Hello all Storm here with a new story! This story idea is I know hasn't been done a lot, and probably not at all given the way I've planned it, and I hope you like it. Also I'm put this once here and again at the bottom of the chapter, I was given PERMISSION from "3headed-dragon" to use parts from his story "Son of the Count", again I asked and they gave permission along with adding my own spin on things. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

On the outskirts of Konoha, a young woman could be seen running through the forest. The woman was about sixteen-years-old standing at 5'7 with lightly tanned skin, long silky red hair, bright purple eyes, three whisker marks on each of her cheeks, a voluptuous body, long toned legs, thick thighs, wide hips, a perfect heart-shaped ass, a narrow waist, and DD-cup breasts. For clothes, she wore knee high kunoichi boots, a dark orange thigh length skirt with a slit on the right side, a tight black short sleeved shirt that exposed her midriff, over top of that is an open short dark orange jacket with the Uzumaki swirl on the back in red, and on her hands are black fingerless gloves. This was Mito Uzumaki the daughter of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, along with her being the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune also, not that Mito was aware of either of these facts of course.

Mito was running through the forest was due to the fact earlier she had broken into the Hokage's Tower and stolen the Forbidden Scroll of Seals. The reason Mito had stolen the scroll was because much earlier that day she had yet again failed the graduation test at the Ninja Academy due to her inability to perform the Clone Jutsu. After failing to graduate again Mito had been sad and almost gave up on her dream of becoming a Ninja, that is until one of her teachers Mizuki came to her and told her about another way to pass. All she had to do was steal the Forbidden Scroll, take it to a certain location in the forest, and learn one Jutsu from it and she'll have passed. Now normally Mito would have been suspicious that such a test existed, as despite what everyone thought she wasn't stupid like everyone believed, but she had been desperate at the chance to become a Ninja and hadn't been thinking clearly at the time.

Arriving at the spot Mizuki told her about, Mito opened the scroll and went about looking for a Jutsu to learn while hoping there were some easy ones to learn. Though unknown to Mito she had been followed by another person the entire time since she stole the scroll and this person was now watching her from the trees above her. The person was a young man, though one would have a hard time given the attire they were wearing, around sixteen and standing at 6'1. Their attire consisted of a full-length black coat with a hood that was currently pulled up shrouding their face in shadows and a waist-high slit going up the back It has a large silver zipper that fastens at the top and zips down to seal the coat, with the zipper currently been pulled down to just below their waist though one could see a Konoha headband hanging loosely within the coat. It has silver drawstrings for the hood decorated with a large silver bead hanging from the end and a silver chain ornament adorned with four large cylindrical silver beads that fastens to a loop on either side of the collarbone region. Under the coat the teen wore hakama-esque black pants, knee high silver trimmed boots, and black leather gloves that end at their wrists. This was Naruto, no last name, a former classmate of Mito's.

Naruto had been following Mito ever since he saw Mizuki approach her to see what the traitor was planning. Yes, Naruto was aware Mizuki was a traitor since you'd have to be an idiot to be able sense the hatred the man had for Konoha and Mito in particular.

'Though I am impressed that she managed to sneak into the Hokage's Tower and steal the Forbidden Scroll without being caught. It either speaks of great her stealth is or how terrible the village's security is.' Naruto thought as he leaned against the tree he was standing in as he watched Mito look through the scroll.

Naruto has always been fascinated with Mito, not only for her great beauty, but also the darkness she had buried deep within her. The darkness inside her is truly intoxicating, it's only a shame she chooses to keep her darkness buried rather than embracing it. Though perhaps he can help give her a… nudge in the right direction.

For an hour Naruto watched as Mito trained in one of the Jutsu from the scroll, eventually mastering the Jutsu. Naruto paid extra attention when their sensei Iruka showed up and demanded to know why Mito had stolen the Forbidden Scroll. Mito explained that Mizuki told her about a secret make-up test she could take to become a Genin, though Iruka said that if that was true, she would have been offered this "secret test" when she failed to graduate the first two times.

