Hey Guys! I can't believe the support from the last chapter and I'm eager to answer your questions, but I have something important to ask.

Do you guys have a preference on how I respond to your reviews? Keep it the same? Save the responses for the end of the chapter? Or change the format and respond via YouTube video. Let me know!

I have a poll on my profile so you guys can vote on what you guys want changed or if it should stay the same.

Also, I want to say that the discord is up and running. This will be the last time I advertise it here. Please join if you want to be more involved!

Let's get to the reviews!

NOTE: I will respond saying the word, spoilers, if I do not want to talk about future events or character development that could take place. It's no fun to show all my cards.

sandmanwake: Yes. I know that there are no hormones present in a 2 year old and the line you are referring to was made on purpose and wasn't an accident to clarify, but I won't spoil it, although you will know more in the next chapter. Thanks for the review! Also more spoilers in your next question. Sorry. But you will find out in the next few chapters! I do have upcoming chapter titles in the discord that could point to some events happening in the future. I usually like to name the chapters on the main idea of the segment.

Gitlawyer9000: Thank you! I try and make the most LIT content on this website. His move set will be similar, but I have incorporated one new technique that will be shown this chapter! Also for the movies, I might. I'm not sure which ones I would even do. Cooler is a possibility, but definitely not the second movie of Cooler. Legendary Super Saiyan won't be because of the DBS Broly. I guess we will see. I want to keep canon events, but some movie elements are pretty good at times. Thanks for the review!

RKF22: No need to wait much longer. I am here! Thanks for the review.

MasterOfDragonGods: He will be stronger, but not overwhelmingly so. Spoilers and you find out this chapter anyways.

demzerff1: He will grow quite a lot is what I will give out. I also like his character at that point of the story. Thanks for the review!

LeftUnity: Right. I won't spoil anything, but I can see where you are coming from. Besides, she never really spoke in complete sentences. I only really gave her 3 lines and the most she said was at the end. She only really said, hi , and said her name. If you're wondering about the thoughts in her head being complete then I can see how it's misinterpreted. The part where she thinks Gohan is awesome because he is a fighter her age is the gist of what she's thinking about. It would be more baby language if I were to illustrate it. Also at the end is something which she blushes and such will be a spoiler if I explain it more, so you'll find out this chapter!

shadowdragondanny: Thank you for the encouragement! I will do my best to update more.

hawkeyestratos1996: Most likely not since it's far away from canon and it doesn't really make sense to me. It looks cool and that's about it. Thanks for the review!

SuperSayianSora-Sama: Thanks for the kind words and I agree that there aren't many, but I do like the cooler story that's posted here. Cold Rebirth is an interesting SI. Thanks for the review!

hawkeyestratos1996: I also like Android 21. It could be interesting to see her as a pairing, but nothing is set in stone yet. I'm saying it's possible and once it's time for a pairing. I will likely put up a poll or what works best with the story. Thanks for the review!

nekoboy13: I already responded this in a PM and if you guys want to talk to me personally then you can PM me or join the discord server. I'll post the my response here.

I am not a fan of OC's, but they are necessary since I'm explaining events and time between what we see in the anime, and it was fun to use the children of previous contestants so it wasn't completely random.

I will not stay away from shipping, sorry, but it has already been decided that there will be some sort of relationship in the SI.

I don't believe that this situation is forced. Mark is a fighter and he has a lot of influence on Videl so it's only natural that she will take a liking to Videl, and this is before he was known as, Hercule Satan, so he is a much more toned down version. He is a caring father, regardless if he lies to the world of killing Cell and Majin Buu, so him wanting Videl to watch fighting her own age? Not out of the question. Sure I put them next to each other because this is a fanfiction and it would make for a good story if he was there and I didn't say anything about it.

I also want Mark to have more of a role in Dragon Ball than just for comedic value.

You are assuming that Videl is going to blush everytime Gohan speaks which is exaggerated of course, but she is 2 years old and probably the first time a boy talked to her, and if not, then a strong fighter at her age which in turns causes her to like him.

The only thing I can understand is Mark and Videl being placed next to Goku which is explained because it's my story and I want Mark to have more of a role in Dragon Ball.

Thanks for the review, regardless.

zehendner: Thanks for the review! I will do my best to keep pushing out updates.

tguy4001: The shipping is something that I cannot avoid. I could if I really wanted to, but it wouldn't exactly feel natural. Would you like to stay alone for the rest of your life if you have the choice to try dating? I don't think you would. I also won't spoil anything, so it will be a while before the shipping. Thanks for the review!

I was thinking about making her a reincarnation, but it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to me. This chapter will explain more of her behavior and her increased intellect.

The idea of her being an incarnation was interesting, but I ultimately decided against it. If I were to have her one, then I wouldn't make her a random OC who died, but someone who came here because Whis thought I should have a companion who understands what I'm going through. It would have made an awesome couple and relationship to expand upon, but I decided against another reincarnation. She was going to be Nana Shimura from MHA, if anyone wanted to know.

gamerjames27: I like that you like. Thanks for the review!

PrimeOdin: Naivety in the adolescence is what it comes down to and besides even if Gohan would have accepted. She most likely wouldn't do it anyways. It's a 2 year old. So she'd be tricking the kid hoping she'd take the bait. They don't exactly act their age as they come from martial arts backgrounds so they are much more serious in the competition, but they are still kids. I wish I could have expanded more on their casual side. A mistake from my part. Thanks for the review!

frankieu: Mark will have more of a role in the story, but for how much, I guess we will see as I'm still writing. Thanks for the review!

DBZFAN45: He definitely will. Spoilers though. Thanks for the review!

serus black antihumannature: First of all, chill. You are assuming before you have even read this chapter. I never said I would jump straight in. Nam meeting and talking to Goku is also something I left out on purpose. They did catch up and it will be shown this chapter. It didn't feel right with my pacing and I have left some things out for the next chapter to explain in more detail. Your review is assuming plot points that you have no idea happened unless I specifically say it didn't. Thanks for the review and have some patience. I don't leave stuff out and if I do. It's usually a mistake, but not one that's this big like the relationship between Nam and Goku.

emiyaryo: He will be considerably stronger to say the least. I'm excited to develop his character more than what they did to him in DBZ. The DBS version is much better for Hercule.

narutoxasuna25: First of all, Asuna is a top tier waifu. Your name is great. GohanxVidel is also a very adorable shipping which I enjoy quite a bit if it's written well. Innocent Feelings is a nice story with a lot of fluff of VidelxGohan. Spoilers for the future. I will say Mark will have a bigger role.

