So don't get me wrong. I loved Endgame, but the ending just made me really sad, and I felt like they really could have done something else to help Tony survive. I don't actually know the logistics of a lot of stuff like this, but I'm gonna run with it XD
So as it said in the description, plot is right here.
Just a small deviation from where the movie ended. I'll follow canon as close as possible, but I just had to get my slightly altered ending started.
Also, this is a WIP story, one of the few that I've done. I'm in the second chapter right now, but I just started a new job and am getting a lot of training on that, so hopefully I can write when I'm not at work or binging How I Met Your Mother for the first time XD
Peter stared in shock at the scene in front of him. Tony was on the ground, his entire left side charred from using the stones, and Pepper was kneeling in front of him. Peter's whole body shook as he fought to hold back his emotions. He watched Pepper lean forward and plant one last trembling kiss against her husband's cheek, and then Iron Man let out one last exhalation before the last spark of light faded from his eyes.
The teenager could barely hold himself up as he stared at the man who had changed his life so drastically. It couldn't be … he couldn't just die … he was Tony Stark. Nothing was supposed to be able to hurt him …
He stumbled backwards, and felt his knees start to buckle, but a pair of strong arms gripped his shoulders from behind before he could fall. The strong grip made Peter's ribs ache, but it wasn't because of the tightness. The teenager had taken several hits to the chest, and the pain was now starting to catch up to him. Peter didn't care though. As he stared at the lifeless eyes of his mentor, he couldn't stop picturing the look of pure relief on Mr. Stark's face when he and Peter met on the battlefield. The feeling of Mr. Stark's arms wrapping him into one of the tightest hugs Peter had ever experienced. Peter wanted that strong embrace back.
No one spoke for what seemed like hours. In reality, it was only a few seconds. Then, a voice Peter had only heard in recordings spoke. The accent was unmistakable, even though it was huskier with the onslaught of tears.
"Not like this."
A man stepped forward, and if Peter hadn't recognized the accent before, he wouldn't have realized it was Thor moving towards Mr. Stark. The god's hair and beard were much thicker and longer than Peter ever remembered seeing them, and there was something about his build that seemed … off. With the armor the Norse god had on, Peter couldn't tell exactly what was different. Whatever the case, he knew that those thoughts weren't important at the moment.
That was Captain America, and the voice came from right behind Peter. The young man looked behind him and realized that the strong arms that were holding him upright belonged to the Captain. There were tears in his eyes as he stared at the fallen Avenger. "Thor. There's nothing you can do. He's gone."
"I will not allow another friend to die … not if there's … not if there's something I can try." The god's voice shook as he knelt down next to Mr. Stark and placed a hand on his chest. Pepper watched the bearded man, an almost protective look in her eyes. Thor looked at her.
"Pepper. I need you to step back."
"No. I'm staying with him."
"Pepper, please. I promise, I am trying to help him."
"I know. But you're not doing it without me right here."
"Please-" Thor looked into Pepper's eyes, and he saw the determination and stubbornness there. After a moment, he heaved a huge sigh. "Very well." With that, the god turned his attention back to Iron Man and closed his eyes.
Peter felt it before he saw anything. It was like the air around him suddenly became electric, the particles rubbing together faster and faster until electricity began firing around them. Peter's eyes were swollen from crying and he felt like he could barely see out of them, but the faster the electricity buzzed, the faster Peter's eyes dried, and he stared in shock and awe at something he'd only dreamt about seeing in real life.
Suddenly, Thor opened his eyes, and simultaneously pushed on Tony's chest like he was performing CPR. A bolt of electricity arced out from the god's fingers and ran across Tony's armor plate. Peter didn't realize he was holding his breath as he watched for any sign of life in his mentor.
Again, Thor compressed on Tony's chest and sent sparks flying across the armor. Peter could physically feel the tension coming from everyone around him, and he felt Captain America's grip tighten on his shoulder ever so slightly.
The tears began welling in Peter's eyes again as he felt his last few specks of hope being blown away.
