Ash Ketchum Crossdressing One-Shots

Arceus FINAL Chapter 36

Co-Writer GreyKing46

We do not own Pokémon. All rights and credit go to Nintendo and Game Freak


Yaw613 and Jessie: Well, they will do. But this is the last chapter.

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We arrive back at Kanto, the family vacation went quite well with the family having grown; adding Lusamine, Lillie and others to the family.

Ashley smiled, her life was amazing

Being a champion, a mother, a was just amazing.

Absolutely amazing

"Ah~. Bliss." She whispered gently as she sat outside.

"Pika-Pi." Pikachu nestled in her lap.

"Yeah buddy, life is great." Ashley smiled

Inside the house, Delia was on her own, though she had her grandchildren with her.

"Mime, Mime, Mime." Mr Mime swept up with his broom.


"Oh, hello?" Delia asked as she picked up the phone.

"Hey, Delia. It's Cynthia." A voice spoke through

"Oh, hello Cynthia. How've you been?" Delia asked

"Busy, VERY busy. I'm sorry to call out of the blue like this, but I need to talk to Ashley." Cynthia spoke urgently.

"Ashley? Okay, one moment."

"Thanks, Delia." Cynthia responded, waiting for Ashley now.

"Ashley, phone for you." Delia called out.

"Huh? Oh, coming." Ashley got up, Pikachu grumbling as he lost his comfy spot. "Hello?"

"Ashley, I've something important and amazing to tell you." Cynthia spoke urgently.

"What is it? You sound like you're going a million miles an hour." Ashley answered

"It's something here in Sinnoh, a place that leads PAST the top of Mt Coronet!" Cynthia answered

"... What?"

"I know it sounds insane. But trust me." Cynthia responded

"Okay. I'm on my way." she nodded

"Good, see you soon." Cynthia responded

"Are-Are you going?" Delia asked

"Yeah, I'll be a couple of days, due to the flight." Ashley explained. "I'll be sure to call when I get there."

She kissed her mother, smiling

"See you in a few days." Delia frowned gently.

"I'll be back before you know it." Ashley responded. "Pikachu, come on."


*Two days later*

Ashley sighed as Charizard landed

"Thanks boy, you and Noivern deserve a good long rest." Ashley reassured him, putting him back in his Pokeball as they were now in Sinnoh and in Eterna City.

"Ashley!" Cynthia called out. "I'm glad you made it."

"Hey, Cynthia. So, this 'secret location'?" Ashley asked

"Right, follow me." Cynthia answered, leading the charge as she had a satchel on her person.

The two started moving, heading up the Great mountain

"PHEW. I never get used to this." Cynthia mumbled to herself.

"I did and still do. Never missed leg-day." Ashley joked.

"I know." Cynthia purred

"How's Dawn?" Ashley asked

"She's great, thanks for asking. She's become an amazing Co-ordinator since you last saw her." Cynthia answered

"Fantastic...And any little~?" Ashley asked

"Twins." Cynthia smiled. "On their fourth birthday."

"You should've said. I would've-" Ashley slightly halted.

"You were busy being 'the very best'. We both didn't want you to leave your journey so soon." Cynthia explained. "Don't stop. We're almost there."

Ashley nodded, looking guilty

The two soon emerged out on top of Mount Coronet. A pile of ruins atop the tallest and longest mountain in Sinnoh. The pinnacle of the God Pokémon of Time and Space.

The last time either was here was when Cyrus tried to capture Dialga and Palkia, trying to create a world without emotion. The poor man.

"Here we go." Cynthia panted.

"Pika, Pi." Pikachu commented as he lay flat on his belly.

"Yeah, I think we can take a break now." Ashley answered, sitting on a ruined pillar.

"Yes. I-I think we can wait a little longer." Cynthia responded, clutching her satchel.

"...I've been meaning to ask. What have you got in there?" Ashley asked, pointing at the bag.

"Well, since we're here; I suppose I should show and tell." She responded, carefully getting out an obscure object.

She took out a very odd item; it was oval shaped, mostly purple but with tubes coming out of it. Like it was some unusual wind instrument; it had a red protrusion that looked like a mouthpiece.

"What is that? An Ocarina?" Ashley asked

"Close. It's a wind instrument of a sort. Legend says that this is the 'Azure Flute'." Cynthia answered, holding it gently in her hands.