That's when Mizuki showed up and started congratulating Mito on passing and that all she needed to do was give him the scroll. Then it dissolved into a shouting match between Iruka and Mizuki telling Mito who to give the scroll to, it honestly bored Naruto out of his mind and prepared to jump in, only for Mizuki to say some rather interesting information.

"You shouldn't listen to Iruka Mito, he hates you just like everyone else, he was just pretending to like you. In fact, do you want to know why everyone hates you so much?" asked Mizuki with a cruel smirk

"What? You mean you know?" Asked Mito having wanted to know why she was hated by everyone her entire life

"Mizuki don't! You know it's forbidden!" Iruka shouted

"Shut up Iruka! She deserves to know!" Yelled Mizuki turning back to Mito

"You see sixteen years ago when the Kyuubi attack everyone was told the Yondaime Hokage killed the fox, but that was a lie to hide the truth. What really happened was the Yondaime couldn't kill the Kyuubi, instead he sealed it away into a newborn child and that child-" Mizuki said

"DON'T DO IT!" Iruka shouted


"I'm the… fox." Said Mito her eyes wide open as she became lost in her own thoughts

"Yes, you're nothing but a monster, a demon no one cares about." Mizuki stated reaching for one of his fuma shuriken to throw at Mito however before he could the three heard a laugh that sent chills up their spines

"EhehehehehAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" the voice laughed before the shadows rose up off the ground and began swirling between the three like a twister before dispersed revealing Naruto standing there his face still hidden by his hood

"A monster you say, I find that quite funny. That you believe a beautiful girl like Mito-chan for a monster. But if you wish to see a monster, let me show you a REAL monster." Said Naruto reaching and pulling down his hood revealing his face the three looking in shock at his appearance

Spiky snow-white hair with dark purple highlights, deathly pale skin, but it was the eyes that stood out the most jet black scleras instead of the regular white and glowing irises that were a deep dark purple color with flecks of red.

"This is what a monster looks like Mizuki. Mito-chan on the other hand, only ignorant fools like yourself would think she was a monster." Naruto said smiling wickedly

Mito looked at Naruto shocked at both him appearing out of nowhere, apparently having heard everything, saying she wasn't a monster, and the fact that this was the first time she was actually seeing his face given he's always had his hood up. Though the sight of him also made the girl blush, she may be a tomboy and prefer focusing on her ninja career but she's still a teenage girl and Naruto was rather handsome, as Mito wasn't put off by his appearance in fact it made her blush intensify as it only made him look more dangerous. It helped that out of everyone in the Academy Naruto was the one that helped her the most, sure everyone thought he was rather strange given his loner nature and always keeping his face hidden, but Mito like the fact he was different from everyone else.

It was when Mito was fourteen, she gained a crush on him, though she never acted on her feelings not wanting to end up like her classmates Ino and Sakura who allowed their so-called love for Sasuke Uchiha to not only ruin their friendship but also neglect their training becoming nothing but fangirls. Another reason Mito never acted on her feelings was of a rumor that Naruto was already dating someone, a rather beautiful girl if the rumors are true, and Mito was fully prepared to shove her feelings for Naruto into a dark corner and let them die, that is until one day Mito met Naruto's rumored girlfriend, or mate she guessed, when popped up randomly in her apartment.


Entering her apartment Mito stopped short when she saw someone sitting at her table.

"Naruto?" Mito asked recognizing the coat and thought it was Naruto and wondered why he was in her apartment

"Not quite." The person said in a soft, and definite, female voice before they reached up and pulled their hood down

When the coat was gone Mito saw it was a beautiful young woman appearing to be 18 smooth lightly tanned skin, bright green eyes, her blonde hair is slicked back and about jaw-length, with two long strands styled into a distinctive antennae-like appearance, a slender figure, wide hips, and D-cup breasts. For clothes she wore the same black attire as Naruto, the only difference being her boots had more narrow toes and heels.

