The young Cadet didn't know what had ridden her, when she kept on staying in front of the stage, where Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps had just finished his recruitment speech. Maybe Armin and the others staying as well had given her the courage. But maybe it was her very own death wish that had kept her feet glued to the ground. If she had to die, and she was sure her death awaited her around the next corner anyways, she'd prefer to go down in a meaningful way. And maybe there was another reason, not as noble, that she didn't want to think about right now. It certainly hadn't been Erwin Smiths awful, gut-wrenching speech.

Not much later Rosie Ziegler found herself in a castle which now served as the headquarter of the Survey Corps and especially the Special OP's squad. Most of the time was spent with cleaning, cooking and training. Yes, exactly in this order. Until now she hadn't really had the chance to stand out. She was a small girl, but not the smallest in the squad, about five centimeters taller than Krista for example. After losing her friends from the Cadet Corps in the Trost District she kind of glued herself to Armin and his friends, since he seemed to be a clever, nice and harmless guy. At first that is. He was still very clever, but not so much harmless. But that didn't matter anymore. Rosie trusted Armin and his decisions and keeping close to him and his friends seemed to be a good idea. Finding out that Eren was a titan had scared her shitless, but Armin was so confident about him being a good person and a helpful asset for humanity that she simply had gone along with it. After thinking it through and seeing Eren in action Rosie couldn't agree more and even started becoming friends with him and the others too.

"Are you still cleaning the dorms, Rosie?" She heard someone ask behind her and quickly turned around. "I thought you were done some time ago."

Armin stood in the doorway to one of the female dorm rooms she'd been cleaning currently.

"I was, but I somehow managed to anger a certain Lance Corporal and have to keep on cleaning them. I also have to clean the private rooms and offices of the squad leaders for the rest of the week." Rosie smiled slightly and leaned onto her broom. She really needed a little break right now.

The blond boy was shocked and couldn't believe it. "What could you have possibly done to deserve this?"

"Yesterday I made a mistake while mopping one of the bathrooms. In hindsight it was worth the punishment though." Another kind of smile crept over her face. "You know that it's very easy to startle me. Lance Corporal Levi came for inspection and I kinda kicked over the bucket with the dirty water and stained his boots. You should have seen his face." A chuckle escaped her pink lips. "Priceless."

The Lance Corporals always frozen gaze had faltered for a few seconds, before he started yelling at her, demanding she'd clean the bathroom properly again, right after he grabbed her by the collar of her uniform and shoved her into the puddle of dirty water. Rosie'd been wet from head to toe and didn't know what to do, lying there, until the Lance Corporal kicked her into her side hard and commanded her to get the fuck up and start working. He must have seen something in her face that angered him even more. While she was standing up and getting back to work, he barked some more commands. Such as cleaning all the dorms, rooms and offices of the squad leaders until she'd have learned her lesson.

"You're the worst, you know?" Armin laughed a little when he saw her joyful face. "Usually you're so nice and a goody-two-shoes, but then I have to watch you escalating like this, as soon as Heichou is involved."

"Oh, but don't tell anyone. I trust you on this matter." Once again she wore her usual sweet smile. "And I am a goody-two-shoes. Maybe with questionable likings…"

"I would never, you know that my friends can count on me. Well, I'll leave you to your work then. Don't forget to meet us for dinner, Rosie." There was pity in his eyes, when he left and she was quite sure he'd help her clean, if he wouldn't make the whole situation worsen, as soon as Heichou found out.

"Thank you, Armin, I'll be there!" She told him and went back on cleaning.

Armin had caught her in a situation like this once before and it had taken a lot of courage to spill the beans and persuasion to make him keep his mouth shut. They had been acquaintances before, but after that they'd become good friends. He still questioned her motives joining the Survey Corps, even if he was glad, he had some more allies here.

