Disclaimer-I do not own Naruto, Fallout, Mass Effect, Warhammer, or any other elements of game or manga, which I used while writing this… heresy.

Note: illustration for the fanfiction is a commission made for me by the great Osmar-Shotgan (seriously, he is superb), as every illustration on my fanfiction, all rights reserved.

Seeker of Truth.

Chapter I.

I still remember the last battle, that we faced as true Legion. I still remember the blood-stained dust on Prospero. I still remember howls of the Wolves, chilling gazes of the Sisters and golden light reflected from the armor of Custodians.

Unlike all my brothers, who followed the orders of my Father, I simply couldn't. I was too wounded and buried under mountain of corpses which belonged to Wolves, Sisters of Silence and several Custodians.

I was there, when Russ raised my Father, Magnus into the air and broke his spine upon his knee. Magnus managed to to save his sons, but his own body was ripped asunder by the tides of Warp and souls of his sons became the new toys of Changer of Ways.

Therefore… my Father didn't see what happened next. All the time I lived… within me lived another one… a being of unstoppable power, who feed on my rage and hate. For countless decades did I hold him inside myself, trying to stop him from being unleashed upon the world.

Let me out, Naruto. Let me out. They deserve my wrath. The wolves, who so arrogantly think that they know nature better than anyone else. The wolves, who think themselves the apex predators… Let us show them Naruto. Let us teach them a lesson… Let them see difference before the true predator and a dog on a leash.

Never before did I listen. I should have. Only know do I understand, that this mess could have been evaded, should I have only listened to Kurama's advice. Yet… I didn't. Till that day.

I sensed as new power coursed through my veins. I shook my shoulders and corpses flew everywhere, those of my enemies' and my brothers' alike. I looked down… into the earth was stabbed an axe that once belonged to one of the Wolves. With telekinesis I summoned it to my hand.

Executioner's weapon for execution…

They noticed me quickly. I walked without hiding. Wolves laughed at me and opened fire. My shield deflected the bolter bullets and Wolves made several steps back. Several Sisters of Silence walked from their lines and set their course in my way. Long swords in their hands broke from the swing of my axe, their powers of Pariah unable to stop the raging storm that was me and Kurama.

Custodians stepped on my way. They were stronger, faster and more powerful than normal Astartes. Normal being the key word. They were no match to me, at least for a moment. There was only one, who could do something about the massacre I caused among the forces of the Sixth Legion.

Leman Russ himself stepped in my way.

Father of Wolves against Demonic Fox. Might versus speed. Power of Primarch against embodiment of power of Nature itself.

I had only one chance. Both of us knew this. Looking back I understood that only fatigue from the recent duel with Father and his arrogance let me do what I did back then. Who was I in his eyes? Another mad sorcerer, who was supposed to be put down, according to the order of the Emperor? Child, whose Father he just slew, once again committing a sin of kin-slaying? I didn't know. Once again he raised his sword and put it down, expecting to cut me like countless others before, looking for a new target of his wrath already. No Astartes managed to evade him today, so he wasn't vigilant… it costed him dearly.

I evaded the blade and when it stabbed into the earth, Russ remained wide-open… it was a sin to not such a chance. My axe bite into his armor, cutting through it and wounding a Primarch himself. Rib-armor was broken and his hearts were under increased pressure, blood poured from the wound on his chest and small bit of poisonous energy entered his system.

Wolf King roared in pain and fell upon his back coughing blood.

I ripped my axe from his wound and cut my way through countless Wolves. My Father may be dead and Legion of Thousand Sons had fallen… but with burning of Prospero, a new legend was born.

Legend of Seth, the Slayer of Wolves.

Ten thousand years… Such a long time. Yet I still stood valiantly, continuing to protect the knowledge and remnants of Imperial Truth. I reforged the axe which I used to wound Leman Russ with, into a blade for a new glaive. I traveled through Imperium, changing names and appearances, either through bureaucratic means or my psyker abilities.

For a while I served as Knight-Errant to Malcador Sigilite, learned many interesting and useful things from him. During siege of Terra I battled my former brothers… and was trapped inside the Underhive, for a while becoming an apprentice and subordinate to Arik Taranis. From him I learned the art of gene-forging that he had learned from the Emperor Himself.

Then I followed the path showed to me by the Emperor and my Father, before his fall… but I was but a lone warrior on already lost war. Blind faith into the Emperor slowly won over the nearly dead Imperial Truth.

However… with my current strength I could do very little against entire Humanity shackled and blinded by their own delusions. I needed allies and I found them. Remnants of the Corvidae Cult.

During the Second Founding, many loyalists from the Traitor Legions changed their heraldry and decided to use Guilliman's manifest to start from the new leaf. So did my brothers, who survived the Burning of Prospero. I quickly rose to position of the Chief Librarian. Unfortunately, after rather… poor choices, we were left with no officers to lead us… All responsibility about chain of command was left on the shoulders of only remaining officers with high authority.

I used every trick in my disposal to win. And I did. Such was another legend born. Legend of Azariah Vidya, a crafty librarian, who led his Chapter to victory against the overwhelming odds. I hoped that my Blood Ravens will become my fellow warriors in spreading of the Imperial Truth. I know that this hope seemed as something minuscule, but I thought that if a lone Space Marine like myself managed to do something then entire Chapter of us will manage to carry the tourch of enlightenment in these dark times.

I was wrong.

It was too late to change something and changed Lectatio Divinatus took hold over the minds of Imperium's people. He was too late. Anything that Grandmaster of the Astartes Chapter can do may be banned by the Inquisition or Lords of Terra. To stop the greatest injustice in Imperium of Man, he needed help of someone, whose words may be greater than wards of all Lords of Terra and Cardinals of Eclessiarchy. He needed a Primarch.

