Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous content.

Part #8. Last battle. Defeat is a victory. Release is so long. Aftermath. Epilogue.

"Wow, my purr-tner, I never saw you singing. I'm impressed a little." Copier greeted mockingly. Now she was in the Ladybug's form.

"How dare you use my puns, akuma? I'm upset now."

"Well…" Copier transformed into Chat Noir. "While I'm transforming in Miraculous holder-rrr-s or into villains from our past I use not only their abilities but their habits too." Then she sighed. "You know, I'm tired from waiting. Now give me your Miraculous stone without any resistance and you will not get hurt."

"Bo-o-o-o-o-o-ring. Tritely." Chat yawned and leaned on his baton as if it was walking stick. "Why all villains use only one phrase to capture our Miraculous? Nothing originally today."

"You want something new?" Copier smiled predatory. "What about final fight between you and Marinette?" She transformed into Marinette.

Chat looked at her and whispered through his tears. "I… I can't fight with Marinette."

"And I think you will." With those words she threw in him Lady Wi-Fi's badges.

While he was dodge he noticed that Copier was still in Marinette's form. "WHAT THE HELL? How did you do that?"

"One of my abilities. My name is Copier, do you remember? So one of my abilities is that I can use in my first form all abilities, which villains from our past had got, if I was transforming into them." She told it while she was throwing Lady Wi-Fi's, Rogercop's, Reverser's badges. "And it is very cool because…" She made a hand move as if she was drawing a box and Chat was caught into steel cage. "…it makes me unstoppable! You lose, kitty. All you can do now is give me your Miraculous and tell your team that resistance is futile. Give me your Miraculous or Marinette will see how her body is hurting her partner."

"Well, I've got stalemate situation. Or not? What was written there in the list?

"…You would give up after a fight

But remember that she's near with you.

Drop your form which full of the night

And after this the winner is you

Because she will be able came back

And defend yourself from her..."

Maybe it is time for the action?" He thought while his hands were grabbing from Marinette's purse Lucky Charm, her Valentine Card, Tikki's present and put them close with Andre's ice creams which weren't hit by Copier.

"Marinette! Look here! It is not you, you can resist to akuma! Just look there!" Adrien shouted.

Copier only laughed in answer. "She sees your attempts to cheer her in her fight with me, but this is not enough, you know? Get ready for pain, kitty. I told you to not resist to me…" She took the first step towards him showing with whole her look a threat."

"Are you sure?" Chat smiled back. "Plagg, claws in." He dropped his transformation and showed himself. "You still want to hurt Adrien?"

Copier stopped on the moment. "Sure. You didn't notice Marinette and her crush on you for years so you deserved some pain." She continued her movement while she was transforming her hand into Riposte's sword. But then she suddenly stopped. "What? How dare you? It is my body, not yours! You lose your battle…"

Then Adrien observed one of the most amazing, scariest and weirdest moments in his life.

Copier started blinking. She transformed in another villain or superhero every second. Then she shined very bright and Adrien closed his eyes to not go blind. After shining disappeared he looked forward and saw… two Marinettes.

"What the hell? How is it possible?" Then he noticed that Marinette who was left of him was wearing his present to her without any signs of akuma's influence while Marinette who was right of him had dark bracelet.

"YOU WILL NEVER HURT ADRIEN!" Adrien was stunned a little from shout which real Marinette did. Then his eyes grew wide when he saw that she threw into Copier Lady Wi-Fi's pause symbol and then broke bracelet where akuma was hiding. Akuma was bigger than previous butterflies that they ever caught. But Marinette caught it by her yo-yo and caught akuma then she frozed for a minute and Adrien saw that there is one more akuma in the air. Of course it was his dad's akuma and it got caught too. Then she took the list and threw it in the air with a cry "Miraculous Ladybug!" and Copier disappeared; "When she transformed?" Adrien thought. "Wait, her earrings still there in her purse. OH. MY. GOD. Now I know what does P.S. means…" He couldn't resist anymore and fainted. Before his mind gone dark he heard Marinette's voice which called him firstly softly, then anxiously, then very quiet as if she fainted too.