In the afternoon she moved on to cleaning the private bedrooms as well as offices of the squad leaders. Some of them were in their rooms, when she knocked and asked to clean. Most of them sent her away, telling her, they cleaned their rooms on their own, even if Levi had informed them that a Cadet would show up and do it, taking pity on you. Some returned while she cleaned. Like Squad Leader Hanji. She let the Cadet finish, after she'd told her that the Lance Corporal would be angered if he heard she wasn't making your job. Hanji was nice and entangled Rosie in some conversation while working.

"Shorty keeps on overworking you, while you should be outside training and exercising." Hanji sighed and all she could do was laugh a little at the comment.

"It's a good conditional workout at least." She reassured her and moved on after a while.

It was almost time for dinner, when she finally reached Lance Corporal Levi's private rooms. In anticipation she lifted a fist and knocked on the door twice.

She heard a muffled "Come in" from the other side and opened the door quickly.

"I came to clean your room, Sir!" The girl said reverent and saluted in front of her superior.

The Lance Corporal was seated on his desk and was looking at the clumsy Cadet with his usual non-committal expression.

"You're dusty and dirty. Take a shower and come back after dinner, Ziegler."

"But Sir, I-…" And there went her plans of exercising a little on her own after dinner.

"That was an order, brat!" He hissed with a stern look, leaving no room for discussion.

"Yes, of course, Heichou!" She quickly answered, not daring to keep on disobeying anymore. "I'll be back as soon as possible, Sir."

"Tch." Was the last thing she heard before leaving and closed the door behind quickly. Since there was still time until dinner started, she decided on taking that shower first. Rosie really was covered in dust, she thought when watching the grey water running down the drain. Lance Corporal Levi was known for his obsession for cleanliness and surely, she would have brought dirt into the already very clean room.

After a refreshing shower Rosie returned to the dorm and the very few things she owned. She put on her civilian clothes for dinner, even though she would have to change back into her uniform for cleaning duty not much later. But she often spilled drinks or the likes, since she was rather clumsy. Rosie wasn't too clumsy when it came to fight or sports, but everyday live was another matter altogether. That's why she spilled the dirt water for example, because she was nervous and awkward most of the time. Surely, the Lance Corporal and everyone else on the survey corps didn't understand how she could have earned the grades she got, after not having seen much in training yet. But she simply hadn't had the chance to prove herself yet, since she had been in the kitchen peeling vegetables or cleaning the stables and dorms most of the time. She knew exactly why they did that. Krista shared the same duties as her but wasn't punished to clean as much as you. The only advantage Krista had was making it into the top ten of the 104th Training Corps. Rosie wasn't ranked bad either and came in as 13th, but nobody talked about the ranks below the top ten.

Quickly she put on a simple blouse and one of two very simple, linen dresses she owned, beside a pair of trousers, but those hung over your stool and needed to be washed. Of course she could have taken some more clothes the military provided, but she never took much, not wanting to be a burden. Before joining the Cadet Corps, Rosie had been working in a forge as a helper. Due to shoveling coal and cleaning a lot, she was used to hard work but hadn't exactly had the money to buy decent clothes. The forge was destroyed together with Shiganshina and you somehow managed to board one of the ships to get to safety. Since she had been small for her age, they had shoved her upon the ship with most of the other children. The situation on the other side of the wall was getting critical and after a while she had only two options left. Joining the military or selling the only thing she had left. Like she'd stated earlier, Rosie didn't want to go down without a meaning, so the military it was.

As soon as she was dressed, she headed to the dining hall to get her share of the rationed food. The group of her friends were already there and discussing something when she put down her tray beside Armin's. She took a seat, sighing a little. Beside Armin sat Sasha, and Jean, on the other side of the table were Mikasa, Eren and Connie.

"There you are, Rosie! Are you done with today's cleaning?" Armin asked and smiled brightly at her.

The female Cadet sighed theatrically. "Sadly not, but it doesn't matter. Another three days and then I can join training again."

"You're missing out a lot, you should ask Heichou to have some mercy and let you join the training again." Connie said, but was instantly interrupted by Eren.

