STORY TITLE: Year of the Cat
PART: 01 of ? Cat Out of Hell
AUTHOR: Red Jacobson ( )
DISTRIBUTION: My Yahoo Group, HP FanFiction Archive, Archive of Our Own,
Hentai-Foundry, Questionable Questing
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters You Recognize belong to me, they all belong to JK Rowling and her publishers.
SUMMARY: A different take on the Prisoner of Azkaban, as Cat Animagus Bellatrix Lestrange escapes at the same time as Sirius, with a very different goal in mind!
FEEDBACK: Of course! It Makes Me Write Faster
RELATIONSHIPS: Harry/Bellatrix/Narcissa/Multi
WORD COUNT: 10,384
SPOILERS: None, if you don't know how the Harry Potter story goes by now, why are you reading this story?
WARNINGS: If You've ever read any of my stories, you know what to expect, Oral, anal, Femme-slash, dom/sub, multiple partners, and Femme-cest.
AUTHORS NOTES: I've adjusted the dates of different events during the summer, both because the exact date Sirius escaped hasn't been provided, and also to give Harry more time in the Alley.
NOTE ON CHARACTER AGES: In this AU, Hogwarts starts at 14, so Harry is just over a month shy of his 16th Birthday when the story starts.
BETA'D BY: Grammarly
Tuesday, June 23rd, 1993
Number 4, Privet Drive
Little Whinging, Surrey
Early Morning
Harry was dreaming, he knew he was dreaming, but he didn't care. He was back at Hogwarts, and there were a group of girls waiting for him, Susan and Hannah from Hufflepuff, Daphne and Pansy from Slytherin, Cho Chang and Padma Patil from Ravenclaw, plus Lavender and Parvati and the Chasers from the Quidditch team.
All of them were standing there, smiles on their faces, and they were apologizing for not believing him about the Heir of Slytherin. He was enjoying seeing them showing him the proper respect, and he nodded graciously at them. But then Angelina, as the oldest girl there, said, "Thank you, My Lord, but we believe that we need to demonstrate our remorse for doubting you in a much more personal manner!"
With that, the entire group was suddenly in the Chamber of Secrets, but it didn't look the same as it had the last time he'd seen it. The entire room was lit by wall torches, it was completely clean, no rubble or puddles of water on the floor. Walking over to his throne on the elevated platform, Harry turned and sat, gazing at the gathered women imperiously.
He looked at Angelina and said, "You claim that you wish to demonstrate your remorse, but you don't seem to be showing it! Take the proper position!"
There was an immediate rustle of clothing as the entire group removed their robes and knelt naked before him. He nodded, seeing that they were properly groomed, their body hair completely removed, although he idly wondered where Amelia and Minerva and the other girls from his school days were? It's too bad Bella wasn't there, she would enjoy watching the toys punishing themselves for his amusement, he mused.
Gesturing with his left hand, leather crops appeared beside each of the girls except Hannah, who he beckons toward him. The attractive blonde crawled forward quickly, taking her position kneeling at his side. He put his hand lightly on top of her head and said to the rest of the women, "You know what to do! Each of you, except Hannah, who I witnessed supporting me, will receive five strokes on your breasts from one of your sisters! You will begin at my command!"
He gestured for Hannah to move closer, and she took her place between his legs, her hands going up to open his trousers. He looked down as she gently removed his cock from the cloth confines and placed a worshipful kiss on the head. He was already hard and she opened her mouth wide enough to take him in, her face tilted so he could see the adoration in her eyes. He smiled gently down at her, and she started sucking him, taking him deeper into her mouth. When she had taken him all in, he looked at the kneeling women and barked, "Begin!"
He watched as the women turned to face each other and raised the hard leather above their heads. He had trained them well, they brought the crops down in unison on each other's tender flesh, and he felt a thrill of even greater excitement rushing through him at the stripes that appeared, and the cries of pain when each blow landed!
Hannah's head was bobbing obediently as she used her mouth to serve him, just as she should, and he enjoyed the warmth and wetness as she sucked him, her tongue pressing against the bottom of his shaft. The girl had certainly improved since she had started, he would have to find a way to show his appreciation to Angelina for the way she had trained the girl in how to service her Master's cock!
He could feel the pressure building in his balls as he saw the tears streaming down the women's faces as they punished each other, even though there was a distant voice screaming that this was wrong! That he didn't act like this! He managed to ignore the voice, taking pleasure in the way that Angelina, Susan, and Lavender, the girls with the largest breasts, flinched as the crop came whipping toward them.
The way Hannah was sucking him, as well as the sights and sounds, were getting to be all too much, and he needed release! Reaching down, he gripped the kneeling blonde by her hair and shoved his cock all the way into her mouth before letting loose! Her eyes filled with tears as she tried to keep from choking as she swallowed his cum, but he held her tight until he was finished.
He had just pulled out of her mouth, his last blast landing on her face when there was a noise out of nowhere.
"KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!" Harry jerked awake as his Aunt's voice came screeching through the wooden door. "Get up, boy! It's Dudley's birthday so you need to make all his favorites for breakfast!"
"Coming Aunt Petunia," he called, smiling as he pictured her face as she watched Dudley choking to death on his own blood from a cut throat... 'What? What the hell was that?' Harry asked himself, 'I don't like the prat, but that's not something I would ever do! And the dreams? What in the hell is wrong with me?'
Still thinking, he forced himself through the morning routine, ignoring his relatives as best he could.
Deep in the back of his mind, the memories of the man who once called himself Tom Riddle looked curiously through Harry's eyes, wondering how he had gotten there?
