So this is a piece of another fic I was working on. Originally, it was for another project but that fell through so I thought I'd use it for a fic I've been wanting to write for over a year now. For those of you who read Seven Month Itch, I posted for MamoChibaWeek2019, the chapter where Mamo dreams about going to Usagi for sex advice? That one! If you guys like it, let me know and I'll give you more. If you really like it, I'll finish it and post it as a whole fic!

A little background info, Usagi is 20 and Mamoru is 23. The club they go to is 21 and up only, that's why Usagi sneaks in. That's all I'm going to give away about the overall plot, I want the rest to be a surprise in case you guys want more!

Also, I've been getting some love my way, asking for sequels to some of the chapters in here. With so many requests, I'm going to put my response here! Let me know if I missed one.

Firsts- Yes! And it's now posted under Infinity Series!
Succub'd In- I have written more for this one, a second chapter or Two shot (so far). It's not finished and I'll probably post it next Friday the 13th or near Halloween since it's on the dark side. Even though I think it's cute.
The Secretary-I do have plans to expand on this one too. I haven't felt too rushed as the CEO and Secretary trope/theme has been DONE to death lol. But I'll write and post it someday!
Mating Dance- OMG YES! I have a lot more written for this one. It's also not complete and it needs a beginning if you ask me lol, but it is there! I've added quite a bit to it and I'm honestly considering making it an original. I can post it up here first I guess? I have heard stories of people's stuff getting stolen though.
Um, is that a Mermaid?- Big yes here too. There will be a second chapter to this one!

Trying to think if there were any more but those are the ones I remembered. Probably because they are the ones I'm continuing. If I didn't list it, then it's likely I'm not adding more to it. But I could be convinced if you really want more?

This was lovingly betaed by my dear friends LeCoeurNoirci, SailorSilverLadybug, and Astraearose-silvermoon. True treasures of the fandom!

The Art of Seduction

Club and elevator scene...

My heels popped loudly on the marble floor. The only other sound was his hurried steps behind me. Swinging them wide, I stretched my arms out in front of me and then high behind me, a tell-tale sign to 'back off', one he did not listen to in the slightest.

Catching one of my arms, his grip tightened around my bicep, forcing me to stop and turn to face him. I glowered, reaching deep inside me to pull out my anger from the depths of hell, unleashing the devil's hounds on him. He flinched, releasing me instantly and I returned to my retreat.

"Usagi...come on!"

Not stopping, I smacked the up button with my palm, my other hand crushing my clutch in my fist. "You come on, Mamoru!"

"You weren't supposed to be there!"

"Oh...I wasn't supposed to be there? What the hell kind of excuse is that?!"

I smacked the up button again, furious that the damned thing dared to keep me waiting this long near to this man.

He tried to wrap his arms around me as he spoke in honeyed tones. "It wasn't that bad, now was it?"

I swatted him away with my purse, forcing him back like the dog he was. "No. It was WORSE!"

Never mind that I had never gotten to go to a club before. Or that Minako had to work a hell of a lot of magic to get me and Makoto in. It was the hottest club in town and I was there! Not only that, but Minako sweet-talked the bartender into giving us some shots. Makoto only drank one while Minako and I had three. They burned my throat and tasted like, what I imagine, drinking Windex was like. But after the second one, I was feeling light on my feet.

The dance floor was calling my name, begging me to join the pulsing crowd and just be one of the many. I didn't even care if I had to push through several sweaty bodies just to claim my space. It was worth it.

Minako danced next to me, Makoto swaying a little but mostly keeping her eyes on us and those around us like a bodyguard. Then, Minako grabbed my hand, pulling me from the dance floor. I whimpered in protest until I saw where she was pulling me. A pole stood empty on a small, lit stage, and now it was calling the two of us.

We jumped up, Minako in her tight but stretchy blood orange tube dress, and me in my white tank top and dark denim skirt. She looked more like she belonged, but alcohol was hiding my give-a-shit button.

Minako grabbed onto the pole and I had followed suit, spinning around it. I dipped back, my hands still on the pole, while Minako ran a hand down my front, from my neck to my navel.

Hoots and hollers lifted up over the bouncing bass in the club. It was only then that I realized we had gathered a crowd. Minako was pumped up, ready to give a show, whereas I would need a few more shots before I was ready for that.

I managed to slip off the small stage and head back to the dance floor, passing Makoto who was now keeping watch on a lonely Minako as she twisted around the pole with ease. Fearless that girl.

Now, alone on the dance floor, surrounded by strangers, I joined a small group of girls who were twisting away without a care. They were easily between twenty-five and thirty, but they either didn't care that I was younger or didn't know, their drunk minds making the decisions for them. One of them grabbed my hips, forcing me to twist them a bit more than I was, and it felt good. It felt easier to give in and let my body go to its limits. They cheered me on as I lifted my arms in the air, pulling them up under my hair, the twin tails wrapping around my forearms before slipping off and back to their original positions. Reaching and grabbing the air above my head, I rolled my hips in rhythm with the music, popping them back and forth while my head rolled around with them.

It wasn't long until hands found my hips. Even though I wasn't completely cool with the idea of being touched at the moment, I kept my calm, letting my mystery partner have his fun, however brief it would be for him. He pulled me into him, my back pressed to his chest while his hands massaged my love handles. Kneading their way up, his hands went higher and higher and...

