Shadow had told us to go on without him. Needless to say, none of us could leave him. But we were almost home and he urged us to go. We were close to the tree line of the house, as much as it pains me to leave Shadow behind.

We all run towards the tree line at a fast pace. Sassy was behind Chance and I. Words couldn't express just how happy I am to finally be home with our family.

"Kendria! Sassy! We're home! Can you believe it? We're home!" Chance said, barking loudly. "Yeah, we finally made it." I say, barking myself. We continued to bark. It was heard because the call from Jamie made us run faster.

Then, Chance runs through the trees while calling Jamie's name. "Chance! Chance! Here, boy!" Jamie cried happily, running towards Chance. "Jamie! Jamie, my boy! Oh! Yes! Yes!" Chance happily said, running to Jamie.

The little boy ran to him and immediately hugged him. "Jamie, you don't know how much I missed you and all the things that happened. Oh, you smell like a million bones! You're my favorite boy in the whole world! I love you, Jamie!" Chance said, rubbing his body on the little boy.

The whole family came to the bulldog and immediately started giving him love. "You scoundrel you! Look at this guy!" Bob said, petting his face. I then made it through the trees and started to whine happily. "Peter! Oh my heavens!" I whine, running to Peter and them.

The second Peter saw me, a big smile stretched across his face as well as everyone else. "Kendria! Kendria!" The family said happily, running to me. I was so happy to finally see them after so long that I couldn't contain all of the happiness within me.

"You silly girl! Where have you been all this time?" Bob said, petting me all over my face. I jumped onto everyone and licked their faces while they laughed. "Oh, I missed you guys so much!" I bark, my tail wagging vigorously.

I jumped mostly on Peter, who was very happy to see me. "Oh, Kendria! I'm so glad that you have made it home." he laughed, running his hands through my fur. "Peter, I'm so happy to see you. You're really okay!" I say to him, knocking him to the ground. I pounce onto the boy while licking his face. He hugs my neck tightly.

"I missed you girl!" Peter cheers, hugging me. "I missed you Peter! I love you so much." I tell him, licking his face many times. I was so happy to see him that it was unreal. It felt like a lifetime ago that we had escaped from Kate's ranch. And now we finally made it home. I was like a pup again.

Then, we heard a meow coming from the treeline. It was Sassy. She had finally made it. Hope had a big smile on her face as she ran to the cat. "Sassy!" she laughed, going to pick her up. "Oh my baby!" the girl said, picking up the cat. "Oh Hope! I thought I'd never see you again." she meowed. Hope brings Sassy over to us where the family greets the feline.

"Family's come back together huh?" Bob says, happily. "Kendria, where's Shadow?" Peter asks, standing up. I stood right by his side and my demeanor dropped in sadness. It hit Peter like a train.

"C'mon, Shadow." Peter said quietly, looking at the treeline. Hoping that any minute Shadow would walk through those trees. "He was old. It was too far. He was just too old." Peter said sadly, walking away. I didn't move though. It was because I knew that Shadow was still alive.

Not a minute later, Shadow was limping out of the treeline. Laura gasps in surprise, getting Peter to stop walking. Shadow stops for a moment and says Peter's name. "Shadow!" Peter cried, running to Shadow. Shadow then began to run to the boy like I did.

"Oh, Peter. I worried about you so." Shadow pants, picking up the pace. "Shadow!" Peter cried happily. The two come together and start to play with each other. "I missed you Peter and I love you!" Shadow said joyfully. I couldn't help but join them and I barked.

Peter started to play with both of us at the same time as the family watched in awe and joy.

My tail starts to wag again as I watched the two of them reunite again. Peter was so happy to have his other best friend back with him. He had feared it was just us three that had made it back. But no… Shadow was a brave dog who pushed us through the hard journey.

It was mostly Shadow's victory. His belief was the thing that got us through. At that moment, I knew that the years had lifted off of him just then. It was as if he was a puppy again. Both of us had reunited with our best friend.

Shadow and I trotted towards the family, who greeted us with pets and love. We all had decided to go into the house, where a lovely dinner was prepared. Another familiar feeling washed over me when I entered the house, I knew that I belonged with this family. I had always belonged.

Chance was home too. He had found his place with Jamie. He was home. He had entered the house and just like before, he had started to go crazy about the turkey, which was sitting on the counter.

Oh, yes. We were definitely home. And nothing… nothing would ever change that. Never again.