I apologize if it appears that the chapter repeats itself, as I've fixed the issue and hope everyone understands that it acted up somehow.

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone, it's been a while since the last chapter and I am happy that as of right now the story is sitting at a healthy 333 reviews, exactly 1 third of the way to 1000, for that I thank you all. Now before we get into the AN propper, indulge me in a little housekeeping:


So, several people have been asking me if the pairing will be NarutoxArturiax[Anyone else]. While I can understand the difference in taste and I know many are fans of Naruto being with multiple women at the same time... I just don't really see the appeal, I think it's because the amount of Multi's on here that just made me lose my appetite for them compared to a single pairing.

Let me be clear:

The pairing is set and cannot be changed at this point. You will not be able to convince me otherwise.

As an aside, some of the suggested "additional pairing options" were...bizarre.

I mean, Guinevere? Morgan? The connotations of being with either in the context of this story so far are a higher mystery of life that I choose not to ponder.

Ergo, NarutoxArturia.

That's it. Anyone else would kind of ruin everything else planned and set in motion.

I've also noticed how some people are voicing discontent about the upcoming ending of the first act of this story, in that it's something that appears to be unchanging, despite the Prologue already having it set since it starts with a waking Naruto in the 20th century. There is both a practical in-world reason for this (The Quantum Time Lock) and a narrative reason as well in that the eventual ending playing out the way it does galvanises Naruto to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Another reviewer commented that I'm not doing the character of Naruto justice for this at all in that he's not changing what will occur, and that Shirou in another Fate/stay night fic - that has Fate route Shirou winding up in Arturia's time before she pulled the sword- where Shirou tries to change things. Well, allow me to share my thoughts and beliefs on this comment.

Naruto isn't changing Camelot all that much, but instead bringing over what he could from Konoha into it, to make it better and set the foundation of what the modern world will one day become. Rather instead, Camelot is changing Naruto.

I know that this isn't a traditional way of storytelling; however, this is one that will allow more people to see how Naruto has changed from his canon self. Naruto's original beliefs were all and utterly shattered by Sasuke's betrayal with him tossing Naruto into the Nasuverse in Kaguya's collapsing dimensions. He still held some of it, but it's changed over towards more along the lines of being more realistic, yet still holding to the ideal that the world can be a better place, only Naruto now knows that not everyone can be saved. You can try to do that, but it's up to them to take your hand.

This coupled with small things help shape the future down the line that will pay off in big ways.

Other people believe that Naruto can still be OP and the story be good, however as much as I like an OP Naruto as much as the next guy does, I have to treat him with at least some of the in universe rules or else he becomes a pain as an author to invent reasons and situations why Naruto didn't instantly curb stomp and then there would be no story.

Someone argued that it's a nerf to Naruto, but really, it's not as I've explained it already. Naruto needs to struggle in order to grow, and without said struggle, there is no story, and if you argue against that, then all I can say is that we have different views on the way to tell a story. But ultimately that opposing view runs into the Superman Problem.

If Naruto is so OP as YOU want him to be, then there is no excitement, no tension, no character development, and no real sense of danger when he meets an enemy. He would one-shot everything and anything that got in his way, and he really wouldn't change or mature in any way.

This concept of "Naruto has to be the strongest in any verse he is inserted into from the get-go" is vexing because it leads to people complaining about things that are moronic when you look at it for more than a second. I site a NarutoxDC story where a reviewer complained for over 600 words that Naruto didn't flatten his opponent in 1 second flat. That opponent was the multiversal New God, Darkseid.

If you still disagree, then all I can say is that we won't agree on this subject, and it's best that it's not brought up anymore as I don't really care to comment or see it in the reviews or PM's sent my way with this subject.

Well, onto reviews that I wasn't able to PM or respond to –

Guest; Chapter 8, November 25th – Lol, well I have yet to play the game, but now that I have it, I intend on perhaps having some references in future chapters and stories. Anyways, thanx.

Rasengan – Guinevere won't get the hots for Naruto. Just putting that out there right now. And yes, Galahad will show up later, but I won't say when exactly.

OneWhoCantWrite – Honestly, writing a tragic love story never crossed my mind as I'm kinda weak at romance, thought I do get some inspiration every once and a while, in which I try to save certain things for certain occasions and couple in different stories.

As for Camelot's fall, well, it's going to be one hell of a tragic rollercoaster ride that I'm sure will leave many reader's hearts aching for the characters fates.

With Mordred's power differing from the canon, well, the future awaits with surprises ;)

As for the Green Knight, he will return and he plays a bit of a role in things with not just Gawain, but other characters as well in how Camelot collapses.

Whoops, I'll need to rectify that mistake with the misspelling of the Wandering Sea.

Maks10: Boom, here it is.

Now with all of that out of the way, on with the new chapter and please do enjoy it!

Chapter 8 – The Glory of Camelot Part II

-April, 476 AD-

"Well, I must say I do good work. You'll be in charge of training it, from now on." The dark fae spoke, serene words dripping with venom that could fell most armies.

"I understand, mistress," The monstrosity replied, rotten teeth grinding against one another disgustingly.

"And do be sure to not hold back. I don't want this weapon to grow dull or lose the edge to kill." Groused the third, his voice a cold monotone that allowed a mote of chagrin into its dark expanse.

"Very well then. I suppose it's only natural for the White to be able to match the Red after all."

-Camelot; the Hall of the Round Table-

Two years had passed since the wedding like fleeting snow in a desert, the union between the King and Queen solidified that the future of Camelot and Britain itself was secured, and God willing, an heir wouldn't be far behind. Or at least that was the belief of those who didn't know the truth.

"I am honestly thankful for these past few years of peace. Camelot and Britain continue to endure in prosperity." Arturia spoke with a hint of pride within her tone as she addressed the Court of Camelot. Her royal blue and brushed steel armour had been joined by a knee-length blue and white cape worn around the shoulders, framing her form before the eyes of her knights.

On the day of the wedding, Leodegrance had gifted the King and Queen a large round table, apparently having been inspired by the King's chivalry and the respect held for the knights of the inner circle, it was a place where all were equal to voice their opinions to the King. Arturia sat upon a high-backed chair of oak and tailored blue upholstery that was a recreation of the marble throne in the throne room, standing out amongst the knights who each sat in smaller but no less fine chairs befitting their station.

As for Naruto, he sat himself atop a simple wood chair before a large desk to Arturia's right, though placed slightly behind her as per his occasional duties as court mage, for once more he was adorned in Merlin's robes. The illusive Flower Magus having once more left the capital to speak with the forming Magi stronghold forming in Londinium.

There were three new additions to the court since the wedding. Firstly, Sir Bors and King Pellinore. Bors was Lancelot's elder cousin who had sailed overseas from France under King Ban's orders to help provide strength to the solidifying Kingdom of Britain. As for King Pellinore, the title was kept more out of respect as opposed to actual monarchy, for his rule over his large barony during Vortigern's reign. Pellinore was in fact Percival's father; Percival had suggested to Arturia that a man such as his father could help provide counsel to help in regards to politics due to a life spent navigating the backroom stabbings of court culture.

Arguably the eldest member to join since Ector's passing, Pellinore was a man in his very early fifties with a sturdy frame. Unlike the rest of the Round Table, Pellinore was completely bald, having shaved his hair entirely due to not being bothered to wait for the rest of his hair to fall out. He wore mostly dark grey mail over which was a sweeping cloak that hid most of the chainmail from view. His face, while somewhat craggy, held a serene smile that gave him the air of a gentle giant.

Sir Bors, on the other hand, was perhaps thirty, a shock of auburn hair framed his face in neat bangs to reveal forget-me-not blue eyes. He wore a red cloth jerkin bearing his family sigil over a set of brushed silver plate that locked more ceremonial than combat ready.

As for the third addition to what the people had come to call the Knights of the Round Table, though at Naruto's insistence the newer members did not know Arturia's gender, was a man named Agravain. He had been introduced to the Round Table by a well-known if somewhat reclusive French noble by the name of Bertilak de Hautdesert with the swell of nobles offering their best knights to the King's service. Many of them were adequate while many more were all bark and no bite, but Agravain had been accepted due to a unique ability that the others lacked. Despite how he appeared to be rather stiff, the man had a great talent for juggling many issues and requests from local and foreign dignitaries, lords, big-name merchants, etc. Thus, he had been offered the position of Secretary of the Round Table.

Arturia turned to Agravain as he brought up several papers, "So then, how fares the capital and country?"

Clearing his throat, Agravain began to list off a few things that he thought would bring up some good news to help with the mood, "For starters, the trade markets are overflowing in business along with the people bringing in goods from Ireland over the Irish Sea. However, the language barrier is proving to be an issue at the ports, it also might be prudent to double-check if anything potentially harmful got brought over."

"In regards to the orphanage you had constructed eighteen months ago, it's well supplied and furnished for the children to live in while potential parents have yet to come forwards. The grand library has been filled with many texts donated from our more arcane acquaintances who transcribed them from the Library of Alexandria before it's burning." Agravain said, turning over the list in his hands, his eyes never leaving the paper, his brow creased at one strongly worded report.

"The peasants have been making an effort to educate themselves, although a few lords called such a decision into question." The black armoured knight flipped over to a new paper, "As for security, I do believe that since our domestic enemies are vanquished, thus we can reduce the shifts of guards to a slower pace, along with shifting many of them over to the army if Tiberius in Rome decides to turn his eyes towards Britain."

