A/N: I don't own anyone but Gabby and maybe other characters later. Don't get mad at me, this first chapter is kinda short.

A Girl at Camp Greenlake...

Chapter One

Gabrielle Reynolds is hereby sentenced to attend Camp Greenlake for the next 18 months...

The memory faded. Gabby sat on the bus remembering everything that had happened in the last 2 months. Her being convicted of robbing the Banana Republic store she was in at her hometown of Oxford, England. She didn't even do it; it was her friend Chloe. But it was in her bag so it was *her* fault. Gabby was a rich, snobby I guess you could say, lawyer's daughter. She had no idea why her father, being one of the most famous lawyer in the area, could not get her out of this. She had obviously picked the wrong wardrobe for Texas. She was wearing $200 black pinstripe pants, a $120 clue 3/4-sleeve dress shirt, and $75 black clogs. Why is it so damn dusty? She thought.

Why Texas? Why the US? Why not London or Scarborough? I hate the US, and their President! She thought. And finally, why a boys camp?

Gabby wasn't as superficial as everyone thought though. In reality she didn't care about any of her clothes or anything. She just wanted to please her dad and he liked buying her these things. Her mother was the only one who really, truly understood her. When she was with her mother she felt like she could tell her anything or do anything.

Gabby looked out of the window and remembered what her mother always said, "Don't worry your life away, find something positive in everything." Gabby couldn't figure out what was so positive about this. She started crying she hoped no one would notice at the camp, but her mascara started running. And her cheeks were soon black.

The bus began to slow down. She wiped away as many of her tears as she could. The guard walked over to her and told her to put her hands behind her back. "Why?" she asked, staring stupidly at him. He just stared at her and put the handcuffs on her. "Oh. Why do we have to wear these stupid things do you think I'm just gonna jump on you and start running through the desert? Do we have to wear these all the time?" She stepped off the bus still trying to hide the fact that she was crying.


ZigZag was almost done with his hole when he first saw the bus coming into view on the horizon. "Who do you think it will be? Another bank robber maybe?" He laughed at his own joke.

"Maybe another hacker. That Rob was one strange fellow!" Squid sniggered.

"Guess what I heard? I was getting out of the shower late last night and I heard Mr. Sir and the warden talking about it being a chick from England! I'm serious. She's suppose to be a really rich lawyer's daughter." X-Ray said. He looked so serious about it that the other boys actually believed him.

"I haven't seen a girl our age in like 5 months! Is she hott?" ZigZag said. He couldn't wait to see her. A real girl? He felt stupid for thinking that. Oh well...

"How am I suppose to know? I haven't seen her yet have I?" X-Ray laughed.

They all watched as the bus drew closer. "I'm done!" Exclaimed ZigZag, and started running towards the bus. Where is she? He thought. He watched as the guard came off of the bus followed by...

She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had auburn hair that cam down to the bottom of her breasts, bright green eyes and was slender in all the right places. She looked tall for her age to; of course he didn't know exactly how old she was. She looked like she been crying. He looked around and noticed he wasn't the only boy to notice her beauty. Then, she looked at him. She smiled, and he smiled back.

A/N I hope you like so far please R+R. thank you! ~SocratesAngel~