger days, a thing I've gotten used to seeing in the mirror when I wake up." And if you'd inquire about the numerous blemishes on his flesh, he would respond with an equally casual "These are just memories of a more exciting life."

It was certainly mysterious, but noone could deny that the man was a kind and peaceful soul, maybe a tad frustrated as his 'Misfortune' leads to him being a bigger klutz than any of his greenhorned staff.

Plates, numerous glass cups, trays and utensils somehow find their way either slipping from his grasp, pouring their contents onto him, stabbing him in various places, going missing only to be found somewhere in the coming days, broken or simply all of the above all at once.

It is certainly an amusing thing to witness as a customer, you would usually expect this level of clumsiness from the other staff and not from the owner, but unlike the orthodox happenings of other establishments. This one was occupied by a curiously misfortunate individual.

"Such misfortune!" Speaking of, the man once again found himself in the most precarious of situations.

With a ceramic bowl atop his head and a large puddle of what can only be assumed to be water under his derriere, he sat on the kitchen floor drenched from head to toe in the aforementioned fluid.

"Are you alright Kamijou-san?" Came a worried voice from above the man. There stood a shorthaired brunette about 16 years of age, a part-time worker he hired to make up for the lack of help he had this winter.

She offered him a hand which he graciously took, making sure not to slip once again on the puddle beneath his feet.

"Sigh...I'm fine Yuriko-chan, it's just my usual misfortune I've gotten accustomed to." Taking the bowl off his head and setting it on the kitchen counter, he turned himself toward the part-time worker with a quizzical look. "Say, weren't you supposed to help Fumiko-san unpack the delivered goods we received?"

The girl quickly found herself under the man's questioning gaze, turning her head to the side she folded her arms under her chest and gave a nervous laugh in response. "H-Hehe…about that, I may or may not have accidentally punctured the corn oil while opening the box it was shipped in. So I was thinking of getting something to clean it up with." She answered honestly before turning to the tall raven haired man with a faint blush of embarrassment dusting her cheeks.

"Well it's fine, you don't have to worry about something like that. We get enough accidents here when it concerns me so I can't really tell you off for doing what I do most." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the flustered teen with a reassuring smile directed at her.

"Take what's not leaking and put it in storage, then clean up the oil you've spilled. In the meantime I'll clean up the spill I made. Come on get going now!" He lightly karate chopped her with his left hand, moving to the sink with the bowl.

"Yes sir!" With renewed vigour the teen raced off in search of cleaning equipment, the previous nervousness now gone.

"What an energetic girl." Kamijou looked over his shoulder at the retreating back of his part-timer. She was the newest addition to the roster of people he hired to help him run his business, she was quite sociable, tending to the customers due to her friendly and welcoming nature as well as her unrivalled amount of dedication to the job.

He felt proud of himself for hiring such a wonderful help, even if it was part-time.

Now, rolling up the sleeve of his left arm he quickly finished washing the stained bowl. Before long he got to the puddle on the ground, making sure to clean under the counter as to avoid another strike from the health inspector due to mold accumulation.

'Hirataka-san is ruthlessly meticulous, I swear he has it out for me.' Cried internally the ever struggling Kamijou.

After a minute or two he was done, discarding the now wet rag before walking into the main area of the restaurant which was the place all his beloved customers gathered. He couldn't help but feel a smile creep up his face at the sight of happily conversing people and joyous laughter he heard, this is one reason he loved this job. To see the satisfied and smiling faces of his patrons when they stayed in his restaurant, to feel a sense of pride whenever they praised his cooking and to experience a simpler lifestyle, as the manager, cook and waiter of his own restaurant.

It definitely felt better than the constant fight for survival and peace his younger self had to face almost on a weekly if not daily basis.

Scanning the room one last time he let his eyes set on a familiar face framed with silver locks and decorated by striking yet calm green eyes. His breath hitched, his body stiffened and in the next second he was throwing himself into the kitchen once again.

"Index..?" He whispered to himself as he sat on the now clean tiled floor with his back against the wall.