And after several centuries Naruto, known to some as Seth the Wolf-Slayer and to his brothers as Azariah Vidya the Great Father, left his Chapter to find a way to return Primarch to the Imperium, or find lost Primarchs, who disappeared after Heresy. He operated from the base that he had built on the devastated planet for himself, where hidden from the eyes of others was large underground laboratory.

He lured some of Blood Ravens to the planet from time to time. Using the natural curiosity, hints left to them about Trials of Vidya or visions that he had sent to them in dreams. There he kept the Blood Ravens in stasis capsules, awaiting for darkest hour of Imperium to come. To finally face the greatest horrors together, fighting as one… like their brothers from the Legions of old.

I left the process when number of my Waiting Sons reached nine thousands. I simply didn't have enough space. Then I left the planet to finally find a way to return the Primarchs. From time to time I retrurned. When I needed to rest. When I needed to think. When I needed to meditate. When I needed solace. Alone yet not. Their Great Father and former Chapter Master… I thought that I will never return to my brothers, but fate had other plans. Powerful vision pierced my mind when I sensed a coming conflict.

Eldar seer…

Agent of the Inquisition…

Imperial Guard…

Adeptus Astartes…

Heretics and traitors…

Intrigues of the demons…

And in center of this was warrior in red armor with heraldry of the Blood Ravens. Gabriel Angelos, stated signs on his armor. His decisions will shape the future of not only his chapter, but of entire sector and may change the future of Imperium for the better.

I stood up and with wave of my arm opened the portal. Battlefield once again waited for me.

Segmentum Obscurus. Tartarus System. Planet Tartarus.

Portal closed behind Naruto's back as he stepped on the soil of Tartarus. He looked around, but everything he saw, was nothing but ruins of some town, with bodies of the dead orks lying everywhere. Suddenly from the east he heard screams of orks and bolter shoots, with no alternative he went in that direction. Removing rubble from his path, Naruto found a body of a crushed Space Marine under large rock. He was clad into red armor and bore symbol of Blood Ravens.

Naruto was on the right path.

After he took a bolter from the corpse of Astartes, Naruto continued his path and very soon it led him to the battlefield. Chapter of Astartes protected a road to some strategic target, possibly a space port. They were supported by the Imperial Guard, but overwhelming numbers of the Orks played against them and very soon, noble protectors of Imperium started to give up their positions.

In chaotic sea of green that were Orks, Naruto still managed to see their leader. Larger than any other xenos under his command, he raised large bolt-pistol and chain-axe to the skies and roared, encouraging his warriors to 'kill all humiez fasta!'. Unfortunately, his desires will not become real… not today.

Blade of the glaive came to life and energy danced over it as Naruto activated it. He crushed the back lines of the Ork horde, bringing death and ruin everywhere. His psy-powers roasted Orks alive, bolts enchanted by his psy-power turned wile beastes into ash and his glaive beheaded countless enemies on his path.

Seeing a chance for a good fight and possibly rise even more in Ork hierarchy, but Naruto killed him alongside his dreams. Glaive struck like a lightning and large green head flew into the air, followed by geyser of blood. Seeing death of their leader orks' moral fell and counter-attack from the Imperium's forces shattered their horde and put them to flight.

After this, from the lines of Blood Ravens came a warrior armed with Power Sword and Bolt-Pistol.

Scouts reported to Captain Angelos that during the battle horde of the Orks was attacked from the rear by lone Space Marine in colors of their Chapter, but with unknown heraldry, who alone managed to turn the tide of battle into their favor.

Angelos was exemplary and experienced commander, but such case happened for a first time during his career.

At first he tend to believe that it was one of the legendary members of Legion of the Damned, who appear to iad the Imperial forces during the most dangerous and desperate battles, only to disappear afterwards. But their savior was still there, and wasn't going to disappear, moreover, Captain Angelos with his eyes saw that he is from flesh and blood and at least belonged to the Materium part of the Universe.

"I'm Gabriel Angelos, Captain of the 3rd Company of Blood ravens Chapter. Who are… you…?" question died on the lips of the Captain as the unknown man pulled down the hood that covered his face. As Captain of Blood Ravens, Gabriel had more access to the Librarium than normal brothers. Especially the remaining ancient pictographs with appearance of Great Father. He was speechless… the man in front of him was a spitting image of infamous, though among Blood Ravens, Seeker of Truth.

"I presume you have already recognized me, Captain. Also I hope you will not kneel. I'm here incognito." said Azariah Vidya. "Dark clouds gather upon our brothers. I sensed traitors seeking to undermine everything that we had built so far. You shall be among those, who will battle against this threat. I'm here, because you will be among the few, who will stand against that threat. You first trial awaits you, and I'm here to help with council… or psychic bolt. Till crisis shall not pass, i'm under your command."

Gabriel made several steps backwards. Certainly… to call it surprising was to call it nothing. Legendary librarian, who created their battle doctrines, whom they cherished as much as they did Unknown Father, their Primarch, asked him to be placed under his, Angelos', command.

Still shocked… Gabriel agreed, telling Naruto that one of the sergeants died before his arrival and one of the assault squads needed a sergeant. Naruto nodded and also told Gabriel about several dead Blood Ravens, found by him on his way to the battlefield.

However, on his way to his new squad, Gabriel called him.

"If you do not wish to tell your true name… then how shall we call you?" asked he.

"Call me Seth." was the short answer.

In the city there were two main roads which on the entrance and exit from the settlement united into one. After long hours of arguments 3rd company was divided into two parts. The smaller, one under command of Gabriel, with all tactical marines and all war machines and another with full of assault marines under Naruto's command.

Such divide was due to the plan created by the Angelos and Naruto. While Gabriel is gaining attention of the Orks, Naruto and assault groups will start the attack on the weakened positions of the greenskins, also opening the path for the Imperial Guard.

