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(Peach PoV)

I sighed a little as I sat through politics. Most other students were getting ready for their weekend. It was Friday. But today I had detention and I wasn't free after classes ended. All because my partner felt like she had to get involved in some stupid bullshit. And now I was in trouble just for backing her up when she started it. That wasn't fair. But Professor Strife had lopped us all in together. Some teachers did that and I suppose I hadn't really pegged Strife as one of them. It came as a bit of a surprise then.

I slogged back in my seat. This was such fucking bullshit. The bell rang and I got up slowly with my things. Then I slowly paced my way to Strife's office. I needed to find something to do. I had a bit of history and math homework I could get started on in detention but I didn't really feel like doing that either. I was doomed to be bored and hated being bored.

I knocked on his door hard three times.

"Come in."

I opened it and saw the Professor and his red dog behind his desk.

"Good, you're here," he said.

I heaved a little. I brushed my hair back behind me and let it flow. Normally I would try and catch his eye but he really put me off. I didn't feel like it at the moment.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asked. He raised an eyebrow at me and let me stew on it.

"Because my partner is a moron," I decided to run my mouth. What was the worst that could happen? More detention? I thought that was unlikely. I chanced it.

"Come on. That's not why. You attacked people just doing their jobs. That's why. You have some real power behind you and you could have killed someone. Real power is both sobering and something you get drunk off of. It can get you high."

"But I had to back her up."

"You didn't get her out though. You stood your ground. You fought. And even though you won the battle you lost the war. That's what this is. That's why you have to be punished. Why didn't you grab her and run? Why did you have to fight? You can see the dilemma you put me as a Beacon authority in. What should I do with a student who did almost the right thing but not quite."

"You didn't have to give me detention," I kept up. I felt pretty strongly about this and he was engaging me. I felt like I was getting shafted all over nothing. That sucked. It was a harsh feeling.

"I really did actually have to. I couldn't do nothing. Could I? Should I let Beacon students start and finish fights with anyone? Be reasonable. You didn't fold when you should have and now you have to pay the price."

"But you just threw us all in together. I hate when teachers do that."

"You fought didn't you? Your whole team did. That's why your whole team is being punished. You have to see where you went wrong. You could have killed somebody."

I didn't say anything. I felt like shutting up and doing my work until it was time to leave. I really didn't need another lecture.

"You've killed people," I pointed out. "Probably lots. Isn't it hypocritical of you to lecture me about it?"

He sighed heavily. He looked at me for a long moment. "It's true. I have killed people. Lots of them. To be perfectly honest I killed some people just because they didn't have the strength to stop me. Some people were in the wrong place at the wrong time and I murdered them. You might very well have to kill people before you retire. And I hope that you do retire. But I never want you to be in the position I am in. One where you have killed for no real reason."

It was my turn to be quiet. I hadn't expected all of that.

"When did it happen for the first time?" I asked.

"Accidentally. With my semblance. I… I have a charge I can spend on an attack. I used it and ripped this guy in half out of nowhere. My strength escaped me and brutally killed some kid. And it was over basically nothing. I lost count a little while after that. It was a brawl in the streets of Mistral near this bar and brothel I was helping infiltrate."

"What happened?" I found myself asking.

"It turned into a shoot out and I crushed some dude's skull with my boot and cut down some others. I lost track then. It went from one to three to poof. Then I fell off the wagon shortly after that and I was killing just to kill. I had power and nobody could stop me so I just tore up person after person after person. Those were my darkest days. I don't want that for you. I don't want you fighting bar staff and hurting them because you have aura and training and they don't. I don't want you to accidentally kill anybody. I don't want you fighting in the streets and cutting people down in a brawl. I would like it if you never have to kill anybody. But this world is cruel. The harsh realities of it come for us all, hunters in particular. You may have to defend yourself or other people and you might have to take a life but I don't want you to ever be a murderer like me. You understand? That's really why I had to do something about the fight you got involved in. Not just because I have authority and felt like you should be punished. I'm doing what I do for the same reason I became combat Professor here. I want to do some real good. Sometimes that means handing out detentions."

"I think I get it," I decided. I felt like talking a little more now. "So if we're going to be having these detentions we may as well get to know one another."

"Where would you like to start?" He asked. He was looking at his monitor still. That was a no go. Eyes on me please Professor. Thank you sir. And I could call him sir. It would make for a kinky first date. Wasn't that a warm thigh rubbing thought?

"What's your family life look like?" I asked. Family was good. It was important. You could tell a lot about a person based on their family. Like how I was with my dad.

He made an odd face and looked away from his screen for a moment but still not at me. I bent back slightly to show off my girls. He seemed as though he tasted something bad. Not a good sign. "I have family troubles. I'm something of a black sheep to the rest of them. My parents disavowed me. My sisters are all allied against me. It's not good."

"You have sisters?"

"Seven of them. I know I know. So many. Not sure what my mother was thinking." He shot me a glance at that. For the barest second his eyes flickered up and down my form. He couldn't help it and he was close to our age. Haha. Gotcha Prof.

"They don't approve of you being a hunter?" I asked. I tried to get him to look at me again.

"Pretty much. Yeah. There's more to it than that but they don't really approve of the direction I've taken my life."

"Being a Professor?" I wondered keeping the conversation up.

"I'm not sure they know about that but they wouldn't really approve. It's difficult to say. I'm not really on speaking terms with them. How about you?"

"Well my mom died when I was super young."

"I'm sorry." He said. He glanced over at me and I waved him off however and looked away for a moment.