'Why was she here? Shouldn't she be in England tending to the Puritan Church? Was she here to devour my whole food stock again'

He lifted his head so he could peek through the open wall that let people peer into the happenings of the kitchen. He found it very appealing. In his opinion, if you could see the chef make the food you're about to eat, it makes you all the more eager to try it. So because of this belief he now had a way to look at the silver haired Archbishop of the English Puritan Church.

She sat eating a strawberry shortcake. Actually she had in front of her 5 of said cakes waiting to be devoured while she finished the first she held in her hand.

Kamijou silently sweatdropped. "Bad habits die hard I guess…sigh, I don't think the shipment we just received will cover her gluttonous nature. And now that she receives funding from the Magic Side she can indulge herself even more! Such Misfortune." Whispered the stressed businessman.

She was dressed in a casual pair of black jeans and a white blouse that did nothing to hide the prominent curves of her body. She had certainly grown to be a fine looking woman, but from the visit she paid him a year ago, he knew she was still her childish and demanding self, but now she had a flavour of maturity that made her all the more haughty and annoying.

'Well, I guess I can't hide forever. This is my restaurant after all...' Thought the ever unlucky being known as Kamijou Touma.

Stepping out of his hiding spot he curtly walked over to the woman who by now had finished her third shortcake and was already starting her fourth. As soon as she saw him walking over, the busty Bishop slammed her hands on the table and stood up, promptly shouting the name of the person she knew since that faithful day he found her on his balcony.

"Fhouma!" Well, she tried but the shortcake she so eagerly stuffed in her mouth prevented any coherent word to escape. A moment later she started to cough violently, a piece of the cake having lodged itself in her throat.

She quickly rectified her situation and took a long hard intake of air. "Ahh! I thought I was going to die!" Sighed the easily excitable lady. "Touma! Why haven't you visited me!? Or gave me a call!? You know how bored I was only sitting in my office and doing paperwork all day!? It's so tiresome!"

"Ah, so that's what this sudden appearance of yours was about…" Said Kamijou in a deadpan tone quickly picking up on her true reason for coming over.

"W-Wait! No, I don't mean to skip out on my duties as the Archbishop to hang out with you! I-I-I just missed you that's all. Hmph!" Said the silver haired liar as she huffed to try and hide her blunder.

"Your words are very self incriminating you do realise that? And it is very good to see that you miss this Kamijou-san so much." The blatant sarcasm was practically oozing from his last sentence.

"But I really did miss you Touma! It's just that work is so boring and tedious. I left it in the hands of Itsuwa for now so I can come and enjoy some time with you…and possibly have a taste of some of your cooking…" The last bit was said in a very hushed tone which Kamijou heard but choose to ignore.

"Well it has been some time since we last talked, would you care to wait until we've closed up shop so we can talk properly? I still have an hour or so before the day's end." Picking up the empty plates Index left on the table he looked at the clock on the wall and back at his excitable customer.

"Sure thing Touma, but get me one of your delicious lobster dishes in return." Happily smiled the welder of 103,000 Grimoires.

"You say one but you probably mean ten. Well I'll leave it cooking in the back until the shift is over. Try not to make a scene in front of my customers while you wait." He grimaced, remembering her last visit and how destructive it was to his financial standing.

As the customers slowly dispersed and the winter day drew to a close, the spiky haired man bid farewell to his last customer and the workers that had ended their shift.

He soon sat down at Index's booth, eyeing her last lobster which she picked apart so hungrily leaving him with some doubts on how he managed to feed her black hole of a stomach all those years ago.

"So, how are things doing back in England?" He chose to start, hopefully taking her mind off the delicious treats.

After gulping down a mouthful of the crustacean she lifted her gaze to meet his, a rather annoyed and furrowed look meeting his. "You would know if you ever visited. Sigh…well, the church has been rather taxing to manage, Carissa being appointed the throne didn't help things either. What with some minor cabal's not being too happy with the new Queen and her decision to increase scientific influence in the country." Visibly slumping in exhaustion she continued.

"Besides that whole debacle, we're cooperating with the Roman Catholic church in tracking down the ones responsible for the destruction of Santa Maria del Fiore, the famous cathedral in Florence, Italy."