Stepping forward, I pulled myself out of his touch, readying to flee. But he grabbed me again, pressing me hard against him once more. This time, I felt it. His hard-on.

Ready to bolt, I fought against his hold, his hands grabbing my wrists and holding them tight across my chest. His breath caressed my neck and I wondered when, or if, anyone was going to save me.

"Relax, Odango. It's nothing I haven't seen or touched before."

This time when I pulled away, he let me go, but not before rubbing his thumbs across my nipples. His smirk filled his whole face, and he swayed ever so slightly as he took a step closer to me.

"What the hell, Mamoru? You scared the shit out of me!" Alcohol made me swear it seemed.

He was near, but I still had to shout to be heard over the music. His swaggering steps soon had him on top of me again, his head resting against mine. "Oh come on now, Usako. You can't really expect less, coming to a place like this...dressed like that."

I saw his eyes darken at the mention of my outfit like he had forgotten for a moment just what I had on.

Grabbing me to him, he ground against me. Nothing all that obscene given our surroundings, but it still made me blush. While he chuckled, a finger came up to trace my jaw.

"You are fucking beautiful, you know that, don't you?"

"You're drunk, Mamoru."

He shook his head, a boyish smile on his face. "I'm not that drunk. Just enough."

"Just enough for what?"

His answer came in the form of a crushing kiss. Rushing my mouth, his tongue dove in, almost choking me at first. But then he reined in his enthusiasm, sticking to flicking his tongue across mine. After he had pulled me in a second time, his hands had remained on the small of my back. Now they traveled upwards, tickling my sides till he brushed the sides of my breast. In an instant, he released my mouth, bringing it to my ear instead while his hands continued to make small circles into the sides of my mounds.

"My, my, Usagi Tsukino. Are you not wearing a bra?"

The heat of his breath on my neck caused a ripple to go up my spine and he felt it on the tips of his fingers. Dipping his fingers, he ran a trail around the bottom of my breast, his thumbs running dangerously close to my nipples, which I was now certain stood out, even with the little 'press on's' Minako had loaned me.

I felt his tongue on my ear lobe, his head continuing to dip down onto my shoulder while his hands fanned out, fully encompassing my breasts and pulling them into his grasp. I struggled to breathe when his thumb and forefinger found my pebbles, pinching them between the two of them. I might have let him lay me down on that dance floor and take me, I was seriously considering it when brown hair in a familiar ponytail bounced into view just over his shoulder.

I pushed him hard, not that hard, but probably harder than I should, given his current state. So, of course, he stumbled backward, bumping right into Makoto.

Grabbing his shoulders, she steadied him no problem and set him back upright. His eyes were still glued to me, his lustful intentions clear and I feared that Makoto would make the connection any second now.

I managed to escape again, leaving Mamoru and Makoto to hash it out on the dance floor while I disappeared to the bathroom. But I didn't make it.

There was a small and dark hallway between the club and their bathroom. I had just stepped inside when he found me, grabbing me up again and all but throwing me against the wall. His mouth was on mine again before I could get a word out, or in, but it was soon traveling down my neck to my chest. Without a word, he pulled the neckline of my tank down and had one of my breasts out, ripping the stick-on off and planting his mouth around my nipple in seconds.

It was all going so fast, I could barely wrap my mind around the haze of alcohol, lust, and pleasure he was pushing into me. But no one was near; no one would see.

With fumbling fingers, I got my hand into the front of his pants, digging through the waistline of his slacks. Reaching my goal with ease, I took his hot cock in my hands and squeezed. His head popped up from my breast, a small popping sound came from the quick release of suction as his head fell back in a moan. I twisted the two of us around, him being putty in my hands. Now his back was against the wall, his head looking up at the ceiling as I squeezed him again.

The heat of the bodies in the small room and the base beating in the background fueled me, dropping to my knees and freeing him from his jeans to put him in my mouth.

"Dear GOD, Usagi!"

I looked up, giggling deep in my throat at him writhing under my attention. My giggle only added to his twisting. I slowly lifted my head back, letting him slip out of my mouth till he stood in front of me with nothing holding him up. His skin was pulled tight, looking painful, and I wondered if it was, puffed up like a balloon that was waiting to be made into an animal.

Then he was weeping, the cool air causing a small drop of cream to come from his tip. My head was spinning from the booze but it still recalled a little trick Minako and Makoto swore by that I'd been dying to try. So I licked the tip, the creamy-white of his cum tasted bitter, but good at the same time. He shifted his weight, forcing my attention back to him. He was watching me, his eyes so dark they looked black. I found I couldn't break eye contact with him, that I didn't want to.

Taking the girls' advice, I put one hand on his scrotum, cupping his balls and the other on his shaft. I took him into my mouth again, a shaky hum coming from his lips as mine parted and sank over him slowly. I don't know how, but he managed to keep his eyes open, focused on me. It made me feel powerful, having him under my control and his full attention. Not minding in the slightest that I now had "Mr. Self-Control" with his pants almost to his ankles in a crowded club.

