Rose, Jack, Martha and Donna stood off to one side together in a group, simply looking on as the two Doctors continued bantering on about the TARDIS. Honestly speaking, the surreal feeling of meeting his other selves were starting to dull slightly from the prolonging boringness.

"Let me get this straight. You kept the coral design? The design I specifically chose for the TARDIS?" the Ninth Doctor questioned his future self, his face scrunched up in sheer disbelief.

"Yup. Didn't see any need to change it," the Tenth Doctor replied with a shrug, "Makes the TARDIS feel a bit more roomy."

"Ah, I see..." the Ninth Doctor replied, like he was truly understood himself, "... so you're lazy."

The Tenth Doctor choked back a gasp. "L-Lazy?!"

"Oh come now, don't deny it, chum! Living off the work of someone else? Using the exact same sonic screwdriver?" The Ninth Doctor dangled his sonic in front of his counterpart. "What's next? Copy my exact same hairstyle?"

Behind him, the female companions grimaced slightly. Seeing the Tenth Doctor as he was with his spiked hair, it probably would be harder to view him as bald as the Ninth Doctor.

The Tenth Doctor himself scoffed as this notion. "Now wouldn't that be something, eh? Me? Bald? Too bad I'm already way past that stage."

The Ninth Doctor squinted his eyes as him in doubt, "Oh really? You call this..." He gestured around the coral interior. "... past the stage?"

"At least I try to move on," the Tenth Doctor replied snarkily, "Unlike some people of course..."

Whether that had meant to be an insult or a jab below the belt, Rose could not say. The Ninth Doctor's own taunting expression never faltered.

Just then, the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors walked their way into the coral interior.

"Ah yes. I remember this one!" the Eleventh Doctor acknowledged giddily, "The grunge phase!"

"Coming from soneone who re-designed his own TARDIS after losing Amy and Rory..." the Twelfth Doctor muttered quietly under his breath behind him, soft enough for his past counterpart to not hear it. They both know that was another sensitive topic altogether.

The four Doctors crowded around the console table.

"Alright, while you two were jabbering on about something I think I'm going to remember eventually..." the Twelfth Doctor started speaking, "Flappy Arms and I were analysing all the data from the message our new friend Joan had sent us."

"And what have you found out?" the Ninth Doctor asked.

"Nothing much thus far," the Eleventh Doctor replied, "Highly encrypted, even for the Daleks. Smart aleck that Joan lass. But! We did manage to figure out some coordinates!"

"Not exactly coordinates, but it's the best we've got presently," the Twelfth Doctor finished with a glower sent to his younger self.

And then he paused. "By the way, I noticed that one of the TARDIS' have gone," he stated curiously, "Whatever happened?"

The Ninth Doctor folded his arms, "That's the thing I've been trying to work out with the teenager here."

The Tenth Doctor gawked at him, "Really? You've gone back to calling me-"

"And said-teenager claims that this TARDIS is his. Just as I was about to take off." The Ninth Doctor sent a cheeky grin at his future self, further adding insult to injury.

The Eleventh Doctor stroked his chin, "Hmm... that is a mystery..."

"Which we can worry about later," the Twelfth Doctor stated, "Right now, we get right back on topic with Joan and her lost mates. So are we going to do this, or what?"

The Tenth Doctor shared a glance with the Ninth Doctor.

"Fine. Let's put our heads together and see if four heads are better than two, eh?" the former proposed.

The four Time Lords closed their eyes tightly and concentrated.

"Contact!" they shouted in unison.

A moment of silence followed as the Doctors exchanged information with one another through a psychic link. Which was confusing to those who didn't understand it, especially someone like Donna.

"What are they doin' now?" she wondered aloud.

Jack shrugged his shoulders, "For once... no clue."

"But all things considered, at least their putting their heads together," Rose piped up.

Martha smirked at her, "Literally or technically?"

The blonde smiled back with a shrug, "Still undecided."

"Which kinda makes you wonder if their brains could actually merge together if they wanted to," Jack commented curiously, "Y'know, since they're the same Doc after all."

A few seconds later, and the Doctors snapped their eyes open.

"So we're all in agreement then?" the Ninth Doctor clarified with his other selves.

The answers were a mixed bag.



"Kind of."


"Let's get to it!"

"We're probably gonna die out here anyhow..."

