A/N Hey guys! This story is in the Percy Jackson: Mission Marvel and is the fourth and final instalment in this series. If you're in the mood for more PJ/Avengers crossovers, go check out my other stories (plus this probably won't make any sense if you don't).

The first one is called Percy Jackson: Mission Marvel and it's about how Percy and co. meet the Avengers and become Avengers. It starts before Winter Soldier and ends with the Avengers and the seven including Nico defeating Ultron.

The second one is called Percy Jackson: Civil War and it takes place during Captain America: Civil War (I know, you'd have never guessed). The demigods break up as well as the Avengers and the story ends with the demigods on Steve's side (Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Leo, and Hazel) escaping from prison while the demigods on Tony's side (Jason, Piper, and Frank) turn a blind eye.

The third story is called Percy Jackson: Infinity War and it takes place during Infinity War (I know, my story names are so creative). The story ends with the Snap and yes, the demigods are dusted as well. I didn't have the gods get dusted because reasons.

So yeah. I guess you could read this story now since I basically just explained all of the other ones, but I still highly suggest reading all my other stories. Enjoy, and as always, review! PLEASE! At the end of every chapter I will leave a shout out to every person who reviewed and answer their questions if/and they leave a question, UNLESS it involves me spoiling the story. Sorry about the long author's note, I promise this will be the only one that's this long. ON WITH THE STORY, and remember, we're in the Endgame now.

Chapter 1: Death by a Thousand Cuts

Percy Jackson
Avengers Compound
Approximately one week after the Snap

Percy couldn't wrap his head around it, and he didn't particularly want to, either.

Annabeth couldn't be…. she just couldn't. He refused to believe it. She wasn't. She wasn't, it wasn't true. Hazel was the one who broke the bad news, after he woke up. He nearly released the ocean again. It hadn't worked. He couldn't believe it. Thanos had won. The bad guy never won. It was one of the permanent facts in life. The eleventh commandment. Thou shalt not let the bad guy win.

And yet he did. The Mad Titan, of whom Poseidon had tried to warn him of four years earlier.

Percy was going to propose to Annabeth this year. He had figured they were both old enough. But now…

He would have liked to put his head in his hands and sob, but that wouldn't help his friends. They were just as devastated as he was.

Annabeth, Leo, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, T'Challa, Shuri, Nick Fury… More reports were coming in every day. Governments were collapsing, planes were crashing, cars were wrecking, and families were being broken apart by the hour.

It was worse than any nightmare Percy had ever had, which was saying something, since he was a demigod. Nico woke up every morning with a splitting headache, and he was gone now, saying he was going to check in with the Underworld with his dad.

It was just Hazel and Percy now. Sitting in the Avengers Compound, comforting each other with their presence.

Hazel had delivered Annabeth's last words. "If I'm gone, don't let Percy—"Don't let Percy what? Don't let Percy be an idiot? Or better yet, don't let Percy be a Seaweed Brain. That was one of her favorites. Or maybe even, 'Don't let Percy die.' That would be something she would say. Why? Percy thought. Why would you leave me like that? Why would you leave me—us—with the consequence that was Thanos?

It wasn't her fault, he knew. But maybe it was easier for him to blame someone. They had no idea where Thanos was. Percy had been informed (he had been unconscious at the time) that after Thanos snapped his fingers, he went into a portal from the Space Stone.

After he had released the ocean, he'd horribly weak, which, to be honest, he should have expected. He healed much faster then he did last time, and this time he didn't even have Calypso to heal him.

None of them knew anything about Space. Maybe if they had some sort of expert… but they didn't. Percy sadly had to assume after this that Planet Earth was one of the least developed in the Galaxy.

Those thoughts brought back a faint memory, from almost ten years ago now. Whoa. That made him feel old.

"Oh, I love mortals. They have absolutely no sense of perspective. They think they've come so-o-o far. And have they, Chiron? Look at this boy and tell me."

Percy remembered how awed he'd been, at the age of twelve, learning about this new world with gods and monsters.

He'd hated Mr. D. That was his only problem. For two weeks, for two glorious weeks, he'd been just a normal demigod, or as normal as a demigod could possibly be. No quests, or monster attacks, or hearing about the deaths of friends. Just him and his few friends in the Hermes cabin, learning his way around camp. Gosh, that seemed like a thousand years ago.

Then that fated capture-the-flag game. He'd discovered who he was. The son of Poseidon. The person who would save Olympus…. or the person who would destroy it.

His life changed forever.