Creating a rhythm, my head bounced while my hand rubbed his shaft and the other gently pulled and kneaded his scrotum. All the while, he was struggling to stay standing up. I grazed my teeth against him ever so slightly and his whole body shuddered, his cock twitching so hard it bounced up to hit the roof of my mouth. Removing the hand I had on his shaft, I took him all the way into my mouth, his short, coarse, and curly black hair tickled my lips and nose as I pulled him into his hilt. It was tough, his length coming to butt up against the back of my throat, but I knew I wouldn't need to keep him like this for long.

His hands grabbed my head, holding me in place, as if I was going to go somewhere else, gripping the buns on top of my head like a lifeline. The pressure on my scalp was one of pleasure just on the edge of pain.

Pulling him out slightly, I coated him with my saliva and pulled him back in deep again. After only a couple of times with him deep in my mouth, his cock twitched again, this time accompanied by a deep and loud moan from him. Glancing up, I saw his eyes glaze over before his head went back against the wall.

Hot liquid hit the back of my throat, him pulsing inside, bouncing as he pumped out all his worth. Quickly, I pulled gently on his balls, so that they were away from the rest of his body and he groaned again, this time like an animal. His grip on my hair tightened, even more, the shock of my movements and how they lengthened his orgasm, a happy and welcomed surprise.

I kept still, waiting until his member quieted in my mouth before I released him, his grip on my hair disappearing quickly. My jaw was sore as I opened and closed it, massaging it at the hinge below my ear.

Standing before him, my knees were stiff but soon returned to normal, although I was sure they were bruised. I was busy looking for any signs of bruising when he grabbed my elbows and pulled me against him. The slope of his body as he leaned against the wall and the added height of my heels had us level in both our mouths….and our other parts.

My hands were in his hair before his mouth found mine; soft, dark locks swallowing my fingers. I was sure he could taste himself on me, but he didn't care, his tongue swirling with mine. His hands went down my back, gripping my ass hard for a moment. Then he continued down, not stopping until one of his hands gripped the naked skin of my thigh. In seconds he had dipped low, only to come up with his renewed hard on slipping under my skirt. His hand gripped the back of my knee, bringing it up to his hip to rest and give him access.

Leading a hot trail down my jaw, he nipped at my neck, his tip pressed painfully against my entrance, my panties blocking the way. I didn't even notice his mouth at my ear.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard, this whole club is going to hear your screams." I shivered, vibrating the both of us in our closeness and he chuckled. "I see you...shivering in anticipation…"

He slapped the back of my raised thigh, the bare flesh taking the brunt and stinging slightly long after his hand left the spot. The pressure he placed with his mouth on my neck and collarbone had me bending back under his will and I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation of his tongue on my skin.

"Mamoru? What the hell?!"

I nearly fell backward, the only thing keeping me from flopping back on my ass was Mamoru as he continued to hold me tight. Following his eyes, I found a very angry looking brunette. Her hands were on her hips, her shiny black dress getting wrinkled and crushed under her tight grip. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun on top of her head and I could see the perfectly painted nails that were easily long enough to scratch eyes out. Even in this dark and sweaty club, this girl looked as if she was ready for a photoshoot, every hair in place, all her clothes straight and fitted perfectly, and her breasts popping out just enough from the top of her dress.

She glared at the two of us, waiting for some kind of answer. But I had none, not knowing who the hell she was, and Mamoru remained silent. Glancing at him, his face still inches from mine, I saw him staring right back at her with a look of shock. Clearly, not expecting to ever get caught, he had never thought of a response if we had.

His face woke up, turning from shock to a sheepish grin. The girl let out a frustrated and angry yell, turning perfectly on her perfect heels and storming away from us. But I kept my eyes on him, waiting for my answer.

"Who was that?!"

His eyes darted to mine, sheepish grin still firmly planted on his face. "That was my date."


"Why am I here again Motoki?"

I glared at the blond, his back to me as he walked ahead. I was dragging, not wanting to ever meet our destination...ever.

"Reika has been dying to go to this club for well over a month now and she finally found a way in, okay?"

"But, what does that have to do with me?"

I watched as his shoulders rose and fell in a rapid shrug. "No clue but she said to get in, YOU had to be with me."

We rounded the corner, a long line of people met us. As we walked by, I went even slower, taking in the people as we passed. The men were dressed more like they were going to class or some minor outdoor event while the women were dressed, in what I imagine, was their skimpiest outfit they owned. I was pretty sure one of them was wearing a shirt, pretending it was a dress.

Arriving at the front door, Motoki stepped right up to the very large bouncer, a man with biceps the size of my head. There was no doubt in my mind, the guy could break me in half like a dried twig.

"Motoki Furuhata? And plus one."

The bouncer looked at both of us before looking down at his clipboard, thumbing through the pages slowly. Then he looked back up and I thought for sure he was going to have us physically removed to the back of the line. But instead, he lifted the velvet rope and stood back, letting us inside.

Once inside, I wasn't really sure what made this club so "special". It looked like every other club...well every other club I had ever heard of. I'm not one for going to these stupid places, too loud and messy.

Then again….

There were two poles standing on little lit stages and both had a few girls on them, grinding away in little outfits. The sight should have turned me on. Hell, it was turning on the gaggle of men who had crowded around. But I just felt like something was missing from it.