Orks' fortress reminded Naruto a large pile of garbage, but he understood that underestimating one of the most ancient enemies of the Humanity was the shortest way to their stomachs.

Naruto ordered his men to take positions on several stages high ruins of the former buildings, he also told them to prepare the smoke grenades. His plan was simple and rather effective. Using the smoke to hide their numbers and lessened garrison of the Ork fortress, they will butcher the guardians on the wall and either explode or simply open the gates from inside. Thus, they will not suffer losses if everything will go according to the plan.

"Throw the grenades." said Naruto through the vox-channel. Smoke grenades fall on the positions of Orks and second later they lost each other in the thick smoke. Space Marines used the little time they had to spread death among their enemies. With battlecries, Assault Marines struck from the heavens, killing Ork after Ork. Meanwhile, Naruto simply teleported inside the fortress and cleaved Orks with glaive or fried them with psi-powers. Several moments later strong breathe cleaned the smoke and Naruto and his warriors saw earth, red from the blood and greenskins covering it with their bodies. Very soon arrived reinforcements from the Imperial Guard.

Outer wall had fallen and Naruto led his forces to the main fortress.

"Follow me, Angels of Death!" screamed familiar voice of Gabriel Angelos. "Let us destroy these xenos in the name of the Emperor!"

"For the Emperor!" screamed Naruto and his warriors supported his battlecry. Using the jump-packs Astartes started the siege, while Naruto, using his teleportation simply appeared inside the fortress and with a click of his fingers exploded canisters with fuel, left by some Ork near the wall.

With loud battlecries Guardsmen ran inside and at the same moment under efforts of Gabriel fell another wall. Naruto stabbed his glaive into the heart of the local Ork Warboss. And last xenos fell under sword of the Gabriel Angelos.

Fortress was theirs.

Gabriel Angelos looked everywhere, in hopes of meeting the Great Father. Legendary librarian was holder of great knowledge and even if the legends of him being much older than he stated before becoming the Chief Librarian were baseless, he still held the wisdom of more than four thousand years of his life.

Naruto stood near the destroyed church and looked at the statue of the Emperor, still unscratched despite all horrors of war. For a moment Gabriel thought that he saw sadness, but it quickly disappeared as Vidya turned his whiskered face to Gabriel.

"Very… accurate statue." finally said he. "However he had never wanted to be seen as God. I wonder… what would have he done… should he see us right now?"

"He… never wanted to be praised as God?" Gabriel was struck. God-Emperor, greatest Man ever existed… surely he deserved some rightful praise. Didn't he? "Are you joking, Great Father? To think that..."

"Once… long before Horus Heresy, Primarch Lorgar built an Utopic world upon the planet Monarchia. Covered by cities, statues and great temples… all dedicated to praising Emperor's divinity. Emperor ordered warrior-kings of Ultramar to burn it down. He told his son Lorgar that he need warriors, not priests, he demanded of them to forsake their path and wage war they were born for." he turned his gaze back to the statue. "Well look where it brought us."

For a while silence take it place in the destroyed church.

"Well… I believe that you didn't come here to hear the rumblings of the old man, who is a bit too old for his work. For this I ask your forgiveness, Captain." Naruto bowed before Angelos and when he once again looked into Captain's eyes, Gabriel saw a shadow of old regrets there… looks like rumors about Great Father being born in really ancient times were actually true. "However… You came seeking knowledge, ask I will answer to you… Just remember that truth can be cruel and harsh… like the one you had learned on Cyrene."

Gabriel shook as if someone hit him. He had never spoken with anyone about Cyrene. Nor about the rebellion itself… nor about the fact that he was forced to kill his own father.

"Well? Are you ready to ask your questions?"

And Gabriel asked, sensing himself as if he was jumping from the cliff.

Orks are persistent beasts. They retreat only to regroup and attack again. Especially if there is chance for them to take the skull of the 'Spaze Marine Boyz', as they called us. The mad joy Orks experienced in battle was as disgusting as it was amusing… surprisingly, I could relate to that. To hate… to hot blood on your face spilled by my blade…

There was some sort of sacred intimacy in it. Strange yet simple similar sense that united us… Hatred… that was the only thing we could understand. The only feeling that we shared with xenos… Unlimited hatred… to each other.

Well… I hope that not all is lost. Once I tried to help a young Eldar… little Idranel. I still remember her bright red hair and her clumsy, back then, attacks with a spear. She was such a cute child… Well if she is alive still, she, without a doubt turned into cold Eldar bitch.

Well… I can only hope for the best, but when it helped in this grim galaxy? Sometimes… sometimes I start to believe that many of my fallen brothers are right. Imerium is nothing but a shadow of it's former self. Relegious zeal nearly destroyed the Truth the Emperor wanted to bring… We are trapped in endless slaughter and are nothing but butchers spilling blood of the innocents… At those moments I smell the ashes of Prospero… And I remember who started this.

'Human cannot live without Gods. Them I must find!' Yeah… Great Crusade was doing just fine until Lorgar had found religion… thank you very much Urizen, as if Dark Gods weren't terrifying on their own and Humanity didn't have enough problems as there were.

Ten thousand years have passed and Galaxy still burn from one side to the other. Tau, Eldar, Chaos worshipers, recently arrived Tyranids and awakened Necrons, forces of Imperium and… Orks. Always Orks. Among all my enemies I hate them the most. Behind every enemy there is goal, be that desire to satisfy hunger, attain power, dominance in the galaxy and so on… orks fight for fun. Simply because they can.

Them I hate with passion, greenskinned barbarians, who lige to pillage and destroy everything I stood for. I'm fighting them again… on Tarturus…

Armored squiggoth roared to the skies as he charged to the positions of Blood Ravens with a fucking tower on it's back, with orks firing from it and throwing grenades. Battle-brothers were ready to die for the Emperor and Imperium of Man, but energy shield, courtesy of Naruto, stopped attacks of the Orks. Blood Ravens didn't know that mysterious stranger was their infamous Great Father, cherished in their Chapter as much as Unknown Primarch himself. Naruto raised his weapon into the air and skies darkened according to his will.