Indeed. So far, Tiberius - little upstart that he was - was making a mildly concerning amount of headway in his so-called 'conquest' to reclaim the old imperial remnants, though he still met resistance from the Byzantine Empire to the east in Asia Minor. Still, he was taking the lands near Germania, and it wouldn't be long before he turned his gaze to Britannia and Camelot.

A murmur of agreement washed over the room, no doubt they would be dealing with the upstart emperor in the future, although there was one among them who wasn't quite with the rest of them, "I'm not sure about that myself." All eyes turned to Naruto who maintained his appearance as Merlin, Fou sat atop his right shoulder at attention, "Even though we've brought the rebel lords under Camelot's banner years ago, drove off the foreign invaders, and took down the usurper Vortigern, there still stands one last domestic threat to Britain: Morgan le Fay."

Even though they hadn't heard a peep out of her in a little over half a decade, not since she stole Caliburn from Arturia, Naruto had no doubt the Fae was still out there scheming to get the throne. Gawain and his siblings shifted uncomfortably in their seats at the mention of their mother. Despite being the one who brought them into this world, she seemed to always get some uncomfortable reaction out of them. Naruto could sense the negative emotions that the others were having on the Fae, which wasn't surprising given how much trouble she had brought to them, however there was one whom Naruto didn't feel any real negativity rolling off of: Agravain. That was odd, and it bared further investigation.

The blonde's disguised red eyes shifted imperceptibly while contemplating the secretary, his mind awhirl with thoughts that he would keep to himself until he had evidence. Agravain's lack of negative emotion was to be expected given he was only a recent addition to the Round Table, but as a new face, he had been subject to Naruto using his spy network to run a background check to see if the reclusive lord that had recommended him was correct to do so. What Naruto had found was unsettlingly mundane in its details, every single claim that the knight had at his back was verified to be true in some regard or another, every T crossed and every I dotted. 'It's too mundane.' Naruto thought, filtering out the conversations amongst the Round Table to focus, 'It's almost as if he's a storybook character written to be mundane yet skilled, generic yet somehow special. There is no apparent dirty secret, yet that makes me wonder. What are you trying to hide?'

He was roused from his thoughts as Arturia spoke up, "Have you managed to ascertain her lair's location?" Arturia turned to glance at Naruto as he gazed back while shaking his head in response.

"No, my King. I'm sorry, but my spies haven't found where she hides."

If the King seemed dissatisfied at the answer, then she didn't show it, her face remaining uncomfortably stoic. "I see. Until we're able to discern her location, it would be best to leave the matter off to the side. I won't waste any lives in pursuit of where my sister may scheme from." She didn't mean it to sound harsh or to imply non-commitment with the matter, Arturia simply didn't want to jeopardize the lives of those under her command, especially when there was the looming threat overseas. Her sister was a spider, sitting quietly in the corner and feeling the vibrations of discord across the world while she weaved her webs of schemes; plotting from the shadows, very rarely acting directly, or merely using others like Vortigern to do the dirty work for her.

Naruto nodded his head as he put his concentration back to the other matters of the court, as he began putting two Thought Partitions running for the current matter, while the other began running through the various locations where Morgan could potentially be hiding. All the while his tenant spoke up.

"Hey, don't get too much in a tizzy of what she said." Kurama said nonchalantly to his partner.

'I know, but I don't think we should throw away the idea of getting Morgan out of the picture.'

"Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% with you on killing that Fae. But she brings up the point about not wanting to waste lives away."

'Yeah, you're right. I guess for now I just gotta expand my spy network to see if I can rope in a few mages if possible, to help hunt her down.'

-The Tower of Magi-

After the court was concluded, Naruto made his way up to his workshop to continue progress on his various projects. Clarent was coming along smoothly, although Naruto was taking his time with this one since it was meant to be the sword that would bestow knighthood onto those worthy to come to the Round Table. The mold was formed, but unfortunately this would be no simple smithing mainly in that the process was... complicated. Trying to bind the conceptual energy of the White Dragon's blood into a physical form without it blowing up in his face was something that had given him a few sleepless nights. His first attempt had ended so poorly that the blade had shattered so forcefully that he had been forced to pull shards of enchanted orichalcum from his skull's right orbit, 'Thank the sage for healing factors and vampiric regeneration.' he thought with a morbid mirth, a phantom itch manifesting where he had pulled the shards free from.

The material was one of the hardest thing to get right for the sword because each enchantment used to strengthen magically enhanced metal did not seem to mix well with dragon's blood, the draconic liquid overloading part of the enchantment matrices, causing errors in the alchemical syntax that resulted in a cascading degeneration in the metal till it was no longer capable of containing the magic. He had initially thought that he could circumvent this problem with a superior metal, Mithril or Adamantine being his prime choices.

Choices which sadly had ended in dead ends. Until Naruto had looked into it, he had not believed Altrouge's claim that Mithril was the rarest metal in the magical world, considering that his uncanny luck and hard work would step in once again to find the silvery mineral. "The thing about luck is. Eventually, it runs out." Naruto said to himself, lifting up the 8th of an ounce of Mithril he had managed to acquire in the last two years. According to Merlin, the majority of the Mithril had disappeared during the destruction of the Norse texture of the world in 1000BC, making what was left a commodity people would trade their very children to get. The fact Altrouge had managed to scrape together an entire ingot of the stuff was a testament to her connections and influence.

Adamantine was in far higher amounts and nearly as good as Mithril, but in a place out of Naruto's reach. Merlin had cautioned Naruto that Wandering Sea was obsessed with all things of the Age of Gods and while they held a significant deposit of the divine Grecian metal in the moving mountain they called home, the Wandering Magi would just as soon vivisect the Divine Dead Apostle Ancestor as they were to let him in to even see it.

After much pondering the solution had been simple, steel. Easy to access and work with and conceptual malleability that aged back to many a smith god such as Hephaestus or Vulcan. The process would be slow, very slow, but he did not have to worry about many accidents that he could not nip in the bud. Most Magi would turn their nose up at using something as base, but Naruto cared not, he was known for making miracles from mongrels.

This would be his greatest work yet.

As for the other project that he was currently working on right now was a lance for little Gareth. The sweet thing had come to him asking about having a special lance of her own, after seeing Arturia use Rhongomyniad in their last battle against the Saxons as she unleashed the Wild Hunt to aid them. Well, who was he to say no to such a sweet face asking for a new weapon?

So far, the lance had taken less time as he wasn't the prolonged process that Clarent would be using, choosing to go for both sturdy and flexible in order for the lance to be lifted lightly for Gareth's smaller build. He'd even add in a 'Mystic Code Firing Mechanism' into the lance, similar to the massive crossbolt stations he remembered seeing back home while on his training trip with Jiraiya. Fiddling with the finely machined gear of either-lite into the snow globe shaped mystic code and watching it begin to spin lethargically, emitting a blue glow within the glass confine of the globe.

It would create a concussive blast of sorts when she would strike the lance up against the desired target, to give it an extra 'kick' per say.

"I'm sure Gareth'll get a kick out of this!" Naruto chuckled briefly before looking around quickly as he didn't want anyone to make an unintentional pun.

"That pun sucked. Merlin's worse aspects are rubbing off on you…"

'Well aren't you a ray of sunshine this afternoon.'

As Naruto shifted over in his seat to grab a set of tools to continue working, he stopped briefly as one of his clones in Camelot suddenly popped sending a rush of memories to him,

A small figure darted around the corner, their figure obscured by the tattered brown cloak they wore, they looked back to him but disappeared before the clone could pursue.

"Huh?" Naruto shifted in his seat as he turned his head to see someone leave around the corner, "That was weird. Must've been one of the servants; guess they got a little spooked or something." Naruto shook his head as he directed his attention back to the lance, "Oh well, back to work."

As for the brief spectator that had been watching his clone, they decided to keep on exploring the city.


Among the curving streets of Camelot's outskirts, the morose and thin-lipped Agravain made his way through the streets, his black armor he wore drawing the gaze of peasants and merchants alike. A cold glare quickly from the Secretary cowed the inquisitive glances and many mothers made to bring their children inside to not incur the knight's ire. Passing a half-hearted wave to the eastern gate guards, getting the attention from one of the stable boys who rushed to attend him. "I intend to go hunting for the afternoon, saddle me a horse as soon as you can," he ordered commandingly, long blue cloak fluttering lightly in the breeze.

"At once, Sir Agravain! Christopher, Blake, Lennox! Bridle the finest steed available for our honoured guest," the stablehand replied before barking out orders, the three layabout stable boys hastily dropping their game of cards. Within the next two minutes, a thoroughbred black mare was led out to the waiting knight.

Agravain nodded in acceptance before starting to mount the horse. "I will be back before mid-afternoon, be sure to be ready to receive me upon my return."

"But my lord," the stablehand asked, features twisting in confusion, "You bare no bow or spear. How do you intend to hunt game with nothing but a sword? If you wait a moment, I'm sure that Lennox would fetch-"

The suggestion died in the stablehand's throat when Agravain fixed him with a glare that sent a shiver down his spine, the words grinding to a screeching halt as if a pair of strong hands had clamped around his throat.

"You doubt my ability, peasant?" Agravain's words were perfectly level yet frigid as the coldest winter. "I will need nothing but my sword for this, and you would do well to remember your place in this world."