Blaze2121: Thanks for the encouragement! You don't need to wait any longer! Thanks for the review! I'm glad you like it.

fightingstoryaddiction: Thank you for the kind words. I want to make this story the best I can so I will be trying to incorporate everything that I can to further Gohan's development and showing sides to the Dragon Ball universe that the anime doesn't expand upon.

stylo1: I do know how a NORMAL 2 year old talks and acts, so you're latter speculation is correct. The SI is NOT a normal 2 year old. Have you been reading the chapters? Because you would know that. Now, if you are talking about Videl, then you are also assuming many things. Tell me. Do you think a normal 2 year old child acts like that? No. Do you think I not know that as well? You don't know anything because you haven't read this chapter yet. I don't explain everything right then and there. That would be awkward writing to do it like that. How hard is it to act childish? Not very easy since the SI has universal expectations to fight Beerus, you know, a GOD. Could you say that you would be acting childish then? No. Seriously, you should look at the bigger picture. I have made childish moments at times, but it's not a big focus in my story. I can add more moments if you really want it.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm getting upset or mean, but to be honest, I am quite annoyed that you would write something like that.

Thanks anyways.

There we have it!

Let's get into the Saiyan Saga!

"Talking" = Dialogue

'Thoughts' = Characters' thoughts

-MNL- = Transition between scenes

Chapter 5

Uncle Raditz

It's time. Who would've thought that I would be at this point in the story already? Raditz is coming tomorrow and I hope I'm prepared enough. I'm finally 4 years old and I've grown immensely by my training. My tail has long ago vanished from my list of weaknesses. I've had many spars, but I was never really injured too much. We still have to keep it a secret from my mother and I'd know she'd be livid. The sacrifice is well worth it.


An interesting case. I was surprised and still to this day of how smart she is. Could she be like me? I thought that for quite a bit, but those speculations were put to rest when I found out the real reason. She's smart like me, even without my years of experience in a previous life. Well, maybe not as smart as me, but much higher intelligence than what a 2 year old had.

Seriously, what am I gonna do about Raditz. My dad has to die in this battle so he can train with King Kai and it's not something I want, but it has to be done. If he doesn't, then it's not the end of the world. Metaphorically and literally speaking.

I'd also have to train with Piccolo since I am closer to his power in this timeline and can prove much more of a challenge. The first six months of surviving won't be necessary since I'm much stronger than any dino that can come at me, so we'll get to train for the whole year which I am excited and scared about. From the anime, Piccolo is a brutal teacher. I'll most likely be getting beat up more times than not, but maybe it'll be a closer since of my prior training.

Also, how will Mark and Videl fit into this? I know that they won't be visiting tomorrow so that eases my mind, but when we're missing for the year? Being around Videl has been nice these past 2 years. Her and Mark comes around every once in a while to play and train, but he is pretty adamant about her not training yet. She's definitely different from a normal toddler.

She's still pretty cute at this age. I just wish I didn't have to go through puberty again. My hormones start to go wild and who knows what it's like as a half human. It never showed us what it's like in the manga or anime, so who knows. Videl has gone through a lot already and I feel for her, so I try and be as much of a friend as I can be. She caught me off guard when she wanted me to train her.

That was an interesting conversation. Well, as much as a conversation is can be with a 2 year old.

1 Month Post Tournament

I am currently studying in my room. This session is math which is the subject I understand the most. Everything is just so logical and makes sense, while other subjects I may struggle with and generally dislike. I was never once for history, but this Earth definitely has some changes that makes me more interested in. The whole ordeal with King Piccolo centuries ago was something I enjoyed thoroughly especially since his son lives, but to the public, they have no idea.

This level of math was still quite easy. elementary school level in terms of american grade education. I may be reincarnated into Gohan, but I still have his body and a half saiyan's brain which allows me to pick up on information much faster and retain it with less effort. This is something I could get used to.

Leaning back in my chair, I look up at the ceiling. This is such a waste of time, but yet, I have to keep up appearances to keep my mother happy, although I will feel bad when eventually I tell her of my dreams to be a fighter than a scholar, and if she refuses profusely, then tough shit. Obviously I won't say that to her face, no matter how much I wish I could, but I'm not that bold.

I exhale and close my textbook finishing the chapter for the day. The front door opens and I hear my dad from my room.

"Hey, ChiChi, Gohan! I'm back! I got some people here". My dad yells.

I quirk my eyebrow.

"Didn't think they'd come this soon, but then again, it has been about a month since that tournament". I mutter aloud.

Making my way out of the room, I see two figures behind my dad. It's none other than Mark and Videl.

"Oh hey, who are these two Goku?" Chichi asks.

"This is Mark. He's going to be training with me sometimes and this is his daughter, Videl". My dad explains smiling at the both of them.

"It's nice to meet you". Mark greets the woman.

Videl just nods looking at her.

"Well that's nice Goku. How about you two go out for a while and Videl could hang around Gohan". Chichi suggests.

"That sounds good with me". Mark approves giving Videl a nod and she returns the gesture wallking to me.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Play?" She asks.

Regaining my thoughts I nod and lead her to my room.

"Yeah. We can in my room". I accept and we make our way into my room.

It has changed a bit with some new books here and there, but it's overall the same. The simplistic look is what I enjoy. Fancy things really aren't for me.

She puts down her bag that she was carrying and puts it down next to my desk before walking back to me.

We both plop onto the bed as it's basically a mattress and box spring. I was never a fan of traditional or normal looking beds. Plus it's harder to get up, so it's a bonus in my eyes.

"What do you want to do?" I ask somewhat awkwardly. This is a new experience for me. I never really had friends over when I was younger. The only people that ever came over in my past life were girlfriends. I'm not a novice in the dating scene, but in this life as a small child, I'm completely lost, besides, me and Videl are just friends. Whether that grows into something more will show in time. I am more focused on training and getting stronger to worry about these things, but it would be nice to have a companion in life. A partner.

"I.. dun.. no". She sounds out her words trying to convey her thoughts which surprises me.

"You're able to speak well at this age. I think that's cool". I smile at her.

"Thanks". She nods and smiles at the compliment.

Hmm. What are fun things to do with a kid my age. I am really lost. What do kids even do? Play outside? Toys? I don't exactly have toys since I never use them and my mom doesn't waste money on them.

"Well I don't have toys since I don't use them. We can draw. If you want". I suggest.

"Ok". She responds.

I reach for her hand and lead her off the bed to my desk with an extra chair from the corner of the room. My mom likes to sit with me sometimes while I do my work.

Pulling out some paper and pencils, I set them on the desk with Videl next to me and she starts drawing while I do the same.

She seems to be focusing hard while doing so and i just smile at her while she isn't looking. How interesting.