Powerful bolt of lightning hit the metal tower on the squiggoth's back. Burnt greenskins flew everywhere, while massive beast roared from anger and pain. However, when Naruto gathered another ball of energy in his hands, it's instincts kicked up and the massive beast started turn around… he didn't manage to do it in time.

After first attack, metal armor was ripped, alongside several parts of natural one… so lightning bolt hit weakened scales of squiggoth, pierced them and exploded inside.

Massive beast fell upon the earth, right in front of Space Marines, who roared victoriously as their mysterious ally perished yet another threat. Looking from another part of the front-line Gabriel smirked, seeing the Great Father obliterating Orks with his attacks. He may have doubted him before, but unimaginable power once again showed 3rd Captain whom was fighting under his command. Battlefield was covered by bodies of the greenskins and victory was theirs with only several brothers suffering minor wounds. Of course, scenery of blood-red earth and countless dead bodies of vile xenos would make ordinary human to puke, but it was usual scenery for someone like Adeptus Astartes… war… only war was in their lives.

Suddenly, Gabriel was ripped from his thoughts by sound of working turbines. Several minutes later, 'Aquila' landed behind their positions. Captain, followed by Naruto and librarian Isador Akios went to greet their sudden guest. Even from far away both librarians sensed the power oozing from 'Aquila'.

Out of machine stepped a man clad in Power Armor, yet he wasn't an Astartes, an ordinary, dark-skinned human male, on whose black coat was engraved the silver insignia.

"Child of Malcador." thought Naruto as he observed the grim man. "Not a good sign." During Horus Heresy many warriors of the Traitorous Legions, at least those who stayed alive, either created their Blackshield warbands or became the Grey Knights of Malcador. Naruto, back then Seth from Thousand Sons, walked both paths.

"Greetings. Inquisitor Toth." raised his arm Captain in ancient greeting. Naruto smiled behind his helmet, one more reminder about the day of the ancient past when Astartes worked in Legions. Well… if everything will be as he planned, very soon Blood Ravens will increase their numbers and will rival infamous Space Wolves. His smirk grew even wider. Sons of Magnus use as example sons of Russ. What an Irony.

"It would have been good to see you too, captain, was it not for reason of my visit. Unfortunately, you need to cut you Ork hunt short and leave the planet. Coming Warp storm will consume it. Moreover, on the planet increases activity of xenos and heretics… if you will not hurry, you will be stuck here, with heretics an xenos, fighting in cursed dimension, for Emperor knows how long..."

Inquisitor gave them three days for evacuation, very often, while he was speaking with Angelos came the name Cyrene… name of Captain's homeworld, which he sentenced to death with Exterminatus, due to rising heresy. Nevertheless, Angelos parried that Guardsmen can use the transports of Blood Ravens, while Emperor's Chosen will check their grim theories.

Seeing that there was no way to make Astartes back off, Toth left on his vehicle.

"I do not know what you think… but our scouts reported to us that tunnels behind Orks' camps have sign of eight-pointed star engraved on the walls. If cultists are digging something here..."

"It is definitely not good." said Gabriel. "There is something they need… and we must make sure that they will not get it."

Blood Ravens started their path to ruins that so interested Chaos cultists. However, on their path stood those, who they never expected to meet.

"Eldars!" screamed one of the tactical marines opening fire upon them. With terrifying screams elegant female figures, clad in bone-white armor, with flowing red plumes, armed with power swords jumped into battle.

Naruto sighed.

He didn't start this fight, but it looks like he had to end this. Hos glaive left a glowing trace in the air, cleaving in half several Banshees at once. His fist, enforced with psychic energy, shattered the poer sword that another Banshee tried to block his attack with, and seconds later ripped her heart from Banshee's chest.

Several more killed Eldar later, Blood Ravens finally reached the digging place and saw an altar in form of eight-pointed star with mutilated and killed bodies of the guardsmen. Gabriel order Isador look over the altar, but librarian objected that he will not have enough time.

Several minutes later one of the Space Marines reported that our transports were damaged and group near the altar was forced to stay. Such… strange and fortunate, for Isador, change of events made Naruto wary and he listened to the Warp.

He sensed the presence of malevolent Chaos energy coming from Isador's direction… but not from the Isador himself. Without a doubt it was one of the Chaos Sorcerers and librarian should have sensed him… but said nothing to Angelos.

Whatever was happening here was too big for simple Chaos raid and it also explained why Eldar were here. Naruto decided to speak with Angelos as fast as possible. Preferably, while Akios wasn't near.

"Captain… what do you think the Eldar are doing here?" asked Naruto, while Company's leader oversaw the preparations of his forces.

"That..." started Angelos. "Is unknown to me. They do not know the meaning of honor. Always running, always hiding, always plotting… even Orks are easier to understand."

"Well..." said Naruto. "I cannot blame them. They are too few in numbers to use our methods of war, but I believe that they are here because of the same thing as we are… Chaos."

"What are you leading to?" asked Angelos.

"I mean that it will be… practical to create a temporal alliance with Eldar."

"Alliance with Xenos? Great Father are you mad?! We don't even have the guarantee that they will not trick us!"

"We do not have the guarantee, but somewhere on the planet there are our fallen brethren, whose plans are unknown to us."

"We will understand what to do. Sooner or later."

"And how many Blood Ravens will die before we will do so? We are trying a direct approach, but all that we need to do is ally ourselves with Eldar for a couple of days."

"Why do you think that they will agree?" asked Gabriel.

"You think they have warriors to spare?"

"I see. Let us theorize that I will agree to such tactic. How willl we contact the Eldar?"