"From what I've heard, most of the artwork and contents of the cathedral were not found in the wreckage." He has certainly heard of the incident, the news was quite lively that day. Who wouldn't want to report about a famous landmark like that burning to the ground? It was ruled as a freak accident following reconstruction.

But with the Puritans and Catholics working together to solve this mess, he could only speculate that they've found leads tying this tragedy to the Magic Side.

"Yes, that is true. We still have no idea who did it, but for whatever reason they've stolen many of the works found in the building, we believe that because we've found a great many ties leading to the heist on the Louvre Museum last year." Index, the ever knowing library of Grimoires explained.

"Specifically we've found traces of magic at both locations that sink up with one another. Although the specific origin of the magic used I've yet to discover. Which makes it hard to get a lead on any single group or cabal." She sighed, clearly fed up with their lack of findings on the matter.

"You definitely have a mountain of work to do." With a chuckle at the Archbishop's expense he soon leant forward with a tender smile. "Who would've known that that little bratty kid you used to be would grow into this still bratty but dependable leader? Personally this Kamijou-san believes it was due to his own influence."

"Touma…you're so mean! Have you no heart to consider a maiden's feelings!?" Shouted the fair maiden who now resembled a wild beast as her hands tried to strangle the man over the table.

"W-Wait wait Index-san! This unfortunate Kamijou ment it as a compliment! A compliment!" Shouted said unfortunate being in return, all the while he attempted to keep the woman from strangling him.

"What kind of compliment insults you before the nice part comes? Huh!?" Now mounting the table and choosing to pull at Kamijou's hair, the green eyed beast continued her advance.

"Get your feet off the table! Who do you think cleans them!? And stop pulling my hair or I'll grow bald before my prime!"

"You've already passed your prime you old man!" These words stabbed into his exposed heart more than he would have liked, and Kamijou soon found himself hurt both physically and spiritually.

"H-Hey! Take that back! This Kamijou-san needs to keep his illusion alive a little while longer!" With tears threatening to spill from his eyes at the Archbishop's merciless actions he tired to patch up what little of his self image her comment left him.

"Then I will shatter that illusion!" Tackling him to the ground and off his seat, she struggled to get atop of him before doing the one thing she most felt like doing.

Namely, sinking her teeth into his scalp.

"GYAAAAHHH!! SUCH MISFORTUNE!!" With the sadly familiar feeling of her teeth now literally embedded into his skull he let out a scream that was itself, very familiar to him.

At least his words were proved true with her very unladylike behaviour (assault).

After about a few more minutes of back and forth between the two, they returned to their prior seats. The difference being one Kamijou covered in teeth marks and having his spiky hair disheveled, while the silver haired woman sat with a pout unbefitting her age.

While he rubbed the sore spots on his head Kamijou took to fill the quiet space between them with another question. "Where will you be staying for the next…how long are you staying for exactly?"

"Well if you must know, I'm staying at the nearby hotel. I was planning on visiting for about three more days then flying back to England." She actually wanted to stay longer, but her duties as the current head of the Church made it difficult to even acquire what time she already had.

Kamijou nodded, tapping his hand on the table while looking back at his companion. "You could've stayed with me and spared the expenses, I do have a guest room to lend you."

"While that would have been wonderful, I assure you it is fine. I don't want to impose on you too much, I know how hard it was to keep up with me when we were younger." She let out a soft chuckle, reminiscing on the time she was labeled a freeloader in the dorm of one highschool boy.

"You can say that again.." Whispered Kamijou who received a kick from under the table for his comment. "But I would've been fine with it, I rarely get to see you as is." A faint smile made its way to his lips, in turn the lady gave a smile of her own.

"How have you been? And your arm?" Asked the now cheerful Archbishop.

In response to her question, Kamijou absentmindedly scratched the stump at his elbow where most of his right arm used to be. "I've been fine, running a restaurant isn't as easy as it seems, especially not while lacking a limb, but I've been holding out well. Although the constant misfortune I could do without…" He sighed in slight annoyance. Even after losing the Imagine Breaker his rotten luck remained the same, to the surprise of not only him but everyone else who knew of the power he once held in his right hand.