Not waiting for a response, Agravain grabbed the reigns of his horse and turned it away from the stablehand who collapsed when Agravain's glare left him, his body drenched in cold sweat. Proceeding at a trot towards the eastern gate, he did not have to wait long before the gates were unbarred, and twin portcullises were drawn up by a series of gears and pulleys deep within the curtain wall that surrounded Camelot. Once the gate was finally open, he dug his spurs into the horse's flank and galloped off into the British countryside.

Riding in silence for a time save for the telltale gallop of his steed, Agravain kept his mind focused on his objective, it was not until he was sure that the capitol had disappeared from view that he turned off the main road into one of the thick forests that constituted Camelot's natural defences. An hour later and the King's Secretary felt a jolt of static at the nape of his neck, telling him that he had passed beyond the final sensory bounded field that Naruto had installed and refined over the years.

Letting out a small sigh at a distance he had to travel for this, Morgan's child told himself that it was necessary that he not be discovered, for his mother's plan to go off without a hitch.

Agravain was a man who understood the merit of long-term planning, although let it be known that he wasn't one to have much patience for such trivial matters. Of course, now Morgan had created the weapon that she so desired there was nothing to fear, but he saw the numerous flaws and complications that would no doubt spring forth from such a wretched thing. Ergo, Agravain felt the need to take proactive action concerning his aunt's downfall.

While his insertion into the Round Table had faced relatively little opposition, he felt the gaze of Merlin's shadow upon him like a hawk. The King had introduced the blonde as her Knight of Sky Silver, an arcane knight unto her service since the beginning. Naruto was his name. A name he knew well enough from his mother's ranting and scheming. She had assured him that the cover she had set for him was fool proof with hundreds of people hoodwinked with false memories to corroborate the story that his patron had given the King. Despite that, in the time that Agravain had been in the capital, he had come to a singular conclusion.

Naruto didn't trust him.

Every conceivable precaution had been taken to prevent this ranging from the carefully scripted introduction and downplaying of his abilities to the pendant he wore around his neck now. It had been given to him by his mother as a method to totally shut out his negative emotions after their ally, Blackmore, had told them of Naruto's apparent empathetic ability to sense negative emotions. Despite that, Agravain could feel it deep in the pit of his stomach that the blonde did not trust him.

A significant problem when it came to the task of getting closer to the King. He would need to have an ace up his sleeve should it come to trade blows with the Apostle, as well as the King. During the earlier meeting at the Round Table, he introduced a minor French nobleman named Bertilak de Hautdesert; a man that was interested in trading in the capital in rare materials along with bringing heavy coin to the markets of Camelot. The negotiations went well for the most part, save for the light glare Bertilak would send Gawain every now and then. Naruto was getting suspicious and began questioning the Frenchman until Agravain decided to convince the King to end the day's meeting.

He knew how well that Naruto had a network of spies seeded throughout the Kingdom, and he always found out the little details. It was the reason why Agravain found himself dismounting his horse in an apparently empty clearing so far from Camelot's walls because his patron was leaning against a nearby oak, its bark mottled and rotting from some apparent blight. Aggravain dismounted his horse and strode towards the finely dressed noble with purpose, not stopping when he began to speak.

"So, what was it that you wanted to speak with me…" the French accent shone through his perfect English, "…Sir Agravain?" Bertilak held some sarcasm within the mentioning of Agravain's anointed status as a knight. Clearly mocking him for taking on such a trivial matter of being the King's Secretary.

Gritting his teeth in annoyance, Agravain stomped towards Bertilak and promptly slammed him up against the tree trunk as he spoke with a calm, yet collected rage, "You. Fucking. Idiot. Your obsession with Gawain threatens the plan." His black gauntleted hand clenched into a fist and in a blur of movement slammed into the noble's jaw, sending him flying some fifteen feet away from Agravain where he landed ungracefully on his rear.

The figure of Bertilak sat destitute on the floor for a moment, his head down against his chin as Agravain slowly began to approach him with a twitching fist but no follow up attack came. Instead, the clearing was filled with a cavalcade of disgusting sounds emanating from Bertilak when he began to rise to his feet, his exposed flesh jiggling and wiggling ghoulishly from something moving beneath the skin until a gnarled green root burst forth from his neck. Agravain watched on with distaste as the Frenchman's body began to heave and convulse, skin losing its healthy parlour to be replaced with that of a corpse, muscles bulging naturally beneath the flayed rotting flesh. Hair receded into his scalp accompanied by the foul wet crunches of bones and teeth cracking against one another only to reset into a far larger body than Bertilak had ever been.

Finally, with a wheeze of bark filled lungs signalling the completion of the transformation, Bertilak's appearance shifted into his true identity: The Green Knight.

"Oh, please…" The undead abomination of Morgan's work spoke through the rough vocal cords he still held, "…all I did was size up my destined opponent." Agravain shifted to a less combative stance at that, thanking that Morgan had gifted the undead brute with a little more intelligence, "Besides, it's not like he won't die by my hand eventually. I can wait for our fated rematch."

Agravain wasn't amused by how nonchalant the Green Knight was being, "Either way, you know full well how we must proceed." He quickly looked around to see that the Green Knight was alone, "Where is it?"

"Where is what?" The undead knight responded, not knowing what Agravain meant.

"The weapon. Where. Is. The. Weapon…?" Agravain said impatiently, "You were placed in charge of conditioning it."

The Green Knight looked to the side for a bit before gazing back at Agravain, "…I lost it back in the city…"

The veins upon Agravain's forehead bulked and protruded garishly as his face contorted into a mix of disbelief and abject loathing for his treelike companion. All manner of animals ran for cover when two words bellowed forth from Agravain's now snarling face.


-The Tower of Magi-

"Well, I think that'll do it for the day on the lance," Naruto said to himself as he got up from the workbench. He made his way between the floors of the tower looking for a particular tome that bore the symbol of the moon in a shade of crimson that gave Naruto a twitch in aggravated remembrance. Cracking it open and beginning to read the chapter that he was looking for saw Naruto puzzling over his own development of skills. His Magecraft was progressing at a level that Merlin was satisfied with, but that did not mean he didn't run into the occasional plateau of stagnated development that he had to figure out how to either overcome.

However, it was after many months of musing and self-contemplating that the red-eyed blonde had come to a rather unsatisfactory conclusion, that he had been neglecting his vampiric abilities. He still despised the very concept of drinking blood, but that was not what he was looking into because the three boons of Apostlehood could potentially elevate his skill to new heights. Firstly there was his Mystic Eyes of Enchantment that were almost universal to all Apostles of a certain level of development. Secondly was the ability that was inherent to the True Ancestors, Marble Phantasm.

However, Naruto's current area of research was considered a Herculean undertaking to those of the Moonlit World, a Reality Marble. Considered to be the pinnacle of Magecraft by many different schools of thought, the ability to overwrite the World with your own smaller world held an appeal to Naruto that had been made apparent ever since he had first had the term explained to him by Zelretch several decades ago. The problem was that acquiring a Reality Marble was both natural as breathing to some and literally impossible for others.

"Reality Marbles you say?" Merlin had said just before leaving on his trip to Wandering Sea, "Tricky little things because you need to be a certain kind of person to attain one. I'm considered an Archmagus, but I can't develop one due to the way my Incubus heritage affects the layout of my mind. Other people can develop through decades of Magecraft study, but the mechanics of each Reality Marble will be different depending on the person producing them."

Merlin believed that Naruto could potentially develop one given how most members of the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors possessed one and a message to Altrouge had told Naruto that all True Ancestor's possessed aspects and fragments of Brunestud's own Reality Marble.

Growing aggravated by the lack of progress he had made, Naruto tossed the book onto the desk and ran his hand through his hair. "Come on, Naruto! You can do this, the theory is simple," Naruto spoke to himself, voice echoing around the empty room. "You create a bounded field which contains a representation of your inner world and push it beyond you. Inside becomes outside and outside becomes in, but the only thing inside me is-"

Naruto stilled, his whole body becoming stiffer than a board. "I'm an idiot, why didn't I think I think of this before!" he cursed under his breath before rising from the chair to speak with the one person in mind to help him out. Heading towards the centre of the room, Naruto sat down in a meditative pose as he delved into his mindscape to talk with Kurama about it.

It had been a long time since he had been inside the mindscape, with parts of it changing from the original sewer it once was, into something more along the lines of a stone-walled fortress with water reaching up to his ankles. Kurama's little corner hadn't changed really, which Naruto chalked it up to the fox having that bit of control over it, "Oi, Kurama! I need your help with something."

The fox had been going in and out of sleep was slightly startled by Naruto appearing before him, though the beast quickly regained his usual composure that he always held, "And what would that be with…?" The great dane-sized fox spoke, "…if you want help with relationships, I'd say you're barking up the wrong tree."

Naruto rolled his eyes bringing up his current topic, "No, I'm talking about developing a Reality Marble."

Kurama raised a brow at that, "A Reality Marble? What makes you think I could help with something on that level of a scale?" Reality Marble's where no joke and took massive amounts of energy to create as well as maintain for an extended period of time. Because it was essentially suppressing the will of the planet for a time, a sort of Bounded Field that was slowly being erased by the Counter Force due to it being a foreign world invading the Earth itself.