They were founded both very weak, both in their civilian identities by Nino, Alya and Chloe. They took them and brought them to the hospital where they explained to nurses that they had got direct contact with Copier and they both suffered from her. They also asked out for putting them in one hospital ward. Then they dropped their heroes form, took Tom and Sabine to hospital and started their waiting for Marinette's and Adrien's awakening.

Marinette's POV; events are started from the moment of her akumatization.

"My greetings, la Revanche. My name is Hawk Moth. I give you ability to take a revenge on people who abandoned you…"


"Excuse me?" Hawk Moth was surprised.

"I feel that it is not right ability. And this name… I should show them that I'm not hiding at avant-garde when villains are there and that Ladybug is never hiding behind their companions. If I could use their forms…"

"It's a great idea! So, my name is…"

"I've heard you already. Just describe me what can I do and leave me!"

"Your name is Copier. And I can't leave you before…"

"…before I will not bring you Miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir. I know your speech very well. Just transform me!"

I felt that dark magic covered me from my head to my angles. And then I found myself tied to threads as if I was marionette.

"I will not let you control me! It is my task to show them and especially to Lila what it is real dangerous and real brave!" With those words I pulled my arms and broke off threads.

"Good decision, Marinette." I didn't recognize this voice. "Now let me do this…"

"Who are you? And what are you doing?" I noticed dark silhouette in the doorway. At the next second I found myself chained to the wall as same as middle-aged prisoners.

"Who I'm? Oh, I can answer you. Let me introduce myself: my name is Marinette; I'm usual girl who is going to usual school who had a crush on a boy and can't tell him anything. Oh, I forgot. I'm also Ladybug." I looked at this silhouette that walked into the light of the torch and stared on… me.

"How it is even possible? And why I'm here and I'm chained?"

"At first look at the background. What can you say about it?" Me-number-two answered with counterquestion.

I looked around: dirty wet walls, chains on the floor, torches. And two versions of me: me (real me) is chained to the wall. My copy is standing close to the doorway and playing with the keys. Wait, keys? And why I'm still chained?

"Can you rid me please? It is a little uncomfortable hanging on the wall."

"And to let you return control to your body? Nah-Nah. Your body is under my control now and with my abilities I can rule the world!"

The bitter truth fell upon me with all the weight of the hammer. "So, you are akuma, right?"

"As your service." She bowed to me.

"Can you get me an answer on my question?"

"On which of those? You asked me a lot since you are here."

"Where I'm now?"

"You? You are still in your body. More precisely you are in your mind and you are my prisoner."

"I'll get rid and you will not do evil to people!"

"I'm afraid that I can make you upset but if you will look inside of your mind… Yeah, it is weird: look inside your mind while you are inside your mind. Never mind. Look inside your mind and you can watch all things that I'm doing now. It's my little present to you: you can try to get rid if you will use it."

"What's the catch?" I asked mistrustfully.

"You will get a pain because it is your body doing all those things and people will think that it did you but not me. I'm clear as same as akuma! And it is present because it will be too boring to watch their defeat without any noticing. Now excuse me, I need go to your school to capture little miss Lila Rossi."

She left me but didn't close the door. I didn't want to follow for her advice but I hadn't got any choices. How they would win if this akuma too strong and there is no Ladybug? I must return control on my body! But those chains are too solid, I can't break them now. I took a deep breath and started watching events. I saw how Max got caught, heard Nath's and Kim's words but chains were still solid. Then I heard Juleka:

"Marinette! Please listen me again! I now that I'm gonna be punished by you after this but please, listen to me! You wasn't alone who didn't believe to Lila. Your closest friends ran away to check you after events from the lunch. We never saw Alya, Nino and Chloe so upset and… We never saw Adrien so mad at somebody when he was blaming Lila. We saw his genuine emotions: he was hurt that you were hurt by Lila and he said aloud here that he loves you. He wants to see you, Marinette. And I think that he wouldn't see somebody another in you."

Adrien said aloud that he loves me? I should break those chains!