"Oh ye of little faith." said Naruto raising his hand and grabbing seemingly thin air. However, suddenly the air cracked and cloaking field disappeared from an Eldar Ranger who was choking in Naruto's iron grip. "Did you hear everything? Tell this to your Farseer word by word."

After these words he released the ranger and Xenos used the moment to disappear from sight and, without a doubt, contact his Farseer.

"How did you know that he was near?"

"Let's just say that I have valuable experience..."


"You should have stayed with me… What is in honor for you? What is in duty? You protect the Imperium for ten thousand years and what do you receive in return? Hate? Scorn? What is left of your family? Your brethren? Turned into mindless automatons. Your Father? Turned into Daemon Prince. Your Emperor? He is dead-yet-not and does not care about you."

"Yet I will continue to fight no matter what."

"Why? Why?! There is nothing in that fruitless battle for you! And… something else here… with me… just for the two of us..."

"Because I..."


"Yes..." said Naruto. "I had truly valuable experiences."

While Gabriel argued with Isador and other Blood Ravens set up the camp, Naruto meditated and tried to foresee the possible variations of future. Sindri Myr… That was the name Warp whispered to him. Then he saw scales of something big slithering in the shadows of the Warp. Snake-like creature circled him and Naruto saw how it's three heads hissed on him.

Naruto conjured Warp-lightning and destroyed the mist phantom. Then he heard the voice.

Forest. Come with Captain. Just you two. Nobody else.

"Gabriel..." said Naruto, making Isador and Angelos turn to him. "We must go. They await us… in the forest."

"No!" said Isador, once again invoking Naruto's ire. "This is obviously a trap. "Surely even you can see it Gabriel?"

Enraged by the remark of his friend Gabriel decided to support Naruto and marched with him into the forest, followed by Isador's hard gaze. It took them several minutes to reach rather large field, where they had found a Farseer, meditating… and awaiting their arrival.

"I believe you have received our… message." said Naruto.

"I found your way of sending messages, rather… primitive." said… she, turning her helmeted face to them.

"However, it is effective." countered Naruto.

"Do you agree for alliance?" interrupted their talk Angelos.

"We agree for short-time alliance..." said Farseer, but her answer was interrupted by the sound of activated chain-axes, followed by the sound of booming footsteps, on the field arrived Astartes in blood-red Power Armor, covered by marks of Khorne and marks of Chaos.

"Angelos… looks like someone followed us..." muttered Naruto as he took his glaive into two hands.

Three berserkers run to their positions. First was beheaded by Narto, other was gutted by Gabriel and last one was pierced by Farseer, her spear pinned him down to the earth. Three warriors stood back to back, but more and more Astartes circled them. Their position was bad. Last berserk managed to wound Farseer into her leg and this, without a doubt will stop their retreat.

"Angelos..." said Naruto as his eyes glowed with psychic power. "I will buy you some time take the Farseer and get away from here."

"Take her away?" asked Angelos.

"Yes. Carry her on your hands. She is wounded. Run as fast as you can. Wait for my signal." said Naruto.

"Signal? What signal?"

"This one!" screamed Naruto as he unleashed lightning upon the hordes of Khorne's worshipers. Their attention immediately swapped to the blasted psyker. Moreover he resembled the infamous Seth from the Fifteenth Legion. The only son of Magnus, who got respect from the likes of Argel Tal, Kharn, Sigismund and Nassir Amit.

To them he was a living contradiction to everything they knew and lived for. With terrifying roars they charged at him. Breathing out and focusing his Warp power, Naruto conjured a wall of fire, burning away countless enemies… but to his surprise one of the berserkers managed to pass it not even batting an eye. Naruto had only a second to block his axe with his glaive, circling teeth of his chain-axe mere inches away from his face.

"Surprised?" armor of the berserker was merged with his body and respirator in his helmet was removed showing Naruto mouth full of sharp fangs. His rapture was short lived, as Naruto's armored knee was planted in his groin. With cracking sound of bending and breaking meatl and ceramite, followed by guttural roar of berserker, warrior of Khorne fell to his knees. Another elegant waive of Naruto's glaive beheaded him.

"A bit." agreed with dead warrior Naruto as he pulled on his hood and walked away searching for Angelos and Farseer.

Finding them was rather simple task, as Gabriel wore a Power Armor and didn't care about the traces left by him. Angelos still held the female Farseer on his arms, bridal-style, but she was already without her helmet. She had blood-red hair and strange marks on her cheeks… but who was Naruto to tell, with his own birthmarks. Nevertheless, she was beautiful and something in the gaze that she gave Angelos, gave Naruto a strange sense of nostalgia.

"Gabriel, the last heretic is dead. I believe that you can put the lady down."

Angelos, still in some state of shock, gently placed the Farseer on earth and she elegantly bowed, in gratitude for his actions.

"I believe that it will be common courtesy, if we will introduce each other."

"My name is Macha, Farseer of Biel-Tal Craftworld."

"Good, my brothers know me as Azariah Vidya, this is captain Gabriel Angelos." said Naruto. "If you need to..."

Suddenly Warp Spiders appeared out of thin air and circled Naruto and Gabriel, preparing their weapons. Angelos placed his hand on the handle of his sword, while Naruto's eyes burnt with power of Warp.

"Wait!" Macha quickly teleported between her warriors and Space Marines. "They are our allies now."

Seeing that there was no reason to start a conflict Spiders directed their weapons other way and waited for their Farseer.

"We shall see each other again, Blood Ravens… Very soon… unfortunately." said Macha turning her back to them and leaving with her guards.

"At least we have somewhat of an ally."

Angelos just nodded at this statement, and followed Great Father.

"And damn fine posterior."

Gabriel, deep in thought, dumbly nodded to new phrase of legendary librarian and shockingly opened his eyes seconds later, when he finally understood what he had agreed with, while Naruto widely smiled under his hood.

