,, Fercha: yeah, sorry about that. my priorities have been changing, and i've been updating other stuff and somehow forgot about this story. i'm back tho, www.

"Umi! Umi!" Honoka chirped excitedly, pointing to one of the tallest attractions of this unknown amusement park. "Let's get on the Ferris wheel!"

The bluenette laughed nervously. "Um, Honoka, I don't think-"

Eli scoffed, catching their attention. "Honoka, please. Everyone knows the Ferris wheel is the last place to go to, because it's the most romantic one, for dates. Don't you know anything about the art of dating?"

The remark seemed to have offended (probably) Honoka, because the idol group's center pouted at the blonde. "O-of course! I knew that! I was just... just thinking it'd be nice to, uh, both start and end it with the Ferris wheel!" she said.

"Ah, of course," Eli said with a sigh and shook her head, "what else was I expecting from you?"

"I feel insulted," Honoka mumbled.

Umi sighed. "W-well, she has a point maybe? But, uh, it's not like I'd mind it..."

Again, she was interrupted by the smitten blonde. "Anyways, Umi, come with me. I think it's best we start with something small and lovely, like the carousel."

Honoka recoiled. "Caroo... the what? What stupid ride name is that?" she asked, then snickered at the blonde. "Eli, please. Just because you're the student council president doesn't mean you have to come up with fancy words to impress my Umi!"

"Who's yours!?" Umi asked, but she went ignored.

Eli rolled her eyes. "The carousel, my friend, in simpler terms, is the merry-go-round."

"O-oh! Right. I, I knew that!" Honoka said. Then, frustrated by her rival, she grabbed Umi's hand and ran towards the nearby merry-go-round attraction. "Come on, Umi! Let's go there!"

"W-wait, it's dangerous to run so suddenly..." Umi warned as she was being dragged away.

The blonde third-year, appalled by this turn of events, then gave chase. "H-hey! Stop right there, it was my idea!"

Nico scratched her head, slightly- no, that'd be an understatement- extremely unsettled by her current situation. Or rather, the situation surrounding her entire place right now. When she first woke up, everything had been fine and dandy. She got up to cook for her siblings, briefly made fun of her mother for being oh so busy that she wasn't here, then briefly apologized mentally to her mother and thinking about how much she loved her family.

Then when she stepped outside in order to head to school, everything got weird.

The entire place was devoid of life. No people, no cars, heck, no damn birds or dogs or cats or anything.

Oh, and after finally checking her phone, turns out today was Saturday.

And she was certain, of course, of one thing: it was supposed to be Thursday.

"...what the hell is going on today?" she muttered to herself.

A thought then came to her.

"Oh, I swear to whatever deities exist, if I've become such an incompetent lazy ass that I slept through Thursday and Friday somehow..."

"Oh, hey, Nico."

The ravenette blinked and quickly turned around to see Nozomi in casual clothes. "Oh, it's you," she said. "Christ, don't just show up behind me."

Nozomi tilted her head. "You're Christian?"

"What? No," Nico replied.

"But you-"

"Not the point," Nico said. "Anyways, what're you doing here?" she asked. "...and why're you in casual clothes?"

The busty idol raised an eyebrow. "Nico, it's Saturday. Are you in trouble with the school?"

"The hell are you talking about?" Nico asked. "God, today's been so... oh, wait, so was it you who changed my phone's date?" she then asked, pissed.

Nozomi stared at her. "...Nico, I'm going to ask you something I never thought I'd ever ask you in my entire life, but... have you been doing drugs?"

"What? No! My God, Nozomi, you're not being helpful here!" Nico yelled.

"Seems to me like you're just crazy here," Nozomi muttered. "Anyways, I actually did just get back from Otonokizaka. I was checking out some stuff. You won't believe this, there's actually someone else there," she said and chuckled.

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Nozomi, it's our lovable school, a place for students to learn at. How surprising."

"Nico, I'm telling you, it's Saturday," the purple haired girl said. "Anyways, that girl with the blonde hair and cosplaying magic hat is wandering around the sports field for some reason. I'd ask her what she was doing, but I don't feel like getting involved with that today."

The ravenette rolled her eyes. "Whatever. What do you want me to do about that? I'm still in my own predicament here."

"Mmn, who knows? I'm just heading home right now," Nozomi replied. "Stay safe, Nico."

"Uh, sure?" Nico blinked before looking at the direction of her school, wondering what she'd need luck to stay safe for in a completely normal town. Or what, does this huge lack of life in this city right now have something to do with... oh, right! "Wait, Nozomi!" The girl turned back to Nozomi, but her friend had already disappeared. "What the... damn, she's fast."

Then, alone in the now-eerie city, she scratched her head.

"...actually, there's no way you can walk away that fast with that huge knockers of hers. I call blasphemy."

That was completely unrelated, but let's let her keep dreaming.

"Wheeee! ...aw," Honoka pouted when the carousel slowed to a stop. "Time's up already? But it was getting to the good part..."

Umi blinked. "But... all we do is spin around riding on unicorns, moving up and down," she said.

"That's the good part," Honoka replied.

Eli raised an eyebrow. "There's only one part and it's all the same."

The center idol scoffed. "You wouldn't understand anything, Eli."

"Um, hello? It was my idea to start with the carousel?"