"He's never letting you join before you fulfilled his punishment. Don't even try it, or he's going to give you even more duties." The Titan-Shifter added. "I know him better than all of you, trust me."

They had told her stories of the Lance Corporal. About him beating up Eren at the military trial and how he made his squad clean the castle when they first arrived here.

"No need to get worked up. I made a mistake and now I must endure the consequences. It's not that bad and in a few days, I'll be back on track." Rosie said confidently and ate her soup. "I'm fine, no need to pity me."

The young group of comrades sat together for a while, discussing other matters and having a good time, when suddenly Mikasa kicked Rose in the shin beneath the table. She had been sitting next to Eren and right across of her the whole time.

"Hey, Mikasa, what was that for?" She asked her unbelieving and rubbed her shin, after the not so light kick.

"You should get back to work. Heichou Shorty was just looking at you with one of his ludicrous frowns." The black haired and usually very quiet girl said. Normally they weren't talking a lot, but Mikasa had always been decent towards the other girl. Probably because Rosie was pro Titan-Shifter Eren.

"Oh, thank you!" The short girl answered and jumped from her seat quickly. "I'll get going then! See you later."

Since they had arrived in the castle Rosie was sleeping in a shared dormitory with Mikasa and Sasha, so they would meet up with after finishing chores or right before curfew. The others had duties after dinner as well, but theirs was probably not as intense as hers. If Rosie had to guess, it would be living hell cleaning Heichou's quarters and office.

After returning her tray, she quickly marched out of the dining hall and was about to run back to the dormitories to get changed. Suddenly someone grabbed one of her upper arms and made her stop.

"You're not very attentive, brat." Rosie heard the Lance Corporal say, before she turned to look into his eyes. "Where are you going, my rooms are in the other direction."

"Sorry, Heichou!" She quickly replied, her body stiffening. "I wanted to change into my uniform, before returning to my cleaning duties."

"Tch. No need, it's no official work, it's a punishment. Move." He ordered and let go of her arm, urging her into the direction of his chambers, before going ahead.

"Of course, Sir!" The Cadet answered and followed him immediately, trying to keep her lips from smiling.

To her shame she liked how he treated her. Rosie was used to being treated this way, but never had enjoyed it. Also, she only enjoyed being manhandled when it was Heichou. Man, she really was ashamed of herself, especially when Armin had caught her in such a situation.

Rosie's thoughts were interrupted when Lance Corporal Levi opened the door of his private chambers and motioned her to walk in. His stern face didn't show any hint on his motives. Frankly, she didn't understand why she should clean his room, he'd be able to do it much better and she was sure, that he wouldn't be satisfied with the outcome anyways.

Right when the door was closed behind them, she remembered, that she hadn't brought her cleaning utensils.

"Lance Corporal, I forgot to bring my-…" She started but was interrupted by the Lance Corporals expression. She had never seen him smirking like this before. Fur fucks sake, she hadn't even seen him smiling until now. His smirk only widened when he locked the door behind them.

"And here I thought I'd found a clever one." He sighed and brushed his hair back with a hand. His smirk was gone, once again replaced with a frown. "At least you seem to be obedient."

He was a predator and Rosie was his prey. When he started walking towards her, all she could do was recede until her back hit a wall. Hard. She flinched when she felt the cold stone press against her linen clad back. "Heichou, I-…"

In a flash he was right in front of her, crashing his hands onto the wall on either side of her head and detaining her with his body. He lowered his head and looked right into her steel-blue, shock widened eyes. She was indeed stunned, but not scared and her heart was beating way too fast. Oh. God. Was this really happening? Or was Rosie already dreaming?

"Who allowed you to speak? You keep your mouth shut, unless I ask you something." His face was mere centimeters away from hers now. She could feel his hot breath on her face and tried not to falter. He was maybe only ten centimeters taller than Rosie, but it felt as if he was towering over her, making her feel even smaller. "Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." The Cadet answered properly and felt heat creeping up her face and pooling between her legs. How did she end up in a situation she thought impossible outside her boldest dreams? How often had she imagined him devouring her, after she accidently almost stumbled over him? Too often.

