The Final Chapter. Enjoy

I want to thank all my reviewers and readers, you are amazing! Black Banshee, thank you so much for taking the time to review both Mine and I'm yours. This was my first series and I am pleased that it was received so well. My next story will be in the works soon. Please review and enjoy the read.




A lot has happened since the Celebrations, I stepped down as Minister and was now working as an Auror with Draco. I found it was a very rewarding career to be working alongside my husband. But since I was pregnant I was stuck on desk duty. Draco knew how much I hated it but he tried to ease my cranky moods with shoulder massages every chance he could. They were the one thing I looked forward to everyday. I was now carrying our 5th child and had, had enough of pregnancy symptoms.

I didn't think we would be travelling back to Australia so soon after leaving, but all thanks to this Invitation we were back for another Celebration;

The Malfoy Family,

You are invited to Celebrate the Bonding Ceremony of;

Miss. Evelyn White


Mr. Michael Blight

On the 10th of September



Jabibala School of the Wizarding Arts

'For this is where our story began'

Finding a dress that I could fit into for it was extremely difficult especially since I was almost the size of a whale. I just hoped I didn't need to get up and pee during the ceremony. We didn't bring the kids to the wedding because they were in school at Hogwarts and I didn't want them to miss anymore school. Lyra was with Narcissa who was currently making sure she knows all the Malfoy history, including the story of Voldemort. When we get home, we were going to deal with the millions of questions we got from our first 3. You'd think we would have it down by now, but each one always comes up with a new question we have trouble answering.

Draco and I walked through the floo and appeared in the Headmaster's Office, where the Headmaster led us to the Great Hall. That was when I saw Elizabeth on the arm of a gentleman in Professor robes. I took Draco's arm and waddled over to where Elizabeth was whispering in this man's ear. 'Hey Liz' she looked up at me and grinned

'Auntie Hermione, I missed you so much!' she said while hugging me. She looked down at my belly and grinned even brighter 'Oh my, how far along are you?'

'7 months and let me tell you this baby can't get here fast enough!' I said while stroking my protruding belly. 'Who might this be?' I asked gesturing to the man.

'Oh, this is Professor Valenrine Crow. The Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. We met not long after the battle' Liz said while taking the Professor's arm.

Holding my hand out to him I said, 'Pleasure to meet you Professor and I hope you take care of my niece here.' He kissed my hand and shook Draco's outstretched hand in a gentlemanly manner.

'Of course, I will, she is my angel' they then went to the front row to enjoy the wedding while Draco and I sat in the crowd.

The wedding was beautiful, and they were Bonded by the new Minister for Magic in Australia Former Head Auror Cook. The new Head Auror was Auror Taylor who was doing well in his new position. Auror Mark Poe was frustrated that he wasn't appointed it as he had been there the longest. But according to Cook he does it every time a Head Auror gets replaced. At the reception Michael and Evelyn danced to Your Song by Elton John. They were so happy together though her dress was a bit bigger than I expected. When I got a closer look, it wasn't the dress that was big. She was PREGNANT! I didn't know if they were telling anyone yet, but I was so happy for them. They deserve happiness and I am so happy that they have it.


Here we were back at Platform 9 ¾ to send off our youngest boy Orion Malfoy to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Scorpius was now playing Quidditch Professionally as the Seeker for the Falmouth Falcons. He was now married to Adaline who is an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries and has 2 kids, Aquila and Corvus Malfoy.

Cassiopeia is an Auror and is now married to James Potter who plays Professional Quidditch as a seeker for the Appleby Arrows and now had a little girl named Phoenix Potter.

Leonardo was now the new Professor of Divination at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as Professor Trelawney retired. He was married to Tina who was the new Hogwarts Professor of Transfiguration since Headmistress McGonagall wanted to just focus on being Headmistress. Tina and Leonardo had a son named Aries who is only 3 months old.

Lyra was sorted into Hufflepuff at Hogwarts and when she graduated she now is training to be an Unspeakable. She was single and focusing on work, even though Cassiopeia likes to play matchmaker.

Orion was rolling his trolley toward the train and I held Hermione close as we watched him board the Hogwarts Express. When the train departed Hermione and I headed for the Borrow where we would be meeting the Potter's and Weasley's to welcome our friends from Australia for a visit.

Evelyn and Michael now had two kids named Jane and Alan. Jane was at Jabibala while Alan was still only 5 so he would be visiting with them today. Elizabeth's husband Valentine couldn't come as he had to work but she is coming with their daughter Anne. When we arrived at the Burrow we found everyone already here. Hermione and I welcomed our friends and Celebrated sending our youngest to Hogwarts, so we could have time to ourselves for once.

Arthur Weasley was playing with the little ones and discussing the functions of different Muggle items. Molly was in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Andromeda and Narcissa were discussing how much their lives has changed since childhood. Harry was discussing Quidditch with Ron, Draco, Scorpius, Michael and James. Ginny was helping her Mum in the kitchen and Luna was sitting by the fire writing her latest book on the Mysterious Creatures she has discovered. Michael and Evelyn were cooing over little Anne who was still so little.