Ten minutes later Naruto and Gabriel returned to their camp and informed Isador about the newly crafted alliance. Librarian was rather… displeased, which only solidified Naruto's suspicions about him. When he finally had some time, he talked with Gabriel about Isador.

"I know my battle-brother, he would have never surrendered to Chaos." Angelos was firm and sure in Isador's innocence, but Naruto was rather skeptical.

"I never told that he had done this by his own free will, but I had seen something like this before: Chaos twists the most noble intentions, it tricks people, and they, not even knowing themselves becomes it's pawns." corrected him Naruto.

"And what do you propose? Shall we notify Inquisitor Toth?"

"And give him an opportunity to shoot down every Blood Raven on the planet? No, we shall look over Isador ourselves and shall the need arise… we will do what must be done."

"I believe this is the right course of action." sighed Captain. "Still… to think that Chaos had infiltrated us so deep..."

He walked away, to look over the preparations to battle.

While Blood Ravens took care about their ammunition, Eldars protected the key from forces of Chaos in ruins of abandoned human city. However, despite all efforts of the warriors of said great race, the key still fell into the hands of Chaos warriors and by extension, in those of Sindri Myr. Chaos worshipers relocated the key to the abandoned cathedral in the central part of the city. It was created to serve as fortress, shall invasion of some sort happen, but cultists and renegade Astartes created additional fortifications.

The last thing Farseer ever wanted was to ask humans for help. In eyes of the Eldar humans were savage barbarians either too stupid or too brave to retreat where the Eldar did so. Even after so many years, Macha still haven't formulated her opinion about this young race.

They could easily open the way to Warp, used by pawns of Chaos without their knowledge, yet fight till bitter end, till the last daemon is banished to the pits of Hell from where they came from... Such… unpredictable factor in their war against Chaos may be their doom, but Eldar were short on warriors and to stop the Chaos Forces, she must fight alongside humans.

Followed by Hollowing Banshee, Macha went to the Blood Ravens camp, where she was met by Vidya and Angelos. Out of two she was warry of librarian, since he bore much similarity to infamous Wolfslayer from Fifteenth Legion. Naturally she was rather uneasy.

This however, doesn't explain the sudden lure she sensed in Gabriel's presence.

Somewhere deep in the Warp, in kingdom of Nurgle, despite the situation she was in, the very beautiful woman smiled looking at one of her daughters. Isha hoped that she made a right choice. Maybe those two will finally become one of the first bridges between humanity and Eldars… Just like the other one.

Before her appeared an image of another beautiful Farseer. From another Craftworld...yet also with fiery red hair. She proudly bore the mark of Ulthwe on her chest.

Macha shook her head banishing the sudden vision. She cannot show weakness before the temporal allies especially such as humans. Nobody knows when they decide to start another witch or xenos hunt.

Nevertheless, Macha returned to her warriors, while Blood Ravens started preparations of their own. On the orbit awaited two groups of Terminators, and this will be enough for quick raid on positions of the heretics. To lure forces of the Archfiends away, Naruto agreed to lead the assault marines.

Meanwhile, the sky changed it's color, showing that time was running out. Heretics started to thin the border between the Warp and realspace.

In front of Naruto stood warriors of the assault company. They were lesser in numbers that he got used to during his days as Legionary and even Librarian of Blood Ravens several thousand years ago, but he will do his best and they will do so, he was sure of it.

"Here is the plan, brothers." started he as everyone's eyes focused on him. "Artillery will make our way, after this we will strike the heretics with righteous fury. We must lure them away from cathedral, to let the terminators and Angelos do their part and retake the artifact. We are storming the keep of the Chaos Sorcerer, so let me remind you to expect everything at any moment. All clear?"

Waiting till everyone nodded Naruto turned his back to his warriors, showing them teleporter integrated into his backpack and placed his helmet upon his head. Rockets flew into the skies and flowers of explosions bloomed far away at enemy's positions. Angels of Death on wings made of fire followed them.

First heretic died on the Naruto's glaive, when he suddenly appeared before him in bright teleportation flash. Artillery made it's work and heretics weren't ready to face loyalists this day.

Under Naruto's command his battle-brothers took a tortoise formation, using the shields, brought according to the orders of their commander. While Naruto lured Heretics with his psyker powers, steel wall, created by Astartes, bristled with swords and bolters which quickly dealt with those, who were too mad or not careful enough to get too close for their comfort.

Naruto's eyes burnt from power of the Warp, in glee he slayed one heretic after the other, denying more and more possible tools for Chaos Gods. His wrath awakened on Propsero roared inside his soul, completely taking over his being.

However, no matter how many he killed ten replaced one, and after some time, Naruto started to think that terminators are surely taking their time, because it felt like entire forces of the enemy gathered to shatter on fucking point in Blood Ravens defense. Here. Where they wanted them. For a while at least.

Sudden pain hit him through the warp. It was mixed with scent of betrayal and the source… it definitely was a powerful psyker. Naruto opened his eyes, realizing what it meant.

"Brother Isador betrayed us!" came voice of Gabriel Angelos from vox channel. "To all Blood Ravens! Brother Isador had betrayed us and stolen the trice damned artifact."

So close… They were so close to stopping the Chaos threat, at least here… but betrayal of Isador mixed their plans. After battle in the chapel had ended, Astrtes set up camp, to plan their next move. They had only one day max, to deal with traitors… or they will have what they wanted.

Civilian populace evacuated en mass from the planet, which, in return meant that support from Imperial Guard will be minimal. Eldars, meanwhile, prepared for some sort of a ritual. At the same time Blood Ravens needed to deal with Isador to open the path to Sindri Myr. Naruto stood up and walked away in search of Gabriel.