I am currently drawing myself to the best of my ability. The Cell Games look is what I'm trying to recreate being in the super saiyan form. Will I ever ascend to that level? I don't feel like I have what it takes to be pushed that far, but then again, who really knows. Becoming super saiyan is a need and not a desire, so I can't exactly force it to happen. That's what my dad has said in the original timeline during the training.

My drawing includes my dad's orange and blue gi with my super saiyan form. Blonde hair, eyebrows, and blue eyes. I try to create a golden aura, but it ends up looking like zigzags, so I just leave it at that. I look pretty similar to the Bojack time period, so it looks cool.

Videl's drawing is different. She is still focused drawing a house with 3 people outside of it. From what I can tell. It's a small girl, a woman, and father. I smile sadly as I have a hunch that the girl's mother is most likely passed on. We never see her in the anime, so she either left or died. Who would even leave their daughter with a single parent? That would just be irresponsible. Then again, everyone makes their choices, even if they're wrong.

I finally get the courage to ask the question.

"Who's in your picture?" I ask her looking down at her paper.

She looks at me and then back to her drawing smiling.

"Me. Daddy, an' Mama". She points to them all accordingly and I smile at the action. Children are quite precious, even though I am one now, but I don't truly feel like one, so I don't count myself.

"That's nice. Is she at home?" I look at her.

Her mood shifts to a more neutral expression.

"No. She died". She said in a soft smile and I frown slightly.

"I'm sorry". I say trying to console her.

"It's ok. I did'n no her. Daddy say she wus nice". Videl explains to the best of her ability. She still has trouble speaking which is to be expected.

I feel for the girl. Growing up without one parent can be difficult, I've experienced it before and it definitely feels like something is missing. The first thing I do is reach out and rub her arm genuinely before speaking.

"She's in a better place and she's watching over you". I try to comfort.

"weally?" She smiles looking at me. I remove my hand from her and nod.

"Yes. She'd be very proud of you". Videl smiles brightly and hugs me.

"Thank you fu tell'n me" She lets go and looks up to me with a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Teach me?" She asks looking at me with a determined face.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Teach you what?" I respond to her question a bit confused.

"Fight". She responds quickly.

"I can't. Your dad said you're too young". I reason with her.

She gets upset.

"But, u do". She retorts quite adorably puffing her cheeks out.

My resolve is slowly breaking.

"Well. My mom can't find out about me training so I can't teach you". I reason further.

"I can keep secrit". She states.

"How come you want to learn?" I ask wondering why she wants this so badly.

"My mama fight too". Videl punches the air.

"Really?" I ask surprised. Never knew Videl's mom was a fighter.

She nods.

"I wanna b like mama and daddy". She exclaims.

Well how can I say no to that?

"Okay. I will". I give in.

"Yay!" She crushes me in a hug.

"It's no problem. I have to study now, so you can keep drawing". I say getting back to business. School business. Yuck.

She looks at the textbook and speaks up.

"Can I too?" She asks.

I look down at my textbook and back at her.

"You study too?" I ask in return.

She nods and goes to her bag that she set down next to my desk bringing out a math book handing it to me.

Wow. This is a few grade levels behind me, but her level of education is really good for a small girl who is a few years from kindergarten. Is she… like me? A reincarnation? It's either that or she's a prodigy. I'm kinda hoping for the former, for someone to understand me better. I don't let my hopes up because I don't think Whis would reincarnate someone randomly, but then again, he saw my memories and that could include Gohan's and Videl's relationship. There's a chance.

"Yeah sure". I responds handing her book back as she opens it.

"Hey Videl". Videl turns to me.

"Yea?" She asks.

"Do you remember anything? About before?" I ask nervously.

"About u fight'n at the city?" She sounds her words out.

"No. Do you remember being older? And a blue man?" I clarify.

She gives me a weird look.

"No. What blue man?" She asks completely confused before looking back at her notebook.

I slump in my chair.

Am I truly alone?

Am I really just entertainment?

I'm not mad, but I'd be disappointed if that's all that there is.

Even if there is another reincarnated person like me. How could that ever come up in a conversation or if we'll ever meet?

I exhale feeling incredibly emotional. Stupid toddler brain not being able to suppress my emotions very well.

Videl looks at me.

"U look sad". She calmly looks at me.

"I am fine". Sitting up in my chair and returning to my work.

She just nods but still looks at me and after a while, she returns to her own.

When she isn't looking I stare at her workbook.

Since when did she start being a scholar this early?


Off in a distant realm. Many light years away from planet Earth stands a place where no lower being has ever stepped foot in.

Lord Beerus' planet.

An angel looks off into the sky. The universe is such a beautiful place and Whis being the fastest in the universe sometimes forgets that fact.

'Soon, Hunter. There is much more for you to figure out. I didn't make many changes to alter the timeline, but a few surprises here and there will keep you and I entertained. Get strong. I see your resolve strengthening. If what I saw from your memories is correct, then we may be in for some surprises'. Whis finishes that thought smiling sending his staff away.

He brings out some leftover pizza.

"I knew visiting Earth was the best decision I have made besides sending Hunter there, of course".

He takes a bite.


"You ready for our first day of training?" Goku asks excitedly stretching in an open field.

"Yeah, I know you're a great fighter so this spar will test my strength and see where I stack up". Mark replies getting into a stance.

Goku grins getting into his own. After that, Mark lunges toward him and the battle starts.

The fight was massively one-sided of course, but that was to be expected. Mark isn't developed and trained enough to hold a candle to Goku yet. He still has a long way to go and there is much he still has to learn.

Mark isn't a slouch either. He is considerably stronger than the average human which led to Goku training with him in the first place.

"Dang, I knew you were good, but not that good". Mark chuckles as he props himself up from the grass.

"It's just a lot of training and experience. You're pretty good yourself. We just need to work on some things and you will be good to go". Goku explains.

Mark nods.

"Right. I saw your son do some wind thing. How did he do that?" Mark asks skeptically.

"Oh, that's just his strength. He's strong enough to create that level of wind pressure. That will come once you have broke through human limitations. What I want to teach you is ki". Goku exclaims smiling at the man.

"Ki? Oh is that the blue lights that you did when you were younger?" Mark asks.

"Yeah, but those weren't lights. It was energy or ki as its usually called". Goku proves his point by summoning a ki ball in his hands and using it to disintegrate a tree.

Mark's eyes bulged open truly seeing the power of ki.

"Woah. You mean I can learn to do that?!" He asks in shock.

"Of course! It takes a ton of hard work, but you can get to that level". Goku encourages Mark.

Mark stands up with new found vigor and rises to the challenge.

"I'm ready!" Mark exclaims grinning widely.

Goku smiles.

"Well we need to sit back down for this because we have to meditate". Goku calmly intructs.

"Oh… right". Mark sits back down.

