Pinocchio and his father were packing to travel from Tuscany,Italy to Ashland,Oregon to spend their vacation. "I can't wait to visit America again," Pinocchio cheered. "I'm sure you can't, son," Geppetto replied. Geppetto has been reading American garden magazines with articles mostly written by a married couple named Mel Jones and her husband Charlie Jones. That is how Geppetto found out about the city of Ashland. The old woodcarver and his wooden son ran out of food at home so they decided to stop by a convenience store to buy snacks to eat during their trip. Pinocchio bought his favorite churros while Geppetto bought his favorite potato chips and Pinocchia bought her favorite chocolate chip cookies. By the time they headed out of the store, they went straight to the airport. They took off just a few hours later. By the time they arrived, they simply looked for a place to stay. While yelping, they encountered a girl with blue hair taking a walk in her neighborhood. "You guys look like you need help," said the girl. "We pretty much do. That's why we are yelping for a hotel," Geppetto answered. "You can actually stay at my place if you wish," the blue-haired girl offered. "Well that would be nice," Pinocchio responded. "Fair enough. I'm Coraline. Coraline Jones," the girl greeted. "I'm Pinocchio and this is my dad Geppetto and my girlfriend Pinocchia," Pinocchio greeted back. Coraline led the three visitors to her home. Pinocchio got a little interested when he saw the way the Pink Palace was built. Coraline and the three visitors went inside her home. They simply looked around the interior. Coraline walked the three visitors to the kitchen. "This is my mom Mel Jones and this is my dad Charlie Jones," Coraline introduced. Geppetto merely became surprised to find out who Coraline's parents were. "I really love your magazine articles. They're very interesting to read," Geppetto claimed. Minutes after interviewing Coraline's parents, Coraline led the the three visitors to their guest bedroom with two beds already made. Geppetto, Pinocchio and Pinocchia started unpacking. While they ate dinner at the dining table, Coraline talked about the little door in the den. "Inside the door is an evil life size living doll of a woman known as the Beldam. She magically makes dolls of incoming residents to capture them. Lucky for us, my friend and I hid the key down the well just a little further from the front yard. That way, the Beldam won't lure anybody through that door." That night, when everybody went to sleep, a living hand made of needles forced the little door open from behind and rapidly crawled to the bedroom where Geppetto, Pinocchio and Pinocchia were sleeping in. The hand grabbed Pinocchio off the bed and attempted to drag him to the little door. Pinocchio screamed for help. As a result, Coraline rushed to the den and quickly crawled through the little door just before it closed itself. As fast as she could, Coraline made it to the den in the other world. She ripped the Beldam's head off and tossed it out the window. She then grabbed Pinocchio and went through the little door back into the real world. The next day, they celebrated Pinocchio's safety with pizza.