Azkaban Prison
June 29th, 1993
After Midnight
Something was happening, her Master was aware again! She had always felt a vague connection, but now it was getting stronger, even stronger than it was a year ago. Was it a year? It seemed like it, but it's hard to tell when nothing ever changes in this place.
She wasn't sure what had changed, why she was feeling her Master so much clearer now, but it was wonderful! She felt his strength surrounding her, and it was keeping the Dementors from affecting her for the first time in so many years.
Her mind was still foggy at times, but it was better than it had been. For the longest time, she hadn't even known her own name, or that she even had a name. Strangely, none of the other prisoners around her seemed to notice any changes, or be aware of anything but their own misery.
It was because she was thinking more clearly that she noticed when her cousin stopped screaming about someone being at Hogwarts the way he had been for the last several days. She was glad he had finally shut up, because it was annoying to hear him whining about the same thing, over and over again. But now that he had shut up about that, there were other sounds coming through the wall between their cells. She couldn't tell what they were, it sounded like growling? Like an animal pacing the cell?
Bellatrix listened carefully, trying to make out what she was hearing when a voice from her memory bubbled to the surface, and it was like a bright light illuminated the room!
She had still been in Hogwarts, maybe her OWL year, maybe not, and listening to McGonagall drone on in her prissy way, talking about self-transfiguration and becoming an Animagus. Bella hadn't been paying that much attention, she was more interested in planning how she would sneak out that night to meet with her Master in his hidden rooms. She had felt herself getting wet thinking about what they were going to be doing that night when something McGonagall said managed to catch her attention.
She had said that "One of the strangest aspects of a successful Animagus transformation is the effect it has on creatures that affect emotions. For example, if a wizard or witch was in their animal form and they encountered a Boggart, the beast would not be able to react to them, it would not find a fear that it could transform into. There is a theory that this would also apply to Dementors, but so far no one has been willing to test that theory."
On top of that memory, another memory surfaced, of finding her form while Master watched, a pleased smile on his face. Once Bellatrix had mentioned what McGonagall had said, Master had been very interested since he was already considering allying with the creatures. Master had found a teacher for her, to see if she had the ability to transform, and after several weeks of grueling training had succeeded!
The two of them had celebrated by shagging wildly as the instructor's body lay cooling on the floor. The fool had obviously expected to survive to know a secret that her Master wanted to be kept, that was their first mistake.
With the rush of memories returning, a genuine smile spread across her face as she stared at the bars on her cell. The openings between the bars were far too small for a human being, but her animal form? That should fit just fine...
It was then that she realized, she didn't remember how to transform! She had the memory of her form, but not how she had managed it! Growling in frustration she started pacing the cell, wracking her brain for even the slightest memory of how she had triggered the magic.
She was still trying to remember when the dim sunlight filtered through the window high above her, and exhaustion overtook her.
The next night
Bella woke just before midnight and listened with her eyes closed for a few minutes until she was satisfied that there was no one in the immediate area. Master had been thinking of her again that night, and she had experienced a wave of sexual desire that made her shiver in delight! Master had lost his desire for her and Narcissa and the others before that horrible night when he disappeared, saying that it was a necessary but unpleasant sacrifice he had to make.
By that time she had learned not to question him, but she was disappointed that he wouldn't be taking her to bed and making her scream in agony and ecstasy any longer. Her mind drifted as she lay there, remembering the nights he had her tied to the bed, the sting of the lash between her thighs shooting fire through her veins, the nights she had screamed herself hoarse begging him for release and tearing her throat in exhilaration when he finally allowed her to climax...
She felt the excitement building in her core for the first time in years, and spread her legs, pulling the tattered prison robes up over her hips as her fingers sought her opening. She frowned slightly when her fingers encountered the lush curls covering her because Master preferred her to be completely bare, but that couldn't be helped at the moment. Finally, her fingers reached her pussy, the tips finding her already wet again, and she shuddered as she touched herself.
She hadn't experienced excitement like this since long before she had been captured, and as her fingers penetrated her, she had a flash of memory, of the amused disbelief she had felt when her instructor had guided her into her first transformation using his method.
"To achieve the animal, you must surrender to the primal emotions, anger, fear or hunger will work, but arousal is the method that I prefer, simply because it's the one that relaxes the body the most, making the transformation easier."
When she understood just what the memory was showing her, she instinctively reached for the magic deep within her and her laughs were suddenly changed to the sound of a cat yowling echoing off the stone walls of her cell. Hearing the noise, the black house cat sitting up on Bella's cot immediately shut up and jumped to the floor.
Landing lightly, she turned back to the bed and saw that her robes weren't laying there, glad that they had actually transformed with her this time. It had been annoying at first when her clothing remained behind during the change.
She was heading for the door, certain that the connection she shared with her Master would allow her to find him again when she heard a whimper from the cell across from her and wondered what wonderful fears her husband was experiencing now? She sneered at the weakling she had been forced to marry, and how he hated that she preferred Master's bed to his. Although, if she had felt Master's call, it's possible that he and his useless brother would as well, and they would probably wish to keep her from serving Master the way she needed to.
She had been moderately accomplished at wandless magic, she mused, as she slipped through the bars of her cell, and a minor flesh to stone transfiguration would make sure that neither of them tried to interfere ever again. She transformed back into her human form once she was in the corridor and grinned as she felt the magic suppression wards on her cell fall away. She could feel her magic swirling in her veins, eager do to her bidding and she was more than willing to command it!
She stood outside her husband's cell and she briefly considered waking him to taunt him but decided it would be easier to just kill him in his sleep, less chance of drawing attention from the guards. Raising her hand, she gathered her magic and pointed at the sleeping man before whispering the command and smiled in satisfaction as the spell left her fingers and his body jerked once before laying still.
