Yeah. Another story.

This story will start off as a Smallville story, but will eventually include Marvel and the Arrowverse.There are a few things to take note of though.

Firstly, I'll be including alien races from not only DC and Marvel, but also Ben 10. Maybe Mass Effect as well, but probably not. I'll also be making some changes/additions to certain races in terms of their society and/or what they can do, so look forward to that.

Second, as is the case with all of my stories, this will include powers/abilities and elements from other series.

Third, this will not strictly follow canon. Some things are gonna happen differently, and some things simply won't happen at all due to the presence of a new character. Though some things will stay the same, mostly due to the fact that the OC won't always be there to help with everything. He has his own things to take care of.

Fourth, expect some characters to be OOC. At least sometimes.

I'll also say this. My OC is not like Clark. He is willing to do things that Clark would not.

With all of that said, I hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 1: Homecoming

"Hey" - Speaking

'Hmm' - Mental

[ ] - Scene/POV Change

Disclaimer: I only own my OC.

[ Space - Light-years Away From Earth ]

"Cortana, how's our course?" Came a male voice that was deep, yet as smooth as silk.

The man was clearly very tall, despite the fact that he was currently sitting down. He had rich, caramel skin with sharp, golden-brown eyes. He also had long, black hair that was neatly twisted, and tied into a low ponytail that reached to just past the middle of his back, along with a beard that was fairly bushy, yet well groomed.

The man was dressed in clothes that seemed fitting for someone of high standing, which served well to enhance his already Adonis level of handsomeness. He was wearing a blood red suit that looked to be made from the finest of materials, paired with a blood red waistcoat, a long sleeved jet black button up underneath it, and a blood red tie. On his feet he had a pair of very expensive looking black formal shoes. He also had on gold cufflinks, and a gold necklace.

Lastly, he had an intricate looking gold ring on his right middle finger, which had a chain on it that connected to a smaller ring on his pinky. For the one on his middle finger, it had two red diamonds on it, with one of the diamonds having an X over it, and a small lion's head. For the smaller ring on his pinky, it had two pistols crossed like an X. (It looks like Tsuna's final ring from KHR, just with different colors. Sorry about the long description.)

"On target Master Jeremiah. It shouldn't be too long if we retain our current speed." Replied a female voice that sounded slightly robotic, but still remained soft.

"I see... Cortana, I'm gonna take a short nap. If I'm not awake by the time we've arrived, you know what to do." The now named Jeremiah said as he slowly stood up from his seat, showing that he was indeed very tall, well over 7' in fact.

"Yes Sir." Cortana said, receiving a nod from Jeremiah as he turned around and started walking to his quarters. Suddenly though, Jeremiah stopped in his tracks as the ship began shaking erratically and multiple lights began flashing.

"Cortana!" Jeremiah yelled over all the loud noises as he quickly ran back to the captain's seat, his mind working faster than most could ever even dream of as he rapidly thought up and threw away multiple solutions to the situation at hand.

"Sir! We're being sucked through a dimensional hole! We could most likely get away from it, but-"

"-But we would be risking heavy internal damage to the ship, I know." Jeremiah cut off his AI as his fingers blurred across a digital keyboard. He could see that the engine, one of the thrusters, and the shield generator had already been damaged, which made him gain a small frown since he had personally built this ship himself from top to bottom, so he knew just how durable it was. It was capable of surviving even planet level explosions with little to no damage, so this simply did not make sense.

"Cortana, it looks like we'll need to-" Whatever Jeremiah was about to say was abruptly put to a halt as he began feeling intense pain. It was to the point that it felt as if all of his bones and muscles were repeatedly being broken down and rebuilt.

'What the hell is this? Dimensional travel has never affected me like this before!' Jeremiah thought to himself while clenching his fists tightly.

"Master!" Cortana yelled with worry as Jeremiah began screaming in sheer agony.

"C- Cortana! Take- AH! Take control o- of the ship, a- and activate safety m- measures! Where- wherever we land, do n- not let the ship be d- discovered at a- any costs!" Jeremiah yelled through his pain to his AI.

Conflicted, Cortana hesitated. She would always follow her master's orders, but more than anything, she hated to see him in such pain. There had to be something she could do for him.

"Cortana! I'll be f- fine! R- right now I n- need y- you to take c- care of the s- ship!" Jeremiah said, already knowing what she was thinking.

"...Okay. I'll do it Master, but please try to hold on! As soon as we land I'll do everything I can to help you!" Cortana exclaimed before she began connecting her mind to the entire ship.