He hadn't thought much of the loss of his limb, as unsurprisingly enough he was accustomed to such punishment, not only due to his escapades with Othinus, but also with the few times it was severed in unrelated events. Which was very concerning now that he thought about it.

What had really annoyed him was learning his misfortune was not in fact linked with his right hand and the power beneath it's skin, but with his very being. Kamijou Touma still remained the unluckiest person alive, which squashed any hope of him living a life free from misfortune.

Whatever deity was out there, he now knew it definitely had it out for him.

But, he's not so shallow as to let a little misfortune get him down, so Kamijou Touma remained as he always was. Minus the hand and forearm.

"I keep telling you that you should get one of those prosthetics I've seen the city blabber on about. I'm sure Hamazura-san could help you out there."

"While getting one would certainly be a great help, I don't really want to bother maintaining a robotic appendage I know I'm just going to have screw up and malfunction on me. From what Hamazura has told me, Mugino has enough trouble with maintenance as it is, I couldn't imagine what adding my misfortune to the equation would do. Although she says cooking is a good way to handle it." He waved off her suggestions, imagining a couple scenarios where the robotic arm would catch fire, strangle him, explode or do some other unsavoury thing to the man.

"Sigh…Well, either way I'm glad you're fine. Hopefully you're not getting yourself into trouble." Index shot him a questioning glare, making the businessman sweat rather nervously in response.

He put up a hand defensively, shaking his head at her before speaking. "N-No no, I have my hands full with managing the restaurant as is, most of the time I don't even leave the building due to the amount of paperwork and mishaps my misfortune causes the establishment."

"Mmmm…good, Touma is still Touma so I worry for you." Huffed the silver haired woman.

Kamijou found a smile on his face. "Thank you Index. I'm sorry to worry you so much when you already have your hands full." Reaching over the table he patted her head. It was an action he got used to over the years, and the Grimoire Library definitely didn't mind as she silently nuzzled her head against his palm.

"I missed talking to you, I miss being here and annoying you from time to time." She confessed meekly, continuing to keep her head down to enjoy the older man's tender hand a few moments more.

"I missed you too. You're always welcomed to come and visit. And while I'd love to do the same, the cost for international travel is very high these days." He chuckled softly and removed his hand. Standing up to clean the table from the lobster dish she had finished.

"It's already 10PM. How about I escort you back to the hotel?" Asked the man with dishes in hand, looking once again at the clock on the wall.

"Muuu…I wanted to talk to you more. Yawn….but I guess I am pretty jetlagged from the flight. Hmm, alright. But!" She quickly scampered over to a hung winter jacket, which she quickly put on and out of one of the pockets she pulled out a small black box wrapped in a white bow.

"Since I rarely get to see you, I wanted to give you a present to remember me by. It will help you keep this dependable leader in your thoughts, and possibly remind you to call." She once again shot him a glare that he laughed off nervously.

Approaching the spiky haired boy she thrust the present at him, letting him take the little box.

"You didn't have to do this Index, I already think of you plenty. You're not the only one who's worrying about someone."

This comment made the woman's cheeks blush with embarrassment. Once again he said something so insensitive to a maiden's feelings, but this time she didn't mind it much. "Stupid Touma…Well a little bit more of me won't hurt! So open it!"

"Yes yes, right on it." Laughing slightly the raven haired man undid the bow and set the box on the table, where he opened it and revealed a silver necklace made from many small cylindrical pieces strung through with a fine dark thread. Each cylinder had an inscription, ones he could not understand the context of due to it being inscribed in Latin.

"While I know you're not one for gaudy jewellery, I thought something simple like this would fit your tastes. Plus, it's also a magic item that makes the wearer more aware of their surroundings. As I know how many times you've slipped or tripped on something."

He could not deny that, as he literally slipped and drenched himself some hours ago. But she didn't need to know that. "Thank you Index. Again, you really didn't have to." Nonetheless he picked up the necklace, inspecting the fine craftsmanship of the piece before he noticed another set of words on a particular part of the necklace. A single silver cylinder with 'Index Librorum Prohibitorum' etched onto its surface.