Moving across the corridor, she stopped outside her brother-in-law's cell and did the same thing, before turning away and shifting back into her animal form and padded toward the exit.
She was so focused on her destination that she didn't notice the black dog standing in the shadows of the cell next to her, his nose twitching in surprise.
Several minutes later, the emaciated figure of a shaggy black hound slipped through the bars of the cell and, still sniffing, followed the scent toward the doors.
Friday, July 9th, 1993
The Leaky Cauldron
Late Evening
Harry yawned as he walked over to the bed in his temporary home. He was still having a hard time believing everything that had happened that day. It was too bad that it had happened inside though because he would have loved to have watched Marge floating away like a hot air balloon!
He really didn't know what his uncle had been thinking when he invited his sister to stay for the entire month. It was obvious that Aunt Petunia despised the woman, which would have made Harry inclined to like her but Marge was even more hateful than his aunt was!
Looking down at the cat curled up on his pillow he grinned, "Hell of a day, huh Midnight? You get rescued from that huge black dog and I manage to escape from Durzkaban!"
If he hadn't been so tired he might have noticed the cat give a tiny jerk at the word Durzkaban but, he was digging in his trunk for a clean pair of Dudley's sweatpants and wasn't paying attention. By the time he had stripped down and pulled on the makeshift pajamas the cat had closed her eyes again and it looked like she had fallen asleep.
"Don't blame you, Midnight," he yawned again, "I'm ready to call it a day as well. Wonder if Tom is going to send me a dream tonight? Or maybe just some memories of the different girls he shagged? I wouldn't mind if he sent me another one of Bella or even one with Bella and her sister Narcissa! Those two were smoking! It's funny though Narcissa looks like a female version of Draco, I wonder if she's his mother? Either way, seeing the two of them having sex with each other before Tom joins in is one of my favorites of his memories."
Feeling the cat staring intently at him, Harry laughed. "You really can understand me? Wow! I knew that cats were intelligent, but not that intelligent!" Climbing into the bed, he stroked Midnight behind her ears as he said, "Well if you can understand me, you probably wonder who Tom is? And how he's sending me dreams and memories? It all started with a diary..."
"...And after a few nights, I figured out that when the diary was destroyed, the part of Tom that was inside it was pulled into my scar. I don't really mind, even though he killed my parents and I will kill the adult version that's running around when I get strong enough. But the Tom in the diary hadn't killed anybody deliberately, he was just more interested in getting the knickers off every girl he could. And I don't blame him! If I had his skills I'd be doing pretty much the same thing!"
Hearing what sounded suspiciously like a laugh from Midnight, Harry grinned "What do you expect? I'm almost 16 years old and I'm a guy, sex is pretty much all I think about!" Giving a huge yawn, he slipped under the covers and said, "Budge over Midnight, you're hogging the pillows." Surprisingly the cat shifted over and he lay down, falling asleep almost immediately.
As Harry enjoyed a dream of forcing his Aunt Petunia to suck him while the butchered bodies of Vernon, Dudley, and Marge surrounded them, Tom observed in amusement, pleased that the subtle changes to the boy's attitude were truly taking hold. Harry didn't even realize that he was being changed and likely never would. The dream he was watching had sprung completely from the boy's mind, Tom had nothing to do with it, although he had to admit that the anger the boy felt toward his relatives was glorious!
Tom also had to restrain his laughter at the way Harry was treating his new pet 'Midnight'. It was going to be truly entertaining when he discovered just who she truly was. Turning back to the dream that Harry was enjoying, Tom watched as the boy finished forcing the woman to swallow his cum before tossing her over the body of her husband and took her cunt.
Yes the boy had the anger and the power but he needed to be honed now, Tom would have to include some training in with the dreams. Since he enjoyed Bella and Narcissa so much, perhaps a memory of how he had started their training as his slaves? After all, Harry would need to know how to train his toys to properly serve him.
It would be necessary to be discrete in gathering the toys though. Dumbledore had too much control over the boy's actions while he was at school and the old fool would certainly notice and object if all of the toys started displaying their devotion too openly...
Seeing that the dream of destroying his relatives was completed, Tom guided the sleeping boy's mind into a scene that would start the training. It was from a time where he'd already been enjoying two of the three Black sisters...
After he was finally through with Petunia, the dream changed and Harry found himself looking at Bellatrix and Narcissa's naked bodies gleaming in the candlelight of his bedroom, their breasts heaving as they used their fingers on each other as they snogged. He sat back and smiled as he watched the two of them, falling deeper into his dream...
Bellatrix was extremely confused! Things hadn't gone anywhere near the way she had expected when she left the prison. It had been easy enough to surprise one of the guards and use his blood to coat her prison robes for the other guards to find, and her cat form had enjoyed the meat before she used his wand to transfigure the body into a duplicate of hers. She dumped the body in the water off the island so that it looked like she had died in the escape attempt, and used some wood she'd found to create a small boat to actually get away in.
It was after she left the island that things went really strange! She could feel the pull on her connection to her Master. It was leading her to the southern part of England which confused her. Why would the Master be there? He had never mentioned having a hidden base, there only the one in Eastern Europe.
She had arrived at the house in Surrey a few days before, searching for her Master. She couldn't believe when the pull was coming from the bloody Boy-Who-Lived! She had been sorely tempted to go in wand first and find out why he felt like her Master and what he had done to him but had managed to restrain herself. She didn't want to alert the Ministry she was still alive, after all.
She contented herself with watching him for the next few days and was fascinated by the barely hidden anger she could see, the darkness she witnessed as he found small ways to get back at the odious muggles he was forced to live with. As she watched an idea began to form. The boy felt like her Master the way he was when she first knew him and fell in love with him, could she bring that out even more? He had the strength that was obvious and the darkness was there to be nurtured into a flame. And when he was a little older she could take him in hand and show him how much fun a devoted servant could be!