"I'm c- counting o- on you..." Was the last thing Jeremiah managed to say, before he finally passed out.

"Don't worry Master. I'll protect you. No matter what."

[ Some Time Later ]

"Ugh..." Jeremiah groaned as he slowly, blearily opened his eyes. He could feel that he was on a bed, and from the smell he could tell he was in the med bay. With a wince, he clutched his head with one of his hands to try and soothe his raging headache.

'Huh?' Jeremiah thought with some confusion. His hand didn't feel like it did prior to him falling unconscious.

With blurry vision, Jeremiah brought his hand down in front of his face and squinted his eyes as he tried to get a clear look at it.

"You're finally awake Master." Cortana said with clear relief and happiness, while taking care to not be too loud.

"Cortana, what... My hand..." Jeremiah started as his eyesight finally began clearing up. It wasn't just his hand, his voice also sounded much higher than what he was used to.

"Master... You may want to brace yourself." Cortana said somewhat hesitantly.

With his hand shaking slightly, Jeremiah slowly reached down to pull the cover off of him, only to have his eyes widen in sheer disbelief when he saw his legs after pulling off the cover.

"No..." Quickly getting off the bed, Jeremiah scrambled over to a mirror.

"No no no no no..." Jeremiah said with his eyes growing wider than ever, and his hands shaking as he felt all over his body while looking in the mirror.

His body, formerly extremely fit and standing well over 7' tall, now looked much smaller, closer to about 4', maybe even a little shorter. His hair was shorter, now only reaching to the base of his neck. Hell, he didn't even have his glorious beard anymore.

"What... What the hell happened?" Jeremiah asked in his now high pitched voice as he sat down on the ground, getting himself back under control. He'd been through many different things in his life. Monster slaying, space battles, even a war or two. Throughout all of it, his control over his emotions was very helpful, much like now.

Still, even for him this was a pretty strange situation.

"Master... From all the scans I ran while you were asleep, the results came back the same each time. It... It seems that your body has somehow regressed in age." Cortana said with sorrow in her tone, while Jeremiah just looked at his hands blankly.

'All those years... I've trained my ass off, harder than anyone, for all those years, only for this to happen?' Jeremiah thought with a bit of anger, and rightfully so. This was practically a slap in the face.

"...Cortana, after scanning my body, what age would you say I've been regressed to? Approximately at least." Jeremiah asked while running a hand through his hair. It wouldn't do him any good to just sit and mope about it.

"After running multiple tests, I was able to determine that your current physical age would most likely be four to six years old." Cortana replied as she brought up a holographic image for Jeremiah, showing him the results of his scans.

"Like I thought." Jeremiah muttered with a sigh as he lightly scratched his head.

After thinking to himself for a bit, Jeremiah got into a lotus position and began to concentrate, with his breathing slowing down, his eyes closed, and his body becoming so still that he could almost be mistaken for a statue.

About half a minute later, Jeremiah slowly opened his eyes while letting out a sigh of relief. Bringing out both hands in front of him, with his left hand becoming covered in bright orange flames, a transparent gold bubble appearing around his left hand, while multiple items started smoothly floating around the room.

'At least my magic seems to have stayed at the same level as before. For the most part.' Jeremiah thought as he deactivated his magic, with the floating items going back to their original positions.

Shaking his head, Jeremiah stood up and stretched before deciding to move on to another important issue.

"So where did we end up landing?" Jeremiah asked while walking out of the medbay. It was definitely annoying having such small legs, but he guessed it was something he would just have to get used to.

"We've landed on Earth, Master." The loyal AI replied, already expecting the question sooner or later.

"Earth? That's... Interesting I guess." Jeremiah said as he arrived at the main deck. Looking out of the large windows, he raised an eyebrow at all of the snow and ice he could see.

"I followed your orders, Master. On top of activating all safety systems, I brought us to an area that has zero humans. We're completely undetectable." Cortana said, sounding quite proud of herself.

"Hmm... Good job. Couldn't have done it better myself." Jeremiah praised her with a small smile, making her get a happy look on her holographic face.

"Oh Master... You'll make me blush." Cortana said with an embarrassed tone as she put her hands on her cheeks, getting Jeremiah's smile to widen a bit.

Looking down at himself again though, Jeremiah frowned slightly as he brought one of his hands up and gripped it in front of his face. He would have to work very hard to reach his old level of strength. While he certainly didn't mind working so hard, he actually enjoyed it, it was kind of annoying that he had to do it to get back something that was already his, and that he had already poured so many years of effort into.