The dance floor was packed with bodies, not having been made nearly large enough. No, most of the space in this place was reserved for the bar. A large monolith, it stood at the back of the club taking up half the club with its mass. I really needed a drink, more than one, if I was going to survive this night. But Motoki led me away, spotting something in the corner and dragging me with him.

He led me to a booth, dark and round in the back corner of the club. It had a good view though, the dance floor and stripper pole right in front of it so when you sat down, you could just enjoy the show. I had a feeling that would be what I did most of the night, drink overpriced and tiny cups of alcohol and watch people make fools of themselves.

Motoki was blocking my view, his back to me again, but soon he stood to the side and I got a view of the booth's occupants. One I knew, Reika, stood and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before getting gathered in Motoki's arms. The second was a mystery, a pretty little brunette who eyed me carefully. As if I was meat.

Reika leaned back over the table to the stranger, her mouth opening wide in a yell but I still couldn't hear a word she said. It must have been good as the strange girl sat a little straighter and smiled seductively at me. Motoki leaned into me a second later.

"This is Kara. She is a friend of Reika's and the one who got us in tonight," he paused, and I stared him down, daring him to continue. "Apparently, she agreed to get us in if Reika got her a date…"

I was livid. Not only did I have to come to this vapid excuse for entertainment, but I was the sacrificial lamb for it. Motoki looked remorseful. I had no doubts that he had no clue of Reika's plan. She had a tendency to leave the man out of her most devious schemes. I quickly grabbed Reika again, making to excuse myself to the bar, but kept my voice as tight as I felt.

"You owe me….forever!"

She smirked and I left, knowing full well that I was going to need a lot more drinks than I originally planned.

Three shots called a Buttery Nipple, Reika's choice, and two glasses of whiskey later, I was carefully sipping a beer, wanting to keep myself pleasantly buzzed and not outright drunk. Just feeling good enough to listen as the brunette… Karma?... prattled on about herself.

Don't get me wrong, she was pretty and apparently smart as she said something about a degree in geology or some shit like that. I didn't really give a rat's ass… about anything at the moment.

I glanced over, her mouth moving but the words not hitting my ears, and I found myself really taking in her appearance. Tight, little, black dress that hugged her lovely little curves. Brown hair twisted and tied on top of her head, a perfect updo without a single hair out of place. Her lips were lined in red, standing out against her pale skin and making her green eyes pop. She was beautiful. Gorgeous in fact. But it was all wrong.

Her hair wasn't supposed to be brown, it was supposed to be blonde. And up in that ridiculous hairstyle, not the sensible one it was in now. Her nails weren't supposed to be perfectly painted and filed into long shapes, they were supposed to be chewed up from nerves and gnarly. And she wasn't supposed to be going on and on about herself, she was supposed to be going on and on about her friends, her loved ones, and about me and how I make her feel. It was wrong...all wrong.

I had to turn away, it was killing my buzz. I let myself survey the crowd, hoping for some kind of reprieve from my current downward spiral.

Motoki appeared with yet another round of shots. "None for me, man."

The blond eyed me carefully but didn't press it. Handing out shots, he left 'mine' on the tray, and sat back down next to his girl, leaving the view wide open to all of us.

One pole now stood empty but that didn't last long, a pair of blondes jumping on it like crazed strippers. Even though they weren't very good, I couldn't take my eyes off the two of them, one blonde in particular, who had a very interesting hairstyle…..wait a minute.

"What the fuck is she doing here? Dressed like that and dancing….like…." I mumbled to myself, all words washed away by the loud music.

I was suddenly very aware of both my body and hers, partly from the distance between them but mostly the effect hers was having on mine. My temperature was spiking quickly, hiking up more and more with every dip she made. It was then that I also noticed the number of eyes on her that did not belong to me and my temperature rose to a dangerous peak. I was literally hot under the collar. Grabbing the offered shot, I pounded it back, hoping to cool myself with a bit of liquid medicine.

She dipped her head back, closing her eyes, and the other girl, Minako for sure, ran her hand down her body, something that I should be doing, not her friend. It was then that Usagi seemed to wake up, quickly leaving the stage and rushing back to the dance floor.

Next thing I knew, I was excusing myself to the bathroom and following after her. It took a few minutes to get through the crowd and make it to the spot she held, having to get rubbed by a few people was not pleasant, but worth it. I found her lost in the music, her hands above her head, and her hips swaying to the rhythm like a golden goddess. I couldn't take it anymore. I had been thinking about her all day every day for a week and now she was just in reach.

I pulled her to me, her back hitting my chest and I knew right then and there I would not be letting her go.

When she turned to face me, my breath caught in my throat. Her hair was still in its usual style but a few small pieces had come free, framing her flushed face. And her lips were parted, letting air rush past them in small, quick puffs. Even with her tight little top and even smaller skirt, she still looked sexier than all the other women in less clothing somehow.

The alcohol must have been taking effect because I swear she was glowing. I moved closer and it was like she was some unearthly thing, the lights above hitting her hair and lighting her up like an angel. I'm pretty sure I told her she was beautiful but she still shoved me off of her once I had her in my arms, her perfect breast filling my hands and then, feeling so empty.