"Yeah, keep using that imaginary word, Eli."

Umi sighed. "Girls, let's not get into another argument over something stupid..."

"Yes ma'am!" Honoka and Eli saluted.

Oh, so that's what you two get along on? And synchronized, too. The bluenette looked around. "O-okay, then... anything, uh, else you want to do?"

"Hmm... I'm hungry," Honoka said. "How about we grab some lunch?"

"Honoka, it's still only ten," Umi said.

"S-so? Some people prefer to indulge in early lunch."

Eli snickered and leaned close to the girl's ears. "Calories..." she whispered.

Honoka responded to this by hissing at the blonde, smacking her lightly repeatedly.

Watching her two friends mess around, Umi sighed. "...well, I guess it can't be helped then," she said. "If you're that hungry, then let's, uh... oh, how about that crepe stand?" she asked and pointed at another direction.

Hnoka followed her finger and smiled. "Oooh! It looks like a great store! Let's go get some!"

Eli blinked. "...what're you planning?" she whispered to Honoka.

For some reason, even though Umi was expecting them to fight again, they suddenly huddled up together to whisper something. "...um, girls?"

They jumped and turned back to Umi. "Ohhhh don't worry, Umi! It's nothing!" Eli said. "Anyways, let's get going!"

The bluenette raised an eyebrow. "Uh huh..."

"Let's get going and share some crepes!" the blonde said.

"Yeah!" the idol center chimed.

She stared at the two for a while before chuckling. "Well, I've got to admit, if all this weird stuff wasn't going on, they're really adorable in a way."

...wait, sharing crepes? The bluenette blinked.

Shyara was on her knees, feeling around the... dry... hard... ground. "...hm. Can't quite put a finger on it..."

"What're you doing?" a certain black haired idol asked from behind.

Without even batting an eye, Shyara continued her... activity. "Just investigating the inconsistency in the spellcode of this area."

"...right." Nico looked around, finding herself unsettled by the lack of people or even animals at school. "...chuuni much?"

"Please, I'm not delusional," the blonde mage said and rolled her eyes.

A few seconds passed.

Then she got up and glanced at Nico. "Wait, what the-"

"Late reactions. You're a weird one," Nico said. "Anyways, hey. What's up?"

Shyara blinked. "I... uh..."

"Yazawa Nico. We walked to school together yesterday morning," Nico said, slightly irritated. "...with Umi. Remember?"

"...ohhh," the blonde mused. "You're the rude one who called me a cosplaying midget..."

Nico recoiled. "What? No, I..." Oh, wait... "...didn't."

"...hmph." Shyara got back on her knees and started feeling around the ground again.

The self-proclaimed universal idol stared. "...um."

"I told you, I'm investigating the spellcode of this area."

Questioning the girl's sanity, Nico rolled her eyes and scratched her head. Then an idea came to her. "...so, uh. How does it feel?"

Shyara raised an eyebrow but decided not to ponder it too much. "Well... it's hard and rough."

The girl contained a snicker. "I... I see. Any other... non-delusional observations or notes?"

"Hmm... well, my butt would definitely hurt if I slammed hard into it."

Nico lost it right there.

Umi could've sworn her friends weren't teases, but her currently burning hot face right now told her otherwise. After purchasing some crepes for all of them, courtesy of yours truly, they did something she never expected (but in hindsight she felt she should've expected)- they tainted her... her... cheeks! They assaulted her cheeks! These two completely ravaged her che-

"Thanks again for the crepes," Eli said, sinning on her cheeks yet aga-

Okay, so they were just small kisses on her cheeks. Big deal.

She did feel otherwise though, as kissing anywhere at all was a huge shameless action that-

"Yeah, thanks, Umi!" Honoka said and similarly kissed her on the other cheek.

Her face exploded with steam. "G-gaaaah!" she screamed, hands flailing to keep them away.

The two chuckled. "You're so easily embarrassed," Eli said. "So fucking cute," she added under her breath.

"...h-hey, wait, you just sw-"

"Cute Umiiiii!" Honoka chimed and pounced Umi, her arms wrapping the bluenette in a hug. "Wahahaha!"

"H-Honoka! Stop that!" Umi hissed, slightly worried what the maximum level of redness her face would become.

Eli pouted. "Yeah! I want to do that too!"

"N-not you too!" Umi wailed.

For a while, she struggled to keep herself standing as the blonde and the bread-lover was hugging her like they were attacking someone. Within few seconds, Umi lost it and her head fumed with smoke.

"Whohooaaa!" Honoka and Eli stared in awe, Umi's insane arm-flailing slightly amusing them. ...no, greatly amusing them.

Then, Umi grabbed the two by the hands. "Y-y-you two!"

"Eh," they said.

"P-p-punishment!" Umi laughed, face redder than Maki's hair. "Haunted house! Haha, ha, hahahaha!" Suddenly, she began running towards a haunted house attraction.

Eli and Honoka, being dragged by her, exchanged glances before giggling. They then started running alongside the bluenette, equally excited for whatever weak attempt at 'punishment' their loved one would dish out.

Then the blonde frowned. "Wait, repeat that again?"

"Haunted hahahahoouuuse!" Mad-Umi (they later agreed that would be a good temporary name) squealed.

"Oh, fuck," Eli whispered.