Ladybug landed softly on the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Adrien was already there. Adrien, not Cat Noir. She immediately felt irritation. He did it on purpose! He knew that in his civilian self he would have more influence on her! No way! She'd tell him, that she wouldn't tolerate manipulation, deceit or lies! If he thought it would be better for him to take off his mask so that it would be harder to yell at him, he was soooo mistaken! She was going to yell. She would tell him…

Nope, she wouldn't. All he had to do was to smile at her uncertainly, and all her anger was gone. It was unfair! She just realised that it wasn't the case if Adrien was wearing Cat Noir's mask or not, that smile would disarm her anyway. Because it was still him. Irritating, but charming him. For a moment she wondered if he would think about her in the same way that no matter with or without the mask – she was still the same person. Immediately, however, she abandoned this idea. No, he would never think about her like that.

"We have so beautiful clear sky after today's downpour." Adrien said.

"I haven't come to talk about the weather." she murmured.

"You know, I've always dreamed of a date on the roof of Notre Dame."

"This is not a date, Cat." She reminded angrily.

"Let me have a different opinion." he smiled charmingly and took a red rose from behind his back. "I even brought you an olive branch. For an apology. I know I messed a bit."

"Rather quite a lot." She sighed, feeling that her anger was disappearing again. How the hell was he doing that?!

"Bugaboo…" he began, approaching to her and handing her a flower.

"I asked you to stop calling me that." She protested weakly, unknowingly accepting the rose.

"But I can't stop." He smiled again and came even closer. "I told you that you're the girl of my life."

"Adrien, you can't give me flowers, say you love me and kiss other girls in the bathroom at the same time!" she outraged.

"How do you know that I kiss the girls in the bathroom?" He spotted with his catlike smile.

"I just know and that's all!" she blushed.

"Are you lying again?" he leaned over her exactly as he had done in the locker room a few days ago, and she felt weak.

"How did you…?"

"You told me to find you." he answered simply.

"When? I've never told you anything like that!" she replied.

"You said that we belong to different worlds. That was obvious to me that I should find you in my civilian world." he explained with a grin on his face and embraced her.

"But that didn't mean a permission to pick up all the girls around!" she tried to sound in a harsh tone, but the fact that he held her in his arms ruined the whole effect.

"I didn't start picking up all the girls around." He answered. "I started to pick up you and only you."

"You could have told me…" she whispered.

"It was so much funnier."

"I'll show you funnier!" she threatened.

"I love you Marinette." He whispered with a smile and kissed her. Destroying all her arguments.

x x x

The present day

"Eugh! You're kissing again!" Hugo moaned seeing his parents kissing in the armchair.

Marinette returned to reality. She looked dazed at her eldest child and laughed. She wouldn't even try to explain to him how happy she was that she had so wonderful family. Because it was impossible to express it in words. Just as it was impossible to describe in words how much she loved Adrien. For who he was, for what he was. And for the fact that this wonderful family she had thanks to him.