"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

-Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

They say the opening line relays the most important information of a story. This is mine: I was washing myself in the shower. "Sia! Hurry up! I gotta go in like five minutes!" My roommate banged on the bathroom door. My eyes rolled exasperated as I made myself get out of the warm, perfect shower. Wearing nothing but a towel, I then came out to meet a very well-dressed Kate. "Ok, let's go. I'm outta time," she said in her rushed voice. Ugh, why didn't she just have me do this sooner? Or at least before my shower.

I came over to sit beside Kate on the living room couch and proceeded to kiss both of her cheeks. She instantly got up to examine herself in the mirror, a delighted smile blooming across her now rose-red lips. "How do I look?" Her head turned back to me. "Perfect," I replied honestly; it's true, she looked flawless. She squealed in an excited manner. "That quirk of yours is the best!" "For everyone else maybe," I cracked a sour smirk. "Oh, come on. You don't need it anyways. You're beautiful already!" "Thanks."

"So what are you doing today? Any plans, you know besides working on your PhD proposal for the millionth time this month?" "Just an interview downtown. Some CEO bigshot wants my services for a presentation he's giving at the university next month," I sighed; I hated interviews like this. They were going to use my quirk regardless if they liked me or not- what was the point? "A CEO, huh? What's his name?" Kate inquired while she put in a set of earrings. "I think his name is Christian Grey." "Wait… the Christian Grey? Head of Grey Enterprises? Why would he need you? He's already super hot." "I have no idea. His people just contacted me telling me to come to his office this afternoon." "His "people"," Kate snickered.

"To be honest, I thought about declining. I really don't want to go." "What are you talking about, Sia? You need the money; you could barely afford the admissions' fee for your application. If you want to get your PhD, you're gonna have to take on side jobs like this." "It makes me feel cheap when I make rich people prettier. Doing it for underdog models and my friends is one thing; doing it for the super-elite is another," I stated. It's true; I detested big corporations reaching out to me. My quirk was rare but not highly regarded in polite society; it was kind of like the prostitution of quirks. Everyone publicly frowned upon it, calling it shallow and immoral- but people still wanted my services in private. What everyone seemed to forget the whole while is that I had no control over what my quirk was; I didn't ask for this. Especially when the only person it didn't work on was me.

"Well, you need to get over that. Rich people pay the most," Kate flashed me a brilliant smile, to which I responded in like. "I know, I know… well, it's just one job. I'll make him more gorgeous for his presentation and move on with life. Hell, maybe he'll pay me enough to cover all my admissions costs." "Now you're talking," she reached for her purse. "Good luck with your interview, Kate. You're gonna do great." "Thanks! I'll text you and let you know how it goes. Have fun downtown," I watched her head for the front door; it was a small apartment. "Ok! I'm off!" "Will you be home for dinner?" "No; it's night two for me," Kate's quirk was that she only needed to eat every three days. Helped her figure immensely. "Right. I'll just make myself something easy then," I gazed over to the kitchen ponderingly. "Why don't you just get something downtown?" "Money." "Oh, right. Well, on that front, have not-fun-but-a-still-considerably-pleasant time at your interview." "You're asking the impossible," I smiled. A sincere smile for the time.