"Because of the Tailed Beast Mode," Naruto began to explain, "You're essentially a non-corporeal being. Just a mass of chakra that exists in my soul, but you can extend that as a physical manifestation of yourself. What is within me becomes what surrounds me, do you think that could form the basis to work off for the Reality Marble?"

Kurama regarded his partner for a minute before humming in thought, "Hmm… it's a good explanation. And while the Tailed Beast Mode does work in a similar way, though you're talking about a Reality Marble. You're pushing your entire mental landscape into the real world as opposed to just my Chakra; and the Counter Force won't take too kindly to that. It's far more difficult than you think." Kurama put a hand to his chin in thought however, "On the other hand, the Counter Force isn't affecting you as it once did in the past."

Naruto silently agreed with that statement, no doubt Vivian's gift had been slowly at work trying to remove the restrictions the world had placed on him, "Which means that it's possible to create one. I've been accumulating Mystery for a good while now and since the Counter Force's has been lax on me, I think part of my old power is also coming back." The old shinobi powers that he had were returning slowly but surely to his body. And if he could find a way to achieve its full return any sooner, while combining it with his Magecraft that he's learned so far…

All in all, the world saw him less of a threat, and more as 'protector' of sorts. Protecting the linchpin of the one who held the Age of Fairies in the world per say.

-The Training Grounds-

"Keep your stance postured, manoeuvre correctly, hold your sword with both hands, and you will not see defeat at an enemy's hands."

Lancelot had taken to the training grounds to oversee and teach some of the newer soldiers that entered the army. It was something that he did enjoy in the meantime to help ensure that the younger men had the best chance to overcome any odds that came their way. After the latest meeting, Lancelot felt the need to get his mind off some of the more complicated matters of the kingdom, choosing to leave it to Agravain with his new position.

As Lancelot finished with a bit of a lesson, he turned to see Tristan watching on from the sides with his usual, sorrowful appearance. If it ever changed, then there would be raining dogs and cats…

Turning back to the trainee's, Lancelot spoke up, "Go ahead and take rest, young men. We'll continue later on in an hour. You've been sweating and working, now enjoy some comfort in rest."

"Yes, sir!" The recruits responded as they made their way to the bunks to rest.

Lancelot turned his way towards Tristan as he came over to his fellow Round Table member with, if what Lancelot could make out from his meagre inquisitive expression, "I didn't want to interrupt your training, Lancelot."

Lancelot waved it off briefly, "It's quite alright, Tristan. I was already nearing the end of the lesson either way." Lancelot pointed the practice sword down as he buried the tip in the dirt, "And besides, they looked as if they were going to drop of boredom." Both men gave a small chuckle at his words. Which he wasn't wrong. Ever since they had deposed Vortigern, the times of peace had only grown with no real threat in sight, other than the potential one across the sea, and the dark mystic threat still lurking from Morgan.

"Well, I suppose I can't fault you for that at all…" Tristan said, "…although, I do have to ask: what do you think of Agravain and his position?" Upon meeting the man, Tristan felt no emotion to speak of, but beyond that, he appeared to be a knight, just one adept with the quill.

Lancelot hummed a bit before he spoke up, "Well, I think we both know that the King has many duties, and Agravain being the secretary merely helps fill in the for the skills that the King lacks. In this case, academic management." He chuckled a bit before he saw Tristan raising a hand to his chin in thought.

"Perhaps…" Tristan said aloud, "…although I do have to wonder if the King lacks something else more important?"

"What do you mean, Tristan?" Lancelot inquired.

Tristan was roused from his thoughts as he shook his head, "Oh, pay it no mind, Lancelot. I should be going, take care, my friend." And with that, Tristan left to tend to his own things, all the while Lancelot gazed back at him, wondering just what he had meant. As Lancelot turned back towards the barracks, he caught sight of the Queen out on a nearby balcony, gazing out on the city with the beauty of one such as only she could hold. Lancelot was unaware that he had been entranced by Guinevere's grace, the shined as bright as the sun…

It was almost a recreation of the beginning of an old tale of a Celtic knight that had gone on the run with his lord's fiancée. Almost…

-The Tower of Magi-

A resolutely clear clang beat across the empty room, sparks flying from the point where the forging hammer collided with the superheated weapon, ripples of Damascus style forging bending and curving into a macrocosm of patterns. Sweat beaded down Naruto's forehead while he used a wind Mystery to heat the forge to increasingly high temperatures that, if left unchecked, would reduce a god portion of the castle to slag.

The sound of the forge at work resounded through the room, as Naruto worked Clarent's grip into the tang of the blade. He looked to the glowing Lava Style: Rasenshuriken that formed the core of his forge, the rapidly spinning chakra construct's sunlike core held in place by numerous Bounded Fields being maintained by fast paced calculations running in his thought accelerated memory partitions. Dipping the blade once more into the crucible and wincing lightly at the heat, Naruto uncorked a vial of the White Dragon's blood and deposited it into the Rasenshuriken's core. He resisted the urge to grin when the molten core of his greatest attack shifted to a sanguine brilliance that cast great shadows across the wall behind him, instead watching in fascination as the motes of draconic magical energy that the vortex cast off were slowly drawn towards the blade and absorbed into the metal.

This process was repeated several times before Naruto withdrew the white-hot sword and smoothly quenched it in a vat of oil. Letting go of the handle to leave the process to work, Naruto slowly dialled down the power to the Rasenshuriken till it petered out and the workshop was quiet once more.

While it was still a ways off from being complete, Naruto wasn't going to take any shortcuts with this blade that Arturia asked him to forge as Caliburn's replacement. As he continued to work away, he heard a knock on the door, prompting Naruto to set the tools down, "Come in."

As the door opened up, it revealed Percival to be the one who was knocking, "Naruto, do you have a moment?"

Naruto saw that Percival seemed to have a little concern on his face, which meant something was wrong, "Sure, but what's the matter? Did something happen?"

"It's the King…" Percival began, "…she asked for you and for everyone to clear the throne room for you. She said that there was something that she wished to speak with you in private over." Percival always admired the King and her actions, and as such, there were times when he would spend with her to learn and better himself to ensure he could always be a knight worthy of such a King.

Naruto nodded as he quickly ditched the leather blacksmith's apron, "Of course, if she needs help or something, I'm always there for her." Leaving his work behind him for the time being, Naruto made his way through the halls to the throne room where Arturia was gazing out the windows over the city. Giving a brief look around the room to make sure that they were truly alone, Naruto spoke up, "Arturia…" The young girl-king turned to her secret lover with a small smile, "…Percival said that you wanted to talk with me privately. Was there something wrong?"

Arturia shook her head as she made her way over to meet with Naruto, "Not at all, Naruto. I just wanted to have a private moment with you." She took his hands as she stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips, one that he returned in kind, "We don't get to have these moments to ourselves very often, so I like to take every opportunity we can get to have tender moments like this."

Naruto understood well enough how things had been since the political wedding with their duties and appearances taking precedence over their secret relationship. As he held her close to him, he felt something different about his lover, "Arturia, your magical energy has shifted slightly."

"Well, I suppose even magical energy changing up would be a nice flip around, like a fashion statement, I suppose?" Arturia was trying to make a joke of the situation, though Naruto didn't find it as amusing as she was trying to make it. This was a deeply serious matter that needed to be addressed.

It was impossible for Arturia's body to change since she had taken possession of Avalon, the Fae artifact having stopped her ageing processes. Her Dragon Core always emitted the energy of the Red Dragon, with an added Holy attribute due to Merlin's meddling prior to her birth, and nothing would change that. Only now, he felt something more foreign. He couldn't put his finger on it exactly, but it evoked an old hazy memory from nearly a century ago.

It would take something with powers approaching that of a Divine Spirit for such a thing and he was sure that there was no Divine Spirits still on Britain's shores, only that perhaps there was some magical residue from Rhongomyniad since she last used it to summon the Wild Hunt. Was Rhongomyniad overpowering Avalon's influence? That shouldn't be possible since it rejected everything, including the Five True Magics themselves. Zelretch himself would have a difficult time overcoming the sheath if he didn't play dirty that is.

But then again, he was the Kaleidoscope of all people, playing dirty was his specialty. Either way, this was all too troubling a matter not to address now.

Naruto's expression showcased his concern that must have been quite unsightly on Naruto's usually sunny features because Arturia lost her smile moments after seeing it, "Arturia, this isn't something to joke about. The fact that your Dragon Core changed even slightly, means something is beginning to overwrite your energy with something else."

Arturia blanched, her eyes conveying shock and an underlying disbelief. Not so much of what was happening to her but rather seeing Naruto become so serious. "Surely you jest, I mean I feel fine Naruto, better than ever." Arturia said, pumping her fist a few times to try and placate her paramour. She stopped moments later upon seeing that Naruto's face had not changed from its concerned frown.

"Physically you may not feel anything but what about your mind? Any feelings or compulsions to do things that you don't consider normal?" Naruto asked, holding Arturia by the shoulders.

"Please, Naruto, I'm sure this isn't of much concern-"

"Arturia!" the King looked up at Naruto with shocked green eyes at his sudden outburst, so different from what she was used to but deep in those large ruby red eyes, eyes that she could easily get lost in their vastness, she saw that he was concerned for her. Her cheeks gained a dusting of red at that, this closeness had been lacking in recent months and she guiltily relished it. "Tell me if you have seen or felt anything out of the ordinary, even if it was just a stray thought that didn't make sense. Please, this is important."