"Good Girl." The Lance Corporal said rewardingly, but his demeanor changed yet again. "You are a good girl, aren't you, Ziegler?"

"Yes, Sir."

A smirk flashed over his lips, before it disappeared as fast as it had come.

"You shouldn't lie to your superiors."

"I'm sorry, Sir…"

Levi had enough to do with the titan-turning Jaeger-brat and had no intention on wasting his time on the other new Cadets that had just joined the Squad. Most of them were useless anyways. Cannon fodder or to be more specific titan fodder. He wasn't a fan of unnecessary deaths, but when setting sight on some of them, he highly questioned their motives.

There was a girl that seemed eager on stuffing her belly, but nothing more. A guy as small and frail as a girl and two girls of the same weak stature. He shouldn't judge them by their appearance, but he couldn't help himself. At least one of these girls seemed determined, but the other was simply a clumsy drag. A pretty drag, but still a useless one. She was a goody-to-shoes. Always smiling like a dumbass, being polite and doing everything she was told. One day, she stumbled over her own feat and almost landed on Levi's boots during her cleaning duty. Naturally he had reprimanded her sharply. He was sure that she would start crying instantly and ask for his forgiveness while sobbing. She did get on her knees, but there wasn't a single tear to be seen and if he wasn't mistaken, he witnessed a flashy grin on her lips, before excusing subserviently. Her lips were showing of that dumbass smile again, but her eyes couldn't hide a certain excitement and her reddened cheeks did the rest. A weird girl, but not as boring as he had thought her to be. The following afternoon he read her report card. He found out nothing all to special. She was a good cadet, having good grades and even better recommendations from her trainers. She didn't make the top ten but ranked on a good 13th place. A hardworking girl and perfectly in shape. Her only flaws being her clumsiness and jumpiness. She was one of the few cadets that were tinier than him and slightly older than the others. Earlier this month she had turned twenty. She was from Shiganshina originally just like the brats he had to deal with mostly. Nothing special about her, Levi concluded, but couldn't quite get her out of her head yet.

At first, he thought it had been a mistake on his behalf and that he had imagined this oddly satisfied grin of hers. She wasn't more than a pretty girl, with adequate abilities. Still, he couldn't keep his eyes off her, from this day on. Growing more and more accustomed to her bright, dumb smile. Her appealing curves, especially when she wore one of her battered dresses. All he could imagine was grabbing her long french-braid and pulling her into his bedroom, ripping those ragged clothes of her and shoving her onto his mattress. He chastised himself for these inappropriate thoughts, since he had much more important matters to concentrate on.

When he checked on her during cleaning the bathroom the other day and she managed messing up again, he used the opportunity to find out more about that devilish grin he simply couldn't forget. He yelled at her, even used physical strength to punish her and there it was again. When he had ordered her to stand up again, after throwing her on the wet ground, he turned around and was able to watch her reaction in the mirror unbeknownst to her. There it was again, this time he exactly knew how to classify her reaction and how to react to it. A smirk of his own crept unto his face, before he turned to her again, both grins gone. He knew that he wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else until he had settled this matter once and for all. Screw the consequences.

And there ended his little plan, with trapping Rosa Ziegler between a wall and his body. He was able to see it in her features, in the way she trembled. She enjoyed his dominance, even after humiliating her in front of her comrades and manhandling her in the bathroom back then. Especially after doing all these things.

Women in the military were always so stubborn and righteous. They could be obedient, but only on the battlefield or when they executed their duties. This one on the other hand, might be stubborn as well, but at the same time seemed to be submissive in every condition of life, except maybe from the battlefield.