She had started getting closer to him, letting the boy notice her in her cat form and even approaching him at times when nobody was watching him. He had started sneaking her bits of food that he stole from the muggles and soon she had him petting and stroking her when he had the chance. Bellatrix had to admit that the feeling of his hands on her was extremely pleasant after all the years being locked away.
She had still been trying to come up with a plan to reveal herself to him when all hell had broken loose earlier that evening, and he had needed to run. Fortunately, he had remembered her and grabbed her as he ran. She'd been so surprised by the noise and the way he had come rushing out that she had let him pick her up without protesting the way a cat should have but he didn't seem to notice.
And now they were in a room in the Leaky Cauldron, a place she hadn't seen since before Master had fallen, curled up on the most comfortable pillow she'd ever experienced. The only thing that would make it better if there was a hot bath to soak in... She sat up, still in cat form as she swore mentally. She was in a bloody hotel room, of course, they would have a bath!
Looking carefully at Harry, he was sound asleep and judging by the way the covers were moving he was having one of his 'Tom' dreams. She idly wondered if it was one of those featuring her and Narcissa? Master had enjoyed the two of them together often enough after all, before they were forced into those marriages, to provide him with lots of memories.
Bella jumped lightly off the bed and padded to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her she transformed back to her natural form and used the guards' wand to silence the door and walls. She didn't want him to hear her after all.
She started the water and waited while the tub filled, pouring the soaps and oils she preferred in, enjoying the way the scents eased the tension she had been under for so long.
Turning, she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror and grimaced. She may not have the half-starved look she'd had when she first escaped, but she was still far too skinny! And the hair? Ugh! That had to go!
Staring at the mirror she used the wand to cut her long dark locks short against her skull, it was too filthy to try and salvage, besides, it would grow back. With that done she leaned against the counter, raising each of her legs to the edge of the tub to use the shaving spell until her skin was smooth again. Smiling with satisfaction she then spread her legs and brought the wand up to the forest that had grown over her quim. She took her time to gently shave herself clean, only finishing just as the water reached the level she wanted. Vanishing the dark hair that covered the floor she stepped into the steaming water.
A long drawn out sigh of satisfaction escaped her lips as she lowered herself down until she was covered to the chin. Bella luxuriated in the water letting the oils soothe her skin and making her feel clean for the first time in nearly 14 long years! Taking the time to use the shampoo to scrub her short hair and get rid of the last of the dirt, she stood up in the tub and let it drain as she rinsed off under the shower.
After she was dry Bella cast a quick spell to let her make sure that Harry was still sleeping, seeing that he was, she decided to scratch an itch that had been building for ages! Sitting on the toilet, she leaned back and closed her eyes as she remembered one of the best times she'd had serving her Master.
He had her on her back on a wooden table, her arms and legs stretched and secured. He plundered her cunt and arse while all of the wives and adult daughters of his inner circle took their turns on her mouth. She had been nothing more than a toy for Master to use and she had loved it! She had even loved knowing that she was pleasuring the other women because Master desired it. It was even better because she could tell that some of the women didn't want to be there, especially her Aunt Walpurga but Master commanded it. Knowing that her Master was powerful enough to force the men to give up their wives and daughters for his pleasure was intoxicating!
She lost herself in her memories, her fingers of one hand filling her cunt as the others stretched her arse, pumping roughly until the pleasure she had been denied for all those years finally burst through the dam and flooded her senses!
When she came back to herself, she was amazed that her screams hadn't overcome the silencing charms she had set and made Harry come bursting into the room. But she was undisturbed. Standing she went to the sink and washed her hands clean before taking down the spells and opening the door. Changing back to her Midnight form she slowly strolled back and jumped on the bed. She was asleep in seconds a satisfied smile on her feline face.
Saturday, July 10th, 1993
The Leaky Cauldron
It was late afternoon when the door to the room opened and a very tired Harry stumbled in, his arms loaded with packages. He set them down and looked over at Midnight sunning herself on the window ledge. Shaking his head with a smile he said "Enjoying yourself girl? I guess the medicine the guy sold us is working if you have enough energy to perch up there."
The cat just gave a contented yawn and settled back into position. Harry didn't notice that she was actually watching him intently as he unpacked his purchases. Lifting the case of potions he set them on the table. He grimaced at the knowledge he would need to be taking them for at least the next two weeks thanks to the mistreatment by the damned Dursley's!
Turning away from the medications he grinned in anticipation as he pulled out the stack of books that he had picked up. "I can't believe I missed these when I was in the Alley the first time! It would have made things so much easier to understand if I'd only known about the preparatory books. Not to mention all the etiquette books for getting along in Magical Society? I probably would have known enough not to automatically make an enemy of Draco from the very beginning. I doubt we would have been friends but at least he wouldn't have been such a dedicated pain in my arse all this time. Why didn't Professor McGonagall put those on the list?" He let out a snigger, "She was probably daydreaming about the days when Tom would bend her over the desk and bugger her when they were in school. She always seemed distracted afterward in the memories!"
Putting the rest of the packages away he picked up his potions book and the introductory text and moved to the desk. Grabbing a pad of paper and a pen he said, "And that's another thing! Why were we not told we could use pens and paper in school as long as we did the essays on parchment? It's a lot easier to organize your thoughts if you don't have to worry about the cost of wasting parchment! That stuffs expensive!"
Sitting down he opened the two books to the beginning and started reading. He would read the first chapter of the Potions text and write down any questions he had. Then he would read the first chapter of the introductory book and see if the questions were answered. When he discovered every question he had were answered in the first three pages of the other text, he started to get angry. Pulling another sheet of paper to him he started writing another list of questions, this time they were about his introduction to Hogwarts, and how other students raised in the Muggle world were introduced.