More time goes on and Mark found the energy within himself but he was unable to bring it out this session.

'He does have a lot of potential to be a great fighter. He just needs proper training to get stronger'. Goku thought as they take a small break.

Mark looks exhausted as he failed to bring it out after finding it, but he is proud of himself nonetheless for getting that far. Most people can't say they've reached this level.

"So, Mark". Goku begins.

Yeah, Goku?" He asks.

"Why do you fight? How come you want to get stronger?" Goku asks curiously.

Mark gains a serious expression on his face as he begins to remember the reason for wanting to gain strength. He changes positions pulling his knees up to his torso looking up to the sky. Clouds passing by without a care in the world. Life moves on, and the clouds follow. It's a calming thought.

Goku sees this and decides to relax a little and leans back propping himself by his elbows.

"I want to adequately provide for my daughter, Videl. She has been through a lot with having to lose her mother and it's been pretty difficult to raise her on my own, but it's getting a little better. Training helps me become stronger, so that one day, I will make a name for myself and can gain money so that we won't have to worry about making ends meet". Mark admits revealing a part of his past.

Goku smiles at the reasoning. It's a noble reason.

"Videl is lucky to have you. Any other person may have cracked under the pressure". Goku smiles at him.

"Thank you, Goku. It hasn't been easy, but I just want to make her happy. I told her about Miguel and she wants to be exactly like her. Strong, smart, and she was quite a stubborn woman too". Mark smiles at the memories of his wife.

"My wife was a fighter too, but she gave it up for our son, Gohan". Goku states.

"She's a woman with priorities then. It takes a strong person to give up something they've done for a long time for their child". Mark compliments.

Apparently it had the opposite on Goku as he frowns looking down.

Mark saw this.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Do you think I'm a bad father for not wanting to give up training? Should I be spending more time with my son and getting a real job? A normal life. Something that I have never thought of having". Goku asks.

"No. You are not a bad father. You're a great father especially since you support Gohan in his own training and help him be the best that he can be. I can tell by how proud you are of him. Training and fighting runs deep, so it's not easy to quit". Mark answers.

"Thank you. How about Videl? She seems very interesting in fighting. You gonna train her when she's older?" Goku asks.

"Yes, if she wants to, but it's looking like that it will happen whether I want to train her or not. She has her mother's spirit especially after I told her about Miguel. She changed". Mark smiled.

"Really? How so?" Goku asks.

"Well she started to take a great interest in martial arts and schoolwork. She basically said that she wants to be smart and strong to make her mom happy. I know Miguel would be proud already if she was here". Mark looks down smiling.

"I think so too, Mark. That's enough of a break. Do you want to start again?" Goku asks straightening himself out in a normal sitting position.

Mark follows the same action.

"Yeah. I'm ready". Mark smiles getting ready to train some more.

Night Before The Reunion

Videl and I have grown much closer and we do quite a lot together. Ever since she asked me to train her, I have been doing my best to teach her what I know under the radar.

Nam even came over near our house to train with myself and dad. He is pretty nice and a good fighter. Manu also accompanied his dad and I got to spar with him at times.

Mark got much stronger as we all trained together. He even started wearing weighted clothing.

My mother decides to hold a dinner with the two newest friends of the family. Chichi absolutely loves Videl as she came over as frequently as possible.

"Wow, the food looks great, Chichi". Goku praises his wife beginning to dig in.

Mark looks at him in shock of how fast he is eating and I just laugh.

"You know I heard a rumor of a small boy eating out the entire kitchen of the world martial arts tournament. Looks like it was true". Mark begins to laugh as well.

Videl looks at the man scarfing down his food and giggling.

Chichi is more embarrassed than anything.

"Thank you Goku, but you don't need to eat like your life depends on it". Chichi says in an irritated tone.

"But my life does depend on it". Goku responds causing a round of laughter besides Chichi who just sighs.

Everyone begins to eat and it's still always incredible.

"Wow. This is great Mrs. Son". Mark compliments digging in.

"Please, call me Chichi". She asks smiling.

Mark nods. "Of course, Chichi". He goes back to eating.

"It's good". Videl bites into the wonderfully made dinner

"That's mom's cooking for ya". I laugh eating at a slower pace than my dad, but still impressive.

"What did you do today with Videl, sweetie?" Chichi asks in between bites.

"We just drew and colored again. She likes it". I respond.

Chichi raises her brows.

"I didn't know you drew, Gohan. I only ever heard of Videl doing so". Chichi pointed out.

"Well it's just something I do in my free time". I laugh nervously. It's an embarrassing hobby and I usually do it in private, since I suck at it.

"He is a good drawer". Videl states.

"Oh really? Do you mind if I go and see some of your drawings?" Chichi asks beginning to walk to my room.

"S-Sure". I answer.

"Come on, Gohan. You got nothing to worry about". Mark nods towards me.

Goku does the same with food in his mouth.

Chichi makes her way back finding my drawings in a drawer.

"Woah. This is interesting". Chichi said looking through some drawings.

"What do you mean?" Goku asks clearing his throat.

Chichi showed them the picture that stood out to her.

"How come you have blonde hair and blue eyes? You look like a teenager in this. It's well drawn". Chichi asks.

"He calls it a transformation". Videl continues to eat her food.

I practically die in my seat not making a sound.

Shit. I forgot I said that and that it was harmless.

"Transformation that changes your hair and eyes?" Chichi looks with a disapproving stare.

"Y-Yes? I thought i-it was cool". I laugh nervously.

This sparks a confused look from Goku.

"Well you can't exactly change your eye color, and dying your hair is a definite no". Chichi states sternly.

Well, you're in for quite the surprise a few years down the line.

"I know. It's just fun to draw". I reassure my mother.

They all finish their food and are completely stuffed from the incredible dinner.

"Well, okay then. Goku are you taking Gohan tomorrow for the reunion?" Chichi asks.

"Yes, he will be able to meet the whole group this time around, besides Tien and Chiaotzu, couldn't get into contact with them". Goku admits.

"Well. I have a job on that day, so I will be able to come around later tomorrow if you'll have us again. I believe it's time for us to head out anyways, thank you for the meal Chichi". Mark thanks the woman for her hospitality making his way to the door with Videl.

"Of course, you may come tomorrow. You are always welcome especially if I get to see this cutie". Chichi coos looking at Videl.

The group laughs at the display aside from myself.

Tomorrow is the day where my life truly begins. This false sense of security and peace is soon ending. It felt like forever back then. The years of training. Sweat, blood, and tears all going into this moment. The day Raditz shows up and changes the world around us. I have to exceed or else this will all be for not—

My thoughts get interrupted.

"You okay, son? You look upset". My dad points out concerningly.

"Yes. I'm okay". I put on a fake smile.