He became the savior of Olympus by the time he was sixteen. He was the opposite of normal. But at least he had a girlfriend.

Next he'd gotten captured, abducted by the alien known as Juno. He went on the quest against Gaia and then…


The worst thing that could possibly happen to a demigod, they'd said. It was a miracle that he'd survived, they'd said.

Well, Percy could think of an instance that would be even harder to survive, an instance where he had had no control whatsoever about who lived and who died. And yet he survived yet again.

He was chosen out of the universe Infinity Stone lottery. He, Hazel, and Nico. But not Annabeth or Leo.

This time Percy really did bury his face in his hands. Why couldn't it have been me? I deserved it, not her. I was the one who nearly drowned the goddess of misery in poison. I was the one who considered joining Kronos. She was the best out of all of us. She had no notable powers, but she was the most powerful person I knew.

Percy couldn't think about it, or he knew that he would lose control of his rapidly slipping sanity. He forced himself to think about better times. The Giant War was finished. Gaia had been destroyed. And yet Percy could never find peace. The Fates wouldn't allow it.

The Avengers tracked him down, and he had started down this freak show path of different gods and different monsters and enhanced individuals and robots. He not only had to worry about the mythological world, he had to worry about supernatural and mortal threats as well.

Great. Thanks, Avengers.

Then the Accords happened. The rift that had always been between him and Jason had widened so large that Percy was sure that he could never cross it.

But if Jason came back right then, he would embrace him with open arms. Percy was ready for forgiveness. He just wasn't sure Jason was.

Boy, Percy sure wasn't good at thinking happy thoughts, huh?

Steve, Natasha, Bruce, and Thor were the only ones here. Jason, Tony, Piper, and Frank were still missing, and it was unclear about who was dusted or not. Percy had to believe that they were still alive, though it seemed highly unlikely.

Pepper had just sent word that she was coming to stay there. No one objected.

Percy had refused to call Camp Half-Blood, despite Hazel's pleadings. He couldn't face that. Not yet. The camp would blame him, he was sure of it. He was the one who was supposed to fight, to protect them from alien threats.

Percy forced himself to look at all the facts, like Annabeth would. Half the demigods in the world were dead. The gods' followers were the source of their powers. Demigods were now one of the only followers in the world. The gods would be severely debilitated. Heck, the surviving demigods would be severely debilitated too.

The monsters would surely try to destroy the camps, now that there were half the demigods to take care of them. He wondered if satyrs would be snapped too.

I hope Grover isn't…

There were so many unanswered questions, so many things that had to be resolved in Percy's mind. They had to hold out hope that there was some way, some time that could let them reverse the things that had happened.

Hazel got up quietly and muttered something about dinner. Percy made a small noise of consensus, though he didn't really believe that she was hungry. None of them had eaten much since Thanos had come to Earth. It was just an excuse for her to be alone.

Pretty soon, Natasha came and sat down next to him. She was silent for a minute, and then said, "Hey."

Percy didn't look over. "Hey." His voice sounded hollow after so many days of neglected use.

"Steve made peanut butter sandwiches. I guess that was the only thing he could think of. I hear Hazel makes good eggs."

Percy smiled slightly. He remembered when Percy, Hazel, and Frank had gone on a quest together, and Hazel had made eggs for him and Frank. They were delicious, or maybe it was because Percy had been ravenous at the time.

"Oh, good. I was worried your face muscles had forgotten how to smile. This isn't the Percy we knew."

Percy turned to look at the former assassin for the first time in a while. Her short blond hair had grown a bit, so the tips were back to her natural red. Her eyes looked red around the edges and weary, but she managed a smile for Percy's benefit.

"Yeah, well, I haven't had much practice lately." Percy muttered, admitting the obvious.

"None of us have." Nat said, again saying the obvious. "But it's not gonna help you or any of us if you just sit here sulking like Thor over there." She jerked her head over to Thor, who was brooding in the corner like always.

Percy had to admit he'd screwed up a lot, but then again they all had. Maybe Thor should have aimed for the arm, not the chest. Though the head would have been good too, Percy wouldn't put it past Thanos to have his hand snap its fingers even though its head was dislocated.

"Come on, Percy." Natasha said. Percy started. He realized that this was one of the first times that Natasha had called him by his first name. He'd never really talked to her much. She was one of the few Avengers that he'd never really interacted with much.

Annabeth had told him that if you broke the protective wall she was actually a fun person to hang out with. Well, he might as well try.

"Yeah, okay." He said finally. "Maybe I'll make some blue cookies for dessert."