This attempt to rid myself was more successful. I heard quiet 'Crack!' in one of the links which held my right arm. On one moment I felt again my body, fresh air…

And then I found myself chained again, again in my mind. Akuma stood in front of me and studied my tired face.

"Well, I see that you used my present. But if you noticed you're tired a little. I will stop your attempts to get yourself rid every time and every time I will do it tougher then in previous time. Now you will take a nap. But don't worry; you will remember ALL my actions." With those words she threw in my face something like a dust and I felt that I can't resist to my desire to sleep. I fall asleep under the sound of evil laugh.

I woke up very fast because I heard something familiar. Nino?

"…de, if she called you your Chat wedding will be soon." I heard Nino's voice but now he was into Carapace clothes.

"Nah, nah, nah! I will marry only on Adrien. If I will ask him out finally…" I heard my voice and words of akuma. HOW SHE DARE ASKING OUT ADRIEN?!

"And what prevents you from doing this?" I felt that Chat pulled time as long as he could.


But I broke one chain and I again felt my body. Then I looked at the screen and said the most stupid thing that I could, "What I'm doing here? Chat, Re…"


Again dark atmosphere, again dark wet walls, again torches and again chains… Wait. I ridded already my right hand! Why it is chained again?

Behind those thoughts I didn't notice akuma who was standing in front of me. When I noticed it I felt a pain in my left cheek: akuma slapped me with all power as my body could produce.

"The next time I will cut your right pinky. Understood?"

I nodded. Akuma got away and I was alone again.

I didn't want to see what akuma is doing now so I decided to suffer my chains. I made a little progress in this employment when I felt that I should look at the events in real world.

The first thing that I heard was Chat's singing. I caught myself on a thought that his voice is very cool. Wait, it is mine Chat who is flirting with me all his free time. Then I recognized the song. "Death of a Bachelor"… He is such a romantic… But he is flirter! Then I recognized what he put on the floor. O-oh.

Andre's ice cream? And one of those is similar with that ice cream which I always got from him. Ice cream which reminds me about Adrien. Another one was Chat's because it reminds Ladybug. But wait. Why one half of this with red ball and chocolate crumbs and another half with pink ball? What does it mean?

"Marinette! Look here!" I heard Chat's cry and noticed some things near with him. My purse, Valentine card which I sent to Adrien unsigned, two glasses of ice cream, Tikki's present on my birthday… Lucky charm?!

"Get ready for pain, kitty. I told you to not resist to me…" I heard akuma's words.

"Are you sure?" Chat smiled back. "Plagg, claws in." He dropped his transformation and showed himself. "You still want to hurt Adrien?"


"Sure. You didn't notice Marinette and her crush on you for years so you deserved some pain."

My eyes lit up the red shroud so I didn't noticed how rid myself. The last thing that I remember that I was standing in front of me-akuma…

End of the POV.

Hospital corridor, one hour after events.

"I'm glad that you helped Marinette and saved her." Tom couldn't stop crying and hugging Sabine, Chloe, Alya and Nino. He was so glad that his daughter was safe that his eyes were red and dry. But Sabine didn't look better than her husband.

Trio decided that they should tell to couple why previous day was the most dangerous day of Hawk Moth's attacks. They told about their secret identities (at this part of their story Sabine couldn't help but settled on the floor) and that Marinette was Ladybug and Adrien was Chat Noir whole this time (at this moment joined to Sabine). This information helped them to prepare for awakening of teens. But it was 20:00 already and visiting was closed. They decided that if Marinette's parents will have got a call from hospital they will call to their trio

The next day was sunny. But before Tom and Sabine went down to open their bakery they received a call from hospital which informed them that Marinette woke up.

They called to Alya Nino and Chloe immediately and then moved to the hospital. There they met Gabriel Agreste who was under the escort of two cops. The reputation of Hawk Moth was doing its job: it was easy to notice that nurses eschewed him. And the reaction of three friends was predictable: they pretended to not notice him.

Then Dr. Laskervelt who was looking for Marinette's and Adrien's state warned them to not make loud sounds, to not shout, to… The list was very long but all points of them showed that they shouldn't disturb patients. Then he opened the door and conducted them to ward.