Videl comes up and hugs me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, so don't worry". Videl smiles at me.

You won't… you won't see me again. I can't bring you into this. It's too dangerous for kids our age to be in these battles. I'm sorry, Videl, but I won't allow you to get hurt because of my choices to battle evil monsters. This may be the last time we see each other for a long time.

I put on another fake smile.

"Okay! I'll see you then". I briefly laugh and they make their exit.

"I'm going to bed, boys. Don't stay up too long". My mother exits the room.

"Goodnight". We both call out.

"Are you sure you're alright, Gohan?" My dad asks me again sensing something wrong.

"Yes, I'm okay, just a little tired". I answer.

My dad nods, but is still concerned.

"Okay. Well head to bed and we will make our way back to Kame Island in the morning". Goku ushers me to my room.


Here I am. Staring up at the ceiling, the nervousness is eating away at me. This is all coming so fast. I never thought 4 years would come and go so quickly and the series is about to start and if I mess up, the timeline can be completely ruined and I would have failed.

I can't think like that. I've trained way too hard just to fail at the first sign of trouble.

I will win.

I have to.


"Goku!" Chichi calls for her husband.

"Yes, Chichi?" He asks tightening his band around his waist.

"Gohan is outside waiting for you. Have fun today. I'll have food ready when you come back". Chichi hugs him letting him go for the day.

"Thanks Chichi. We'll be back soon!" Goku says his goodbye closing the door behind him.

I am currently waiting for him by the nimbus tightening my gi. It's exactly the same as my dad's, but a much smaller version.

Goku is confused.

"How come you're wearing a gi?" My dad asks.

I smile at him

"Hey, dad. I might do some training today, so I was able to change quickly without mom seeing". I respond leaving out some crucial details, but it will be fine either way.

Goku nods at the response.

"Sounds like you planned ahead. Let's get going". Goku hops on while I follow suit as we speed off into the sky.

"Who's all going to be there today?" I ask.

"Besides Roshi, Turtle, and Krillin, it's going to be Bulma and Yamcha. Tien is still off somewhere with Chiaotzu". My dad explains.

Yamcha? That's new. Maybe it's because of my interference? Not that big of a deal for now.

Bulma will be crucial for my plans.

It's going to require a bit of acting, but I think I can pull it off.

I have been suppressing myself since this morning, so I could pass off as a weak kid catching Raditz off guard, although I can't fully suppress myself so I'm wearing 200 pounds worth of weight.

I cannot allow him to put me in that pod, or else my plan will be foiled.

Let's see how this goes, besides, I have been developing a new technique.

Well, not new, but it will be new to everyone else.

We descend on the island greeted by familiar faces. I'm seeing Bulma and Yamcha for the first time, so that will be fun, but I won't have time for such pleasantries. I still need Bulma, so I better live.

My dad picks me up off the cloud and he jumps off with me in his arms.

"Hey, guys! It's been a while!" Goku greets the group.

"Hey! I see you've brought Gohan". Krillin looks at me.

"So this is the Gohan we've been hearing about". Yamcha smiles in my direction.

"Yeah. It's been 5 years Goku! We would've liked to meet him too". Bulma whines.

"Nice to meet you all!" I greet jumping down from my father's arms stretching.

"Woah. Sporting your man's gi and everything". Yamcha laughs.

"I see you've been teaching him well, Goku. It's been two years since he came over for training". Master Roshi looks at my dad.

"But that would mean he trained at 2 years old!" Bulma exclaims.

"I trained before that at around six months old". I add.

This shocked Yamcha and Bulma.

"You shouldn't even be able to walk let alone train!" Bulma is incredibly impressed.

"I guess you could say I took after my dad. I've even been wearing weighted clothes, like this". I tug at my undershirt.

"Wow. How much you got there?" Yamcha asks.

"This is about 200 pounds". I say nonchalantly.

"200?!" The entire group exclaims this time.

"I thought 100 was pushing it for you, but 200 at 4 years old is nuts". Krillin is shocked by my strength at such a young age.

"Yeah. He really is talented". My dad laughs. "He will probably catch up with me pretty soon".

"Wow. You want to be a fighter like your dad, huh? I guess it makes sense knowing your dad and mom". Bulma asks looking at me.

"Oh, my mom doesn't know. She wouldn't approve of me training". I answer the blue-haired woman.

"Training in secret? Well you may need to tell her at some point if you're going to be a fighter when you grow up". Bulma suggests.

"Maybe. My mom makes me study a lot and I'm almost at the high school level of education". I respond.

"Yeah. I guess I can see why you're not telling her". Yamcha laughs.

"What does she think you want to be when you grow up?" Krillin asks and Master Roshi nods.

"An engineer. Working on higher level space tech stuff". I respond.

"Really? But there isn't any recorded space findings". Bulma states to me.

I lean in forward.

"My dad told me about the story of his grandpa Gohan and the monster at the full moon, and how he doesn't remember anything and slept through it, especially the story he told me about Pilaf's castle where he woke up without his tail and the castle completely destroyed. Besides, having a tail isn't normal, so it could be possible that my dad is an alien". I explain without Goku hearing.

This shocks Bulma and also intrigued with my deduction.

"Wow. You were able to figure that out just by some stories that your dad told you. Is your tail a weakness too?" Bulma asks.

"No. I trained it". I laughed.

"I wonder what they're talking about". Krillin steps next to Goku.

"Maybe asking Bulma about some science stuff, since Gohan does study a lot". Goku laughs.

"Right. That's probably it". Krillin does the same as Goku stops abruptly looking into the sky.

So you've finally come, Raditz!

I look into the sky in the sky confusing Master Roshi and Bulma.

"What's wrong Goku?" Krillin asks seeing his behavior change.

"A large power level is coming this way!" My dad states.

"I can sense it too". I state alongside with my dad keeping my energy suppressed as much as I can.

"It's probably just Piccolo or something, right?" Krillin asks nervously.

"No". My dad affirms the monk as a figure descends onto the island.


A large man with long spiky hair sets foot onto the island with strange looking armor and some sort of boots. The next thing that catches everyone's eye is the weird device on his face and a tail.

"A tail?" I ask.

The man looks at me with a confused look on my face before he sees a tail wrapped around my body as well.

He looks shocked.

"Kakarot! Is that boy related to you?!" He asks.

This confused everyone else but me.

"Kaka-what?" My dad asks.

"Don't play dumb, Kakarot! What have you been doing all this time!" He asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but stop calling me Kaka-whatever. That's not me. I'm Goku. Now who are you and what are you doing here!" He asks getting into a fighting stance.

The man gets more infuriated by the second.

"What's wrong with you?! Did you hit your head or something as a child!" He asks rather angrily.

