Summoner of death

Author note: Not much to say saw overlord thought this could make a fun one shot/prologue. Notice any mistakes let me know.

The flames of jealousy quickly turned to nerves as Louise watched Tabitha, a quiet girl with blue hair and a slender frame bring forth a gorgeous blue dragon with a large breeze. The dragon was on the small side for dragons, with its smooth blue coat of scales it struck an imposing figure. How was she supposed to follow that up?

None of the other summons were overly impressive at least compared to Tabitha's dragon, Louise had resigned herself to hide behind the rest of the students and attempt the ritual later hopefully without the mocking eyes of her peers shooting into her back. Of course, all grand plans go awry…

"Mr. Colbert Louise hasn't gone yet," Kirche shouted as the teacher began preparing the students to leave. Louise felt her face burn as Colbert's kind eyes gazed upon her, without saying a word Louise stepped before the circle. For just a moment she could almost see something like an apology in the professor's kind eyes. Shaking herself from her thoughts she took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she prepared to call forth her familiar

"My name is Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière. Pentagon of the five elemental power, Heed my summoning... and bring familiar!" Louise cried to the sky as a large blast emanated from the center of the circle, knocking her from her feet.

A plume of smoke rose from the center of the circle. Louise felt tears forming in her eyes even as her classmates attempted to suppress there mocking laughter.

"Wow, your Zero percent success rate remains shocking!" Kirche mocked. Spurred by this the rest of the students burst into laughter, Louise allowed her tears to fall.

"Quiet!" Colbert shouted, causing all the students to halt their laughter and interrupting Louise quiet sobs. As one the students turned to see what Colbert was staring at, in the center of the summoning circle something was emerging from the smoke.

In a word it was large, standing at over seven feet tall. Its shape was humanoid appearing to be garbed in some kind of robe. The figure made a motion with its hand clearing the dust from the air, and standing at the center of the circle stood…Death.

The avatar of death appeared skeletal its head strangely shaped. Long bony fingers, were covered by pure white gloves. In the pitch, black pits of its eyes sat two flaming red Pinpricks of light. It wore a glorious robe of pure white, golden chains draped across its neck. Its eyes seemed to sweep across the students

All was silent and Louise could make out Colbert gripping his wand out of the corner of her eye. She stood up slowly, wondering if she should try to complete the ritual. The being appeared docile at the moment but her instincts screamed that to walk towards the creature before her was to walk into the embrace of death.

The silent standoff may well have lasted an eternity if not for the creature growing sick of waiting.

"Greetings, I am Ainz Ooal Gown the sorcerer-king. Is there a reason you have brought me here?" The skeleton apparently known as Ainz spoke with regality and poise that befitted a member of nobility, which was all the more shocking considering its appearance. Louise felt herself gulp, the undead were the things of fairy tales. Terrible monster meant to scare children from going out at night, yet before who stood an undead, claiming to be royalty.

"I am Jean Colbert, a teacher of the Tristain Academy of magic, the finest magical academy in the country. One of my students was attempting to summon a familiar when you appeared." As Colbert spoke Louise couldn't help but notice the odd timbre of his voice if one hadn't listened intently to the professor when he spoke they may have missed it. Louise's obsession with self-improvement had led to her pouring over his every word, she knew his voice. Which is why she could identify the tone he had taken, her professor who remained calm even before her most violent blunders was afraid.

"Well, I hope you're aware I have no intention of being a familiar to anyone. Will this be a problem?" Ainz spoke, ice crawled down the spines of those gathered.

"Of course not your majesty! This is simply a misunderstanding. I apologize for the inconvenience, one of our students simply made a mistake." Colbert explained with a bow, giving the creature all the respect one would show true royalty. Louise felt herself gape, in part outraged at being denied her familiar, but even more shocked at the professor agreeing with the creature.

Jean Colbert was a complex man, once hailed as the flame serpent he had walked through the fires of war and emerged stronger for them. He had freed himself of his fear of death long ago, many who knew the Colbert of the past would be baffled by his current submissive actions. Those people failed to realize the nature of the man of Jean Colbert.

He had seen innocents butchered and butchered innocents in turn, such is the nature of war. He lost himself in those years, yet after leaving the military to focus on magical studies and teaching he had found himself again. No longer a man who destroyed the futures of others but instead encouraged growth and independent thought. He had turned from the path of battle and found purpose in the arts of a scholar. Most importantly though, he found himself caring deeply for the health and well being of his students.

Thus he was paralyzed with inaction, for the instincts that had saved him countless times in the past screamed that death stood before him. That not only would it claim his life should he insult it but the lives of every student in his immediate vicinity. The creature called itself a king, yet its movements were more reminiscent of a tyrant, assured of its absolute power.

