Dom reached for his coffee mug only to find it empty. He desperately needed more caffeine. He was going to have to head to Pulses. But he'd already had 3 cups of the staff room stuff today and he couldn't bear the thought of more. He headed for the stairs.
He almost turned around once he saw Mum no Carole in the queue but he was desperate and he wasn't sure when he might get the chance to come down again. He sighed and joined the queue behind her. Carole turned around and noticed him, "Dazzle, just in time for a coffee and a muffin with your old Mum" Dom winced when she called herself Mum. "Carole, I've asked you not to call me that it's Dominic, or actually is it? You know neither of you has said what my actual name is. Is it Darren or something else?" Carole paused and looked at him strangely, "No love it's Dominic, Barry and I , we changed it you see but you obviously knew it wasn't right and changed it back but you'll always be my Dazzle"
Dominic was actually stunned he hadn't realised that he'd actually re-chosen his first name. Maybe that's why Ange hadn't said anything about another name she must not have known they called him Darren. There was so much he didn't know about all this and it was making him angry.
Carole could see the storm building, "Why don't you give me your cup and go sit down sweetheart." Dom silently did that lost in his own thoughts again.
How was he supposed to find out any of this? Ange had asked him for time so he'd backed off but he wanted to know everything now. It was just so frustrating. She'd opened up about his Dad and Chloe but then shut him out again. It hurt really that he wasn't her priority.
He hadn't notice Carole join him until she slid his cup and a muffin towards him. "Go on love I'm sure you're peckish hmm" . He supposed he was and maybe it would cheer him up. He reached for it and starting breaking pieces off. Carole starting telling him about her new job and chattering away. He was listening but with half an ear really. Still quite far away in his head. Until he heard the word adoption. "Sorry, what was that?" Carole smiled "I was saying that you can request your adoption file if you like. I know its all gone topsy turvy like but if you hadn't had already known Angel then its how you would've found her you know. And I thought well I suppose I thought it might help."
Dom didn't even realise it was a possibility he'd been so wrapped up in all the feelings he hadn't even thought about the practical did side of things like how when and who.
"I guess I could" he shrugged trying not to show Carole how much he actually wanted to do that now he knew it was an option. How would I do that?" He asked. Carole smiled and said "Well I've spoken to them and they just need a phone call and your papers which I've already sent them and then they can send a copy to you."
Dom asked for the phone number and Carole showed him so he could put it on his phone. He thanked her and finished his muffin. He wasn't ready to talk with her anymore today. Too focused on what he might be able to find out. Carole watched him go with a sad smile. Hoping she'd done the right thing for once.
Dom had phoned the agency last week and now the file was staring at him. They'd sent it over by courier and he really really wanted to open it but he had just finished his shift and should really go home first.
He thought about it and realised Ange wasn't due in for a few hours. He could open it in her office in privacy and then head home after that way he wouldn't have to wait any longer.
He headed over and let himself in. Sat on the sofa and opened the file. The first thing he saw was an envelope with Baby Boy written on the front. He went to open it.