"Allow me to introduce myself, the names Larxene. A pleasure~ to make your acquaintance." Larxene introduced with a mock curtsy and a smirk

'Is this Naruto's girlfriend, she's beautiful.' Mito thought feeling jealous at this girls beauty and sadness that it wasn't just a rumor of Naruto having a girlfriend

"Now tell me, Mito Uzumaki, what are your feelings towards my mate?" Asked Larxene

"Your… mate?" Mito asked confused

"Naruto-kun, what are your feelings towards my man?" Larxene questioned, with Mito gulping as she realized why Larxene was here and knew that lying would be pointless.

"I like him." Admitted Mito while preparing herself for Larxene to shout at her and demand she stay away from her man

"Okay." Larxene said, Mito looking at her surprised

"What? Aren't you mad or upset that I just admitted to liking your boyfriend?" Asked Mito, Larxene shaking her head

"Not really. You wouldn't be the first to like my beloved. In fact, if you wish, I'm willing to share Naruto-kun with you." Larxene said smirking, while Mito now looked at her shocked

"Wh-what?! Why would you offer to share your boyfriend?! Why would you be OKAY with sharing your boyfriend?!" Mito asked not believing a girl be willing to share their boyfriend with another girl

"Why not? I'm bi and I do find you rather attractive. Plus, I just love~ imagining Naruto fucking you silly before joining in." Said Larxene her eyes shamelessly raking over Mito's figure, while said girls face turned as red as her hair

"I-I-I'm no-not att-attracted to gi-girls." Mito stuttered, Larxene shrugging nonchalantly

"That's fine too. If you do decide to pursue a relationship with Naruto-kun that doesn't mean we have to be in a relationship. We can just share Naruto-kun and not do anything to each other. But…" Larxene trailed off with a smirk as she approached Mito with a sway in her hips.

"If you ever want to, I'm more than willing to help you… experiment with girls." Larxene purred seductively in Mito's ear, causing the girl's blush to intensify.

Backing up with a giggle Larxene pulled her hood back up of her head.

"Remember Mito, if you want to pursue my beloved you can if you desire. Also, just so you know, I'm not Naruto-kun's only mate and you'll meet the others if you do decide to have a relationship with him. Hopefully we'll meet again Mi-To-Chan~" Larxene purred before she vanished in a burst of electricity leaving the red-faced girl alone with her thoughts

*End Flashback*

Even now after two years Mito was still thinking about Larxene's offer… ABOUT SHARING NARUTO, NOT FUCKING LARXENE!...

Well, that last part did cross her mind a couple times, along with the dreams she's had of her, Larxene, and Naruto having a threesome she's had once… twice… three times… okay three times a month for the past two years leave her alone!

"I shouldn't be surprised a monster defending another monster." Mizuki sneered, Naruto laughing darkly

"Amazing you are still on about that. I guess that just proves how foolish you are." Taunted Naruto

"She's a demonic bitch and everyone knows it! That's why everyone hates her!" Mizuki shouted

"No, they hate her because the villagers, much like you, prefer to hate an innocent girl for something she had no control of. It never seizes to amaze at the stupidity you people display, in fact I'm amazed you're able to function on your own let alone surviving this long and not accidently stab yourself." Naruto said mockingly, Mizuki growling in anger

"That's it! I'm done listening to you, I'll just kill you, Iruka, and that demon bitch before taking the scroll and leaving! But before I leave, I'll track down that sexy bitch that usually hangs around and have some fun with her!" Said Mizuki, Naruto looking at him boredly before smirking

"Oh, you mean Larxene? Cause she's right behind you." Naruto stated

Mizuki cried out in pain when a devastating heel kick slammed into his back knocking him to the ground before Larxene slammed her foot on his back while sporting a wicked smile.