"Well. I believe grandpa Gohan says I hit my head as a baby, so yes, but what does that have to do with anything". He asks.

The man sighs.

"No wonder you don't recognize me. I'm your brother, Raditz, and we are both saiyans!" He reveals.

The humans and my dad are all shocked. Goku nevers said anything about having a brother.

"Saiyans?" I ask trying to hurry this along currently standing a little bit behind my father.

Raditz looks at me and back to his brother.

"Yes. Saiyans are an elite warrior race, Kakarot. That's your name. Your mission was to eradicate everyone on the planet!" He yells at the clueless saiyan.

"I would never do that! Why are you here!" My dad starts to get irritated at Raditz.

"Well, you see, saiyans are a lot like planet brokers. We eradicate a planet of all life and sell it to the highest bidder. That's what we do, so I have come to have you join us". Raditz explains.

Everyone is awfully disgusted by Raditz's explanation of what a saiyan does while I have no opinion on it. The saiyan race is practically extinct so I have no qualms about it.

"I would never do that! I'm a protector of Earth. You need to leave". Goku demands.

"You heard him. It's time for you to go big guy". Krillin walks forward but that was a mistake.

"No Krillin!" My dad shouts but it was too late as he was struck in the face by Raditz's tail crashing into Kame House.

"I'm afraid I can't do that and seeing how you refuse to join me. I think I'll take your son right there. He seems more willing". Raditz steps forward but Goku rushes towards him.

"You stay away from him!" Goku shouts aiming a punch for the man's face, but before he can reach him Raditz strikes him with a knee to the stomach causing him to fall onto the beach in pain.

Here we go.

"Dad!" I rush towards my dad's side, but as I suspected. Raditz grabs me by the back of my gi.

"Not so fast little one". Raditz laughs holding me up while the rest of the group are on high alert.

Yamcha is currently by Goku's side trying to help him up while Master Roshi tends to Krillin.

Bulma is very frightened to say the least.

"Hey! Let go!" I try to pry his grip while maintaining low amount of energy.

"Keep trying, but you're still too weak to do anything. You're power level is pretty weak, but since you're young I believe we can get your power level up". Raditz smirks at me and I give up trying to pry him off and I'm just dangling there with adrenaline rushing through me.

"I have a proposition for you, Kakarot. Lay 100 bodies here tomorrow morning and I'll take you instead of your son". Raditz starts taking off.

I smile as I look at my father.

He is confused by the look.

'Why is he smiling? Is he trying to tell me something? Shouldn't he be more upset?' Goku thought before trying to get up again.

"GOHAN!" He shouts as Raditz flies away completely.

"Goku take it easy!" Yamcha tries to lift the man up.

"Seems like we are in quite the predicament, Goku". A voice calls out from above.



Raditz is currently flying and he looks down at me while I stay completely silent.

He gives me a confused look.

"Shouldn't you be more scared or upset". Raditz asks.

"It's pointless to fight against you and besides. I'm not a normal child". I say not looking at him.

Raditz just laughs loudly.

"Looks like you're more saiyan than I gave you credit for. If only your father was more like that". Raditz continues flying until he descends to the ground.

I think quickly and when he isn't paying attention to me I reach into my pocket pulling out the 4 star dragon ball dropping it a few feet away from us.

"Well, I'm going to put you in my pod for safe keeping. Can't lose my leverage now can I?" Raditz smirks at me holding me up.

Shit. I thought if I stayed quiet he wouldn't be annoyed with me and allow me to stay outside.

"What scared of a 4 year old? No wonder Vegeta and Nappa sent a grunt like you here". I spat trying to rile him up.

He looks shocks.

"How do you kn—" He gets interrupted as I stop suppressing myself and gets a surprise kick to a chin as his hold breaks slightly enough for me to wiggle out of landing on the ground a few meters from him.

"Doesn't matter, but I'll still beat you". I declare as I begin to take off my weighted clothing with loud thuds.

"That was a cheap shot, but don't get overconfident, boy". Raditz clicked his scouter and his eyes widen slightly.

"Power level of 394? That's not bad for a child, but you have no chance against me". Raditz states.

"We'll see about that". I get into my fighting position.

"Oh, you still want to fight. I'll give you one more chance to join me, boy". Raditz smirks.

"How about no". I sternly decline.

"Suit yourself". Raditz rushes towards me.


"How are we going to track him anyways?" Piccolo asks.

"I'm not sure why, but Gohan took a dragon ball with him. Thank god he did since we can find him now". Goku explains holding the dragon radar.

'Strange. Why would he take a dragon ball with him'. Goku thought before speeding forward on the nimbus cloud.


I get knocked to the side as I was unable to dodge the fast hit and I land on my back before quickly jumping to my feet rushing towards the saiyan.

Attempting to strike the saiyan but he is simply laughing and dodging, "Not bad, kid, but you should know your place". Raditz states punching me straight in the stomach causing me to crash to the ground.

Pain. Like no other I have felt before. How did Gohan deal with getting pummeled like this throughout the story? This sucks a lot.

I slowly get back up and wipe the blood off my face with my forearm.

"I still have some tricks up my sleeve". I smirk and cup my hands together gathering energy shifting my hand to my side.

"Ka..Me..Ha..Me..Ha!" I quickly yell out blasting the saiyan. Not having enough time to put too much energy into the blast, he was able to swipe it away with ease. I quickly begin to charge up a new technique I have been working on.

"Seriously, is that al—". His words gets cut off.

"RIOT JAVELIN!" I shout sending the large blue blast towards the saiyan.

His eyes widen.

'Wait isn't that—". He gets no time to process as he is hit with the blast resulting in a cloud of dust surrounding him.

Looks like I landed it.

I start to pant heavier trying to catch my breath.

"That took me by surprise. Too bad I was able to dodge". Raditz starts laughing as he appears to be perfectly fine besides one of his shoulderpads completely blown off.

"Damn". I mutter to myself.

"I'm curious. How do you know my father's technique? Kakarot has brain damage so there's no way for you to know that!" He shouts.

"Wouldn't you like to know". I stand up straight.

"The games end here. You would have been useful to mold into a proper saiyan, but we are beyond negotiation at this point". Raditz smirks charging straight for me.

This is really bad isn't it?

I internally groan and try my best to stay alive.


Goku and Piccolo arrive on the battlefield shortly after.

Raditz turns to face them as they felt their power levels coming closer and closer.

"How did they know where to find me?" Raditz thought aloud.

They both descend to the ground and my father looks towards me.

I'm not in the best state.

Bruises cover my body with blood pouring out of my nose and mouth.

I can't exactly feel my left arm so I assume it's badly broken. That's probably not good.

"Hey dad". I struggle to sound out as I'm currently on my stomach looking towards them.