Her tall friend helped me right myself while looking at me confused, Makoto was her name... I think. Either she was wondering why I was there or why I was so close to her friend, or both. But I didn't have the time to care. I had a goddess to catch.

I grabbed her again and gave her no chance to escape, using the wall and my body to trap her. But somehow, she flipped us over, trapping me instead. And then she had me in her mouth. I thought for sure I had slipped and hit my head and was actually passed out somewhere dreaming all of this. No way Usagi Tsukino would get down on her knees for me in a crowded club and do this. She ran her teeth across me and I knew it was all deliciously real.

Her hot mouth covered me up, swallowing me whole, dear god what was she doing to me? And where the fuck did she learn to do this? No, no, can't think like that, not now, not while she is...oh GOD!

Heat was coursing through me, pushing through my body, down my spine, and into my lower belly. I knew what was coming, or rather who was, and I tried to stop her, not wanting to come in her mouth. But she ignored me, pushing my hands away and taking me all the way into her mouth. I swear I saw stars, they covered my vision as the heat flowed down my hips and all the way to the tip of my cock. I groaned, fisting her hair hard in my hands, but I was hardly in control. No, she was the one steering the car right now.

I had just started my orgasm when she grabbed my balls again, pulling them slightly, and it was like time stopped, my orgasm stretching out longer than I had ever experienced. It was true, I hadn't imagined it; she was, in fact, a goddess.

By the time my vision cleared, she was standing before me, and thoughts of her "learning" with other men filled my brain again and I had to grab her, pull her to me and make sure I erased any memories of those other lovers from her brain. And mine.

I was all set to do just that when I heard my name, but not from Usagi's mouth. No, hers was too busy to call out to me at the moment.

My brain in a haze, a mixture of the alcohol and the even better high that was Usagi, it took me a minute to understand who I was looking at for a moment. By the time I figured it out, she was stomping away, leaving the two of us to return to our previous engagement.

However, when I looked back, finding Usagi's never-ending pools for eyes staring back at me, fear started to creep into my spine.

"Who was that?"

"My date."

I had meant it as a joke, a joke I now realize was kind of an inside joke as Usagi had no clue who that woman was and how I had come to be in this club with her. Of course, I realized this all far too late as Usagi had already unwrapped herself from me and was stomping away much like….Faye?...had a second ago. The only difference was, I followed after Usagi.

Usagi met up with Makoto, crashing into her really, while Motoki stood next to the two of them, a scolding look already printed on his face.

"Well," he yelled, "guess the party's over! I don't know what you said to Kara…"

"KARA! That's it!"

He looked slightly amused but it quickly left his face. "But she has left in a huff and now Reika is upset as well, having lost her golden ticket. Hope you're happy!"

Motoki walked away, back to Reika surely. I was busy watching my blonde, who was having a heated conversation with her friend, the taller of the two pointing to something behind them. I glanced over, seeing a sluggish and slumped looking Minako. The alcohol had claimed another victim, it seems. They were heading towards the exit, Minako between the two of them and I quickly told Reika and Motoki goodbye, following after the trio. I don't really know why, maybe it was the alcohol, but I just couldn't have Usagi leaving mad at me. Not over a stupid date that I didn't even want to be on anyways.

I caught up to them, arguing on the street, the three of them trying to figure out how to get home.

"We can take the bus."

"Usagi, you really want to get on the late-night bus with Minako like this and us dressed like...well hookers? We will have so many welts on our asses from getting pinched by the time we get home, we won't be able to sit down."

"Fine! Then let's take a taxi!" Usagi offered.

Makoto shook her head hard. "That will cost a fortune. Ug, fucking Minako! She was supposed to be the designated driver!"

"Did she even drive here? We should have just all come together. Then we would at least know where her goddamned car WAS!"

I stepped up, startling them at first, but both of them visibly relaxed once they realized who I was. "Maybe I could help?"

Usagi tensed and grew silent in her anger. But Makoto was overjoyed. "Oh God, YES! Thank you, Mamoru. Can you take us home?"


I pulled out my keys but they got swiped away in an instant, leaving me puzzled as to what had just happened. "You idiot, you can't drive us or even yourself! Tell me where you parked, ass."

Usagi was glaring at me, my keys in her hands, and for some reason, I found it hot. "Around the corner. Green Street parking deck."

She stalked off, hitting my shoulder with hers as she passed. Then Minako was dropped into my arms as Makoto chased after her, not wanting her to go alone. A minute or two later, my car pulled up on the street in front of me, Usagi at the wheel, and again I found myself getting turned on.

Normally, I would be freaking out, especially with someone like Usagi driving, but all I could do was try and hide my hard-on.

A relatively silent car ride later and we stopped out front of the dorm the girls all lived in. Makoto got out, grabbing up an unconscious Minako from beside me in the backseat, having been forced to the back as Makoto sat up front next to Usagi. The ride gave me a few minutes to sober up considerably, so I jumped out as well, trying to help the tall amazon but she clearly did not need my help.

But Usagi stayed put, the wheel of my car firmly in her hands. "I'll take him home and come back, okay?"

Makoto looked over at me and then back to Usagi. "Okay, just be careful."