"Come on, Stark," Peter heard Thor mutter. The whisper was garbled, and Peter watched as a few tears dripped down the god's nose and softly plopped on the red and gold armor. Once again, Thor shocked Tony's armor. Peter could feel the crackling in the dry air from that one: it was the biggest surge yet.
Once again though, nothing happened, and Thor sat back on his haunches, shoulders shaking with sobs. Pepper pressed her lips together and bowed her head, trying to hide the quivering in her own face as tears slipped down her cheeks as well. She placed one hand on Thor's shoulder, trying to provide comfort for the god. Her other hand she kept interlaced with Tony's fingers.
Peter's chin wobbled as he watched the exchange, and more tears slipped down the teenager's face. Steve's arm wound its way across Peter's chest until it reached the opposite side that it started on, pressing the kid into the Captain's chest. Peter clutched at the arm like it was a life preserver. In some aspects, it was. It was the only thing keeping him in an upright position.
"I got you, Queens," Cap muttered, his voice thick.
Peter had only felt this way twice before in his life: once when he heard his parents were dead, and then again when Uncle Ben died. After his uncle, Peter had hoped he was through saying goodbye to people he loved.
There was a solemn silence as everyone bowed their heads in respect for Tony Stark, the man who sacrificed everything to ensure the safety of everyone else.
Suddenly, Pepper looked up.
It was so quiet, Peter barely heard it. When he looked at the redhead, she was staring at her husband, confusion in her eyes mixed with something else. Hope.
"Pepper?" Steve asked.
"I … I thought he …" She didn't finish her reply. Instead, she took her hand off Thor's shoulder. The metal peeled away, revealing her hands. Hesitantly, she placed two fingers against Tony's neck and waited for what seemed like hours. It was only a few seconds though, before she looked at Thor, then back at Captain America and Peter.
"Rhodey, Steve!"
Captain America immediately moved forward, letting go of Peter at the same time as he moved to join War Machine as they hurried over to Pepper and Thor. Peter fell flat on his butt, but he didn't care. The only thing he was focused on were the five adults in front of him.
Steve placed his own fingers under Tony's nose, and after a beat, he turned to Pepper and Thor. "We need to get him medical attention. Now."
Without hesitation, Pepper leaned forward and slipped her arms underneath Tony's prone form. She immediately took to the skies along with Thor. Cap turned to the Hulk.
"We could use your help—"
"Say no more."
Peter started in slight shock at the literacy of the Hulk, but ignored it as the big green guy leapt away, not quite catching up to Rescue and Thor but closing the distance a considerable amount.
Now Cap looked back at Rhodes. They didn't even need a spoken conversation before War Machine grabbed Cap around the waist and took off.
Peter watched, almost too numb to do anything. Almost. After a moment he stood and backed up a few paces. Everyone was still watching the people in the sky, but a few heads turned to watch the teenager curiously.
With enough ground to gain some good momentum, Peter ran. He ran faster than he'd ever run before. His legs pumped underneath him, and when he had enough speed, Peter took one last stride, intending to fire a web and swing after the rapidly disappearing Avengers. That isn't how it happened though. With his last step, Peter collapsed to the ground. "What the he-" Peter shook his head and tried to stand up again, but he couldn't make it to a standing position. The highest he could get was his hands and knees. The pain in his ribs from before came back full force, and he found himself gasping for breath as the pain spiked.
"Hey, kid." Peter glanced back to see the woman from before, the shiny one with the short haircut. She gently grabbed his arm and hoisted him up. "Come on," she said. "I got you."
Peter knew something was wrong when getting to his feet made something shift inside his body, but he tried to fight it. "Mr. Stark," Peter replied breathlessly. "I have to … he can't … I-" He stopped speaking as his vision began swimming. Nothing around him felt stable, and his knees buckled again
"Hey," the newcomer said. "Kid, you okay?"
Peter thought he responded, but he realized apparently he either didn't respond, or his response just made the woman more concerned.
"Hold on, kid," she said. "We're gonna get you some help." She began glowing, and Peter felt his feet leave the ground. Those were the last things he experienced before he passed out.
Ookaaaayyy ... so thoughts? What did you guys think? Interested in seeing more? Or should I just write the rest and keep it to myself?
Lemme know what you think!