"You worthless trash! You actually think I'd let someone as pathetic as you touch me. Sorry only one guy gets this body and you sure as hell aren't him." Larxene said stomping her heel on Mizuki's back making the man cry out in pain

"Now, now love don't kill him or injure him to badly." Naruto chastised, Larxene stepping off Mizuki and walking over to Naruto's side

"What can I say he was pissing me off with insulting my man." Said Larxene, Naruto smiling at his mate always loving it when she let her sadistic side out

"Yes well, I believe there's someone more deserving of beating this fool into the ground. Mito-chan." Naruto said motioning for the redhead to step forward

"Ye-yes?" Asked Mito snapping out of her shock

"I believe you learned a Jutsu from that scroll correct? Why don't you go ahead and show Mizuki what it is you learned?" Naruto said, Mito looking her former teacher with narrowed eyes

"Gladly. Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Said Mito creating dozens of clones

Naruto watched as Mito and her clones beat Mizuki into a bloody pulp, while motioning for Larxene to leave knowing she can't be seen here. Eventually Mito dispelled her clones and panted as she looked at Mizuki's beaten form.

"Ehehehe, I think I overdid it." Mito said sheepishly

"On the contrary I think you did rather splendidly Mito-chan. It was no less than he deserved for tricking and trying to kill you." Said Naruto looking at Mizuki's twitching form as he groaned in pain and even released a whimper or two

"In fact, I'd say that performance and creating that many clones more than warrants a promotion to Genin. Wouldn't you agree Iruka?" Naruto asked looking at the Chunin, who gulped when those black and purple eyes fell on him

"Yeah, he's right Mito. You've more than proven you can be a Genin." Said Iruka nervously looking at Naruto

Even if Naruto hadn't said anything, Iruka still would have let Mito graduate at seeing how many Shadow Clone she can create. But Naruto's presence also helped in that regard.

"Great, then I believe we can go. If you want Mito-chan I can walk you home." Offered Naruto, Mito surprised at the offer

However, before they could leave Anbu jumped out and surrounded the area.

'Oh great, now this.' Naruto thought pulling his hood up before they could get a look at his face

*Hokage's Office*

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage, looked at the two before him after everything was explained and sent Iruka home. Sarutobi sighed thinking about the information that was leaked by the traitor, who was currently locked up in the T&I to find out what else he knew. He didn't want Mito to find out about her burden this way, and he also didn't trust Naruto with the information. Sarutobi just didn't trust Naruto, he was an unknown that he couldn't find any information on, who his parents are, if he was from a clan, if he had a Kekkei Genkai, if he was originally from the Land of Fire or another country, nothing at all. The only thing known was that Naruto, as an infant, was found alone after the Kyuubi attack and placed in an orphanage, no one put much thought into his appearance believing he was just another orphan.

It also didn't help that Sarutobi wasn't sure Naruto was even loyal to the village or to just himself and his loved ones. Another thing was Naruto's abilities, the Hokage wasn't sure how Naruto did any of things he could do but he knew that however he did things, it wasn't through using Chakra, which worried the Hokage at not knowing just what Naruto was capable of. He'd also prefer to keep Mito away from Naruto, not wanting him to influence her, but with the parents already telling their children to stay away from Mito the Hokage couldn't or risk sounding like them by telling her to stay away from Naruto.

"Mito, how are you feeling?" The Hokage asked softly

"Confused, hurt, angry. Why didn't you tell me about the Kyuubi, why everyone hated me?" Questioned Mito

"I'm sorry for not telling you Mito, I didn't tell because I felt you weren't yet ready to handle the information. I put a law in place forbidding anyone from revealing your burden to you or the younger generation in the hope to give you a normal life." Answered Sarutobi

Naruto rolled his eyes at the Hokage's words, any chance at Mito having a normal life ended the moment the Kyuubi was sealed inside her.