Makoto disappeared inside and I slid into the passenger seat next to my blonde. I barely had my door closed before she took off. "Whoa! What's the rush?!"

Not taking her eyes off the road, she practically growled at me. "The sooner I can drop you off, the better. I really don't want to be anywhere near you, ever!"

I chuckled, hoping to fight off the fear that crept up my spine again. But she remained silent, not saying a single word the rest of the way to my apartment.

I was surprised when she parked the car out front, the first time I had ever seen an open spot so close to the front door. "What are you doing? The parking deck is over there!"

She didn't even follow my finger. She knew where it was. I had brought her in that way many times before already. "I know that, asshat. I'm not staying long, I'm just going to make sure you make it upstairs and into your apartment. Got it?"

"Aww Odango, I didn't know you cared."

She bristled at my words and I instantly regretted them. But my apology died in my throat as she was already out of the car and making for the lobby.

It was empty, which was understandable at one am. The only sounds were her heels on the marble floor and my hurried steps after her, chasing her like a fool.

I tried to grab her, to hold her to me but she pulled away each time. She was doing a really good job of ignoring me, her anger at me boiling over in silent torture.

Finally, the doors to the elevator opened and we made it inside alone. I expected her to let it loose, now that we were in an enclosed space, safe from being seen or heard. But instead, she continued her silence, keeping a good foot between us as the elevator flew upwards. I felt like a caged beast, a mixture of anger, fear, and the overwhelming desire to get her to just fucking look at me, making me feel like clawing at the steel walls around me.

We were steadily nearing my floor and I knew that if I didn't act soon, she would be shoving me into my apartment and running away as fast as she could.

It took one step, just one, so simple, to have the distance between us abolished and her against the wall with my arms trapping her in place. But she still looked away from me, her eyes at the door or the floor, anywhere but at me.

"Look at me." She held firm, keeping her eyes to the floor and fear-fueled my anger. "Look. At. Me."

She let out a sigh and looked up at me, her actions like that of one humoring a child. "What?"

"Why are you so mad at me?"

She choked out a laugh, clearly holding in some tears which squeezed something painfully in my chest. "Why am I mad? You're joking right?"

"So this is about that woman?"

"You mean your date?"

"Jesus, Usagi…."

"Get the hell away from me."

She pushed on me, but I held fast, keeping her still and under me. "What is the big fucking deal?!"

"The big fucking deal, Mamoru, is that you were there with someone else! I haven't heard from you in a week.."

"I was at a conference. I had to go," but my words did little to ebb away the anger and hurt still on her face, "and so what if I was there with someone. I left her. To find you!"

She huffed, throwing up her hands to bring them down hard on my chest. "Of course you came to me. Because I'm just an easy lay, aren't I?!"

"An easy lay?! What the fuck, Usa…"

"An easy lay! Someone you can go to and know for a fact that you will get some!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it. "Usagi, when has anything ever been easy between us?"

"Since the first time, things have been pretty easy for you!"

"Well, they sure as hell aren't easy now!"

She slumped before me, finally losing a bit of her fight, so I took the opportunity to sweep her up in my arms. The simple action brought her fight right back to the surface, pushing and hitting me in an attempt to get free.

"Let me go!"

I pulled her in even tighter, refusing to give in to her demands. "Nope."

She continued to fight, twisting, and jerking in my arms. We were nearing my floor and the doors opened. I ignored them, letting them shut once more before reaching over to quickly press as many buttons as possible before returning my hold to her.

A frustrated scream left her lips and I couldn't help but laugh. "See, nothing easy here!"

"Then maybe you should call up your date? I'm sure she'd love to come on over and fuck you!"

I set her down hard against the wall and loomed over her, making sure I had her full attention. "It wasn't a date, Odango. Motoki forced me to go with him and Reika surprised me with her….whatever the fuck her name is. I don't even like clubs. Why the hell anyone would ever want to go to one is beyond me."

She smirked, her way of hiding her smile. "People go because they are fun. Maybe if you had been paying attention instead of brooding like you always do, you would have noticed."

Grabbing her hips, I pulled her in close to me, my forehead pressing against hers. "All I noticed was you and ALL the other eyes on you."

With all her anger at me, I had forgotten that little fact, her dancing with every male eye watching, drinking her in.

"Just what the hell were you doing there anyway? You are too young."

She pouted for a moment, looking up at me through her bangs. But it quickly turned to anger again, probably from calling her young. I knew she hated it, but I was right. She was too young to be there.

"Like I said, to have fun!"

A possessive growl furled out of my throat and I tightened my grip on her hips, pressing her hard into the wall. "If you want that kind of fun, then call me."

The need to claim her was strong. Dipping down, I started with her lips, molding them to mine as if it was proof they belonged to me. Her hands held tight to the front of my shirt, grabbing on so quickly and harshly from my advance that she gripped skin. But the pain was gone in a flash, my attention quickly going elsewhere. I vaguely heard the elevator doors open but missed when they closed, only realizing it had when we started moving again.

Out of nowhere, she pushed me off, breaking off from my lips. "Mamoru. I think….I think we should end this."

"End what? You fighting me? Cause I am more than happy to agree on that front."

I tried to resume my affections but she held her hand up to my mouth, stopping me. "I mean us, this, whatever we are. It's not working and I think….I think maybe…."