Isador was his friend and he needed to make sure that he will not do anything stupid. Hi sighed. Who was he kidding? Back during his times as Konoha ninja he was in the same situation. Come to think of it, Magnus took an interest in him after he had sent a powerful impulse through the Warp during his fight with Sasuke. Gabriel needed his help… he stil remembered what happened later… even after ten thousand years… even after countless years of war and betrayal… He remembered his return to his home world.


Through the ruins of the the city ran a wide river. It can be crossed by three bridges, all controlled by the forces of heretics, with Isador preparing defenses on the other side. An impressive enemy, who once was ally, that's not even counting Sindri Myr and Maledictum in his hands.

Naruto found Gabriel looking over positions of their enemies with grim, unreadable expression. He looked as if weight of entire world fell upon his shoulders. He gripped the handle of his sword as if that was the only thing he could be sure of. Naruto sighed.

It was worse than he thought.

"Isador was the best of us." said Gabriel. "His knowledge of the dangers of Warp and powers that he commanded were second to none. His knowledge and wisdom were only traits that could rival his power… if he had fallen… how can we fight and prevail?"

"You know Angelos..." started Naruto as he stood near captain. "I fought against enemies of the Imperium for several thousand years and understood one simple thing: what you achieved, whatever level of power you had… doesn't matter. Greatest champions fell and simple battle-brothers remain loyal."

"Then… how do we fall? Or resist the heresy?"

"A question that is worthy of someone's with Malcador's or Emperor's intellect."

"Are you not bothered by the unknown knowledge? Especially such crucial one?"

"Who do you think I am? Magnus the Red? Angelos, don't let it mess your head. We have a battle to win and Third Company needs it's Captain."

Gabriel silently returned with Naruto. He raised his hand and without a word pointed at the bridges. Once again the siege had started.

Their assault ripped through the lines of heretics and quickly brought Blood Ravens to the main power-houses beyond the enemy's lines. Naruto himself faced a giant demon whom he tore to shreds with his psyker powers. Ancient warrior looked around and saw Isador standing on remains of the square. At least Naruto thought that it was one, judging by destroyed statue that once belonged either to some Astartes or the Emperor.

Angelos and squad of terminators were already close to him. Too close to Naruto's liking. He knew that killing Isador was a necessity, but usually he bore the sins like this for ten thousand years.

"You are foolish to come here, Gabriel." said rogue psyker and power of Warp pulsed in his hands, changing and twisting his voice. "Even Dark Gods themselves now know my name. Give me time, and power of Maledictum will be mine! I will manage to take it from the Sindri Myr! No matter what!"

"I highly doubt that." came reply not from Angelos and his group, but from somewhere behind him. Isador quickly jumped to the right side, barely evading the strike from the glaive. "Tch… you are rather quick one."

Isador finally get a good look upon the mysterious librarian. His hood was pulled off and he finally had a good chance to see his face… he shouldn't have. Like librarian he knew the face of most legendary member of their Chapter and man in front of him bore great resemblance with infamous Azariah Vydia. No… it was impossible. Great Father had died five thousand years ago…

"No." said the blonde warrior in front of him. "I did not."

"You can read my thoughts?" raised one eyebrow Isador.

"Expression on your face gave up all your secrets."

Isador snarled and raised his Force Staff and made a wide swing, trying to crush Naruto's skull with head of the staff, but blonde warrior easily blocked it with shaft of his glaive. Reinforced kick to Isador's abdomen threw traitorous marine backwards, but he still managed to stand on his legs.

Seeing such… persistence from the enemy, Naruto switched tactics and summoned psychic lightning to his aid. Isador raised his staff in front of himself, creating barrier to block the lightning. Nevertheless, his enemy's assault was so strong that he quickly fell to his knee. Isador was wounded and his powers quickly left him. It was mere moments before his protective dome of energy shattered and he fell upon the earth, electrocuted by Naruto's lightning.

Slowly, former Chapter Master walked closer to traitor.

"You will be forgotten, Isador. Your entire memory shall be swapped clean to remove the stain upon the honor of our Chapter. Such is my word and it will be done as I, Azariah Vydiah, the Great Father, orders!"

With these words he pierced Isador's chest with his glaive, and pulled it out as Librarian made the last breath. "May you find the peace in next life, that you have not found in this one." Naruto nodded to Gabriel and he nodded in response.

Despite Isador being a traitor he still was Gabriel's friend. It would have been hard to kill him.

Naruto looked up.

Avatar of Khaine was looking down.

Silent duel of stares continued for several minutes already, while Blood Ravens and Eldars gathered around the two legends.

"Maybe we should do something?" asked Gabriel.

"You wish to step between the two? Be my guest." said the Farseer observing the silent duel.

"I believe… that we have some more time." wisely said Gabriel.

"I thought so." nodded Macha.

Surprisingly it was Naruto, who decided to end this silent duel of stares. Not before he stated that they will continue later, though.

"This is crazy… What's with that Avatar, Macha? I'm pretty sure that he was too focused on me… I hope he isn't corrupted by Great Bitch, isn't he?" warily asked librarian.

Macha smiled. Somehow, this Mon-Keigh's… no, this human's nickname's for She-Who-Thirsts were somehow… hilarious. He had this strange aura around him, unseen and powerful. It increased his charisma and gave hope to everyone around him. Be that human or Eldar, all that was needed for him to empower others was to fight side by side with him… Only once she saw something like this… Back when she saw an Eldar blessed by Isha, but it was impossible. Why would an Eldar Godess, who is a resurrection of compassion and love choose her champion from a barbaric race, such as humans, especially among those of their kind who are bred for war and know nothing except death and destruction.

However her wonder didn't stop her from taking part of discussion of war strategy. Several minutes later united army marched forward with Gabriel armed with mighty deamonhammer God-Splitter, given to him by Mordecai Toth, to destroy the Maledictum.

