Hunter x Hunter X Harry Potter

Disclaimer: Neither the Novel (Harry Potter) nor the Manga (Hunter X Hunter) belongs to me… as much as I wish it is.

Warning: Please be informed that English is not my first language so I will apologised right now for the future errors in spelling and grammar and hope that you could/would forgive me. Thank you.

Summary: To the next great adventure is the only option left for the Man-Who-Conquered. Whatever awaits him though, he could only hope for the best.

Here we go again

Chapter 1:

For as long as Harry Potter could remember he had been fighting.

Fighting for hope when he was just a child with nothing more but hope that one day someone would hear his plea to save him from the loneliness of cupboard under the stairs.

Fighting for justice when he realized the truth about the death of his parents.

Fighting for vengeance with all the lives lost during the war against Voldemort.

Fighting for survival when magic was discovered by muggles and they were hunted down like unwanted animals with no care for the consequence of the destructions of balance.

Balance… the thing that kept the earth alive… Magic the life blood of earth.

Muggles did all they could to destroy it when they realized they could not control it.

Jealousy… it is an ugly thing. It is the cause of so many innocent blood being spilled.

Many died in war and many more will die because earth is dying…..

Because magic is dying…

When the muggles understand the consequences of their actions it was too late. Each day, each week, each month, each year, fewer and fewer babies are born. People just drop dead with no known reason. They knew they were wrong….

So wrong…

But they were too late…

So late…

Up until the very end, the Man-Who-Survived … Harry Potter is still fighting.

How was he to know that the events that took placed in the past had BIG effects to him.

He never wanted it..

He never desired it..

And yet Harry Potter, the boy/man whose only ever wish is to have a family became the Master of Death and with it…. Immortality

Albus Dumbledore searched for the hollows… wanted them… desired them….

But failed.

Tom Riddle also known as Voldemort feared death and did all he could to escaped death's grasped.

He failed.

It is funny that the one man who never desired the power of the Hollows became its master. He never wanted to become immortal and yet here he is, the last magical human on earth. The irony of it all… he could only laugh…. and cry.

He hated it.

Did all he could to get rid of it.

But the events that happened placed him in a situation of no return.

What is even more frustrating is that soon he will be the only magical being left in earth because whatever killed the magic of earth is NOT affecting him at all when rest of his kind will soon be gone… All gone...

damm it.

Damm it..


Fighting the tears of frustration, anger, fury….

Cursing the injustice of his situation….

He never wanted this….

He never ask for it….

But here he is, of what remains of the once great castle of Hogwarts now in ruins, with his last magical companion and familiar…Fawkes…is dying…. A phoenix is dying, impossible but true... like the others.

"Fawkes…. Please..." Harry plead.

"I'm so sorry childe" Fawkes replied through their mental link.

"Please… please…take me with you" Harry cried. "Don't leave me all alone… I don't want to be alone anymore"

Fawkes who is currently in Harry's arms, look at him in the eye.

"Please…" Harry beg.

"Are you sure?" Fawkes ask.

"Yes… merlin yes" Harry answered.

"Then go to the ministry of magic… the veil is the answer to your prayer but I must warn you… there is no going back if you do this" Fawkes answered.

"To veil I shall go" Harry said without hesitation. For there is nothing to lose.

'Yes ... Go... and I promised to be with you, until you face him' Fawkes thought as Harry made his way to the once Ministry of Magic. 'The next great adventure awaits you Harry Potter'


What do you think?

It had been ages since the last time I attempted to write so…. Yeah… lots of mistakes.