"You made this?" The man asked, slightly surprised at this.

"Mhm!" Stated the silver haired woman proudly. "After all, homemade gifts are the best gifts!" He couldn't argue, as he himself taught her that.

Index then took the necklace from him, and while standing on her tippy toes hooked her arms around the man's neck before placing the piece of silver around its rightful place. The sudden proximity did leave the man somewhat flustered, but he composed himself a moment later.

"It looks so good on you Touma." She shone him a bright and beautiful smile, one he couldn't help but return once again all the while he stroked her head.

"That it does. Now, let me put these dishes away and lock up before we go."

She nodded and waited for the unfortunate man to close up shop.

_ _ _ _

With the lights off and the door to the restaurant now locked, Kamijou turned to his partner as he pocketed his keys. The winter air was rather cold and frisk, making his skin shudder from time to time even in his coat.

"It's so cold~" Shivered the former nun, not fairing any better in the winter night.

"We'll get you to the hotel quickly then." Kamijou said as both of them made their way down the streets of the quiet city.

"Academy City has changed quite a bit hasn't it?" Asked the woman out of the blue, looking ahead of them at all the stagnant light of apartments, stores, streetlights and all. Not to mention the great spire of light the newly constructed space elevator was. Shining a brilliant gold.

"That's where that old convenience store used to be." Pointed Index to a lot of land now decorated with some foliage and a few benches underneath a bus sign. "And right by it was a cart that sold crêpes, the street over had that popular restaurant we often went to."

"I feel like you remember them mostly for the food I got you." Although he couldn't disagree, many places he frequently visited through the years had changed or were simply not there anymore. He might be feeling a bit sentimental, but he still missed walking the streets of the city after school and going out with Index to all those places she mentioned.

Had he known how time-consuming his adult life would have been he wouldn't have complained so much about all those supplementary classes taking up his weekends and summer days. Now he barely has any time to even indulge in the simplest of wonders the city has to offer.

Even on holidays, he found something that would need his attention. Worst of all he was still a single and unmarried man! Not even one date in the past 10 years! But, even so he didn't know if he could afford to take the time off to find anyone willing to date the unlucky Kamijou. Not to mention all the responsibilities that go along with having a girlfriend.

"Touma." Came the voice of his compatriot, stirring him from his thoughts. "Honestly, you are always stuck in your head."

"Ah, sorry sorry. I was just thinking about what you said. You're right, the city has definitely changed, and I miss having the time to go around walking it's streets."

"You could always take a vacation you know? I'm sure a few days won't kill your business." Index skipped past him, walking backwards as she gazed up at him.

"I don't know…I don't have an accountant or anyone that can handle the finances, so I'm struggling with all of that paperwork. Not to mention the constant meetings with possible sponsors, still no luck there, and all the new necessities Hirataka-san made to the health and safety regulations I have yet to satisfy." As he went on his mood dropped considerably, resulting in his shoulders slumping in defeat while the former nun lovingly patted his back.

"There there Touma, it's going to be fine. I still think a day or two won't be too much of a hassle. Plus, you owe me some attention." She puffed out her cheeks, making him regain some vigour with a light chuckle at her expression.

"I guess I do. I'll see if I can get two days off just to spend some time with you. Sound good?"

Her expression immediately perked up, and the woman quickly took his left arm in a tight embrace. "Thank you Touma!"

"Don't thank me just yet, I still don't know if I'll be able to. But I promise I'll try." Smiled the spiky haired man.

After a few more minutes of comfortable silence, where the woman would cling to his arm with a tender blush on her cheeks, they found themselves in front of the large entrance to the hotel the Archbishop stayed at.

"Well, take care Index. I'll give you a call tomorrow morning if I'm able to free up my schedule."

"If you're not able to accompany me around the city I'm still coming to your work to chat." She gave the man one last hug and turned to the door. "Oh, and I'll be sure to have a taste of your cooking while I'm there." She added cheekily.

"I'll be more than happy to oblige, although in moderation of course." He waved goodbye, seeing her form vanish through the door before he himself walked off to his own residence.