'On the bright side, at least I already know exactly how to properly train my body. Plus, it's not like I don't have any ways to speed up the process, even if it's just a little bit.' Jeremiah thought, trying to get himself more motivated.

Nodding to himself, his sharp eyes shone with determination as they glowed bright gold.

In the end, he would just do what had to be done.

[ Years Later ]

In Smallville, Kansas, a young man was sitting at a computer desk in his bedroom, looking up various stories from around the world of everyday people doing amazing things.

The young man had lightly tanned skin, dark brown hair, and blue eyes. He also seemed to be pretty tall for his age, with his standing height being about 6'1".

This young man's name was-

"Clark Kent , you're gonna be late for the bus!" Yelled a female voice.

"Coming, Mom!" Clark yelled back in reply as he turned off his computer, before collecting his things and going downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen, Clark opened the refrigerator and pulled out a glass bottle full of milk. Not bothering to get a cup, he took the top off and simply drank straight from the bottle.

"Ah ah!" Mrs. Kent said as she walked up and took the bottle out of her son's hand with a frown.

Martha Kent was a very pretty woman who stood at about 5'3", with shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, and a generous bust, which was somewhat hidden by the rather thick shirts and sweaters she usually wore. All in all, she could qualify as a MILF.

"It tastes better out of the bottle." Clark said as he walked over to the cupboards where the dishes were kept.

"Where did you learn your manners?" Martha asked as she sat the bottle of milk down on the table.

"On a farm." Clark replied with some amusement as he pulled out a bowl and a spoon.

"Well, afternoon sleepy head." Mr. Kent said after walking into the house and taking off his jacket.

Jonathon Kent was a tall man, standing at 6'3" tall. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and a light tan. Overall, he was a fairly handsome man, though perhaps more ruggedly handsome than in the traditional sense.

Pretty much drowning out everything else his parents were saying, Clark looked down at the paper in his hands. It was a permission slip for his school's football team, something he'd been wanting to do for quite some time now.

'Now or never.' Clark thought to himself before he took a deep breath and stood up.

Like all other times he'd asked before, this would turn out to be a disappointing morning for the one known as Clark Kent.

[ A Little Later - Smallville High ]

"So, anyone ask you to the dance?" Came the voice of a young man.

The young man had dark skin, a short haircut, and dark brown eyes. He stood at about 5'7" - 5-8", and had a bit of a stocky build.

His name was Pete Ross.

"Not yet." Was the reply of his female companion.

Said female had chin length blonde hair, cute pink lips, thin eyebrows, and green eyes. Her bust was fairly average in size, about b-cup. Overall she was definitely an attractive girl, but for whatever reason, many people seemed to overlook her.

The girl was wearing a red jacket, which was left open and had a black fur collar. She was also wearing an orange shirt underneath her coat, along with dark blue jeans, and a pair of black high heeled boots. Lastly, she was wearing a necklace and was carrying a bag that had a leopard print design.

This young woman's name was Chloe Sullivan.

"Maybe you and I could go together. I mean, not as a date date thing, more of a friend friend thing." Pete said with a smile as he looked at Chloe, seeing as he didn't have a date yet either.

Before Chloe could respond, their conversation was interrupted when Clark came up behind them and said "Hi guys."

Turning around in surprise, Chloe said "Wha- Uh... Didn't you just- Weren't you-?"

"I took a shortcut." Clark said, quickly coming up with a lie. He didn't necessarily like having to hide his powers from his closest friends, but he had to make sure his secret stayed protected.

"Through what, a black hole?" Chloe asked incredulously as she stared at Clark. What kind of shortcut could've have gotten him here THAT fast?

Hearing the rumbling of an engine, the three friends looked at each other before walking to the parking lot. Seeing the nice car that was pulling up, they all smiled, with Chloe quickly turning around and discretely pulling out a small mirror, trying to make sure she looked alright.

The car was a cherry red 2001 Mustang GT, with tinted windows, and a black stripe on each side.

Once the car was finally parked, the driver turned it off and slowly stepped out, allowing them all to see the final member of their little quartet of friends.

The driver was a male who was taller than all of them, standing at 6'5", and had rich caramel skin, with sharp golden-brown eyes. He had long hair that was neatly twisted, and reached a little past his shoulders.