And then all of a sudden, the door swung open and charging into the room were Clara and Bill. Both had equally terrified looks on their faces.

"Doctor!" they cried out in unison, "You'd better come quick!"

They paused to look at each other awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, do you want to say it?" Bill offered courteously.

Clara shrugged, "No no! You ran out the door first. You do it."

The Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors took a few steps closer to their companions from the console.

"What happened?" the Twelfth Doctor questioned, in-sync with his counterpart asking, "What's wrong?"

Ultimately Clara decided to speak up.

"You two better come quickly," she stated as plainly and calmly as she could, "Something... has happened..."

Both Doctors eyed one another warily.

"As in...?" the Twelfth Doctor queried, although he had a feeling he knew the answer.

Both Clara and Bill started slinking their way over to the door.

"... It's best you see it for yourself," Bill merely responded before she quickly darted out, Clara following close behind.

Sighing deeply, the Twelfth Doctor started walking out of the coral room, the Eleventh Doctor close at his heels.

Sharing a shrug, the Ninth and Tenth Doctors followed after them, and shortly after their companions as well.

As everyone gathered outside, they caught sight of the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors. Currently, both of them had the same equal reaction as the Ninth Doctor did when he saw that one of the TARDIS' had gone missing.

"My TARDIS... she's disappeared..." the Twelfth Doctor muttered softly in shock.

This was starting to feel a little bit fishy. TARDIS' don't just disappear into thin air! That was, unless she wanted to.

"Where did she go?" The Tenth Doctor wondered aloud.

"I think I know, sir," Nardole called out as he popped his head from another TARDIS. He had a sheepish look on his face.

"But I think you'd better come see for yourself." He disappeared back inside.

Anxiously, everyone all piled into the other TARDIS, to be greeted by a whole newly sdesigned interior. There was not a trace of coral anywhere at all! The console had more literal input devices and instrumentation, as well as a pair of secondary consoles on the railing of the main platform. The room was stark and mechanical, covered in tones of teal and aqua.

Yet still there was something about it all that Rose just couldn't put her finger on. Somehow... it had an overall somber atmosphere as compared to the other TARDIS. But for the Doctors on the other hand, their opinions differed vastly from her own.

"What on Gallifrey is this monstrosity?" the Ninth Doctor gaped in astonishment, "This looks nothing like a control room at all! It feels like some sort of torture chamber or a mental hospital!"

The Eleventh Doctor recoiled back harshly at his words. "Oi! Don't insult the ol' girl like that! I'll have you know I put a lot of work into this!"

"But I improved on it..." the Twelfth Doctor murmured under his breath so no one could hear him.

"Oh... so you decorated...!" the Tenth Doctor acknowledged as he took a gander at the interior design.

A few seconds later and he made a face. "... I don't like it."

The Eleventh Doctor whirled him hotly. "Oh... oh yeah, oh you never do, do you? At least from my point-of-view I can say that the grunge phase is way behind me now!"

The Ninth Doctor eyed him skeptically.

"Right..." he muttered out under his breath, taking another glance at the design that felt much more plain and dull.

The Twelfth Doctor turned over to his companions and asked, "So what's happening over here? I thought you said there was something I needed to see?"

Nardole and Bill shared a look.

"Well... those blinking hexagons of yours... they never did that before..." Bill responded in a slow but awkward tone.

When her Doctor raised a brow at this, she and Nardole simply gestured upwards. To say that he was shocked was an understatement.

"They... never did that before..." the Twelfth Doctor croaked as he continued staring at the hexagons.

Currently they were in the process of blinking in-between dark blue and light green, the latter being the main colour of light for the Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS.

Even his past counterpart also could not help but stared in befuddlement at this phenomenon.

Behind them, the Tenth Doctor stroked his chin, as though he was thinking of something before he whipped out his sonic screwdriver. He waved the buzzing device around the control room for a couple of seconds, which did not go unnoticed by the rest.

"What're you playing at, chum?" the Ninth Doctor inquired curiously.

The Tenth Doctor shrugged his shoulders, "Call it a hunch. I think there's more going on than we're realising..."

"Well you better not tamper with any of her systems," the Twelfth Doctor warned cautiously, "I've put a lot of hard work into this place."

"And by that you mean me, right?" the Eleventh Doctor preened at him.

The Twelfth Doctor regarded him incredulously for a short second before he expressed a forced grin.

