HI! Another smaller update!

Quick thing before someone points it out.


This was not the final script in the movie. This is one that made it online somehow but is not the final script used. KEEP THIS IN MIND!

Disclaimer: I am not the owner of anything recognizable. I do not own Marvel or Disney.


The screen changes drastically. Its night now and there on the screen is an old stone castle. Two people race through the street in front. Suddenly a sound fills the air, a loud metal clanking. One of the two stops and pears over their shoulder before grabbing their companion by the shoulder and saying something in a different language. Subtitles appear on the screen with a translation:

"Go and tell the keeper! Hurry!"

As the words disappear a new caption appears.

Norway, May 1942

The man who had spoken turns and pulls his rifle from his shoulder. The second person runs faster up towards the castle. The man makes sure his weapon is loaded before aiming it from the direction they came from. The clanking gets louder, then with a deafening crash a large tank breaks through a building. The tank is large and holds the crest that was seen moments before on the plane. At seeing the seal the man paled and turned to run, but was cut down by gunfire before even taking a step.


"Oh my god!" May Parker exclaims, she reached down and pulled Peter onto the couch between her and Ben. Peter was rather pale but didn't complain.

Everyone around the room was in different stages of disgust.

"Steve what is this?" Bruce asked curiously. "If I remember correctly, this was before you received the serum."

"I don't know," Steve answered. He was looking at the frozen screen with puzzlement. "I was still that sickly kid from Brooklyn in May. I honestly don't know why we are seeing this bit."

"I know why," Fury grumbled and crossed his arms. He amended his statement when everyone turned to look at him. "Or, I have an idea why. I won't say anything till after in case I'm wrong. "

There was some grumbling, but everyone quieted as JARVIS continued the movie:


The second person has made it to the door of the castle and pushes it open quickly. He closes it behind him and slams a wooden plank down across them to hopefully slow down the troops.

"They're coming!" He shouts up the stairs as an old tower keeper rushes down them.

"They will never find it," the older man says with confidence as he reaches ground level.

The two men turn to look at the door as noises get louder on the other side. With no warning the wall and door are blasted away and in rolls the tank from before. The tower keeper, who had been blasted back to the base of the stairs, struggles to his feet and looks around. The younger man is shown buried beneath the stones and wood rubble, dead.

Hydra troops are streaming in through the hole and surrounding the tower keeper. He slowly raises his arms in surrender.

The scene changes to back outside the castle where a gleaming car stops in frame. The hood ornament on the car is a human skull. One of the doors swing open and a pair of shined boots step out of the car.

Back in the castle the soldiers have thrown the keeper to the ground in a crypt in front of a sarcophagus. The men are trying and failing to push the lid off. One of the younger ones is frantically talking in German trying to get them to push harder.

Footsteps echo through the castle and the soldiers snap to attention as an officer steps into view. His eyes are sunken, and his skin is waxy pale.


"Schmidt!" Steve growled and clinched his fists.

"That's Schmidt?" Sam questions leaning forwards some to take in a man as famous as Hitler. "He looks ill."

"He was," Steve said eyes glued to the screen. "By this time, he would have already taken Hydras failure of a super soldier serum. What we see here is a mask, which is why its waxy and pale. The serum, made him sick in the mind."

"A mask?" Clint questioned, he shared a look with his wife. "I've seen photos of him, that looks like them."

"They called him Red Skull," Steve explained as he tore his eyes form the screen. The others nodded, that was common knowledge. "That wasn't just for intimidation. After taking the serum his body changed from a pale color to blood red, hence why he always keeps most of his body covered. His skull though, his skin became tight against the bone and he lost all fat and cartilage, he had no nose no lips. That is a mask to blend in, he abandons it permanently later."

"That's disgusting," Rhodey says quietly to Tony who nods in agreement. Tony had already known that; Howard had told him about Schmidt more than once. Everyone else who didn't know (everyone but Fury, Tony, and Steve) were looking more than a little disgusted.


"It has taken me a long time to find this place. You should be commended," Schmidt began as he stood in front of the keeper. He was speaking heavily accented English. "Give me what I want, and you will find the Reich most appreciative."

"I give you nothing," the tower keeper spat out in broken English. Even though he was on his knees, his head was held high. One of the guards made a move to strike the older man but Schmidt waved him off before the hit could land. Schmidt leaned down to be almost eye to eye with the keeper.

"You are a man of great vision. In that, we are much alike," Schmidt comments idly to the man.

"I am nothing like you," the tower keeper responded quietly, not backing down and refusing to be intimidated.

"Oh, No. No, I Don't suggest that," Schmidt said with a small chuckle as he stood up tall. He turned and saw his men struggling to remove the lid from the sarcophagus. "But what others see as superstition, you and I know to be science. The oldest science."

"What you seek is just a legend," the tower keeper said, and he fidgeted a little with his hands.

"Then why do you try so hard to hide it," Schmidt smirks at the older man before turning towards his men. He stalks over to the sarcophagus and his men move away. He pauses for a moment before leaning over and bracing his hands on the lid. Between one breath and the next he had shoved the lid from the sarcophagus, and it crashed to the ground, breaking into pieces.

Inside the sarcophagus is a corpse of a long dead Norwegian noble, clutched to his chest is a perfectly cute crystal cube.


"The Tesseract?" Clint questions, staring at the screen with a scrunched look on his face. "Doesn't look right."

"That's not it," Loki confirmed after studying the screen for a moment. "It's almost perfect, but there is no light showing form the inside."

