Okay, here are the other editions. They're both incomplete, and they're unnecessary to read, so you don't have to. There here only if you want to read them. Plus, I'm a review whore, so please let me know what you think!

Scene 1:

The woman who opened the door stepped aside, revealing Rosemarie. Physically she appeared okay. However, the tear streaks down her face told a different story. Rose tok in her expression rapidly then shook her head. "Mom, whatever it is, just wait. Please." Her voice was thick with emotion, startling Janine, but she kept the emotion off her face.

Taking in the rest of the room, she realized she must have interrupted the memorial Ibrahim mentioned earlier. The house opened into what appeared to be a living room, and it was packed with people. Most had tear streaks down their faces and all held varying degrees of sorrow.

Looking back to Rose, Janine nodded. "I'll be waiting outside. I apologize for intruding," she said, turning back to the woman who answered the door for the second part.

"Did you know Dimka?" she asked, ignoring what Janine had said.

Janine nodded again, more slowly this time. What kind of weird nickname as Dimka? "Yes, but it was just in a professional manner."

"Stay, then. This is for everyone who knew Dimka. You should stay too, Mr. Mazur," the woman replied, looking behind Janine to Ibrahim, who had followed her up to the house at a much more leisurely pace.

"We would be delighted to stay Olena!" Ibrahim replied, sweeping into the house with a grandiose air. Taking Janine by the arm (and ignoring her glare), he gently lead her into the house and situated them next to a wall, out of the way. He nodded at the rest of them, signaling for them to continue. Rose sat back down in her chair next to a human girl- wait, no. There was a tattoo on her cheek. Must be the Alchemist Ibrahim had mentioned before.

The speaking resumed, in Russian unfortunately. Janine could make out a few words here and there, but she was far from fluent in the language. After the speaker finished and another one started, Ibrahim began translating quietly to her. They were all stories of Belikov's childhood, his time training at his academy, things she really didn't need to know.

Her attention quickly shifted to Rose. She didn't know Russian either, but the Alchemist seemed to be translating for her. Rose hung onto every word, her eyes welling with tears that never spilled.

Why in the world was Rose acting like that? Sure, Belikov had been her mentor, but the way she had reacted at the academy after he was taken and now, it was like…

Like she was in love with him.

Suddenly, everything clicked in Janine's mind- why Rose was here, how her and Belikov acted around each other, the stolen glances… Janine's emotions were all over the place, oscillating rapidly between anger at Belikov for taking advantage of her underage daughter, anger at Rose for getting herself involved with someone, and deep sorrow for Rose's immense loss at such a young age. One glance at the girl and anyone could see how deeply in love she was with him.

An oddly queasy feeling settled in her stomach. How could she have been so blind? This affair could have been going on from the moment they started training together. Oh god, the training! Hours alone, every day. Surely some of that time was spent training, given Rose's current skill level, but who's to say all of it was spent on the intended task?

Her emotions finally settled on fury. Fury at Belikov for what he did to Rose. Fury at her daughter for hiding his illicit actions. Fury at herself for never noticing.

By the time she was wells teamed up again, perhaps even more so than she had been upon exiting the car, someone motioned for Rose to speak. And my, was her testimony a punch to the gut. The girl next to her translated into Russian for those in the room that didn't speak English, tears streaming down her face. Rose looked as if she was attempting to keep the emotion off of her face, but was failing badly at it. Still, the tears in her eyes never spilled.

Rose's testimony was heart-wrenching. The tentative start with her and Belikov, which doused a little of the flame burning in Janine- he did try to stay away. He rose ever so slightly in her opinion. Janine looked around the room as her daughter spoke, taking in the faces of those around her. They all payed rapt attention to her, sympathy and pity in their eyes. A startling thought occured to Janine just then- they looked at Rose as if she were a wife that had just lost her husband. Her anger boiled up once again and she clenched her jaw tightly to keep herself from lashing out verbally. It was not the time; she would have the opportunity to get on Rose later. Now, her daughter was hurting, and she would let her have this time.

Once she finally finished, no one else stepped forward to speak. The woman who answered the door- Belikov's mother, she assumed- broke out a bottle of vodka and they all passed around shots. Janine accepted one, but didn't drink it. Even though she was off duty, she didn't like the way alcohol clouded her mind. It always left her anxious that she couldn't be as aware of her surroundings.

More conversations followed. Someone came up to Ibrahim and he excused himself, leaving her against the wall by herself. After a few minutes, she set her cup of vodka aside and walked out of the stuffy room, relishing in the fresh air outside. A moment later the door banged open and Rose appeared. The tears were gone from her eyes and she looked furious. The look startled Janine; where had that mourning girl gone to?

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she spat, not giving Janine a chance to say anything. "Everyone in there is mourning and you're over there looking like you're about to blow your top! What, did you skip the first two stages of grief and go right into anger?"

