The sounds of clanging metal were heard throughout the corridor as swords met in a battle between the armies of Cersei and Queen Daenerys. Arya fought her way further into the Red Keep, her eyes dancing across countless faces, searching for the one she needed in order for her list to be completed. She cut through countless soldiers, always keeping in mind her true goal: to kill Cersei Lannister.

A flash of yellow cropped hair caught the young assassin's attention and she hurried her pace, chasing the figure. She found herself in a corridor, her sword slicing open anyone in her path, as nine enemies surrounded her. Arya smirked as she skillfully took down all nine soldiers, killing them in a matter of minutes. Looking up, she cursed under her breath upon the realization that Cersei had disappeared from her line of sight.

She continued to the end of the hallway and barely missed the blurred shadow of yet another soldier charging after her. She spun, ready to attack, but found that it was unneeded. A hammer collided with the soldier's head, echoing down the hall. Arya sent a small nod of gratitude to Gendry who, in return, gave a tight smile.

At the sound of quick footsteps coming towards them, Arya and Gendry turned their backs to one another, fighting side by side. "I thought you would be at Storm's End by now." Arya grunted, pulling Needle out of a man's cut and quickly slicing through another man's throat.

"I came to decline Queen Daenerys' offer." Gendry offered in reply.

She scowled, "Why?"

"I told you," he began dodging a sword to the gut by pressing himself closer to Arya, "It would all be meaningless without you."

The last of the ambush defeated, Arya jerked her head indicating Gendry to follow. Quietly she murmured, "I'm not a lady, Gendry."

"A point that you have made clear numerous times," He grumbled, turning down a different corridor. He stopped when he noticed that she was no longer beside him. He spun around to see her staring at the floor, her brows scrunched together.

Arya whispered, "Don't throw your chance at happiness away because of me."

Gendry scoffed, "Why do you think I'm going to speak with the queen?" Arya's brow rose slightly and the tall man shook his head before coming to stand in front of the petite woman. His hand rose and pushed a strand of fallen hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek. His thumb traced her cheek bone as he whispered, "You are my happiness Arya."

A determined look brushed her features as she strolled out of his embrace, "You would resent me," She said over her shoulder.

"No, I wouldn't," He argued.

Arya reasoned, "The night you told me of your lordship, I had never seen you that happy. You may not resent me in a year's time, but you would – eventually."

"Seven Hells!" Gendry exclaimed, snatching Arya's wrist and turning her towards him. "I was excited because I finally felt worthy of you. There was no other reason than that."

She could feel tears brimming her eyes and placed her face against his chest plate. "Stupid bull," She said, her voice muffled.

"Yes," He said, smirking into her hair, "But you love this stupid bull."

She shoved him away from her, a glint of a smile on her lips as she sauntered away. He watched as she clasped her hands behind her back and turned on her heel to face him. Instead of turning back and walking away as she did in the forge, she stopped and offered her hand to him.

He made his way to her, slipping his hand into hers, as her opposite hand ran across his neck and pulled him into a light kiss. They parted, only slightly, and she whispered into his ear, "I love all of my family."