Naruto sensed them first. Here in place of ritual, where the earth itself was filled to the brim with unholy energies of Chaos it was rather hard to sense their enemy through the Warp… but Naruto managed.

He was like a shadow among shadows, Sindri Myr was slowly turning into a Daemon Prince under power of Maledictum. Naruto saw what they were facing, but there was a problem… Sindri also sensed him.

With loud roar he gave up his location and also gave his warriors signal to attack.

"Take a battle formation! Prepare your weapons!" barked orders Naruto, hoping that his order wasn't too late. Fortunately for loyalists, Emperor looked over them during this day.

Guardsmen took positions in first two lines, with members of the first lying on earth and others – standing above them on their knee. Behind them stood Astartes with bolters and further behind were Eldar warriors. On the flanks took their positions Assault Marines and Banshees. Among the former was Naruto.

Warriors of Chaos appeared on the battlefield, arriving behind the cliffs. Led by a giant demon, who held the Maledictum in one arm and the sword in another, new form of Sindri Myr stroke fear into hearts of men. Fortunately Great Father's presence was enough to minimize the effects from his passive aura. Demon PrinceC led into battle countless heretics and demons, with Chaos Space Marines following them, for they were much smaller in numbers and couldn't be replaced as easily as cultists and daemons.

'Predators' and 'Fire Prisms' said their heavy word and explosions grew in the crowds of Chaos worshipers, but madmen and cultists were nearly endless, and instead of one destroyed demon ten more took his place. Chaos Space Marines were further and, unlike their less armored colleagues, didn't try to jump on the bayonet of the guardsmen or under swords of Blood Ravens and Eldar, waiting for right moment to strike instead. This alone made them the most dangerous foe after the Demon Prince.

Very soon Chaos Forces, leaving countless dead behind, clashed with loyalists.

"For the Emperor!" screamed Naruto piercing the first enemy with his glaive and running to another. Other warriors soon followed his example and air was soon filled with battle-cries of Astartes, both loyal and heretic, roaring of chainswords and chainaxes and zooming sound of activated Power Weapons.

Naruto crushed one more enemy with his psychic power and suddenly found that there was no one to kill. Around him appeared the clean space, as if warriors of Chaos feared to challenge him… which was rather unreal.

He saw Farseer Macha, fighting back-to-back with Angelos, he saw Inquisitor Toth facing horde of the daemons and heretics all alone, he saw countless brothers from Blood Ravens and Eldar warriors, who followed their Farseer into battle. He saw some banshee forced down under relentless assault of traitor Astartes. She was about to be slayed, but seconds before that, Naruto's glaive beheaded the heretic.

He gave his hand to her and with a gracious nod, Banshee took it. Gentle push – and she is once again on her legs.

Meanwhile Demon Prince, who once was sorcerer Sindri Myr, clashed his sword with Avatar of Khaine. He managed to evade the ball of warp-fire, but heat from Avatar's body was that of supernova. Demon Prince quickly retreated waiting till temperature will go down. He knew that Avatar was powerful, but he wasn't a god he represented. He could support the temperature for a quick period of time unkike the Blood-handed God.

And he will be weak after this.

Demon grinned. It was a chance to taste the godly essence and he will be damned before he will deny himself something as tasty as this. Avatar finally stopped heating up and fell to his knee, seemingly weakened by his own action. Sindri roared and charged forward, swinging his sword left and right, barely blocked by Avatar. His last strike forced both entities into blade-lock, but Demon prince slowly overpowered Avatar of Khaine.

He was so close… He nearly tasted so desirable godly essence… When unimaginable pain pierced his chest. He looked down and saw the edge of the blade, coming from his chest. He turned head to the right, and looked into the eyes of the one, who dared to raise his hand upon him.

His gaze faced the glowing eyes of Azariah Vidya. Ancient librarithan held the shaft of his glaive in his hands and judging by his face he prepared some sort of surprise for a Demon Prince… Sindri could bet that he would not like it.

"Go to the hell, from whence you crawled from, hellspawn!" said sorcerer releasing the gathered energy into the body of the Demon Prince, through the glaive, igniting it in the process. Sindri screamed… in his half-transformed form he was powerful, yet also extremely vulnerable, before he became one of the denizens of Warp. In other words, he could still die… and he did… rather painfully, burnt to the crisp.

Soon the heretics fled from battle and allies faced the last problem on their hands: Maledictum.

"Destroy the artifact, Captain!" said Toth. "I order you so!"

"No! You will doom us all!" screamed Macha.

"Set your hammer aside, Gabriel. Destruction of the artifact may lead to the terrifying consequences. Leave it to the Eldar. They do not worship Chaos, after all." said Naruto.

This phrase led to uproar between the allies. Frustrated by this, with mighty roar Gabriel raised the Godsplitter and it fell… upon the earth.

"I had enough of this! Even I can sense that this bickering is caused by Maledictum. Macha! Take the damned thing! Despite all my believes… I fear that we do not have power to held it's corruptive might." said Gabriel, sealing the final verdict with strike of his hammer.

Macha nodded and with graceful gaze left through the Webway, followed by her warriors, who carried the sealed Maledictum. However, nothing could be that easy.

"I hope that you are proud for yourself, Captain Angelos." said Inquisitor Toth. 'We have you to thank for giving this extremely dangerous artifact into the hands of Xenos. I hope you are proud for your actions."

"His actions are approved by me." said Naruto, who stood behind Inquisitor.

"Yes, the mysterious Seth… and who are you to order captain around?" smiled Toth deviously.

"Seth… is just one of many names of mine." said Naruto pulling off his hood and noticing that most of the Blood Ravens, those of the older ones, tensed when they saw his face. "My name is Azariah Vidya, also known among my brethren as Great Father. Now… I have my own question to you, Inquisitor… Why do I smell warp taint and demonic essence oozing from you?"