Seconds after her last words Levi closed the distance between them and crashed his lips against hers. They were as soft as he had imagined, and she gave in to him in an instant. There was no persuasion needed and, right she kissed him back, he pressed his body against hers, trapping her even more. Her body was so soft against his harder one, he thought, while trying to restrain himself at least a little, to not go too fast with the young woman.

He almost crushed her between himself and the wall, but she couldn't care less. His kiss was urgent, sloppy and kept her breathless, feeling his tongue sliding along her lower lip. She had reached all she'd ever wanted, when his hard muscles pressed against her softer form, giving her no chance to get away. Not that she wanted to get away in the first place. Rosie could feel his growing erection pressing against her lower tummy and moaned in hope to soon feel him inside of her. The Lance Corporal invaded her mouth at this very first opportunity she offered. In the heat of the moment the young woman wrapped her arms around his neck and at the same time she felt his hands moving from the wall, one onto her hip, the other to her neck, holding her firmly in place. Maybe he would have gripped into her hair, if she hadn't braided it neatly today. His tongue met hers feverishly and she wondered how long she' be able to keep up this pace nor how long it would even last. Maybe he'd grow tired or she'd wake up from a very steamy dream after all. Even though he didn't leave her much space to move, she started grinding her hips against his groin, eagerly trying to get his bulge to the place it belonged to. But suddenly she felt his face pulling away. Rosie stopped moving her hips instantly, scared, he'd leave completely.

"Calm down." The Lance Corporal ordered her with his stern yet lust strained voice.

"Please, Heichou!" She begged and could only imagine how her face must look like right now, while she was wriggling and pleading to get closer to him, but still was kept in place with an iron grip.

"Please what?" He asked with a frown and added: "You need to be more specific."

The Cadets spirit faltered a little, she'd never been in a situation like this before. But she didn't have a choice in the matter, she thought, when she felt his grip on your hip tightening.

"Don't stop, please, Sir." Rosie pleaded quickly, meeting his stern gaze. "I want more, Lance Corporal Levi, please. Kiss me again."

"You've got to convince me a little, before I'll kiss you again." The Lance Corporal stated and let go of her completely. He also backed away and walked over to his bed, leaving her standing pressed against the wall. He sat down on the edge of the mattress, looking at her expectantly. "What are you waiting for, Cadet? Put your shoes off and get your lazy ass over here."

Instantly she obeyed and followed him to bed, putting her shoes off on the go and neatly placed them beside the nightstand. The Lance Corporal motioned her to stand in front of him, between his legs.

"Get down on your knees." Was his next command. "Make sure you put some effort in convincing me."

As realization dawned, her heart started razing and she quickly covered her mouth with a hand, to stop herself from making any sound. Rosie was unexperienced, but she was indeed a clever girl, even if he had stated the opposite earlier. He surely had caught her by surprise, but now she knew which game they were playing and what he wanted her to do to 'convince' him. Slowly she let herself slide down on her knees in front of him. With a hand she brushed over her skirt, to make sure, her knees were covered and wouldn't meet the cold stone floor directly. This was in no way appropriate, but it was way too late to back away now, she figured. Besides, Rosie didn't mind complying, since she hoped the Lance Corporal would take things even further with her after this. Way further. But it was still highly inappropriate, he was one of her superiors and this was the goddamn military. If she wasn't mistaken, relations like these were strictly forbidden.

"Hmm. Maybe I was wrong after all." Her superior hummed suddenly. Startled, her head snapped up and met his ever-frowning expression. "Didn't think you'd be a shy one, but even that holds a certain charm, I guess."

"I'm sorry, Sir." Rosie quickly replied and lay her hands on his thighs, moving them upwards. With trembling fingers, she started opening the buttons and the fly of his trousers, pulling them down a little. The girl couldn't pull them down much, since he didn't even think about moving or helping her, but it was enough, to pull down his undergarments a bit as well and freeing his fully erect member from those tight confines. It sprung towards her and for a moment she was terrified. For such a delicate man it was huge. She had seen enough naked man to know he was well endowed. There were no ways around naked men in the military.