Arturia looked down briefly before she gazed back up to Naruto, "I… admit that I've been troubled by a dream I had of late. It was… dark, to say the least…" She had overworked herself at the Round Table last night, leaving her alone to have the dark dream.

Naruto could feel Arturia's shoulders shake at the mention of this dream. It was very rare for her to be unsettled by something like this, "What happened in this dream?"

-A Vision of What Could Be-

Arturia found herself waking up within an alley, despite having been in the meeting room at the palace, "How did I get here?"

Sitting up against the wall, Arturia got up to make her way out of the alleyway only to find herself astonished at the sight: Camelot, far more substantial and grander than she ever thought possible. Buildings that scraped the sky, made of both metal and stone, with large banners hanging from the roofs and the people were all joyous with glee. Almost too much joy, as if there was no darkness for their light to illuminate; A sterile happiness that was coldly clinical.

Arturia continued to walk through the people that paid her no mind as if she were some invisible spectre, further out to a square from where she could see the walls of the capital standing higher than before, stronger than before, the guards manning the battlements little more than specs. She turned around to see that the palace was far grander than before, surpassing anything she had ever seen or dared to dream of, being a castle made entirely of marble that shined as bright as silver, reflecting the sun like a gleaming diamond jutting from the earth, into the heavens while the banners of Camelot fluttered in the wind.

"It's all so beautiful…"

She felt someone bump into her and tried to apologize, "Oh, my apologies I…" However, she stopped before she took in the person's, or rather heavily armored knight's appearance. It was almost inhuman to be perceived as a protector of the people, as she gazed around her to see the citizens were in silent fear of the knights.

They were massive, a legion of nine-foot-tall behemoths that were identical in their broad stature. Clad in thick steel plate that appeared to be a more intense version of Aruturia's combat gear save for the fact that It was for men, a black cape slung over their shoulders. Metallic grey with hints of gold circling each plate and lashed together by well worked brown straps. Each knight clasped a massive silver and blue kite shield on their right arm that was two thirds the knights' height. Their armament varied from large broadswords similar to Arondight to bows of two meters in length and even some two and a half meter long halberds with wide pike-like heads.

The most unsettling thing about the legion was their helm. A dome of thick silver steel shaped into the marriage of a Barbet and a Spartan hoplite. Unsettlingly it was sealed completely shut and bereft of eyeholes save a single cyclopean opening from which no light escaped. The hollow knights continued on to its previous destination, leaving Arturia to try and investigate further, only to suddenly find herself now standing outside what she believed to be the capital gates.

Turning around to look above her as she saw that while this may seem like Camelot, it was not in the same place geographically. Gone were the green rolling hills and lush forests of Britain, replaced by a lifeless wasteland of tightly packed grey and brown packed earth that extended for dozens of miles in every direction broken up by the occasional giant crater, the parabolic spaces -each one ranging from half a mile to three miles in diameter- looked as if they had been struck by fallen stars. In the vast distance, Arturia could make out two differences. To the west stretched a seemingly infinite desert of yellow sand while to the north was a mountain range that she did not recognize.

"W-what is this place? This is not Britain," Arturia stuttered before turning her eyes to the wall, some movement catching her attention. Around the walls had grown a shanty town of sorts formed of thousands of brown tents and rough wooden structures. The people walking amongst the city were obviously not British natives given the colour of their skin being far darker and features lending more to a desert people. She blinked when a mother and child passed her, the mother garbed in a flowing black robe that obscured all but her face.

"Citizens of the Holy Land! Form a line before the gates for the Lion King's Holy Selection is about to begin!" a voice boomed from the very walls themselves startling Arturia to turn and look to the walls. A shock of red drew her eyes to the top of the main gatehouse where it merged into the curtain walls.

Tristan stood at the edge, alongside hollow knights armed with bows and Tristan held Failnaught in his dominant hand with several arrows knocked into the bowstrings already. Feeling uneasy about the situation, she turned back out away from the main gates as she saw the unmistakable figure of Gawain, alongside several more of the hollow knights armed with halberds, shields and swords that stood taller than her nephew. He stood in front of several people, all of whom were in line with their families, with wagons stacked to the brim, and many others were all camped outside the gates in pitched tents. It was almost like a ghetto that she had seen up in the north as they moved through Vortigern's lands to eliminate any holdouts after his fall, along with spreading word that the people could rejoice at their newfound freedom.

As Arturia made her way closer to Gawain, all she could make out what was being said over the swarm of voices was that they were asking, no begging… to be let into the capital city, that the ends of the world was bearing down upon them. Why? Arturia continued on before she stopped at the sight of Gawain raising Galatine and charging the blade up with the power of the sun… and swung down…

"NO!" Shock and horror came from her voice as her expression matched it, "GAWAIN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Arturia's legs kicked with all her might to reach out and stop Gawain from going through with his actions, only to find that every step shook to forward felt as if she was slogging through thick mud. She tried with every fiber of her being to stop this atrocity, only to shield herself from Galatine's immense heat as the fire that emanated from the blade overwhelmed her field of view.

As Arturia stopped in her tracks, all she was carnage. The burnt corpses of the people begging to be let in, with the survivors trying to get up, only to be struck down by arrows from above, "TRISTAN, STOP THIS MADNESS!" She shouted up to the heavens as she turned around to see the archer knight having lowered his arm as he opened his eye barely for her to see the cold, unfeeling gaze as he merely looked at her as if she were questioning him.

"Why? You ordered this, my King." Tristan stated as a fact.

Arturia could only look at Tristan with confusion as horrified befuddlement spread across her face, "W-What did you say…?"

"You ordered it to be." Arturia stood still as her blood ran cold from the voice… her voice, yet it held a reverberating grand tone. No that wasn't correct. It was as if another voice had joined her own, or was it the other way around?

As she turned to face the source of the words and saw herself donned in the same armor that she wore when they assaulted Vortigern, only there were a few stark differences. For one, this other self appeared much older, as if she had never taken Vivian's gifts on that night, appearing around her late twenties or so if she was to judge anything. The fur laced into the armor was also different, a white that fluttered in an absent wind. Her hair was much longer, including her more… upper area… was far more developed… However, it was those eyes. While they remained the same green as ever, golden light shone from her pupils like stars.

This was a King who showed no mercy… no emotion… no sympathy. Only cold logic and understanding beyond what mere mortals could comprehend.

A true goddess.

"What do you mean, I ordered that?" Arturia rasped out in fear of the answer, before she built up the courage to yell at this person who sat on a throne that was beyond what any King should have, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT I ORDERED THAT?! I WOULD NEVER HAVE—" She was cut off by her older, divine counterpart.

"Yet you did." The divine Arturia gently lifted herself from the massive throne as she conjured up the lance, Rhonogmyniad. "You, who seeks to perfect chivalry, to create a perfect nation upon this Earth, under the heavens as you strike down all who will threaten this utopia." The spear began to emit light and unravel until a ring of golden magical glyphs began to orbit it while she ever so slowly made her way towards herself, "This is the fate that awaits you, should you choose to continue down this path." Before Arturia could even ask what path she was taking, she found her counterpart gone, reappearing before her with Rhongomyniad poised to impale her through the stomach; just as the holy lance was about to make contact, Arturia awoke from the dream that foretold a nightmare.


As Arturia finished telling Naruto of the nightmare she had, the ninja held her close so he could feel the slight trembling of fear in her body. Arturia wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could, only to find herself hyperventilating the end of the story, "I'm afraid, Naruto." Arturia spoke as her voice held fear within her tone, "Afraid that whatever it is that she told me… will happen…"

"I won't let that happen…" Naruto said as he cupped her chin up to his view, "…you know that, Arturia." He brought his face down as they delved into a kiss before Arturia felt the same weightless sensation overcome her as they broke the kiss to find themselves out before a great lake in the countryside, "If the world should reject you then I shall reject the world, if what you fear is becoming a goddess then I shall become the devil. There is no world where I would let that come to pass so long as I love you. I will never go back on my word!" he stated as a solemn vow that boomed over the empty throne room.

They held each other for a time before Naruto's lips finally curled into a small smile, "But right now, let's do something to relax for a bit before we get back to it."

Arturia chuckled a bit in agreement, "You're right. Right now…" She kept hold of one hand as they went out to take a walk on the lake, "…let's enjoy the moment together for a bit."

-The Outskirts of Camelot-

Suffice to say that Agravain had become incensed by the Green Knight's lackadaisical approach to his responsibilities would be an understatement. All the undead knight had to do, was simple: Train and watch the weapon.

Simple an order as can be given to one's self.

Only it seemed that mother failed to instill responsibility to the Green Knight despite fettling his mental capabilities, and now the weapon was likely compromised, or would be in some form or fashion. So, that left Agravain to come up with a backup plan to kill the King, should the weapon be unable to do so when the time came. He knew that Arturia was blessed by the Fae, Vivian -his mother's polar opposite- and as such, he sought a way to ensure he could remove those blessings.

To this end he currently found himself speaking to a group of dirty looking workers at one of the few mines that supplied the capital with its raw materials. "I will need high-quality iron for some chains." Agravain told the lead miner he was speaking with. "The prison and interrogation facilities are rather lacking and I think some new iron could make for a good replenishment."