"Why yes! Of course I meant you!" He clapped his hands together, albeit with a bit of force to his dramatics. "Who else could I be referring to? Why, it's not like I spent five months in the Time Vortex refurbishing everything and redesigning the interiors a little while you simply switched the desktop theme or anything!"

The Eleventh Doctor grinned even wider at this acknowledgement, failing to hear the sarcasm practically dripping from his future self's voice.

When he was done, the Tenth Doctor raised his sonic up to his ear like a phone. He listened intently to all the info being bleeped out like a telegram.

His face frowned slightly.

"I see... Of course..." he muttered out softly, acting rather troubled by what data he had gathered.

"What's the matter, Doctor?" Martha asked him anxiously, "What've you discovered."

He slowly turned around to face the others, allowing them to see the paleness dull the colours on his face.

"... Could I... speak with my other selves for a moment?" he requested timidly, "Alone?"

The companions eyed him in confusion then glanced at one another.

Noticing their hesitance, the Ninth Doctor urged them, "Just go wait outside. Hopefully this shouldn't take long."

Rose looked at him, reluctance shown in her eyes.

Eventually, she sighed out, "It better not."

Signalling Jack, they both stepped outside first. Soon afterwards, Martha and Donna headed out. Followed by Clara and finally Bill and Nardole.

Once the door snapped shut behind them, the Tenth Doctor addressed his other selves. He breathed in deeply.

"Our TARDIS' have merged."

"WHAT?!" the other Doctors exclaimed in shock, but he nodded his head in confirmation.

"Oh yup..."

The Ninth Doctor raked a hand through his hair. "So what happened with the "My TARDIS" debacle... that could only mean..."

The Tenth Doctor nodded again, "YYYYYup..." He popped the P for dramatic effect.

The Eleventh Doctor groaned out loud, "Great! Just perfect! Now I have to share my TARDIS with Big Brows 'ere!"

"Correction, it's MY TARDIS too!" the Twelfth Doctor stated, "And trust me when I say that I'm not going to like this anymore than you do!"

"And the same can be said on our end," the Ninth Doctor said as the Tenth Doctor nodded in agreement.

Eyeing his future counterpart, the Ninth Doctor queried, "So what happened that caused this?"

The Tenth Doctor shoved a hand into his pocket and used the other to scratch behind his ear.

"Well, from what I can gather, our TARDIS' all recognised one another based on the design codes for our control rooms," he explained as he shuffled around, "And since our control rooms share similar desktop themes, like Broody Man's and my own, they became decidedly compatible for a... union of sorts..."

The Ninth Doctor placed his hands on his hips, "So what, they merged to become a new entity?"

"Not exactly..." the Tenth Doctor stated slowly, "While they are merged, they still retain components from our separate ships. Even I don't know how that works..."

"And how's that not causing any sort of tears in the fabric of reality already?" the Twelfth Doctor questioned seriously, "I mean, this isn't the first time it's happened but don't get me started on Celery Man."

"Or Mr Recorder, or Akido Wise Man," the Eleventh Doctor.

The Tenth Doctor rubbed his neck, "Again, I don't know how it came to be like this. It could either be a time differential law that we haven't been aware of until now, or the TARDIS' sustaining a very large paradox, or some unknown force causing our ships to behave in this manner. Could be either of them, or something else entirely."

The Ninth Doctor sighed, "Fantastic... So what do we do now? How're we supposed to find those Daleks when our police boxes are stuck together?"

The Tenth Doctor hummed quietly to himself and tapped a finger on his chin. "Well, the way I see things. Because of the merging part, we now only have two TARDIS' left - well, three if you count that other one. But considering the unusual predicament we've gotten ourselves into... well..."

The Twelfth Doctor started to understand what he was getting at.

"You're proposing two teams for this," he declared.

The Tenth Doctor rubbed his neck sheepishly, "Eh, I wouldn't put it that far, considering the risks involved if we're close together for too long, but yes. We team up."

The proposal prompted a silent exchange of glances between the different incarnations of the Time Lord. Truthfully, deep down inside, they all didn't like each other. Some had personal gripes with certain incidents they had instigated as past versions, whilst the past versions themselves were not too keen as to knowing who they would eventually become. And yet considering the situation they were in, as well as the fact that their TARDIS' have merged together, they might not have much of a choice.