Hugo and Velva couldn't be here because he was working with Dragons in Romania with his Uncle Charlie, he was married to Velva who was working in the Department of International Magical Cooporation and has a daughter named Berta who was at Hogwarts.

Lily Potter was now working in the Department of Magical Games and Sports and was now married to Aster Zabini. They had one son named Indus who was at Hogwarts.

Victoria Weasley was a spokeswoman for Veela women and fighting for their rights and was married to Grove Striker who was the CEO of a high-end Broomstick company. They had 4 kids; Aimee, Lucas, Alice and Gabriel, Aimee only just graduated from Hogwarts and was now working as a Model for Witch Weekly. The younger 3 were still in Hogwarts.

Connor Finnegan was now a Healer at St Mungo's and he has cured the effects of the Cruciatus Curse. Thanks to him the Longbottom's were able to get to know Neville. He was currently working on improving the Wolfsbane Potion to help Werewolves.

The Sleeping Dragons were making headlines all over the World, they took on a dragon and defeated an up and coming Dark Lord. They were now a permanent part of the Auror Department. To join it you would need to go through the training that Harry, Ron, Draco and I provide. Harry trains in Offensive spells, Ron trains in strategy, Draco trains in occlumency and I train in the research. Making sure that all those who get promoted to the Sleeping Dragons are the best of the best. Not many have the skill to get in, but when they do they stand above the rest and we only get the most impossible cases.

Most of the people we get in training are just people who want to meet the survivors of the Second Wizarding War. Draco really lays into those ones and most leave crying, but it deters others from wasting our time so we allow it. I decided to go and help Ginny and Molly with lunch. When I got there I found Molly stirring multiple pots with her wand while Ginny was peeling potatoes and cutting up vegetables at the same time. 'Would you like me to make some Yorkshire Puddings Molly?'

'Of course, Hermione dear' I quickly went about preparing the batter when I heard a bang on the window. 'Oh, Errol the 3rd, what are we going to do with you!' said Molly in frustration she opened the window and read the letter, 'Oh my, you would never believe it but this is a letter from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Apparently Nargles have been proven to exist. This is a letter from the Ministry inviting the Family to Celebrate the discovery that the Lovegood's made.'

'I did say they were real, didn't I?' said Luna who was now standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. All this time, she wasn't crazy…. I felt guilty now for all the times I didn't believe her. I just wondered what else she said was real that I didn't believe?

'Draco came in and saw what I was doing and grew excited, 'Are you making Yorkshire puddings my darling wife?' he asked with excitement.

'Yes my sexy husband' he snuck up behind me and kissed my neck tenderly while I was preparing the food.

'OUT OF MY KITCHEN MR. MALFOY!' Molly screeched at the Wizard who apologized and went back to the Lounge to wait till Lunch was ready. Ginny and I giggled while we finished off the preparations for dinner. When lunch was served we called everyone in and we all sat around the cramped table.

Draco stood when everyone was seated and said 'I have got something to say. It is hard to believe that it was been 33 years since the end of the Second Wizarding War. During which I was an arrogant prat.'

'What do you mean was?' asked Harry jokingly.

'Very funny Potter, but back then I left Britain to escape the craziness and moved to Australia, then 5 years later I ran into the Know-it-all bookworm Hermione. She was going through a rough time when the bloody git Jones was messing with her life. Back then I was so annoyed I had to take care of her when she clearly didn't want me to. Hell, she even locked all her furniture, so I couldn't transfigure a decent bed when I had to watch her 24/7!' Everyone laughed.

'But after many bumps in the road we finally admitted what we truly felt for one another. Only to have your two oafs you call friends lock me up. They seemed to think you were Imperioused.'

'Hey, we apologized for that!' said Ron while rolling his eyes.

'Then you were captured, I can't tell you how terrified I was. Especially when I found out you were carrying my children. But then with the help of The Sleeping Dragons you were saved. I want to thank Potter for seeing sense and knowing that I was a changed man. I want to thank the Weasley's for accepting me and my Mother into your Family after all the hatred and animosity between our two Families. Thank you, everyone in this room who had a hand in helping defeat the Second Dark Lord who was pitiful as all hell.' Everyone laughed at that.

'Finally, I want to thank my Wife and Mother of my children Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy, for seeing the real me and helping the World to see it too. I love you, our Children and our Grandchildren and hope that they all grow up in a peaceful world.' Gently I kissed Hermione's lips and sat down.

'BOUT TIME, I AM STARVIN' bellowed Ron who started shoveling his face the first chance he got. The whole room laughed at the hungry man and went about enjoying the Lunch and remembering all they had survived.

That is the end of the story guys, I hope you liked how I wrapped things up. More stories are in the works and thank you for all the amazing feedback xxxx