Upon returning from his "hunt", having left the Green Knight to pick up an arm that Agravain had severed in retribution, Agravain left the capital properly after finishing his secretary duties for the afternoon in order to start his contingency. So, he went to the local iron dig site, where he established it as a means to provide high-quality iron to ensure that they would have it for whatever structures they needed.

Even for chaining prisoners in the jailhouse and dungeons.

"Of course, Sir Agravain," The lead miner spoke up, "I can have the best sent directly to the palace if you would prefer, mi lord." The man knew well enough to recognize if a knight of King Arthur was before him, and merely wished to help him in whatever endeavor he was hoping to achieve. Surely it could only be something that would better their lands.

Agravain knew that if any excess iron was sent to the palace when it wasn't needed, and when no one really even had need of it, Naruto would no doubt start taking a far closer look at him. Something that Agravain didn't need on his back, "No, I will come to collect it for myself. It is a personal project that needs secrecy for the time being."

Cold Iron was a substance that would remove the blessings and protection that the Fae bestowed on those whom they deemed worthy, and the King no doubt had several blessings bestowed upon her by Vivian. The Fae were also allergic to it, just as werewolves to silver. His mother had not taught him much of Magecraft beyond a rough outline on Mystic Code creation and a little enchantment. If he could use the long process to create Cold Iron and combine it with enchantment to forge chains of Cold Iron to bind Arturia to remove the blessings.

The lead miner nodded, "I understand, mi lord."

Agravain shook the man's hand as he began to make his way back to the central keep with thoughts of how badly things could get if they didn't get the weapon back in time before significant damage would be done to it.

Or if it fell into the wrong hands.

"Damn you, Bertilak.


"Now where the heck did they go?" Naruto was currently out in the stone streets of the capital looking for someone. After he and Arturia went out for a half an hour to clear her anxiety and worries over that dream she had, Naruto went back to work on Gareth's lance. But upon passing by his quarters to grab a few things, he had been stilled by another clone popping sending him memories of the same figure that was watching him beforehand ambling around the place. Unsure of who they were, Naruto felt it best to find and question them on why they were watching him.

He couldn't find them in the palace or anywhere on the palace grounds, so the only place they could be was in the city itself. He highly doubted they left the capital, otherwise whoever it was would not have made an effort to appear before his clones not once but twice in the space of several hours.

As Naruto walked through the streets with his hood up, he noted that a few people wave to him with smiles that didn't quite reach their eyes, he could see the same emotions within them just as the villagers once did after Orochimaru attacked the Leaf Village during the Chunin Exams: happiness with an underlying sense of unease.

"These people really need to not look a gift horse in the mouth…" Kurama piped up in slight annoyance, "…if it wasn't for you, over half of these things that make up the capital wouldn't even exist. They'd all still be in mud hovels and dirt roads smelling of horse crap."

'It's alright. Distrust of the unknown is not new to me.' Naruto replied internally.

It was true that the inception of many ideas that were used in the construction of Camelot could be traced to what Naruto remembered of Konoha. Maybe a part of him wanted to try and continue it here in this new world after his first world became lost to him? Perhaps he wanted to recapture some sense of his homeland after nearly a century? Or maybe he simply wanted these people to have a better start in life as opposed to falling into the quagmire of filth and superstition that had torn apart many civilizations.

All in all, Naruto was alright with his situation. He may have stepped in as Merlin's shadow from time to time when the half-Incubus went on his walkabouts -charming women more like it-, but that didn't mean the people could recognize him as much as they did his teacher. Then again, he never caused flowers to spontaneously bloom in his presence as Merlin did, rather instead just choosing to wear the armor and robes that Arturia gifted him back on that day.

However, he would not deny that deep down in the hearts of man they would doubt and fear that which they did not understand. And red vampiric eyes didn't always make people feel at ease, given their reputation.

Naruto stilled upon spotting something out of the corner of his eye, turning quickly to see the little figure standing on their tiptoes looking into a toy shop front in a small alleyway off the main street, "There you are," he muttered to himself, slipping between the throng of people and using them as a cover to move into the alley with no discernible sound being emitted despite his armoured boots. Naruto made his way quietly behind the small figure who was garbed in a cloak of sorts on that concealed their facial features, though strands of blonde hair poked from the edge of the hood. "So…" Naruto said aloud causing the petite figure to turn towards him, "…whatcha doin' there, kiddo?"

Upon closer inspection, Naruto could see that it was definitely a child, the way they held themselves a dead giveaway. The kid was small, the tip of their covered head barely reaching four feet in height, a quick sniff told Naruto that this was a girl by her scent alone.

"Oh, uh, I uh…" The girl kept her face shadowed by her tattered cloak, but Naruto could sense a pulse of nervousness course through her when looking up at him. She dithered for a few seconds like a spooked deer before starting to twiddle her fingers in what appeared to be embarrassment, "…I just wanted to see what kind of toys the shop had. That's all."

Well, Naruto couldn't fault the kid for that really. Although for some reason, his senses were compelling him to investigate further, like some quiet voice was calling out to him from deep within, an old feeling that felt alien yet old as time itself. Nevertheless, he didn't want to come off as a demanding adult to them, memories of dismissive and angry villagers demanding him to do as they told him would never fade from his mind, "Why're you hiding your face from everyone? Are you just shy about it, or something?" He mentally face palmed at his glib comments, there was probably a better set of words to use.

Though the tyke didn't seem to register his apprehension because after a few seconds of thought she lifted her dainty hands to the hood and revealed themselves to Naruto, whose brain ground to a halt, caught as it was staring at this little girl, no older than six. She had a mane of messy golden blonde locks that framed her rounded face like a lion's mane, odd spikes of hair jutting off at random angles in defiance of gravity and common sense. Her face... oh her face… creamy white skin like virgin snow made up a soft-looking face, her forehead partially obscured by a fringe coming in from both sides of her head, drawing his attention squarely to the two perfectly cut emeralds that were her eyes, filled with mirth and childish curiosity. The tip of a single canine snuck out from beneath her top lip, like looking down into the face of a smiling lion cub.

What brought Naruto up to a complete, earth-shattering stop was the two solitary black lines stretching across each cheek, like the whisker marks that he bore.

For clothing, the little tyke wore a black tunic and shorts fastened together with a red and gold belt and small worn brown ankle boots. A tomboyish red and gold bolero jacket was worn from the clavicle up, but her shoulders and arms were obscured by the ankle-length hooded brown travelling cloak wrapped around her shoulders.

"...This is impossible." Kurama commented, his usual booming voice replaced with a soft burble.

Naruto was too caught up in the young girl's appearance to respond to Kurama's own shock. It took him a few scant moments to collect his thoughts enough to ask the Biju something, "Kurama, can you?" he did not even know what to ask his friend. "Is-is this real? Did I pass out while forging Clarent?"

"No, this is very real, partner. She isn't producing any kind of chakra but," Kurama took a bit to focus more intently on the little girl's power source, and that was to only find familiarity with the energy, "…her power is dragon based." Too many thoughts were racing through his head right now to really focus on those things.

Right now, the best way to proceed forward with this situation is to play it by ear and discover the truth that he may already know, just from looking at this little girl…

Pulling off his own hood, Naruto revealed his red eyes, bracing himself for her inevitable cower of fear at the inhuman trait as many people had through the years, but the girl didn't show an ounce of fear at the sight, but instead, emerald eyes glowed with awe and curiosity, "Wow… rubies…"

Naruto paused, a pit forming in his stomach that was quickly filled with a feeling he could not place, "You're not afraid of them?"

The girl merely jumped lightly on her heels with eyes brimming in excitement, "No way! They're so cool looking and pretty!"

Well, at least she wouldn't run from him like some kids would, "So who are you if it's alright to ask? What're you doing in the city on your own? Don't you have any parents?"

The girl seemed to freeze for a second before she looked to the edge of the empty alley and then back to Naruto, "My name's Mordred, but… I don't have any parents." The little girl now named Mordred looked behind her briefly to see if someone was there, which made Naruto wonder if maybe she was a runaway, "I wanted to see the city and the castle after I got away from the boogieman…" Mordred rubbed her right arm reflexivly as if soothing it from some pain, to which Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly before they returned to normal, "…he hurts me sometimes. And none of the other kids would play with me 'cause of my whiskers."

The memory of the lone swing at the academy entered Naruto's mind; the pain of being alone, with no one to spend time with was something he knew all too well. That settled things for him, "Well if the other kids I the city won't spend time with you…" Naruto stood up to his full height as the young Mordred looked up to him, "…then, I'll spend time with you." He held his hand out for little Mordred to take, "So, what do you say, Little Mo? Think this old man can play with you?"

Naruto's little name for Mordred didn't seem to affect her much as her expression broke out into one of pure joy, "YEAH!" The happiness of a child always brought a smile to his face, as Mordred took his hand as tight as she could.

"Well…" Naruto lifted her up into his arms as he held her before him, her little legs dangling and kicking back and forth like she was treading water, although Naruto noted that she was far too light for a child her age, "…let me give you a tour of Camelot, Little Mo."

Mordred pouted at being held in such a way, kicking her legs out a little more with surprising strength until she wrestled out of his grip and climbed up behind his head, slinging her feet out till they rested on either side of his neck and rested her head atop his own.

"Giddy up!"