With a reluctant sigh, the Twelfth Doctor groused, "Well... I suppose it wouldn't kill me that much to work alongside Flappy Arms for a while..."

"Oi!" the Eleventh Doctor spun at him, annoyed as usual by his mockery.

The Tenth Doctor turned to face his past self.

"And how about you, Mr Grinch?" he asked, "You up for a little buddy mission?"

The Ninth Doctor furrowed his brows slightly as he remained deep in thought about this.

Eventually he sighed out, "Fine. But as long as we agree not to prolong this as much as possible. Four versions of us in the same time period raises the chances of some nasty anomalies occuring."

"Yes, that's true," the Eleventh Doctor concurred with a nod.

"But that does not mean that we are co-pilots," the Ninth Doctor then strictly told the Tenth Doctor, "My TARDIS. My rules. You got that?"

"Oi! She's mine too, you know!" the Tenth Doctor snapped back in bewilderment.

"Nice try chum, but that isn't going to snuff out the millions of issues I have with your copycat skills."

And without another word, the Ninth Doctor turned and stalked off towards the door. The Tenth Doctor simply gaping in disbelief at the lecture he'd just been given.

Opening up the door slightly, the Ninth Doctor stuck out his head to acknowledge all the companions standing outside. "Meeting's adjourned ladies and gentlemen! Come on!"

He led all the humans back inside the TARDIS.

"So what happens now?" Clara asked the Doctors, "You have a plan?"

"Um... roughly..." the Tenth Doctor muttered with a mild shrug, "Maybe about 20 percent of the makings of one...?"

"The first thing we've got to do is find that secret Dalek base," the Eleventh Doctor said, "God knows how long that'll take, seeing as it would take some time for us to readjust to any reconfigurations with our TARDIS' matrices. Of course, we still won't know until we give them a good ol' spin first. Anyone fancy a trip 'round Betelgeuse? Free of charge!"

"I'd fancy that offer Doc!" Jack replied sprightly.

The Twelfth Doctor rubbed his temples exasperated.

"Getting back to the point..." he brought everyone back to speed, "We find the base first, then work out what's our next course of action before we infiltrate it."

"And that means full coordination and absolute cooperation from everyone in this room," the Ninth Doctor stated gravelly, "The Daleks are a very dangerous race of warriors. We have to be on our toes at all times. And that means no monkeying or wittering about."

He sent a pointed look to both Jack and the Eleventh Doctor, as if to say "Especially you two".

"Any questions you lot?" he then asked the rest.

"So wait, do you guys actually have a plan to sneak into the base?" Martha asked anxiously, "Because our strategy so far feels kind of blunt and vague."

"That is why I said that we'll think of something once we've located it," the Tenth Doctor replied with his hands inside his pockets, "One does not simply sneak into a Dalek stronghold and not have a solution to come back out alive."

The Ninth Doctor nodded his head in agreement. For once they agreed on something that was logical to a Time Lord.

"Then what the hell are we waiting for then?" Donna suddenly spoke up, "Come on then!"

She turned and started marching out of the doorway, unaware of the multiple eyes that were on her as she exited.

"Feisty that one," the Ninth Doctor noted to the Tenth Doctor, "Wherever did you pick her up from?"

His future self shrugged, "Chiswick. And she can be also as cranky as when she missed her own wedding."

The Ninth Doctor eyed him skeptically, "And I suppose you had something to do with that?"

The Tenth Doctor shrugged again, this time in a bit more awkward fashion.

"... Maybe..."

He still remembered the time when he had just met her after the fiasco that was Doomsday. He was so caught up in grief and then caught suddenly off-guard and stunned by her sudden appearance and outburst a second later that he barely had time to process all the events that happened afterward.

"Alright, come on you lot! Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" the Eleventh Doctor exclaimed giddily from behind them, "Out! Out you go! I have to fire the ol' girl up and all!"

At his urging, several companions began filing out of the control room. All of them were notably unaccustomed to this TARDIS.

The Tenth Doctor however caught sight of one particular redhead subtly walking closer to Jack's side as they exited. He frowned slightly in disapproval at this, even though she couldn't see it. He had better keep a close watch on Donna whenever Jack Harkness was around. One chemical mixing with another tend to lead to explosive results.

"Well then, we better get started," the Twelfth Doctor declared as he walked over to the controls and started pushing buttons.