"What's your problem! Do you like fighting little kids?!" Goku exclaims.

"You're son started attacking me, so don't blame me for disciplining him". Raditz states walking towards the duo leaving me by myself.

"We're going to stop you here!" Goku shouts pulling off his weighted clothing followed by Piccolo.

Their energy flares up causing the scouter to scan them both.

"Kakarot at 585?! And the green one at 408! They can mask their power like the boy too?!" Raditz exclaims but then composes himself. "Doesn't matter. Both of you combined aren't strong enough to face me.

"We'll see about that". Piccolo smirks and both him and Goku charge the saiyan.

I watch from a bit away trying to regain my strength slowly, silently cursing myself for not having a senzu bean.

This fight is eerily close to the anime with my dad being a bit stronger, but still no match for Raditz.

It seems that my dad and Piccolo are going to try and use the Special Beam Cannon to defeat him.

"Is that all you have Kakarot?!" Raditz shouts at him.

"No". He responds cupping his hands together similar to my stance.

"Ka...me...ha...me..ha!" He shouts pushing the energy further.

The beam is much more powerful and faster, but Raditz is still able to dodge.

"Hah! Your son tried that but it didn't wo—". Raditz shrieks as he feels someone grab on his tail.

"Kakarot?! But ho—"

"I used a distraction and got behind you to grab onto your tail because I know that it hurt a lot whenever someone tried to grab mine. Do it Piccolo!" Goku yells out.

Piccolo smirks widely.

"Good job, Goku. Hold him there. It's almost ready". Piccolo grunts out charging his energy.

"Kakarot please. Let me go! It was all a misunderstanding. I would have never turn on my own brother!" Raditz tries to reason.

"You took my son and beat him! How can I believe you!" He yells at him.

"Please. I wanted to get you to join me but I would have never hurt or killed anyone on purpose, I promise! I will leave this planet immediately if you let me go!" He practically begs.

"You promise?" Goku asks.

"NO GOKU!" Piccolo shouts.

"Dad don't let go! He is tricking you. He will turn on you the moment you let go!" I shout at my father.

"I promise, please! I would never turn on my own family! We are all that's left!" Raditz pleads once again.

"Okay" Goku begins to let go.

"NO!" Piccolo and I shout. He decides to release his energy quickly.

"Special Beam Cannon!" Piccolo shouts shooting the energy forward but it was too late.

Raditz headbutted Goku standing up quickly jumping out of the way of the blast.

"NO! YOU FOOL!" Piccolo shouts there in frustration in pain from losing his arm so early on.

"The green man is right. You're so soft Kakarot!" Raditz begins to step on Goku's chest.

"No fair. You promised!" He grunts out.

"And you're a fool for believing in me". Raditz steps on him causing him to scream out in agony.

I've… lost.

Everything… all that preparation, training, and pure determination to become stronger.

All about to be whisked away.


"What's even happening out there?!" Bulma asks frantically.

"I don't know, but we should go help them! Gohan was kidnapped with our own eyes and we couldn't do anything, and I refuse to stay here any longer!" Krillin exclaims with the rest of the household agreeing.

"Right! I will start up my plane!" Bulma gets out one of her capsules.

"Yamcha. Can you go to Korin's and get some senzu beans? We will probably need some". Krillin asks.

"Sure thing. I got my own ride". Yamcha brings out his own.

"I programmed the coordinates where Goku and the others are at. Meet us there". Bulma asks before heading off quickly with the rest of the gang.

"Gohan, I know I just met you buddy, but hold on a little longer". Yamcha thought aloud racing for Korin's tower.


I start to get mad. Incredibly angry.

I knew the future. I knew what would happen! And yet… I'm still too weak!

Goku still cries out in pain which only fuels my anger.

I feel my body going numb with the rage as I stand up on my two feet giving Raditz a hateful look of pure rage and resentment.

"Once I kill you I will go after your son nex—". His scouter begins flaring up towards my direction.

With that incomplete sentence I snap. All restraint whether that be physical or mental, vanishes.

Everyone will die.

I cannot let that happen!

I did not get brought into this world just to die at the first sign of trouble!

"His power level! It's almost as high as mine?!" Raditz looks at me in terror.

"LEAVE MY DAD ALONE!" I scream flying straight for him and before he could dodge I slam straight into Raditz chest causing Raditz to fly backwards a few meters onto his back.

I fall straight on my butt looking around catching my breath.

"Gohan?" My dad looks up at me.

"Are you okay?" I ask my dad but gets interrupted by Raditz getting back up.

His armor where my head impacted his body completely shattered leaving a hole with a dark discoloration to his skin.

Most likely internal bleeding. Dammit not even that put him down?! What the hell.

"You! How dare you!" Raditz walks over and I put up a guard as he slams a fist against me in a blind rage striking my good forearm breaking that one as well.

I get sent flying near Piccolo and he looks down at me with a little pity but mostly astonishment at how much power I produced.

"You will pay for tha—". Raditz feels someone holding onto him in a full nelson.

"Hey! What the hell?! Kakarot!" Raditz struggles.

"DO IT!" I practically scream with what air in my lungs I have left as I'm on the verge of passing out.

Piccolo looks at me and nods charging up the beam.

"Keep him steady Goku!" Piccolo shouts.

"I won't let go this time! But hurry!" Goku grunts trying to hold the evil saiyan in place.

"Kakarot what are you doing?! We'll both die!" Raditz trying to reason with the suicidal man.

"As long as you go too, I'm fine with that". Goku grins holding him.

Some time goes by and Piccolo's beam is ready.

"HERE IT COMES! SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!" Piccolo shouts sending the purple and yellow spiraling beam towards the two saiyans as it connects to both of them.

I exhale with relief.

I'm not out yet. As if I'd die to Raditz. I laugh internally since it would hurt to much physically.

"How could I be defeated by insects!" Raditz twitches on the ground while Piccolo walks towards him.

"Now my brother will die with me. How foolish!" He spits out blood.

I decide to stay silent because I know that Vegeta and Nappa are listening in. They have to come here and the dragon balls will peak their interest.

"I'm afraid it will just be you. He will be wished back to life by his human friends with the dragon balls". Piccolo smirks.

"W-What?" He asks.

"7 dragon balls are gathered to summon the dragon to grant one wish and they will use it to have Goku come back. It looks like we'll have the last laugh". Piccolo looks down at him grinning.

Raditz starts chuckling, albeit painfully.

"I'm sorry to inform you that it will be us that will have the last laugh. This scouter on my face is also a transmitter. My two partners heard everything and they will come for the dragon balls and avenge me. They are many times stronger than I was!" Raditz grins at him.

Piccolo looks shocked and then anger.