Her words died off in her throat but I knew where she was going "I think we need to see other people". My mind was reeling, she couldn't be serious! The thought had never occurred to me, although I realized now it should have. This could end. What we have, it could end and she would leave me; that we would stop.

I could not, would not let her slip away.

Reaching down, I grabbed her thighs hard and lifted her up, her feet dangling at my knees. "Like hell, I'm ever going to let you go."

That time, she kissed me, grabbing me behind the neck and pulling me to her with such force, I knew both our lips would be bruised later. It was like lighting a match or a fuse, the heat rising in an instant between us. All issues and concerns melted away in the heat of our coupling.

She swung her feet around me, locking them together at her ankles, the pressure of her heels on the small of my back telling me so. I pressed into her harder, begging the wall to hold her up so I could get my hands on her. Luck was on my side, the railing I had temporarily forgotten about now working as a seat for her, at the perfect height.

Her hands were everywhere, my chest, my shoulders, reaching around to my back, and going up my shirt. My skin scorched under her touch and I needed more. I left her mouth, needing to taste her skin, and made for her neck, licking and sucking at the spot just below her ear that I knew she loved. A loud moan left her right at my ear, so loud yet still like music to me. I soon found her collarbone, nipping at it, earning me a whimper. With a harsh tug, I had one of her breasts free just like I had earlier, and I busied myself with getting as much of it as I could into my mouth while I rubbed and pinched the nipple of the other through the thin fabric of her shirt. She was writhing under me, her skirt riding high up her thighs to show the pale pink lace she wore underneath. I cursed the jeans that separated me from feeling the warmth that I knew was coming from them. She managed to slip her hand inside my pants, as if reading my mind on how much I wanted to feel her skin on my cock, and gently stroked me, pressing her thumb into my tip. I lost it.

Pulling her off the rail, I reached up her skirt and ripped her panties down, removing them from her legs and slipping them into my back pocket. We were both wrestling with my belt and pants when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Only this time, there was someone waiting to enter.

Usagi's shirt and skirt had righted themselves with her movement, having stood her up to remove her panties, the tight material automatically pulling itself back into place after being stretched to their limits over her exposed breast. And my pants were still intact thankfully. So at worst, we looked like we had just gone for a run in our clothes.

It was an older couple, old enough for me to wonder just what the fuck they were doing out so late. They walked in and I realized we had made it all the way down to the lobby again. The two newcomers eyed us carefully. The woman frowned while the man just smiled.

I pulled Usagi in close to me, letting them enter and stand in front of us. The man reached over for the controls, pausing over them when he noticed no buttons had been selected. "What floor?"

He glanced back at me for a second, waiting for my reply, somehow knowing Usagi was not up for speaking. "65."

The guy probably thought I just gave him the top floor so the two of us would have a long ride. Although he was half right, we would have a long ride, but not because of the elevator. It was, in fact, my floor.

The doors closed and we started moving again, the couple selected the 24th floor which meant we would be alone soon...but not soon enough.

I dared to look down at her, her chest still heaving from our bout and almost getting caught. Her hair was a little wilder than it had been in the club and her cheeks had a beautiful flush on them. Something caught my eye, though. The back of her skirt had not been fixed and it was still flipped up slightly, a small peek of her bare cheeks showing.

My hand on her back between her shoulders slowly moved downward, seeking out the treasure with little thought from me. Soon her plump cheeks were under my hand and she gasped, turning it quickly into a cough in an attempt to cover it to our guests. She elbowed me in my side but it did nothing to deter me, rubbing her lovely little ass and slipping my hand between her thighs. I suddenly loved her heels, the added height putting her at the perfect level for me to reach through and grab her clit, not having to bend even in the slightest. My fingers traced her folds and she fell against me, her face burrowing into my arm and biting my muscle. It hurt, but I liked it.

I rubbed her, back and forth, my fingers slick in a second as I moved them through her lips. I tentatively slipped a finger inside, my knees almost crumbling at how wet and warm she was. It had been too long since I last felt her velvet walls.

She moaned as I dipped inside her, going for a cough again as a cover. But the couple only shifted their weight uncomfortably. I wasn't sure I cared if they knew what we were doing or not. I didn't want to wait any longer to make her come and squeeze around me, even if it was around my fingers this time.

I had three fingers inside her, feeling around her walls until I found her soft center, her spot. I flicked it with my index finger, a hard shudder from her my reward. Her hands were on me now, gripping hard to my sleeve and the front of my shirt near my belt. I kept my fingers pumping, hitting her spot over and over again, feeling her walls shudder and tighten around me. Squeezed tight, I pushed in hard, pressing roughly against her center and the dam released. Her whole body shook, her teeth digging into me so hard, I was sure she broke the skin all while she coated my palm with her juices.

I pulled free, fixing her skirt and patting her ass as I held her against me, letting her regain herself while we continued to wait.


The doors opened and the couple stepped out, giving us a quick nod and a 'good night' before disappearing onto their floor. The doors weren't even closed before I turned, picking her up and slamming her against the wall again. A small whimper escaped her and I stopped, checking her to make sure I didn't actually hurt her. Her eyes were wide and dark and her hand traced up my arm, stopping at the teeth marks she left on me.