Seeing this, the Eleventh Doctor paled slightly as he ran over to the opposite side.

"Whoa whoa! Watch how you handle those controls, Doctor!" he exclaimed hastily as he flipped switches on his end, "The ol' girl tends to be a bit rough around the edges!"

The Ninth Doctor briefly watched the interaction with mild amusement before he turned and headed towards the door.

"C'mon Stick Man! Let's leave these two to their business!" he called out to the Tenth Doctor over his shoulder, "I've still got some things to settle to you!"

The Tenth Doctor shook his head with a sigh.

"... Why do I have the feeling that's not going away anytime soon..." he griped under his breath as he turned on his heels and stalked after his past self.

As soon as the door was closed, everyone else that remained behind included Clara, Bill and Nardole.

"Well, since we're going to be working together for a while..." Bill started speaking to the other two companions, "... might as well we get to know a bit more about ourselves."

Clara shrugged her shoulders, "I don't mind actually. It's one thing to meet new strangers. But it's another to meet other companions of the Doctor."

"Especially if some of them are quite the curious lot," Nardole finished thoughtfully.

"You three can mingle with each other on the way to our destination," came the snappy tone of the Twelfth Doctor as he was typing down some data on the monitor screen, "For now though, would you mind helping us prep for launch?"

"Not that I really want you lot to mingle like a couple on honeymoon, but even with two Doctors there's only so much we can do on this beauty of a console," the Eleventh Doctor pranced as he swept right by them and flipped a lever with a flourish of his hand.

Nardole shrugged in meek agreement. Turning to the ladies he suggested, "Well, best we get right to it, eh? Business as usual."

He and Bill headed right up to the console, and he quickly joined by the side of the Twelfth Doctor, ready to help him out with anything that he required.

Meanwhile Clara headed over to her Doctor's side.

"So um, Doctor?" Clara queried with him, "Just a bit curious and all but uh, considering that your other past selves are here... do you remember doing this at all?"

The Eleventh Doctor paused.

"Well, truth be told my mind's still a little foggy on the details, BUT I do feel a bit tangy about a déjà vu coming on."

"Which will be a moot point in the long run," the Twelfth Doctor stated pointedly from his end, "Once this is all over, we return to our own points of our timeline, and you and those other two has-beens will lose your memories. I, on the other hand, will remember this for all time to come since I am the oldest Doctor here."

The Eleventh Doctor bristled, "Oh please! I'm sure you would love to brush aside all this just so you can get back to whatever you're doing with your companions there! Where's your sense of adventure, eh?"

The Twelfth Doctor frowned at him, "Oh I do have a sense! A sense that's telling me that being stuck here with wittering ol' you, Doctor Flappy Arms, is going to drive me up a wall sooner or later!"

The Eleventh Doctor looked as though he was about to fire back with another quippy remark, but then Clara stepped in between both men.

"Come on, Doctors! That's enough now! Arguing is not going to get us anywhere!" she reprimanded them like students in one of her classes, "Right now, the others are probably waiting for us to set off! Hell, they've probably already took off without us! So here's my question to you two: Can we all at least get along for now?"

The Doctors eyed one another in a staring contest, while allowing her words to sink in proper. After while, they both let out a sigh.

"Fine..." the Twelfth Doctor grumbled softly.

"Of course..." the Eleventh Doctor relented reluctantly, "But that still doesn't dispute the fact that I owned this design first. So with that said..."

"I think we should stop jabbering about like primates and just stick to our current objective," the Twelfth Doctor asserted authortitatively as he strode over to the monitor.

As his past counterpart continued staring at him in utter disbelief that he had been upstaged in authority, Clara could not help but think to herself. "This is going to be a hell of a long adventure..."

As they strode along into the coral control room, Rose mused to herself, "I wonder if the rides are going to be bumpier."

"Oh you'd be surprised," Donna commented, "I nearly threw up my lunch once when Space Man took me to that fancy restaurant on future Europa."

"I think that pales in comparison when he took me on my first trip to meet William Shakespeare," Martha reminisced with a shudder, "I think I almost broke my tailbone."

She then looked to Rose, "So what about you? Where did the Doctor first take you?"

A crestfallen look befell the blonde for a brief second before she responded, "... the very end of the world. The Doctor took me there and we were aboard this alien cruise ship where every alien aboard was witnessing Earth's destruction."