"But I didn't have a normal life! The villagers hate me and treat me like shit, I struggle living day to day, and I don't have any friends!" Mito shouted as tears fell down her face

"Well that's mean Mito-chan. I thought we were friends." Said Naruto, Mito quickly turning to him with wide eyes

"You-you still want to be my friend?" Mito asked hopefully

"Of course, this changes nothing about how I feel about you. As long as you don't mind being friend with someone that looks like me." Said Naruto

"No, no, no I don't mind. And you aren't a monster, you're one of the only people who were nice to me." Mito said not bothered by Naruto's appearance and didn't believe he's a monster when he called himself one

"Oh, if only you knew Mito-chan." Said Naruto grinning beneath his hood

"So, Naruto what do you think of the information revealed to you tonight?" Sarutobi questioned turning their attention back to him

"I don't care, I already had my suspicions that fool Mizuki just confirmed them. Besides it wasn't that hard to figure out with the villagers calling her Fox Demon, Demon Brat, or Kyuubi Whore." Naruto said before seeing Mito flinch at each of the names and put a hand on her shoulder

"Don't worry Mito-chan, you aren't any of those things, it's only stupid people that can't see the real you." Said Naruto, Mito relaxing a bit and smiling at him

"I see. In that case you may both go home and rest considering you have team placements tomorrow." Sarutobi said, Mito nodding before she left through the door while Naruto walked through a shadow portal that appeared behind him and faded away once he left

Once they were gone Sarutobi sighed knowing Mito making friends with Naruto made things complicated. Thankfully he still has the final say in the teams being made and can make sure he isn't on the same team as Mito, no matter how nice Naruto was to her, he didn't trust him.

*Next Day-Academy*

Naruto sat in the back of the classroom as he waited for Iruka to arrive and assign teams. Looking around the classroom Naruto smirked as he saw two students still missing, one of whom being Mito who should be arriving shortly and the other was a certain annoyance Naruto has been meaning to deal with for a while now and knows they won't be showing up anytime soon.

In fact he's certain they won't be seen ever again.

'Returning the number of students to an even number and a conveniently open spot on Mito's team. Of course if that fool Sarutobi still tries to keep us separated I have that covered to.' Naruto though smirking beneath his hood

No matter what the Hokage has planned, Naruto will always be ten steps ahead of him.

The room then grew quiet when Mito walked through the door with her new headband tied around her neck. Mito noticed all the confused looks directed at her from the other students who all wondered why she was here considering she failed yesterday. Her eyes then went to Naruto, who gave a two finger salute, and she remembered that he still wanted to be her friend making her give him a large smile before walking over and sitting next to him on his right.

"Hey um, Naruto if you don't mind can I ask you some questions?" Mito asked, Naruto smirking at this before nodding

"Well how were you able to appear from the shadows like you did last night?" Questioned Mito since as far as she knew the only people who can manipulate shadows was the Nara Clan, and that's limited to only their own shadow

"To be honest, even I don't know. I've just always been able to do things I can't explain, manipulating shadows and darkness, controlling the elements, and so many other things." Naruto answered holding up his hand as a flame, a drop of water, a mini twister, a pebble, and lightning appeared on the tips of his fingers much to Mito's awe

"Wow, you must have great control over your Chakra to do that." Said Mito not sure anyone could manipulate the five elements to the point of creating them from thin air

"I actually don't have Chakra." Naruto revealed as he dismissed the elements, Mito looking at him shocked

"You don't have Chakra?! But then how can you do all of that?!" Asked Mito, Naruto shrugging

"Like I said I don't know, I've always been able to do things no one else can do, it's just instinctual." Naruto said

Mito nodded and continued asking Naruto different questions only stopping once Iruka walked into the room. After giving a boring speech about being the best they can be he started listing off the teams.

"Team 7 will be Mito Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Naruto your Jonin Sensei will be Kakashi Hatake. Team 8 will be Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga, and Shino Aburame your Jonin Sensei will be Kurenai Yuhi. Team 9 is still in circulation from last year so moving on, and finally Team 10 will be Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka your Jonin Sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi." Iruka finished

Mito blinked before smiling in excitement that she and Naruto were on the same team, though inwardly she was confused when Iruka didn't call out one person's name.