The first thing that they noticed was that Adrien is not in his bed. Then they noticed that Adrien and Marinette both were taking a nap in her bed. Dr. Laskervelt opened his mouth to tell something about patient discipline but the knock of closed door made them woke up.

"Dad, I can explain all of this!" They both said in the same time. Then they both blushed into the red.

"Gentleman, can you leave us alone?" Tom said with a chuckle turning to cops and doctor.

"Sure." Cops nodded.

"But… I should watch for their states…" Dr. Laskervelt tried to resist.

"We will call you if they would need a help. We only want to talk with them." Sabine assured.

"Can you remove the bandages from our heads, doctor? We haven't got any wounds there. They are only disturbing to us." Adrien said.

They saw that he hesitating. "Okay. I will remove them. But I warn you: it is not good idea."

He removed bandages and quitted. Marinette and Adrien looked at their friends and parents with perplexity because they were froze and their arms were pressed to the mouth.

"What happened?" They asked.

"I-I'm sorry for this." Gabriel said and looked down.

"Your hair… You are both half-gray." Alya whispered.


They went back to homes on the next day. Adrien didn't want to return to his Mansion but Marinette persuaded him to stay there for some time. Gabriel went to prison where he was waited for court. School was closed on a week after those events to have some repair. Lila disappeared and there was some rumors that somebody saw her in Nice in one of the church as monk. Paris was unusually quiet.

Adrien was sitting in his room and spent his time in melancholy and in conversations with Plagg. It was the third day after hospital discharge and he couldn't find what to do. Suddenly he heard a knock in his window. He opened it.

"Come in, Marinette. I was waiting for you three days." He said with a sad smile.

"Spots off. You don't know how I wanted to see and talk with you. But Tikki," She looked angrily at her kwami, "said that we both need time to have a rest."

"Had you saw somebody in those days?"

"Anybody. Even our companions didn't visit me."

"Me too." He sighed. "You know, I was afraid that I will never return you back."

"I thought that I will never see you again." She sighed too. Then she started to play with your fingers as if she drew something.

"CAUTION!" Adrien shouted and grabbed around her waist to jump with her on his bed. There was a piano on the place where they were few moments ago. "And why I have there two pianos now?" Adrien asked. Then he noticed in which position he laid on Marinette and blushed. "I-I'm s-sorry Mari…"

"You can still lie on me, it is nicely." She sighed dreamly. "But at first: can somebody explain me what happened?"

"Master Fu said that it is residual effect of powers of Overakuma." Tikki answered. "You can use some abilities which were used by you mostly when you were akumatized."


"I think that you can use abilities of Evillustrator, Volpina, Lady Wi-Fi. Maybe someone else. But you should be careful." Tikki said.

"How long this effect will be with me?"

"We think that it will be with you for twenty years."

"I'm over." Adrien sighed.

"Why?!" Three pairs of eyes stared at him.

"With this wife my life would be so perfect that I'm gonna die from happiness."

"Did you ask me for my and parents permission?" Marinette narrowed her eyes.

"I asked your parents already and they are agreed. But I'm afraid of asking you about it because I'm afraid of to be rejected.

"C'mon, I'm joking. Of course I will agree. At this moment we can start dating and after graduation we can play a wedding. Are you agreeing with my plan?"

"I always told that your plans are amazing! I love you, Bugaboo."

"I love you too, Kitty."

And then they kissed.

"Pah!" Plagg turned around from them. Then he stared at Camembert and he get one idea in his mind. He took the wheel of Camembert and stuck it between their lips.


"I told you that you will love this cheese!"


"Oops." Plagg turned around and flew away as fast as he could.

"Get back little bastard!"

"I'll be back when you will kiss each other again!"

A/N: Sooo... This is the end! Copier is officially ended and it is sad :(. But I'm still working on fan fictions "Who is he? Who is she? Who are they?" and "Accidental revealing stories". But there will be more projects! I'm already started writing new fan fiction and, just believe me, it will be something new! (I hope on it because I hadn't see anything similar.)