Silence fell across the control room.

"But then along came Cassandra, the very last human in the Universe. She wanted to destroy everyone on the ship but we stopped her... but not in time to see the swelling Sun destroy..."

She didn't dare finish the sentence as she closed her eyes to fight off the tears. It had been quite a while since that life-changing experience, and it had a profound effect on her.

She could still remember the pain and grief she had went through, seeing the rubble that had once been part of Earth flying around the Sun that would eventually become a Red Giant. But she also couldn't forget about the Doctor. Her Doctor. The one who stood by her side and took her by the hand. He shared in her pain and he too shared the experience he had been through when he mentioned that he lost Gallifrey to a war with the Daleks.

Feeling sorry about her emotional state, Martha stepped over to give Rose a comforting hug. A few seconds later and Donna joined in. Jack suddenly felt awkward that the whole scenario had became a women thing, but considering that he too was friends was Rose, he knew that he needed to help out too.

Cautiously stepping over, he reached over and gave the sobbing blonde a gentle pat on the shoulder. It felt kind of awkward, especially considering his current position outside of the hugging group.

Just then, the Ninth and Tenth Doctors strode right into the TARDIS. Both were completely unaware of what was happening.

"... that said, I still intend to find out if that box belongs to that Joan lass," the former stated plainly as he brushed past the companions on his way to the console.

The Tenth Doctor closed the door behind him. "I know. But it still doesn't feel right though. Leaving a TARDIS out there all by her lonesome."

Removing his duster coat, he tossed it aside with a flourish onto the closest branch column. Then straightening out his suit, he sauntered over to the console, casting a sorrowful glance at Rose on his way.

"Oh, we shouldn't give that much thought," the Ninth Doctor said dismissively, "I shut down all her components. She shouldn't be wasting unnecessary power unless she needs to."

"Or if she wants too," the Tenth Doctor added, "Can't ever forget about that."

The Ninth Doctor grimaced slightly, "... I suppose, but she's generally well-behaved."

A bleeping sound was heard. "You're welcome!" both Time Lords replied back chirpily then casted a stare at one another.

From her place as the central figure being hugged, Rose made a small giggle and wiped her tears from her face. Somehow, she had a feeling she was going to get a lot more of these amusing interactions between the Doctors before they parted ways.

Taking notice of her lightening mood, the other companions let go of her and exchanged encouraging smiles with her. They then all proceeded to walk right over to the console.

With all of them encircled around the controls, Martha asked the Doctors, "So what now, Doctors? What about this whole TARDIS debacle?"

The Tenth Doctor shrugged, "Well, I'd hate to alarm you lot, but our TARDIS' have merged."

"I-I'm sorry, but what?" Rose asked and leaned in closer with an incredulous stare.

"You heard 'im, Rose. Our TARDIS' have joined together," the Ninth Doctor explained to her, "Not sure what's causing it though. Normally something like this would risk tearing a hole in the fabric of reality."

Donna huffed, "Not very assuring news, ain't it?"

The Tenth Doctor looked to her, "Yes, it's generally very terrible news, but if this was like any normal circumstance, we'd all be dead by now unless I fixed it first."

The Ninth Doctor eyed his future self curiously. "Really? And what, pray tell, happened?"

The Tenth Doctor looked sheepish, "Yeah um... remember when Eye Brows mentioned about Celery Man?"


"Well... let's just say that somewhere down the line, you're gonna have a stroll down memory lane."

"Did he acknowledge you as a fan upon first glance?"

"... What makes you think that...?"

"Call it a lucky guess, or just bits of my memory coming back."

Rose rolled her eyes and snapped, "Doctors!"

They were severely off-topic now.

The Tenth Doctor became sheepish, "R-Right, s-sorry Rose..."

He brisked right over to the second monitor across the console, "With that being said, somehow, reality hasn't started to rip yet, but I'd hate to take any sort of nasty chances."

"But if there's even a one percent chance of it occuring, Stick Man and I will take care of it," the Ninth Doctor finished, "Which is better than I could say for Jelly Bones and the Magician."

"Oi! I know you're supposed to be the Fantastic Doctor and all, but that's just plain rude!" the Eleventh Doctor's voice exclaimed in an offended tone from the main monitor.

This prompted everyone to huddle around it just to get a good view of the man's youthful face.

