They all sat around the large table in the great hall; the same table that, not long ago, had served to plan the defenses of Winterfell.

The silence as brutal; clearly everyone was beaten down and tired.

"How many sellswords did you say formed the Golden Company?" asked Jon Snow

"20 000" said Jaime "That is according to Cersei of course. I left before they arrived in King's Landing. It could be just a rumour."

Silence filled the room again.

"It won't be enough." Said Sansa

"We have no choice," answered Daenerys. "We have won the great war, now we will win the last war."


"By landing siege to King's Landing."

This time, it was Tyrion that spoke.

"Just like Stannis Baratheon tried a few years ago. Only this time, it will work. Cersei is no general for sure and this time there is no Tyrell army to come to the rescue and there is certainly no Tywin Lannister either. The greatest seasoned warriors left are in this very room."

"What about Euron Greyjoy?" asked Brienne

"Euron Greyjoy's army is used to fight on the sea," said Jaime "If, for example, the Greyjoy fleet was set ablaise, things my be different."

"Also, almost everyone who knows King's Landing inside and out are here. Varys, Ser Davos and even myself have been sneaking around the city for years. Cersei knows some of it but not all." Said Tyrion

"Won't she see it coming?" asked Daenerys "Since you used that knowledge during the battle of The Blackwater…"

"Maybe, but it's all we've got." Said Tyrion "Now, we will march the remaining army South…"

The sight of this room was actually pretty inspiring, Jaime thought to himself. Everyone was pitching in with his or her thoughts and ideas. The most amazing was Sansa Stark. She was the perfect combination of Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully; smart, caring and strong. Jaime imagined if his father was still alive he would say to be careful around her and he suddenly felt very lucky to be among these people. Jaime then vowed to himself that he would ask for a private conversation with Lady Stark afterwards.

When Jaime started to focus again on what was going on, he realized people were now bunched over the map and had, apparently, hit a problem.

"The only problem is our numbers." Said Jon "Even at the gates of the Capital we wouldn't be enough to storm the walls and infiltrate the city from within."

Silence filled the room again.

"What about Yara Greyjoy's forces?"

"Her numbers are too few…"

"But she has ships." said Daenerys "She has hips and I, still have 2000 strong loyal men in Mereen.

Jaime exchanged looks first with Brienne, then with Tyrion.

"The second sons. " said Greyworm

"Yes." Said Daenerys

"If Yara Greyjoy can ferry them and Daario Naharis to Westeros then we stand a chance at siege. It could last years though." Said Tyrion "And then…"

"Then, we cut the head of the snake." Said Jaime interrupting his brother. "We dispose of Cersei, kill Euron Greyjoy and the city will be in chaos."

"It might just work." Said Ser Davos Seaworth

Tyrion starred at his brother. He had a hard time to believe the words that had actually come from Jaime's mouth…Probably everyone in this room did, except perhaps, Ser Brienne who completely trusted Jaime with anything. Her feelings for Jaime were quite obvious, except to only probably Jaime.

What a fool he was sometimes.

The plan seemed to be settled. The first steps were of course to send word to the Iron islands and wait for Yara Greyjoy's answer.

People started to exit the room and Jaime gathered is courage to walk to Lady Sansa. He felt all the other Stark eyes on him.

"Lady Stark."

"Ser Jaime."

"Could I have a private conversation?" he asked "With you and you siblings?"

Sansa nodded and Brienne and Podrick, who were standing next to her, left the room. Before fully exiting, Brienne gave one last glance at Jaime but he didn't see her.

"I wanted to express my gratitude for what you said to Queen Daenerys when I arrived. I am grateful more than you can imagine and it was an honor to fight here last night. But, I feel that I must apologize to you all and beg for forgiveness for the trouble and pain I caused to house Stark."

Jaime now was kneeling in front of the remaining members of the Stark family: Jon, Sansa, Arya and Bran. Bran, who was just a boy that he pushed out a window in hopes to kill him because of Cersei, Sansa who was mentally and physically tortured by his sister and his son, Arya and Jon, thank the gods, had had very few encounters with him in the past.

Jaime fought his hardest to fight away the tears in his eyes.

It was Sansa who first spoke.

"Arise Ser Jaime." She said, "Living in the past doesn't help anything…"

"It only strengthens the future." Said Bran, "Everything happens for a reason and what you did brought you here and that's what matters."

"I agree." Said Jon

The only one who hadn't said anything was Arya Stark. For some reason, it scarred Jaime a little.

"I also did terrible things and, if all my family trusts you, then, so do I." said Arya "It is us who are honored to have you amongst our ranks. I am looking forward to fight alongside you in the future."

Jaime couldn't help but smile a little and hoped that, Ned and Catelyn's ghosts were looking down on them right now.

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