He was so intent on what he was doing that he didn't notice at first that Midnight had jumped down off the window and wandered over to watch him. If he didn't know better, he would swear that she was reading his lists. Laughing a little at his imagination he continued writing until he had filled up nearly the entire page. Shaking his hand to loosen it up after the continuous writing he reached over to give Midnight a petting. Sitting back in his chair, he lifted the unprotesting cat into his lap and softly stroked her neck and back making her purr in contentment.
"It's funny how differently I was treated than any other student Midnight" he softly said his eyes distant, "I started thinking about it when I was looking at the bookstore and had some of Tom's memories float to the top. He had all of the preparatory books included with his list and Professor Dumbledore had taken him to do his shopping. Don't get me wrong I like Hagrid but, he left to wander around half the time while he sat in the Leaky having a drink! I'm supposed to be the Hero of the Wizarding World and that was my introduction? I think I need to talk to Hermione and Dean, to see what sort of introduction they received."
He sighed "And then I have to do something I really don't want to do. I've got write a letter of apology to Snape. Every one of the questions he asked me during the first class was in the first chapter of the introductory book!"
Harry lifted Midnight off his lap and stood up to stretch his back. Setting her down on the bed he said, "It's no wonder that Snape comes down on me as hard as he does if he expected me to be prepared for his class and I had no bloody clue!"
He paused, "Of course, he's never going to be my favorite person, considering that Tom was well aware that he was supposed to be Dumbledore's spy in the Death Eaters. I'd love to know what the rest of the prophecy was supposed to have said. If just what Snape heard and turned over to Tom was enough to send him after my parents... Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! It's that bastard's fault that my parents are dead! You know what? Fuck the apology! I'm going to find a way to kill that bastard for costing me, my parents!"
Harry paced around the room, his anger boiling as he contemplated different ways to kill the man who was suddenly the number one on his death list, even after Voldemort. If he had glanced over at the bed he would have seen Midnight practically quivering in excitement as he listed the most gruesome deaths he could imagine for the greasy-haired bastard. But he was staring at nothing as he ranted and by the time he looked back at his new pet she was sitting still looking at him curiously.
He froze, blinking steadily as his mind raced, what had his cat reminded him of? Cat, cat, old man holding and stroking the cat, Al Pacino, what the hell did that damn cat remind him of? Come on, think! Al Pacino, Al Pacino! Damn it! Suddenly he remembered, a movie that his relatives were watching, and he caught a few minutes between bringing them snacks and fizzy drinks. Pacino was playing Micheal Corleone and saying to someone "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
His face split into a wide smile, "Oh yes, that's it! That greasy haired walking dead man is going to have a brand new best friend! Let's see... the letter of apology first and then, well that basilisk is probably worth a ton of galleons as potions ingredients if nothing else... Yeah, that'll do for a start. And once he's let down his guard, even just a little I'll crack it even more. According to Tom's memories, he had a raging boner for my mum. Not that I blame him, she was a good looking woman, but... the Weasley girl, Ginny, she's got a decent body and red hair. She's already said she'll do anything for me after I rescued her, what would it take to convince her to slip into the bastards bed? I'd probably need to shag her a few times first to get her in the right frame of mind. Hell, that won't be a hardship! Bet she squeals nicer than McGonagall when a cock slides up her arse."
He shook his head "No that won't work, damn it! She's only going to be 15 this year and it would screw with her magic if she started shagging that early. Stupid magical laws, have to think of somebody else..." He blinked as he recalled one of Tom's memories, the brothel down Horizon Alley. He could probably find something that still had some of Lily's hair on it... and polyjuice wasn't that expensive... Yeah! That would do it!
Still grinning, Harry sat down at the desk and started composing the most sincere letter of apology he could think of, not even noticing Midnight leaping off the bed and hurrying to the bathroom or the door closing...
Later that Night
The Ministry of Magic
Minister's Office
"Okay Amelia, what have you discovered?" Minister Fudge asked with a tired frown on his face.
Amelia Bones looked up from the notes she had in her hand wearing a matching frown. "It's not good Minister, to put it mildly. We're still not sure exactly how Lestrange and Black managed to get out of their locked cells. All we can tell is that sometime in the early morning hours of July 1st, Bellatrix Lestrange managed to exit her cell. For reasons we don't know at this time she managed to murder both Rastaban and Rodolphus Lestrange while they were sleeping. From what our examiner has been able to determine she either got her hands on a wand or wandlessly transfigured the hearts of both men into stone, killing them instantly."
"Sweet Merlin! How in the hell could anybody do that precise a level of transfiguration with a wand, let alone wandlessly? And after continuous exposure to Dementors for how many years?" He rubbed his hand across his face before steeling himself. "Okay, I'm sure that's not the worst part of the news you've got for me, what else have you found?"
"Auror Thomlinson, the guard who disappeared? He had managed to hide it but apparently one of his cousins was a supporter of You Know Who during his rise. We don't know yet if there is a connection all we know is that the man is nowhere to be found and neither is his wand."
Fudge stared at her for a long moment before saying "I don't want any word of speculation about the Auror to see daylight, Amelia! My wife was in the same year and house as his mother and they are still very good friends, it would destroy her if word leaked out and he turns out to be an innocent victim. If you find solid evidence then we can revisit the issue, understood?"
She nodded easily, "For what it's worth, Minister, my gut is telling me that he wasn't involved. The body that was found dressed in Lestrange's robes was just too perfect. Like somebody had transfigured something else into a copy of Lestrange but improved on the original subconsciously."