Tabitha was pushing upon her dragons head, despite that it was clear the beast was terrified. With a mighty roar, the beast shoved its master to the side charging at the skeletal king. Tabitha shouted for the beast to stop, but it was too late.

Tabitha had always been logical, she knew just how easily false judgments and assumptions could unmake even the greatest of men. Looking at it logically her dragon shouldn't be in much danger, the skeleton seemed rather sedate and while it was large compared to humans it was still smaller than her dragon.

Dragons were some of the most powerful creatures in the world, her dragon would be fine. Those words repeated themselves over and over in her head, but Tabitha could feel something in the depths of her soul. Despite what logic may dictate, her dragon was charging towards its death…

As the beast approached the specter it reared up, creating a large gust of wind with its wings and magic. No doubt intending to toss the skeletal figure back but as the gust hit it...Nothing happened, the powerful gust of wind that knocked several students from their feet failed to budge the specter of death. The dragon persisted in its attempts to push the skeleton back with its wind-based attack but the figure simply seemed amused by the dragon's efforts. For a moment Louise could swear she saw the phantom of a smile upon the beings skeletal face.

"A wind-based dragon? How interesting! I haven't encountered one of your kind before…I wonder what materials I'll get from your corpse?" Ainz spoke with casual ease as he walked through the gale towards the dragon.

The fear in the beast eyes seemed to increase as Ainz approached it. The beast abandoned its wind-based attack to bite Ainz encroaching hand. The beast jaws were caught by the hand it hoped to crush and was forced closed. The beast struggled against Ainz steely grip and despite logic dictating the dragon should break the skeletal hand, that was not the case. The dragon whined and struggled but could not break free, the grip surpassed the strength of beasts jaws.

Tabitha ran forth and did something that shocked Louise, she dropped to her knees before the sorcerer-king. "Please spare her! She didn't mean it…" She begged for the life of her newly acquired familiar.

"The beast attacked me and would have killed me if it had the strength, why should I spare it the fate it wished to lay upon me?" Ainz peered down at Tabitha seeming to sneer.

"She's rare, and she's young, she doesn't know any better," Tabitha explained on her knees, Louise felt this must have been the most the blue-haired girl had talked in the entire year. Ainz eyes seemed to burst with light before a chuckle escaped his nonexistent lips. All the while the dragon continued to struggle in his steely grasp.

"Rare you say? Hmmm, it would be a shame to kill it then. Ensure it never attempts to disrespect my grand personage again and I shall be lenient this once. Fail to keep it in check and the beast life will be forfeit." Ainz pronounced with the absolute authority of a true ruler.

Tabitha rose from her knees bowing submissively as she attempted to lead the dragon back to the crowd of students. "So you hail from an academy of magic? Are you perhaps in contact with the Baharuth empire?" Ainz asked interest coloring his tone.

"No, I have never heard of such a place," Jean announced calmly. The crowd of students had formed a line behind him.

"Truly? How unfortunate, I must have been transported rather far than…." Ainz sighed as he lifted his hand in a majestic motion. A sphere of pure obsidian appeared before him, causing many of the students to grip their wands more tightly, yet the orb seemed dull and lifeless.

"Very far indeed…" Ainz mumbled under his breath, seemingly disappointed by the sphere as it disappeared before him. He turned back to face the gathered students and teacher.

"I have need of a map and other supplies, surely the greatest magical academy in the country can provide such things to a foreign Ruler they've inadvertently captured?" Ainz spoke a mocking edge to his voice.

"Of course! We shall also inform the queen of your arrival right away! If you'll follow me I can take you to speak with the headmaster…." Colbert felt sweat beading down his face as he explained. He didn't wish to bring the specter through the school but felt to confront it here would be to damn them all…

He would have to send a message to the queen informing her of the being that claimed to be a king and the danger it posed. Killing it was outside his abilities if they could get rid of it without slaying it that would be best. Failing that they'd need a team of the finest mages in the country to crush this threat before it began to spread havoc. Hopefully, it was more benevolent than its appearance let on.

Thus a simmering yet scared Louise, a "burningly" curious Kirche, and a stoic Tabitha accompanied the rest of the students back to the school, the shadow of death following close behind them.

So writing this my biggest issue was keeping Ainz from killing Louise, she's loud and obnoxious. She was very liable to be grasped heart by Ainz to test his strength. I finally came up with the idea of Colbert recognizing a threat and boxing Louise out of the conversation. I'm interested in getting a beta if any of you are interested let me know.