He was wearing a black bomber jacket, with a long sleeved red henley underneath it. He also had on black jeans, and a pair of red sneakers that had black laces and soles. Lastly, he had on a black backpack, a pair of black headphones that had a gold X on each side, and a black ring on his left index finger, which had a small gold X engraved on it.

This was, of course, none other than Jeremiah.

He'd been on Earth for over a decade now. He could have easily left the same day he woke up on this planet if he'd wanted to, but decided it would be best if he waited until he regained all, or at least most of his strength, something he was making very good progress with.

Since he didn't lose much of his magic or other abilities when his age was regressed, it allowed him to mostly focus on getting all of his physical abilities back up to what they used to be. That said, he definitely didn't just ignore training his magic and other powers/abilities.

From a purely physical standpoint, he was probably around half as powerful as he used to be, maybe a little less. The gravity on his home planet was about 30X that of Earth's, so he made the gravity in his training rooms double that. This was the only real way to get back to, and surpass, his old level as soon as possible.

Of course if he wanted to, he could always just augment himself with magic or something, but he didn't want to do that all the time. That would be too easy, and he would never allow himself to do something that could result in him becoming even a little complacent. He couldn't afford to with some of the enemies he has.

Shaking his head and letting out a quiet sigh, Jeremiah walked over to the three teenagers who were waiting for him. After locking his doors of course.

Not that anyone would even be able to get into it anyway.

"Morning." Jeremiah said as he walked up and bumped fists with Pete and Clark, after taking off his headphones and resting them on his neck.

After the two guys returned the greeting, they started talking about joining the football team, which Jeremiah drowned out as he looked down at the only female of the group.

"Hey Chloe." Chloe heard Jeremiah say. Looking up at him, she felt her face heat up as he stared down at her with a small smile, and those beautiful eyes of his.

Just how could someone be so attractive?

"Hey." Chloe managed to get out after clearing her throat. She mentally patted herself on the back for not stuttering.

"We should get to class." Jeremiah said as he rubbed the top of her head, before turning and walking toward the school, helping Clark up off the ground as he went.

Releasing a deep, calming breath, Chloe followed after him.

Nearing their homeroom, Jeremiah raised an eyebrow at the aura he sensed from the other side of the school.

'Hmm... Pretty weak. Could be interesting though.' Jeremiah thought to himself as he went to his seat at the back of the class.

[ A Few Days Later ]

A crowd could be seen gathered around the entrance to a workshop/garage, which was barricaded by the sheriff, as a man was rolled out on a stretcher by paramedics.

Among the crowd were two familiar faces.

"That's the third guy this week." Pete said with a frown as he watched the stretcher get rolled into the back of the ambulance.

"I know, and they're all former jocks." Chloe said while taking a few pictures with her camera.

Randomly looking over some of the other people in the crowd, Pete's eyes fell on one guy who looked a little too shifty for his tastes.

Tapping Chloe on the shoulder and successfully getting her attention, Pete asked "Who's the weirdo?"

"I don't know. Let's find out." Chloe said before raising her camera and quickly taking a photo of the guy.

[A Few Hours Later ]

"His name's Jeremy Creek. This is a picture of him twelve years ago," Chloe began as she pointed to a black and white photo of a young man, before pointing to another photo on the computer and continuing "this is one I took a couple hours ago."

"That's impossible. He'd be like twenty-six today. It must be a kid who looks like him." Clark said as he sat down on a table.

"My money was on the evil twin theory, until we looked into missing persons." Pete said, motioning to Chloe with his hands.

"Jeremy disappeared from the state infirmary a few days ago, where he'd been in a coma for twelve years. They say he suffered from massive electrolyte imbalance." Chloe said as she walked over to Clark and handed him a sheet of paper.

"That's why he hasn't aged a day." Pete said as he walked over and pointed at the notes on the paper.

"So you're telling me he just woke up?" Clark asked them with a raised eyebrow.

"Well no, there was a huge electrical storm, and the hospital's generator went down. When it came back on, Jeremy was gone." Chloe said as she sat down in a chair at the table Clark was sitting on.

"The electricity must have charged him up like a battery." Pete said.

"And now he's back in Smallville, putting jocks into comas. Why?" Clark asked with his arms folded.

"Because twelve years ago today, the football team chose Jeremy Creek as the scarecrow." Pete said, staring off into space for some reason.

"I don't know guys... This all seems pretty farfetched." Clark said skeptically, seemingly ignoring the fact that he himself was an alien with superpowers.