He gave a bitter laugh, "Now that's one hell of a good news/bad news scenario Amelia! The good news is we have an innocent man murdered but the bad news is that Bellatrix Lestrange, the insane witch who was involved in torturing Frank and Alice Longbottom into insanity and Merlin alone knows how many murders is missing and quite possibly she's gotten her hands on a wand!"
"I'm sorry to remind you of this Minister, but Lestrange isn't the worst one, Black is! He was heard yelling in his sleep several nights in a row "He's at Hogwarts!" and, considering the close relationship between Black and James Potter it's very likely that he's going to be going after Harry Potter for revenge."
Fudge nodded "At least we caught a break there, with Potter having a problem at his relative's house and triggering the alarms. I met him last night when he arrived at the Leaky Cauldron and Tom knows what to watch out for in case of any trouble. But, something about that situation with his relatives bothers me. I may not have been an Auror but I've watched you and Moody enough over the years to pick up a couple of things and I'd bet a bottle of goblin ale that he's not being treated decently at that house!"
Amelia Bones sat up in her chair an expression of surprise on her face. "Are you saying that you suspect that Harry Potter, the 'Boy Who Lived' is being abused?"
He quirked a smile, "Just the cherry on top of everything else going on, isn't it? I know you are busy, but do you have one or two Aurors who can easily move in the muggle world that can poke around a little bit? It would be best if they weren't overly close to Dumbledore if possible. You know the reasons for that I'm sure."
She rolled her eyes expressively, Dumbledore's protectiveness and interference in anything to do with Harry Potter was a major annoyance in the Ministry but unfortunately, he had too many worshipers to shut him down completely.
Fudge snorted and then continued, "I'm going to have to release a statement to the Prophet tomorrow about the escapes because the guard rotation will bring those currently on duty back home and the word will get out whether we want it to or not. I'm thinking that we leave Black as missing and Lestrange believed dead for the time being. I don't want people panicking about the idea that she's out there with a wand, do you?"
There was no argument and the two of them spent the next thirty minutes smoothing out the statement that would be all over the press far too soon.
Two Weeks in Diagon Alley
July 11th, 1993 – July 24th, 1993
For Harry, the next two weeks were easily the most enjoyable he had ever spent. Even though he spent several hours each day going over the etiquette books multiple times as well as going back over his books for the last two years. He didn't mind, because he was usually reading the introductory book at the same time while sitting in the shade outside of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Shop and enjoying different flavors of ice cream. And the best part was the potions he was taking for the first week actually worked better if he ate a lot of high sugar foods.
Midnight was almost always by his side or sitting on his lap as he read. On particularly sunny days she would claim a chair of her own directly in the sun and laze happily in the warmth.
Actually, the best part was the interested looks he was getting from some of the girls who spent the summer working the shops. The potions were having a noticeable effect on his appearance and he was just waiting for them to finish so he could buy some clothes that fit him for a change!
He had managed to write a believably sincere apology letter to Snape and had actually received a polite, for Snape anyway, reply acknowledging the letter. He had also received a letter from Professor McGonagall apologizing for not making sure he received the right letter initially. He was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, especially when she explained that the letters were generated automatically depending on whether the student has a parent who attended Hogwarts or not. Since both James and Lily had attended he automatically received the letter for non-muggle-born students.
She also gave him permission to bring Midnight with him as a pet as well as changing the electives he had originally selected to drop Divination and pick up Ancient Runes instead. He had explained that after reading the introductory books he thought that Runes sounded far more interesting and useful.
He had received a nasty shock earlier though when he noticed a copy of the Daily Prophet reporting the escape and attempted escape from Azkaban. He had only been mildly interested until his eye fell on the picture of Bellatrix Lestrange and read that she was believed to have died in the escape attempt. He had actually been upset though he managed to hide it that the Bellatrix who had starred in so many of his better dreams was dead! It also led to a rather interesting conversation several days later when he was walking toward Flourish and Blots to see if they had received anything interesting that day.
He was walking down the street and noticed a distinguished looking blonde woman walking in his direction. The dreams and memories that Tom had been sharing meant that he automatically noticed the woman and he stopped in his tracks. The woman could only be Narcissa Malfoy! She looked a bit older than she did in the memories, not to mention the fact that she was actually wearing clothing now, but she was easily recognizable to somebody who had spent many pleasurable hours wanking over the thought of her.
Carefully hiding anything inappropriate in his manner, Harry moved forward deliberately and as he approached said "Lady Malfoy?"
She looked up in surprise and he could see the strain in her expression. Putting on a relatively neutral but sympathetic face he stepped a little closer. He could instantly see when she recognized him and the shields came down behind her eyes. Harry was a little impressed at the intelligent reaction she was showing since they were technically enemies after the confrontation with Lucius at the end of the year.
"Mister Potter? How can I help you?" She asked impassively, a politely curious expression on her face completely appropriate for the situation and he was once again impressed by this woman. She had certainly matured into her intelligence and Harry found that he wanted her even more than before.
Allowing a slight flicker of desire to show in his eyes he bowed slightly and said, "I just wished to extend my condolences on the loss of your sister. I'm aware that this is a painful time for you and wanted to offer you my sympathy. And well, you may not be aware of this, but my mother wrote admiringly of you in her journals while at school. She was greatly impressed by your intelligence and your bearing", he allowed his eyes to fleetingly glance at her figure as he spoke, "and wrote more than once that she wished she could be like you. Unfortunately, she was unable to approach you because of the barrier between the houses and often regretted it. For what it's worth, now that I've met you I can understand her admiration and I hope that you are able to find comfort in her words."