"And HOW did you come to find this?" Ashley asked

"I was doing some research in ruins in the other regions. Johto in particular, and deep within was this. The writing was in ancient Poke-Text, the precursor to our own Unown." Cynthia responded

"Johto? That's just right next door to me." Ashley frowned, realising that she had missed something that crucial.

"It's not your fault, Ashley. Life had gotten in your way." Cynthia responded. "Anyway, it's said that this flute can open a door to somewhere at the top of Coronet."

"Has it been cleaned? I don't want to get Spinarak webs in my mouth." Ashley joked gently.

"It's been carefully cleaned and washed. I'm sure it's fine." Cynthia responded

"So...What's on the other side of this door?" Ashley asked cautiously.

Cynthia looked at the flute and then at Ashley, turning to Sinnoh on the horizon and then back at her. "I don't know. It might be a god."

Ashley blinked in shock, looking at it and then gulped. This hadn't been her first encounter with Pokémon that were considered 'Gods'. The Birds and Beasts of Kanto and Johto, The Regi's and The Weather Trio, Palkia and Dialga, The Dragons of Unova. The Kalos trinity and the Tapus of Alola...The Ultra Beasts. But to meet something on that level...It couldn't be that bad. "Well. I know how to play wind instruments. Let me do it. You'll be the first to step through. Okay?"

"That's why I called you as backup." she smiled

Ashley smirked gently and took the flute in her hands, going to a small pedestal that was near the middle of the ruins. "Ready?"

Cynthia nodded and readied herself.

As Ashley inhaled and blew into the flute...and it was ethereal sound, a mysterious tune that echoed through the mountain. The ruins seemed to glow, the acoustics seemed to come from nowhere, bouncing off invisible walls.

Ashley's eyes began to haze over like she was looking into infinity. Her eyes were becoming like a starry night as she continued to play.

Cynthia gasped as she looked around, seeing the shape of the ruins return, fixing themselves...and the mirage of steps before them.




And higher still.

Past the clouds, past the sky. Going further and further than she could see.

"Oh my god. Ashley." She whispered as she looked on at everything.

The sound of the flute was completed. The steps were now solid, white and crystal-like; before Ashley fell faint, the Azure Flute landed by her hands.

Cynthia knelt down and caught her. "I got you." She whispered

"Urgh...Did? Did it work?" Ashley whispered looking up at her.

"Yeah, yeah it worked." She nodded, closing her hand with the Azure Flute in it.

"Hmm. You first." Ashley slowly got up.

She shook her head, trying to centre herself

"We're going together." Cynthia responded, holding her.

"Okay." Ashley nodded

The two managed to climb up the stairs, the air getting thinner and thinner as they reached the top...until they found an oval portal.

"Oh, wow." Ashley whispered

"Let's go." Cynthia nodded and reached her hand through the portal, leading to the unknown.


They stepped through into the portal and saw...infinity.

The ever-expanding world, filled with stars; a wondrous sky that lay before their feet but seemed close enough to touch. Past their horizon but could feel it on their fingertips.

The world was prismatic but soft to the eyes. A rainbow of colours that swirled around them and with various Pokémon floating around them. Simple letter-like shaped Pokémon with only one eye each. Unown. Their song and shapes flew around them and past them.

"Pika~." Pikachu's eyes widened in shock, seeing all the Unown here.

"Molly." Ashley's eyes welled up, remembering the time she saw a handful of Unown create her fantasy world.

"I know, beautiful; isn't it?" Cynthia commented, walking off with Ashley's as their arms were linked.

"Yeah." Ashley nodded as they walked off, going deep into the amazing world.

Something tingled up the spines of Cynthia's, Ashley's and Pikachu's spines. They were being watched and by more than the Unown.

"You feel that?" Ashley asked

"Pika, Pi." He nodded

Then all sound came to a stop. All for some single steps, like gentle rain on the ground.

Towering over the three...was a white furred quadruped Pokémon, gold-tipped hooves, dark grey stomached, green and red-eyed, his torso was locked with a golden wheel that looked like an 'X' and a flowing white and grey mane.

"Oh. God." The two humans and Pikachu looked up in awe and fear.

"Welcome." The voice boomed, looking below and saw the three.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The three screamed in shock

"AH! What the heck? OW!" The Pokémon lurched up and shook his head. "Loud! You know it's rude to yell when someone's that close; right?"

The two champions where silent, their jaws dropped

"Right now, ahem. Welcome, Champions; to the Outer Realm." The Pokémon spoke calmly and sensibly.