"Deal." Natasha stood up and offered her hand to help him up. Percy smacked it away playfully and stood up himself.

"Will you give me ten bucks if I manage to make Thor smile too?" Natasha asked. Percy grinned for the first time in days. "How about ten drachmas?"

"What are drachmas?"

That night as Percy devoured his bacon and eggs, he wasted time explaining to Natasha what drachmas were. It was a pretty interesting conversation, and it helped keep his mind off recent events.

So the Avengers managed to make each other smile every once and a while, but whenever someone stopped talking, or they were alone, you could make out muffled crying sounds coming from his or her rooms.

Thor stayed where he was for about two days until he got up suddenly, opened the fridge, and made coffee. After which he slammed the coffee cup on the ground and got another one. Hazel lazily made the broken pieces float up and fall into the garbage can. Percy didn't know that coffee cup shards were considered valuable, but you learn something new every day, right?

And that was how the days commenced for about another week. Every day Percy managed to convince himself that he would call camp the next day, the next day, until finally he laid awake in his bed on the fifteenth day after the snap and thought, you know what, I really should call camp.

But as always, that didn't happen.

The Avengers decided to look at charts and graphs to see exactly how many people in the world were actually dead. The results were worse than they'd thought.

Not only were half the people in the world gone, but half the people in the world meant half the pilots, half the car drivers, and half the boat drivers.

Planes crashed, killing more people than ever. Boats ran into walls, doing the same. Car crashes happened at a record count all over the world, affectively turning planet Earth into Ground Zero.

There were currently seven point five billion people in the world. At least, there was before Thanos. Now world leaders reported three point two billion people, which was less than half that.

As a result…. Well, Percy wasn't good at this mathematical stuff, but suffices to say, things were bad.

Monotonous routine every day for most of them. Wake up, score the fridge for sustenance (no one had gone shopping in two weeks, so food resources were scarce), and make sure Thor wasn't dead.

Then they drew lots to who would wake up Bruce for the day and try not to release the Hulk. It used to be a game, but with Bruce and the Hulk's recent problems, it didn't matter very much.

Then most of them either watched the news or stared at the ceiling and/or wall, eat lunch with themselves, stare at the ceiling and/or wall until dinner, go to bed, repeat.

Day twenty one brought something new.

Fury's pager which had been found on the streets of New York by a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent named Eric Koenig who had given it to them had stopped beeping.

They had put it in a glass case and plugged it in. They studied the symbol on it but no one could figure out what it was. Bruce managed to bypass the battery and now it was just sitting there, no one knowing exactly what to do with it.

Hazel, who was reading a book at the time in that room, called everyone up. "Fury's pager is dead."

"It's what now?"

"It's dead." She repeated. "I understand that's what you modern people call it when one of your devices stop working, though technically they're not sentient beings—although they may as well be from what you people treat them like—"

"Okay, okay, Hazel, we get it." Percy said wearily. She'd been snappier lately since the Snap, which was totally understandable, but still totally unlike her.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"We don't know." Bruce said. "It was doing whatever it's been doing when it just stopped."

"Get it up and running." Steve said. "It was important to Fury, and I wanna know who or what that pager's connected to."

Percy froze and turned around. Standing there was a woman, probably in her mid-twenties, with shoulder length blond hair and a fierce gaze.

"Where's Fury?" She said.

Hazel turned around and nearly jumped out of her skin. A gold bar made the floor crack and zoomed towards her head. "Hazel wait—"

But that didn't do anything. The woman merely shot it out of the air with a blast from her fists and said again, "Where's Fury?"

Percy drew his sword. "Look, before you start asking questions, can you explain who you are, how you got here, and if you're gonna try and kill us."

"I agree." Steve said. The Avengers circled her.

"Look, I don't want to hurt any of you." The woman said calmly. "My name is Carol Danvers, I was an Air Force pilot in the eighties, and got my powers from an energy core made from the Tesseract exploding and I absorbed its powers. The Kree abducted me and made me believe they were good. Long story short, I came to Earth, met Fury, and helped some Skrulls who I thought were the bad guys but actually they were good and the Kree were bad. Good enough for you? Good. Now, where's Fury?"

There was silence, the Avengers obviously trying to wrap their heads around what she'd just said.

"Who, what, when, where, and why?" Percy said finally.

"Excuse me?"

"Fury's dead." Natasha stated blandly. Carol stared at her. "What?"