He was lying, of course, he had no idea if his mother had even kept a journal much less if she had ever mentioned Narcissa but she had no way of knowing that. He watched her carefully and could see a spark of interest in her gaze and the corner of her lip twitched ever so slightly. However, the movement was so slight that if he hadn't been paying close attention he might have missed it.
For public observation, she nodded politely and put a slight warmth in her tone as she replied "Thank you Mister Potter, both for your sympathetic words and the information about your mother. I also remember being quietly impressed by your mother in the rare times that our paths crossed in Hogwarts. She always seemed a most remarkable young woman and I'm pleased to say that it seems to have also surfaced in you." With a brief sparkle of amusement in her eyes, she nodded politely and the two of them continued on their way. To all of those who were watching, discreetly or otherwise, it appeared as if the two of them just exchanged pleasantries that socially appropriate for the occasion. The two of them both knew something far more momentous occurred.
When he got back to his normal seat at Fortescue's he saw that Midnight was watching him and Harry could swear that the damned cat was amused! She was certainly far more intelligent than any cat he had ever met in his life but he had gotten so used to the strangeness in the magical world that he really didn't pay all that much attention. Much later he would wonder why he didn't bother thinking about the oddity, especially since he had been doing his best to improve his skills in observation?
Hearing the flap of wings he looked up and saw Hedwig flying toward him a letter attached to her leg. Smiling he held up his arm and the snowy owl flapped rapidly to slow her pace which allowed her to land gently on the makeshift perch.
After lightly stroking her chest feathers Harry accepted the letter and could see that it was from Hermione by the handwriting. Apologizing to his owl that he didn't have any bacon at the moment he let her return to the room. He noticed that the envelope was thicker than the usual letter from his friend and wondered what she had included.
He found another envelope inside, the type that usually carried photographs and set it aside to read what she had to say. Harry knew that she was spending the Summer Holidays traveling around France with her parents and it seemed she was still enjoying the trip. He could practically feel the excitement through her descriptions of the different villages they had stopped at and the sights she had seen. Of course, she mentioned stopping at some museums and libraries, it wouldn't have been Hermione if she didn't! It was when he reached the end of the letter that his eyebrows raised and he glanced at the other envelope.
She said that she and her parents had taken a few days to go to the beach not far from Nantes and had some pictures taken. Harry was curious when she asked him not to show Ron any of the pictures because he wouldn't understand. Reaching for the second envelope he opened it and his jaw dropped at what he saw.
Hermione didn't mention that the beach she and her family had visited was topless! But it definitely was as the pictures showed. Hermione was in all of the pictures wearing nothing more than the bottom half of a bikini. He was surprised to see her so open but he had to admit he didn't know what she was like away from school. He let his eyes linger on her breasts and mentally compared them to the women he had seen in Tom's memories and nodded, she certainly had nothing to be ashamed of. There was another woman in several of the photograph's and judging by the resemblance he guessed it was her mother, Monica he thought her name was but wasn't sure.
It was when he got to the last of the pictures that he gave a low whistle of admiration because these pictures were moving! Apparently, Hermione had managed to find the magical section of the beach and made a couple of friends. She was flanked by two absolutely almost inhumanly gorgeous blonde girls, one of them a little younger than her and the other a bit older. The three women had their arms around each other and were smiling widely.
He smirked a little at seeing just how close the three were standing and unless he was imagining things, all three girls lipped looked a little puffy as if they had been kissing not long before. The way the nipples on all of them were crinkled in excitement also added to his speculation. The final picture was different though, it showed the three of them dancing at a club somewhere and the way they were moving against each other showed just how close the three of them were and explained why she didn't want him showing the pictures to Ron or anybody else!
Sliding the pictures back in the envelope he put them away in his pocket and went back to his reading, a slight smile on his face.
Sunday, July 25th, 1993
Bella was laying on her favorite chair in front of Fortescue's the sun feeling wonderful on her fur. Harry was sitting at the table a book open in front of him but that wasn't unusual, not anymore. She enjoyed watching him study and seeing him develop into someone who was worthy of being called her Master. She could see the gradual changes in his attitude as well, the boy she had first observed wouldn't have casually approached her sister in the guise of offering condolences to plant the seeds of a future seduction. She was looking forward to the day that she could reveal herself and the two of them could make several of his fantasies come true.
That day was still a long way away though, unfortunately. He was developing the knowledge and the strength was there, he just wasn't dark enough yet to accept her presence in his life. Although the way he was playing with Severus was showing a delightful amount of cunning and discipline. Perhaps when he finally killed the man she would reveal herself? That way the two of them could shag over his cooling corpse the way that she and her Master had before!
Of course, he would also need a great deal of experience before he could truly treat her the way she desired. He had the awareness and the potential to be a Master of slaves was there but he needed to learn how to get a girl to eagerly kneel before him ready to take him in her mouth, to make them learn to love the lash as a way to get warmed up to receive him!
She had been watching as he interacted with some of the girls in his year group and she could smell that several of them were aroused by his newfound confidence. Most of them were unacceptable for some reason, either because they weren't attractive enough or they didn't have the intelligence to be of use for anything other than a handy cum dump. But there were a few that had potential, the Indian Twins and the big titted blonde who was with them would make an excellent addition to her Master's forces and harem when he was ready for them. And she could see the reaction he had to the Chinese girl who he chatted up outside the Quidditch shop.
The red-haired girl he called Susan was almost certainly a Bones, Bella had watched enough of that family writhing under her wand to recognize the family features. That girl had potential but also needed to be handled extremely carefully because she wouldn't be accepting of Bella's place at her Master's feet.
The girls from Slytherin were the ones she found most interesting though. They had been just barely polite in their interactions with him but all four of them especially the younger Greengrass girl were ready to drop their knickers if he gave the order! It would be up to Bella to find a way to teach him how to give that order.
