Danny felt like he was in the corner for hours. He wanted to rub some of the pain away. But, he knew he was not allowed to rub. While he was in the corner. So, he just kept his hands on the back of his head and cried.

After what felt like forever. Danny finally heard his bedroom door open. Maddie walked over and up to her son.

"Danny" She said lovingly.

Danny whipped around and started rubbing right away. But, he cried when it didn't seem to help the pain. Maddie could no longer watch her baby suffer. So, she opened her arms.

Danny threw himself into his mothers arms. And broke down crying in her chest. Maddie embraced Danny and gently rocked him in her arms.

"Shhh... it's all over baby, cry it all out. I have you." Maddie said, with every word dripping with sympathy.

Maddie was ready to hold Danny the whole night. If that was what it took to help him calm down. She never forced her children to calm down. Or to just "get over it" on their own. She knew full well that if there was one thing someone needed after such a tough punishment, was a big hug. And time to cry out all of their pain.

Soon, Maddie was able to get Danny back over to the bed. She sat and Danny curled up on her lap. And continued to cry. For what felt like hours.

"I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry, m-m-mommy. P-Please d-don't b-b-be mad anymore." Danny chocked out.

Maddie tightened her embrace. "Shh... I'm not mad anymore, baby. You are all forgiven. Just relax, it's all over now."

It took some time. But, after some more time. Danny began to calm down. And he rested in his mothers arms.

Maddie gently wiped some of the tears away. Before planting a kiss on Danny's forehead.

"I'm sorry that I had to be so hard on you, honey. You know I hate putting you in pain. But, I also hope you understand why I felt I needed to be so hard." Maddie said.

Danny nodded, "Y-Yes, I-I u-understand, I-I'm sorry."

"I know, you know you are all forgiven. Your slate has been wiped clean. So, we can start fresh again." Maddie replied.

"H-How can you forgive me? When I broke your trust?" Danny asked.

"Oh, sweetie, no matter what you do. I will always forgive you. Yes, it will take some time for you to earn my trust back. But, nothing you do will ever make me stop loving you. You are my baby and I could never stay mad at you. Even when I have to punish you. It's all out of love." Maddie replied.

Danny was very soar and tired. But, hearing his mom say that she will always love him, no matter what. Made him feel better.

Soon, Danny allowed his full weight to rest on his mom. Maddie stroked Danny's hair.

"Sleep sweetheart, it's been a long day. I love you so very much." Maddie said.

"I love you too, mommy." Danny replied.

After some more time, Danny could no longer keep his eyes open. And he fell into a peaceful slumber.

Maddie just sat there and continued to hold Danny. Never wanting to let him go. She knew she had to punish him to help him learn. But, he was still her baby. And nothing hurt her more. Then seeing her baby in pain.

So, Maddie got into a comfy sitting spot on the bed. And then just continued to hold her sleeping boy. She gently placed a kiss on his face.

"I will always love you, never forget that."

Well, that was the end of this story. What did you all think? Again it's my first story. So, it may not be the best. But, I hope to improve as I continue to write. Remember to let me know what you thought in the comments. And if you have any ideas for future stories, just let me know. Bye for now, my dudes! Phantom90./strong