The Ninth Doctor grinned tauntingly, "Ah, there you are Jelly Bones! All pumped up and ready to go on your end?"

The Eleventh Doctor stared at him, "We've had a few... kinks to work out over here, but yes we're all set to go now."

"Just say the word," the Twelfth Doctor called in, his face appearing on the second monitor where the Tenth Doctor was, "At least all that bumping around later will help me take my mind off of Flappy Arms over there."

The Eleventh Doctor turned over to his future counterpart and made a pouty face.

Martha and Jack went over to the Tenth Doctor's side, while Donna and Rose stayed with the Ninth Doctor. From the other merged TARDIS, Clara was with the Eleventh Doctor whilst Bill stayed by the Twelfth Doctor. Nardole was left as the only person manning the console.

"So how should we do this?" the Tenth Doctor asked, "Split up? Each box takes one half of Desdemona?"

"Easy and more effective," the Eleventh Doctor noted.

"Cover much more ground," the Twelfth Doctor stated.

"And widen our search parameters," the Ninth Doctor finished.

There was a pragmatic pause.

"Okay, does anyone else feel weird that we keep doing that all the time?" The Eleventh Doctor with a slight shudder.

The Tenth Doctor scratched his ear, "Eh, we're the same Time Lord. It can't be helped."

"But it always comes back everytime one us starts a long speech," the Twelfth Doctor pointed out.

"Like we know what the rest of us is going to say," the Ninth Doctor mused.

They all shook the thought off moments later.

"Anyways, let's get right on it!" the Ninth Doctor said and he rushed over to the controls.

"Allons-y!" the Tenth Doctor crowed as he followed after his predecessor.

From their end, the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors resumed prepping for take-off.

The next few minutes were a frenzy, the four Doctors worked tirelessly to sort out everything, from the wires, to the controls, all the way to their companions. Some of them especially Jack and Nardole were allowed to help pilot the TARDIS'. The rest that included Rose, Clara, Bill, Donna and Martha were all forced to hang back, although they were eagerly ready should the Time Lord require any additional assistance.

Finally, with all their systems checked out, the Tenth Doctor exclaimed, "Alright ladies and gentlemen! Initiate take-off sequences!"

He reached for the lever that would set the TARDIS into flight but then a strong hand grabbed his wrist. His smile fading a little, he turned and exchanged a glance with the Ninth Doctor, a frown plastered on his features.

Like a reprimanded child, he reluctant relinquished control and backed away, watching with a scowl as his past self took his place.

"On my count!" he announced, and the Twelfth Doctor nodded from the console.

Apparently he too had gained control over his TARDIS' power lever after intimidating the Eleventh Doctor with his brows.


The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors gestured for everyone to hang onto something.


The Ninth Doctor's hand twitched slightly around the lever.


The levers were thrown and the TARDIS' lurched. All the companions struggled to keep their balance as the Doctors began scrambling around to keep the police boxes in their control.

"Well isn't this dandy?" the Ninth Doctor griped, "My flights are more stable than this!"

"Oi! Don't pin this one on me Doctor! She does that sometimes!" the Tenth Doctor retorted verbally as if he was expecting another finger point being directed at him.

"Best of luck boys! See you all in a jiff!" the Eleventh Doctor exclaimed giddily.

The Twelfth Doctor glared at him, "Will you stop monkeying about and help me with this?!"

"Don't get your brows in a twist, you! I'm doing the best I can!"

"And dancing about like a drunk ballerina is doing your best?!"

"I can't help it! It's part of my current getup!"

"Oh shuttity up! Don't start with that again!"

Rose gulped down a lump in her throat as she watched the Doctors continue to argue. Two of them were right in front of her flying the ship akin to how two kids were fighting over a toy. The other two had taken their fight off-screen somewhere.

She scrambled over to one of the monitors where one of the other companions was on-screen.

"Life of a party eh?" she asked the companion, "This thing happen to you before?"

"... I've experienced worse things..." Clara replied with a shrug, "Compare this with keeping rowdy students in line on your first day."

Rose grimaced, "I can imagine that."

Eyeing the bickering Doctors one more time, she then commented wryly, "This is gonna be a long trip."

Clara smiled weakly, "Feeling's mutual."

Okay, I think we can agree at this point that the Doctors all hate each other with a passion.