"But if there is a nearly perfect fake the real one must be close by," T'Challa said with a raised eyebrow.


"The Tesseract was the Jewel of Odin's treasure room," Schmidt explains as he turns the crystal over in his hands. Abruptly he drops it so it shatters into a million pieces. "It is not a thing one buries."


"Jewel of Odin's treasure?" Tony asked looking at the two Asgardians in attendance.

"A very long time ago," Thor confirmed glancing at his brother. "We were but babes when it was lost."

"How did it get on earth?" Everett questioned, he had remained fairly quiet up till this point. Believe it or not he's a huge lover of mythology, and having two living Norse heroes around to question was a dream come true for him.

"Several thousand years ago the cosmos were at war," Loki began, he waved his hands and a blank section of wall began to show images of a war long since over. "The main two combatants were the Frost Giants of Jotunheim and the Asgardians. This war was spread across all the nine realms, no where was safe from the destruction of the war. This war lasted several hundred years before Odin ended it here on Midgard, or Earth. With the help of the Tesseract he was able to defeat the Frost Giants and push them back to their home world of Jotunheim. When Odin and the Asgardian army followed the Frost Giants the Tesseract was forgotten here on Earth. We know that the locals had to clean up after the battle and must have found it and decided to keep it hidden for whenever Odin returned for it."

"Why didn't he?" Fury asked, his one eye was fixed unwaveringly on the two aliens. He wanted to know why a device so powerful was just forgotten one his home planet for so long. Loki looked extremely uncomfortable and smacked Thor on the leg to get him to answer the question.

"He took something back to Asgard that he thought was worth leaving the Tesseract," Thor finally decided to say. "I have no doubt it will be revealed in my movie."

When Morgan was glanced at she nodded in confirmation.


Schmidt stalks back over to the man and yanks him up by the shoulder.

"But it is close, yes?" The German man hisses in the ear of the tower keeper.

"I cannot help you," the older man responds stubbornly meeting his eye.

"No, but you can help them," Schmidt says idly as he gestures to the tank behind him. It had turned and was pointing towards the village in warning. "You gave friends out there. Grandchildren, perhaps? I've no need for them to die."

The tower keeper is silent but is obviously terrified of the threat to his home. He doesn't respond verbally but his eye flicker to the wall behind them, currently untouched. Schmidt notices his eyes flicker and turns around himself to search the wall. His eyes finally land on the carving of a tree.

"Yggdrasil, tree of the world. Guardian of Wisdom," Schmidt says with a bit more excitement than before. His eyes track the branches of the tree all the way to a serpent with gleaming eyes. "And Fate."


"Ehhhhhhh," both Loki and Thor make the noise.

"Gentlemen?" Jane questions, turning to look at her boyfriend (?).

"The world tree might have taken that meaning over the thousands of years since we were last on earth," Thor began gently, once again sharing a look with his brother.

"It is more a literal thing than a metaphorical as it seems to have become," Loki took over with a slight eye roll. He was always more scholarly than the elder. "The universe is divided into nine realms, each realm is different. There are some like Asgard who only consist of one planet and the surrounding nebulas, and some like Midgard, have multiple planets and galaxies. These nine realms are connected via pathways that make up the world tree. These pathways are traversed in many ways, Asgard has the most popular, the Bifrost. As a sorcerer myself, I use advanced magic. Those who cannot or do not use these methods travel with hyper space and jump points. The map that was made thousands of years ago when the first sorcerers learned to walk the paths literally looks like a tree. Since then we have learned much more regarding what it is and what connects everything together. On Asgard, Yggdrasil is literally just the World Tree. Nothing fancy and no hidden meanings."

"That," Everette said with a pause. "Is both disappointing and enlightening."

"That's humanity," Bruce said with an eye roll. He flaps his hand around in a general meaning. "We take things and make meanings where there are none."


Schmidt walks carefully over to the rubble to the wall. He gently traces the tree to the serpent before pressing the eye. Out pops a hidden box that he pulls firmly from the wall. It had obviously not been touched in a very long time. The tower keeper slumps, defeated.

Schmidt opens the box slowly to have a blur light reflect off his waxy pale skin. The tower keeper looks on in awe as the item he and his family has guarded for generations is revealed to him.

"And the Fuhrer digs for trinkets in the desert," The Hydra leader smirks as he gazes on his prize. He glanced back to the old man. "You've never seen it, have you?"

"It is not for the eyes of ordinary men," The Keeper denies as he turns his eyes away.

"Exactly," Schmidt shuts the box and turns away. Looking at the tank he sighs slightly before saying. "Commence Firing."

"Fool." The Old Tower Keeper declares, but flinches as the tank opens fire into his home. "None of us can control that power. You will burn."

"I already have," Schmidt says simply. In the blink of an eye he drew his firearm and killed the man. He turns and walks slowly out of the building. The screen cuts to a close up of his lapel, his hydra pin is covered in the old man's blood.


"Well that was what I thought," Fury said and dragged a hand down his face. He turned to look at Steve as he talked. "After Howard pulled the Tesseract from the ocean a few months after you went down, Peggy wanted to know more about it. She researched it from a scholar view while Howard studied it from a scientist's view. I have looked over everything she found; everything was pointing to it being hidden in Norway somewhere. None if us could pinpoint a location, makes me wonder how Schmidt did it."

"I couldn't tell you," Steve shrugged honestly. "It wouldn't surprise me if he simply started barging into small villages like that one and killing people till they told him what he wanted."

"That is unfortunately likely," Fury sighed as they turned back towards the screen.