A/N: Okay, I know this is listed as a Supernatural/GoT crossover, and it is! but it's actually a Supernatural/GoT/Avengers/Inception crossover. I KNOW, I KNOW! That's a lot of fandoms. But hear me out! There's a reason!
Lystan made me do it.
So here's what happened. During a period where both of our muses had fucked off, we challenged each other to write down a list of characters we liked and then select a random prompt. Then write the first thing that came to mind.
My prompt was: "If character A [Dean (Supernatural)] and character B [Sansa (GoT)] got married, what would characters C [Arthur (Inception)] and D [Natasha Romanov (MCU)] bring to their wedding?
Well, obviously, I had to figure out how those four would even know each other. This gloriousness is the result. I have had so much fun writing this ridiculous fic that I had to post it. I hope others like it too, but honestly, seeing my faves "on screen" together and figuring out in what universe they would ever be combined made my whole damn month.
This is not canon-compliant for any of the four fandoms, but the characters still ring true. This is a Supernatural universe where Castiel doesn't exist because I cannot write Cas without Destiel. I just can't do it. Set sometime after the Avengers movie and Season 7 of Supernatural, and I'm writing it before the final season of GoT airs.
Anyway, if you got this far, thank you for giving it a chance! Enjoy!
[My everpresent thanks to Lystan, for being my reason, and to Mousie, Flos and Oce for reading this thing (multiple times) regarding fandoms they don't really care about just because they care about me. You guys are the BEST. Seriously.]
The tower was nice, he'd give them that. The people on the other hand...
"This is it?" Tony Stark asked. "What are you two? The Midwest division of the 'Hit Scary Things Really Hard' Club?"
Dean, who had just settled into the fanciest chair his ass had ever sat on, stood back up. "Okay. We're done here."
Sam stood also, with a nose sigh which said, 'Dean is being unreasonable, but I am standing by him, even if I don't want to.' Dean glared at him.
"Oh, sit down, Paul Bunyan." Tony waved at him impatiently, pulling a sheaf of papers forward.
Dean, who was not going to sit down, thank you, gave him a tight smile and tried to think of anything other than punching Iron Man in the face. What a dick. "Look, can I remind you that you assholes called us? Remember? Do you know how far of a drive this is?"
Tony looked at him over the top of his completely unnecessary sunglasses. "I literally don't. I fly everywhere. What about you guys?" he said, looking around the oval-shaped conference table. "Hmm? Anyone else driving these days? Point Break? Oh, no, that's right, you fly too. Vision? No? Hmm. What about you, Rogers? Barton? You guys are walkers. What's the drive like from here to Nebraska?"
"Kansas," Dean snapped.
Tony blinked and looked genuinely confused. "What's the difference?"
"Hm, maybe we can talk about what's going on," Black Widow stressed.
Dean looked at her appraisingly. "Thank you, Ms. Widow. Can I call you Black?"
She looked like she was going to laugh as she said, "Natasha is fine," but everyone else around the table just looked at him flatly.
"What?" Dean challenged.
"What's been going on," Steve Rogers broke in, "is the portals opened by the Tesseract have been letting through some very… interesting characters."
"You're telling us," said Sam. "Bit of a wake-up call even for hunters, and that's saying something."
"Yeeeaahh, when you say 'hunters'..." Tony Stark broke in, and Dean bristled at his tone and his implied finger quotes.
"I mean people like us," he snapped, glad he'd stayed standing. He indicated himself and Sam, road-weary and wrinkled, and ready to go anyway. "I mean people who have been doing this crap our whole lives without a big fan club or action figures, okay? Fighting monsters is what we do."
"We know, Dean," Captain America said. "That's why you're here. We need your help, and any other hunter you know. We're in an all-hands-on-deck kind of situation right now, and we need to work together to get the portals closed. We heard you guys were the ones to talk to. Something about saving the world a time or two before? Sounds like we owe you some thanks."
Dean looked at Sam who nodded the go-ahead. "Alright," Dean said, crossing his arms. "Fine. What do you need?"