"Who...or WHAT are you?" Ashley asked

"That's. That's Arceus. The Pokémon that created our world. The whole universe!" Cynthia responded in a frantic shake

"Correct. And I'm surprised you found the Azure Flute." Arceus answered. "I'm sure you've got many questions."

"Um, y-yeah." The two nodded.

"Please, sit down." Arceus offered.

"Mew~." A Mew popped up from behind him...and then another. And another. And another. And then QUITE A LOT of Mew.

"A million Mew?!" Ashley gasped in wonder

"Quite more than a million, I assure you. Have to populate the new worlds with Pokémon SOMEHOW." Arceus explained


"Mew are the ancestors of ALL Pokémon. I thought everyone knew that." Arceus answered.

"Understandable." Cynthia responded.

Ashley raised her hand. "I want to know something."

"Ask away." Arceus answered.

"If-if there's multiple there a world where I was raised as a boy? Or I was born as a girl?" Ashley asked

"There ARE worlds like that. Variations." Arceus nodded simply.

"Oh." Ashley blinked

"Wait, does this mean that this world is a variation?" Cynthia asked

"Yes, that's right." Arceus nodded

"So is that why I'm such a slut?" Ashley added, pointing to herself.

"Err. Well I-." Arceus blinked and tried to respond

"A-Ashley? Pika?" Pikachu and Cynthia asked in shock

"Is THAT why I enjoy being an abused fucktoy?" Ashley snapped.

"Okay, now listen here. I am an immortal genderless Pokémon God with no genitalia. I need a frigging hobby." Arceus deadpanned.



"Oh dear." Arceus sighed. "Let me explain; as I just said, I'm genderless, no genitalia. Being the God of the multiverse leaves no time for myself. So, I change aspects of different worlds to make them interesting. And also see what people do." He explained "So in this variation of the world I had Ashley be raised as a girl, born a boy but raised as a girl, and upped the... 'sex level', let's call it, of the world to see what happened."

"So? So can you do anything?" Ashley asked in wondered, still shaking a little

"Anything." Arceus nodded "I am God."

"Can? Can you make me a woman? Like BORN as a woman. Or even a futanari?" Ashley asked

"A simple matter." Arceus answered. "No, no. It's not a problem." He turned to the Mews who were whispering in his ears. "She's been through a lot. AND it's a simple request."

"Mew, Mew, Mew." One of them debated.

"...I KNEW you would ask that." Arceus deadpanned as he looked at that Mew, making it blush and laugh. "Right, any preference, Ashley? Or would you like a body that has been defined by your experiences?"

Cynthia was silent, looking at the Mew suspiciously

"Well...I'd just like to be a woman, so...defined by my experiences; I guess." Ashley asked

"Very well." Arceus nodded and enveloped Ashley with light, making her glow like she was going through evolution

"Pika." Pikachu gasped in wonder

Ashley's body began to shift and change; developing a bigger chest, her trousers began to stretch and a bulge appeared.

As the light died down, Ashley was revealed. In all her new glory...with clothes that fit her frame. C to D-Cup breasts, thicc thighs and a respectable bulge.

"Huh?" Cynthia blinked

"Well? What do you think of your body?" Arceus asked. "Trained and feels the same even after all your adventures. And you asked to be a futa, right?"

Ashley was silent, looking at herself

She looked over and stroked down her body, feeling her new breasts and down to her bulge...something she didn't have before.

An actual, large bulge

She pulled her pants forward and accidentally let it spring open. It seemed to be nine inches in length, over quadrupling its past size. She gasped and covered her mouth...Her body...It was like she had hoped for, feeling her panties moisten. She had a vagina, she was a futanari; like her wife. Like her lovers...It was like a dream, but it was all real.

She was crying in joy

"Ashley? Are you alright?" Cynthia asked in worry.

"I'm. I'm so happy." Ashley smiled and wiped tears away looking at Cynthia and then hugged her.


Cynthia chuckled and hugged back, patting her back. "I wish the others could see you right now."


"GAH!" A crowd appeared before the two.

"Where are we?" Delia asked

"What happened?" Misty added

"What?!" Ashley gasped, looking around

"Ashley? What happened? Why're we here? What' going on?" Misty asked

"Sorry, that's my bad. I thought you were asking for something." Arceus apologised with a small sweat drop

The transported lovers and family screamed in shock, seeing the Pokémon God before them.