She cursed the necessity of hiding who she was from him but maybe she could find a way to prepare him for the truth? She closed her eyes and lay back in the sunbeam as she started to consider options. She was still thinking when the warmth and his hands stroking her lulled her to sleep.
Friday, July 30th, 1993
Harry was smiling happily as he walked down the Alley toward Madame Malkins. The potions had finally done their work and he was going for the final fitting of his new wardrobe. Of course, the thought of getting poked with pins as the adjustments were made wasn't the reason he was smiling No, that was because of the twin sisters who would be doing the adjustments. He had been flirting with Mary and Elizabeth for the last couple of weeks and the two of them were not subtle about the fact that they were interested.
Mary had let drop that her parents were being pressured by You Know Who's supporters into joining him not long before Harry had stopped him as a baby. They were eager to do anything they could to show their thanks for saving their family and he was looking forward to taking them up on the offer!
The two of them were aware, of course, that he would be 16 the next day and both of them had arranged to have the afternoon off of work to help him celebrate. Especially since they shared their birthday with him. The two of them had been born on July 31st too, but 6 years earlier. The two of them had graduated when he was a first year.
It was fortunate that Madame Malkin had been well aware of what was going on between the three of them otherwise it could have gotten uncomfortable when she found the two of them using their hands to do some very personal adjustments to his trousers! She just shook her head and closed the curtain around the work area so they wouldn't be seen by the other customers.
He had just finished making arrangements to meet the two girls when they finished working the next day to 'pick up his purchases' when the bell above the door jangled and he glanced over, smiling when he saw Narcissa walking into the shop.
He straightened up slightly and turned to face the attractive blonde who smiled slightly when she saw him. The two girls shared a glance as they noticed his reaction and quickly hid their grins. This would be fun to keep an eye on!
The two of them exchanged pleasantries for a few moments, including Narcissa wishing him a happy birthday for the next day. She had given him a slight smile when she noticed how close the two girls were standing to him and nodded politely to the two girls.
As Narcissa walked away, Mary whispered to Harry "I know where I can get some polyjuice and it wouldn't be a problem to get some of her hair for tomorrow. Do you want me to?"
Harry grinned at the thought but shook his head. "While I really like the idea, I think that for the first time we celebrate I'd just like to enjoy you and your sister. We can always play with polyjuice another time."
Mary just nodded obediently while her sister blushed at the way Harry had phrased his answer. He had been clear that he was looking forward to watching the two of them together when they first began discussing his birthday and neither of the girls had even tried to object. He was curious if they had been together before or if they were already starting to accept his dominance over them? It would be interesting either way.
Glancing around the shop Harry saw that they were alone for the moment so he pulled Mary close and gave her a kiss, one hand dropping down to cup her pussy through her skirt. She moaned against his mouth as he pressed his palm against her center. She gave a slight whine of disappointment when he broke the kiss and turned to Elizabeth to give her the same treatment.
He had learned the trick of feeding a bit of his magic into the girls' thanks to Tom's memories and it made sure that the two girls would be ready for anything when they finally got naked before him.
Giving them both a smile, he turned and left the store.
If Harry had been paying a little closer attention he would have seen the amused smile on Narcissa's face as she had watched him controlling the girls. As it was, he was already walking down the street when the Malfoy Matriarch approached the flustered girls and guided them toward the back of the store.
Narcissa had been feeling a pull on her magic for nearly a month now since just after Hogwarts had ended and had been almost frantic with curiosity! The pull she had felt was the one that she had learned to love before being saddled with Lucius. The call that her Master wanted her to join him!
She hadn't understood where the call was coming from, her Master had fallen many years before. But it was unmistakable the pulse of desire she had felt thrumming through her body had gotten her wet for the first time in ages! Lucius certainly had never gotten her body to react like that.
She hadn't been able to discover where the call had originated until the day she happened to encounter Harry here in the Alley. She had managed to hide her reaction but it had taken all of her self-control not to drop to her knees in front of the young man who radiated her Master's power. It was the first time she had ever been face to face with the fabled 'Boy Who Lived' and she was amazed at how different he was from the way that both Draco and Lucius had described him. Could it be that neither of them could feel his power?
Narcissa had managed to conduct the initial conversation properly, even hiding her reaction when the young man started flirting with her under the guise of offering his condolences. But when she had returned home, it had taken a long hot bath and cramped fingers before she was able to keep her mask in place while dealing with the odious lout she had been saddled with and his spawn.
Not for the first time she began contemplating ways to remove the two of them from her life. Perhaps a flying accident? It wouldn't be all that difficult to arrange, she was sure.
But then she had encountered him again and she had observed his behavior with the two older girls. She was amused at hearing the one girl offering the polyjuice but was going to have to make the girl aware that when Harry had her body it was going to be Narcissa wearing it, nobody else!
Once Harry had left the shop she moved toward the two girls. It was clear that Master was going to have them so it was only proper that she get to know them. After all, the two of them would quite likely find themselves with their tongues inside her before too much longer.
With a predator's smile, she approached the girls and they soon spilled every detail of their encounters with him including the fantasies that they hadn't even admitted to each other! As she listened Narcissa realized that she would have to ensure Lucius and Draco met their end before the students returned to Hogwarts. It would give Master Harry a perfect opportunity to console a grieving mother and if that happened to occur behind the closed doors of her bedchamber at Malfoy Manor, that wasn't anybody else's business, was it?
Eventually leaving the shop with her purchases, she included a healthy tip for both girls, of course, Narcissa began to plan in earnest. She would find a way to remove the two impediments to her plan and soon would be back where she belonged, kneeling at her Master's feet!
End Chapter One