"I'd say sorry but you really did it to yourself," She smirked, reminding me that my hand still bore her juices and I lifted it up, licking it right in front of her face.

"Worth it."

Her hands worked furiously at my belt again, this time getting it undone and shoving all offending fabric out of the way and to my thighs. I sprung out like a Jack-in-the-box but quickly covered myself inside of her. The coming together after so much build-up, I almost came when my tip met her entrance. I breathed deep and focused, wanting to tear her up tonight and I needed to focus on that instead of the insane grip her walls had on me at the moment.

I went as deep as I could in the position we were in, her warmth spreading down to my balls as I filled her most of the way. A strangled cry came from her, our time apart showing its effect on her as well.

Grabbing her hips, I pulled out of her slowly, my tip sitting just inside her entrance. I sat like that for a few seconds until I couldn't stand it any longer, slamming back inside her with all my strength. My cock had gotten cold from the cooler air and stung with the heat of her as I buried it deep. I pulled out again, unable to stay out of her as long the second time before thrusting back in.

"Oh God, Mamoru...fuck me!"

I didn't need to be told twice.

I pulled her hips from the wall, angling her towards me and pumping into her hard. Her liquids covered me, dripping down my shaft and into my hair. Reaching up, I yanked her shirt down again and took her nipple into my mouth, sucking and brushing it with my tongue and teeth. I needed something to keep me from coming as I was already close.

Her hands in my hair, she gripped my strands at the root and held me tight, keeping my head at her breasts. As if I would go anywhere else at that moment. She screamed, my name ripping from her lips as she got close and I doubled my efforts, pulling at her thighs and lifting her up into my thrusts.

I felt her tighten around me, my cock this time, and her moans went up to a new octave, something she tended to do when she came hard. Squealing, she flooded me again, hot liquid gold splashing over me as I pumped her clean.

She went slack, leaning heavily against me panting. But I wasn't done, not even close.

Picking her up, I set her on the floor so I could remove myself from her. I slipped out with ease, even with the hiss that came from both of us at the loss of connection. I pushed her, more gently than before, towards the door. Reaching over, I pulled the emergency stop and then bent her over, her hands and face pressed against the closed door.

Spreading her legs, I pressed into her, returning to the golden palace. Then I put her legs back together and grabbed up her hips. Starting slow, I pushed and pulled us together, creating a painfully slow rhythm. I wanted her to catch back up.

Her walls shivered and a new wave of wetness flashed inside her, telling me I could speed up. I gripped the hem of her skirt, flipping it upwards to give me her bare ass and then slapped it hard before thrusting hard against it. She squealed, meeting me thrust for thrust as she backed up into me, her ass slapping against my stomach.

Bending over her, I slipped my hands under her shirt, quickly finding her breasts. I left my hands loosely against them, feeling them bounce against my palms as I bounced her. Her nails scratched in vain against the door and I looked up, finding her watching me in the reflection of the door. Maybe it was the deep blue her eyes now were or the small parting of her mouth, but I found myself staring right back at her.

"You're mine."

The possessive beast was still in full control and her eyes grew wider. Grabbing her breast, I twisted her nipples in between my fingers, watching her face change from the action.

"Say it."

Her eyes stayed on mine, even with them wide and confused. "I'm yours."


I practically roared it at her but her eyes only darkened more, turning back to their normal size. "I'm yours, Mamo."

She shouted that time and I stood quickly, grabbing her hips and pulling her deeper onto me, my orgasm on the edge now. I hit the end of her cunt, the roof budding against my tip and pressing hard as I hit it again and again with all my might. She crumbled around me, her walls shivering and tightening to an exquisitely painful amount and I came too, the pressure on my cock from her walls being all I could take. Our liquids mixed together and dripped to the floor, most dripping down the back of her legs.

Remaining still, I caught my breath while she remained frozen as well, both our breathing labored. I was starting to get soft when I pulled out, a groan coming from her as I did. She was still bent over so I fixed her skirt and pulled her back up. The exertion had an astounding effect on her, making her limp in my arms as I held her upright.

Returning the elevator to a working status, I held her against my chest. "Text Makoto and tell her you are not coming back."

She nodded weakly before pulling her phone out of her pocket and doing as told. We hadn't been far from my floor when I pulled the stop, but Usagi was dead on her feet.

I carried her into my apartment, flipping her shoes off with a bit of struggle, the heels hitting the floor with loud pops that echoed across the living room. Then I managed to shimmy her skirt off her hips and wipe her legs with a damp cloth. Before I laid her down, I slipped her panties back up on her hips and pulled her shirt off, replacing it with one of my own. It swallowed her but looked way more comfortable than what she had on. The whole time she was silent, her eyes barely open, and a soft smile on her lips.

She was out by the time I had removed all my clothes, save for my boxers, and laid down next to her. An afterthought, I dug into her buns, finding the little metal strips she used to keep her hair up. They splattered free, ice on a hot pan, the buns melting away to freed pools of golden curls. With a mind of its own, one of my hands played with the strands. She didn't even move, she was dead to the world.

I caressed her cheek, one still painted with a blush and whispered more to myself than anyone else. "And I am yours, Odango."

Want more? You know what to do! ^_~