"This'll take a while." Arceus sighed

*Time Skip*

"So, everyone calmed down now?" Arceus asked as he looked at them.

The group nodded, having now come to terms with Ashley's 'predicament' and their situation being in the Outerworld.

"Mew, Mew." The rambunctious Mew asked

"What's that Mew asking?" Jessie asked

"He's asking if it can-" Ashley began to answer, before being interrupted

"No, you cannot go with them. I know what you're like." Arceus deadpanned

"Mew..." The Mew frowned

"Um, so...can we capture him or-?" Jessie whispered to Ashley.

"I can hear you, you know." Arceus responded, getting in a little close and glared at her.

"...Boop." Molly joked affectionately as she booped God on the nose.


Arcus frowned, deciding to have some fun as payback as he sent out an invisible wave of energy making everyone gathered super horny

"Now. Enjoy yourselves. And YOU." Arceus spoke, turning to the Mew.

"Mew?" It asked

"Go on." He answered, leaping backwards so that they could have some fun.

He just had to watch

"So...Hot~!" Ashley panted, stripping off, much like the others; getting hot and horny. Begging for each of their bodies.

She jumped at the first girl she could, Misty

Misty gasped, but she was happy to see and feel Ashley once again...and seeing her like a futanari, like her sisters. But Ashley was her REAL sister.

The two kissed deeply, Ashley pushing inside her as Erika curled up next to them and played with Misty's breasts

"AH~! E-Erika?" Misty gasped

"So. Sexy. You've got supple breasts, Misty~." She whispered as she wiggled her trap ass in the air

"You're so pretty and tight!" Ashley moaned, thrusting away

"HMM~!" Erika moaned as she was penetrated by Ashley's new cock, fucking her with wild abandon.

Misty grabbed Erika's head and pushed it into her pussy, wanting something inside her after Ashley had pulled out

"Hmm~!" Erika moaned, tongue fucking Misty's pussy.

"I. I don't. This is too much." Molly whispered, her heart thumping in her chest as she saw her 'sisters' and her 'mothers' making out and making love. Even all these other women she had never met.

Ashley groaned, cumming inside Erika's ass

"So. Good. Misty. You?" Ashley panted as she wanted to fuck her, but she was too busy having fun with Erika now.

"Okay. Who-?" Ashley asked, before she was set upon by Sabrina and Lusamine.

"Gotcha, love." Sabrina smirked

"Again?" Ashley smiled

"Of course. We're gonna break this sexy new cock of yours in." Lusamine licked her lips.

"Oh? So mean." Ashley giggled

"Don't worry. We're gonna get YOU pregnant." Sabrina smirked, shoving her erect shaft into her dripping pussy

The married pair moaned, their lips meeting

"Mama." Lillie moaned, kissing Lusamine as she hugged Ashley, wanting to join in

"Our little girl's finally a woman, Delia." Philena smiled as she mounted her wife.

"She's been a slutty woman for a while." Delia moaned

"Yeah, well. In a REAL sense, Love." Philena smirked and kissed her.

Iris was over by the side, getting fucked by Jessie and Anabel, being used like a slutty fuck-doll.

She hung loose, being penetrated via her mouth and ass. It was rare for Ashley's second wife to be so dominating, but Annabel was having lots of fun with the whore Ashley trained

"I-I'm cumming~!" Jessie moaned, cumming into Iris' pussy

Ashley pulled away from her lovers, heading to another girl

"Zoe." She walked over and kissed her, pinning her down and fucked her like a dog

She fucked the futa hard, as the red head was fucking Dawn

"OH, FUCK! Not shy anymore; are you?" Zoe moaned happily as she forced Ashley to kiss her

"Z-Zoe! I'm cumming!" Dawn moaned as she came over her futa cock

She had a full on ahegao, moaning endlessly

"So. Want to be a woman, Molly?" Dawn asked as she saw the masturbating virgin girl.

Ashley panted as she pulled out of Zoe, walking towards the blonde with her throbbing member

"A-Ashley? Y-You'll take-?" Molly panted, almost hypnotised by Ashley's member as she saw it throb and move

"Yeah. Let 'big sister' do it for you." Ashley smiled and kissed her passionately, making her feel comfortable while spreading the cute blondes legs

Molly did so, hugging Ashley close and wanted to feel like a real woman.