"I like this look on your face a lot, but it still isn't quite the thing I'd really like to see right now." Again, she could see a smirk on his face, but your attention was drawn down when she registered him wrapping his own fingers around his erection and giving it a slow pump. "You know how this works, right, Cadet?"

Eagerly she nodded her head, even though she had no practical experiences of her knowledge so far. Just in time, when his face started to darken, she remembered to answer properly. "I do, Heichou!"

His free hand cupped her face and his thumb caressed her reddened cheek softly. "Very well." The raven-haired man repeated. "Then don't let me wait any longer. After all, you've got some convincing to do."

Before she answered, she hesitantly put her small hands around his thick shaft, replacing his fingers with her own. Slowly she lowered her lips and just before she touched the tip, she breathed: "Yes, Sir." Against him, making him shudder slightly. She was acting completely on instinct and the little knowledge she had gained from gossiping women, or bragging men. Slowly she licked his tip, tasting the pre-cum on her tongue. It tasted salty and bitter, unfamiliar, but not necessarily unpleasant. The Lance Corporal hissed under her touch and she felt his hand move from her cheek over her light brown hair to the top of her head.

Cautiously she mimicked his earlier hand movement rubbing her somewhat calloused hands up and down, while still teasing him with her mouth, lapping and licking.

"Stop the teasing and put in more effort, Cadet." He demanded, gripping the back of her head roughly and shoving it forward.

Hurriedly she removed one of her hands, instead massaging one of his thighs and started taking him deeper into her slick mouth, sucking and licking, while her remaining hand stroked faster.

"Tch. Better." He commented and started breathing heavier.

Better wasn't good enough she guessed and tried out how far she could let him slide into her mouth before she had to gag. Rosie couldn't really handle his full length, but it was far enough to satisfy him she hoped and sped up her movements once again.

Fucking her face felt too good. Levi wondered how good it would feel to do the same to her hopefully tight pussy. Alone the thought made him moan and tightening his grasp on her head. She was going way too slowly for his liking and he was getting close. At least she could take him in deep enough without gagging.

"Go faster!" Levi demanded breathlessly and forced her to speed up with now both hands on her head, watching how his dick sipped in and out between her plump pink lips.

His eyes were fixated on her and her movements. She was staring up at him with glazed eyes, but when he forced her head forward and back again in his pace, she had squeezed them shut.

"Who allowed you to close your eyes, you little shit?!" He barked and watched with delight how her eyes snapped open and looked back up to meet his stare. It wouldn't have been enjoyable if she'd feared him, but all he could see in her eyes was delight and desire. Alone this sight brought him closer to his release and he already could feel it coming.

Rosie knew he was almost finished, when she felt his muscles tensing beneath her palms and when the force on her head loosened a bit, while at the same time his hips started to stir. Her steel-blue eyes were watching his reactions to her ministrations closely and liked how he responded. Eagerly she kept on moving, only to be stopped by him. He held her head in place, as soon as she had him as far as possible inside her mouth. Suddenly she felt his cum spurting right into her throat and didn't need to hear his next command, to know what he wanted her to do next.

"Swallow." He demanded between heavy panting.

As if she had a choice to disobey, with her head caught in his iron grip… so she swallowed every bit and tried to keep herself from gagging. It didn't take him too long to finish and she felt his member softening between her swollen lips.

Authors Note:

Hello :) This was cross-posted from Ao3, where it can found as a Levi/Reader fanfic. I don't think those work on ffnet and I don't really like writing them, so I thought I'd share my Levi/OC version here.

Anyways. Thanks for stopping by. Had to give my new obsession my own touch and hope some of you enjoyed reading it.

Somehow this has changed from an one-shot to a multichapter fic. Fear no more, the second chapter is almost finished and I just started outlining the third and (as of yet) last chapter.

Let me know if you liked it, there's more yet to come ;)