A chuckle began to emerge from Naruto's chest that grew stronger and more bombastic with each passing moment. This girl had spirit! "As the great knight commands!" he proclaimed loudly, drawing a yip of delight from the little girl riding upon his shoulders before an exertion of his powerful legs blasted the pair off into the streets of Camelot.

As the day went on, Naruto took Mordred to a variety of child-friendly places in Camelot and even got her a sweet treat from the local candy shop. It was not much compared to the ice creams and sugary delights of Konoha, but a well-made treacle tart was never amiss when he had felt a craving for confectionery. It seemed that Mordred was of the same mind as her noble steed because the site of the shop keepers gawping at the ninth such tart disappearing down the little girl's throat had been enough to make Naruto double over with laughter.

After a detour to a small park in Camelot's northern quarter, they came to the food market as various chef's and vendors sold food, all made from different exquisite meals from the different lands that traveled across Europa and through Britain. Naruto held Mordred close to him as he guided them through the crowd of people all preparing to order or dine on their food, "Stay close. Little Mo."


As Naruto approached a vendor and began ordering some more substantial food for him and Mordred, the impossible girl's attention began wandering around the food market, taking in the sights, sounds and smells of the people around her with wonder, amazement and awe. People of all walks of life made their way around the market. Nobles furnished in their expensive threads and dublets walking with their contingent of retainers, bartering deals with merchants to stock their pantries for the next month. Men and women haggling with the sellers heatedly while children ran and played at their mother's skirts. All the time the city guard watched on silently, their patterned jerkins and helmets worn with pride. They were King's men, doing the King's work.

Although there was one sight that Mordred caught sight of something that would be forever ingrained into her little innocent mind, "Here you go, sweetie." The view of a mother handing her child a plate of food as they sat down on a nearby concrete structure, "Thank you, mommy!" The child replied with a sweet smile, giggling when his mother ruffled his hair good-naturedly.

For Mordred, it set a precedent that stood in stark contrast to what she was used to in regards to something. That a mother was one who provided nurturing to their child, something she was not used to yet craved.

"Here ya go, Little Mo."

Mordred turned to Naruto to see him handing her a leg of mutton for her, she took a deep whiff of the roasted meat and salivated openly at the wondrous scent. She looked up at Naruto, for the first time her eyes showing some level of trepidation, "This is for me?"

Naruto nodded, "Yup. Every growing tyke needs to eat healthy food."

As Mordred took the mutton from Naruto, a bright smile rose up, "Thank you, mommy!" She sank her teeth into the mutton and tore away at it like a famished lion fresh off the hunt, eyes honed exclusively on the meat before her and not watching Naruto's face twist. A myriad of emotions were apparent on Naruto's face, changing between them at such a rate that no one observing him would be able to pin down the overarching mood, but eventually, it settled upon a singular smile. Acceptance.

His heart swelled hearing her words, misused as they may be, but he wasn't about to argue pronoun use with a six-year-old. But he wasn't going to complain, certainly not with this lion cub. Naruto just chuckled at her words and actions as mutton was stripped clean from the bone in a matter of seconds, almost like Periwinkle used to when he was younger whenever he or Arturia would deliver him a nice slice of beef or pork to gorge on, "No problem, Little Mo."

Their adventure would proceed for many more hours where he put the mystery of the girl's origin out of his mind, content to give her a day of bliss and bask in innocent laughter that only one unaware of the evils of the world could produce.

As the sun began to set, Naruto and the little Mordred were out by the edge of the city near one of the main gates as some people were leaving the city to head back to their homes beyond the walls, guarded by several patrolmen at night. It was here that Naruto held Mordred's hand as the duo continued on with the sightseeing of Camelot, while Mordred held in her other hand a wooden carving of a lion; much like the one that Arturia still held from her own childhood that Kay made for her, even if it was more like a dog than a lion.

"Thank you for the toy lion, mommy." Mordred cradled the wooden toy as if it were her most precious possession.

Naruto ruffled her already wild hair a bit as he nodded, "You're welcome, Little Mo."

Mordred got a little agitated by his nickname for her, "I'm not little!"

Oh, now he couldn't pass this up, "Of course, you are."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am—!" Mordred stopped abruptly as she briefly caught sight of Agravain walking through the streets. Eyes lighting up with recognition that quickly morphed into fear and terror.

Mordred didn't like him, but she liked Naruto, and she wanted to spend more time with him, but she needed to get away before the bad men came for her like this. With that in mind, there was only one thing she could do, "I-I'm sorry, but I gotta go now."

Naruto grew confused at Mordred's words, and was about to ask why, until she spoke up again, "But, you gotta promise that we can do this again, ok?" Her smile beamed as bright as the sun, appearing like Arturia did every time she gave him that smile that only he received.

Naruto bent down to Mordred's level as he held out his right pinky for her, "I pinky promise, you Little Mo."

Mordred cocked her head to the side… in the same way that Arturia did once before when he asked her out on their first date together. It was all too adorable and suspicious, but he ignored that with answering the little girl, "A pinky promise? Does that mean a lot?"

"I suppose it does between a mother and his lion cub." Naruto indulged her, a serenity taking him to the edges of Nirvana because for that infinitesimally short time that this little girl -an impossible girl that he dare not question for fear she would slip away like a dream come morning- looked up at him, all was right in the world.

Mordred smiled as she brought up her opposite hand and interlocked it with Naruto's, creating a unique bond between the two that would change things for the both of them, "Ok! I'll see ya later, mommy!" And with that, Mordred turned away as she rushed off into the crowd as Naruto stood back up to keep an eye on her.

He spotted Agravain off to the side, heading back to the castle with haste that one would expect of a busy secretary… then again, Naruto didn't exactly trust the man just from the way he presented and spoke of things, but he had yet to prove he was a threat to Arturia and Camelot. So, Naruto kept his attention on Mordred as she waded through the ever-decreasing crowd as people left through the city wall and one of his Bounded Fields only thing though…

"What the hell is going on here…?"

Mordred didn't trip it.

That wasn't possible.

The Bounded Fields that surrounded the palace, the city and the nearby fields that he had up as a security measure ever since the capital's construction were all keyed to his blood. He could always feel the people coming in and out of the fields, especially those he was close to.

He knew that Agravain had left the city but not beyond the outer third field and knew that a few of the Round Table had gone into the city on occasion for whatever reasons they had. Even if Arturia had left the palace, he would be aware, having become so familiar with her presence and signature.

"I need to know the truth…" Naruto muttered to himself as he turned back to the palace as he threw his hood back up. He would find out who Mordred truly was in the future. Kurama seemed to be reading his mind and decided to keep the name ongoing, "That's what mothers do."

That comment seemed to bring a small smile to Naruto as he continued on back to his room, with a whole new set of thoughts in his mind that if proven right, maybe something to represent the bond between he and Arturia.

-Morgan's Lair-

"Good grief, Mordred. You should have known better than to run away from your teacher." Mordred drawled condescendingly, snapping her fingers. Her shadowy figure was illuminated by a dark purple flash and ears soon filled with the muffled screams of a child in pain. "That's good, I want you to scream, pain is weakness leaving the body after all, and you must have no weakness." Though veiled, her cold green eyes filled with mirth and perverse joy at watching her weapon twitch and roil unnaturally in the grips of her agonizing mystery.

After a day of searching the outlying forests, Mordred was picked back up by the Green Knight. And while the undead man wanted to punish her for running off on her own, Morgan had something else in mind for her. Even now the undead sat off to the side, taking a whetstone to his axe in slow, deliberate strokes; he absentmindedly picked at the roots that reached the arm that Agravain had severed, all the while watching the oncoming punishment, "While I am glad that you were able to slip into Camelot with such ease…" Morgan spoke as she traced her finger along several vials of strange substances that gave off an eerie glow.

Currently, they were in her primary workshop, where Morgan stored her various projects, experiments and other dark texts, tomes as well as remains of creatures that were to be considered of hostile nature. She had them pacified through fear by her very presence alone.

The wooden lion that Naruto had given to her was ripped from her grip by a tendril of blackened magical energy, tossing it to the Green Knight for his own usage. True to his brutal form, he decided to smash it under his heel, with Mordred yelling out to him in confusion and despair that the only gift she had ever been given being reduced to sawdust.

Morgan summoned forth chains that strung the young girl up and with cold detachment, she had forced a horse's bit onto her mouth, to hold her tongue. Tears were building up as Mordred struggled in vain to try and break free of her restraints but found herself unable to do so, all the while Morgan continued on, "…you disobeyed my stringent orders. You were to not leave Bertilak's side."

Morgan took one of the vials and uncorked it with a foreboding pop before letting the contents drip into her pale hand. Placing the vial back on the shelf, the black witch rubbed her hands together before she brought forth red lightning that sparked out from between her palms, and with no warning, she thrust it towards the terrified little girl.

The impossible child tried to scream in pain as she the lighting coursed through her sending unimaginable suffering throughout her entire body, only for the bit to hold it back as the full tears fell from her eyes. She could only wiggle her body to try and alleviate the pain, but it was for nought. Morgan was accelerating her growth to ensure she could speed up the process for when the time was right to strike at Camelot; all of this was for the throne that was rightfully hers from birth.

The lightning continued on for hours as Bertilak left to bring something back to his mistress. Mordred's pain subsided briefly before she delved into her own thoughts as Bertilak brought Morgan a horned silver helmet that would conceal one's identity. A little something to throw people off from her true heritage. Morgan left to attend to this matter as Mordred could only look at the woman with confusion, pain, and hate.