"What do you think, Jeremiah?" Clark asked Jeremiah, who'd just been relaxing at a nearby table while reading a book the entire time.

His reason for asking was simple. Jeremiah was easily the smartest out of their group, out of the entire school actually, having literally gotten perfect scores on every single test (and regular assignments) since elementary school, no matter what subject. It was amazing to say the least.

For Jeremiah, it really wasn't anything special. His home planet was thousands, or maybe even hundreds of thousands of years more advanced than Earth, and even there he was widely regarded and revered as their brightest mind.

"Hmm well, it's a wacky world we live in Clark, and an even more wacky town. You may have never seen something like this in person, but that doesn't make it any less real." Jeremiah as he briefly looked up at them from his seat with a small smile, before going back to his book.

Earth had some pretty good literature.

"Exactly. Take a look at this." Chloe said as she handed Clark a newspaper article.

"Comatose boy found in field, twenty yards from meteor strike..." Clark read aloud.

"The explosion from the blast must've changed him somehow." Chloe said as she stood up from her seat.

"I don't know, it still seems pretty out there to me." Clark said as he held the article in front of his face and read it again.

"I think you should show him." Pete said after tapping Chloe on the shoulder. Looking over at Jeremiah, Chloe saw him give her a small nod.

"Show me what?" Clark asked as he looked between his friends with confusion.

[ A Few Minutes Later ]

"It started out as a scrapbook, and just kinda mutated." Chloe said as the four of them walked into a rather small room.

"What is all this?" Clark asked with surprise as he looked at all of the pictures and newspaper articles that were put up on a wall.

"I call it the Wall of Weird." Chloe began as she walked up to the wall with a smile and her arms spread out wide. "It's every strange, bizarre, and unexplained event that's happened in Smallville since the meteor shower. That's when it all began. The town went schizo. So what do you think?" Chloe finished with a smile.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Clark asked as he walked past Chloe, who frowned and was about to say something until Jeremiah interjected.

"Hold on now, Clark. I'm pretty sure even you don't just go around telling people everything about yourself, even your closest friends. Don't be so hypocrytical." Jeremiah said as he leaned against a wall near the door, nodding at Chloe as she shot him a grateful look.

Getting closer to the wall, Clark continued looking around until his eyes widened when they fell on a magazine cover that had a picture of a young Lana Lang.

"Lana? It's all my fault..." Clark whispered to himself, feeling his guilt reach new levels. Turning around, he quickly walked past his friends and out of the room, much to the confusion of Pete and Chloe.

Watching him go, Jeremiah let out a quiet sigh.

'That boy... I guess he finally found out that he's an alien.' Jeremiah thought to himself.

Jeremiah had already known for a long time now that Clark wasn't human. The moment Clark's ship had entered Earth's atmosphere on the day of the meteor shower, Cortana had already sensed it and informed her master about it. He had been surprised to find that the ship was made with Kryptonian technology, making him and Cortana wonder if something happened to the planet.

Them sensing Clark was actually part of the reason he moved to Smallville.

"I'll go after him." Pete said to Jeremiah and Chloe, before he walked out of the room.

"So, any plans for the dance?" Jeremiah asked as he glanced over at Chloe, surprising her with the unexpected question.

"Y- yeah. Pete asked me a few days ago." Chloe answered, feeling her face heat up as Jeremiah stared at her.

"It's just as friends though." She quickly added, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

Humming, Jeremiah continued to stare at Chloe for a little bit before finally looking away, with Chloe releasing a sigh of relief.

Clearing her throat, Chloe asked "What about you?"

"I think I'll find some other way to entertain myself." Jeremiah replied as he leaned his head back against the wall with his eyes closed.

"I see..." Chloe said as she leaned against a wall with a small frown. She'd hoped to be able to get at least one dance with him.

Their conversation was interrupted when Pete came running back into the room.

"Something wrong, Pete?" Jeremiah asked, despite already knowing exactly what happened.

"It's Clark! Whitney and some of the other guys took him, and are gonna make him this year's scarecrow!" Pete exclaimed as quickly as he could.

"What? Why him?" Chloe asked as ahe stood up and started pacing around the small room.

"I don't know, as soon as I got outside, I saw them putting Clark in the back of Whitney's truck and driving away." Pete said.

"Calm down, both of you. I'll go get Clark." Jeremiah said as he pushed himself off the wall and opened his eyes.

"Alone?" Chloe asked as she and Pete turned to him.