While he walked Kamijou was left to his own thoughts, trying to piece together how he was going to manage to put off all that work.

"I wish I could afford more staff." Sighing he continued to ponder.

But a second later he heard it.

A shout.

"Come here you little shit!"

Turning his head to the side he saw two guys of about 20 years of age occupying the alleyway right by Kamijou. They were both grabbing a teenage boy that seemed not to like their presence all that much, as he was stumbling along with a wallet in one hand and a pen in the other, trying to resist the grip of the two older individuals.

"Help! Someone!" He tried to struggle free but found his strength lacking as both men were much larger than him. But then he landed a swift kick to the groin of one of the men. It gave him ample time to stab the tip of his pen into the second one's hand, making him recoil from pain.

He promptly ran down the opposite end of the alley where the two men gave chase after recovering. "After the bastard!"

Kamijou stood watching, clenching his fist in anger at the sight. He pieced it all together with little trouble.

Two punks were after some kid's money and were not afraid to be violent about it.

The spiky haired businessman ground his teeth.

He clenched his fist so hard his knuckles turned white.

But, he pulled out a phone. Dialing the right number as he stood with a downtrodden expression.

"Hello, I would like to report an assault in District 7. The exact street is-. Yes, two men in their early twenties were chasing a male teen about 17 years old." He hated it.

"Both are tall and wearing black hooded jackets with blue jeans to match." He hated how useless he felt right now.

"The boy was wearing a red beanie and black glasses, a white jacket and black jeans.…No, that is all." He hated how cowardly he was.

"My name is Kamijou Touma. Yes. Goodbye." He hung up, pocketing the phone and walking away from the scene.

He hated how quickly he turned away.

'My name is Kamijou Touma, a regular businessman. This does not concern a normal businessman like me…'

He hated that excuse.

Looking ahead of him, at all the stagnant lights of apartments, stores, streetlights and all. The great spire of light the newly constructed space elevator was, shining a brilliant gold. He couldn't help but hate it.

He hated the city he couldn't protect anymore.

Turning the all too calm and steady gaze of his to the sky, to the same map of stars that sat unchanged all his life. He could help but hate it.

He hated this world filled with dreadful events he couldn't change.

He hated it.

He hated it.

He hated it.

He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. HE HATED IT! HE HATED IT! HE HATED IT!



He hated that fucking God most of all.

Now, as he dropped his cold eyes that masked a river of rage and emotion beneath the surface. He pulled out a small plastic bottle of pills from his pocket and popped one of them into his mouth.

Pocketing the single useless hand he had remaining along with the bottle of pills, he moved his worn and scarred legs down the empty streets of Academy City and made his way back home.

_ _ _ _

A/N: Hello there, welcome to the bottom. As this is my first fanfiction I've ever wrote, I feel as though an introduction is in order.

Call me Ursa, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Well, the few who were interested enough to read all of this and reach the end.Anyway, as stated above this is my first fanfiction, and the first story I've ever took the time to actually write. I've had so many ideas as to what to do and how to do it, so many plots and scenarios I wanted to type out. But I was always unsatisfied with the product and anxious as to how I am to write it.

So, I said what the hell. I'm writing and I don't care how it turns out, because I have a story I'd like to share and that is all I need!

Speaking of, this story is something I've been mulling over for a few weeks. Adding and subtracting ideas to the plot, making excuses on why I shouldn't write it and all that good stuff. So excuse me if my unsure nature made the reading experience a tad awkward.

As for the story, how did you find the prologue? I'm nervous to read the reviews but I also tell myself I shouldn't worry too much. Was it somewhat interesting? Are you intrigued to see what happens next to our favourite unlucky boy turned businessman? Argh…I just don't know if I've done well or not.

But, nonetheless I'll be working on the next chapter, which will hopefully be a tad bit longer than this one.

My goal is 10k per chapter, or as close as I can get to it. 5.5k is a good start I believe, but 10 feels so far away. I've already exhausted my prologue ideas! For fucks sake…Anyway, I hope to see you again next time, with a longer and possibly a more entertaining chapter to read.