Morgan was the one that had given her life. She was supposed to be her mother. So why put her in such pain? Why would she do this? The pain lingered on as her body smoked muscles straining against a forced shift in her chafed arms and bloodshot eyes, and all she could do was think of the smiling face of Naruto.

He was more of a mother to her than the witch was… Morgan le Fay was no mother of hers… that was reserved for the one who nurtured her.

'You're not my mommy, but I know who is…'

-The Royal Palace-

As another week drew to a close, Lancelot had sent the trainees back to their barracks for the day, informing them that tomorrow they would resume. Now he had removed his gear to head up to the balcony Guinevere had been seen gazing out into the city for hours, unsure if she was alright. Lancelot came up behind her as he called out to the Queen, "My Queen, are you alright?" Guinevere turned to see Lancelot as she held a seemingly bored expression on her face. No doubt in due to the lie she was forced to keep from the populace, "You seemed…" Lancelot struggled to find the right words to say, "…off, today. Is there something wrong?"

Perhaps it was her own natural beauty that he had been enraptured at that moment a few days prior, though as his duty as a knight to Arturia, he felt obligated to ensure not just her own well being, but all of those of the inner circle, and even his fellow knights. Those in the army, the guardsmen, even the trainees. Tristan himself appeared to be in some form of conflict, yet he could not divulge an answer to the Knight of the Lake, which only made his desire to see the Queen greater than before with her own state.

Guinevere waved a placating hand to Lancelot as she turned back out to the city that became aglow with evening merriment with the bustle of taverns lighting up, patrolmen with their lanterns wading through the stone streets, "Oh, it's nothing, Sir Lancelot." She took a deep breath in before she continued, something that Lancelot knew was a sign of stress settling in, "Just, merely contemplating on where my life has gone, nothing more."

Lancelot understood that she had accepted the position to help keep Camelot together with Arturia, knowing full well that she was likely thinking on the King, "I know that things may seem difficult with the King, but she means well with everyone. She cares for all of those that serve under and beside her." The times where she would strike up a conversation flashed through his mind with wanting to ensure that he, as well as the other knights of the army were in high spirits.

The Queen turned back to Lancelot with her eyes showing interest in the subject of the King's treatment of those around her, "I know that." Guinevere glanced off to the side before focusing back to Lancelot as she leaned onto the right of the balcony to relax a bit, "Arturia treats me well, and she does not give any reason or sign that she dislikes me, however…" She touched the circlet at her forehead for a brief moment before she stopped to continue, "…the way she treats me in public. I can see that it is hollow. Enough to fool the mob, but I can see that it is hurting her within." For one as just and kind as Arturia is, all Guinevere could do is wonder why she torments herself with a false marriage.

Lancelot nodded as he understood well where Guinevere was coming from. Before coming to Britain, Lancelot believed that rulers would cast aside that which caused them pain, but upon meeting Arturia, he learned that not all did as such, and it was a necessary thing at times, though he felt that she was in a trap of man's making with the laws and customs of their civilization.

Damn the one who said women couldn't be strong leaders on their own.

"The King endures her emotions as she always has in the past." Lancelot looked over his shoulder to see that no one was around before deciding to open up a bit on the past to try and help Guinevere understand Arturia more so to help her. It was likely that the King did not fully entrust her with the past, which he understood why, since Guinevere was still fairly new in a sense to the inner circle that had liberated Britain from the threats she faced before, "In times when I myself was filled with such rage at the treatment of the people of Britain, from the foreign invaders to the tyrant Vortigern, the King always held her ground in her emotions to remain steady to act."

"Never once has she allowed her emotions to cloud her judgment in the pursuit of the perfect Kingdom that history would look back on with kindness."

Guinevere seemed to disagree a bit with her next set of words, "Yet her pursuit of perfection becomes too much for those around her, even yourself to bear."

Lancelot didn't seem to acknowledge her words, whether he believed them or not was irrelevant. Even if she were to pass on Camelot to a possible heir, her dream would continue to build and strive for that perfected kingdom for all to prosper under, "I admit perhaps for some of us, it is too much, although our resident Apostle does not believe it as such. He admires her far more than anyone else, with kinship unlike the rest of us." Lancelot looked down while he lowered his voice as he spoke the last sentence, "His heart was captured by her, and she in turn."

Lancelot's eyes bugged out upon just realizing what he had let slip. Turning back up to Guinevere, her own eyes were wide in not shock, but realization, "It makes sense to me now…"

They were in love with one another. She couldn't see it until now, yet in hindsight, it made perfect sense. Naruto was always close to Arturia, more so than anyone else, including the rest of the inner circle. She had allowed him to do more than what a retainer would be able to do with their King. His lack of presence at the wedding, coupled with the red eyes he had as he came back to the palace that night was his way of coping with the situation.

The marriage forbade them from ever being with one another, indeed as husband and wife. The blow both took from this situation wounded their hearts, thus creating an illusion of a king and her retainer.

Guinevere closed her eyes as she shook her head, "Their own feelings have begun to fester into something putrid." She looked back to Lancelot, who glanced off to the side in shame and embarrassment at his slip of the tongue. Guinevere decided that she needed to do something more to help in easing this burden on their shoulders, "Sir Lancelot…"

Lancelot brought his attention to Guinevere as he could see the beauty she held, "Yes, my Queen?"

"I ask this not just as the Queen, but as one who cares for the people, and those who serve the Kingdom of Camelot. Please, help me ease the burden upon their shoulders; our King and the one she loves."

Lancelot understood full well what she was asking of him. Even though the marriage was just a show to the people to see a true King and Queen at the helm of the country, Arturia's mind and emotions were being chained down from being able to express herself as the young girl that loved the vampire, whom was far more human than most men he had ever known. Despite her position as the Queen with many assuming she had no real power, Guinevere still held it and influence to do something to help ensure that Camelot would function. This would mean she could take several duties from Arturia to allow her and Naruto to spend the time they wished to have with one another, as Lancelot knew full well that they would sneak off at times to do so with Naruto taking her place at times with a disguised duplicate that was reasonably accurate.

Well, if this would protect those close to him, then he would accept the Queen's request regardless. Lancelot took a knee as he gazed up to Guinevere, where the moonlight shone down upon her like angel, framing her in its silver grace, "If it is to protect that which I hold dear and close to my heart, be they my friends, my family, or my Kingdom, then there is no depth… no length that I will not go to preserve it all. On my honor as a knight to you, and our good King, this I swear to you." Lancelot lowered his head one last time as Guinevere brought her hand down to brush the hair out from his face as she gave him a heartfelt smile.

"You know, I think that you would look handsome if you grew your hair out, Sir Lancelot."

Lancelot raised his head to see Guinevere beginning to chuckle, a small laugh beginning between them to which he found that he too was laughing late into the night.

"Heh, perhaps I should."

Musings of a Wizard Marshal

By K.Z.S.

In my long and rather amusing life I have come across a few things that I find absolutely abhorrent beyond compare and while it would take far more pages than this notebook has to offer to explain them. But, to mention three off the top of my head it would be as follows: The destruction of the omniversal bar because Funny Valentine got into an argument with one of the many aspects of Yog Sothoth, the existence of Crocks as a form of shoes and the Quantum Time Lock. To avoid a lecture, I will simply say this, Gaia is a fickle bitch because depending on the dimension she will operate under different rules. And one consistent rule upon THIS particular world is the Quantum Time Lock.

Essentially on this reality, "Parallel Worlds" have a conceptual weight to them and the Counter Force will select a choice number of "mainline" worlds that are allowed to progress within the Greater History of Man but if these worlds were to spawn infinitely in all different directions based upon every choice ever made than eventually the conceptual weight will eventually crush the base that all of the worlds stand upon. To avert this the Counter Force will place a QTM within the timestream once every 100 years at key moments in history. Their presence will also shift the causality of adjacent worlds so that events play out in a similar way. And if a world should stray too far from the path it will be culled, and its energy used to reinforce the base.

Once in place it becomes impossible to change the locked moment, even if time travel or a certain Omnipotent Wish Granting Machine were to be used. You may be able to change the input and process, but the "outcome" will always remain the same.

But indulge me to wonder, what if a person was made aware of the QTM and after one formed and given 100 years to plan on how he would guide the world? You can wonder... I on the other hand, can watch.

Well, this chapter took a little longer than I originally thought. Now we have Mordred introduced along with other new things primed to set the powder keg off later down the line.

Now, the Glory section of the Camelot act will be expanded on with two additional chapters, leading to the Fall and Ashes of Camelot chapters later, that will bring the Legend of Camelot act to an end, with leading into the Naruto's time in the Nasuverse up until the events of Fate/Zero.

Anyways, I have a Bleach fic of course if anyone has chosen to read it, is going through a massive rewrite with bringing in some things from TYPE-MOON and rewritten up a bit to have them fit within the Bleach-verse, and of course the pairing will be one of a kind as I've noticed that there isn't one of this unique pairing to which all I can say is be prepared to be amazed.

So, please tell me what you guys think of the new chapter, what you liked and/or disliked about it and the story thus far, along with reading through my PM's that I send to respond to you guys. They have the answers to all of the questions and concerns you may or may not have for the story.

Continue to read, review, favorite and follow this story as well as my others :)