'Huh, wonder what happened to Sakura?' Mito wondered not seeing the pink haired fangirl

Meanwhile Naruto smirked knowing Iruka didn't say Sakura's name.

'Ashes to ashes dust to dust.' Thought Naruto

Personally he felt he was doing the brat a favor, she wasn't cut out for the Ninja life, better to just put her out of her misery now than suffer a worse fate later down the road.

Plus her voice grated on his nerves.

*Hokage's Office*

"That is all, you may go to collect your teams. Except you Kakashi stay for a moment." The Hokage said as all the Jonin except Kakashi left the office

"Uh Hokage-sama why was I called here if I wasn't being assigned a team?" Asked Kakashi since all the Jonin had been assigned to teams except him

"I was going to assign you a team Kakashi. Originally it was going to be Mito Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno." Sarutobi said, Kakashi raising a brow at this

"You said originally, what changed?" Kakashi questioned

"Sakura and her parents are missing and presumed dead." Answered Sarutobi

"Dead? Who would want them dead?" Asked Kakashi frowning

"I can only think of one person, but I have no proof or anyways to prove he did it." Hiruzen said frustration lacing his tone

"Who Hokage-sama?" Kakashi asked

"Naruto." Answered the Hokage, recognition donning on Kakashi

"And what reason could he want Sakura and her parents dead?" Questioned Kakashi

"My only guess is to make sure he is put on the same team as Mito." The Hokage said gravely

This recent change only confirmed the Hokage's beliefs that Naruto couldn't be trusted. His strange and mysterious behavior reminded the Hokage far to much of Orochimaru and he didn't wat to risk the chance of someone even worse than his former student being unleashed onto the world. Not only that but if Naruto continues to interact with Mito, there's a chance he could turn the girl away from Konoha and that couldn't happen.

"Kakashi listen to me, I want you to skip giving them the real Genin Exam and just pass them, we can't risk them failing and Naruto and Mito being sent back to the Academy or worse simply dropping out of the Ninja Corps. I also want you focus on teamwork exercises and train Sasuke in secret, we need to make sure he feels like he's getting stronger and remain loyal to the village. And try to find out anything you can about Naruto, anything at all, along with trying to separate him and Mito, as of now I fear Mito become more loyal to Naruto than the village and that cannot be allowed." Said the Hokage, Kakashi frowning at the last part

"I understand keeping Sasuke loyal to the village and finding out information on Naruto, but Hokage-sama are sure it's necessary to separate Mito and Naruto, I mean Mito's dream is still to become Hokage. Isn't that good enough to show she's loyal to the village?" Kakashi asked

"Maybe, but I'd prefer her to be loyal to the village and only the village. As right now Naruto is her only friend and I doubt he's loyal to anyone but himself, just try to dissuade Mito from interacting with someone she knows nothing about, as with her current mindset she'd let her personally feelings rule her decisions rather than making decisions for the good of the whole village." Sarutobi said, Kakashi nodding

"Very well anything else Hokage-sama?" Questioned Kakashi

"Just one more thing. If it's possible once you have a mission outside the village, if you can make sure Naruto does not come back. Either make it look like an accident or leave him open to be attacked by an enemy if you can. That is all." Hiruzen said, Kakashi nodding before exiting the office

Though unknown to both the Hokage and Kakashi floating just outside the window a small black, red, and white jellyfish-like creature had heard and recorded their entire conversation.

It would be sure to report back to its master with this new information.

So, what did you think, good. Yep, Naruto isn't exactly normal in this story possessing strange and unique powers (I'm pretty sure I dropped enough hints that people should know who Naruto is, if you haven't then literally look at the characters I listed) along with having an interest in Mito and her inner darkness. Also Larxene, who is from Kingdom Hearts, is Naruto's mate, along with others that will remain unknown for now, and yes they are wearing the Organization XIII coats, as come on those are awesome coats. Also once again I have permission from "3headed-dragon" to use parts from their story "Son of the Count" for this, so I don't wanna see anyone saying I copied their work. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out