"Anger is the second stage of grief," Janine couldn't help but say.

Rose threw her hands up in exasperation. "Whatever! The point is you had no right to be in there acting the way you did." Wait, was Rose really giving her a lecture on inappropriate behavior?

"You really want to discuss that?" Janine said, her voice like ice.

Rose paused, jaw clenched, as she considered her next words. "I know I haven't acted the best in the past," she began slowly. "But, I'm just barely an adult. You aren't."

"I'm well aware," Janine snapped back.

Scene 2:

Rose hadn't thought much of the knocking on the door; the Belikov's always seemed to have people visiting, especially since she had brought the news of Dimitri's… condition.

Olena had been chatting with her in the living room when it happened. She scurried to the door, but must not have recognized the person. "Can I help you?" she asked, more polite that Rose ever tried to be with strangers.

"Perhaps. Is Rosemarie here?"

Rose lept out of her chair, a gasp flying from her mouth as the voice reached her ears. "Mom?" she said cautiously, not wanting to believe it was actually happening. Janine in Baia? Surely she was dreaming. This had to be a prank done by Adrien and his stupid spirit dreams.

Olena stepped aside, revealing Janine in all her five-foot glory, curly red hair tied back tightly into a bun. Her face was as stern as ever, and it seemed to grow more stern as her eyes landed on Rose.


The overwhelming surge of relief Janine felt upon seeing Rose, upright and seemingly unharmed, almost knocked her off her feet. She hid her emotions with anger, her face contorting into a displeased frown that spoke volumes.

The woman that had answered the door stepped back again, looking between the two. "You two seem like you need a minute. I'll be in the kitchen. Mama, Sonya, join me?" It was phrased as a question, but the woman's tone left no room for argument. The other occupants of the room, an ancient looking lady and a heavily pregnant woman in her twenties, stood and followed the middle aged woman through a door, leaving Janine and Rose alone.

Rose regarded her warily. She's waiting for me to blow up, Janine realized. The thought made her consider her words more carefully. Her thoughts moved rapidly and she quickly decided on a direct approach. Sighing, she let a little tension drop. "Rose, what are you doing here?"

Rose paused for a moment, not meeting her eye. "I had to tell them what happened," she finally replied, looking anywhere except Janine.

Janine snorted. "What, you couldn't ask around for a phone number?"

Rose finally met her gaze, eyes flashing with anger. "That's not all!" she snapped.

"What, then?" Janine snapped back, rapidly losing patience. What the hell has Rose been doing that she was so hesitant to admit to?

Rose clammed up again, breaking their eye contact. "It doesn't concern you," she muttered, so quiet Janine almost didn't hear.

"The hell it doesn't!" Janine roared, much louder than she had intended. She didn't want the Belikov's overhearing their conversation. Dropping her volume, she continued, "You're my daughter. What you do will always concern me."

"I'm eighteen now. I'm not a child anymore. You have no control over what I do." Rose's response was almost mechanical, like she had rehearsed it beforehand.

"Yet you're still acting like a child."

Rose whipped around and met her gaze once again, flames dancing in her dark eyes. "Why are you here anyway? You've never left your Moroi before, why start now?"

"Lord Selzky is taking an extended vacation at Court. When Ibrahim said he had located you, I had no reason to not come," Janine replied automatically, sounding just a little less rehearsed than Rose had just been.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Of course. There was nothing actively preventing you from being a parent so you had to step up for once in your life. Sorry for being such a burden," Rose snapped before turning away and walking to the stairs.

"Rosemarie!" Janine barked harshly. Rose paused but didnt turn. "We are not done here!"

"No Mom, I think we are," she replied icily and ran up the stairs.

Janine sighed and rubbed at the headache forming in her temples. She shouldn't have expected much else from her stubborn daughter. Their relationship had always been rocky due to her position as a Guardian. Seemed it still was, despite the small strides they had made after Spokane and the attack on St. Vladimir's.

A door opened softly and Janine straightened up, her hand falling to her side. It was the woman who had answered the door again. She smiled kindly at her and shook her head. "Teenagers. They never get easier to deal with." She raised her hand towards Janine. "I'm Olena Belikova. You are Roza's mother?"

Janine shook her hand briskly. "Yes. Janine Hathaway. I apologize for intruding in your home like this. I'd hoped to avoid it."

Olena waved off her apologies. "It is quite alright. Roza has been a delight to have here. She's been very helpful, even though we can all see her struggling to deal with Dimitri's-" her voice wavered and she didn't finish her sentence. Shaking her head, she offered Janine another smile, this time tinged with sorrow. "His memorial will be starting in a few hours. Will you be joining us?"

So, yeah, the story could have ended very differently. All three scenes had very different tones and slightly different directions. I hope y'all enjoyed this!