"How long! How long until they come!" He starts getting angry.

"One year… one year and you can kiss everything goodbye!" Raditz laughs loudly before Piccolo shuts him up, killing him.

There. I let it happen.

A ship is heard whirring through the air as it sets down.

"Gohan!" Master Roshi and Krillin run up to me.

"I'm fine". I struggle to say.

"Don't worry! Yamcha is almost here with some senzu beans". Krillin starts laughing.

"It's too late, for my dad". I say shocking them both.

Krillin looks over and finds Goku with a hole in his chest with Bulma alongside him.

"GOKU!" Krillin rushes off to his best friend holding his hand. "You're going to be okay!"

"Not this time Krillin. Don't worry. You'll be able to wish me back anyways". Goku smiles.

"Hold on just a little longer! Yamcha will be here soon!". He shouts but it was too late as Goku's eyes turn lifeless and he breathes his last breath(at least for now).

Bulma walks up to me and tries and comforts me.

"I'm sorry, Gohan. You're dad didn't make it". She looks down sadly. "But! He can be wished back! So it's okay". She smiles.

I grin back at her.

"I know. I'm not sad. He's the kind of person to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Besides, my dad will be back". I try smiling but my face hurts too much.

Yamcha is seen jumping down from his vehicle as fast as possible.

"Am I too late?!" Yamcha states in frustration.

"Goku is gone, but Gohan needs one". Bulma calls out to him and he runs over putting one in my mouth and I start chewing.

"Damn. If only I was a little faster!" Yamcha scolds himself.

"Don't worry. It all works out anyways". I start to stand up feeling stronger than ever.

Everyone is confused by this even Piccolo.

"What do you mean. How?" Krillin asks the rest of them nod.

"Well Raditz said that 2 saiyans will come here in a year to kill us and they are much stronger than him. My dad is most likely going to get training in the afterlife. I mean his body is gone". I point to the space where my dad died at.

They all turn and are shocked that his body completely disappeared.

"That must be Kami's doing. He must have a plan for Goku. Now, kid. You will come with me for training since I saw what you did to him and that power will be useful against the saiyans". Piccolo demands.

"Like hell we'll let you take him!" Yamcha exclaims with the 2 other fighters agree.

"It's okay. We can train Piccolo". I smile at him and Piccolo is incredibly confused of how easily he agreed.

"WHAT?! You have any idea of what Piccolo is like?! What about your mom?! She will kill us if we let you go with him!" Bulma yells trying to reason with me.

"I do know what he's like. Dad said he can change into a good person and he would make a great training partner! Besides I want to ask you something Bulma". I say walking towards the crater in the ground.

"Huh? What is it?" Bulma asks while Piccolo is slightly annoyed that he has to endure being around these people and the fact that this kid things he can be some good guy.

"Don't make no assumptions kid. This doesn't make me a good guy. I still have business with you dad". Piccolo glares at me.

"Sure". I just laugh walking into the crater picking up the pod and jumping out of it startling the 4 humans.

"I wonder if you can reverse engineer this pod to make a spaceship with your dad". I ask as Bulma is excited and confused.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm more than willing to create a ship capable of space travel, but how come?" Bulma asks.

"Well. This pod seems high tech and can be a great use for space travel as you said which could be helpful for the future, but I also want there to be a gravity manipulation room". I request.

"Gravity manipulation?" She asks.

"Yeah. Weighted clothes are nice and all, but increasing the gravity will be much more effective. It will help with training for the saiyans". I smile at her.

"A spaceship capable of long journeys in space with a training mechanism built for training? I like your style kid. I'll see what I can do. It will take a while though. So drop in every once in a while to check up since you'll be training with Piccolo. You sure we can't change your mind about that?" She asks incredibly excited about working with some space tech.

"Nope. This will be a good thing since we will have a better chance against the saiyans". I laugh.

"I've had enough of this! I will drag you to training myself!" Piccolo gets frustrated just standing there.

"Right let's go. You also may want to get that scouter and improve it since it may be helpful". I say before taking off with Piccolo.

"Well luckily I brought the plane that is built with a method of carrying heavy metallic objects. This will be great! If me and my dad can pull this off, then a gravity room can be great for you guys to train with for the saiyans!" She jumps in joy.

Yamcha and Krillin smiles in delight.

"Dang that's one smart kid". Yamcha grins.

"Yeah. Definitely his mother's influence". Bulma states as they all laugh.

"It was still strange though". Master Roshi interrupts.

"What was Master Roshi?" Krillin asks.

"Gohan, he was unaffected by his dad dying". Master Roshi thought aloud.

"Now that you mention it, that was a bit weird. Shouldn't he be much more upset?" Yamcha asks.

"Right, but Gohan is not a normal kid. I mean he was practically able to give me a good fight at 2 years old". Krillin adds in.

"Seriously?!" Yamcha and Bulma are shocked.

"Yeah and besides, wouldn't that make Gohan half human and half saiyan? So of course he would be different". Krillin explains.

"Yeah, but still, that's not a normal reaction to your dad dying". Bulma chimes in

"No sense to dwell on it now, so who's going to tell Chichi?" Master Roshi asks.

They all get incredibly nervous before the group begins to look at Krillin.

"Oh come on! Why me?!" He exclaims.

Wow. That was took a long time to write.

A poll is up on my page about new methods to answer reviews! Vote please!

I want to clarify some things.

Gohan is not able to just barrel through Raditz's chest like kid Goku did to King Piccolo.

My SI does not have the same emotional state as the canon one. This one is much more mentally protected and has a much more calm mind. He is unable to fully express his emotions because of his personality from his previous life. The mental barriers are placed in his mind making it much harder to draw on his rage boost.

Goku is not able to just kill him with the Kamehameha because I used it on him beforehand.

Finally, I had ideas to have myself grab onto his tail the first time while being distracted from Goku's blast but decided against it.

It's important that Goku gets training from King Kai.

There's many ways this could have gone down, but I chose this way.

I hope you like the new technique used by Gohan. Well not new, but learned from trial and error from a special someone.

Thanks for all the support!

Power Levels:

Goku: 585 (Normal)

Goku: 1316 (Kamehameha Wave)

Piccolo: 406 (Normal)

Hercule: 50 (Normal)

Hercule: 105 (Training with Goku)

Gohan: 394 (Normal)
Gohan: 1607 (Rage Boost)

Gohan: 591 (Zenkai)

Hope the Zenkai makes some sort of sense since he practically almost died. It's a 50% increase and I don't want to make it too ridiculously like significantly stronger than Goku.

The rage isn't much stronger because of SI inability to tap into a proper rage because of mental barriers over the years.

Thanks for reading. This was awesome to write. Until next time.

May 17th, 2019.