"Are you hard of hearing?" Natasha snapped, the death obviously still needling her. "Fury's dead. And I don't know about you guys, but I kinda want a better explanation than that, like where you've been all these years if you're from Earth?"

Carol snapped back, and a fight almost started before any of them even really knew who the other was.

Finally they made peace and managed to explain their story. Carol, it seemed, didn't even know that the Snap had happened until recently, when she visited planet A-3496 and they told her about some huge guy with an equally huge chin who had snapped half of life.

Then she noticed her pager was beeping and made her way towards Earth, but—"Since I was a couple of galaxies away, it took me a while, especially with food stops."

"A couple of galaxies—"Hazel said in a faint voice, but dropped it.

"So, you can breathe in Space, right?" Steve asked.


"I don't suppose you could rescue our friend, who is also lost in Space?"

"That sounds like a good name for a Netflix show." Percy commented. Everyone looked at him. "What?"

"Yeah, I probably could." Carol admitted, obviously trying to ignore Percy, though a smile tugged at her otherwise dead serious face. "If I had the exact coordinates to where their ship was, and exactly what kind of ship it was so that I would know if it could handle travelling lightspeed alongside me. You don't, don't you?" Carol said, looking at all of their faces. "That's too bad. I really would try if I could, guys."

"I'm sure you would." Steve said. "I suppose I shouldn't have let myself hope. How long will you be staying?"

"As long as you need me." She replied. "Although that might not be too long. The things that are happening here are happening everywhere else."

At that moment, Pepper Potts rushed in, her face white, holding one of Tony's broken Iron Man heads. "I just got a transmission from him."

"You did?" Half the room shouted at once.

"Yes, and—"Pepper seemed to notice Carol for the first time. "Who is she?"

"Uh, human with powers who can travel the galaxy and could help us find Tony if she had the coordinates to Tony's ship which could be transmitted from a—"

"Recording sent by them!" Pepper finished Bruce's hurried explanation. "Well, I should probably play it then."

She pressed a button on the side of the helmet and a hologram appeared, showing an exhausted Tony Stark, lying against some sort of wall, probably on a space ship.

"This thing on? Hey Miss Potts, Pep. If you find this recording, don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker. I don't know if you're ever gonna see this. I don't even know if you're still…" Tony trailed off, the possibility too horrible for him to contemplate.

"Gosh, I hope so. Today is day twenty-one, uh, twenty-two. You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into the deep void of space, I'd say I'm feeling a little bit better today. The infection's run its course, thanks to the blue meanie back there. You'd love her. Very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic. "

Natasha grinned.

"Jason and Frank—"Hazel gasped.

"Well, they're fine. Absolutely no help during repairs, but Jason's trying to circulate the air a bit using his freaky powers. He's just trying to distract himself. We all are." Percy noticed that there was no mention of Piper and felt the bottom drop out of his stomach.

"Anyway, some fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge to buy ourselves about forty-eight hours of playtime. But it's now dead in the water. We're a thousand light years from the nearest seven eleven. Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning. That'll be it."

"And Pep, I know that I said no more surprises but…" Tony's voice got choked up and harder to understand. "Well, I gotta say I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like… well, you know what it looks like. Don't feel bad about this. I mean actually if you if you grovel for a couple of weeks and…" He put his face in legs.

"And then move on with enormous guilt, well… I should probably lie down, rest my eyes. Please know that… when I drift off, it'll be like every night, I'm fine, totally fine. I'll dream about you. It's always you."

The recording turned off. Hazel turned to Percy, smiling but with tears in her eyes.

"We've got to find him." Rhody said quietly.

"Duh." Percy started pacing around the room. "Bruce, can you track the signal and try to find the coordinates?"

"I guess." Bruce said uncertainty. "I mean, I could try."

"Carol, you know the most about space stuff in this room. You help him." Carol didn't look like she was used to being bossed around, but she did it. Percy guessed she could tell from something in his face that he wasn't about to have his orders disobeyed.

It took three hours and everyone was bored out of their minds and stressed when Bruce yelled triumphantly, "Got it!"

Carol smiled. "He actually didn't need a whole lot of help. I just showed him how coordinates worked with 'space stuff' and he was good. I'll be back tonight, as long as there isn't any trouble."

"Yeah." Percy muttered. "And that never happens."

A/N alrighy everybody, that was chapter one! Suggestions? Support? Criticism? I honestly don't care as long as you review. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU! I will leave a shout out to you if you review at the end of next chapter, even if you're a guest.

So…. Bye! Don't spoil the Endgame! (Even though I just did). Wanna hear who dies? Its-