"Then it's pretty much been me and my dad. We're close. He worries about me a lot. He would really rather I did something other than hunting but I like the thrill of it all. I like killing monsters and beating people up with my bare hands and feet."

"An adrenaline junkie, then?" He asked.

"A little. A girl has to get her thrills." Wouldn't you know? You're the exact sort of thrill I could be looking for. Come find out, sir. "Why'd you become a huntsman."

"Well…" he trailed for a pause. "I was always going to be a fighter. Whether I liked it or not. My father pushed me in that direction. I didn't want to be what he wanted me to be. There was a time when I wanted to be a hero. Now look at me."

"I think you're a hero," I said.

"Why?" He seemed a touch surprised.

"Well, you're the youngest teacher in Beacon's history. Maybe any of the schools. You're our age and already so far ahead it's not even funny. You've probably slain serious monsters."

"More people than monsters really."

"So what? You've killed bad guys. That counts. You're the real deal."

"So what? Job done? I have so much left I need to do. I'm nobody's hero. I'm a murderer. I've had some pretty low lows."

"Everybody makes mistakes," I countered. I pulled my hair back and let my eyes shine. I leaned over the desk and threw back my shoulders. Let him really take me in.

"I've made more mistakes than probably anybody faster. No one has my record time beat. Nobody. I owe the world a lot. That's why I'm teaching. I'm trying to give back a little of what I've taken away and I don't know if I can. I'm not sure sins can ever be forgiven. I've done so much bad that I hope that maybe I can possibly do a little good here and maybe not make up for it. But add something that I once took away. Besides, I don't want to be a hero anymore. I'd settle for a long and peaceful life but that's just not in the cards."

"Would you have a family?" I asked. The family somebody would have or could have mattered as much as the family they did have. You could read a lot into that.

"If I had the time I would. I struggle, though. And that was never really my dream but I'm sort of borrowing it. And it'll probably never happen."

"Why not?" Did he not realize that he was a catch? Poor self conscious and low self-esteem? That could be an issue but it could also be a boon. I just had to play my cards right and I did have cards to play. I was supernaturally beautiful. I was surrounded by other supernaturally beautiful girls but that didn't detract from me and my assets.

"It just won't. I don't have the time amongst everything else I have to do. There's so much evil in the world I still have to get rid of."

"Sounds like a hero to me. Maybe you haven't truly let go of that yet," I informed him. I stepped back and stopped showing the curves of my body off. I wasn't really catching his eye like I wanted. He was too distracted by our conversation. That wasn't a bad thing necessarily. He was still focused on me in a way. I had to take the victories where I could find them. He was hard prey to pen in. But like any good hunter I just had to bait the trap right and I'd get him hook line and sinker. If he wasn't impossible then he was possible and I had his attention.

"Maybe a little. Maybe I haven't let go of that completely. When I went to school here I had so much catching up to do. Now that I have in a way I don't know what to do with myself."

"What's it like being a Professor?" I asked. At least I wasn't bored like I had been worried I was going to be. That was a plus. He was good conversation.

I found that I enjoyed talking with him which was a plus. Some people were only nice to look at and I was glad that he wasn't one of them. He could engage my mind. That worked well. I felt slightly nauseated at the thought of what could have been if he was boring. Instead he was exciting and he had lived so much life and had so much experience for someone so young. That was impressive. That was attractive. Anybody could have looks but without also being interesting it was more or less 'congratulations on your face.' This wasn't like that.

"It's a lot of hard work but it's not so different from military life or being a huntsman in general."

"You served?" I wondered.

"In the Atlas military. Shortly after I met you. Time served was a part of my punishment for some crimes I committed. I told you I had some low points."

"What crimes?"

"Arson. Murder. Prison break. Assault. Some pretty big ones. I burned down a building for this drug lord which was full of his rivals. I busted out some of his henchmen who were in prison and attacked some Atlas Security guards. I did considerably worse in Mistral. Some real heavy handed murder there."

"But these people you killed all had weapons. Didn't they?"

"They weren't just civilians. They typically worked for one drug lord or another. I killed some unarmed people."

"But not civilians. So you're not really a murderer at all if you think about it. You're a fighter."

"That is one way to see it. Doesn't really capture it all in truth though."

"Well I don't think you're a murderer. A killer maybe but not a murderer." Murder was such a gross word. Very unattractive. Maybe that is why he kept using it. At least in part. Maybe he really saw himself that way. That was depressing. He could float away if he wanted but he chained himself to the ground and he weighed himself down. That was ugly. I didn't like it.

"You're impossible," he sighed and ran a hand through his handsome blonde locks.

"I might be possible," I teased a little. I was glad that I went first in the detentions now because I was in my uniform skirt and that might give him something to look at. If he wanted to for some reason. I don't know. Maybe. I wanted to say something about how for him I'd be very doable but that might be a bit too forward. Still though, please give it a shot. You might like it. I know I would. I bet Rosé was right. I bet he knew how to touch a girl.

"And what do you know?" He muttered.

"What's that?" I wondered.

"Look at the time. You're free. Have a good weekend."

I felt a few shades disappointed. This could have been so much more. A Professor's office was certainly a kinky location and I'd probably let him get away with more than a kiss if he wanted it. It's not like I would tell on him or anything. Instead he seemed content to let me pass him by. Oh well. The chase was the best part. There was nothing quite like a good hunt. But maybe I wanted to be chased just a little. Maybe I wanted him to hunt me. What's wrong with that? It's one way for a girl to get her thrills.

I just had to make him want it. I needed a shorter skirt and a tighter shirt. Next time, perhaps.

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