"You two have a dance to get ready for, don't you?" Jeremiah asked rhetorically as he walked out of the room.

Exiting the school, Jeremiah walked to the parking lot and got in his car and started it, before driving to where he could sense Clark's aura.

[ A Little While Later ]

With sweat running down his face, Clark struggled to breathe as Lana's necklace, which was made with meteor rock (AKA Kryptonite) hung around his neck. To this day, he still didn't understand why it always caused him so much pain. Even a small amount like this was enough to put him out of commission.

It didn't help that he was strung up in the middle of a cornfield like a scarecrow.

"It never changes." Clark heard a male voice say.

"Help me." Clark said as he weakly turned his head to the speaker.

"It hurts doesn't it?" The speaker said as he walked closer, allowing Clark to get a better look at his face.

"*Pant* You're Jeremy." Clark said with recognition.

"I thought if I punished them it would stop... But it never stops."Jeremy said before he turned away from Clark, and slowly began walking away.

"Wait." Clark said, getting Jeremy to stop and look back at him. "Where are you going?"

"To the homecoming dance. I never made it to mine." Jeremy replied.

"Get me down. Please." Clark struggled to say, the pain from the meteor rock becoming almost unbearable.

"You're safer here." Jeremy said with a smirk, before he turned and walked away.

With all the strength he could muster at the moment, Clark tried desperately to break out of his restraints, only to fail.

"Help me..." Clark said again, feeling all of his energy drain away.

Hearing some rustling, Clark looked up and was surprised to see Jeremiah.

"Jeremiah..." Clark said weakly, struggling to even hold his head up at this point.

Wordlessly walking around Clark, Jeremiah loosened all of the ropes that were holding him down. Once he was done, Clark fell to the ground, with Lana's necklace falling off of him in the process.

"You alright Clark?" Jeremiah asked once Clark stood up.

"Yeah, thanks." Clark said as he hopped over to his clothes and quickly ran off to go stop Jeremy.

Looking down at the ground, Jeremiah crouched down and picked up Lana's necklace.

Seeing a flashlight, and sensing who it was holding it, Jeremiah stood up and turned around. A few seconds later, he was standing face to face with Lex Luthor.

"Lex Luthor. You often wander cornfields at night?" Jeremiah asked sarcastically, ignoring the flashlight shining in his face.

"You know me, but it would seem that I can't say the same." Lex said as he looked at Jeremiah curiously. Lex definitely was not attracted to men in any way, but he couldn't deny how overwhelmingly handsome the man was.

"A friend of Clark's." Was all Jeremiah said.

"Clark? Was he out here? I could have sworn I heard his voice." Lex asked as he turned his flashlight to the wooden pole, seeing the ropes on it and the ground around it.

"You just missed him." Jeremiah said as he put his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"I see. What on Earth was he doing in the middle of a cornfield? If I'm not mistaken, tonight is the homecoming dance at Smallville High, right?" Lex asked as he looked back at Jeremiah.

"Just a little high school drama. Nothing major." Jeremiah said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"This is a little... Overboard for typical high school drama isn't it?" Lex asked with a raised eyebrow, gesturing to the wooden pole Clark was strung up on.

"Well, I suppose Smallville can be a strange place." Jeremiah said as he looked up at the beautiful night sky.

"Yes, it certainly does seem to have a number of oddities." Lex replied, thinking back to how his car looked after he was saved by Clark.

"Hm. Well, you have a good night, Lex." Jeremiah said as he turned around and walked away, giving a lazy wave over his shoulder.

Lex stared at Jeremiah until he was out of sight, before he turned and went his own way.

Smallville certainly had some interesting people.

How'd you guys like it?

I know I didn't change much in this chapter, but trust me. I will definitely be changing things. I hate when stories just follow canon completely, word for word.

In case anyone is confused, Jeremiah arrived a year before Clark did. He is older than Clark and the others, physically and obviously mentally, but just chose to start school at the same time as Clark. Of course, none of them know all of that.

For those wondering, I'll probably reveal what Jeremiah's race is within the next few chapters. I was gonna do it in this chapter, but ultimately decided to hold off for a bit.

Also, after this chapter I'm probably gonna start putting multiple episodes in one chapter. That way the story doesn't just drag on and on.

I plan to update this pretty frequently, something I'd hope some people can appreciate. Its kind of annoying when I update so frequently, and put so many hours into writing a chapter, only for it to get like one or two reviews.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and continue to enjoy future chapters.

Til next time.