She smiled excitedly, feeling herself being spread open

Ashley gave a single thrust, pushing deep into Molly's pussy. Making her a woman and part of their family. As crazy and as sexed up as it was.

She couldn't hold her hips long, however. She was soon thrusting wildly

"AH~! Yes! So tight! You feel so good, Molly!" Ashley panted, thrusting in this virgin girl.

Molly couldn't answer, her mind going blank

Over with Pikachu...He was fucking the horny Mew. Mew wanted to fuck and Pikachu was happy to oblige.

Oh, he was more than happy

"Pi! Ka! CHU~!" Pikachu moaned and climaxed into his slutty Mew's pussy...Pretty weird considering Mews are genderless, but are ancestors to ALL Pokémon.

They could be whatever gender they wanted, so shut up you nerds in the back!

"Mew~." It purred and licked Pikachu's cheek affectionately.

Ashley moaned as she held Molly close, cumming inside her

"Ash. Ley." Molly panted as she hugged Ashley.

"Gunna cum..." Ashley muttered

"I. I. Want." Molly moaned as she accidentally pulled off and had Ashley's cum spurt onto her stomach. "No!" she whined

"You wanted me inside you?" Ashley asked, looking lovingly in her eyes.

Molly nodded, moaning

Ashley panted and smiled, preparing for another to go for another round... When she was dragged away by Mallow and Lana

"Nuh-uh. OUR turn now." Mallow smiled

"And we've missed your member, Ashley." Lana added, kissing her member while Mallow kissed Ashley's mouth.

Ashley moaned, her eyes rolling up

But with that, Mallow guided her own futa cock into Ashley's quivering pussy, wanting that girl's sexy snatch.

Lana choked herself on the femcock, moaning lustfully

"Careful, don't want to choke now." Mallow drooled as she fucked Ashley's tight snatch.

However, Latias was behind Mallow, rubbing between the futa's legs and teased her.

The Legendary giggled, fingerings the tanned girl

"Let's have another, Delia~." Philena smiled as she made love to her wife. "Iris. Come here." She ordered the love-slave.

The bitch nodded and crawled over

"Cum here, cause HERE. Is mine." Philena instructed.

"Yes. Yes, Mistress." Iris panted and readied herself to fuck Delia's ass.

Off in the corner Salazzel moaned as she was gang banged by Charizard, Sceptile and Greninja with Meganium adding some tentacle fun to the mix

It was a hell of an ordeal, Salazzle had never been in this position before but she loved it

Charizard moaned and climaxed into Salazzle's pussy, flooding it with his sperm.

He smirked, knowing the two were in the same egg group

Sceptile looked at Salazzle and then at Charizard, giving him a thumbs up.

"HMM~!" Dawn moaned as she was being lovingly fucked by her champion lover, Cynthia.

The two were scissoring, the two suckling Infernape's cock

"In. Infer-NAPE!" Infernape moaned and came over the two of them.

His cum shot out, covering their faces

"So much~." Dawn panted

"Ashley's taught you well." Cynthia smiled, kissing her girlfriend.

May and Serena crawled over, sucking Professor Juniper's cock

"Hmm~! I-I never thought. I'd get a double blowjob. By two sluts~!" Juniper moaned "Well, again. Ashley, Delia and Philena were rather eager."

It was all a large orgy between Pokemon and humans.

All overseen by the Mew and Arceus...who was just watching it passively.

Wicke and Whitney kissed as they worked together lovingly

Bianca, her personal lover Eresa and Burnet where a triangle of pleasure, holding each other close

Ashley panted as she was left alone for a moment, looking at the pile of human and Pokémon flesh

"So. Much...Love~." Ashley panted as she fell backwards and sighed contently.

*Time Skip*

It was a few hours later, Arceus had let up the lust spell he had cast and returned the group back to their respective world, except for Ashley.

"Why am I still here?" Ashley asked

"Just wanted to say, thanks for the show." Arceus responded, appreciating her. "And I hope you'll be alright from now on."

"Well next time we'll want pay." Ashley stayed simply

"...Okay." He answered. "Bye." He added, teleporting her back to Sinnoh. "Oh, and you can keep the flute."

"Well maybe make yourself a sexy woman next time I visit, I'll rock your world." Ashley winked as she was back at the TOP OF Mount Coronet, seemingly talking to no one.

She giggled, squeezing her breasts and feeling the large dick in her underwear.

Her life was now perfect

The End

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