Chapter 7

The Present

"So… Johnathan had a punishment?" Sam asked after a few moments of silence from the angels. It was a bit hard to wrap his mind around the fact that an angel basically fell for a demon. An ancient demon.

"Yes," Castiel said. "He faced his punishment by me first since he was under my care. I grounded him after disciplining him. Father added to it." He didn't feel like getting into that.

"Dominique was held in our prison for about two weeks before Father decided that the best thing for Johnathan was to kill the demon," Gabriel voiced. "At that time, we believed that he was brainwashing our brother." The archangel frowned at himself for having a flashback. "The day of Dominique's, Uriel and Gadreel were watching over our baby brother… well, until he got the drop on them."

-Uriel transition-

The Past

Johnathan was packing back and forth in the Heaven's War Room, frustrated that his older brothers wouldn't let him leave. He understood the fact that his entire family believes that good can't be with evil and that they had the idea that they were saving him but they didn't understand. Johnathan stopped pacing, as much as he hate the thought, he had to make his brothers go down so he could escape. He had no other choice, he had to go save Dominique.

"Sit brother," Uriel said from his spot beside the door. "Everything will work out." Gadreel nodded with that.

Johnathan sat down in the middle of the room, his back towards his brothers. He was in tune with their conversation as he drew a sigil on the floor with some of his blood. At the moment he was choosing love over his family , and he understood that his family thought the demon was playing a trick on him to be on the dark side but… his family doesn't understand that Dominique wasn't playing anything on him. He was done drawing the sigil, he closed his eyes for a brief moment, apologizing to his brothers mentally as he pressed his hand down on it to activate it. The bright light from it caught the two older angels' attention before a wave of energy shocked them, causing them to collapse.

He wakes over to them. "Forgive me, brothers."

He ran out of the War Room,, making his way to Earth.

-Chuck transition-

The angels handled him roughly which was completely expected, he was the enemy that has corrupted the youngest of all the angels. Ezekiel and Naomi were the ones that made him collapse to his knees in front of God, with all the angels watching. Well, despite the fact that he was going to be killed, he was glad that Johnathan wasn't going to witness this.

"I told you again," Dominique decided to say something. "I didn't make your son do anything."

Lucifer scoffed. "Do you think we would believe you? Believe that our baby brother has fallen for someone like you."

Dominique bit his lip from snarling.

God looked at the demon, his face stone- cold serious. "Your involvement with my son is not suppose to happen. Whatever the relationship may be between the both of you is something that won't be tolerated." He tilted his head. "Let the Light stay bright and never be consumed by the Darkness, no matter what."

Dominique didn't respond at first, he just had a stare down with God. God took out his blade and raised it, about to strike the demon. "The Darkness may lose the way, but the Light guides him."

God didn't even make a response, He frowned slightly. He shook his head at the demon's words before he swung the blade. Dominique watched the blade come closer to him, he heard frantic wings flapping towards them. The next thing he knew was someone screamed 'No!' and he was pushed off to the side, where he heard all the angels gasp.

He looked up, his eyes widen in horror at the sight. Johnathan was the one who pushed him to the side, meeting with God's blade. The blade was in his heart, his wings flutter in pain. Every angel was in disbelief of the scene in front of them, even God seemed to be… the Creator of all things looked more angry than disbelief.

"Johnny…" Dominique barely whispered.

The angel looked at him with a sad smile before looking at his Father. There was no moment to speak, the reason why his Father choses to kill Dominique was so he could spare his son. God didn't say anything as he forced his blade deeper into Johnathan's heart, making his grace burn out of him.

"NO!" Dominique screamed as he witnessed it.

God pulled his blade out, Johnathan's dead body fell in front of him. Dominique's chest heaved angrily, none of the angels reacted… they weren't sure how to.

Dominique got onto his feet. "You'll regret doing that." He pointed at God. "I will make sure every single demon run havoc. I'll make sure you witness Your downfall."

-castiel transition-

The Present

"… and Dominique kept his promise," Gabriel said. "Demons muck the Earth so much…"

Mary got up to hug both him and Castiel. "I'm sorry for your loss." She pulled back from hugging Gabriel.

"Thanks," the Archangel said softly. He was silent for a moment before adding, "It was a domino effect, you know. God basically locked himself away after that, continued to work on humanity. Lucifer started the Uprising, then there was the Fall, demons running about, humanity screwing itself over and Father took off."

None of the humans nor Jack commented on that. It was interesting and surprising and sad at the same time to know about the youngest angel and the fate that had fallen onto him without choice. Castiel wished he could go back and listened to him instead of passing judgement on little information and Gabriel would trade God's life for his brother.

Castiel sighed, he always enjoyed going down memory lane but not this. We, um, we need to get back to the bunker." He cleared his throat. "Figure out what to do next."

No one said a word as they slow walked out of the church, Castiel and Gabriel stayed behind the group, both receiving looks from Dean and Sam which they dismissed. The angels shared a silent moment, they never talked about that day before… every awful thing happened immediately after that and Gabriel had taken off. It took a millennia for Castiel and Gabriel to be the first two angels to relive that.